Copyright (c) 1989 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This module implements the mini redirector call down routines pertaining to query/set ea/security.
joelinn [joelinn] 12-jul-95
Revision History:
#include "precomp.h"
#pragma hdrstop
//// The Bug check file id for this module
// The local debug trace level
#define Dbg (DEBUG_TRACE_EA)
NTSTATUS MRxProxyQueryEaInformation ( IN OUT PRX_CONTEXT RxContext ) { NTSTATUS Status; RxCaptureFobx;
PVOID Buffer = RxContext->Info.Buffer; PLONG pLengthRemaining = &RxContext->Info.LengthRemaining; PUCHAR UserEaList = RxContext->QueryEa.UserEaList; ULONG UserEaListLength = RxContext->QueryEa.UserEaListLength; ULONG UserEaIndex = RxContext->QueryEa.UserEaIndex; BOOLEAN RestartScan = RxContext->QueryEa.RestartScan; BOOLEAN ReturnSingleEntry = RxContext->QueryEa.ReturnSingleEntry; BOOLEAN IndexSpecified = RxContext->QueryEa.IndexSpecified;
//PFEALIST ServerEaList = NULL;
PAGED_CODE(); RxDbgTrace(+1, Dbg, ("MRxProxyQueryEaInformation\n"));
#if 0
Status = MRxProxyDeferredCreate(RxContext); if (Status!=STATUS_SUCCESS) { goto FINALLY; }
Status = MRxProxyLoadEaList( RxContext, UserEaList, UserEaListLength, &ServerEaList );
if (( !NT_SUCCESS( Status ) )|| ( ServerEaList == NULL )) { goto FINALLY; }
if (IndexSpecified) {
//CODE.IMPROVEMENT this name is poor....it owes back to the fastfat heritage and is not so meaningful
// for a rdr
capFobx->OffsetOfNextEaToReturn = UserEaIndex; Status = MRxProxyQueryEasFromServer( RxContext, ServerEaList, Buffer, pLengthRemaining, ReturnSingleEntry, (BOOLEAN)(UserEaList != NULL) );
// if there are no Ea's on the file, and the user supplied an EA
// index, we want to map the error to STATUS_NONEXISTANT_EA_ENTRY.
if ( Status == STATUS_NO_EAS_ON_FILE ) { Status = STATUS_NONEXISTENT_EA_ENTRY; } } else {
if ( ( RestartScan == TRUE ) || (UserEaList != NULL) ){
// Ea Indices start at 1, not 0....
capFobx->OffsetOfNextEaToReturn = 1; }
Status = MRxProxyQueryEasFromServer( //it is offensive to have two identical calls but oh, well.....
RxContext, ServerEaList, Buffer, pLengthRemaining, ReturnSingleEntry, (BOOLEAN)(UserEaList != NULL) ); }
if ( ServerEaList != NULL) { RxFreePool(ServerEaList); } #endif //0
Status = STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTED; RxDbgTrace(-1, Dbg, ("MRxProxyQueryEaInformation st=%08lx\n",Status)); return Status;
NTSTATUS MRxProxySetEaInformation ( IN OUT struct _RX_CONTEXT * RxContext ) { NTSTATUS Status; RxCaptureFcb; RxCaptureFobx; PVOID Buffer = RxContext->Info.Buffer; ULONG Length = RxContext->Info.Length;
#if 0
PFEALIST ServerEaList = NULL; ULONG Size; PPROXYCEDB_SERVER_ENTRY pServerEntry; #endif //0
RxDbgTrace(+1, Dbg, ("MRxProxySetEaInformation\n"));
#if 0
pServerEntry = ProxyCeGetAssociatedServerEntry(capFcb->pNetRoot->pSrvCall);
//get rid of nonEA guys right now
if (!FlagOn(pServerEntry->Server.DialectFlags,DF_SUPPORTEA)) { RxDbgTrace(-1, Dbg, ("EAs w/o EA support!\n")); return((STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTED)); }
Status = MRxProxyDeferredCreate(RxContext); if (Status!=STATUS_SUCCESS) { goto FINALLY; }
// Convert Nt format FEALIST to OS/2 format
Size = MRxProxyNtFullEaSizeToOs2 ( Buffer ); if ( Size > 0x0000ffff ) { Status = STATUS_EA_TOO_LARGE; goto FINALLY; }
//CODE.IMPROVEMENT since |os2eas|<=|nteas| we really don't need a maximum buffer
ServerEaList = RxAllocatePool ( PagedPool, EA_QUERY_SIZE ); if ( ServerEaList == NULL ) { Status = STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; goto FINALLY; }
MRxProxyNtFullListToOs2 ( Buffer, ServerEaList );
// Set EAs on the file/directory; if the error is EA_ERROR then SetEaList
// sets iostatus.information to the offset of the offender
Status = MRxProxySetEaList( RxContext, ServerEaList);
if ( ServerEaList != NULL) { RxFreePool(ServerEaList); } #endif //0
Status = STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTED; RxDbgTrace(-1, Dbg, ("MRxProxySetEaInformation st=%08lx\n",Status)); return Status;
NTSTATUS MRxProxyQuerySecurityInformation ( IN OUT PRX_CONTEXT RxContext ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine implements the NtQuerySecurityFile api.
Return Value:
Status - Result of the operation.
{ RxCaptureFobx; PVOID Buffer = RxContext->Info.Buffer; PLONG pLengthRemaining = &RxContext->Info.LengthRemaining; //PMRX_PROXY_SRV_OPEN proxySrvOpen;
#if 0
PBYTE pInputParamBuffer = NULL; PBYTE pOutputParamBuffer = NULL; PBYTE pInputDataBuffer = NULL; PBYTE pOutputDataBuffer = NULL;
ULONG InputParamBufferLength = 0; ULONG OutputParamBufferLength = 0; ULONG InputDataBufferLength = 0; ULONG OutputDataBufferLength = 0; #endif //0
RxDbgTrace(+1, Dbg, ("MRxProxyQuerySecurityInformation...\n"));
#if 0
Status = MRxProxyDeferredCreate(RxContext); if (Status!=STATUS_SUCCESS) { goto FINALLY; }
proxySrvOpen = MRxProxyGetSrvOpenExtension(capFobx->pSrvOpen); ASSERT (!FlagOn(proxySrvOpen->Flags,PROXY_SRVOPEN_FLAG_NOT_REALLY_OPEN));
if (Status == STATUS_MORE_PROCESSING_REQUIRED) { PROXY_TRANSACTION_OPTIONS TransactionOptions = RxDefaultTransactionOptions; PROXY_TRANSACTION_RESUMPTION_CONTEXT ResumptionContext; //BOOLEAN printflag;
TransactionOptions.NtTransactFunction = NT_TRANSACT_QUERY_SECURITY_DESC; //TransactionOptions.Flags |= PROXY_XACT_FLAGS_COPY_ON_ERROR;
QuerySecurityRequest.Fid = proxySrvOpen->Fid; QuerySecurityRequest.Reserved = 0; QuerySecurityRequest.SecurityInformation = RxContext->QuerySecurity.SecurityInformation;
QuerySecurityResponse.LengthNeeded = 0xbaadbaad;
//printflag = RxDbgTraceDisableGlobally();//this is debug code anyway!
Status = ProxyCeTransact( RxContext, // the RXContext for the transaction
&TransactionOptions, // transaction options
NULL, // the setup buffer
0, // setup buffer length
&QuerySecurityRequest, // Input Param Buffer
sizeof(QuerySecurityRequest), // Input param buffer length
&QuerySecurityResponse, // Output param buffer
sizeof(QuerySecurityResponse),// output param buffer length
NULL, // Input data buffer
0, // Input data buffer length
Buffer, // output data buffer
*pLengthRemaining, // output data buffer length
&ResumptionContext // the resumption context
//DbgPrint("QSR.len=%x\n", QuerySecurityResponse.LengthNeeded);
if (NT_SUCCESS(Status) || (Status == STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL)) { ULONG ReturnedDataCount = ResumptionContext.DataBytesReceived;
RxContext->InformationToReturn = QuerySecurityResponse.LengthNeeded;; RxDbgTrace(0, Dbg, ("MRxProxyQuerySecurityInformation...ReturnedDataCount=%08lx\n",ReturnedDataCount)); ASSERT(ResumptionContext.ParameterBytesReceived == sizeof(RESP_QUERY_SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR));
if (((LONG)(QuerySecurityResponse.LengthNeeded)) > *pLengthRemaining) { Status = STATUS_BUFFER_OVERFLOW; } }
#endif //0
Status = STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTED; RxDbgTrace(-1, Dbg, ("MRxProxyQuerySecurityInformation...exit, st=%08lx,info=%08lx\n", Status, RxContext->InformationToReturn)); return Status;
NTSTATUS MRxProxySetSecurityInformation ( IN OUT struct _RX_CONTEXT * RxContext ) { RxCaptureFobx; //PMRX_PROXY_SRV_OPEN proxySrvOpen;
RxDbgTrace(+1, Dbg, ("MRxProxySetSecurityInformation...\n"));
#if 0
Status = MRxProxyDeferredCreate(RxContext); if (Status!=STATUS_SUCCESS) { goto FINALLY; }
proxySrvOpen = MRxProxyGetSrvOpenExtension(capFobx->pSrvOpen);
if (Status == STATUS_MORE_PROCESSING_REQUIRED) { PROXY_TRANSACTION_OPTIONS TransactionOptions = RxDefaultTransactionOptions; PROXY_TRANSACTION_RESUMPTION_CONTEXT ResumptionContext; ULONG SdLength = RtlLengthSecurityDescriptor(RxContext->SetSecurity.SecurityDescriptor);
TransactionOptions.NtTransactFunction = NT_TRANSACT_SET_SECURITY_DESC;
SetSecurityRequest.Fid = proxySrvOpen->Fid; SetSecurityRequest.Reserved = 0; SetSecurityRequest.SecurityInformation = RxContext->SetSecurity.SecurityInformation;
Status = ProxyCeTransact( RxContext, // the RXContext for the transaction
&TransactionOptions, // transaction options
NULL, // the setup buffer
0, // setup buffer length
&SetSecurityRequest, // Input Param Buffer
sizeof(SetSecurityRequest), // Input param buffer length
NULL, // Output param buffer
0, // output param buffer length
RxContext->SetSecurity.SecurityDescriptor, // Input data buffer
SdLength, // Input data buffer length
NULL, // output data buffer
0, // output data buffer length
&ResumptionContext // the resumption context
//the old rdr doesn't return any info...................
//RxContext->InformationToReturn = SetSecurityResponse.LengthNeeded;
if ( NT_SUCCESS(Status) ) { ULONG ReturnedDataCount = ResumptionContext.DataBytesReceived;
RxDbgTrace(0, Dbg, ("MRxProxySetSecurityInformation...ReturnedDataCount=%08lx\n",ReturnedDataCount)); ASSERT(ResumptionContext.ParameterBytesReceived == 0); ASSERT(ResumptionContext.SetupBytesReceived == 0); ASSERT(ResumptionContext.DataBytesReceived == 0); } }
#endif //0
Status = STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTED; RxDbgTrace(-1, Dbg, ("MRxProxySetSecurityInformation...exit, st=%08lx,info=%08lx\n", Status, RxContext->InformationToReturn)); return Status;