Copyright (c) 1989 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This module implements the mini redirector call down routines pertaining to write of file system objects.
Joe Linn [JoeLinn] 7-March-1995
Revision History:
#include "precomp.h"
#pragma hdrstop
#pragma warning(error:4101) // Unreferenced local variable
#pragma alloc_text(PAGE, MRxSmbWrite)
#pragma alloc_text(PAGE, MRxSmbWriteMailSlot)
#pragma alloc_text(PAGE, MRxSmbBuildWriteRequest)
#pragma alloc_text(PAGE, SmbPseExchangeStart_Write)
#pragma alloc_text(PAGE, MRxSmbFinishWrite)
#define MAX(a,b) ((a) > (b) ? (a) : (b))
// The local debug trace level
#define MRxSmbForceNoNtWriteAndX FALSE
BOOLEAN MRxSmbForceNoNtWriteAndX = TRUE; #endif
#define FORCECOPYMODE MRxSmbForceCopyMode
ULONG MRxSmbForceCopyMode = TRUE; #endif
extern ULONG MaxNumOfExchangesForPipelineReadWrite;
ULONG MRxSmbWriteSendOptions = 0;
NTSTATUS MRxSmbDereferenceGlobalReadWrite ( PSMB_PSE_OE_READWRITE GlobalReadWrite ) { ULONG RefCount;
RefCount = InterlockedDecrement(&GlobalReadWrite->RefCount); SmbCeLog(("Deref GRW %x %d\n",GlobalReadWrite,RefCount));
if (RefCount == 0) { RxFreePool(GlobalReadWrite); }
NTSTATUS MRxSmbWrite ( IN PRX_CONTEXT RxContext) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine opens a file across the network.
RxContext - the RDBSS context
Return Value:
NTSTATUS - The return status for the operation
RxCaptureFcb; RxCaptureFobx;
PSMB_PSE_ORDINARY_EXCHANGE OrdinaryExchange; SMBFCB_HOLDING_STATE SmbFcbHoldingState = SmbFcb_NotHeld;
PLOWIO_CONTEXT LowIoContext = &RxContext->LowIoContext;
ULONG NumberOfSections; ULONG NumOfOutstandingExchanges = 0; ULONG MaximumBufferSizeThisIteration; PSMB_PSE_OE_READWRITE GlobalReadWrite = NULL; ULONG GlobalReadWriteAllocationSize; PSMBCE_V_NET_ROOT_CONTEXT pVNetRootContext = NULL; BOOLEAN EnablePipelineWrite = TRUE; BOOLEAN MsgModePipeOperation = FALSE; BOOLEAN ExchangePending = FALSE;
RxDbgTrace(+1, Dbg, ("MRxSmbWrite\n", 0 ));
// Pipe buffer cannot be bigger than MAX_PIPE_BUFFER_SIZE, otherwise the
// server has problems.
if (RxContext->pFcb->pNetRoot->Type == NET_ROOT_PIPE) { if (RxContext->CurrentIrpSp->Parameters.Write.Length > MAX_PIPE_BUFFER_SIZE) { return STATUS_INVALID_BUFFER_SIZE; } }
if ( NodeType(capFcb) == RDBSS_NTC_MAILSLOT ) { // This is an attempt to write on a mailslot file which is handled
// differently.
Status = MRxSmbWriteMailSlot(RxContext);
RxDbgTrace(-1, Dbg, ("MRxSmbWrite: Mailslot write returned %lx\n",Status)); return Status; }
// For CSC we go ahead and mark an FCB as having been written to.
// When CSC is turned ON, if this flag is set before we obtained
// shadow handles, then the data corresponding to the file is
// deemed stale and is truncated
if (NodeType(capFcb) == RDBSS_NTC_STORAGE_TYPE_FILE) { PMRX_SMB_FCB smbFcb = MRxSmbGetFcbExtension(capFcb); smbFcb->MFlags |= SMB_FCB_FLAG_WRITES_PERFORMED; }
ASSERT( NodeType(capFobx->pSrvOpen) == RDBSS_NTC_SRVOPEN );
SrvOpen = capFobx->pSrvOpen; smbSrvOpen = MRxSmbGetSrvOpenExtension(SrvOpen); pVNetRootContext = (PSMBCE_V_NET_ROOT_CONTEXT)SrvOpen->pVNetRoot->Context;
if (smbSrvOpen->OplockLevel == SMB_OPLOCK_LEVEL_II && !BooleanFlagOn(LowIoContext->ParamsFor.ReadWrite.Flags, LOWIO_READWRITEFLAG_PAGING_IO)) { PMRX_SRV_CALL pSrvCall;
pSrvCall = SrvOpen->pVNetRoot->pNetRoot->pSrvCall;
RxIndicateChangeOfBufferingStateForSrvOpen( pSrvCall, SrvOpen, MRxSmbMakeSrvOpenKey(pVNetRootContext->TreeId,smbSrvOpen->Fid), ULongToPtr(SMB_OPLOCK_LEVEL_NONE)); SmbCeLog(("Breaking oplock to None in Write SO %lx\n",SrvOpen)); SmbLog(LOG, MRxSmbWrite, LOGPTR(SrvOpen)); }
IF_NOT_MRXSMB_CSC_ENABLED{ ASSERT(smbSrvOpen->hfShadow == 0); } else { if (smbSrvOpen->hfShadow != 0){ NTSTATUS ShadowReadNtStatus; ShadowReadNtStatus = MRxSmbCscWritePrologue( RxContext, &SmbFcbHoldingState);
if (ShadowReadNtStatus != STATUS_MORE_PROCESSING_REQUIRED) { RxDbgTrace(-1, Dbg, ("MRxSmbWrite shadow hit with status=%08lx\n", ShadowReadNtStatus )); return(ShadowReadNtStatus); } else { RxDbgTrace(0, Dbg, ("MRxSmbWrite shadowmiss with status=%08lx\n", ShadowReadNtStatus )); } } }
if (capFcb->pNetRoot->Type == NET_ROOT_PIPE) { EnablePipelineWrite = FALSE;
if (capFobx->PipeHandleInformation->ReadMode != FILE_PIPE_BYTE_STREAM_MODE) { MsgModePipeOperation = TRUE; } }
if (!FlagOn(pVNetRootContext->pServerEntry->Server.DialectFlags,DF_LARGE_WRITEX)) { EnablePipelineWrite = FALSE; }
MaximumBufferSizeThisIteration = pVNetRootContext->pNetRootEntry->NetRoot.MaximumWriteBufferSize;
if (MsgModePipeOperation) { MaximumBufferSizeThisIteration -= 2; }
NumberOfSections = LowIoContext->ParamsFor.ReadWrite.ByteCount / MaximumBufferSizeThisIteration;
if ( (LowIoContext->ParamsFor.ReadWrite.ByteCount % MaximumBufferSizeThisIteration) || (LowIoContext->ParamsFor.ReadWrite.ByteCount == 0) ) { NumberOfSections ++; }
GlobalReadWriteAllocationSize = sizeof(SMB_PSE_OE_READWRITE) + NumberOfSections*sizeof(SMB_PSE_OE_READWRITE_STATE);
GlobalReadWrite = RxAllocatePoolWithTag( NonPagedPool, GlobalReadWriteAllocationSize, MRXSMB_RW_POOLTAG);
if (GlobalReadWrite == NULL) { return STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; }
GlobalReadWrite->MaximumBufferSize = MaximumBufferSizeThisIteration; GlobalReadWrite->TotalNumOfSections = NumberOfSections;
KeInitializeEvent( &GlobalReadWrite->CompletionEvent, SynchronizationEvent, FALSE);
GlobalReadWrite->UserBufferBase = RxLowIoGetBufferAddress( RxContext ); GlobalReadWrite->ByteOffsetAsLI.QuadPart = LowIoContext->ParamsFor.ReadWrite.ByteOffset; GlobalReadWrite->RemainingByteCount = LowIoContext->ParamsFor.ReadWrite.ByteCount;
if (GlobalReadWrite->ByteOffsetAsLI.QuadPart == -1 ) { GlobalReadWrite->WriteToTheEnd = TRUE; GlobalReadWrite->ByteOffsetAsLI.QuadPart = smbSrvOpen->FileInfo.Standard.EndOfFile.QuadPart; }
if (LowIoContext->ParamsFor.ReadWrite.Buffer != NULL) { GlobalReadWrite->UserBufferBase = RxLowIoGetBufferAddress( RxContext ); } else { GlobalReadWrite->UserBufferBase = (PBYTE)1; //any nonzero value will do
if (MRxSmbEnableCompression && (capFcb->Attributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_COMPRESSED) && (pVNetRootContext->pServerEntry->Server.Capabilities & COMPRESSED_DATA_CAPABILITY)) { GlobalReadWrite->CompressedReadOrWrite = TRUE; EnablePipelineWrite = FALSE; } else { GlobalReadWrite->CompressedReadOrWrite = FALSE; }
GlobalReadWrite->ThisBufferOffset = 0;
GlobalReadWrite->PartialExchangeMdlInUse = FALSE; GlobalReadWrite->PartialDataMdlInUse = FALSE; GlobalReadWrite->pCompressedDataBuffer = NULL; GlobalReadWrite->RefCount = 1; GlobalReadWrite->SmbFcbHoldingState = SmbFcbHoldingState;
do { Status = SmbPseCreateOrdinaryExchange( RxContext, capFobx->pSrvOpen->pVNetRoot, SMBPSE_OE_FROM_WRITE, SmbPseExchangeStart_Write, &OrdinaryExchange);
if (Status != STATUS_SUCCESS) { RxDbgTrace(-1, Dbg, ("Couldn't get the smb buf!\n")); break; }
OrdinaryExchange->AsyncResumptionRoutine = SmbPseExchangeStart_Write; OrdinaryExchange->GlobalReadWrite = GlobalReadWrite;
RtlCopyMemory(&OrdinaryExchange->ReadWrite, GlobalReadWrite, sizeof(SMB_PSE_OE_READWRITE));
if ((capFcb->pNetRoot->Type == NET_ROOT_PIPE) && (capFobx->PipeHandleInformation->ReadMode != FILE_PIPE_BYTE_STREAM_MODE) ) { SetFlag(OrdinaryExchange->OpSpecificFlags,OE_RW_FLAG_MSGMODE_PIPE_OPERATION); }
Status = MRxSmbFindNextSectionForReadWrite(SMBPSE_ORDINARY_EXCHANGE_ARGUMENTS, &NumOfOutstandingExchanges);
RefCount = InterlockedIncrement(&GlobalReadWrite->RefCount);
SmbCeLog(("Ref GRW %x %d\n",GlobalReadWrite,RefCount)); SmbCeLog(("Pipeline Write %x %d %d\n",OrdinaryExchange,NumberOfSections,NumOfOutstandingExchanges));
Status = SmbPseInitiateOrdinaryExchange(OrdinaryExchange); NumberOfSections --;
if ( Status != RX_MAP_STATUS(PENDING) ) { ExAcquireFastMutex(&MRxSmbReadWriteMutex);
if (Status != STATUS_SUCCESS) { NumberOfSections ++;
GlobalReadWrite->SectionState[OrdinaryExchange->ReadWrite.CurrentSection] = SmbPseOEReadWriteIoStates_Initial; SmbCeLog(("Section undo %d\n",OrdinaryExchange->ReadWrite.CurrentSection)); }
if (!OrdinaryExchange->ReadWrite.ReadWriteFinalized) { MRxSmbDereferenceGlobalReadWrite(GlobalReadWrite); NumOfOutstandingExchanges = InterlockedDecrement(&GlobalReadWrite->NumOfOutstandingOperations); } else { NumOfOutstandingExchanges --; }
if ((Status == STATUS_TOO_MANY_COMMANDS) && (NumOfOutstandingExchanges > 0)) { Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; }
if ((Status != STATUS_SUCCESS) && (GlobalReadWrite->CompletionStatus == STATUS_SUCCESS)) { GlobalReadWrite->CompletionStatus = Status; }
SmbPseFinalizeOrdinaryExchange(OrdinaryExchange); } else { ExchangePending = TRUE; }
if (NumOfOutstandingExchanges >= MaxNumOfExchangesForPipelineReadWrite) { break; } } else { SmbPseFinalizeOrdinaryExchange(OrdinaryExchange); Status = STATUS_PENDING; break; } } while ((Status == STATUS_RETRY) || EnablePipelineWrite && (NumberOfSections > 0) && (Status == STATUS_PENDING));
SmbCeLog(("Pipeline Write out %x %d\n",Status,NumberOfSections));
if (!BooleanFlagOn(RxContext->Flags,RX_CONTEXT_FLAG_ASYNC_OPERATION)) { if (ExchangePending) { KeWaitForSingleObject( &GlobalReadWrite->CompletionEvent, Executive, KernelMode, FALSE, NULL );
Status = GlobalReadWrite->CompletionStatus; }
if (SmbFcbHoldingState != SmbFcb_NotHeld) { MRxSmbCscReleaseSmbFcb( RxContext, &SmbFcbHoldingState); } } else { if (ExchangePending) { Status = STATUS_PENDING; } }
RxDbgTrace(-1, Dbg, ("MRxSmbWrite exit with status=%08lx\n", Status ));
return(Status); } // MRxSmbWrite
NTSTATUS MRxSmbWriteMailSlot( PRX_CONTEXT RxContext ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine processes a write smb for a mail slot.
RxContext - the RDBSS context
Return Value:
NTSTATUS - The return status for the operation
RxCaptureFcb; RxCaptureFobx;
PLOWIO_CONTEXT pLowIoContext = &RxContext->LowIoContext;
UNICODE_STRING TransactionName; UNICODE_STRING MailSlotName; PUNICODE_STRING FcbName = &(((PFCB)(capFcb))->FcbTableEntry.Path); PUNICODE_STRING AlreadyPrefixedName = GET_ALREADY_PREFIXED_NAME_FROM_CONTEXT(RxContext);
if (AlreadyPrefixedName->Length > sizeof(WCHAR)) { MailSlotName.Length = AlreadyPrefixedName->Length - sizeof(WCHAR); } else { MailSlotName.Length = 0; }
MailSlotName.MaximumLength = MailSlotName.Length; MailSlotName.Buffer = AlreadyPrefixedName->Buffer + 1;
TransactionName.Length = (USHORT)(s_MailSlotTransactionName.Length + MailSlotName.Length); TransactionName.MaximumLength = TransactionName.Length; TransactionName.Buffer = (PWCHAR)RxAllocatePoolWithTag( PagedPool, TransactionName.Length, MRXSMB_MAILSLOT_POOLTAG);
if (TransactionName.Buffer != NULL) { USHORT Setup[3]; // Setup params for mailslot write transaction
USHORT OutputParam;
PBYTE pInputDataBuffer = NULL; PBYTE pOutputDataBuffer = NULL;
ULONG InputDataBufferLength = 0; ULONG OutputDataBufferLength = 0;
TransactionOptions = RxDefaultTransactionOptions;
pInputDataBuffer = RxLowIoGetBufferAddress( RxContext ); InputDataBufferLength= pLowIoContext->ParamsFor.ReadWrite.ByteCount;
RtlCopyMemory( TransactionName.Buffer, s_MailSlotTransactionName.Buffer, s_MailSlotTransactionName.Length );
RtlCopyMemory( (PBYTE)TransactionName.Buffer + s_MailSlotTransactionName.Length, MailSlotName.Buffer, MailSlotName.Length );
RxDbgTrace(0, Dbg, ("MRxSmbWriteMailSlot: Mailslot transaction name %wZ\n",&TransactionName));
Setup[0] = TRANS_MAILSLOT_WRITE; Setup[1] = 0; // Priority of write
Setup[2] = 2; // Unreliable request (Second class mailslot)
TransactionOptions.NtTransactFunction = 0; // TRANSACT2/TRANSACT.
TransactionOptions.pTransactionName = &TransactionName; TransactionOptions.Flags = (SMB_TRANSACTION_NO_RESPONSE | SMB_XACT_FLAGS_FID_NOT_NEEDED | SMB_XACT_FLAGS_MAILSLOT_OPERATION); TransactionOptions.TimeoutIntervalInMilliSeconds = SMBCE_TRANSACTION_TIMEOUT_NOT_USED;
Status = SmbCeTransact( RxContext, // RXContext for transaction
&TransactionOptions, // transaction options
Setup, // the setup buffer
sizeof(Setup), // setup buffer length
NULL, // the output setup buffer
0, // output setup buffer length
NULL, // Input Param Buffer
0, // Input param buffer length
&OutputParam, // Output param buffer
sizeof(OutputParam), // output param buffer length
pInputDataBuffer, // Input data buffer
InputDataBufferLength, // Input data buffer length
NULL, // output data buffer
0, // output data buffer length
&ResumptionContext // the resumption context
if ( RX_MAP_STATUS(SUCCESS) == Status ) { RxContext->InformationToReturn += InputDataBufferLength; }
RxFreePool( TransactionName.Buffer ); } else {
RxDbgTrace( 0, Dbg, ("MRxSmbMailSlotWrite: ...returning %lx\n",Status));
return Status; } // MRxSmbWriteMailSlot
NTSTATUS MRxSmbPrepareCompressedWriteRequest( PSMB_PSE_ORDINARY_EXCHANGE OrdinaryExchange, PBYTE *pWriteDataBufferPointer, PMDL *pWriteDataMdlPointer) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine prepares the buffers for a compressed write request
pExchange - the exchange instance
Return Value:
NTSTATUS - The return status for the operation
The write requests issued to an uplevel server for a file which is stored in a compressed fashion on the server can be classified into two categories ..
1) ALIGNED WRITE REQUESTS These requests begin at an offset in the file which is an integral multiple of the compression chunk size. If the write length is either an integral multiple of the number of chunks or the write is at the end of the file then the data can be sent as a compressed write request.
2) UNALIGNED WRITE REQUESTS These requests begin at offsets which are not an integral multiple of the compression chunk size.
Any Write request submitted by the user can be decomposed into atmost two UNALIGNED WRITE REQUESTS and 0 or more ALIGNED WRITE REQUESTS.
The RDR adopts a strategy of sending atmst 64K of compressed data alongwith the COMPRESSED_DATA_INFO structure in a single write request to the server. In the worst case this will involving writing the request 64k at a time ( no compression possible in the given data ) and in the best case we will be able to write using a single request.
In addition to the write buffer supplied by the user we require two more buffers to complete the write request using compressed data. The first buffer is for holding the COMPRESSED_DATA_INFO structure and the second buffer is for holding the compressed data. The buffer associated with the exchange is used to hold the CDI while a separate buffer is allocated to store the compressed data. The two MDL's allocated as part of the SMB_PSE_OE_READWRITE is used as the MDLs for the compressed data buffer and the COMPRESSED_DATA_INFO structure
--*/ { #define COMPRESSED_DATA_BUFFER_SIZE (0x10000)
PSMBSTUFFER_BUFFER_STATE StufferState = &OrdinaryExchange->AssociatedStufferState; PSMB_PSE_OE_READWRITE rw = &OrdinaryExchange->ReadWrite; PSMBCE_NET_ROOT pNetRoot;
PCOMPRESSED_DATA_INFO pCompressedDataInfo; PUCHAR pWriteDataBuffer; ULONG WriteDataBufferLength,CompressedDataInfoLength; ULONG CompressedDataLength; USHORT NumberOfChunks;
*pWriteDataBufferPointer = NULL; *pWriteDataMdlPointer = NULL;
pWriteDataBuffer = rw->UserBufferBase + rw->ThisBufferOffset;
pNetRoot = SmbCeGetExchangeNetRoot((PSMB_EXCHANGE)OrdinaryExchange);
rw->CompressedRequestInProgress = FALSE;
if (rw->RemainingByteCount < (2 * pNetRoot->ChunkSize)) { WriteDataBufferLength = rw->RemainingByteCount; } else if (rw->ByteOffsetAsLI.LowPart & (pNetRoot->ChunkSize - 1)) { // The Write request is not aligned at a chunk size. Send the unaligned
// portion as an uncompressed write request
WriteDataBufferLength = pNetRoot->ChunkSize - ( rw->ByteOffsetAsLI.LowPart & (pNetRoot->ChunkSize - 1) ); } else { PUCHAR pCompressedDataBuffer,pWorkSpaceBuffer; ULONG WorkSpaceBufferSize,WorkSpaceFragmentSize;
if (rw->pCompressedDataBuffer == NULL) { rw->pCompressedDataBuffer = RxAllocatePoolWithTag( NonPagedPool, COMPRESSED_DATA_BUFFER_SIZE, MRXSMB_RW_POOLTAG);
if (rw->pCompressedDataBuffer == NULL) { Status = STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; } }
pCompressedDataBuffer = rw->pCompressedDataBuffer;
if (Status == STATUS_SUCCESS) { Status = RtlGetCompressionWorkSpaceSize( COMPRESSION_FORMAT_LZNT1, &WorkSpaceBufferSize, &WorkSpaceFragmentSize );
if (Status == STATUS_SUCCESS) { pWorkSpaceBuffer = RxAllocatePoolWithTag( PagedPool, WorkSpaceBufferSize, MRXSMB_RW_POOLTAG);
if (pWorkSpaceBuffer == NULL) { Status = STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; } } }
if (Status == STATUS_SUCCESS) { COMPRESSED_DATA_INFO CompressedChunkInfo;
USHORT MaximumNumberOfChunks; ULONG CompressedChunkInfoLength; ULONG RequestByteCount;
RequestByteCount = rw->RemainingByteCount - (rw->RemainingByteCount & (pNetRoot->ChunkSize - 1));
CompressedChunkInfoLength = sizeof(CompressedChunkInfo);
CompressedDataInfoLength = (ULONG)(StufferState->BufferLimit - (PBYTE)pCompressedDataInfo);
MaximumNumberOfChunks = (USHORT)( (CompressedDataInfoLength - FIELD_OFFSET( COMPRESSED_DATA_INFO, CompressedChunkSizes)) / sizeof(ULONG));
if ((RequestByteCount / pNetRoot->ChunkSize) < MaximumNumberOfChunks) { MaximumNumberOfChunks = (USHORT)(RequestByteCount / pNetRoot->ChunkSize); }
pCompressedDataInfo->CompressionFormatAndEngine = pNetRoot->CompressionFormatAndEngine; pCompressedDataInfo->ChunkShift = pNetRoot->ChunkShift; pCompressedDataInfo->CompressionUnitShift = pNetRoot->CompressionUnitShift; pCompressedDataInfo->ClusterShift = pNetRoot->ClusterShift;
RtlCopyMemory( &CompressedChunkInfo, pCompressedDataInfo, FIELD_OFFSET( COMPRESSED_DATA_INFO, NumberOfChunks) );
NumberOfChunks = 0; CompressedDataLength = 0;
for (;;) { if ((COMPRESSED_DATA_BUFFER_SIZE - CompressedDataLength) < pNetRoot->ChunkSize) { if (CompressedDataLength == 0) { Status = STATUS_SMB_USE_STANDARD; } break; }
Status = RtlCompressChunks( pWriteDataBuffer, pNetRoot->ChunkSize, pCompressedDataBuffer, (COMPRESSED_DATA_BUFFER_SIZE - CompressedDataLength), &CompressedChunkInfo, CompressedChunkInfoLength, pWorkSpaceBuffer);
if (Status != STATUS_SUCCESS) { break; }
pCompressedDataBuffer += CompressedChunkInfo.CompressedChunkSizes[0]; CompressedDataLength += CompressedChunkInfo.CompressedChunkSizes[0];
pCompressedDataInfo->CompressedChunkSizes[NumberOfChunks] = CompressedChunkInfo.CompressedChunkSizes[0];
pWriteDataBuffer += pNetRoot->ChunkSize;
if (++NumberOfChunks >= MaximumNumberOfChunks) { break; } }
if (Status != STATUS_SUCCESS) { if (CompressedDataLength > 0) { Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; } }
if (Status == STATUS_SUCCESS) { rw->CompressedRequestInProgress = TRUE; pWriteDataBuffer = rw->pCompressedDataBuffer; WriteDataBufferLength = CompressedDataLength; } else if (Status != STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL) { DbgPrint("Failure compressing data -- Status %lx, Switching over to uncompressed\n",Status); }
if (pWorkSpaceBuffer != NULL) { RxFreePool( pWorkSpaceBuffer); } } else { Status = STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; } }
if (Status == STATUS_SUCCESS) { rw->PartialDataMdlInUse = TRUE;
MmInitializeMdl( &rw->PartialDataMdl, pWriteDataBuffer, WriteDataBufferLength);
MmBuildMdlForNonPagedPool( &rw->PartialDataMdl );
if (rw->CompressedRequestInProgress) { rw->CompressedDataInfoLength = FIELD_OFFSET( COMPRESSED_DATA_INFO, CompressedChunkSizes) + NumberOfChunks * sizeof(ULONG); pCompressedDataInfo->NumberOfChunks = NumberOfChunks;
rw->PartialExchangeMdlInUse = TRUE;
MmInitializeMdl( &rw->PartialExchangeMdl, pCompressedDataInfo, rw->CompressedDataInfoLength);
MmBuildMdlForNonPagedPool( &rw->PartialExchangeMdl );
rw->ThisByteCount = pCompressedDataInfo->NumberOfChunks * pNetRoot->ChunkSize;
rw->PartialExchangeMdl.Next = &rw->PartialDataMdl;
*pWriteDataMdlPointer = &rw->PartialExchangeMdl; } else { rw->ThisByteCount = WriteDataBufferLength;
*pWriteDataMdlPointer = &rw->PartialDataMdl; } } else { // If for whatever reason the compression fails switch over to an
// uncompressed write mode.
rw->CompressedReadOrWrite = FALSE; }
ASSERT( !rw->CompressedReadOrWrite || ((*pWriteDataMdlPointer != NULL) && (*pWriteDataBufferPointer == NULL)));
return Status; }
NTSTATUS MRxSmbBuildWriteRequest( PSMB_PSE_ORDINARY_EXCHANGE OrdinaryExchange, BOOLEAN IsPagingIo, UCHAR WriteCommand, ULONG ByteCount, PLARGE_INTEGER ByteOffsetAsLI, PBYTE Buffer, PMDL BufferAsMdl) /*++
Routine Description:
This is the start routine for write.
pExchange - the exchange instance
Return Value:
NTSTATUS - The return status for the operation
--*/ { NTSTATUS Status;
PSMBSTUFFER_BUFFER_STATE StufferState = &OrdinaryExchange->AssociatedStufferState; PSMB_PSE_OE_READWRITE GlobalReadWrite = OrdinaryExchange->GlobalReadWrite; PRX_CONTEXT RxContext = StufferState->RxContext;
RxCaptureFcb; RxCaptureFobx;
PLOWIO_CONTEXT LowIoContext = &RxContext->LowIoContext;
PNT_SMB_HEADER NtSmbHeader = (PNT_SMB_HEADER)(StufferState->BufferBase);
PMRX_SRV_OPEN SrvOpen = capFobx->pSrvOpen; PMRX_SMB_SRV_OPEN smbSrvOpen = MRxSmbGetSrvOpenExtension(SrvOpen);
ULONG OffsetLow,OffsetHigh;
PSMB_PSE_OE_READWRITE rw = &OrdinaryExchange->ReadWrite;
USHORT WriteMode = 0; ULONG DataLengthLow,DataLengthHigh; ULONG BytesRemaining = 0; BOOLEAN AddLengthBytes = FALSE; ULONG WriteCommandSize;
PSMBCE_SERVER pServer = SmbCeGetExchangeServer((PSMB_EXCHANGE)OrdinaryExchange); BOOLEAN UseNtVersion;
UseNtVersion = BooleanFlagOn(pServer->DialectFlags,DF_NT_SMBS) && !MRxSmbForceNoNtWriteAndX;
// The data length field in SMB is a USHORT, and hence the data length given
// needs to be split up into two parts -- DataLengthHigh and DataLengthLow
DataLengthLow = (ByteCount & 0xffff); DataLengthHigh = ((ByteCount & 0xffff0000) >> 16);
OffsetLow = ByteOffsetAsLI->LowPart; OffsetHigh = ByteOffsetAsLI->HighPart;
switch (WriteCommand) { case SMB_COM_WRITE_ANDX: WriteCommandSize = SMB_REQUEST_SIZE(NT_WRITE_ANDX); break; case SMB_COM_WRITE: WriteCommandSize = SMB_REQUEST_SIZE(WRITE); break; case SMB_COM_WRITE_PRINT_FILE: WriteCommandSize = SMB_REQUEST_SIZE(WRITE_PRINT_FILE); break; }
Status = MRxSmbStartSMBCommand( StufferState, SetInitialSMB_Never, WriteCommand, WriteCommandSize, NO_EXTRA_DATA, NO_SPECIAL_ALIGNMENT, RESPONSE_HEADER_SIZE_NOT_SPECIFIED, 0,0,0,0 STUFFERTRACE(Dbg,'FC'));
MRxSmbDumpStufferState( 1000, "SMB Write Request before stuffing", StufferState);
switch (WriteCommand) { case SMB_COM_WRITE_ANDX : { if ( UseNtVersion && IsPagingIo ) { SmbPutAlignedUshort( &NtSmbHeader->Flags2, SmbGetAlignedUshort(&NtSmbHeader->Flags2)|SMB_FLAGS2_PAGING_IO ); }
// set the writemode correctly....mainly multismb pipe stuff but also
// writethru for diskfiles
if (FlagOn( OrdinaryExchange->OpSpecificFlags, OE_RW_FLAG_MSGMODE_PIPE_OPERATION) ) {
//DOWNLEVEL pinball has wants a different value here....see rdr1.
// We need to use the GlobalReadWrite structure here because the local one
// will always have RemainingByteCount == write length. Note that pipe writes
// will be broken if we do not disable pipeline writes on them..
BytesRemaining = GlobalReadWrite->RemainingByteCount;
// If this write takes more than one Smb then we must set WRITE_RAW.
// The first Smb of the series must have START_OF_MESSAGE.
if (!FlagOn( OrdinaryExchange->OpSpecificFlags, OE_RW_FLAG_SUBSEQUENT_OPERATION) ) { if ( rw->ThisByteCount < BytesRemaining ) {
// First Smb in a multi SMB write.
// Add a USHORT at the start of data saying how large the
// write is.
AddLengthBytes = TRUE; DataLengthLow += sizeof(USHORT); ASSERT(DataLengthHigh == 0);
SetFlag( OrdinaryExchange->OpSpecificFlags, OE_RW_FLAG_REDUCE_RETURNCOUNT);
// Tell the server that the data has the length at the start.
WriteMode |= (SMB_WMODE_WRITE_RAW_NAMED_PIPE | SMB_WMODE_START_OF_MESSAGE); } else { // All fits in one Smb
WriteMode |= SMB_WMODE_START_OF_MESSAGE; } } else { // any subsequent pipewrites are obviously raw and not the first
WriteMode |= SMB_WMODE_WRITE_RAW_NAMED_PIPE; } } else { // If the data is to be written in a compressed fashion turn on
// the compressed data bit in the header
if ((rw->CompressedReadOrWrite) && (rw->CompressedDataInfoLength > 0)) { ASSERT(UseNtVersion);
SmbPutAlignedUshort( &NtSmbHeader->Flags2, SmbGetAlignedUshort(&NtSmbHeader->Flags2) | SMB_FLAGS2_COMPRESSED );
// The Remaining field in NT_WRITE_ANDX also doubles as the field
// in which the CDI length is sent to the server
BytesRemaining = rw->CompressedDataInfoLength; }
// If the file object was opened in write through mode, set write
// through on the write operation.
MRxSmbStuffSMB ( StufferState, "XwddwwwwQ", // X UCHAR WordCount;
// UCHAR AndXCommand;
// UCHAR AndXReserved;
// _USHORT( AndXOffset );
smbSrvOpen->Fid, // w _USHORT( Fid );
OffsetLow, // d _ULONG( Offset );
-1, // d _ULONG( Timeout );
WriteMode, // w _USHORT( WriteMode );
BytesRemaining, // w _USHORT( Remaining );
DataLengthHigh, // w _USHORT( DataLengthHigh );
DataLengthLow, // w _USHORT( DataLength );
// Q _USHORT( DataOffset );
SMB_OFFSET_CHECK(WRITE_ANDX,DataOffset) StufferCondition(UseNtVersion), "D", SMB_OFFSET_CHECK(NT_WRITE_ANDX,OffsetHigh) OffsetHigh, // D NTonly _ULONG( OffsetHigh );
SMB_WCT_CHECK(((UseNtVersion)?14:12)) // UCHAR Buffer[1];
// S //UCHAR Pad[];
// 5 //UCHAR Data[];
StufferCondition(AddLengthBytes), "w", LowIoContext->ParamsFor.ReadWrite.ByteCount, StufferCondition(Buffer!=NULL), "c!", ByteCount, Buffer, // c the actual data
0 ); } break;
case SMB_COM_WRITE : { MRxSmbStuffSMB ( StufferState, "0wwdwByw", // 0 UCHAR WordCount; // Count of parameter words = 5
smbSrvOpen->Fid, // w _USHORT( Fid ); // File handle
DataLengthLow, // w _USHORT( Count ); // Number of bytes to be written
OffsetLow, // d _ULONG( Offset ); // Offset in file to begin write
BytesRemaining, // w _USHORT( Remaining ); // Bytes remaining to satisfy request
SMB_WCT_CHECK(5) // B _USHORT( ByteCount ); // Count of data bytes
// //UCHAR Buffer[1]; // Buffer containing:
0x01, // y UCHAR BufferFormat; // 0x01 -- Data block
DataLengthLow, // w _USHORT( DataLength ); // Length of data
// ULONG Buffer[1]; // Data
StufferCondition(Buffer!=NULL), "c!", ByteCount, Buffer, // c the actual data
0 ); } break;
case SMB_COM_WRITE_PRINT_FILE: { MRxSmbStuffSMB ( StufferState, "0wByw", // 0 UCHAR WordCount; // Count of parameter words = 1
smbSrvOpen->Fid, // w _USHORT( Fid ); // File handle
SMB_WCT_CHECK(1) // B _USHORT( ByteCount ); // Count of data bytes; min = 4
// UCHAR Buffer[1]; // Buffer containing:
0x01, // y //UCHAR BufferFormat; // 0x01 -- Data block
DataLengthLow, // w //USHORT DataLength; // Length of data
// //UCHAR Data[]; // Data
StufferCondition(Buffer!=NULL), "c!", ByteCount, Buffer, // c the actual data
0 ); } break;
default: Status = STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL ; break; }
if ( BufferAsMdl ) { MRxSmbStuffAppendRawData( StufferState, BufferAsMdl ); MRxSmbStuffSetByteCount( StufferState ); }
MRxSmbDumpStufferState( 700, "SMB Write Request after stuffing", StufferState);
if (Status==STATUS_SUCCESS) { InterlockedIncrement(&MRxSmbStatistics.SmallWriteSmbs); }
return Status; }
BOOLEAN DisableLargeWrites = 0;
Routine Description:
This is the start routine for write.
pExchange - the exchange instance
Return Value:
NTSTATUS - The return status for the operation
--*/ { NTSTATUS Status;
ULONG StartEntryCount;
PSMBSTUFFER_BUFFER_STATE StufferState = &OrdinaryExchange->AssociatedStufferState; PSMB_PSE_OE_READWRITE rw = &OrdinaryExchange->ReadWrite; PSMB_PSE_OE_READWRITE GlobalReadWrite = OrdinaryExchange->GlobalReadWrite; ULONG NumOfOutstandingOperations;
PLOWIO_CONTEXT LowIoContext = &RxContext->LowIoContext; PMDL OriginalDataMdl = LowIoContext->ParamsFor.ReadWrite.Buffer;
RxCaptureFcb; RxCaptureFobx;
PMRX_SRV_OPEN SrvOpen = capFobx->pSrvOpen; PMRX_SMB_SRV_OPEN smbSrvOpen = MRxSmbGetSrvOpenExtension(SrvOpen); PMRX_SMB_FCB SmbFcb = MRxSmbGetFcbExtension(capFcb);
BOOLEAN SynchronousIo, IsPagingIo; UCHAR WriteCommand;
PAGED_CODE(); RxDbgTrace(+1, Dbg, ("SmbPseExchangeStart_Write\n"));
ASSERT( OrdinaryExchange->Type == ORDINARY_EXCHANGE );
ASSERT( ( (OriginalDataMdl!=NULL) && ( RxMdlIsLocked(OriginalDataMdl) || RxMdlSourceIsNonPaged(OriginalDataMdl) ) ) || ( (OriginalDataMdl==NULL) && (LowIoContext->ParamsFor.ReadWrite.ByteCount==0) ) );
OrdinaryExchange->StartEntryCount++; StartEntryCount = OrdinaryExchange->StartEntryCount;
SynchronousIo = !BooleanFlagOn( RxContext->Flags, RX_CONTEXT_FLAG_ASYNC_OPERATION);
IsPagingIo = BooleanFlagOn( LowIoContext->ParamsFor.ReadWrite.Flags, LOWIO_READWRITEFLAG_PAGING_IO);
// Ensure that the Fid is validated
for (;;) { PSMBCE_SERVER pServer; PSMBCE_NET_ROOT pNetRoot;
pServer = SmbCeGetExchangeServer(OrdinaryExchange); pNetRoot = SmbCeGetExchangeNetRoot(OrdinaryExchange);
switch (OrdinaryExchange->OpSpecificState) { case SmbPseOEInnerIoStates_Initial: { OrdinaryExchange->OpSpecificState = SmbPseOEInnerIoStates_ReadyToSend; MRxSmbSetInitialSMB( StufferState STUFFERTRACE(Dbg,'FC') ); } //lack of break is intentional
case SmbPseOEInnerIoStates_ReadyToSend: { ULONG MaximumBufferSizeThisIteration; PCHAR Buffer = NULL; PMDL BufferAsMdl = NULL;
OrdinaryExchange->OpSpecificState = SmbPseOEInnerIoStates_OperationOutstanding; OrdinaryExchange->SendOptions = MRxSmbWriteSendOptions;
if (FlagOn(pServer->DialectFlags,DF_LANMAN10) && FlagOn(pServer->DialectFlags,DF_LARGE_FILES) && (StufferState->RxContext->pFcb->pNetRoot->Type != NET_ROOT_PRINT)) { WriteCommand = SMB_COM_WRITE_ANDX; } else { WriteCommand = SMB_COM_WRITE; }
MaximumBufferSizeThisIteration = rw->MaximumBufferSize;
// There are four parameters pertaining to a write request
// 1. Write Length -- rw->ThisByteCount
// 2. Write Offset -- rw->ByteOffsetAsLI
// 3. Write Buffer -- Buffer
// 4. Write Buffer as a MDL -- BufferAsMdl
// All writes can be classified into one of the following
// categories ...
// 1. Extremely Small writes
// These are writes lesser than the COPY_THRESHOLD or
// we are in a debug mode that forces us to do only small
// writes.
// 2. Write requests against downlevel servers or non disk
// file write requests against up level servers.
// In all these cases we are constrained by the Server
// which limits the number of bytes to roughly 4k. This
// is based upon the Smb Buffer size returned during
// negotiation.
// 3. Write requests ( Uncompressed ) against uplevel (NT5+)
// servers
// These write requests can be arbitrarily large
// 4. Write requests (Compressed) against uplevel servers
// In these cases the server constrains us to send
// only 64k of compressed data with the added restriction
// that the compressed data info structure must be less
// than the SMB buffer size.
rw->CompressedDataInfoLength = 0;
if ((rw->RemainingByteCount < WRITE_COPY_THRESHOLD) || FORCECOPYMODE) { if (FORCECOPYMODE && (rw->ThisByteCount > MaximumBufferSizeThisIteration) ) { rw->ThisByteCount = MaximumBufferSizeThisIteration; } else { rw->ThisByteCount = rw->RemainingByteCount; }
Buffer = rw->UserBufferBase + rw->ThisBufferOffset;
ASSERT( WRITE_COPY_THRESHOLD <= pNetRoot->MaximumWriteBufferSize ); } else { if (rw->CompressedReadOrWrite) { MRxSmbPrepareCompressedWriteRequest( OrdinaryExchange, &Buffer, &BufferAsMdl); }
if (!rw->CompressedReadOrWrite) { rw->ThisByteCount = min( rw->RemainingByteCount, MaximumBufferSizeThisIteration);
if ((rw->ThisBufferOffset != 0) || (rw->ThisByteCount != OriginalDataMdl->ByteCount)) { MmInitializeMdl( &rw->PartialDataMdl, 0, MAX_PARTIAL_DATA_MDL_BUFFER_SIZE);
IoBuildPartialMdl( OriginalDataMdl, &rw->PartialDataMdl, (PCHAR)MmGetMdlVirtualAddress(OriginalDataMdl) + rw->ThisBufferOffset, rw->ThisByteCount );
BufferAsMdl = &rw->PartialDataMdl; } else { BufferAsMdl = OriginalDataMdl; } } }
Status = MRxSmbBuildWriteRequest( OrdinaryExchange, IsPagingIo, WriteCommand, rw->ThisByteCount, &rw->ByteOffsetAsLI, Buffer, BufferAsMdl);
if (Status != STATUS_SUCCESS) { RxDbgTrace(0, Dbg, ("bad write stuffer status........\n")); goto FINALLY; }
if ( Status == STATUS_PENDING) { goto FINALLY; } } //lack of break is intentional
case SmbPseOEInnerIoStates_OperationOutstanding: case SmbPseOEInnerIoStates_OperationCompleted: { NTSTATUS ExchangeStatus;
OrdinaryExchange->OpSpecificState = SmbPseOEInnerIoStates_ReadyToSend;
if (rw->PartialExchangeMdlInUse) { MmPrepareMdlForReuse( &rw->PartialExchangeMdl); rw->PartialDataMdlInUse = FALSE; }
if (rw->PartialDataMdlInUse) { MmPrepareMdlForReuse( &rw->PartialDataMdl); rw->PartialDataMdlInUse = FALSE; }
Status = OrdinaryExchange->Status; ExchangeStatus = OrdinaryExchange->Status;
if (Status != STATUS_SUCCESS) { PSMBCE_SESSION pSession = SmbCeGetExchangeSession(OrdinaryExchange);
if (Status == STATUS_RETRY) { SmbCeUninitializeExchangeTransport((PSMB_EXCHANGE)OrdinaryExchange); Status = SmbCeReconnect(SmbCeGetExchangeVNetRoot(OrdinaryExchange));
if (Status == STATUS_SUCCESS) { OrdinaryExchange->Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; OrdinaryExchange->SmbStatus = STATUS_SUCCESS; Status = SmbCeInitializeExchangeTransport((PSMB_EXCHANGE)OrdinaryExchange); ASSERT(Status == STATUS_SUCCESS);
Status = SmbCeRemoteBootReconnect((PSMB_EXCHANGE)OrdinaryExchange,RxContext);
if (Status == STATUS_SUCCESS) { // Resume the write from the previous offset.
OrdinaryExchange->SmbStatus = STATUS_SUCCESS; SmbCeInitializeExchangeTransport((PSMB_EXCHANGE)OrdinaryExchange); } else { Status = STATUS_RETRY; } } }
if (ExchangeStatus == STATUS_SUCCESS) { rw->RemainingByteCount -= rw->BytesReturned; RxContext->InformationToReturn += rw->BytesReturned; rw->ByteOffsetAsLI.QuadPart += rw->BytesReturned; rw->ThisBufferOffset += rw->BytesReturned;
if (rw->WriteToTheEnd) { smbSrvOpen->FileInfo.Standard.EndOfFile.QuadPart += rw->BytesReturned; MRxSmbUpdateFileInfoCacheFileSize(RxContext, (PLARGE_INTEGER)(&smbSrvOpen->FileInfo.Standard.EndOfFile.QuadPart)); } }
if ((Status != STATUS_SUCCESS) || (rw->RemainingByteCount ==0)) {
if (rw->RemainingByteCount == 0) { RxDbgTrace( 0, Dbg, ( "OE %lx TBC %lx RBC %lx BR %lx TBO %lx\n", OrdinaryExchange,rw->ThisByteCount, rw->RemainingByteCount, rw->BytesReturned, rw->ThisBufferOffset ) );
RxDbgTrace( 0, Dbg, ("Bytes written %lx\n", RxContext->InformationToReturn) );
if (rw->pCompressedDataBuffer != NULL) { RxFreePool(rw->pCompressedDataBuffer); rw->pCompressedDataBuffer = NULL; } }
if (rw->RemainingByteCount == 0 && GlobalReadWrite->SectionState[rw->CurrentSection] == SmbPseOEReadWriteIoStates_OperationOutstanding) { GlobalReadWrite->SectionState[rw->CurrentSection] = SmbPseOEReadWriteIoStates_OperationCompleted; SmbCeLog(("Section done %d\n",rw->CurrentSection)); } else { GlobalReadWrite->SectionState[rw->CurrentSection] = SmbPseOEReadWriteIoStates_Initial; SmbCeLog(("Section undo %d\n",rw->CurrentSection)); }
if ((Status == STATUS_RETRY) || (Status == STATUS_SUCCESS) || (Status == STATUS_SMB_USE_STANDARD)) { if (Status == STATUS_SMB_USE_STANDARD) { GlobalReadWrite->CompletionStatus = STATUS_SMB_USE_STANDARD; }
Status = MRxSmbFindNextSectionForReadWrite(SMBPSE_ORDINARY_EXCHANGE_ARGUMENTS, &NumOfOutstandingOperations); }
NumOfOutstandingOperations = InterlockedDecrement(&GlobalReadWrite->NumOfOutstandingOperations);
if (Status != STATUS_MORE_PROCESSING_REQUIRED) { if ((Status == STATUS_TOO_MANY_COMMANDS) && (NumOfOutstandingOperations > 0)) { Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; }
if (Status != STATUS_SUCCESS && GlobalReadWrite->CompletionStatus == STATUS_SUCCESS) { GlobalReadWrite->CompletionStatus = Status; }
rw->ReadWriteFinalized = TRUE;
SmbCeLog(("Pipeline Write final %x %x %d\n",OrdinaryExchange,Status,NumOfOutstandingOperations)); }
if (Status != STATUS_MORE_PROCESSING_REQUIRED) { goto FINALLY; } } else { ExReleaseFastMutex(&MRxSmbReadWriteMutex); }
RxDbgTrace( 0, Dbg, ( "Next Iteration OE %lx RBC %lx TBO %lx\n", OrdinaryExchange, rw->RemainingByteCount, rw->ThisBufferOffset) );
RxDbgTrace( 0, Dbg, ("OE %lx TBC %lx, BR %lx\n", OrdinaryExchange, rw->ThisByteCount, rw->BytesReturned));
MRxSmbSetInitialSMB(StufferState STUFFERTRACE(Dbg,0)); } break; } }
if (Status != STATUS_PENDING) { BOOLEAN ReadWriteOutStanding = FALSE; PSMB_PSE_OE_READWRITE GlobalReadWrite = OrdinaryExchange->GlobalReadWrite;
if (!rw->ReadWriteFinalized) { ExAcquireFastMutex(&MRxSmbReadWriteMutex);
if (rw->RemainingByteCount == 0 && GlobalReadWrite->SectionState[rw->CurrentSection] == SmbPseOEReadWriteIoStates_OperationOutstanding) { GlobalReadWrite->SectionState[rw->CurrentSection] = SmbPseOEReadWriteIoStates_OperationCompleted; SmbCeLog(("Section done %d\n",rw->CurrentSection)); } else { GlobalReadWrite->SectionState[rw->CurrentSection] = SmbPseOEReadWriteIoStates_Initial; SmbCeLog(("Section undo %d\n",rw->CurrentSection)); }
NumOfOutstandingOperations = InterlockedDecrement(&GlobalReadWrite->NumOfOutstandingOperations);
if ((Status == STATUS_TOO_MANY_COMMANDS) && (NumOfOutstandingOperations > 0)) { Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; }
if (Status != STATUS_SUCCESS && GlobalReadWrite->CompletionStatus == STATUS_SUCCESS) { GlobalReadWrite->CompletionStatus = Status; }
rw->ReadWriteFinalized = TRUE;
SmbCeLog(("Pipeline Write final %x %x %d\n",OrdinaryExchange,Status,NumOfOutstandingOperations));
ExReleaseFastMutex(&MRxSmbReadWriteMutex); }
if (!NumOfOutstandingOperations) { ASSERT(Status != STATUS_RETRY);
// update shadow as appropriate
// We do this here to ensure the shadow is updated only once (at IRP completion)
IF_NOT_MRXSMB_CSC_ENABLED{ ASSERT(MRxSmbGetSrvOpenExtension(SrvOpen)->hfShadow == 0); } else { if (MRxSmbGetSrvOpenExtension(SrvOpen)->hfShadow != 0){ MRxSmbCscWriteEpilogue(RxContext,&Status); } }
if (!SynchronousIo && (GlobalReadWrite->SmbFcbHoldingState != SmbFcb_NotHeld)) { MRxSmbCscReleaseSmbFcb( StufferState->RxContext, &GlobalReadWrite->SmbFcbHoldingState); }
Status = GlobalReadWrite->CompletionStatus; SmbPseAsyncCompletionIfNecessary(OrdinaryExchange,RxContext); SmbCeLog(("Write complete %x %x\n",OrdinaryExchange,Status));
if (SynchronousIo) { KeSetEvent( &GlobalReadWrite->CompletionEvent, 0, FALSE); } } else { SmbPseFinalizeOrdinaryExchange(OrdinaryExchange); Status = STATUS_PENDING; }
MRxSmbDereferenceGlobalReadWrite(GlobalReadWrite); }
RxDbgTrace(-1, Dbg, ("SmbPseExchangeStart_Write exit w %08lx\n", Status )); return Status;
} // SmbPseExchangeStart_Write
NTSTATUS MRxSmbFinishWrite ( IN OUT PSMB_PSE_ORDINARY_EXCHANGE OrdinaryExchange, IN PBYTE ResponseBuffer ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine actually gets the stuff out of the write response and finishes the write. Everything you need is locked down... so we can finish in the indication routine
OrdinaryExchange - the exchange instance
ResponseBuffer - the response
Return Value:
RXSTATUS - The return status for the operation
--*/ { NTSTATUS Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; ULONG BytesReturned = 0;
RxDbgTrace(+1, Dbg, ("MRxSmbFinishWrite\n")); SmbPseOEAssertConsistentLinkageFromOE("MRxSmbFinishWrite:");
switch (OrdinaryExchange->LastSmbCommand) { case SMB_COM_WRITE_ANDX: { PSMBCE_SERVER pServer; PSMBCE_NET_ROOT pNetRoot; PRESP_WRITE_ANDX Response = (PRESP_WRITE_ANDX)ResponseBuffer;
if (Response->WordCount != 6 || SmbGetUshort(&Response->ByteCount) != 0) { Status = STATUS_INVALID_NETWORK_RESPONSE; }
pServer = SmbCeGetExchangeServer((PSMB_EXCHANGE)OrdinaryExchange); pNetRoot = SmbCeGetExchangeNetRoot((PSMB_EXCHANGE)OrdinaryExchange);
BytesReturned = SmbGetUshort( &Response->Count );
if (FlagOn(pServer->DialectFlags,DF_LARGE_WRITEX)) { ULONG BytesReturnedHigh;
BytesReturnedHigh = SmbGetUshort(&Response->CountHigh);
BytesReturned = (BytesReturnedHigh << 16) | BytesReturned; }
if (pNetRoot->NetRootType != NET_ROOT_PIPE) { if ((OrdinaryExchange->Status == STATUS_SUCCESS) && (OrdinaryExchange->ReadWrite.ThisByteCount > 2) && (BytesReturned == 0)) { Status = STATUS_INVALID_NETWORK_RESPONSE; } } else { // Servers are not setting the bytes returned correctly for
// pipe writes. This enables us to gracefully handle responses
// from such servers
BytesReturned = OrdinaryExchange->ReadWrite.ThisByteCount; }
//if we added 2 headerbytes then let's get rid of them......
if ( FlagOn(OrdinaryExchange->OpSpecificFlags,OE_RW_FLAG_REDUCE_RETURNCOUNT) ) { // BytesReturned -= sizeof(USHORT);
ClearFlag(OrdinaryExchange->OpSpecificFlags,OE_RW_FLAG_REDUCE_RETURNCOUNT); } } break;
case SMB_COM_WRITE : { PRESP_WRITE Response = (PRESP_WRITE)ResponseBuffer;
if (Response->WordCount != 1 || SmbGetUshort(&Response->ByteCount) != 0) { Status = STATUS_INVALID_NETWORK_RESPONSE; }
BytesReturned = SmbGetUshort( &Response->Count ); } break;
if (Response->WordCount != 0) { Status = STATUS_INVALID_NETWORK_RESPONSE; }
//the response does not tell how many bytes were taken! get the byte count from the exchange
BytesReturned = OrdinaryExchange->ReadWrite.ThisByteCount; } break;
default : Status = STATUS_INVALID_NETWORK_RESPONSE; break; }
RxDbgTrace(0, Dbg, ("-->BytesReturned=%08lx\n", BytesReturned));
OrdinaryExchange->ReadWrite.BytesReturned = BytesReturned;
if (Status == STATUS_SUCCESS && OrdinaryExchange->ReadWrite.ThisByteCount > 2 && BytesReturned > OrdinaryExchange->ReadWrite.ThisByteCount) { Status = STATUS_INVALID_NETWORK_RESPONSE; }
// invalidate the name based file info cache since it is almost impossible
// to know the last write time of the file on the server.
RxDbgTrace(-1, Dbg, ("MRxSmbFinishWrite returning %08lx\n", Status ));
return Status; } // MRxSmbFinishWrite
Routine Description:
This routine find out the next section for the read/write operation and set up the exchange readwrite struction accordingly.
RxContext - the RDBSS context
OrdinaryExchange - the exchange instance
Return Value:
RXSTATUS - The return status for the operation
--*/ { RxCaptureFcb; NTSTATUS Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; ULONG Section; BOOLEAN SectionFound = FALSE; PSMB_PSE_OE_READWRITE rw = &OrdinaryExchange->ReadWrite; PSMB_PSE_OE_READWRITE GlobalReadWrite = OrdinaryExchange->GlobalReadWrite; PSMBCE_SERVER pServer;
pServer = SmbCeGetExchangeServer(OrdinaryExchange); *NumOfOutstandingExchanges = GlobalReadWrite->NumOfOutstandingOperations;
if ((GlobalReadWrite->CompletionStatus != STATUS_SUCCESS) && (GlobalReadWrite->CompletionStatus != STATUS_SMB_USE_STANDARD)) {
Status = GlobalReadWrite->CompletionStatus; goto FINALLY; }
if (GlobalReadWrite->CompletionStatus == STATUS_SMB_USE_STANDARD) { RxContext->InformationToReturn = 0;
GlobalReadWrite->CompressedRequestInProgress = FALSE; GlobalReadWrite->CompressedReadOrWrite = FALSE; GlobalReadWrite->CompletionStatus = STATUS_SUCCESS; OrdinaryExchange->Status = STATUS_SUCCESS;
for (Section=0;Section<GlobalReadWrite->TotalNumOfSections;Section++) { switch (GlobalReadWrite->SectionState[Section]) { case SmbPseOEReadWriteIoStates_OperationOutstanding: GlobalReadWrite->SectionState[Section] = SmbPseOEReadWriteIoStates_OperationAbandoned; break; case SmbPseOEReadWriteIoStates_OperationCompleted: GlobalReadWrite->SectionState[Section] = SmbPseOEReadWriteIoStates_Initial; break; } } }
for (Section=0;Section<GlobalReadWrite->TotalNumOfSections;Section++) { if (GlobalReadWrite->SectionState[Section] == SmbPseOEReadWriteIoStates_Initial) { GlobalReadWrite->SectionState[Section] = SmbPseOEReadWriteIoStates_OperationOutstanding; SectionFound = TRUE; break; } }
if (SectionFound) { rw->ByteOffsetAsLI.QuadPart = GlobalReadWrite->ByteOffsetAsLI.QuadPart + (ULONGLONG)GlobalReadWrite->MaximumBufferSize*Section;
if ((Section == GlobalReadWrite->TotalNumOfSections - 1) && (GlobalReadWrite->RemainingByteCount % GlobalReadWrite->MaximumBufferSize != 0)) { rw->RemainingByteCount = GlobalReadWrite->RemainingByteCount % GlobalReadWrite->MaximumBufferSize; } else if( GlobalReadWrite->RemainingByteCount != 0 ) { rw->RemainingByteCount = GlobalReadWrite->MaximumBufferSize; } else { rw->RemainingByteCount = 0; }
rw->ThisBufferOffset = GlobalReadWrite->MaximumBufferSize*Section;
rw->CurrentSection = Section;
*NumOfOutstandingExchanges = InterlockedIncrement(&GlobalReadWrite->NumOfOutstandingOperations); Status = STATUS_MORE_PROCESSING_REQUIRED; SmbCeLog(("Next section found %d %x\n",Section,OrdinaryExchange)); }
return Status; }