FILENAME: GraphWin.cpp
COPYRIGHT� 2001 Microsoft Corporation and Executive Software International, Inc.
#ifndef SNAPIN
#include <windows.h>
#include "stdafx.h"
extern "C" { #include "SysStruc.h"
#include "DfrgUI.h"
#include "DfrgCmn.h"
#include "DfrgEngn.h"
#include "DiskView.h"
#include "DfrgCtl.h"
#include "DataIoCl.h"
#include "GraphWin.h"
#include "Message.h"
#include "Graphix.h"
#include "ESButton.h"
#include "ErrMacro.h"
#include "DlgRpt.h"
#include "DfrgRes.h"
#include "VolList.h"
extern CDfrgCtl* pCDfrgCtl;
extern HINSTANCE hinstRes; extern HINSTANCE hInstRes; extern HINSTANCE hinstMain; extern HFONT g_hFont;
extern CVolList VolumeList;
extern BOOL bSnapinSelected;
HWND hwndGraphics = NULL; RECT rcGraphics;
RECT rcDefragStartButton; RECT rcAnalyzeStartButton; RECT rcPauseButton; RECT rcCancelButton; RECT rcReportButton;
RECT rcAnalyzeDisp; RECT rcDefragDisp; static RECT rcAnalyzeBorder; static RECT rcDefragBorder; extern RECT rcCtlRect;
static ESButton* pAnalyzeButton = NULL; static ESButton* pDefragButton = NULL; static ESButton* pPauseButton = NULL; static ESButton* pStopButton = NULL; static ESButton* pReportButton = NULL;
static DWORD dwLastMax = 0; static int iLastPos = 0;
static DWORD dwScrollUnit = 0; static DWORD dwScrollPage = 0;
#define ESI_LEFT_MARGIN 14
/****************************************************************************************************************/ static BOOL PaintGraphicsWindowBackground( HDC WorkDC );
COPYRIGHT� 2001 Microsoft Corporation and Executive Software International, Inc.
INPUT: None;
RETURN: None. */
BOOL InitializeGraphicsWindow( IN HWND hwnd, IN HINSTANCE hInst ) { WNDCLASS wc;
// Initialize the window class.
wc.style = CS_OWNDC|CS_HREDRAW|CS_VREDRAW|CS_SAVEBITS; wc.lpfnWndProc = (WNDPROC) GraphicsWndProc; wc.cbClsExtra = 0; wc.cbWndExtra = 0; wc.hInstance = hInst; wc.hIcon = NULL; wc.hCursor = NULL; wc.hbrBackground = NULL; wc.lpszMenuName = NULL; wc.lpszClassName = GRAPHICSWINDOW_CLASS;
// Register the window class.
// Create the window.
ShowScrollBar(hwndGraphics, SB_VERT, FALSE);
ShowWindow(hwndGraphics, SW_SHOW); UpdateWindow(hwndGraphics);
pAnalyzeButton = new ESButton(hwndGraphics, ID_ANALYZE, hInst); pDefragButton = new ESButton(hwndGraphics, ID_DEFRAG, hInst); pPauseButton = new ESButton(hwndGraphics, ID_PAUSE, hInst); pStopButton = new ESButton(hwndGraphics, ID_STOP, hInst); pReportButton = new ESButton(hwndGraphics, ID_REPORT, hInst);
pAnalyzeButton->SetFont(g_hFont); pAnalyzeButton->SetText(hInstRes, IDS_BTN_ANALYZE);
pDefragButton->SetFont(g_hFont); pDefragButton->SetText(hInstRes, IDS_BTN_DEFRAGMENT);
pPauseButton->SetFont(g_hFont); pPauseButton->SetText(hInstRes, IDS_BTN_PAUSE);
pStopButton->SetFont(g_hFont); pStopButton->SetText(hInstRes, IDS_BTN_STOP);
pReportButton->SetFont(g_hFont); pReportButton->SetText(hInstRes, IDS_BTN_REPORT);
SetButtonState(); SetFocus(pAnalyzeButton->GetWindowHandle());
return TRUE; } /*****************************************************************************************************************
COPYRIGHT� 2001 Microsoft Corporation and Executive Software International, Inc.
ROUTINE DESCRIPTION: This is the WndProc function for the graphics window.
INPUT: hWnd - Handle to the window. uMsg - The message. wParam - The word parameter for the message. lParam - the long parameter for the message.
RETURN: various. */
LRESULT CALLBACK GraphicsWndProc( IN HWND hWnd, IN UINT uMsg, IN UINT wParam, IN LONG lParam ) { switch(uMsg) {
switch ((short int)wParam) {
case ID_ANALYZE: pCDfrgCtl->put_Command(ID_ANALYZE); break;
case ID_DEFRAG: pCDfrgCtl->put_Command(ID_DEFRAG); break;
case ID_PAUSE: pCDfrgCtl->put_Command(ID_PAUSE); break;
case ID_CONTINUE: pCDfrgCtl->put_Command(ID_CONTINUE); break;
case ID_STOP: pCDfrgCtl->put_Command(ID_STOP); break;
case ID_REPORT: if (VolumeList.GetCurrentVolume()->IsReportOKToDisplay()){ // raise the report dialog
RaiseReportDialog( VolumeList.GetCurrentVolume(), VolumeList.GetCurrentVolume()->DefragMode()); } break;
return S_OK; }
switch((short int)wParam){
case SB_LINEDOWN: iLastPos += dwScrollUnit; break;
case SB_LINEUP: iLastPos -= dwScrollUnit; break;
case SB_PAGEDOWN: iLastPos += dwScrollPage; break;
case SB_PAGEUP: iLastPos -= dwScrollPage; break;
case SB_THUMBPOSITION: case SB_THUMBTRACK: iLastPos = (wParam >> 16)*dwLastMax/100; break;
case SB_ENDSCROLL: return 0; } if(iLastPos < 0){ iLastPos = 0; } if(iLastPos > (int)dwLastMax){ iLastPos = dwLastMax; }
SizeGraphicsWindow(); // pCDfrgCtl->InvalidateRect(NULL, TRUE);
// pCDfrgCtl->FireViewChange();
pCDfrgCtl->OnDrawFunction(); break;
case WM_ERASEBKGND: return TRUE; break;
EF(BeginPaint(hWnd, &ps));
EF(EndPaint(hWnd, &ps)); } break;
case WM_CLOSE: DestroyWindow(hWnd); break;
case WM_DESTROY: // Destroy the thread.
PostQuitMessage(0); break;
default: return DefWindowProc(hWnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam); } return 0; } /*****************************************************************************************************************
COPYRIGHT� 2001 Microsoft Corporation and Executive Software International, Inc.
ROUTINE DESCRIPTION: Sizes the graphics window
GLOBAL VARIABLES: HWND hwndGraphics - handle of the list view window.
RETURN: TRUE = success FALSE = error */
BOOL SizeGraphicsWindow( void ) { SET_DISP_DATA DispData = {0}; SCROLLINFO si = {0}; CVolume *pVolume = VolumeList.GetCurrentVolume();
si.cbSize = sizeof(SCROLLINFO);
// Size and position the Graphics window.
EF(SetWindowPos(hwndGraphics, // handle of window
HWND_TOP, // placement-order handle
rcGraphics.left, // horizontal position
rcGraphics.top, // vertical position
rcGraphics.right - rcGraphics.left, // width
rcGraphics.bottom - rcGraphics.top, // height
SWP_SHOWWINDOW // window-positioning flags
si.fMask = SIF_RANGE|SIF_POS; si.nMin = 0;
if((rcGraphics.bottom - rcGraphics.top) > MIN_SCROLL_HEIGHT){ si.nMax = 0; } else { si.nMax = MIN_SCROLL_HEIGHT - (rcGraphics.bottom - rcGraphics.top); }
si.nPos = iLastPos;
if(si.nPos > si.nMax){ si.nPos = si.nMax; }
SetScrollInfo(hwndGraphics, SB_VERT, &si, TRUE); dwLastMax = si.nMax; iLastPos = si.nPos; dwScrollUnit = si.nMax / 10; dwScrollPage = rcGraphics.bottom - rcGraphics.top;
if(dwScrollPage > (DWORD)si.nMax){ dwScrollPage = si.nMax; }
//Calculate the position for the analyze display rectangle.
rcAnalyzeDisp.top = 40 - si.nPos;
if((rcGraphics.bottom - rcGraphics.top) > MIN_SCROLL_HEIGHT){ rcAnalyzeDisp.top += ((rcGraphics.bottom - rcGraphics.top) - MIN_SCROLL_HEIGHT)/2; } rcAnalyzeDisp.bottom = rcAnalyzeDisp.top + TOP_MARGIN_RAW + BOTTOM_MARGIN_RAW + ROW_HEIGHT_RAW; rcAnalyzeDisp.left = ESI_LEFT_MARGIN; rcAnalyzeDisp.right = (rcGraphics.right - rcGraphics.left) - ESI_LEFT_MARGIN - (si.nMax ? 25 : 0);
// max right margin of the graphics wells
if (rcAnalyzeDisp.right < maxRightEdge) rcAnalyzeDisp.right = maxRightEdge;
//Calculate from the analyze display rectangle, the position of the defrag display rectangle.
rcDefragDisp = rcAnalyzeDisp; rcDefragDisp.top = rcDefragDisp.bottom + 40; rcDefragDisp.bottom = rcDefragDisp.top + rcAnalyzeDisp.bottom - rcAnalyzeDisp.top;
//Set output dimensions on the analyze display rectangle.
if(pVolume->m_pAnalyzeDisplay) {
//Get mutex.
EF_ASSERT(WaitForSingleObject(pVolume->m_hAnalyzeDisplayMutex, DISKDISPLAYMUTEXWAITINTERVAL ) == WAIT_OBJECT_0); //Set the dimensions.
(pVolume->m_pAnalyzeDisplay)->SetNewOutputDimensions( rcAnalyzeDisp.left, rcAnalyzeDisp.top, rcAnalyzeDisp.right - rcAnalyzeDisp.left, rcAnalyzeDisp.bottom - rcAnalyzeDisp.top);
//Get the cluster factor (so we can test for an error consition -- this value should not be zero.)
DispData.AnalyzeClusterFactor = (pVolume->m_pAnalyzeDisplay)->GetClusterFactor(); //Close the mutex.
EF_ASSERT(ReleaseMutex(pVolume->m_hAnalyzeDisplayMutex)); //Test for the cluster factor equaling zero.
EF_ASSERT(DispData.AnalyzeClusterFactor); } //Set output dimensions on the defrag display rectangle.
if(pVolume->m_pDefragDisplay) {
//Get mutex.
EF_ASSERT(WaitForSingleObject(pVolume->m_hDefragDisplayMutex, DISKDISPLAYMUTEXWAITINTERVAL) == WAIT_OBJECT_0);
//Set the dimensions.
(pVolume->m_pDefragDisplay)->SetNewOutputDimensions( rcDefragDisp.left, rcDefragDisp.top, rcDefragDisp.right - rcDefragDisp.left, rcDefragDisp.bottom - rcDefragDisp.top);
//Get the cluster factor (so we can test for an error consition -- this value should not be zero.)
DispData.DefragClusterFactor = (pVolume->m_pDefragDisplay)->GetClusterFactor(); //Close the mutex.
EF_ASSERT(ReleaseMutex(pVolume->m_hDefragDisplayMutex)); //Test for the cluster factor equaling zero.
EF_ASSERT(DispData.DefragClusterFactor); }
if(pVolume->m_pdataDefragEngine && (DispData.AnalyzeClusterFactor || DispData.DefragClusterFactor)) { DataIoClientSetData(ID_SETDISPDIMENSIONS, (PTCHAR)&DispData, sizeof(SET_DISP_DATA), pVolume->m_pdataDefragEngine); }
// Calculate the analyze display border.
rcAnalyzeBorder.top = rcAnalyzeDisp.top - 1; rcAnalyzeBorder.left = rcAnalyzeDisp.left - 1; rcAnalyzeBorder.right = rcAnalyzeDisp.right; rcAnalyzeBorder.bottom = rcAnalyzeDisp.bottom;
// Calculate the defrag display border.
rcDefragBorder.top = rcDefragDisp.top - 1; rcDefragBorder.left = rcDefragDisp.left - 1; rcDefragBorder.right = rcDefragDisp.right; rcDefragBorder.bottom = rcDefragDisp.bottom;
// Calculate the Analyze button position and size.
rcAnalyzeStartButton.top = rcDefragDisp.bottom + ESI_LEFT_MARGIN - 1; rcAnalyzeStartButton.left = rcDefragDisp.left - 1; rcAnalyzeStartButton.right = rcAnalyzeStartButton.left + ESI_BUTTON_WIDTH; rcAnalyzeStartButton.bottom = rcAnalyzeStartButton.top + 26;
// start off with all buttons the same as the analyze button
rcDefragStartButton = rcPauseButton = rcCancelButton = rcReportButton = rcAnalyzeStartButton;
// Calculate the Defrag button position and size.
rcDefragStartButton.left = rcAnalyzeStartButton.right + ESI_BUTTON_SPACE; rcDefragStartButton.right = rcDefragStartButton.left + ESI_BUTTON_WIDTH;
// Calculate the Pause button position and size.
rcPauseButton.left = rcDefragStartButton.right + ESI_BUTTON_SPACE; rcPauseButton.right = rcPauseButton.left + ESI_BUTTON_WIDTH;
// Calculate the Cancel button position and size.
rcCancelButton.left = rcPauseButton.right + ESI_BUTTON_SPACE; rcCancelButton.right = rcCancelButton.left + ESI_BUTTON_WIDTH;
// Calculate the See Report button position and size.
rcReportButton.left = rcCancelButton.right + ESI_BUTTON_SPACE; rcReportButton.right = rcReportButton.left + ESI_BUTTON_WIDTH;
// put the buttons on the screen
pAnalyzeButton->PositionButton(&rcAnalyzeStartButton); pDefragButton->PositionButton(&rcDefragStartButton); pPauseButton->PositionButton(&rcPauseButton); pStopButton->PositionButton(&rcCancelButton); pReportButton->PositionButton(&rcReportButton);
return TRUE; } /*****************************************************************************************************************
COPYRIGHT� 2001 Microsoft Corporation and Executive Software International, Inc.
RETURN: TRUE = success FALSE = error */
BOOL PaintGraphicsWindowFunction( ) { HDC OutputDC, WorkDC; HANDLE hBitmap = NULL; HANDLE hOld = NULL; RECT rect;
//Only paint if this snapin is selected.
if(!bSnapinSelected){ return TRUE; }
//Get the size of the window.
EF(GetClientRect(hwndGraphics, &rect));
// Get the DC
OutputDC = GetDC(hwndGraphics); WorkDC = CreateCompatibleDC(OutputDC); EF_ASSERT(hBitmap = CreateCompatibleBitmap(OutputDC, rect.right-rect.left, rect.bottom-rect.top)); hOld = SelectObject(WorkDC, hBitmap);
// Paint a light gray background on the entire window.
HBRUSH hBrush = (HBRUSH) CreateSolidBrush(GetSysColor(COLOR_BTNFACE)); FillRect(WorkDC, &rect, hBrush); DeleteObject(hBrush);
EF(PaintGraphicsWindow(rect, FALSE, WorkDC));
EF(BitBlt(OutputDC, rect.left, rect.top, rect.right-rect.left, rect.bottom-rect.top, WorkDC, 0, 0, SRCCOPY));
// Cleanup the bitmap stuff.
EF(hBitmap == SelectObject(WorkDC, hOld)); EF(DeleteObject(hBitmap)); EF(DeleteDC(WorkDC)); EF(ReleaseDC(hwndGraphics, OutputDC));
return TRUE; } /*****************************************************************************************************************
COPYRIGHT� 2001 Microsoft Corporation and Executive Software International, Inc.
ROUTINE DESCRIPTION: Paints the information in the graphics window.
RETURN: TRUE = success FALSE = error */
BOOL PaintGraphicsWindow( IN RECT rect, IN BOOL bPartialRedraw, HDC hdc ) { CVolume *pVolume = VolumeList.GetCurrentVolume();
//Paint the analyze display.
if(pVolume->m_pAnalyzeDisplay) {
//Get The mutex.
EF_ASSERT(WaitForSingleObject(pVolume->m_hAnalyzeDisplayMutex, DISKDISPLAYMUTEXWAITINTERVAL ) == WAIT_OBJECT_0); //Do the draw.
pVolume->m_pAnalyzeDisplay->DrawLinesInHDC( NULL, hdc, bPartialRedraw ? NULL : &rect, FALSE);
//Release the mutex.
EF_ASSERT(ReleaseMutex(pVolume->m_hAnalyzeDisplayMutex)); } //Paint the defrag display.
if(pVolume->m_pDefragDisplay) {
//Get The mutex.
EF_ASSERT(WaitForSingleObject(pVolume->m_hDefragDisplayMutex, DISKDISPLAYMUTEXWAITINTERVAL ) == WAIT_OBJECT_0); //Do the draw.
pVolume->m_pDefragDisplay->DrawLinesInHDC( NULL, hdc, bPartialRedraw ? NULL : &rect, FALSE);
//Release the mutex.
EF_ASSERT(ReleaseMutex(pVolume->m_hDefragDisplayMutex)); }
return TRUE; } /*****************************************************************************************************************
COPYRIGHT� 2001 Microsoft Corporation and Executive Software International, Inc.
ROUTINE DESCRIPTION: Paints the information in the graphics window. Most code extracted from DrawBackgroundBorders.
RETURN: TRUE = success FALSE = error */
static BOOL PaintGraphicsWindowBackground( HDC WorkDC ) { /* HDC OutputDC, WorkDC;
HANDLE hBitmap = NULL;
// Get the DC
OutputDC = GetDC(hwndGraphics); WorkDC = CreateCompatibleDC(OutputDC); EF_ASSERT(hBitmap = CreateCompatibleBitmap(OutputDC, rcGraphics.right-rcGraphics.left, rcGraphics.bottom-rcGraphics.top)); SelectObject(WorkDC, hBitmap); */ HBRUSH hBrush; RECT rcAll;
// Note we want to paint ALL of the graphics window.
rcAll = rcGraphics; rcAll.top = 0; rcAll.left = 0;
// Paint the entire graphics window to the system color
hBrush = CreateSolidBrush(GetSysColor(COLOR_BTNFACE)); FillRect(WorkDC, &rcAll, hBrush); DeleteObject(hBrush);
// Fill the dark gray analyze and defrag graphics area
hBrush = CreateSolidBrush(GetSysColor(COLOR_3DSHADOW)); FillRect(WorkDC, &rcAnalyzeDisp, hBrush); FillRect(WorkDC, &rcDefragDisp, hBrush); DeleteObject(hBrush);
// edge below the list view is at the very top of this window
//ESIDrawEdge(WorkDC, rcListView.left, 0, rcListView.right, 0);
DrawEdge(WorkDC, &rcCtlRect, EDGE_BUMP, BF_TOP);
// Draw the sunken box borders around the analyze and defragment grapics displays
DrawBorderEx(WorkDC, rcAnalyzeBorder, SUNKEN_BOX); DrawBorderEx(WorkDC, rcDefragBorder, SUNKEN_BOX);
// Draw the text above the analyze and defrag displays
SetBkColor(WorkDC, GetSysColor(COLOR_BTNFACE)); SetBkMode(WorkDC, OPAQUE); SetTextColor(WorkDC, GetSysColor(COLOR_BTNTEXT)); SelectObject(WorkDC, g_hFont);
TCHAR cString[300];
EH_ASSERT(LoadString(hInstRes, IDS_LABEL_ANALYSIS_DISPLAY, cString, sizeof(cString)/sizeof(TCHAR))); TextOut(WorkDC, rcAnalyzeDisp.left-1, rcAnalyzeDisp.top-20, cString, wcslen(cString));
EH_ASSERT(LoadString(hInstRes, IDS_LABEL_DEFRAG_DISPLAY, cString, sizeof(cString)/sizeof(TCHAR))); TextOut(WorkDC, rcDefragDisp.left-2, rcDefragDisp.top-20, cString, wcslen(cString));
// If we had an analyze or defrag display then tell the user that we are resizing.
SetBkMode(WorkDC, TRANSPARENT); // make the text white in all color schemes
SetTextColor(WorkDC, GetSysColor(COLOR_HIGHLIGHTTEXT));
// get the label that appears in the graphics wells
TCHAR defragLabel[300]; TCHAR analyzeLabel[300];
CVolume *pVolume = VolumeList.GetCurrentVolume(); switch (pVolume->DefragState()){ case DEFRAG_STATE_NONE: wcscpy(analyzeLabel, L""); wcscpy(defragLabel, L""); break;
case DEFRAG_STATE_ANALYZING: EH_ASSERT(LoadString(hInstRes, IDS_LABEL_ANALYZING, analyzeLabel, sizeof(analyzeLabel)/sizeof(TCHAR))); wcscat(analyzeLabel, L" "); wcscat(analyzeLabel, pVolume->DisplayLabel());
wcscpy(defragLabel, L""); break;
case DEFRAG_STATE_ANALYZED: EH_ASSERT(LoadString(hInstRes, IDS_LABEL_CREATING_COLOR_IMAGE, analyzeLabel, sizeof(analyzeLabel)/sizeof(TCHAR)));
wcscpy(defragLabel, L""); break;
case DEFRAG_STATE_REANALYZING: EH_ASSERT(LoadString(hInstRes, IDS_LABEL_REANALYZING, analyzeLabel, sizeof(analyzeLabel)/sizeof(TCHAR))); wcscat(analyzeLabel, L" "); wcscat(analyzeLabel, pVolume->DisplayLabel()); wcscpy(defragLabel, L""); break;
case DEFRAG_STATE_DEFRAGMENTING: EH_ASSERT(LoadString(hInstRes, IDS_LABEL_RESIZING, analyzeLabel, sizeof(analyzeLabel)/sizeof(TCHAR))); EH_ASSERT(LoadString(hInstRes, IDS_LABEL_DEFRAGMENTING, defragLabel, sizeof(defragLabel)/sizeof(TCHAR))); wcscat(defragLabel, L" "); wcscat(defragLabel, pVolume->DisplayLabel()); break;
case DEFRAG_STATE_DEFRAGMENTED: EH_ASSERT(LoadString(hInstRes, IDS_LABEL_RESIZING, analyzeLabel, sizeof(analyzeLabel)/sizeof(TCHAR))); EH_ASSERT(LoadString(hInstRes, IDS_LABEL_RESIZING, defragLabel, sizeof(defragLabel)/sizeof(TCHAR))); break;
default: wcscpy(analyzeLabel, L""); wcscpy(defragLabel, L""); }
// override the others if the user pressed "Stop"
if (pVolume->StoppedByUser()){ wcscpy(analyzeLabel, L""); wcscpy(defragLabel, L""); }
// write the text into the graphic wells
DrawText(WorkDC, analyzeLabel, wcslen(analyzeLabel), &rcAnalyzeDisp, DT_CENTER); DrawText(WorkDC, defragLabel, wcslen(defragLabel), &rcDefragDisp, DT_CENTER);
// Drawing the buttons is accomplished by simply positioning them.
pAnalyzeButton->PaintButton(); pDefragButton->PaintButton(); pPauseButton->PaintButton(); pStopButton->PaintButton(); pReportButton->PaintButton(); /*
EF(BitBlt (OutputDC, rcGraphics.left, rcGraphics.top, rcGraphics.right-rcGraphics.left, rcGraphics.bottom-rcGraphics.top, WorkDC, 0, 0, SRCCOPY));
// Cleanup the bitmap stuff.
DeleteObject(hBitmap); ReleaseDC(hwndGraphics, WorkDC); ReleaseDC(hwndGraphics, OutputDC); */ return TRUE; } /*****************************************************************************************************************
COPYRIGHT� 2001 Microsoft Corporation and Executive Software International, Inc.
INPUT: None;
RETURN: None. */ void SetButtonState(void) { CVolume *pVolume = VolumeList.GetCurrentVolume();
pAnalyzeButton->ShowButton(SW_SHOW); pDefragButton->ShowButton(SW_SHOW); pReportButton->ShowButton(SW_SHOW); pPauseButton->ShowButton(SW_SHOW); pStopButton->ShowButton(SW_SHOW);
if (pVolume == (CVolume *) NULL) return;
// set the pause/resume text correctly
if (pVolume->Paused()){ pPauseButton->SetText(hInstRes, IDS_BTN_RESUME); } else { pPauseButton->SetText(hInstRes, IDS_BTN_PAUSE); }
if (pVolume->Locked()){ // turn off all buttons if this volume is locked
pAnalyzeButton->EnableButton(FALSE); pDefragButton->EnableButton(FALSE); pReportButton->EnableButton(FALSE); pPauseButton->EnableButton(FALSE); pStopButton->EnableButton(FALSE); } else if (VolumeList.DefragInProcess()){ // one of the volumes is being analyzed/defragged
pAnalyzeButton->EnableButton(FALSE); pDefragButton->EnableButton(FALSE); pReportButton->EnableButton(FALSE); if (pVolume->EngineState() == ENGINE_STATE_RUNNING){ // the selected vol is being analyzed/defragged
pPauseButton->EnableButton(TRUE); pStopButton->EnableButton(TRUE); } else{ pPauseButton->EnableButton(FALSE); pStopButton->EnableButton(FALSE); } } else{ // neither defrag nor analyze are not running on any volumes
pAnalyzeButton->EnableButton(TRUE); pDefragButton->EnableButton(TRUE); pPauseButton->EnableButton(FALSE); pStopButton->EnableButton(FALSE); // is the report available for the currently selected volume?
if (pVolume->IsReportOKToDisplay()){ pReportButton->EnableButton(TRUE); } else{ pReportButton->EnableButton(FALSE); } }
COPYRIGHT� 2001 Microsoft Corporation and Executive Software International, Inc.
INPUT: None;
RETURN: None. */
BOOL DestroyGraphicsWindow( ) { if(hwndGraphics != NULL) { DestroyWindow(hwndGraphics); hwndGraphics = NULL; } if(pAnalyzeButton){ delete pAnalyzeButton; } if(pDefragButton){ delete pDefragButton; } if(pPauseButton){ delete pPauseButton; } if(pStopButton){ delete pStopButton; } if(pReportButton){ delete pReportButton; } return TRUE; }