FILENAME: DfrgEngn.h
COPYRIGHT� 2001 Microsoft Corporation and Executive Software International, Inc.
DESCRIPTION: This contains the definitions for the common global data as used in both the FAT and NTFS defragmentation engines.
#ifndef _DFRGENGN_H_
#define _DFRGENGN_H_
#include "VString.hpp"
#include "alloc.h"
//The size of the extent buffer in bytes.
//The number of milliseconds to set the timer for updating the DiskView class.
//The number of milliseconds to wait for the DiskView mutex before erroring out.
//The number of milliseconds between pings.
#define PINGTIMER 5000
//The prescan reads in chunks of the MFT directly from disk. This is the size of the chunks.
#define MFT_BUFFER_SIZE 65536
//Defines for whether the current pass moves these types of files.
#define MOVE_FRAGMENTED 0x00000001
#define MOVE_CONTIGUOUS 0x00000002
//Defines the type of file system this engine is running on.
#define FS_NONE 0
#define FS_FAT 1
#define FS_NTFS 2
#define FS_FAT32 3
//For use to determine whether we're moveing through the files forward or backward on a volume.
#define FORWARD 0
#define BACKWARD 1
//The different combinations of bits that can be set to determine which type of free space to look for in
//defragmenting a file.
#define FIRST_FIT 0x001
#define BEST_FIT 0x002
#define LAST_FIT 0x004
#define EARLIER 0x008
#define FIND_FIRST 0x010
#define FIND_LAST 0x020
#define FIND_LARGEST 0x040
#define AT_END 0x080
#define COUNT_FREE_SPACES 0x100
//The status's after attempting to defrag a file.
#define NEXT_FILE 0x10 //Go on to the next file (successfully defragged, or can't defrag at all).
#define NEXT_ALGO_STEP 0x20 //Try the next method of defragmenting this file (last one failed).
#define NEXT_PASS 0x30 //Done with this pass, or major error, bomb out of this pass.
#define TERMINATE_ENGINE 0x40 //Fatal error. Die a miserable death (gracefully).
//The status of the engine.
#define RUNNING 0x01 //The engine is running.
#define PAUSED 0x02 //The engine is paused.
#define TERMINATE 0x03 //The engine needs to terminate.
//There will be a buffer for reading in chunks of the MFT. Make it nice and big so we aren't doing zillions of I/O's.
#define MFT_BUFFER_BYTES 65536
//#define AT_END 0x080
//#define COUNT_FREE_SPACES 0x100
//This goes at the beginning of an extent list before the series of streams to identify the streams that follow.
typedef struct { LONGLONG FileRecordNumber; //The FRS of the file that owns the following streams.
DWORD NumberOfStreams; //The number of streams that follow.
DWORD TotalNumberOfStreams; //The total number of streams in the file including resident ones.
LONGLONG ExcessExtents; //The number of excess extents in all the streams that follow.
//This goes into extent lists before each series of extents to identify the extents that follow within a stream.
typedef struct { DWORD StreamNumber; //The number of this stream..
LONGLONG ExtentCount; //The number of extents that follow.
LONGLONG ExcessExtents; //The number of excess extents in the stream.
LONGLONG AllocatedLength; //The allocated length for this stream.
LONGLONG FileSize; //The size of data in this stream.
//The extent list for files has a series of these structures, one for each extent.
typedef struct { LONGLONG StartingLcn; //The Lcn this extent starts on.
LONGLONG ClusterCount; //The count of clusters in this extent.
LONGLONG Frn; //The FileRecordNumber we got this from.
LONGLONG OriginalLcn; //The Lcn this extent got moved from.
DWORD AttributeNumber; //Which attribute in that FRS this is from.
//We will have a buffer for holding extent lists of individual files. Allocate a nice big buffer initially to avoid frequent reallocs.
//This is a file list entry.
typedef struct _FILE_LIST_ENTRY { LONGLONG StartingLcn; LONGLONG FileRecordNumber; LONGLONG ClusterCount; ULONG ExcessExtentCount; BYTE Flags; BYTE Reserved[3]; } FILE_LIST_ENTRY;
typedef struct _FREE_SPACE_ENTRY { LONGLONG StartingLcn; LONGLONG ClusterCount; BOOL SortBySize; DWORD Reserved; } FREE_SPACE_ENTRY;
//FLE stands for FILE_LIST_EXTRY. These masks are the bitmasks to the Flags member of FILE_LIST_EXTRY.
#define FLE_DISABLED 0x01 //This bit identifies whether the file is not to be defragmented on any further pass.
#define FLE_NEXT_PASS 0x02 //This bit identifies whether the file is not to be defragmented again this pass.
#define FLE_FRAGMENTED 0x04 //This bit identifies whether the file is fragmented or not.
#define FLE_DIRECTORY 0x08 //This bit identifies whether the file is a directory or not.
#define FLE_BOOTOPTIMISE 0x10 //This bit identifies whether the file is to be boot-optimised
////Same as extent list except this is the format we use in the file lists. It only holds 32-bit values
////to save space in the file lists.
//typedef struct{
// ULONG StartingLcn;
// ULONG ClusterCount;
////This goes into the file lists before each series of extents to identify the extents that follow.
////Notice it has the same exact structure size as FILE_LIST_EXTENT so allocs can use one or the other without trouble.
//typedef struct{
// ULONG FileRecordNumber; //The FRS of the file that owns the following extents.
// ULONG ExtentCount; //The number of extents that follow.
//This contains the various pointers necessary to hold an extent list and pass it around among the extent functions.
typedef struct{ HANDLE hExtents; //Handle to the memory for the extent list.
UCHAR* pExtents; //Pointer to the memory for the extent list.
DWORD ExtentListAlloced; //The number of bytes allocated in memory for the extent list.
DWORD ExtentListSize; //The number of bytes actually used by the extent list in the alloced memory.
FILE_EXTENT_HEADER* pFileExtentHeader; //The file extent header for this file's extent list.
STREAM_EXTENT_HEADER* pStreamExtentHeader; //The stream extent header for any given stream in this file's extent list.
DWORD dwEnabledStreams; //Determines which types of streams to look for.
LONGLONG BytesRead; //The number of bytes read to the current stream.
LONGLONG TotalClusters; //The number of clusters in all the streams of the file.
LONGLONG TotalRealClusters; //The number of real clusters in all the streams of the file.
//Used to access a LONGLONG as two discrete DWORDs
typedef union _DWORD_AND_LONGLONG { struct { DWORD Low; DWORD High; } Dword; LONGLONG LongLong; } DWORD_AND_LONGLONG;
// number of passes in the defrag alogrithm
#define PASS_COUNT 7
typedef struct { LONGLONG BitmapSize; //Total bits in bitmap buffer (padded fort 32 bit scans)
LONGLONG BytesPerSector; //Number of bytes in one sector
LONGLONG BytesPerCluster; //Number of bytes in one cluster
LONGLONG SectorsPerCluster; //Number of sector in one cluster
LONGLONG TotalSectors; //Number of sectors in this volume
LONGLONG TotalClusters; //Number of clusters in this volume
LONGLONG UsedClusters; //Number of used clusters on the drive
LONGLONG UsedSpace; //Number of used bytes on the drive
LONGLONG FreeSpace; //Number of free bytes on the drive
LONGLONG UsableFreeSpace; //Number of usable free bytes on the drive
LONGLONG NumFreeSpaces; //The number of free spaces on the volume.
LONGLONG SmallestFreeSpaceClusters;//The size of the smallest free space in clusters.
LONGLONG LargestFreeSpaceClusters;//The size of the largest free space in clusters.
LONGLONG AveFreeSpaceClusters; //The average size of the free spaces in clusters.
LONGLONG ExtentListAlloced; //The size in bytes of the allocated memory for the extent list.
LONGLONG ExtentListSize; LONGLONG FileRecordNumber; //File record number of current file in this volume
//(for NTFS it may be less than FreeSpace)
LONGLONG StartingLcn; //The Lcn to consider as the earliest on the disk for the current file (not necessarily the earliest in actuality).
// LONGLONG NumberOfExtents; //Number of extents in current file
LONGLONG NumberOfFragments; //Number of fragments in current file
LONGLONG NumberOfClusters; //Number of clusters in current file
LONGLONG NumberOfRealClusters; //Number of real clusters in current file
LONGLONG NumberOfFileRecords; //Number of File Records holding this file's extents
LONGLONG FileSize; //Number of bytes in current file
LONGLONG AllocatedLength; //Number of bytes allocated to the current file on disk.
LONGLONG MftStartOffset; //Byte offset to the Mft
LONGLONG MftStartLcn; //First cluster of the Mft
LONGLONG Mft2StartLcn; //First cluster of the Mirror Mft
LONGLONG MftZoneStart; //First cluster of the Mft zone.
LONGLONG MftZoneEnd; //Last cluster of the Mft zone.
LONGLONG BytesPerFRS; //Number of bytes in one file record segment
LONGLONG ClustersPerFRS; //Number of clusters in one file record segment
LONGLONG TotalFileRecords; //Number of file records in this volume
LONGLONG InUseFileRecords; //How many file records are in use in the MFT.
LONGLONG LastStartingLcn; //The LCN referring to the last file we said to defrag so we know where to pick up again when looking for the next file in the file lists to defrag.
LONGLONG FatOffset; //The offset from the beginning of the disk to the active fat in clusters.
LONGLONG FatMirrOffset; //The offset from the beginning of the disk to the mirror fat in clusters (or 0 if it doesn't exist).
LONGLONG FoundLcn; //The Lcn of the free space found to move this file into.
LONGLONG FoundLen; //The length of the free space.
LONGLONG FilesMoved; //The number of files moved in the last pass.
LONGLONG FreeSpaces; //The number of free spaces on the disk.
LONGLONG CenterOfDisk; //The center cluster number on the disk.
LONGLONG TotalFiles; //The total number of large files on the disk. (Not size, see the types of files that can exist on NTFS: small, large, huge, extremely huge)
LONGLONG NumFraggedFiles; //The number of fragmented files on the disk.
LONGLONG NumExcessFrags; //The number of frags over and above the 1 per file (i.e. frags that degrade performance.)
LONGLONG TotalDirs; //The total number of directories on the disk.
LONGLONG TotalSmallDirs; //Total number of Small Directories on the disk.
// LONGLONG TotalDirExtents; //The total number of extents in all directories on the disk.
LONGLONG NumFraggedDirs; //The total number of fragmented directories on the disk.
LONGLONG NumExcessDirFrags; //The total number of excess frags in directories.
LONGLONG NumFilesInMftZone; //acs//The total number of files in the Mft Zone
LONGLONG AveFileSize; //The average size of the files on this disk in bytes.
LONGLONG FraggedSpace; //The continuous counter of how many bytes on the disk are occupied by fragmented files.
LONGLONG PercentDiskFragged; //What percent of the disk is fragmented.
LONGLONG AveFragsPerFile; //The average number of fragments per file.
LONGLONG TotalFileBytes; //The total number of bytes in all the files on the disk.
LONGLONG TotalFileSpace; //The continuous counter of how many bytes all the files found on a scan take up.
// LONGLONG TotalDirSpace; //The continuous counter of how many bytes all the directories found on a scan take up.
LONGLONG CurrentFile; //The continuous counter of how many files have been found on a scan.
// LONGLONG CurrentDirectory; //The continuous counter of how many directories have been found on a scan.
LONGLONG MftSize; //The size of the Mft in bytes.
LONGLONG MftNumberOfExtents; //Number of extents in the Mft
LONGLONG PagefileSize; //The size of the pagefile in bytes.
LONGLONG PagefileFrags; //The number of fragments in the pagefile.
LONGLONG NumPagefiles; //The number of active pagefiles on this drive.
LONGLONG LeastFragged; //The number of fragments in the least fragmented file in the most fragmented file list.
LONGLONG LastPathFrs; //The frs of the directory the last file was in.
LONGLONG MasterLcn; //The starting lcn of the directory that contains the entry for this file.
LONGLONG FreeExtents; //The number of free extents in the free extents list (partial defrag).
LONGLONG InitialFraggedClusters; //The total number of fragmented clusters after the analyse
LONGLONG InitialContiguousClusters; // The total number of contiguous clusters after the analyse
LONGLONG FraggedClustersDone; // Number of clusters we have finished defragmenting
LONGLONG BootOptimizeBeginClusterExclude; //the cluster number where we exclude moving files
LONGLONG BootOptimizeEndClusterExclude; //the cluster number where we exclude moving files
LONGLONG BootOptimiseFileListTotalSize; LONGLONG BootOptimiseFilesAlreadyInZoneSize;
PFILE_LIST_ENTRY pFileListEntry; PFREE_SPACE_ENTRY pFreeSpaceEntry; PLONGLONG pBootOptimiseFrnList;
struct _SA_CONTEXT SaFreeSpaceContext; struct _SA_CONTEXT SaFileEntryContext; struct _SA_CONTEXT SaBootOptimiseFilesContext;
RTL_GENERIC_TABLE FragmentedFileTable; RTL_GENERIC_TABLE ContiguousFileTable; RTL_GENERIC_TABLE NonMovableFileTable; RTL_GENERIC_TABLE FreeSpaceTable; RTL_GENERIC_TABLE BootOptimiseFileTable; RTL_GENERIC_TABLE FilesInBootExcludeZoneTable; RTL_GENERIC_TABLE MultipleFreeSpaceTrees[10];
PTCHAR pNameList; //Pointer to the name list.
UCHAR* pExtentList; //Pointer to the extent list.
FILE_RECORD_SEGMENT_HEADER* pMftBuffer; //Pointer to that buffer.
EXTENT_LIST* pMftExtentList; //The pointer to the Mft's extent list.
PVOID pFileRecord; //Pointer to the Frs.
VString vFileName; //The name of the current file
TCHAR NodeName[MAX_COMPUTERNAME_LENGTH+1]; //The name of the node this engine is running on.
SYSTEMTIME StartTime; //The time the engine started.
SYSTEMTIME EndTime; //The time the engine finished action (not terminated).
FILE_LIST_ENTRY* pSysList; //Pointer to the system file list.
DWORD FileSystem; //This volume's file system (FS_NTFS, FS_FAT, FS_NONE)
DWORD EngineState; //Whether the engine is paused, runnning or should terminate.
DWORD FirstDataOffset; //On FAT and FAT32 drives, it specifies the byte offset for the first cluster on the disk (not zero). On NTFS - zero.
DWORD Status; //During defrag this contains the status -- whether to go on to the next file, end pass, etc.
DWORD Pass; //The current pass number. (prescan is 0, scan is 1, defrag passes start at 2)
// The following fields are relevant only for the FAT engine
HANDLE hMoveableFileList; //Handle to the moveable file list.
DWORD ProcessFilesDirection; //Which direction we're traversing the disk. FORWARD or BACKWARD
LONGLONG SourceStartLcn; //The first LCN in the region to move files from in the current pass.
LONGLONG SourceEndLcn; //The last LCN in the region to move files from in the current pass.
FILE_LIST_ENTRY* pMoveableFileList; //Pointer to the moveable file list
ULONG MoveableFileListSize; //The size of the moveable file list in bytes.
ULONG MoveableFileListEntries;//The number of entries (FILE_LIST_ENTRY size structures) in the moveable list.
ULONG MoveableFileListIndex; //The current index into the moveable file list (in FILE_LIST_ENTRY size increments).
FILE_LIST_ENTRY* pPagefileList; //Pointer to the page file list.
ULONG PagefileListSize; //The size of the pagefile list in bytes.
ULONG PagefileListEntries; //The number of entries (FILE_LIST_ENTRY size structures) in the pagefile file list.
ULONG PagefileListIndex; //The current index into the page file list (in FILE_LIST_ENTRY size increments).
DWORD Pass6Rep; //How many repetitions have occurred on pass 6. Used to limit the number of repetitions.
LONGLONG FilesMovedInLastPass; //How many files were moved in the last pass.
LONGLONG DestStartLcn; //The first LCN in the region to move files to in the current pass.
LONGLONG DestEndLcn; //The last LCN in the region to move files to in the current pass.
LONGLONG LargestFound; //The largest space found to move a file into in clusters.
ULONG SysListSize; //The size of the system file list in bytes.
// end FAT specific
ULONG NameListSize; //The size of the name list in bytes.
ULONG NameListIndex; //The current index into the name list (in bytes).
ULONG VolumeBufferFlushes[PASS_COUNT]; // number of file flushes during each pass
ULONG FragmentedFileMovesAttempted[PASS_COUNT]; //number of times a defragment attempt was made
ULONG FragmentedFileMovesSucceeded[PASS_COUNT]; //number of times a defragment attempt succeeded
ULONG FragmentedFileMovesFailed[PASS_COUNT]; //number of times a defragment attempt failed
ULONG ContiguousFileMovesAttempted[PASS_COUNT]; //number of times a move attempt was made
ULONG ContiguousFileMovesSucceeded[PASS_COUNT]; //number of times a move attempt succeeded
ULONG ContiguousFileMovesFailed[PASS_COUNT]; //number of times a move attempt failed
WORD FatVersion; //The version number of the FAT or FAT32 volume.
HANDLE hVolume; //Handle to this volume
HANDLE hVolumeBitmap; //Handle to volume's free space bitmap
HANDLE hExtentList; //Handle to the current file's extent list
HANDLE hMftBuffer; //Handle to the buffer for reading in chunks of the MFT.
HANDLE hMftBitmap; //Handle to this volume's Mft bitmap
HANDLE hMftExtentList; //Handle to this volume's Mft extent list
HANDLE hFileRecord; //Handle for the Frs for the current file.
HANDLE hExcludeList; //Handle to the exclusion list.
HANDLE hFile; //Handle to the current file
HANDLE hFreeExtents; //The handle to the free extents found to move this file into.
HANDLE hSysList; //Handle to the system file list.
HANDLE hPagefileList; //Handle to the page file list.
HANDLE hNameList; //Handle to the name list which is used only for FAT and holds the names of every file in all the lists.
HANDLE hBootOptimiseFrnList;
TCHAR cDrive; //Drive letter of this volume (eg. C:)
TCHAR cVolumeName[GUID_LENGTH];//The name of the volume (GUID or UNC)
TCHAR cVolumeTag[GUID_LENGTH];//Used to concat onto strings to make unique IDs
TCHAR cVolumeLabel[100]; //The volume label
TCHAR cDisplayLabel[100]; //String used when printing to screen or logfile
BOOL bCompressed; //If current file is compressed
BOOL bDirectory; //If current file is a directory (index)
BOOL bPageFile; //If current file is a PageFile
BOOL bFragmented; //If current file is fragmented
BOOL bSmallFile; //If current file is a small-file
BOOL bLargeFile; //If current file is a large file
BOOL bHugeFile; //If current file is a huge file
BOOL bExtremelyHugeFile; //If current file is an extremely huge file
BOOL bMFTCorrupt; //If the MFT contains corrupt records
BOOL bInBootExcludeZone; //If current file has an extent in the region reserved for boot-optimisation
BOOL bBootOptimiseFile; //If current file needs to be boot-optimised
// Global variables
//VolData contains all kinds of data!
extern #endif
/* NO GLOBALS!! - MWP 12/3/98
//Stores the instance of the resource DLL that we use to hold all resources. This is obtained by LoadLibrary and
//is used to get any resources from the resource DLL.
extern #endif
= NULL #endif
; */
//Tells whether were supposed to to an analyze or an analyze and a defrag.
extern #endif
DWORD AnalyzeOrDefrag #ifdef GLOBAL_DATAHOME
= ANALYZE #endif
//Stores the priority for the engine.
extern #endif
TCHAR cPriority[300];
//Holds the handle to the main window for the Dfrg engine.
extern #endif
= NULL #endif
//This is the buffer into which a file record is written after calling ESDeviceIoControl to get a file record.
extern #endif
UCHAR FileRecordOutputBuffer[(4096+32+16) * 10];
//Handle to the memory which holds the name of the active pagefiles on the current drive.
extern #endif
= NULL #endif
//The pointer for hPageFileNames
extern #endif
TCHAR* pPageFileNames #ifdef GLOBAL_DATAHOME
= NULL #endif
//The handle for the worker thread that carries out either Analyzing or Defragging.
extern #endif
= NULL #endif
//The MFT is read in in chunks. This records the file record number of the lowest file record of the chunk that's currently loaded.
extern #endif
= 0 #endif
//The MFT is read in in chunks. This records the file record number of the highest file record of the chunk that's currently loaded.
extern #endif
= 0 #endif
//This table allows the number of set bits in a byte to be counted by using the
//byte as an index into this table. FAST bit count. (do it twice for a word, etc)
extern #endif
BYTE CountBitsArray[256] #ifdef GLOBAL_DATAHOME
= { // 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,a,b,c,d,e,f
0,1,1,2,1,2,2,3,1,2,2,3,2,3,3,4, // 0
1,2,2,3,2,3,3,4,2,3,3,4,3,4,4,5, // 1
1,2,2,3,2,3,3,4,2,3,3,4,3,4,4,5, // 2
2,3,3,4,3,4,4,5,3,4,4,5,4,5,5,6, // 3
1,2,2,3,2,3,3,4,2,3,3,4,3,4,4,5, // 4
2,3,3,4,3,4,4,5,3,4,4,5,4,5,5,6, // 5
2,3,3,4,3,4,4,5,3,4,4,5,4,5,5,6, // 6
3,4,4,5,4,5,5,6,4,5,5,6,5,6,6,7, // 7
1,2,2,3,2,3,3,4,2,3,3,4,3,4,4,5, // 8
2,3,3,4,3,4,4,5,3,4,4,5,4,5,5,6, // 9
2,3,3,4,3,4,4,5,3,4,4,5,4,5,5,6, // a
3,4,4,5,4,5,5,6,4,5,5,6,5,6,6,7, // b
2,3,3,4,3,4,4,5,3,4,4,5,4,5,5,6, // c
3,4,4,5,4,5,5,6,4,5,5,6,5,6,6,7, // d
3,4,4,5,4,5,5,6,4,5,5,6,5,6,6,7, // e
4,5,5,6,5,6,6,7,5,6,6,7,6,7,7,8 // f
}; #endif
#endif //#ifndef _DFRGENGN_H_