Copyright (c) 1990-2000 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This module contains the implementations for the PAGER class
Ramon Juan San Andres (RamonSA) 15-Apr-1990
#include "ulib.hxx"
#include "filestrm.hxx"
#include "wstring.hxx"
#include "bstring.hxx"
#include "screen.hxx"
#include "stream.hxx"
#include "more.hxx"
#include "pager.hxx"
// What constitutes a "blank" character (spaces and tabs)
#define TAB_ASCII (CHAR)'\t'
DELETE( _String ); DELETE( _BString ); DELETE( _Blanks ); DELETE( _BlankLine );
BOOLEAN PAGER::Initialize ( IN PSTREAM Stream, IN PPROGRAM Program ) /*++
Routine Description:
Phase 2 of construction for a pager object. It initializes its internal data.
Stream - Supplies the stream to be paged Program - Supplies pointer to the program doing the paging.
Return Value:
TRUE - If initialized correctly FALSE - If something when wrong. (check error stack)
USHORT ScreenRows, RowsInPage; CHNUM i;
_Stream = Stream; _CurrentLineNumber = 0; _StandardOutput = Program->GetStandardOutput(); _Screen = SCREEN::Cast( _StandardOutput ); _Position = INVALID_CHNUM;
// Get the page dimensions
if (_Screen) { _Screen->QueryScreenSize( &ScreenRows, &_ColumnsInScreen, &RowsInPage, &_ColumnsInPage ); _RowsInPage = RowsInPage; _ColumnsInPage = _ColumnsInScreen; } else {
// If we don't have a screen then we should treat the page
// as infinitely long since we have no need to prompt.
_RowsInPage = (ULONG) -1; _ColumnsInPage = (USHORT) -1; }
if (!(_String = NEW DSTRING) || !(_BString = NEW BDSTRING) || !(_Blanks = NEW DSTRING) || !(_BlankLine = NEW DSTRING) || !_String->Initialize() || !_BString->Initialize() || !_Blanks->Initialize(BLANKCHARACTERS) || !_BlankLine->Resize(_Screen ? _ColumnsInPage : 0)) {
return FALSE; }
for (i = 0; i < _BlankLine->QueryChCount(); i++) { _BlankLine->SetChAt(' ', i); }
return TRUE; }
BOOLEAN PAGER::DisplayPage ( IN ULONG LinesInPage, IN BOOLEAN ClearScreen, IN BOOLEAN SqueezeBlankLines, IN BOOLEAN ExpandFormFeed, IN ULONG TabExp )
Routine Description:
Displays a page of the screen
LinesInPage - Supplies the desired number of lines in the page ClearScreen - Supplies a flag, which if TRUE means that we want to clear the screen before displaying the page SqueezeBlankLines - Supplies squeeze flag ExpandFormFeed - Supplies formfeed expansion flag
Return Value:
TRUE - If page displayed FALSE otherwise
{ ULONG LinesLeft = LinesInPage; BOOLEAN IgnoreBlankLine = FALSE; CHNUM Length; CHNUM FormFeedAt;
if ( TabExp > (ULONG)( _ColumnsInPage - 1 ) ) { TabExp = _ColumnsInPage - 1 ; }
// Clear the screen if instructed to do so
if ( ClearScreen && _Screen) { #ifdef FE_SB // v-junm - 08/18/93
// Also reset attributes.
_Screen->EraseScreenAndResetAttribute(); #else
_Screen->EraseScreen(); #endif
_Screen->MoveCursorTo( 0, 0 ); } else { //
// Make sure that we start at the beginning of a line
ClearLine(); }
// Display up to LinesLeft lines
while ( LinesLeft > 0 && (ThereIsMoreToPage() || _Position != INVALID_CHNUM) ) {
// Get next string from input
if (!ReadNextString( TabExp )) { return FALSE; }
#ifdef FE_SB // v-junm - 08/18/93
// Now QueryChCount returns the correct number of unicode chars. An additional
// API, QueryByteCount was added.
Length = _String->QueryByteCount() - _Position; #else
Length = _String->QueryChCount() - _Position; #endif
if ( SqueezeBlankLines ) {
if ( _String->Strspn( _Blanks, _Position ) == INVALID_CHNUM ) {
// This is a blank line. We must sqeeze
if ( IgnoreBlankLine ) { //
// We ignore the line
_Position = INVALID_CHNUM; continue;
} else { //
// We will print a blank line and ignore the following
// blank lines.
DisplayBlankLine( 1 ); _Position = INVALID_CHNUM; IgnoreBlankLine = TRUE; continue; } } else if (IgnoreBlankLine) { LinesLeft--; IgnoreBlankLine = FALSE; continue; } }
if ( ExpandFormFeed ) { //
// Look for form feed within line
if ((FormFeedAt = _String->Strchr( FORMFEED,_Position )) != INVALID_CHNUM) { if ( FormFeedAt == _Position ) { //
// First character is a form feed.
// We will skip the formfeed character, and the
// rest of the screen will be blanked.
if ( SqueezeBlankLines ) { if (!IgnoreBlankLine) { DisplayBlankLine( 1 ); LinesLeft--; IgnoreBlankLine = TRUE; } } else { DisplayBlankLine( LinesLeft ); LinesLeft = 0; } _Position++; continue; }
Length = FormFeedAt - _Position; } }
// If the line is too long, we must split it
if (Length > (CHNUM)_ColumnsInPage) { Length = (CHNUM)_ColumnsInPage; }
// Display the string
DisplayString( _String, &_Position, Length ); IgnoreBlankLine = FALSE;
LinesLeft--; }
return TRUE; }
VOID PAGER::ClearLine ( )
Routine Description:
Clears a line
Return Value:
{ USHORT ScreenRows, ScreenCols; USHORT WindowRows, WindowCols; CHNUM i;
if (_Screen) {
_Screen->QueryScreenSize( &ScreenRows, &ScreenCols, &WindowRows, &WindowCols ); //
// If the number of columns has changed, re-initialize the
// blank line.
if ( ScreenCols != _ColumnsInPage ) { _BlankLine->Resize(ScreenCols); for (i = 0; i < ScreenCols; i++) { _BlankLine->SetChAt(' ', i); } } _RowsInPage = WindowRows; _ColumnsInPage = ScreenCols;
_StandardOutput->WriteChar( (WCHAR)CARRIAGERETURN ); _StandardOutput->WriteString( _BlankLine, 0, _ColumnsInPage-1 ); _StandardOutput->WriteChar( (WCHAR)CARRIAGERETURN ); } }
VOID PAGER::DisplayBlankLine ( IN ULONG Lines, IN BOOLEAN NewLine )
Routine Description:
Displays a number of blank lines
Lines - Supplies the number of blank lines to display NewLine - Supplies the newline flag
Return Value:
{ CHNUM Position;
while ( Lines-- ) {
Position = 0;
DisplayString( _BlankLine, &Position, _ColumnsInPage-1, (Lines > 0) ? TRUE : NewLine);
} }
VOID PAGER::DisplayString ( IN PWSTRING String, OUT PCHNUM Position, IN CHNUM Length, IN BOOLEAN NewLine )
Routine Description:
Displays a chunk of the current string
Length - Supplies the length of the string to display NewLine - Supplies the newline flag
Return Value:
{ #ifdef FE_SB // v-junm - 04/19/93
CHNUM UnicodeCharNum, // # of unicode characters to display
TempByteCount, // to minimize calls to QueryByteCount
index; // loop counter
PSTR STRBuffer; // ASCIIZ converted string pointer
static CHNUM OldPos; // Keeps old position in # of Unicode
BOOL DBCSFlag = FALSE; // Flag for ending leadbyte
TempByteCount = String->QueryByteCount(); Length = min( Length, TempByteCount );
// If the length of the string to display is shorter than
// the width of the screen, we do not have to do any DBCS
// checking. Just print it out. (Can be skipped for CP437)
if ( TempByteCount > _ColumnsInPage ) {
// Initialize # of unicode characters to #
// of ASCII chars to display.
UnicodeCharNum = Length;
// Get the string as a ASCIIZ text.
STRBuffer = String->QuerySTR();
if ( STRBuffer != NULL ) {
// Start changing the UnicodeCharNum from the actual
// number of bytes to the actual number of characters.
for( index = 0; index < Length; index++ ) { if ( IsLeadByte( *(STRBuffer + index + _Position) ) ) { index++; UnicodeCharNum--; DBCSFlag = TRUE; } else DBCSFlag = FALSE; } DELETE( STRBuffer ); }
// If the following conditions are true, then there
// is a Leadbyte at the end of the screen that needs
// to be displayed on the next line with it's tail byte.
if ( DBCSFlag == TRUE && // String ends with DBCS.
index == (Length - 1) && // Only Leadbyte.
Length == (CHNUM)_ColumnsInPage // More rows to display.
) { Length--; UnicodeCharNum--; }
} else //fix kksuzuka: #195
//Overflow pagecolumns when writing 0D0A.
//UnicodeCharNum = String->QueryChCount();
UnicodeCharNum = min( Length, String->QueryChCount() );
// When the string does not fit on one line and needs to be truncated,
// OldPos keeps the position where the string was truncated in Unicode
// location.
// If true, set to beginning of string.
if ( *Position == 0 ) OldPos = 0;
_StandardOutput->WriteString( String, OldPos, UnicodeCharNum );
// Set to last+1 char displayed in unicode character numbers.
OldPos += UnicodeCharNum;
// Update our position within the string
*Position += Length;
// Check if all the characters have been written.
if ( TempByteCount && (TempByteCount == *Position) && !(TempByteCount % _ColumnsInPage) ) {
// Characters have been written, but there is a LF/CR
// character at the that needs to be display that has
// not been displayed. (At _ColumnsInPage+1 location)
*Position = INVALID_CHNUM; // _StandardOutput->WriteChar( (WCHAR)CARRIAGERETURN );
// _StandardOutput->WriteChar( (WCHAR)LINEFEED );
} else if ( *Position >= TempByteCount ) *Position = INVALID_CHNUM;
if ( ((*Position != INVALID_CHNUM) || NewLine) && ( Length < _ColumnsInScreen || !_Screen ) ) {
_StandardOutput->WriteChar( (WCHAR)CARRIAGERETURN ); _StandardOutput->WriteChar( (WCHAR)LINEFEED ); }
#else // FE_SB
Length = min( Length, String->QueryChCount() );
_StandardOutput->WriteString( String, *Position, Length );
// Update our position within the string
*Position += Length;
if (*Position >= _String->QueryChCount()) { *Position = INVALID_CHNUM; }
if ( ((*Position != INVALID_CHNUM) || NewLine) && ( Length < _ColumnsInScreen || !_Screen ) ) { _StandardOutput->WriteChar( (WCHAR)CARRIAGERETURN ); _StandardOutput->WriteChar( (WCHAR)LINEFEED ); }
ULONGLONG PAGER::QueryCurrentByte ( )
Routine Description:
Queries the current Byte number
Return Value:
The current byte number
PFILE_STREAM pFileStream; ULONGLONG PointerPosition ;
if ((pFileStream = FILE_STREAM::Cast(_Stream)) == NULL ) {
return 0;
} else {
pFileStream->QueryPointerPosition( &PointerPosition );
return PointerPosition; } }
USHORT PAGER::QueryLinesPerPage ( )
Routine Description:
Queries the number of lines per page of output
Return Value:
The number of lines (rows) in a page
{ USHORT ScreenRows, ScreenCols; USHORT WindowRows, WindowCols; CHNUM i;
// If Paging to screen, get the current size of the window
if (_Screen) {
_Screen->QueryScreenSize( &ScreenRows, &ScreenCols, &WindowRows, &WindowCols ); //
// If the number of columns has changed, re-initialize the
// blank line.
if ( WindowCols != _ColumnsInPage ) { _BlankLine->Resize(ScreenCols); for (i = 0; i < ScreenCols; i++) { _BlankLine->SetChAt(' ', i); } } _RowsInPage = WindowRows; _ColumnsInPage = ScreenCols; }
return (USHORT)_RowsInPage; }
BOOLEAN PAGER::ReadNextString ( IN ULONG TabExp )
Routine Description:
Reads in the next string from the input stream.
TabExp - Supplies the number of blank characters per tab
Return Value:
TRUE - If string read in FALSE otherwise
if (_Position == INVALID_CHNUM ) {
// We have to read a new string from the input stream.
if (!_Stream->ReadLine( _String )) { return FALSE; }
_CurrentLineNumber++; _Position = 0;
// Expand tabs
Idx = 0;
// Get the string as a ASCIIZ text.
PSTR szBuffer; // ASCIIZ converted string pointer
szBuffer = _String->QuerySTR(); if (szBuffer != NULL) { _BString->Initialize(szBuffer); DELETE( szBuffer );
while ( (Idx < _BString->QueryChCount()) && ((Idx = _BString->Strchr( TAB_ASCII, Idx )) != INVALID_CHNUM) ) {
if (TabExp) { _BString->ReplaceWithChars( Idx, // AtPosition
1, // AtLength
' ', // Replacement char
TabExp - Idx%TabExp // FromLength
); } else { _BString->ReplaceWithChars( Idx, // AtPosition
1, // AtLength
' ', // Replacement char
0 // FromLength
); }
// MJB: If we're eliminating tabs we don't want to advance the
// index; removing the previous tab has pulled the next character
// in *to* the index, so it's already where we want it. Advancing
// regardless can cause every other adjacent tab not to be
// elminiated.
if (TabExp > 0) { Idx = _BString->NextChar(Idx); } }
szBuffer = _BString->QuerySTR(); if (szBuffer != NULL) { _String->Initialize(szBuffer); DELETE( szBuffer ); }
return TRUE;
BOOLEAN PAGER::SkipLines ( IN ULONG LinesToSkip, IN ULONG TabExp )
Routine Description:
Skips certain number of lines
LinesToSkip - Supplies the number of lines to skip TabExp - Supplies number of spaces per tab
Return Value:
TRUE - If lines skipped FALSE otherwise
if ( TabExp > (ULONG)( _ColumnsInPage - 1 ) ) { TabExp = _ColumnsInPage - 1; }
while ( LinesToSkip-- && ThereIsMoreToPage() ) {
if (!ReadNextString( TabExp )) { return FALSE; }
_Position = INVALID_CHNUM;
return TRUE;
#ifdef FE_SB // v-junm - 09/24/93
Routine Description:
Checks to see if c is a leadbyte of a DBCS character.
c - character to check to see if leadbyte.
Return Value:
TRUE - leadbyte of DBCS character. FALSE otherwise
{ CPINFO cp; static UINT outputcp = GetConsoleOutputCP(); int i;
if ( GetCPInfo( outputcp, &cp ) ) {
// Code page info has been aquired. From code page info,
// the leadbyte range can be determined.
for( i = 0; cp.LeadByte[i] && cp.LeadByte[i+1]; i += 2 ) {
// There are leadbytes. Check to see if c falls in
// current leadbyte range.
if ( c >= cp.LeadByte[i] && c <= cp.LeadByte[i+1] ) return( TRUE );
return( FALSE ); } else {
// This will not produce correct results if
// 'ConsoleOutputCP != SystemCP && DBCS System'
// Just making system conversion the default
// when GetCPInfo doesn't work.
return( IsDBCSLeadByte( c ) != FALSE ); } }