Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Enables an administrator to disconnect/query open files ina given system.
Author: Akhil Gokhale (akhil.gokhale@wipro.com) 1-Nov-2000 Revision History: Akhil Gokhale (akhil.gokhale@wipro.com) 1-Nov-2000 : Created It.
******************************************************************************/ #include "pch.h"
#include "OpenFiles.h"
#include "Disconnect.h"
#include "Query.h"
#include <limits.h>
#include "resource.h"
#define TOKEN_BACKSLASH4 _T("\\\\")
#define IDENTIFIER_VALUE _T("Identifier")
#define SAFEFREE(pVal) \
if(pVal != NULL) \ { \ free(pVal); \ pVal = NULL ;\ }
#define X86_MACHINE _T("x86")
#define SYSTEM_64_BIT 2
#define SYSTEM_32_BIT 3
BOOL g_bIs32BitEnv = TRUE ;
// Fuction protorypes. These functions will be used only in current file.
DWORD GetCPUInfo(LPTSTR szComputerName); DWORD CheckSystemType(LPTSTR szServer); DWORD CheckSystemType64(LPTSTR szServer); BOOL ProcessQuery(DWORD argc,LPCTSTR argv[],LONG lMemorySize);
BOOL ProcessDisconnect(DWORD argc,LPCTSTR argv[],LONG lMemorySize);
BOOL ProcessLocal(DWORD argc,LPCTSTR argv[]);
BOOL ProcessOptions( DWORD argc,LPCTSTR argv[],PBOOL pbDisconnect, PBOOL pbQuery,PBOOL pbUsage, PBOOL pbResetFlag, LONG lMemorySize);
BOOL ProcessOptions( DWORD argc, LPCTSTR argv[],PBOOL pbQuery,LPTSTR pszServer, LPTSTR pszUserName,LPTSTR pszPassword,LPTSTR pszFormat, PBOOL pbShowNoHeader,PBOOL pbVerbose,PBOOL pbNeedPassword);
BOOL ProcessOptions( DWORD argc, LPCTSTR argv[], PBOOL pbDisconnect, LPTSTR pszServer,LPTSTR pszUserName,LPTSTR pszPassword, LPTSTR pszID,LPTSTR pszAccessedby,LPTSTR pszOpenmode, LPTSTR pszOpenFile,PBOOL pbNeedPassword); BOOL ProcessOptions( DWORD argc, LPCTSTR argv[], LPTSTR pszLocalvalue); VOID Usage();
VOID DisconnectUsage();
VOID QueryUsage(); VOID LocalUsage(); /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Routine Description:
Main routine that calls the disconnect and query options
[in] argc - Number of command line arguments [in] argv - Array containing command line arguments
Returned Value:
DWORD - 0 for success exit - 1 for failure exit -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ DWORD _cdecl _tmain( DWORD argc, LPCTSTR argv[] ) { BOOL bCleanExit = FALSE; try{ // local variables to this function
BOOL bResult = TRUE; BOOL bNeedPassword = FALSE; // variables to hold the values specified at the command prompt
BOOL bUsage = FALSE;// -? ( help )
BOOL bDisconnect = FALSE;// -disconnect
//query command line options
BOOL bQuery = FALSE;// -query
BOOL bRestFlag = FALSE; LONG lMemorySize =0; // Memory needed for allocation.
DWORD dwRetVal = 0; #ifndef _WIN64
dwRetVal = CheckSystemType( NULL_STRING); if(dwRetVal!=EXIT_SUCCESS ) { return EXIT_FAILURE; } #endif
// Followin is a guess to allocate the memory for variables used
// in many function. Guess is to allocate memory equals to Lenghth of
// maximum command line argumant.
for(UINT i = 1;i<argc;i++) { if(lMemorySize < lstrlen(argv[i])) lMemorySize = lstrlen(argv[i]); } // Check for minimum memory required. If above logic gets memory size
// less than MIN_MEMORY_REQUIRED, then make this to MIN_MEMORY_REQUIRED.
lMemorySize = ((lMemorySize<MIN_MEMORY_REQUIRED)? MIN_MEMORY_REQUIRED: lMemorySize); // if no command line argument is given than -query option
// is takan by default.
if(argc == 1) { if(IsWin2KOrLater()==FALSE) { ShowMessage(stderr,GetResString(IDS_INVALID_OS)); bCleanExit = FALSE; } else { bCleanExit = DoQuery(NULL_STRING,FALSE,NULL_STRING,FALSE); } } else {
// process and validate the command line options
bResult = ProcessOptions( argc, argv, &bDisconnect, &bQuery, &bUsage, &bRestFlag, lMemorySize); if(bResult == TRUE) { if(bUsage == TRUE)// check if -? is given as parameter
{ if(bQuery == TRUE)//check if -create is also given
{ QueryUsage();// show usage for -create option
bCleanExit = TRUE; } else if (bDisconnect==TRUE)//check if -disconnect is also given
{ DisconnectUsage();//Show usage for -disconnect option
bCleanExit = TRUE; } else if (bRestFlag==TRUE)//check if -disconnect is also given
{ LocalUsage();//Show usage for -local option
bCleanExit = TRUE; } else { Usage();//as no -create Or -disconnect given, show main
// usage.
bCleanExit = TRUE; } } else { if(bRestFlag == TRUE) {
bCleanExit = ProcessLocal(argc,argv); bCleanExit = TRUE; } else if(bQuery == TRUE) { // Process command line parameter specific to -query and
bCleanExit = ProcessQuery(argc, argv, lMemorySize); } else if(bDisconnect==TRUE) { // Process command line parameter specific to -disconnect
bCleanExit = ProcessDisconnect(argc, argv, lMemorySize); } else { CHString szTemp; ShowMessage( stderr, GetResString(IDS_ID_SHOW_ERROR) ); szTemp = argv[0]; szTemp.MakeUpper(); szTemp.Format(GetResString(IDS_INVALID_SYNTAX),szTemp); ShowMessage( stderr,(LPCWSTR)szTemp); bCleanExit = FALSE; } } } else { if(g_bIs32BitEnv == TRUE) { // invalid syntax
ShowMessage( stderr,GetReason()); } // return from the function
bCleanExit = FALSE; }
} } catch(CHeap_Exception cheapException) { // catching the CHStrig related memory exceptions...
SetLastError(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); DISPLAY_MESSAGE(stderr,GetResString(IDS_ID_SHOW_ERROR)); DISPLAY_MESSAGE(stderr,GetReason()); bCleanExit = FALSE; }
// Release global memory if any allocated through common functionality
ReleaseGlobals(); return bCleanExit?EXIT_SUCCESS:EXIT_FAILURE; }//_tmain
Routine Description: This function will perform Local related tasks.
[in] argc - Number of command line arguments [in] argv - Array containing command line arguments Returned Value:
BOOL --True if it succeeds --False if it fails. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
BOOL ProcessLocal( DWORD argc,LPCTSTR argv[]) { BOOL bResult = FALSE; // Variable to store function return value
// just taken for its length
if(pszLocalValue == NULL) { // Some variable not having enough memory
// Show Error----
SetLastError(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); DISPLAY_MESSAGE(stderr,GetResString(IDS_ID_SHOW_ERROR)); //Release allocated memory safely
ShowLastError(stderr); return FALSE; } // Initialize currently allocated arrays.
bResult = ProcessOptions( argc,argv,pszLocalValue); if(bResult == FALSE) { // invalid syntax
ShowMessage( stderr,GetReason() ); //Release allocated memory safely
SAFEDELETE(pszLocalValue); // return from the function
return FALSE; } bResult = DoLocalOpenFiles(0,FALSE,FALSE,pszLocalValue); // Only last argument is of interst
SAFEDELETE(pszLocalValue); return bResult; } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Routine Description: This function will perform query related tasks.
[in] argc - Number of command line arguments [in] argv - Array containing command line arguments [in] lMemorySize - Maximum amount of memory to be allocated. Returned Value:
BOOL --True if it succeeds --False if it fails. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
BOOL ProcessQuery( DWORD argc, LPCTSTR argv[], LONG lMemorySize ) { BOOL bResult = FALSE; // Variable to store function return value
BOOL bCloseConnection = FALSE; //Check whether connection to be
// closed or not
CHString szChString; // Temp. variable
DWORD dwRetVal = 0; // options.
BOOL bQuery = FALSE; // -query query
BOOL bShowNoHeader = FALSE;// -nh (noheader)
BOOL bVerbose = FALSE;// -v (verbose)
BOOL bNeedPassword = FALSE;// need password or not
LPTSTR pszServer = new TCHAR[lMemorySize+1];// -s ( server name)
LPTSTR pszUserName = new TCHAR[lMemorySize+1];// -u ( user name)
LPTSTR pszPassword = new TCHAR[lMemorySize+1];// -p ( password)
LPTSTR pszFormat = new TCHAR[lMemorySize+1];// -format
LPTSTR pszServerName = new TCHAR[lMemorySize+1];// server name used for
// EstablishConnection
// Function.
LPTSTR pszServerNameHeadPosition = NULL; LPTSTR pszServerHeadPosition = NULL; // Check if memory allocated to all variables properly
if((pszServer == NULL)|| (pszUserName == NULL)|| (pszPassword == NULL)|| (pszFormat == NULL)|| (pszServerName == NULL) ) { // Some variable not having enough memory
// Show Error----
SetLastError(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); DISPLAY_MESSAGE(stderr,GetResString(IDS_ID_SHOW_ERROR)); //Release allocated memory safely
ShowLastError(stderr); SAFEDELETE(pszServer); SAFEDELETE(pszUserName); SAFEDELETE(pszPassword); SAFEDELETE(pszFormat); SAFEDELETE(pszServerName); return FALSE; } pszServerNameHeadPosition = pszServerName;//store Head position Address
// to successfully delete
// allocated memory block
pszServerHeadPosition = pszServer; // Initialize currently allocated arrays.
memset(pszServer,0,(lMemorySize+1)*sizeof(TCHAR)); memset(pszUserName,0,(lMemorySize+1)*sizeof(TCHAR)); memset(pszPassword,0,(lMemorySize+1)*sizeof(TCHAR)); memset(pszFormat,0,(lMemorySize+1)*sizeof(TCHAR)); memset(pszServerName,0,(lMemorySize+1)*sizeof(TCHAR));
bResult = ProcessOptions( argc, argv, &bQuery, pszServer, pszUserName, pszPassword, pszFormat, &bShowNoHeader, &bVerbose, &bNeedPassword); if ( bResult == FALSE ) { // invalid syntax
ShowMessage( stderr,GetReason() ); //Release allocated memory safely
SAFEDELETE(pszServerHeadPosition); SAFEDELETE(pszUserName); SAFEDELETE(pszPassword); SAFEDELETE(pszFormat); SAFEDELETE(pszServerNameHeadPosition); // return from the function
return FALSE; } szChString = pszServer; if((lstrcmpi(szChString.Left(2),DOUBLE_SLASH)==0)&&(szChString.GetLength()>2)) { szChString = szChString.Mid( 2,szChString.GetLength()) ; } if(lstrcmpi(szChString.Left(1),SINGLE_SLASH)!=0) { lstrcpy(pszServer,(LPCWSTR)szChString); } lstrcpy(pszServerName,pszServer);
// Try to connect to remote server. Function checks for local machine
// so here no checking is done.
if(IsLocalSystem(pszServerName)==TRUE) { if(lstrlen(pszUserName)>0) { DISPLAY_MESSAGE(stdout,GetResString(IDS_LOCAL_SYSTEM)); }
} else { if(EstablishConnection( pszServerName, pszUserName, lMemorySize, pszPassword, lMemorySize, bNeedPassword )==FALSE) { // Connection to remote system failed , Show corresponding error
// and exit from function.
ShowMessage( stderr,GetResString(IDS_ID_SHOW_ERROR) ); if(lstrlen(GetReason())==0) { DISPLAY_MESSAGE(stderr,GetResString(IDS_INVALID_CREDENTIALS)); } else { DISPLAY_MESSAGE( stderr,GetReason() ); } //Release allocated memory safely
SAFEDELETE(pszServerHeadPosition); SAFEDELETE(pszUserName); SAFEDELETE(pszPassword); SAFEDELETE(pszFormat); SAFEDELETE(pszServerNameHeadPosition); return FALSE; } // determine whether this connection needs to disconnected later or not
// though the connection is successfull, some conflict might have occured
switch( GetLastError() ) { case I_NO_CLOSE_CONNECTION: bCloseConnection = FALSE; break; case E_LOCAL_CREDENTIALS: case ERROR_SESSION_CREDENTIAL_CONFLICT: { //
// some error occured ... but can be ignored
// connection need not be disconnected
bCloseConnection= FALSE; // show the warning message
DISPLAY_MESSAGE(stdout,GetResString(IDS_ID_SHOW_WARNING)); DISPLAY_MESSAGE(stdout,GetReason()); break; } default: bCloseConnection = TRUE; } } bResult = DoQuery(pszServer, bShowNoHeader, pszFormat, bVerbose); // Close the network connection which is previously opened by
// EstablishConnection
if(bCloseConnection==TRUE) { CloseConnection(pszServerName); } SAFEDELETE(pszServerHeadPosition); SAFEDELETE(pszUserName); SAFEDELETE(pszPassword); SAFEDELETE(pszFormat); SAFEDELETE(pszServerNameHeadPosition); return bResult; } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Routine Description: This function will perform Disconnect related tasks.
[in] argc - Number of command line arguments [in] argv - Array containing command line arguments [in] lMemorySize - Maximum amount of memory to be allocated. [in] pbNeedPassword - To check whether the password is required or not. Returned Value:
BOOL --True if it succeeds --False if it fails. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ BOOL ProcessDisconnect(DWORD argc,LPCTSTR argv[],LONG lMemorySize) { BOOL bResult = FALSE; // Variable to store function return value
DWORD dwRetVal = 0; BOOL bCloseConnection = FALSE; //Check whether connection to be
// closed or not
BOOL bNeedPassword = FALSE; // Ask for password or not.
CHString szChString; // Temp. variable
// options.
BOOL bQuery = FALSE; // -query query
BOOL bShowNoHeader = FALSE;// -nh (noheader)
LPTSTR pszServer = new TCHAR[lMemorySize+1];// -s ( server name)
LPTSTR pszUserName = new TCHAR[lMemorySize+1];// -u ( user name)
LPTSTR pszPassword = new TCHAR[lMemorySize+1];// -p ( password)
LPTSTR pszServerName = new TCHAR[lMemorySize+1];// server name used for
// EstablishConnection
// Function.
LPTSTR pszServerNameHeadPosition = NULL; LPTSTR pszServerHeadPosition = NULL;
LPTSTR pszID = new TCHAR[lMemorySize+1];// -I ( id )
LPTSTR pszAccessedby = new TCHAR[lMemorySize+1];//-a(accessedby)
LPTSTR pszOpenmode = new TCHAR[lMemorySize+1];// -o ( openmode)
LPTSTR pszOpenFile = new TCHAR[lMemorySize+1];// -op( openfile)
// Check if memory allocated to all variables properly
if((pszServer == NULL)|| (pszUserName == NULL)|| (pszPassword == NULL)|| (pszServerName == NULL)|| (pszID == NULL)|| (pszAccessedby == NULL)|| (pszOpenmode == NULL)|| (pszOpenFile == NULL) ) { // Some variable not having enough memory
// Show Error----
SetLastError(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); DISPLAY_MESSAGE(stderr,GetResString(IDS_ID_SHOW_ERROR)); //Release allocated memory safely
ShowLastError(stderr); SAFEDELETE(pszServer); SAFEDELETE(pszUserName); SAFEDELETE(pszPassword); SAFEDELETE(pszServerName); SAFEDELETE(pszID); SAFEDELETE(pszAccessedby); SAFEDELETE(pszOpenmode); SAFEDELETE(pszOpenFile); return FALSE; } pszServerNameHeadPosition = pszServerName;//store Head position Address
// to successfully delete
// allocated memory block
pszServerHeadPosition = pszServer; // Initialize currently allocated arrays.
memset(pszServer,0,(lMemorySize+1)*sizeof(TCHAR)); memset(pszUserName,0,(lMemorySize+1)*sizeof(TCHAR)); memset(pszPassword,0,(lMemorySize+1)*sizeof(TCHAR)); memset(pszServerName,0,(lMemorySize+1)*sizeof(TCHAR)); memset(pszID,0,(lMemorySize)*sizeof(TCHAR)); memset(pszAccessedby,0,(lMemorySize+1)*sizeof(TCHAR)); memset(pszOpenmode,0,(lMemorySize+1)*sizeof(TCHAR)); memset(pszOpenFile,0,(lMemorySize+1)*sizeof(TCHAR));
bResult = ProcessOptions( argc, argv, &bQuery, pszServer, pszUserName, pszPassword, pszID, pszAccessedby, pszOpenmode, pszOpenFile, &bNeedPassword); if ( bResult == FALSE ) { // invalid syntax
ShowMessage( stderr,GetReason() ); //Release allocated memory safely
SAFEDELETE(pszServerHeadPosition); SAFEDELETE(pszUserName); SAFEDELETE(pszPassword); SAFEDELETE(pszServerNameHeadPosition); SAFEDELETE(pszID); SAFEDELETE(pszAccessedby); SAFEDELETE(pszOpenmode); SAFEDELETE(pszOpenFile); // return from the function
return FALSE; } szChString = pszServer; if((lstrcmpi(szChString.Left(2),DOUBLE_SLASH)==0)&&(szChString.GetLength()>2)) { szChString = szChString.Mid( 2,szChString.GetLength()) ; } if(lstrcmpi(szChString.Left(2),SINGLE_SLASH)!=0) { lstrcpy(pszServer,(LPCWSTR)szChString); } lstrcpy(pszServerName,pszServer);
if(IsLocalSystem(pszServerName)==TRUE) { #ifndef _WIN64
dwRetVal = CheckSystemType( NULL_STRING); if(dwRetVal!=EXIT_SUCCESS ) { return EXIT_FAILURE; } #else
dwRetVal = CheckSystemType64( NULL_STRING); if(dwRetVal!=EXIT_SUCCESS ) { return EXIT_FAILURE; }
#endif //Comment 2
if(lstrlen(pszUserName)>0) { DISPLAY_MESSAGE(stdout,GetResString(IDS_LOCAL_SYSTEM)); }
} else { if(EstablishConnection( pszServerName, pszUserName, lMemorySize, pszPassword, lMemorySize, bNeedPassword )==FALSE) { // Connection to remote system failed , Show corresponding error
// and exit from function.
ShowMessage( stderr, GetResString(IDS_ID_SHOW_ERROR) ); if(lstrlen(GetReason())==0) { DISPLAY_MESSAGE(stderr,GetResString(IDS_INVALID_CREDENTIALS)); } else { DISPLAY_MESSAGE( stderr,GetReason() ); } //Release allocated memory safely
SAFEDELETE(pszServerHeadPosition); SAFEDELETE(pszUserName); SAFEDELETE(pszPassword); SAFEDELETE(pszServerNameHeadPosition); SAFEDELETE(pszID); SAFEDELETE(pszAccessedby); SAFEDELETE(pszOpenmode); SAFEDELETE(pszOpenFile); return FALSE; } // determine whether this connection needs to disconnected later or not
// though the connection is successfull, some conflict might have occured
switch( GetLastError() ) { case I_NO_CLOSE_CONNECTION: bCloseConnection = FALSE; break;
// some error occured ... but can be ignored
// connection need not be disconnected
bCloseConnection= FALSE;
// show the warning message
DISPLAY_MESSAGE(stdout,GetResString(IDS_ID_SHOW_WARNING)); DISPLAY_MESSAGE(stdout,GetReason()); break; } default: bCloseConnection = TRUE;
} // Do Disconnect open files.....
bResult = DisconnectOpenFile(pszServer, pszID, pszAccessedby, pszOpenmode, pszOpenFile ); // Close the network connection which is previously opened by
// EstablishConnection
if(bCloseConnection==TRUE) { CloseConnection(pszServerName); } // Free memory which is previously allocated.
SAFEDELETE(pszServerHeadPosition); SAFEDELETE(pszUserName); SAFEDELETE(pszPassword); SAFEDELETE(pszServerNameHeadPosition); SAFEDELETE(pszID); SAFEDELETE(pszAccessedby); SAFEDELETE(pszOpenmode); SAFEDELETE(pszOpenFile); return bResult; } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Routine Description:
This function takes command line argument and checks for correct syntax and if the syntax is ok, it returns the values in different variables. variables [out] will contain respective values.
[in] argc - Number of command line arguments [in] argv - Array containing command line arguments [out] pszLocalValue - contains the values for -local option
Returned Value:
BOOL --True if it succeeds --False if it fails. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ BOOL ProcessOptions( DWORD argc, LPCTSTR argv[], LPTSTR pszLocalValue) { TCMDPARSER cmdOptions[ MAX_LOCAL_OPTIONS ];//Variable to store command line
CHString szTempString; TCHAR szTemp[MAX_RES_STRING*2]; szTempString = GetResString(IDS_UTILITY_NAME); wsprintf(szTemp,GetResString(IDS_INVALID_SYNTAX),(LPCWSTR)szTempString);
// -local
cmdOptions[ OI_O_LOCAL ].dwCount = 1; cmdOptions[ OI_O_LOCAL ].dwActuals = 0; cmdOptions[ OI_O_LOCAL ].dwFlags = CP_MAIN_OPTION|CP_VALUE_OPTIONAL|CP_MODE_VALUES| CP_TYPE_TEXT; cmdOptions[ OI_O_LOCAL ].pValue = pszLocalValue; cmdOptions[ OI_O_LOCAL ].pFunction = NULL; cmdOptions[ OI_O_LOCAL ].pFunctionData = NULL; lstrcpy( cmdOptions[ OI_O_LOCAL ].szValues, GetResString(IDS_LOCAL_OPTION) ); lstrcpy( cmdOptions[ OI_O_LOCAL ].szOption, OPTION_LOCAL );
// do the command line parsing
if ( DoParseParam( argc,argv,MAX_LOCAL_OPTIONS,cmdOptions ) == FALSE ) { ShowMessage(stderr,GetResString(IDS_ID_SHOW_ERROR)); return FALSE; // invalid syntax
} if(lstrlen(pszLocalValue) == 0) { lstrcpy(pszLocalValue,L"SHOW_STATUS"); // this string does not require localization
// as it is storing value other than ON/OFF
} return TRUE; }
Routine Description:
This function takes command line argument and checks for correct syntax and if the syntax is ok, it returns the values in different variables. variables [out] will contain respective values.
[in] argc - Number of command line arguments [in] argv - Array containing command line arguments [out] pbDisconnect - Discoonect option string [out] pbQuery - Query option string [out] pbUsage - The usage option [out] pbNeedPassword - To check whether the password is required or not. [in] lMemorySize - Maximum amount of memory to be allocated.
Returned Value:
BOOL --True if it succeeds --False if it fails. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ BOOL ProcessOptions( DWORD argc, LPCTSTR argv[], PBOOL pbDisconnect, PBOOL pbQuery, PBOOL pbUsage, PBOOL pbResetFlag, LONG lMemorySize) {
DWORD dwRetVal = 0; // local variables
TCMDPARSER cmdOptions[ MAX_OPTIONS ];//Variable to store command line
// options.
LPTSTR pszTempServer = new TCHAR[lMemorySize+1]; LPTSTR pszTempUser = new TCHAR[lMemorySize+1]; LPTSTR pszTempPassword = new TCHAR[lMemorySize+1]; TARRAY arrTemp = NULL;
CHString szTempString; TCHAR szTemp[MAX_RES_STRING*2]; szTempString = GetResString(IDS_UTILITY_NAME); wsprintf(szTemp,GetResString(IDS_INVALID_SYNTAX),(LPCWSTR)szTempString);
// Allocates memory
arrTemp = CreateDynamicArray(); BOOL bTemp = FALSE; // Temp. Variable
if((pszTempUser == NULL)|| (pszTempPassword== NULL)|| (pszTempServer == NULL)|| (arrTemp == NULL)) { SetLastError(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); DISPLAY_MESSAGE(stderr,GetResString(IDS_ID_SHOW_ERROR)); ShowLastError(stderr); SAFEDELETE(pszTempUser); SAFEDELETE(pszTempPassword); SAFEDELETE(pszTempServer); DestroyDynamicArray(&arrTemp); return FALSE; } // prepare the command options
// -disconnect option for help
cmdOptions[ OI_DISCONNECT ].dwCount = 1; cmdOptions[ OI_DISCONNECT ].dwActuals = 0; cmdOptions[ OI_DISCONNECT ].dwFlags = 0; cmdOptions[ OI_DISCONNECT ].pValue = pbDisconnect; cmdOptions[ OI_DISCONNECT ].pFunction = NULL; cmdOptions[ OI_DISCONNECT ].pFunctionData = NULL; lstrcpy( cmdOptions[ OI_DISCONNECT ].szValues, NULL_STRING ); lstrcpy( cmdOptions[ OI_DISCONNECT ].szOption, OPTION_DISCONNECT );
// -query option for help
cmdOptions[ OI_QUERY ].dwCount = 1; cmdOptions[ OI_QUERY ].dwActuals = 0; cmdOptions[ OI_QUERY ].dwFlags = 0; cmdOptions[ OI_QUERY ].pValue = pbQuery; cmdOptions[ OI_QUERY ].pFunction = NULL; cmdOptions[ OI_QUERY ].pFunctionData = NULL; lstrcpy( cmdOptions[ OI_QUERY ].szValues, NULL_STRING ); lstrcpy( cmdOptions[ OI_QUERY ].szOption, OPTION_QUERY );
// -? option for help
cmdOptions[ OI_USAGE ].dwCount = 1; cmdOptions[ OI_USAGE ].dwActuals = 0; cmdOptions[ OI_USAGE ].dwFlags = CP_USAGE; cmdOptions[ OI_USAGE ].pValue = pbUsage; cmdOptions[ OI_USAGE ].pFunction = NULL; cmdOptions[ OI_USAGE ].pFunctionData = NULL; lstrcpy( cmdOptions[ OI_USAGE ].szValues, NULL_STRING ); lstrcpy( cmdOptions[ OI_USAGE ].szOption, OPTION_USAGE ); // -local
cmdOptions[ OI_LOCAL ].dwCount = 1; cmdOptions[ OI_LOCAL ].dwActuals = 0; cmdOptions[ OI_LOCAL ].dwFlags = 0; cmdOptions[ OI_LOCAL ].pValue = pbResetFlag; cmdOptions[ OI_LOCAL ].pFunction = NULL; cmdOptions[ OI_LOCAL ].pFunctionData = NULL; lstrcpy( cmdOptions[ OI_LOCAL ].szValues, NULL_STRING ); lstrcpy( cmdOptions[ OI_LOCAL ].szOption, OPTION_LOCAL );
// default ..
// Although there is no default option for this utility...
// At this moment all the switches other than specified above will be
// treated as default parameter for Main DoParceParam.
// Exact parcing depending on optins (-query or -disconnect) will be done
// at that respective places.
lstrcpy(cmdOptions[ OI_DEFAULT ].szOption,NULL_STRING); cmdOptions[ OI_DEFAULT ].dwFlags = CP_TYPE_TEXT | CP_MODE_ARRAY|CP_DEFAULT; cmdOptions[ OI_DEFAULT ].dwCount = 0; cmdOptions[ OI_DEFAULT ].dwActuals = 0; cmdOptions[ OI_DEFAULT ].pValue = &arrTemp; lstrcpy(cmdOptions[ OI_DEFAULT ].szValues,NULL_STRING); cmdOptions[ OI_DEFAULT ].pFunction = NULL; cmdOptions[ OI_DEFAULT ].pFunctionData = NULL;
// do the command line parsing
if ( DoParseParam( argc,argv,MAX_OPTIONS,cmdOptions ) == FALSE ) { ShowMessage(stderr,GetResString(IDS_ID_SHOW_ERROR)); SAFEDELETE(pszTempUser); SAFEDELETE(pszTempPassword); SAFEDELETE(pszTempServer); DestroyDynamicArray(&arrTemp); return FALSE; // invalid syntax
} DestroyDynamicArray(&arrTemp);//Release memory as variable no longer needed
arrTemp = NULL;
// Check if all of following is true is an error
if((*pbUsage==TRUE)&&argc>3) { ShowMessage( stderr, GetResString(IDS_ID_SHOW_ERROR) ); SetReason(szTemp); return FALSE; } // -query ,-disconnect and -local options cannot come together
if(((*pbQuery)+(*pbDisconnect)+(*pbResetFlag))>1) { ShowMessage( stderr, GetResString(IDS_ID_SHOW_ERROR) ); SetReason(szTemp); SAFEDELETE(pszTempUser); SAFEDELETE(pszTempPassword); SAFEDELETE(pszTempServer); return FALSE; } else if((argc == 2)&&(*pbUsage == TRUE)) { // if -? alone given its a valid conmmand line
SAFEDELETE(pszTempUser); SAFEDELETE(pszTempPassword); SAFEDELETE(pszTempServer); return TRUE; } if((argc>2)&& (*pbQuery==FALSE)&&(*pbDisconnect==FALSE)&&(*pbResetFlag==FALSE)) { // If command line argument is equals or greater than 2 atleast one
// of -query OR -local OR -disconnect should be present in it.
// (for "-?" previous condition already takes care)
// This to prevent from following type of command line argument:
// OpnFiles.exe -nh ... Which is a invalid syntax.
ShowMessage( stderr, GetResString(IDS_ID_SHOW_ERROR) ); SetReason(szTemp); SAFEDELETE(pszTempUser); SAFEDELETE(pszTempPassword); SAFEDELETE(pszTempServer); return FALSE; } SAFEDELETE(pszTempUser); SAFEDELETE(pszTempPassword); SAFEDELETE(pszTempServer); return TRUE; }//ProcesOptions
Routine Description:
This function takes command line argument and checks for correct syntax and if the syntax is ok, it returns the values in different variables. variables [out] will contain respective values. This Functin specifically checks command line parameters requered for QUERY option.
[in] argc - Number of command line arguments [in] argv - Array containing command line arguments [out] pbQuery - query option string [out] pszServer - remote server name [out] pszUserName - username for the remote system [out] pszPassword - password for the remote system for the username [out] pszFormat - format checking [out] pbShowNoHeader - show header [out] pbVerbose - show verbose
Returned Value:
BOOL --True if it succeeds --False if it fails. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
BOOL ProcessOptions( DWORD argc, LPCTSTR argv[], PBOOL pbQuery, LPTSTR pszServer, LPTSTR pszUserName, LPTSTR pszPassword, LPTSTR pszFormat, PBOOL pbShowNoHeader, PBOOL pbVerbose, PBOOL pbNeedPassword) { // Check in/out parameters...
if((pszServer == NULL)||(pszUserName==NULL)||(pszPassword==NULL)|| (pszFormat == NULL)) { SetLastError(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); DISPLAY_MESSAGE(stderr,GetResString(IDS_ID_SHOW_ERROR)); return FALSE; // Memory ERROR
} TCMDPARSER cmdOptions[ MAX_QUERY_OPTIONS ];//Variable to store command line
CHString szTempString; TCHAR szTemp[MAX_RES_STRING*2]; TCHAR szTypeHelpMsg[MAX_RES_STRING];
DWORD dwRetVal = 0;
szTempString = GetResString(IDS_UTILITY_NAME); wsprintf(szTemp,GetResString(IDS_INVALID_SYNTAX),(LPCWSTR)szTempString); wsprintf(szTypeHelpMsg,GetResString(IDS_TYPE_Q_HELP),(LPCWSTR)szTempString);
// prepare the command options
// -query option for help
cmdOptions[ OI_Q_QUERY ].dwCount = 1; cmdOptions[ OI_Q_QUERY ].dwActuals = 0; cmdOptions[ OI_Q_QUERY ].dwFlags = CP_MAIN_OPTION ; cmdOptions[ OI_Q_QUERY ].pValue = pbQuery; cmdOptions[ OI_Q_QUERY ].pFunction = NULL; cmdOptions[ OI_Q_QUERY ].pFunctionData = NULL; lstrcpy( cmdOptions[ OI_Q_QUERY ].szValues, NULL_STRING ); lstrcpy( cmdOptions[ OI_Q_QUERY ].szOption, OPTION_QUERY );
// -s option remote system name
cmdOptions[ OI_Q_SERVER_NAME ].dwCount = 1; cmdOptions[ OI_Q_SERVER_NAME ].dwActuals = 0; cmdOptions[ OI_Q_SERVER_NAME ].dwFlags = CP_TYPE_TEXT | CP_VALUE_MANDATORY; cmdOptions[ OI_Q_SERVER_NAME ].pValue = pszServer; cmdOptions[ OI_Q_SERVER_NAME ].pFunction = NULL; cmdOptions[ OI_Q_SERVER_NAME ].pFunctionData = NULL; lstrcpy( cmdOptions[ OI_Q_SERVER_NAME ].szValues, NULL_STRING ); lstrcpy( cmdOptions[ OI_Q_SERVER_NAME ].szOption, OPTION_SERVER );
// -u option user name for the specified system
cmdOptions[ OI_Q_USER_NAME ].dwCount = 1; cmdOptions[ OI_Q_USER_NAME ].dwActuals = 0; cmdOptions[ OI_Q_USER_NAME ].dwFlags = CP_TYPE_TEXT | CP_VALUE_MANDATORY; cmdOptions[ OI_Q_USER_NAME ].pValue = pszUserName; cmdOptions[ OI_Q_USER_NAME ].pFunction = NULL; cmdOptions[ OI_Q_USER_NAME ].pFunctionData = NULL; lstrcpy( cmdOptions[ OI_Q_USER_NAME ].szValues, NULL_STRING ); lstrcpy( cmdOptions[ OI_Q_USER_NAME ].szOption, OPTION_USERNAME );
// -p option password for the given username
cmdOptions[ OI_Q_PASSWORD ].dwCount = 1; cmdOptions[ OI_Q_PASSWORD ].dwActuals = 0; cmdOptions[ OI_Q_PASSWORD ].dwFlags = CP_TYPE_TEXT | CP_VALUE_OPTIONAL; cmdOptions[ OI_Q_PASSWORD ].pValue = pszPassword; cmdOptions[ OI_Q_PASSWORD ].pFunction = NULL; cmdOptions[ 3 ].pFunctionData = NULL; lstrcpy( cmdOptions[ OI_Q_PASSWORD ].szValues, NULL_STRING ); lstrcpy( cmdOptions[ OI_Q_PASSWORD ].szOption, OPTION_PASSWORD );
// -fo (format)
lstrcpy(cmdOptions[ OI_Q_FORMAT ].szOption,OPTION_FORMAT); cmdOptions[ OI_Q_FORMAT ].dwFlags = CP_TYPE_TEXT|CP_VALUE_MANDATORY |CP_MODE_VALUES; cmdOptions[ OI_Q_FORMAT ].dwCount = 1; cmdOptions[ OI_Q_FORMAT ].dwActuals = 0; cmdOptions[ OI_Q_FORMAT ].pValue = pszFormat; lstrcpy(cmdOptions[ OI_Q_FORMAT ].szValues,FORMAT_OPTIONS); cmdOptions[ OI_Q_FORMAT ].pFunction = NULL; cmdOptions[ OI_Q_FORMAT ].pFunctionData = NULL;
//-nh (noheader)
lstrcpy(cmdOptions[ OI_Q_NO_HEADER ].szOption,OPTION_NOHEADER); cmdOptions[ OI_Q_NO_HEADER ].dwFlags = 0; cmdOptions[ OI_Q_NO_HEADER ].dwCount = 1; cmdOptions[ OI_Q_NO_HEADER ].dwActuals = 0; cmdOptions[ OI_Q_NO_HEADER ].pValue = pbShowNoHeader; lstrcpy(cmdOptions[ OI_Q_NO_HEADER ].szValues,NULL_STRING); cmdOptions[ OI_Q_NO_HEADER ].pFunction = NULL; cmdOptions[ OI_Q_NO_HEADER ].pFunctionData = NULL;
//-v verbose
lstrcpy(cmdOptions[ OI_Q_VERBOSE ].szOption,OPTION_VERBOSE); cmdOptions[ OI_Q_VERBOSE ].dwFlags = 0; cmdOptions[ OI_Q_VERBOSE ].dwCount = 1; cmdOptions[ OI_Q_VERBOSE ].dwActuals = 0; cmdOptions[ OI_Q_VERBOSE ].pValue = pbVerbose; lstrcpy(cmdOptions[ OI_Q_VERBOSE].szValues,NULL_STRING); cmdOptions[ OI_Q_VERBOSE ].pFunction = NULL; cmdOptions[ OI_Q_VERBOSE ].pFunctionData = NULL;
// init the password with '*'
if ( pszPassword != NULL ) lstrcpy( pszPassword, _T( "*" ) );
// do the command line parsing
if ( DoParseParam( argc,argv,MAX_QUERY_OPTIONS,cmdOptions ) == FALSE ) { ShowMessage(stderr,GetResString(IDS_ID_SHOW_ERROR)); return FALSE; // invalid syntax
// -n is allowed only with -fo TABLE (which is also default)
// and CSV
if((*pbShowNoHeader == TRUE) && ((lstrcmpi(pszFormat,GetResString(IDS_LIST))==0))) { lstrcpy(szTemp,GetResString(IDS_HEADER_NOT_ALLOWED)); lstrcat(szTemp,szTypeHelpMsg); SetReason(szTemp); return FALSE; }
// "-p" should not be specified without "-u"
if ( cmdOptions[ OI_Q_USER_NAME ].dwActuals == 0 && cmdOptions[ OI_Q_PASSWORD ].dwActuals != 0 ) { // invalid syntax
lstrcpy(szTemp,ERROR_PASSWORD_BUT_NOUSERNAME ); lstrcat(szTemp,szTypeHelpMsg); SetReason(szTemp); return FALSE; // indicate failure
if(*pbQuery==FALSE) { ShowMessage( stderr, GetResString(IDS_ID_SHOW_ERROR) ); SetReason(szTemp); return FALSE; } // "-u" should not be specified without "-s"
if ( cmdOptions[ OI_Q_SERVER_NAME ].dwActuals == 0 && cmdOptions[ OI_Q_USER_NAME ].dwActuals != 0 ) { // invalid syntax
lstrcpy(szTemp,ERROR_USERNAME_BUT_NOMACHINE); lstrcat(szTemp,szTypeHelpMsg); SetReason(szTemp); return FALSE; // indicate failure
} szTempString = pszServer; szTempString.TrimRight(); lstrcpy(pszServer,(LPCWSTR)szTempString); // server name with 0 length is invalid.
if((cmdOptions[ OI_Q_SERVER_NAME ].dwActuals != 0) && (lstrlen(pszServer)==0)) { lstrcpy(szTemp,GetResString(IDS_SERVER_EMPTY)); lstrcat(szTemp,szTypeHelpMsg); SetReason(szTemp); return FALSE; } // server name with 0 length is invalid.
szTempString = pszUserName; szTempString.TrimRight(); lstrcpy(pszUserName,(LPCWSTR)szTempString);
if((cmdOptions[ OI_Q_USER_NAME ].dwActuals != 0) && (lstrlen(pszUserName)==0)) { lstrcpy(szTemp,GetResString(IDS_USERNAME_EMPTY)); lstrcat(szTemp,szTypeHelpMsg); SetReason(szTemp); return FALSE; } // user given -p option and not given password
// so it is needed to prompt for password.
if ( cmdOptions[ OI_Q_PASSWORD ].dwActuals != 0 && pszPassword != NULL && lstrcmp( pszPassword, _T( "*" ) ) == 0 ) { // user wants the utility to prompt for the password before trying to connect
*pbNeedPassword = TRUE; } else if ( cmdOptions[ OI_Q_PASSWORD ].dwActuals == 0 && ( cmdOptions[ OI_Q_SERVER_NAME ].dwActuals != 0 || cmdOptions[ OI_Q_USER_NAME ].dwActuals != 0 ) ) { // -s, -u is specified without password ...
// utility needs to try to connect first and if it fails then prompt for the password
*pbNeedPassword = TRUE; if ( pszPassword != NULL ) { lstrcpy( pszPassword, _T( "" ) ); } }
return TRUE; } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Routine Description:
This function takes command line argument and checks for correct syntax and if the syntax is ok, it returns the values in different variables. variables [out] will contain respective values. This Functin specifically checks command line parameters requered for DISCONNECT option.
[in] argc - Number of command line arguments [in] argv - Array containing command line arguments [out] pbDisconnect - discoonect option string [out] pszServer - remote server name [out] pszUserName - username for the remote system [out] pszPassword - password for the remote system for the username [out] pszID - Open file ids [out] pszAccessedby - Name of user name who access the file [out] pszOpenmode - accessed mode (read/Write) [out] pszOpenFile - Open file name
Returned Value:
BOOL --True if it succeeds --False if it fails. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
BOOL ProcessOptions( DWORD argc, LPCTSTR argv[], PBOOL pbDisconnect, LPTSTR pszServer, LPTSTR pszUserName, LPTSTR pszPassword, LPTSTR pszID, LPTSTR pszAccessedby, LPTSTR pszOpenmode, LPTSTR pszOpenFile, PBOOL pbNeedPassword) { // Check in/out parameters...
if((pszServer == NULL)||(pszUserName==NULL)||(pszPassword==NULL)|| (pszID == NULL)||(pszAccessedby==NULL)|| (pszAccessedby == NULL)|| (pszOpenmode == NULL)||(pszOpenFile==NULL)) { SetLastError(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); DISPLAY_MESSAGE(stderr,GetResString(IDS_ID_SHOW_ERROR)); return FALSE; // Memory ERROR
TCMDPARSER cmdOptions[ MAX_DISCONNECT_OPTIONS ];//Variable to store command line
CHString szTempString; TCHAR szTemp[MAX_RES_STRING*2]; TCHAR szTypeHelpMsg[MAX_RES_STRING];
DWORD dwRetVal = 0;
szTempString = GetResString(IDS_UTILITY_NAME); wsprintf(szTemp,GetResString(IDS_INVALID_SYNTAX),(LPCWSTR)szTempString); wsprintf(szTypeHelpMsg,GetResString(IDS_TYPE_D_HELP),(LPCWSTR)szTempString); //
// prepare the command options
// -disconnect option for help
cmdOptions[ OI_D_DISCONNECT ].dwCount = 1; cmdOptions[ OI_D_DISCONNECT ].dwActuals = 0; cmdOptions[ OI_D_DISCONNECT ].dwFlags = CP_MAIN_OPTION ; cmdOptions[ OI_D_DISCONNECT ].pValue = pbDisconnect; cmdOptions[ OI_D_DISCONNECT ].pFunction = NULL; cmdOptions[ OI_D_DISCONNECT ].pFunctionData = NULL; lstrcpy( cmdOptions[ OI_D_DISCONNECT ].szValues, NULL_STRING ); lstrcpy( cmdOptions[ OI_D_DISCONNECT ].szOption, OPTION_DISCONNECT );
// -s option remote system name
cmdOptions[ OI_D_SERVER_NAME ].dwCount = 1; cmdOptions[ OI_D_SERVER_NAME ].dwActuals = 0; cmdOptions[ OI_D_SERVER_NAME ].dwFlags = CP_TYPE_TEXT | CP_VALUE_MANDATORY; cmdOptions[ OI_D_SERVER_NAME ].pValue = pszServer; cmdOptions[ OI_D_SERVER_NAME ].pFunction = NULL; cmdOptions[ OI_D_SERVER_NAME ].pFunctionData = NULL; lstrcpy( cmdOptions[ OI_D_SERVER_NAME ].szValues, NULL_STRING ); lstrcpy( cmdOptions[ OI_D_SERVER_NAME ].szOption, OPTION_SERVER );
// -u option user name for the specified system
cmdOptions[ OI_D_USER_NAME ].dwCount = 1; cmdOptions[ OI_D_USER_NAME ].dwActuals = 0; cmdOptions[ OI_D_USER_NAME ].dwFlags = CP_TYPE_TEXT | CP_VALUE_MANDATORY; cmdOptions[ OI_D_USER_NAME ].pValue = pszUserName; cmdOptions[ OI_D_USER_NAME ].pFunction = NULL; cmdOptions[ OI_D_USER_NAME ].pFunctionData = NULL; lstrcpy( cmdOptions[ OI_D_USER_NAME ].szValues, NULL_STRING ); lstrcpy( cmdOptions[ OI_D_USER_NAME ].szOption, OPTION_USERNAME );
// -p option password for the given username
cmdOptions[ OI_D_PASSWORD ].dwCount = 1; cmdOptions[ OI_D_PASSWORD ].dwActuals = 0; cmdOptions[ OI_D_PASSWORD ].dwFlags = CP_TYPE_TEXT | CP_VALUE_OPTIONAL; cmdOptions[ OI_D_PASSWORD ].pValue = pszPassword; cmdOptions[ OI_D_PASSWORD ].pFunction = NULL; cmdOptions[ OI_D_PASSWORD ].pFunctionData = NULL; lstrcpy( cmdOptions[ OI_D_PASSWORD ].szValues, NULL_STRING ); lstrcpy( cmdOptions[ OI_D_PASSWORD ].szOption, OPTION_PASSWORD );
// -id Values
cmdOptions[ OI_D_ID ].dwCount = 1; cmdOptions[ OI_D_ID ].dwActuals = 0; cmdOptions[ OI_D_ID ].dwFlags = CP_TYPE_TEXT | CP_VALUE_MANDATORY; cmdOptions[ OI_D_ID ].pValue = pszID; cmdOptions[ OI_D_ID ].pFunction = NULL; cmdOptions[ OI_D_ID ].pFunctionData = NULL; lstrcpy( cmdOptions[ OI_D_ID ].szValues, NULL_STRING ); lstrcpy( cmdOptions[ OI_D_ID ].szOption, OPTION_ID );
// -a (accessed by)
cmdOptions[ OI_D_ACCESSED_BY ].dwCount = 1; cmdOptions[ OI_D_ACCESSED_BY ].dwActuals = 0; cmdOptions[ OI_D_ACCESSED_BY ].dwFlags = CP_TYPE_TEXT | CP_VALUE_MANDATORY;; cmdOptions[ OI_D_ACCESSED_BY ].pValue = pszAccessedby; cmdOptions[ OI_D_ACCESSED_BY].pFunction = NULL; cmdOptions[ OI_D_ACCESSED_BY ].pFunctionData = NULL; lstrcpy( cmdOptions[ OI_D_ACCESSED_BY ].szValues, NULL_STRING ); lstrcpy( cmdOptions[ OI_D_ACCESSED_BY ].szOption, OPTION_ACCESSEDBY );
// -o (openmode)
cmdOptions[ OI_D_OPEN_MODE ].dwCount = 1; cmdOptions[ OI_D_OPEN_MODE].dwActuals = 0; cmdOptions[ OI_D_OPEN_MODE ].dwFlags = CP_VALUE_MANDATORY | CP_MODE_VALUES| CP_TYPE_TEXT; cmdOptions[ OI_D_OPEN_MODE ].pValue = pszOpenmode; cmdOptions[ OI_D_OPEN_MODE ].pFunction = NULL; cmdOptions[ OI_D_OPEN_MODE ].pFunctionData = NULL; lstrcpy(cmdOptions[ OI_D_OPEN_MODE ].szValues,GetResString(IDS_OPENMODE_OPTION)); lstrcpy(cmdOptions[ OI_D_OPEN_MODE ].szOption, OPTION_OPENMODE );
// -op (openfile)
cmdOptions[ OI_D_OPEN_FILE ].dwCount = 1; cmdOptions[ OI_D_OPEN_FILE ].dwActuals = 0; cmdOptions[ OI_D_OPEN_FILE ].dwFlags = CP_TYPE_TEXT | CP_VALUE_MANDATORY;; cmdOptions[ OI_D_OPEN_FILE ].pValue = pszOpenFile; cmdOptions[ OI_D_OPEN_FILE ].pFunction = NULL; cmdOptions[ OI_D_OPEN_FILE ].pFunctionData = NULL; lstrcpy( cmdOptions[ OI_D_OPEN_FILE ].szValues, NULL_STRING ); lstrcpy( cmdOptions[ OI_D_OPEN_FILE ].szOption, OPTION_OPENFILE );
// init the passsword variable with '*'
if ( pszPassword != NULL ) lstrcpy( pszPassword, _T( "*" ) );
// do the command line parsing
if ( DoParseParam( argc,argv,MAX_DISCONNECT_OPTIONS ,cmdOptions ) == FALSE ) { ShowMessage(stderr,GetResString(IDS_ID_SHOW_ERROR)); return FALSE; // invalid syntax
} if(*pbDisconnect==FALSE) { ShowMessage( stderr, GetResString(IDS_ID_SHOW_ERROR) ); SetReason(szTemp); return FALSE; } // At least one of -id OR -a OR -o is required.
if((cmdOptions[ OI_D_ID ].dwActuals==0)&& (cmdOptions[ OI_D_ACCESSED_BY ].dwActuals==0)&& (cmdOptions[ OI_D_OPEN_MODE ].dwActuals==0) ) { lstrcpy(szTemp,GetResString(IDS_NO_ID_ACC_OF)); lstrcat(szTemp,szTypeHelpMsg); SetReason(szTemp); return FALSE; }
// "-u" should not be specified without "-s"
if ( cmdOptions[ OI_D_SERVER_NAME ].dwActuals == 0 && cmdOptions[ OI_D_USER_NAME ].dwActuals != 0 ) { // invalid syntax
lstrcpy(szTemp,ERROR_USERNAME_BUT_NOMACHINE); lstrcat(szTemp,szTypeHelpMsg); SetReason(szTemp); return FALSE; // indicate failure
} // "-p" should not be specified without "-u"
if ( cmdOptions[ OI_D_USER_NAME ].dwActuals == 0 && cmdOptions[ OI_D_PASSWORD ].dwActuals != 0 ) { // invalid syntax
lstrcpy(szTemp,ERROR_PASSWORD_BUT_NOUSERNAME ); lstrcat(szTemp,szTypeHelpMsg); SetReason(szTemp); return FALSE; // indicate failure
szTempString = pszServer; szTempString.TrimRight(); lstrcpy(pszServer,(LPCWSTR)szTempString); // server name with 0 length is invalid.
if((cmdOptions[ OI_D_SERVER_NAME ].dwActuals != 0) && (lstrlen(pszServer)==0)) { lstrcpy(szTemp,GetResString(IDS_SERVER_EMPTY)); lstrcat(szTemp,szTypeHelpMsg); SetReason(szTemp); return FALSE; } // server name with 0 length is invalid.
szTempString = pszUserName; szTempString.TrimRight(); lstrcpy(pszUserName,(LPCWSTR)szTempString);
if((cmdOptions[ OI_D_USER_NAME ].dwActuals != 0) && (lstrlen(pszUserName)==0)) { lstrcpy(szTemp,GetResString(IDS_USERNAME_EMPTY)); lstrcat(szTemp,szTypeHelpMsg); SetReason(szTemp); return FALSE; } // user given -p option and not given password
// so it is needed to prompt for password.
if ( cmdOptions[ OI_D_PASSWORD ].dwActuals != 0 && pszPassword != NULL && lstrcmp( pszPassword, _T( "*" ) ) == 0 ) { // user wants the utility to prompt for the password before trying to connect
*pbNeedPassword = TRUE; } else if ( cmdOptions[ OI_D_PASSWORD ].dwActuals == 0 && ( cmdOptions[ OI_D_SERVER_NAME ].dwActuals != 0 || cmdOptions[ OI_D_USER_NAME ].dwActuals != 0 ) ) { // -s, -u is specified without password ...
// utility needs to try to connect first and if it fails then prompt for the password
*pbNeedPassword = TRUE; if ( pszPassword != NULL ) { lstrcpy( pszPassword, _T( "" ) ); } }
// Check if Accessed by is not given as and empty string
// or a string having only spaces....
szTempString = pszAccessedby; szTempString.TrimRight(); lstrcpy(pszAccessedby,(LPCWSTR)szTempString); if((cmdOptions[ OI_D_ACCESSED_BY ].dwActuals != 0) && (lstrlen(pszAccessedby) == 0)) { lstrcpy(szTemp,GetResString(IDS_ACCESSBY_EMPTY)); lstrcat(szTemp,szTypeHelpMsg); SetReason(szTemp); return FALSE; }
// Check if Open File is not given as and empty string
// or a string having only spaces....
szTempString = pszOpenFile; szTempString.TrimRight(); lstrcpy(pszOpenFile,(LPCWSTR)szTempString); if((cmdOptions[ OI_D_OPEN_FILE ].dwActuals != 0) && (lstrlen(pszOpenFile) == 0)) { lstrcpy(szTemp,GetResString(IDS_OPEN_FILE_EMPTY)); lstrcat(szTemp,szTypeHelpMsg); SetReason(szTemp); return FALSE; } // Check if -id option is given and if it is numeric ,
// also if it is numeric then check its range
if((IsNumeric((LPCTSTR)pszID,10,TRUE)==TRUE)&& (cmdOptions[ OI_D_ID ].dwActuals==1)) { if((AsLong((LPCTSTR)pszID,10)>UINT_MAX) || (AsLong((LPCTSTR)pszID,10)<1)) { // Message shown on screen will be...
// ERROR: Invlid ID.
lstrcpy(szTemp,GetResString(IDS_ERROR_ID)); lstrcat(szTemp,szTypeHelpMsg); SetReason(szTemp); return FALSE; }
} // check user given "*" or any junk string....
if(!((lstrcmp((LPCTSTR)pszID,ASTERIX)==0)|| (IsNumeric((LPCTSTR)pszID,10,TRUE)==TRUE)) &&(lstrlen((LPCTSTR)pszID)!=0)) { // Message shown on screen will be...
// ERROR: Invlid ID.
lstrcpy(szTemp,GetResString(IDS_ERROR_ID)); lstrcat(szTemp,szTypeHelpMsg); SetReason(szTemp); return FALSE; } return TRUE; } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Routine Description:
Displays how to use -disconnect option
Returned Value:
None -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ VOID DisconnectUsage() { // local variables
DWORD dw = 0;
// start displaying the usage
for( dw = IDS_HELP_LINE1; dw <= IDS_HELP_LINE_END; dw++ ) ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( dw ) ); }//DisconnectUsage
Routine Description:
Displays how to use -query option
Returned Value:
None -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ VOID QueryUsage() { // local variables
DWORD dw = 0;
// start displaying the usage
for( dw = IDS_HELP_QUERY1; dw <= IDS_HELP_QUERY_END; dw++ ) ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( dw ) ); }//query Usage
Routine Description:
Displays how to use this Utility
Returned Value:
None -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ VOID Usage() { // local variables
DWORD dw = 0;
// start displaying the usage
for( dw = IDS_HELP_MAIN1; dw <= IDS_HELP_MAIN_END; dw++ ) ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( dw ) );
Routine Description:
Displays how to use -local option
Returned Value:
None -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ VOID LocalUsage() { // local variables
DWORD dw = 0;
// start displaying the usage
for( dw = IDS_HELP_LOCAL1; dw <= IDS_HELP_LOCAL_END; dw++ ) ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( dw ) );
Routine Description:
Returned Value:
None -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
DWORD CheckSystemType(LPTSTR szServer) { DWORD dwSystemType = 0 ; #ifndef _WIN64
//display the error message if the target system is a 64 bit system or if error occured in
//retreiving the information
dwSystemType = GetCPUInfo(szServer); if(dwSystemType == ERROR_RETREIVE_REGISTRY) { DISPLAY_MESSAGE(stderr,GetResString(IDS_ERROR_SYSTEM_INFO)); return (EXIT_FAILURE); } if(dwSystemType == SYSTEM_64_BIT) { if(lstrlen(szServer)== 0 ) { DISPLAY_MESSAGE(stderr,GetResString(IDS_ERROR_VERSION_MISMATCH)); } else { DISPLAY_MESSAGE(stderr,GetResString(IDS_REMOTE_NOT_SUPPORTED)); } return (EXIT_FAILURE);
return EXIT_SUCCESS ; }
// ***************************************************************************
// Name : GetCPUInfo
// Routine Description : determines if the computer is 32 bit system or 64 bit
// Arguments :
// [ in ] szComputerName : System name
// Return Type : BOOL
// TRUE : if the system is a 32 bit system
// FALSE : if the system is a 64 bit system
// ***************************************************************************
DWORD GetCPUInfo(LPTSTR szComputerName) { HKEY hKey1 = 0;
DWORD dwValueSize = MAX_STRING_LENGTH + 1; DWORD dwRetCode = ERROR_SUCCESS; DWORD dwError = 0; TCHAR szTmpCompName[MAX_STRING_LENGTH+1] = NULL_STRING; TCHAR szTemp[MAX_RES_STRING+1] = NULL_STRING ; DWORD len = lstrlen(szTemp); TCHAR szVal[MAX_RES_STRING+1] = NULL_STRING ; DWORD dwLength = MAX_STRING_LENGTH ; LPTSTR szReturnValue = NULL ; DWORD dwCode = 0 ; szReturnValue = ( LPTSTR ) malloc( dwLength*sizeof( TCHAR ) ); if(szReturnValue == NULL) { return ERROR_RETREIVE_REGISTRY ; }
if(lstrlen(szComputerName)!= 0 ) { lstrcpy(szTmpCompName,TOKEN_BACKSLASH4); lstrcat(szTmpCompName,szComputerName); } else { lstrcpy(szTmpCompName,szComputerName); } // Get Remote computer local machine key
dwError = RegConnectRegistry(szTmpCompName,HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,&hRemoteKey); if (dwError == ERROR_SUCCESS) { dwError = RegOpenKeyEx(hRemoteKey,szPath,0,KEY_READ,&hKey1); if (dwError == ERROR_SUCCESS) { dwRetCode = RegQueryValueEx(hKey1, IDENTIFIER_VALUE, NULL, NULL,(LPBYTE) szReturnValue, &dwValueSize); if (dwRetCode == ERROR_MORE_DATA) { szReturnValue = ( LPTSTR ) realloc( szReturnValue , dwValueSize * sizeof( TCHAR ) ); dwRetCode = RegQueryValueEx(hKey1, IDENTIFIER_VALUE, NULL, NULL,(LPBYTE) szReturnValue, &dwValueSize); } if(dwRetCode != ERROR_SUCCESS) { RegCloseKey(hKey1); RegCloseKey(hRemoteKey); return ERROR_RETREIVE_REGISTRY ; } } else { RegCloseKey(hRemoteKey); return ERROR_RETREIVE_REGISTRY ;
} RegCloseKey(hKey1); } else { RegCloseKey(hRemoteKey); return ERROR_RETREIVE_REGISTRY ; } RegCloseKey(hRemoteKey); lstrcpy(szVal,X86_MACHINE);
//check if the specified system contains the words x86 (belongs to the 32 )
// set the flag to true if the specified system is 64 bit .
if( !_tcsstr(szReturnValue,szVal)) { dwCode = SYSTEM_64_BIT ; } else { dwCode = SYSTEM_32_BIT ; }
SAFEFREE(szReturnValue); return dwCode ;
Routine Description:
Returned Value:
None -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
DWORD CheckSystemType64(LPTSTR szServer) { DWORD dwSystemType = 0 ; #ifdef _WIN64
//display the error message if the target system is a 64 bit system or if error occured in
//retreiving the information
dwSystemType = GetCPUInfo(szServer); if(dwSystemType == ERROR_RETREIVE_REGISTRY) { DISPLAY_MESSAGE(stderr,GetResString(IDS_ERROR_SYSTEM_INFO)); return (EXIT_FAILURE); } if(dwSystemType == SYSTEM_32_BIT) { if(lstrlen(szServer)== 0 ) { DISPLAY_MESSAGE(stderr,GetResString(IDS_ERROR_VERSION_MISMATCH1)); } else { DISPLAY_MESSAGE(stderr,GetResString(IDS_REMOTE_NOT_SUPPORTED1)); } return (EXIT_FAILURE);
return EXIT_SUCCESS ; }