Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation
Module Name: Query.CPP
Abstract: This module deals with Query functionality of OpenFiles.exe NT command line utility.
Author: Akhil Gokhale (akhil.gokhale@wipro.com) 1-Nov-2000 Revision History: Akhil Gokhale (akhil.gokhale@wipro.com) 1-Nov-2000 : Created It.
*****************************************************************************/ #include "pch.h"
#include "query.h"
Routine Description:
This function Queries for all open files in for the server and display them.
[in] pszServer : Will have the server name. [in] bShowNoHeader : Will have the value whether to show header or not. [in] pszFormat : Will have the format required to show the result. [in] bVerbose : Will have the value whether to show verbose result.
Return Value: TRUE if query successful else FALSE ******************************************************************************/
BOOL DoQuery(PTCHAR pszServer, BOOL bShowNoHeader, PTCHAR pszFormat, BOOL bVerbose) {
CHString szCHString; DWORD dwEntriesRead = 0;// Receives the count of elements actually
// enumerated by "NetFileEnum" function
DWORD dwTotalEntries = 0;//Receives the total number of entries that could
//have been enumerated from the current
//resume position by "NetFileEnum" function
DWORD dwResumeHandle = 0;//Contains a resume handle which is used to
//continue an existing file search.
//The handle should be zero on the first call and
//left unchanged for subsequent calls.
//If resume_handle is NULL,
//then no resume handle is stored. This variable
// used in calling "NetFileEnum" function.
BOOL bAtLeastOne = FALSE;//Contains the state whether at least one record
//found for this query
DWORD dwFormat = SR_FORMAT_TABLE;//Stores format flag required to show
// result on console. Default format
//is TABLE
LPFILE_INFO_3 pFileInfo3_1 = NULL;// LPFILE_INFO_3 structure contains the
// identification number and other
// pertinent information about files,
// devices, and pipes.
LPSERVER_INFO_100 pServerInfo = NULL;//The SERVER_INFO_100 structure
//contains information about the
//specified server, including the name
//and platform
DWORD dwError = 0;//Contains return value for "NetFileEnum" function
LONG lRowNo = 0;// Row index variable
LPTSTR pszServerType = new TCHAR[MIN_MEMORY_REQUIRED+1];//Stores server type
// information
// AfpAdminConnect and AfpAdminFileEnum functions are undocumented function
// and used only for MAC client.
CONNECTPROC AfpAdminConnect = NULL; // Function Pointer
FILEENUMPROC AfpAdminFileEnum = NULL;// Function Pointer
MEMFREEPROC AfpAdminBufferFree = NULL; // Function Pointer
HMODULE hModule = 0; // To store retval for LoadLibrary
DWORD dwIndx = 0; // Indx variable
DWORD dwRow = 0; // Row No indx.
//server name to be shown
LPTSTR pszServerNameToShow = new TCHAR[MIN_MEMORY_REQUIRED+ 1]; LPTSTR pszTemp = new TCHAR[MIN_MEMORY_REQUIRED+ 1]; //Some column required to hide in non verbose mode query
TARRAY pColData = CreateDynamicArray();//array to stores
if((pszServerNameToShow == NULL)|| (pszServerType == NULL)|| (pColData == NULL)|| (pszTemp == NULL)) { SetLastError(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); DISPLAY_MESSAGE(stderr,GetResString(IDS_ID_SHOW_ERROR)); ShowLastError(stderr); SAFEDELETE(pszServerNameToShow); SAFEDELETE(pszServerType); SAFERELDYNARRAY(pColData); SAFEDELETE(pszTemp); return FALSE; } // Initialize allocated arrays
memset(pszServerNameToShow,0,MIN_MEMORY_REQUIRED*sizeof(TCHAR)); memset(pszServerType,0,MIN_MEMORY_REQUIRED*sizeof(TCHAR));
// Fill column headers with TEXT.
lstrcpy(pMainCols[0].szColumn, COL_HOSTNAME); lstrcpy(pMainCols[1].szColumn, COL_ID); lstrcpy(pMainCols[2].szColumn, COL_ACCESSED_BY); lstrcpy(pMainCols[3].szColumn, COL_TYPE); lstrcpy(pMainCols[4].szColumn, COL_LOCK); lstrcpy(pMainCols[5].szColumn, COL_OPEN_MODE); lstrcpy(pMainCols[6].szColumn, COL_OPEN_FILE); if(pszFormat!=NULL) { if(lstrcmpi(pszFormat,GetResString(IDS_LIST))==0) { dwFormat = SR_FORMAT_LIST; } else if(lstrcmpi(pszFormat,GetResString(IDS_CSV))==0) { dwFormat = SR_FORMAT_CSV; } }
// Check if local machine
if((pszServer == NULL)|| (IsLocalSystem(pszServer)==TRUE)) { DWORD dwBuffLength; dwBuffLength = MAX_COMPUTERNAME_LENGTH + 1 ; // Gets the name of computer for local machine.
GetComputerName(pszServerNameToShow,&dwBuffLength); // Show Local Open files
DoLocalOpenFiles (dwFormat,bShowNoHeader,bVerbose,NULL_STRING); ShowMessage(stdout,GetResString(IDS_SHARED_OPEN_FILES)); ShowMessage(stdout,GetResString(IDS_LOCAL_OPEN_FILES_SP2)); } else { // pszServername can be changed in GetHostName function
// so a copy of pszServer is passed.
lstrcpy(pszServerNameToShow, pszServer); if(GetHostName(pszServerNameToShow)==FALSE) { SAFEDELETE(pszServerNameToShow); SAFEDELETE(pszServerType); SAFERELDYNARRAY(pColData); SAFEDELETE(pszTemp);
return FALSE; } }
// Server type is "Windows" as NetFileEnum enumerates file only for
// files opened for windows client
lstrcpy(pszServerType,GetResString(IDS_STRING_WINDOWS)); do { //The NetFileEnum function returns information about some
// or all open files (from Windows client) on a server
dwError = NetFileEnum( pszServer, NULL, NULL, 3, (LPBYTE*)&pFileInfo3_1, MAX_PREFERRED_LENGTH, &dwEntriesRead, &dwTotalEntries, (PDWORD_PTR)&dwResumeHandle );
if(dwError == ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED) { SetLastError(ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED); DISPLAY_MESSAGE(stderr,GetResString(IDS_ID_SHOW_ERROR)); ShowLastError(stderr); SAFEDELETE(pszServerNameToShow); SAFEDELETE(pszServerType); SAFERELDYNARRAY(pColData); SAFEDELETE(pszTemp);
return FALSE; } if( dwError == NERR_Success || dwError == ERROR_MORE_DATA ) {
for ( dwIndx = 0; dwIndx < dwEntriesRead; dwIndx++, pFileInfo3_1++ ) {
// Now fill the result to dynamic array "pColData"
DynArrayAppendRow( pColData, 0 ); // Hostname
DynArrayAppendString2(pColData,dwRow,pszServerNameToShow,0); // id
wsprintf(pszTemp,_T("%lu"),pFileInfo3_1->fi3_id); DynArrayAppendString2(pColData ,dwRow,pszTemp,0); // Accessed By
if(lstrlen(pFileInfo3_1->fi3_username)<=0) { DynArrayAppendString2(pColData,dwRow, GetResString(IDS_NA),0);
} else { DynArrayAppendString2(pColData,dwRow, pFileInfo3_1->fi3_username,0);
} // Type
DynArrayAppendString2(pColData,dwRow,pszServerType,0); // Locks
wsprintf(pszTemp,_T("%ld"),pFileInfo3_1->fi3_num_locks); DynArrayAppendString2(pColData ,dwRow,pszTemp,0);
// Checks for open file mode
if((pFileInfo3_1->fi3_permissions & PERM_FILE_READ)&& (pFileInfo3_1->fi3_permissions & PERM_FILE_WRITE )) { DynArrayAppendString2(pColData,dwRow, GetResString(IDS_READ_WRITE),0); } else if(pFileInfo3_1->fi3_permissions & PERM_FILE_WRITE ) { DynArrayAppendString2(pColData,dwRow, GetResString(IDS_WRITE),0);
} else if(pFileInfo3_1->fi3_permissions & PERM_FILE_READ ) { DynArrayAppendString2(pColData,dwRow, GetResString(IDS_READ),0); } else { DynArrayAppendString2(pColData,dwRow, GetResString(IDS_NOACCESS),0);
// If show result is table mode and if
// open file length is gerater than
// column with, Open File string cut from right
// by COL_WIDTH_OPEN_FILE-5 and "..." will be
// inserted before the string.
// Example o/p: ...notepad.exe
szCHString = pFileInfo3_1->fi3_pathname; if(bVerbose==FALSE) { if((szCHString.GetLength()>(COL_WIDTH_OPEN_FILE-5))&& (dwFormat == SR_FORMAT_TABLE)) { // If file path is too big to fit in column width
// then it is cut like..
// c:\...\rest_of_the_path.
CHString szTemp = szCHString.Right(COL_WIDTH_OPEN_FILE-5);; DWORD dwTemp = szTemp.GetLength(); szTemp = szTemp.Mid(szTemp.Find(SINGLE_SLASH), dwTemp); szCHString.Format(L"%s%s%s",szCHString.Mid(0,3), DOT_DOT, szTemp); pMainCols[6].dwWidth = COL_WIDTH_OPEN_FILE+1; } } else {
pMainCols[6].dwWidth = 80; }
// Open File name
DynArrayAppendString2(pColData,dwRow, (LPCWSTR)szCHString,0); bAtLeastOne = TRUE; dwRow++; }// Enf for loop
} // Free the block
if( pFileInfo3_1 !=NULL) { NetApiBufferFree( pFileInfo3_1 ); pFileInfo3_1 = NULL; }
} while ( dwError == ERROR_MORE_DATA );
// Now Enumerate Open files for MAC Client..................
// Server type is "Machintosh" as AfpAdminFileEnum enumerates file only for
// files opened for Mac client
lstrcpy(pszServerType,MAC_OS); do {
// DLL required stored always in \windows\system32 directory....
// so get windows directory first.
if(GetSystemDirectory(szDllPath, MAX_PATH)!= 0) { lstrcat(szDllPath,MAC_DLL_FILE_NAME); // appending dll file name
hModule = ::LoadLibrary (szDllPath);
if(hModule==NULL) { DISPLAY_MESSAGE(stderr,GetResString(IDS_ID_SHOW_ERROR)); ShowLastError(stderr); // Shows the error string set by API function.
SAFEDELETE(pszServerNameToShow); SAFEDELETE(pszServerType); SAFERELDYNARRAY(pColData); SAFEDELETE(pszTemp); return FALSE;
} } else { DISPLAY_MESSAGE(stderr,GetResString(IDS_ID_SHOW_ERROR)); ShowLastError(stderr); // Shows the error string set by API function.
SAFEDELETE(pszServerNameToShow); SAFEDELETE(pszServerType); SAFERELDYNARRAY(pColData); SAFEDELETE(pszTemp); return FALSE; }
AfpAdminConnect = (CONNECTPROC)::GetProcAddress (hModule,"AfpAdminConnect"); AfpAdminFileEnum = (FILEENUMPROC)::GetProcAddress (hModule,"AfpAdminFileEnum"); AfpAdminBufferFree = (MEMFREEPROC)::GetProcAddress (hModule,"AfpAdminBufferFree");
if((AfpAdminConnect == NULL) || (AfpAdminFileEnum == NULL) || (AfpAdminBufferFree == NULL)) { DISPLAY_MESSAGE(stderr,GetResString(IDS_ID_SHOW_ERROR)); ShowLastError(stderr); // Shows the error string set by API function.
SAFEDELETE(pszServerNameToShow); SAFEDELETE(pszServerType); SAFERELDYNARRAY(pColData); SAFEDELETE(pszTemp); FREE_LIBRARY(hModule); return FALSE; }
// Connection ID is required for AfpAdminFileEnum function.
// So connect to server to get connect id...
DWORD retval_connect = AfpAdminConnect(const_cast<LPWSTR>(pszServer), &ulSFMServerConnection ); if(retval_connect!=0) { DISPLAY_MESSAGE(stderr,GetResString(IDS_ID_SHOW_ERROR)); ShowLastError(stderr); // Shows the error string set by API function.
SAFEDELETE(pszServerNameToShow); SAFEDELETE(pszServerType); SAFERELDYNARRAY(pColData); SAFEDELETE(pszTemp); FREE_LIBRARY(hModule); return FALSE; }
//The AfpAdminFileEnum function returns information about some
// or all open files (from MAC client) on a server
dwError = AfpAdminFileEnum( ulSFMServerConnection, (PBYTE*)&pFileInfo, (DWORD)-1L, &dwEntriesRead, &dwTotalEntries, &hEnumHandle ); if(dwError == ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED) { SetLastError(ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED); DISPLAY_MESSAGE(stderr,GetResString(IDS_ID_SHOW_ERROR)); ShowLastError(stderr); SAFEDELETE(pszServerNameToShow); SAFEDELETE(pszServerType); SAFERELDYNARRAY(pColData); SAFEDELETE(pszTemp); FREE_LIBRARY(hModule); return FALSE; }
if( dwError == NERR_Success || dwError == ERROR_MORE_DATA ) {
for ( dwIndx = 0 ; dwIndx < dwEntriesRead; dwIndx++, pFileInfo++ ) { // Now fill the result to dynamic array "pColData"
DynArrayAppendRow( pColData, 0 ); // Hostname
DynArrayAppendString2(pColData,dwRow,pszServerNameToShow,0); // id
wsprintf(pszTemp,_T("%lu"),pFileInfo->afpfile_id ); DynArrayAppendString2(pColData ,dwRow,pszTemp,0); // Accessed By
if(lstrlen(pFileInfo->afpfile_username )<=0) { DynArrayAppendString2(pColData,dwRow, GetResString(IDS_NA),0);
} else { DynArrayAppendString2(pColData,dwRow, pFileInfo->afpfile_username,0);
} // Server Type
DynArrayAppendString2(pColData,dwRow,pszServerType,0); // Locks
wsprintf(pszTemp,_T("%ld"),pFileInfo->afpfile_num_locks ); DynArrayAppendString2(pColData ,dwRow,pszTemp,0);
// Checks for open file mode
if((pFileInfo->afpfile_open_mode & AFP_OPEN_MODE_READ)&& (pFileInfo->afpfile_open_mode & AFP_OPEN_MODE_WRITE )) { DynArrayAppendString2(pColData,dwRow, GetResString(IDS_READ_WRITE),0); } else if(pFileInfo->afpfile_open_mode & AFP_OPEN_MODE_WRITE ) { DynArrayAppendString2(pColData,dwRow, GetResString(IDS_WRITE),0);
} else if(pFileInfo->afpfile_open_mode & AFP_OPEN_MODE_READ ) { DynArrayAppendString2(pColData,dwRow, GetResString(IDS_READ),0); } else { DynArrayAppendString2(pColData,dwRow, GetResString(IDS_NOACCESS),0); } // If show result is table mode and if
// open file length is gerater than
// column with, Open File string cut from right
// by COL_WIDTH_OPEN_FILE-5 and "..." will be
// inserted before the string.
// Example o/p: ...notepad.exe
szCHString = pFileInfo->afpfile_path ; if(bVerbose==FALSE) { if((szCHString.GetLength()>(COL_WIDTH_OPEN_FILE-5))&& (dwFormat == SR_FORMAT_TABLE)) { // If file path is too big to fit in column width
// then it is cut like..
// c:\...\rest_of_the_path.
CHString szTemp = szCHString.Right(COL_WIDTH_OPEN_FILE-5);; DWORD dwTemp = szTemp.GetLength(); szTemp = szTemp.Mid(szTemp.Find(SINGLE_SLASH), dwTemp); szCHString.Format(L"%s%s%s",szCHString.Mid(0,3), DOT_DOT, szTemp); pMainCols[6].dwWidth = COL_WIDTH_OPEN_FILE+1; } } else {
pMainCols[6].dwWidth = 80; }
// Open File name
DynArrayAppendString2(pColData,dwRow, (LPCWSTR)szCHString,0); bAtLeastOne = TRUE; dwRow++; }// Enf for loop
} // Free the block
if( pFileInfo!=NULL) { AfpAdminBufferFree( pFileInfo ); pFileInfo = NULL; }
} while ( dwError == ERROR_MORE_DATA );
if(bAtLeastOne==FALSE)// if not a single open file found, show info
// as - INFO: No open file found.
{ ShowMessage(stdout,GetResString(IDS_NO_OPENFILES)); } else {
// Display output result.
if(bShowNoHeader==TRUE) { dwFormat |=SR_NOHEADER; } //Output should start after one blank line
ShowMessage(stdout,BLANK_LINE); ShowResults(MAX_OUTPUT_COLUMN,pMainCols,dwFormat,pColData); // Destroy dynamic array.
} SAFEDELETE(pszServerNameToShow); SAFEDELETE(pszServerType); SAFERELDYNARRAY(pColData); SAFEDELETE(pszTemp); FREE_LIBRARY(hModule);
return TRUE; } // ***************************************************************************
// Routine Description:
// This routine gets Hostname of remote computer
// Arguments:
// [in/out] pszServer = ServerName
// Return Value:
// TRUE : if server name retured successfully
// FALSE: otherwise
// ***************************************************************************
BOOL GetHostName(PTCHAR pszServer) { if(pszServer == NULL) return FALSE; BOOL bReturnValue = FALSE; // function return state.
char* pszServerName = new char[MIN_MEMORY_REQUIRED+1];//char is used as winsock
// required these type.
HOSTENT* hostEnt = NULL;//The Windows Sockets hostEnt structure is
//used by functions to store information
//about a given host.
WORD wVersionRequested; //Variable used to store highest version
//number that Windows Sockets can support.
// The high-order byte specifies the minor
// version (revision) number; the low-order
// byte specifies the major version number
WSADATA wsaData;//Variable receive details of the Windows Sockets
DWORD dwErr; // strore error code
if(pszServerName==NULL) { SetLastError(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); DISPLAY_MESSAGE(stderr,GetResString(IDS_ID_SHOW_ERROR)); //Release allocated memory safely
ShowLastError(stderr); return FALSE; } wVersionRequested = MAKEWORD( 2, 2 ); //WSAStartup function initiates use of
//Ws2_32.dll by a process
dwErr = WSAStartup( wVersionRequested, &wsaData ); if(dwErr!=0) { SetLastError(WSAGetLastError()); DISPLAY_MESSAGE(stderr,GetResString(IDS_ID_SHOW_ERROR)); ShowLastError(stderr); return FALSE; } // Initialize arrays...
memset(pszServerName,0,MIN_MEMORY_REQUIRED); GetAsMultiByteString(pszServer,pszServerName,MIN_MEMORY_REQUIRED); if(IsValidIPAddress(pszServer)) { unsigned long ulInetAddr = 0;//unsigned long is used as winsock
// required this type. Variable
// used
// inet_addr function converts a string containing an
//(Ipv4) Internet Protocol dotted address into a proper
//address for the IN_ADDR structure.
ulInetAddr = inet_addr( pszServerName ); // gethostbyaddr function retrieves the host information
//corresponding to a network address.
hostEnt = gethostbyaddr( (char *) &ulInetAddr, sizeof( ulInetAddr ), PF_INET);
if(hostEnt != NULL) { // As hostEnt->h_name is of type char so convert it
// to unicode string
GetAsUnicodeStringEx(hostEnt->h_name,pszServer, MAX_COMPUTERNAME_LENGTH); bReturnValue = GetHostNameFromFQDN( pszServer); } else { SetLastError(WSAGetLastError()); DISPLAY_MESSAGE(stderr,GetResString(IDS_ID_SHOW_ERROR)); ShowLastError(stderr); } } // Check validity for the server name
else if (IsValidServer(pszServer)) { hostEnt = gethostbyname(pszServerName); if(hostEnt != NULL) { // As hostEnt->h_name is of type char so convert it
// to unicode string
GetAsUnicodeStringEx(hostEnt->h_name,pszServer, MAX_COMPUTERNAME_LENGTH); bReturnValue = GetHostNameFromFQDN( pszServer); } else { SetLastError(WSAGetLastError()); DISPLAY_MESSAGE(stderr,GetResString(IDS_ID_SHOW_ERROR)); ShowLastError(stderr); } } else { // server name is incorrect, show error message.
DISPLAY_MESSAGE(stderr,GetResString(IDS_ID_SHOW_ERROR )); DISPLAY_MESSAGE(stderr,GetResString(IDS_INVALID_SERVER_NAME)); } //WSACleanup function terminates use of the Ws2_32.dll.
WSACleanup( ); SAFEDELETE(pszServerName); return bReturnValue; } // ***************************************************************************
// Routine Description:
// This routine gets Hostname from FQDN name.
// Arguments:
// [in/out] pszServer = ServerName
// Return Value:
// TRUE : if server name retured successfully
// FALSE: otherwise
// ***************************************************************************
BOOL GetHostNameFromFQDN(LPTSTR pszServer) { BOOL bReturnValue = FALSE; if(pszServer==NULL) return FALSE; LPTSTR pszTemp = new TCHAR[lstrlen(pszServer)+1]; LPTSTR pszTempHeadPos;
if(pszTemp==NULL) { SetLastError(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); DISPLAY_MESSAGE(stderr,GetResString(IDS_ID_SHOW_ERROR)); ShowLastError(stderr); } else { // Following is done to chekc Fully Qualified Domain Name.
// This will extract a string coming before "."
// for example FQDN = akhil.wipro.com...
// String of interest is akhil, which will be exracted
// in following manner.
pszTempHeadPos = pszTemp; pszTemp = _tcstok(pszServer,SINGLE_DOT); pszTemp = 0;// putting explicitly NULL character. at
// the place where "." comes.
bReturnValue = TRUE; } SAFEDELETE(pszTempHeadPos); return bReturnValue; }