// SCHEDWIZ.CPP / Tuneup
// Microsoft Confidential
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation 1998
// All rights reserved
// Functions for the summary wizard page.
// 8/98 - Jason Cohen (JCOHEN)
// Internal include file(s).
#include <windows.h>
#include <prsht.h>
#include "schedwiz.h"
#include "main.h"
//#include "resource.h"
//#include "mstask.h"
#include <io.h>
//#include <oleguid.h>
// Internal defined value(s).
// Internal defined macro(s).
// Internal global variable(s).
ITaskScheduler *g_psa = NULL;
// Inernal function prototype(s).
static VOID InitJobTime(TASK_TRIGGER *, INT, INT); static BOOL GetJobFileName(LPTSTR, LPTSTR); static VOID IncDate(LPWORD, LPWORD, LPWORD, INT); static BOOL DeleteOrgJobFile(LPTSTR); static INT WeekDayToNum(INT); static VOID taskSetNextDay(TASK_TRIGGER *); static BOOL IsScheduledTasks(LPTASKDATA); static BOOL GetTaskTrigger(ITask *, TASK_TRIGGER *);
// External function(s).
BOOL InitJobs(LPTASKDATA lpGlobalTasks) { ITaskTrigger *pTrigger = NULL; WORD wTrigger; HRESULT hResult; BOOL bErr = FALSE; LPTASKDATA lpTask;
#ifdef _UNICODE
LPWSTR lpwBuffer; #else // _UNICODE
WCHAR szwBuffer[256]; LPWSTR lpwBuffer = szwBuffer; #endif // _UNICODE
// Initialize the COM library.
if ( ( (hResult = CoInitialize(NULL)) != S_OK ) && (hResult == S_FALSE) ) return FALSE;
// Initialize ISchedulingAgent.
if ( CoCreateInstance(CLSID_CSchedulingAgent, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_ISchedulingAgent, (void **) &g_psa) != S_OK ) return FALSE;
for (lpTask = lpGlobalTasks; lpTask && !bErr; lpTask = lpTask->lpNext) { // Load the task (.job) with ITaskScheduler::Activate().
ANSIWCHAR(lpwBuffer, lpTask->lpJobName, sizeof(szwBuffer)); if ( (hResult = g_psa->Activate((LPCWSTR) lpwBuffer, IID_ITask, (IUnknown**) &lpTask->pTask)) == E_OUTOFMEMORY ) bErr = ErrMsg(NULL, IDS_OUTOFMEMORY); else { // We should search for a task with the same app name if the
// above activate call failed.
if ( hResult == S_OK ) { // Get the existing flags for the job with IScheduledWorkItem::GetFlags().
if ( (hResult = lpTask->pTask->GetFlags(&lpTask->dwFlags)) == S_OK ) { // Setup our internal flags for the task.
if ( lpTask->dwFlags & TASK_FLAG_DISABLED ) lpTask->dwOptions &= ~TASK_SCHEDULED; else lpTask->dwOptions |= TASK_SCHEDULED;
// IScheduledWorkItem::GetTrigger().
// TODO: why do we need this data saved.
if ( (hResult = lpTask->pTask->GetTrigger((WORD) 0, &pTrigger)) == S_OK ) { pTrigger->GetTrigger(&lpTask->Trigger);
pTrigger->Release(); } } }
// If we didn't load the entire task successfully, we should
// delete any that is there and create a new one.
if (hResult != S_OK) { // Delete existing (maybe corrupted) job file.
if ( !DeleteOrgJobFile(lpTask->lpJobName) ) bErr = ErrMsg(NULL, IDS_DEL_FILE); else { ANSIWCHAR(lpwBuffer, lpTask->lpJobName, sizeof(szwBuffer)); hResult = g_psa->NewWorkItem((LPCWSTR) lpwBuffer, CLSID_CTask, IID_ITask, (IUnknown**) &lpTask->pTask); if ( (hResult != S_OK) || (lpTask->pTask == NULL) ) bErr = ErrMsg(NULL, E_JOB_FAIL(hResult)); else { // Make sure Tuneup knows this is a new task and is
// scheduled by default.
lpTask->dwOptions |= TASK_NEW; lpTask->dwOptions |= TASK_SCHEDULED;
// Set the application name to the full path name of the task.
ANSIWCHAR(lpwBuffer, lpTask->lpFullPathName, sizeof(szwBuffer)); lpTask->pTask->SetApplicationName((LPCWSTR) lpwBuffer);
// Set the working directory for the task (always empty string).
lpTask->pTask->SetWorkingDirectory((LPCWSTR) L"");
// Set the parameters for the task (not required).
if ( lpTask->lpParameters ) { ANSIWCHAR(lpwBuffer, lpTask->lpParameters, sizeof(szwBuffer)); lpTask->pTask->SetParameters(lpwBuffer); }
// Set the comment for the task (not required).
if ( lpTask->lpComment ) { ANSIWCHAR(lpwBuffer, lpTask->lpComment, sizeof(szwBuffer)); lpTask->pTask->SetComment(lpwBuffer); }
// Set the default flags for the task.
// For some reason we do this for all tasks
// but cleanup.
if ( !( lpTask->dwOptions & TASK_NOIDLE ) ) lpTask->pTask->SetIdleWait(10, 999);
// Create trigger item.
if ( (hResult = lpTask->pTask->CreateTrigger(&wTrigger, &pTrigger)) != S_OK) bErr = ErrMsg(NULL, E_JOB_FAIL(hResult)); else { InitJobTime(&lpTask->Trigger, lpTask->nSchedule, g_nTimeScheme); pTrigger->SetTrigger(&lpTask->Trigger);
pTrigger->Release(); } } } } } }
if (bErr) ReleaseJobs(lpGlobalTasks, FALSE); return bErr; }
VOID ReleaseJobs(LPTASKDATA lpGlobalTasks, BOOL bFinish) { ITaskTrigger *pTrigger; IPersistFile *pPersistFile; LPTASKDATA lpTask;
for (lpTask = lpGlobalTasks; lpTask; lpTask = lpTask->lpNext) { // Check to see if used in initialization fail handler
// or the item is not needed.
if ( lpTask->pTask != (ITask*) NULL ) { if ( ( lpTask->dwOptions & TASK_NEW ) && !bFinish ) { // The .job is newly created, and user choose Cancel.
DeleteOrgJobFile(lpTask->lpJobName); } else { // Even if the item is not scheduled, we still save it, because we
// use the Enable/Disable flag in the .job to keep the Yes/No state.
if (bFinish) { // Take care the flag only, since the Task_Trigger is
// auto saved in Schedule property page.
if ( !(g_dwFlags & TUNEUP_CUSTOM) || (lpTask->dwOptions & TASK_SCHEDULED) ) lpTask->dwFlags &= ~TASK_FLAG_DISABLED; else lpTask->dwFlags |= TASK_FLAG_DISABLED; } else { // User canceled so restore Task_Trigger.
if ( lpTask->pTask->GetTrigger((WORD) 0, &pTrigger) == S_OK ) { pTrigger->SetTrigger(&lpTask->Trigger); pTrigger->Release(); } }
// Set or restore flags.
// Save the file, release the interfaces.
if ( lpTask->pTask->QueryInterface(IID_IPersistFile, (VOID **) &pPersistFile) == S_OK ) { pPersistFile->Save((LPCOLESTR) NULL, TRUE); pPersistFile->Release(); } lpTask->pTask->Release();
/* BUGBUG: I don't understand why this is here!
// Rename the old task.
if ( ItemData[i].lpOldTaskName ) { if ( bSave ) { TCHAR szSrc[MAX_PATH], szTgt[MAX_PATH], *ptr;
//GetJobFileName(i, szTgt); // get filename for delete or hide
DeleteFile(szTgt); lstrcpy(szSrc, szTgt); if ( ptr = strrchr(szSrc, '\\') ) lstrcpy(ptr+1, ItemData[i].lpOldTaskName); MoveFile(szSrc, szTgt); } }
*/ } } }
// Release ISchedulingAgent.
// Close the OLE COM library.
CoUninitialize(); }
// JobReschedule()
// - Reschedules a particular job.
// hDlg - Parent dialog for property sheet.
// EXIT:
BOOL JobReschedule(HWND hDlg, ITask * pJob) { HPROPSHEETPAGE hpsp[1]; PROPSHEETHEADER psh; TASK_TRIGGER OldTrigger, NewTrigger; IProvideTaskPage *pProvideTaskPage; LPTSTR lpCaption;
if ( pJob->QueryInterface(IID_IProvideTaskPage, (VOID**) &pProvideTaskPage) != S_OK ) return FALSE;
// We need the Schedule page only.
if ( pProvideTaskPage->GetPage(TASKPAGE_SCHEDULE, TRUE, &(hpsp[0])) != S_OK ) return FALSE;
// Get the caption string.
lpCaption = AllocateString(NULL, IDS_RESCHED);
// Setup the property page header.
psh.dwSize = sizeof(PROPSHEETHEADER); psh.dwFlags = PSH_DEFAULT | PSH_NOAPPLYNOW; psh.hwndParent = hDlg; psh.nPages = 1; psh.nStartPage = 0; psh.phpage = (HPROPSHEETPAGE *) hpsp; psh.pszCaption = lpCaption;
// Keep original trigger.
GetTaskTrigger(pJob, &OldTrigger);
// Display the property sheet page.
// Release the page and other resources.
FREE(lpCaption); pProvideTaskPage->Release();
// Get the new trigger, compare it to see whether it's changed.
GetTaskTrigger(pJob, &NewTrigger);
// If the new time and the old time don't compare, then
// we must change the time scheme to custom.
if ( memcmp((const void *) &OldTrigger, (const void *) &NewTrigger, sizeof(TASK_TRIGGER)) == 0 ) return FALSE;
return TRUE; }
LPTSTR GetTaskTriggerText(ITask * pTask) { LPWSTR lpwBuffer; LPTSTR lpReturn = NULL; #ifdef _UNICODE
LPTSTR lpBuffer; #else // _UNICODE
TCHAR szBuffer[256]; LPTSTR lpBuffer = szBuffer; #endif // _UNICODE
if ( pTask->GetTriggerString((WORD) 0, (LPWSTR *) &lpwBuffer) == S_OK ) { // Convert the string if _UNICODE is not defined and set the
// window to the new text.
WCHARANSI(lpBuffer, lpwBuffer, sizeof(szBuffer));
if ( lpReturn = (LPTSTR) MALLOC(sizeof(TCHAR) * (lstrlen(lpBuffer) + 1)) ) lstrcpy(lpReturn, lpBuffer);
// Free the string returned from IScheduledWorkitem::GetTriggerString().
CoTaskMemFree(lpwBuffer); } return lpReturn; }
LPTSTR GetNextRunTimeText(ITask * pTask, DWORD dwFlags) { TCHAR szTime[128], szDate[128]; LPTSTR lpReturn = NULL; SYSTEMTIME stm;
// If it's disabled, we can't get run time string.
// JobRelease will clear it if the user cancels.
if ( dwFlags & TASK_FLAG_DISABLED ) { dwFlags &= ~TASK_FLAG_DISABLED; pTask->SetFlags(dwFlags); }
if ( ( GetTimeFormat(GetUserDefaultLCID(), TIME_NOSECONDS, &stm, NULL, (LPTSTR) szTime, sizeof(szTime) / sizeof(TCHAR)) ) && ( GetDateFormat(GetUserDefaultLCID(), DATE_LONGDATE, &stm, NULL, (LPTSTR) szDate, sizeof(szDate) / sizeof(TCHAR)) ) && ( lpReturn = (LPTSTR) MALLOC(sizeof(TCHAR) * (lstrlen(szTime) + lstrlen(szDate) + 3)) ) ) { wsprintf(lpReturn, _T("%s, %s"), szTime, szDate); } return lpReturn; }
VOID SetTimeScheme(INT nTimeScheme) { ITaskTrigger *pTrigger; TASK_TRIGGER SchemeTrigger; LPTASKDATA lpTask;
// Reset the static values in InitJobTime() since
// we are resetting all the job times.
InitJobTime(NULL, 0, 0);
// Go through all the tasks and update the task trigger for
// the new time scheme.
for (lpTask = g_Tasks; lpTask; lpTask = lpTask->lpNext) { // Get the ITaskTrigger interface so we can set the task trigger.
if (lpTask->pTask->GetTrigger((WORD) 0, &pTrigger) == S_OK) { // Get the new task trigger for this job.
InitJobTime(&SchemeTrigger, lpTask->nSchedule, nTimeScheme);
// Save the new task trigger to the job.
// Release the ITaskTrigger interface.
pTrigger->Release(); } } }
static VOID InitJobTime(TASK_TRIGGER *pTrigger, INT nSchedule, INT nTimeScheme) { SYSTEMTIME stNow; static INT nMonthDay = 0, // Used to stagger monthly items.
nWeekDay = 1, // Used to staggar weekly items.
nOnceDay = 1; // Used to staggar once items.
// If NULL is passed in for pTrigger, we should reset the
// initial values used for scheduling the tasks.
if ( pTrigger == NULL ) { // Reset the static values.
nMonthDay = 0; nWeekDay = 1; nOnceDay = 1; return; }
// Init the default trigger structure values.
ZeroMemory(pTrigger, sizeof(TASK_TRIGGER)); pTrigger->cbTriggerSize = sizeof(TASK_TRIGGER); pTrigger->MinutesDuration = 999;
// Set the trigger to activate today.
GetLocalTime(&stNow); pTrigger->wBeginMonth = stNow.wMonth; pTrigger->wBeginDay = stNow.wDay; pTrigger->wBeginYear = stNow.wYear;
// Set the start hour and minute based on the time scheme.
switch (nTimeScheme) { case IDC_NIGHT: pTrigger->wStartHour = 0; pTrigger->wStartMinute = 0; break; case IDC_DAY: pTrigger->wStartHour = 12; pTrigger->wStartMinute = 00; break; case IDC_EVENING: pTrigger->wStartHour = 20; pTrigger->wStartMinute = 0; break; }
// Set the schedule (once, daily, weekly, monthly, bimonthly, quarterly, or yearly).
// The day of the week or month is incrimented each time so that once, weekly and
// monthly tasks aren't scheduled for the same days.
switch (nSchedule) { case TASK_ONCE: pTrigger->TriggerType = TASK_TIME_TRIGGER_ONCE; IncDate(&(pTrigger->wBeginMonth), &(pTrigger->wBeginDay), &(pTrigger->wBeginYear), nOnceDay++); pTrigger->wStartHour += 2; break; case TASK_DAILY: pTrigger->TriggerType = TASK_TIME_TRIGGER_DAILY; pTrigger->Type.Daily.DaysInterval = 1; break; case TASK_WEEKLY: pTrigger->TriggerType = TASK_TIME_TRIGGER_WEEKLY; pTrigger->Type.Weekly.rgfDaysOfTheWeek = (USHORT)nDays[(((stNow.wDayOfWeek + nWeekDay++) % 7) + 7) % 7]; pTrigger->Type.Weekly.WeeksInterval = 1; pTrigger->wStartMinute += 30; break; case TASK_MONTHLY: case TASK_BIMONTHLY: case TASK_QUARTLY: case TASK_YEARLY: pTrigger->TriggerType = TASK_TIME_TRIGGER_MONTHLYDATE; pTrigger->Type.MonthlyDate.rgfDays = (nMonthDay++ % 28) + 1; pTrigger->wStartHour++; switch (nSchedule) { case TASK_MONTHLY: pTrigger->Type.MonthlyDate.rgfMonths = TASK_WHOLE_YEAR; break; case TASK_BIMONTHLY: pTrigger->Type.MonthlyDate.rgfMonths = ((stNow.wMonth % 2) ? TASK_BIMONTH_EVEN : TASK_BIMONTH_ODD); break; case TASK_QUARTLY: pTrigger->Type.MonthlyDate.rgfMonths = (USHORT)nQuarters[(((stNow.wMonth + 1) % 4) + 4) % 4]; break; case TASK_YEARLY: pTrigger->Type.MonthlyDate.rgfMonths = (USHORT)nMonths[(((stNow.wMonth + 1) % 12) + 12) % 12]; break; } break; } }
static VOID IncDate(LPWORD lpwMonth, LPWORD lpwDay, LPWORD lpwYear, INT iDays) { SYSTEMTIME SysTime; FILETIME FileTime; LARGE_INTEGER LargeInt; BOOL bTwoDigit;
// Setup the system structure.
ZeroMemory(&SysTime, sizeof(SYSTEMTIME)); SysTime.wMonth = *lpwMonth; SysTime.wDay = *lpwDay; SysTime.wYear = *lpwYear;
// Support two digit dates.
if ( bTwoDigit = ( SysTime.wYear < 100 ) ) { if ( SysTime.wYear >= 80 ) SysTime.wYear += 1900; else SysTime.wYear += 2000; }
// Convert it to file time.
SystemTimeToFileTime(&SysTime, &FileTime);
// Copy it to a large integer so we can add or subtract days.
memcpy(&LargeInt, &FileTime, sizeof(LARGE_INTEGER));
// Add or subtract the days in nanoseconds.
LargeInt.QuadPart += iDays * Int32x32To64(24 * 60 * 60, 1000 * 10000);
// Copy it back to the filetime structure.
memcpy(&FileTime, &LargeInt, sizeof(LARGE_INTEGER));
// Convert it back to a systime structure.
FileTimeToSystemTime(&FileTime, &SysTime);
// Return supported two digit dates.
if ( bTwoDigit ) { if ( SysTime.wYear <= 2000 ) SysTime.wYear -= 1900; else SysTime.wYear -= 2000; }
// Return the new date.
*lpwMonth = SysTime.wMonth; *lpwDay = SysTime.wDay; *lpwYear = SysTime.wYear; }
// GetJobFileName()
// This routine returns the full path and file name to the job file
// specified by the job name passed in.
// LPTSTR lpJobName
// This is the name of the job (as it appears in Task Scheduler) passed in.
// LPTSTR lpJobFileName
// This is the buffer that receives the full path and file name of the job
// (%WINDIR%\Tasks\lpJobName.JOB). Should be atleast MAX_PATH.
// EXIT:
// TRUE - Successfully retrieved all the information and filled in the buffer.
// FALSE - Something failed.
static BOOL GetJobFileName(LPTSTR lpJobName, LPTSTR lpJobFileName) { TCHAR szWindowsDir[MAX_PATH]; LPTSTR lpTaskDir, lpJobExt; DWORD dwLength;
// Get the windows directory.
if ( GetWindowsDirectory(szWindowsDir, sizeof(szWindowsDir)) == 0 ) return FALSE;
// Get rid of the backslash if windows is in the root of a drive.
if ( (dwLength = lstrlen(szWindowsDir)) == 3 ) szWindowsDir[dwLength - 1] = _T('\0');
// Get the task dir from the string resource.
if ( (lpTaskDir = AllocateString(NULL, IDS_TASKDIR)) == NULL ) return FALSE;
// Get the job extension from the string resource.
if ( (lpJobExt = AllocateString(NULL, IDS_JOBEXT)) == NULL ) { FREE(lpTaskDir); return FALSE; }
// Create the job name with all the data we have.
wsprintf(lpJobFileName, _T("%s%s\\%s%s"), szWindowsDir, lpTaskDir, lpJobName, lpJobExt); FREE(lpJobExt); FREE(lpTaskDir); return TRUE; }
void ConcatNextRunTime(LPSTR szOrgText, int nItem) { int nLen; SYSTEMTIME stm; char szTemp[128]; DWORD dwFlags;
lstrcat(szOrgText, "\n");
// get next run time string
dwFlags = ItemData[nItem].dwFlags; dwFlags &= ~TASK_FLAG_DISABLED; // if it's disabled, we can't get run time string
pTask[nItem]->SetFlags(dwFlags); // JobRelease will clear it if Cancel finally
if (GetTimeFormat(GetUserDefaultLCID(), TIME_NOSECONDS, &stm, NULL, (LPTSTR)szTemp, 128)) { lstrcat(szTemp, ", "); nLen = lstrlen(szTemp); if (GetDateFormat(GetUserDefaultLCID(), DATE_LONGDATE, &stm, NULL, (LPTSTR)szTemp + nLen, 126-nLen)) lstrcat(szOrgText, szTemp); } }
static void taskSetNextDay(TASK_TRIGGER *pTaskTrigger) { if (pTaskTrigger->wBeginMonth == 2 && pTaskTrigger->wBeginDay >= 28) { pTaskTrigger->wBeginMonth++, pTaskTrigger->wBeginDay = 1; } else if (pTaskTrigger->wBeginDay < 30) pTaskTrigger->wBeginDay++; else if (pTaskTrigger->wBeginMonth == 4 || pTaskTrigger->wBeginMonth == 6 || pTaskTrigger->wBeginMonth == 9 || pTaskTrigger->wBeginMonth == 11) { pTaskTrigger->wBeginMonth++, pTaskTrigger->wBeginDay = 1; } else if (pTaskTrigger->wBeginDay < 31) pTaskTrigger->wBeginDay++; else if (pTaskTrigger->wBeginMonth == 12) { pTaskTrigger->wBeginYear++, pTaskTrigger->wBeginMonth = pTaskTrigger->wBeginDay = 1; } else { pTaskTrigger->wBeginMonth++, pTaskTrigger->wBeginDay = 1; } } */
// DeleteOrgJobFile()
// This routine deletes the job (if it exists) with the job name passed in.
// LPTSTR lpJobName -
// This is the name of the job (as it appears in Task Scheduler) passed in.
// EXIT:
// TRUE - Either the file was successfully deleted or it didn't exist.
// FALSE - Something failed.
static BOOL DeleteOrgJobFile(LPTSTR lpJobName) { TCHAR szJobFileName[MAX_PATH]; DWORD dwAttr;
// First get the full path and file name of
// the job file.
if ( !GetJobFileName(lpJobName, szJobFileName) ) return FALSE; // If it doesn't exit, return TRUE.
if ( !(EXIST(szJobFileName)) ) return TRUE;
// Make sure the file isn't read only.
if ( (dwAttr = GetFileAttributes(szJobFileName)) & _A_RDONLY ) { dwAttr &= ~_A_RDONLY; SetFileAttributes(szJobFileName, dwAttr); }
// Return the success or failure of DeleteFile().
return DeleteFile(szJobFileName); }
int GetTimeScheme() { int i, nTimeScheme; ITaskTrigger *pTrigger = NULL; TASK_TRIGGER TaskTrigger, SchemeTrigger[ITEM_NUM];
if (g_bEnableDefaultScheme == FALSE) return g_nTimeScheme;
// check scheme by scheme
for (nTimeScheme = IDC_NIGHT; nTimeScheme <= IDC_EVENING; nTimeScheme++) { for (i = TASK_FIRST; i <= TASK_LAST; i++) { if (!ItemData[i].bNeeded) continue; //InitJobTime(i, nTimeScheme, &SchemeTrigger[i]);
for (i = TASK_FIRST; i <= TASK_LAST; i++) { if (!ItemData[i].bNeeded) continue;
if (!GetTaskTrigger(pTask[i], &TaskTrigger)) break; if (memcmp((const void*)&TaskTrigger, (const void*)&SchemeTrigger[i], sizeof(TASK_TRIGGER))) break; } if (i == (TASK_LAST + 1)) // all the item match this scheme setting
return nTimeScheme; } return IDC_CUSTOM; } */
static BOOL GetTaskTrigger(ITask *pJob, TASK_TRIGGER *pTaskTrigger) { ITaskTrigger *pTrigger = NULL;
if (pJob->GetTrigger((WORD)0, &pTrigger) != S_OK) return FALSE; ZeroMemory(pTaskTrigger, sizeof(TASK_TRIGGER)); pTrigger->GetTrigger(pTaskTrigger); pTrigger->Release(); return TRUE; }