/*++ BUILD Version: 0001
* * WOW v1.0 * * Copyright (c) 1991, Microsoft Corporation * * EDIT.H * * History: * Created 28-May-1991 by Jeff Parsons (jeffpar) * Copied from WIN31 and edited (as little as possible) for WOW16 --*/
/****************************************************************************/ /* */ /* EDIT.H - */ /* */ /* Edit Control Defines and Procedures */ /* */ /****************************************************************************/ #include "combcom.h"
/* NOTE: Text handle is sized as multiple of this constant
* (should be power of 2). */ #define CCHALLOCEXTRA 0x20
/* Maximum width in pixels for a line/rectangle */ #define MAXPIXELWIDTH 30000
/* Limit multiline edit controls to at most 1024 characters on a single line.
* We will force a wrap if the user exceeds this limit. */ #define MAXLINELENGTH 1024
#define ES_FMTMASK 0x00000003L
/* Allow an initial maximum of 30000 characters in all edit controls since
* some apps will run into unsigned problems otherwise. If apps know about * the 64K limit, they can set the limit themselves. */ #define MAXTEXT 30000
#define BACKSPACE 0x08
#define TAB 0x09
/* Key modifiers which have been pressed. Code in KeyDownHandler and
CharHandler depend on these exact values. */ #define NONEDOWN 0 /* Neither shift nor control down */
#define CTRLDOWN 1 /* Control key only down */
#define SHFTDOWN 2 /* Shift key only down */
#define SHCTDOWN 3 /* Shift and control keys down = CTRLDOWN + SHFTDOWN */
#define NOMODIFY 4 /* Neither shift nor control down */
/* Types of undo supported in this ped */ #define UNDO_NONE 0 /* We can't undo the last operation. */
#define UNDO_INSERT 1 /* We can undo the user's insertion of characters */
#define UNDO_DELETE 2 /* We can undo the user's deletion of characters */
typedef struct tagED { HANDLE hText; /* Block of text we are editing */ ICH cchAlloc; /* Number of chars we have allocated for hText
*/ ICH cchTextMax; /* Max number bytes allowed in edit control
*/ ICH cch; /* Current number of bytes of actual text
*/ int cLines; /* Number of lines of text */
ICH ichMinSel; /* Selection extent. MinSel is first selected
char */ ICH ichMaxSel; /* MaxSel is first unselected character */ ICH ichCaret; /* Caret location. Caret is on left side of
char */ int iCaretLine; /* The line the caret is on. So that if word
* wrapping, we can tell if the caret is at end * of a line of at beginning of next line... */ ICH screenStart; /* Index of left most character displayed on
* screen for sl ec and index of top most line * for multiline edit controls */ int ichLinesOnScreen; /* Number of lines we can display on screen */ WORD xOffset; /* x (horizontal) scroll position in pixels
* (for multiline text horizontal scroll bar) */ WORD charPasswordChar; /* If non null, display this character instead
* of the real text. So that we can implement * hidden text fields. */ WORD cPasswordCharWidth;/* Width of password char */
HWND hwnd; /* Window for this edit control */ RECT rcFmt; /* Client rectangle */ HWND hwndParent; /* Parent of this edit control window */
/* These vars allow us to automatically scroll
* when the user holds the mouse at the bottom * of the multiline edit control window. */ POINT ptPrevMouse; /* Previous point for the mouse for system
* timer. */ WORD prevKeys; /* Previous key state for the mouse */
WORD fSingle : 1; /* Single line edit control? (or multiline) */ WORD fNoRedraw : 1; /* Redraw in response to a change? */ WORD fMouseDown : 1; /* Is mouse button down? when moving mouse */ WORD fFocus : 1; /* Does ec have the focus ? */ WORD fDirty : 1; /* Modify flag for the edit control */ WORD fDisabled : 1; /* Window disabled? */ WORD fNonPropFont : 1; /* Fixed width font? */ WORD fBorder : 1; /* Draw a border? */ WORD fAutoVScroll : 1; /* Automatically scroll vertically */ WORD fAutoHScroll : 1; /* Automatically scroll horizontally */ WORD fNoHideSel : 1; /* Hide sel when we lose focus? */ #ifdef FE_SB
WORD fDBCS : 1; /* Are we use DBCS font set for editing? */ #else
WORD fKanji : 1; #endif
WORD fFmtLines : 1; /* For multiline only. Do we insert CR CR LF at
* word wrap breaks? */ WORD fWrap : 1; /* Do word wrapping? */ WORD fCalcLines : 1; /* Recalc ped->chLines array? (recalc line
* breaks?) */ WORD fEatNextChar : 1; /* Hack for ALT-NUMPAD stuff with combo boxes.
* If numlock is up, we want to eat the next * character generated by the keyboard driver * if user enter num pad ascii value... */ WORD fStripCRCRLF :1; /* CRCRLFs have been added to text. Strip them
* before doing any internal edit control * stuff */ WORD fInDialogBox :1; /* True if the ml edit control is in a dialog
* box and we have to specially treat TABS and * ENTER */ WORD fReadOnly :1; /* Is this a read only edit control? Only
* allow scrolling, selecting and copying. */ WORD fCaretHidden :1; /* This indicates whether the caret is
* currently hidden because the width or height * of the edit control is too small to show it. */ int *chLines; /* index of the start of each line */ WORD format; /* Left, center, or right justify multiline
* text. */ LPSTR (FAR *lpfnNextWord)(); /* Next word function */ ICH maxPixelWidth; /* Width (in pixels) of longest line */
WORD undoType; /* Current type of undo we support */ HANDLE hDeletedText; /* Handle to text which has been deleted (for
undo) */ ICH ichDeleted; /* Starting index from which text was deleted*/ ICH cchDeleted; /* Count of deleted characters in buffer */ ICH ichInsStart; /* Starting index from which text was
inserted */ ICH ichInsEnd; /* Ending index of inserted text */
HANDLE hFont; /* Handle to the font for this edit control.
Null if system font. */ int aveCharWidth; /* Ave width of a character in the hFont */ int lineHeight; /* Height of a line in the hFont */ int charOverhang; /* Overhang associated with the hFont */ int cxSysCharWidth; /* System font ave width */ int cySysCharHeight; /* System font height */ HWND listboxHwnd; /* ListBox hwnd. Non null if we are a combo
box */ int *pTabStops; /* Points to an array of tab stops; First
* element contains the number of elements in * the array */ HANDLE charWidthBuffer; HBRUSH hbrHiliteBk; /* Hilite background color brush. */ DWORD rgbHiliteBk; /* Hilite background color */ DWORD rgbHiliteText; /* Hilite Text color */ #ifdef FE_SB
BYTE charSet; /* Character set for current selected font */ HANDLE hDBCSVector; /* Handle to the DBCS vector table */ BYTE DBCSVector[8]; /* DBCS vector table which contains flag
* to detect lead byte of DBC. */ #endif
} ED;
typedef ED *PED;
/* The following structure is used to store a selection block; In Multiline
* edit controls, "StPos" and "EndPos" fields contain the Starting and Ending * lines of the block. In Single line edit controls, "StPos" and "EndPos" * contain the Starting and Ending character positions of the block; */ typedef struct tagBLOCK { ICH StPos; ICH EndPos; } BLOCK; typedef BLOCK FAR *LPBLOCK;
BOOL FAR PASCAL ECNcCreate(HWND, LPCREATESTRUCT); BOOL FAR PASCAL ECCreate(HWND, PED, LPCREATESTRUCT); LONG FAR PASCAL ECWord(PED, ICH, BOOL); /* no register for PED */ ICH FAR PASCAL ECFindTab(LPSTR, register ICH); void FAR PASCAL ECNcDestroyHandler(HWND, register PED, WORD, LONG); BOOL FAR PASCAL ECSetText(register PED, LPSTR); void FAR PASCAL ECSetPasswordChar(register PED, WORD); ICH FAR PASCAL ECCchInWidth(register PED, HDC, LPSTR, register ICH, unsigned int); void FAR PASCAL ECEmptyUndo(register PED); BOOL FAR PASCAL ECInsertText(register PED, LPSTR, ICH); ICH FAR PASCAL ECDeleteText(register PED); void FAR PASCAL ECNotifyParent(register PED, short); void FAR PASCAL ECSetEditClip(register PED, HDC); HDC FAR PASCAL ECGetEditDC(register PED, BOOL); void FAR PASCAL ECReleaseEditDC(register PED, HDC, BOOL); void FAR PASCAL ECCreateHandler(register PED); ICH FAR PASCAL ECGetTextHandler(register PED, register ICH, LPSTR); void FAR PASCAL ECSetFont(register PED, HANDLE, BOOL); ICH FAR PASCAL ECCopyHandler(register PED); BOOL FAR PASCAL ECCalcChangeSelection(PED, ICH, ICH, LPBLOCK, LPBLOCK); void NEAR PASCAL ECFindXORblks(LPBLOCK, LPBLOCK, LPBLOCK, LPBLOCK); LONG FAR PASCAL ECTabTheTextOut(HDC, int, int, LPSTR, int, PED, int, BOOL);
/****************************************************************************/ /* Multi-Line Support Routines */ /****************************************************************************/
ICH FAR PASCAL MLInsertText(PED, LPSTR, WORD, BOOL); BOOL FAR PASCAL MLEnsureCaretVisible(register PED); void NEAR PASCAL MLDrawText(register PED, HDC, ICH, ICH); void NEAR PASCAL MLDrawLine(register PED, HDC, int, ICH, int, BOOL); void NEAR PASCAL MLPaintABlock(PED, HDC, int, int); int NEAR PASCAL GetBlkEndLine(int, int, BOOL FAR *, int, int); LONG FAR PASCAL MLBuildchLines(register PED, int, int, BOOL); void NEAR PASCAL MLShiftchLines(register PED, register int, int); BOOL NEAR PASCAL MLInsertchLine(register PED, int, ICH, BOOL); void FAR PASCAL MLSetCaretPosition(register PED,HDC); LONG NEAR PASCAL MLIchToXYPos(register PED, HDC, ICH, BOOL); int FAR PASCAL MLIchToLineHandler(register PED, ICH); void NEAR PASCAL MLRepaintChangedSelection(PED, HDC, ICH, ICH); void NEAR PASCAL MLMouseMotionHandler(PED, WORD, WORD, POINT); ICH FAR PASCAL MLLineLength(register PED, int); void FAR PASCAL MLStripCrCrLf(register PED); BOOL FAR PASCAL MLSetTextHandler(register PED, LPSTR); int FAR PASCAL MLCalcXOffset(register PED, HDC, int); BOOL FAR PASCAL MLUndoHandler(register PED); LONG FAR PASCAL MLEditWndProc(HWND, register PED, WORD, register WORD, LONG); void FAR PASCAL MLCharHandler(PED, WORD, int); void FAR PASCAL MLSetSelectionHandler(register PED, ICH, ICH); LONG FAR PASCAL MLCreateHandler(HWND, PED, LPCREATESTRUCT); BOOL FAR PASCAL MLInsertCrCrLf(register PED); void FAR PASCAL MLSetHandleHandler(register PED, HANDLE); LONG FAR PASCAL MLGetLineHandler(register PED, WORD, ICH, LPSTR); ICH FAR PASCAL MLLineIndexHandler(register PED, register int); ICH FAR PASCAL MLLineLengthHandler(register PED, ICH); void FAR PASCAL MLSizeHandler(register PED); void FAR PASCAL MLChangeSelection(register PED, HDC, ICH, ICH); void FAR PASCAL MLSetRectHandler(register PED, LPRECT); BOOL FAR PASCAL MLExpandTabs(register PED); BOOL FAR PASCAL MLSetTabStops(PED, int, LPINT); int FAR PASCAL MLThumbPosFromPed(register PED, BOOL);
/****************************************************************************/ /* Single Line Support Routines */ /****************************************************************************/
void NEAR PASCAL SLReplaceSelHandler(register PED, LPSTR); BOOL FAR PASCAL SLUndoHandler(register PED); void FAR PASCAL SLSetCaretPosition(register PED, HDC); int NEAR PASCAL SLIchToLeftXPos(register PED, HDC, ICH); void FAR PASCAL SLChangeSelection(register PED, HDC, ICH, ICH); void NEAR PASCAL SLDrawText(register PED, register HDC, ICH); void NEAR PASCAL SLDrawLine(register PED, register HDC, ICH, int, BOOL); int NEAR PASCAL SLGetBlkEnd(PED, ICH, ICH, BOOL FAR *); BOOL FAR PASCAL SLScrollText(register PED, HDC); void FAR PASCAL SLSetSelectionHandler(register PED,ICH, ICH); ICH FAR PASCAL SLInsertText(register PED, LPSTR, register ICH); ICH NEAR PASCAL SLPasteText(register PED); void FAR PASCAL SLCharHandler(register PED, WORD, int); void NEAR PASCAL SLKeyUpHandler(register PED, WORD); void NEAR PASCAL SLKeyDownHandler(register PED, WORD, int); ICH NEAR PASCAL SLMouseToIch(register PED, HDC, POINT); void NEAR PASCAL SLMouseMotionHandler(register PED, WORD, WORD, POINT); LONG FAR PASCAL SLCreateHandler(HWND, PED, LPCREATESTRUCT); void FAR PASCAL SLSizeHandler(register PED); void NEAR PASCAL SLPaintHandler(register PED, HDC); BOOL FAR PASCAL SLSetTextHandler(register PED, LPSTR); void NEAR PASCAL SLSetFocusHandler(register PED); void NEAR PASCAL SLKillFocusHandler(register PED, HWND); LONG FAR PASCAL SLEditWndProc(HWND, register PED, WORD, register WORD, LONG);
/****************************************************************************/ /* EditWndProc() */ /****************************************************************************/ LONG FAR PASCAL EditWndProc(HWND, WORD, register WORD, LONG);
#ifdef FE_SB
/****************************************************************************/ /* DBCS Support Routines */ /****************************************************************************/ int FAR PASCAL DBCSCombine( HWND, int ); ICH FAR PASCAL ECAdjustIch( PED, LPSTR, ICH ); VOID FAR PASCAL ECGetDBCSVector( PED ); LPSTR FAR PASCAL ECAnsiNext( PED, LPSTR ); LPSTR FAR PASCAL ECAnsiPrev( PED, LPSTR, LPSTR ); BOOL FAR PASCAL ECIsDBCSLeadByte( PED, BYTE ); #endif