* * WOW v1.0 * * Copyright (c) 1991, Microsoft Corporation * * EDMLRARE.C * Win16 edit control code * * History: * * Created 28-May-1991 by Jeff Parsons (jeffpar) * Copied from WIN31 and edited (as little as possible) for WOW16. --*/
/****************************************************************************/ /* edmlRare.c - Edit controls Routines Called rarely are to be */ /* put in a seperate segment _EDMLRare. This file contains */ /* these routines. */ /****************************************************************************/
#include "user.h"
#include "edit.h"
/****************************************************************************/ /* Multi-Line Support Routines called Rarely */ /****************************************************************************/
BOOL FAR PASCAL MLInsertCrCrLf(ped) register PED ped; /* effects: Inserts CR CR LF characters into the text at soft (word-wrap) line
* breaks. CR LF (hard) line breaks are unaffected. Assumes that the text * has already been formatted ie. ped->chLines is where we want the line * breaks to occur. Note that ped->chLines is not updated to reflect the * movement of text by the addition of CR CR LFs. Returns TRUE if successful * else notify parent and return FALSE if the memory couldn't be allocated. */ { ICH dch; ICH li; ICH lineSize; /*register*/ unsigned char *pchText; unsigned char *pchTextNew;
if (!ped->fWrap || !ped->cch) /* There are no soft line breaks if word-wrapping is off or if no chars
*/ return(TRUE);
/* Calc an upper bound on the number of additional characters we will be
* adding to the text when we insert CR CR LFs. */ dch = 3 * sizeof(char) * ped->cLines;
if (!LocalReAlloc(ped->hText, ped->cch + dch, 0)) { ECNotifyParent(ped, EN_ERRSPACE); return (FALSE); }
ped->cchAlloc = ped->cch + dch;
/* Move the text up dch bytes and then copy it back down, inserting the CR
* CR LF's as necessary. */
pchTextNew = pchText = LocalLock(ped->hText); pchText += dch; dch = 0; /* Now we will use this to keep track of how many chars we add
to the text */
/* Copy the text up dch bytes to pchText. This will shift all indices in
* ped->chLines up by dch bytes. */ LCopyStruct((LPSTR)pchTextNew, (LPSTR)pchText, ped->cch);
/* Now copy chars from pchText down to pchTextNew and insert CRCRLF at soft
* line breaks. */ for (li = 0; li < ped->cLines-1; li++) { lineSize = ped->chLines[li+1]-ped->chLines[li]; LCopyStruct((LPSTR)pchText, (LPSTR)pchTextNew, lineSize); pchTextNew += lineSize; pchText += lineSize; /* If last character in newly copied line is not a line feed, then we
* need to add the CR CR LF triple to the end */ if (*(PSTR)(pchTextNew-1) != 0x0A) { *pchTextNew++ = 0x0D; *pchTextNew++ = 0x0D; *pchTextNew++ = 0x0A; dch += 3; } }
/* Now move the last line up. It won't have any line breaks in it... */ LCopyStruct((LPSTR)pchText, (LPSTR)pchTextNew, ped->cch-ped->chLines[ped->cLines-1]);
/* Update number of characters in text handle */ ped->cch += dch;
if (dch) /*
* So that the next time we do anything with the text, we can strip the * CRCRLFs */ ped->fStripCRCRLF = TRUE;
return((dch != 0)); }
void FAR PASCAL MLStripCrCrLf(ped) register PED ped; /* effects: Strips the CR CR LF character combination from the text. This
* shows the soft (word wrapped) line breaks. CR LF (hard) line breaks are * unaffected. */ { register unsigned char *pchSrc; unsigned char *pchDst; unsigned char *pchLast;
if (ped->cch) { pchSrc = pchDst = LocalLock(ped->hText); pchLast = pchSrc + ped->cch; while (pchSrc < pchLast) { if (*(int *)pchSrc != 0x0D0D) *pchDst++ = *pchSrc++; else { pchSrc += 3; ped->cch = ped->cch - 3; } } LocalUnlock(ped->hText); } }
void FAR PASCAL MLSetHandleHandler(ped, hNewText) register PED ped; HANDLE hNewText; /* effects: Sets the ped to contain the given handle.
*/ { ICH newCch;
ped->cch = ped->cchAlloc = LocalSize(ped->hText = hNewText); if (ped->cch) { /* We have to do it this way in case the app gives us a zero size
handle */ ped->cch = lstrlen((LPSTR)LocalLock(ped->hText)); LocalUnlock(ped->hText); }
/* Empty the undo buffer since the text will be in an inconsistant state.
*/ ECEmptyUndo(ped);
newCch = (ICH)(ped->cch + CCHALLOCEXTRA); /* We do this LocalReAlloc in case the app changed the size of the handle */ if (LocalReAlloc(ped->hText, newCch, 0)) ped->cchAlloc = newCch;
ped->fDirty = FALSE;
MLStripCrCrLf(ped); MLBuildchLines(ped,0,0,FALSE);
/* Reset caret and selections since the text could have changed causing
* these to be out of range. */ ped->xOffset = ped->screenStart = ped->ichMinSel = ped->ichMaxSel = 0; ped->iCaretLine = ped->ichCaret = 0;
SetScrollPos(ped->hwnd, SB_VERT, 0, TRUE); SetScrollPos(ped->hwnd, SB_HORZ, 0, TRUE);
/* We will always redraw the text whether or not the insert was successful
* since we may set to null text. Also, since PaintHandler checks the redraw * flag, we won't bother to check it here. */ InvalidateRect(ped->hwnd, (LPRECT)NULL, TRUE); UpdateWindow(ped->hwnd); }
LONG FAR PASCAL MLGetLineHandler(ped, lineNumber, maxCchToCopy, lpBuffer) register PED ped; WORD lineNumber; ICH maxCchToCopy; LPSTR lpBuffer; /* effects: Copies maxCchToCopy bytes of line lineNumber to the buffer
* lpBuffer. The string is not zero terminated. */ { PSTR pText;
if (lineNumber > ped->cLines-1) return(0L);
maxCchToCopy = umin(MLLineLength(ped, lineNumber), maxCchToCopy);
if (maxCchToCopy) { pText = (PSTR)(LocalLock(ped->hText) + ped->chLines[lineNumber]); LCopyStruct((LPSTR)pText, (LPSTR)lpBuffer, maxCchToCopy); LocalUnlock(ped->hText); }
ICH FAR PASCAL MLLineIndexHandler(ped, iLine) register PED ped; register int iLine; /* effects: This function returns the number of character positions that occur
* preceeding the first char in a given line. */ { if (iLine == -1) iLine = ped->iCaretLine; return(iLine < ped->cLines ? ped->chLines[iLine] : -1); }
ICH FAR PASCAL MLLineLengthHandler(ped, ich) register PED ped; ICH ich; /* effects: if ich = -1, return the length of the lines containing the current
* selection but not including the selection. Otherwise, return the length of * the line containing ich. */ { ICH il1, il2;
if (ich != 0xFFFF) return(MLLineLength(ped, MLIchToLineHandler(ped, ich)));
/* Find length of lines corresponding to current selection */ il1 = MLIchToLineHandler(ped, ped->ichMinSel); il2 = MLIchToLineHandler(ped, ped->ichMaxSel); if (il1 == il2) return(MLLineLength(ped, il1) - (ped->ichMaxSel - ped->ichMinSel));
return(ped->ichMinSel - ped->chLines[il1] + MLLineLength(ped, il2) - (ped->ichMaxSel - ped->chLines[il2])); }
void FAR PASCAL MLSetSelectionHandler(ped, ichMinSel, ichMaxSel) register PED ped; ICH ichMinSel; ICH ichMaxSel; /*
* effects: Sets the selection to the points given and puts the cursor at * ichMaxSel. */ { register HDC hdc;
if (ichMinSel == 0xFFFF) /* Set no selection if we specify -1
*/ ichMinSel = ichMaxSel = ped->ichCaret;
/* Since these are unsigned, we don't check if they are greater than 0.
*/ ichMinSel = umin(ped->cch,ichMinSel); ichMaxSel = umin(ped->cch,ichMaxSel);
/* Set the caret's position to be at ichMaxSel.
*/ ped->ichCaret = ichMaxSel; ped->iCaretLine = MLIchToLineHandler(ped, ped->ichCaret);
hdc = ECGetEditDC(ped,FALSE); MLChangeSelection(ped, hdc, ichMinSel, ichMaxSel);
MLSetCaretPosition(ped,hdc); ECReleaseEditDC(ped,hdc,FALSE);
MLEnsureCaretVisible(ped); }
** MLSetTabStops(ped, nTabPos, lpTabStops) ** ** This sets the tab stop positions set by the App by sending ** a EM_SETTABSTOPS message. ** ** nTabPos : Number of tab stops set by the caller ** lpTabStops: array of tab stop positions in Dialog units. ** ** Returns: ** TRUE if successful ** FALSE if memory allocation error. **/
BOOL FAR PASCAL MLSetTabStops(ped, nTabPos, lpTabStops)
PED ped; int nTabPos; LPINT lpTabStops;
{ int * pTabStops;
/* Check if tab positions already exist */ if (!ped -> pTabStops) { /* Check if the caller wants the new tab positions */ if (nTabPos) { /* Allocate the array of tab stops */ if(!(pTabStops = (int *)LocalAlloc(LPTR, (nTabPos + 1)*sizeof(int)))) return(FALSE); } else return(TRUE); /* No stops then and no stops now! */ } else { /* Check if the caller wants the new tab positions */ if(nTabPos) { /* Check if the number of tab positions is different */ if (ped->pTabStops[0] != nTabPos) { /* Yes! So ReAlloc to new size */ if(!(pTabStops = (int *)LocalReAlloc((HANDLE)ped->pTabStops, (nTabPos + 1) * sizeof(int), LPTR))) return(FALSE); } else pTabStops = ped->pTabStops; } else { /* Caller wants to remove all the tab stops; So, release */ if (LocalFree((HANDLE)ped->pTabStops)) return(FALSE); /* Failure */ ped->pTabStops = NULL; return(TRUE); } }
/* Copy the new tab stops onto the tab stop array after converting the
* dialog co-ordinates into the pixel co-ordinates */
ped -> pTabStops = pTabStops; *pTabStops++ = nTabPos; /* First element contains the count */ while(nTabPos--) { /* aveCharWidth must be used instead of cxSysCharWidth.
* Fix for Bug #3871 --SANKAR-- 03/14/91 */ *pTabStops++ = MultDiv(*lpTabStops++, ped->aveCharWidth, 4); } return(TRUE); }
BOOL FAR PASCAL MLUndoHandler(ped) register PED ped; /* effects: Handles Undo for multiline edit controls. */ { HANDLE hDeletedText = ped->hDeletedText; BOOL fDelete = (BOOL)(ped->undoType & UNDO_DELETE); WORD cchDeleted = ped->cchDeleted; WORD ichDeleted = ped->ichDeleted; if (ped->undoType == UNDO_NONE) /* No undo... */ return(FALSE);
ped->hDeletedText = NULL; ped->cchDeleted = 0; ped->ichDeleted = -1; ped->undoType &= ~UNDO_DELETE; if (ped->undoType == UNDO_INSERT) { ped->undoType = UNDO_NONE; /* Set the selection to the inserted text */ MLSetSelectionHandler(ped, ped->ichInsStart, ped->ichInsEnd); ped->ichInsStart = ped->ichInsEnd = -1; /* Now send a backspace to delete and save it in the undo buffer...
*/ MLCharHandler(ped, VK_BACK, NOMODIFY); }
if (fDelete) { /* Insert deleted chars */ /* Set the selection to the inserted text */ MLSetSelectionHandler(ped, ichDeleted, ichDeleted); MLInsertText(ped, GlobalLock(hDeletedText), cchDeleted, FALSE); GlobalUnlock(hDeletedText); GlobalFree(hDeletedText); MLSetSelectionHandler(ped, ichDeleted, ichDeleted+cchDeleted); }
return(TRUE); }