* * WOW v1.0 * * Copyright (c) 1991, Microsoft Corporation * * EDSLRARE.C * Win16 edit control code * * History: * * Created 28-May-1991 by Jeff Parsons (jeffpar) * Copied from WIN31 and edited (as little as possible) for WOW16. --*/
/****************************************************************************/ /* edslRare.c - SL Edit controls Routines Called rarely are to be */ /* put in a seperate segment _EDSLRare. This file contains */ /* these routines. */ /* */ /* */ /* Created: 02-08-89 sankar */ /****************************************************************************/
#include "user.h"
#include "edit.h"
/****************************************************************************/ /* Single-Line Support Routines called Rarely */ /****************************************************************************/
void FAR PASCAL SLSetSelectionHandler(ped, ichSelStart, ichSelEnd) register PED ped; ICH ichSelStart; ICH ichSelEnd; /* effects: Sets the PED to have the new selection specified.
*/ { register HDC hdc = ECGetEditDC(ped, FALSE);
if (ichSelStart == 0xFFFF) /* Set no selection if we specify -1 */ ichSelStart = ichSelEnd = ped->ichCaret;
/* Bounds ichSelStart, ichSelEnd are checked in SLChangeSelection... */ SLChangeSelection(ped, hdc, ichSelStart, ichSelEnd); /* Put the caret at the end of the selected text */ ped->ichCaret = ped->ichMaxSel;
/* We may need to scroll the text to bring the caret into view... */ SLScrollText(ped,hdc);
ECReleaseEditDC(ped,hdc,FALSE); }
void FAR PASCAL SLSizeHandler(ped) register PED ped; /* effects: Handles sizing of the edit control window and properly updating
* the fields that are dependent on the size of the control. ie. text * characters visible etc. */ { RECT rc; GetClientRect(ped->hwnd, &rc); if (!(rc.right-rc.left) || !(rc.bottom-rc.top)) { if (ped->rcFmt.right-ped->rcFmt.left) /* Don't do anything if we are becomming zero width or height and
out formatting rect is already set... */ return; /* Otherwise set some initial values to avoid divide by zero problems
later... */ SetRect((LPRECT)&rc,0,0,10,10); }
CopyRect(&ped->rcFmt, &rc); if (ped->fBorder) /* Shrink client area to make room for the border */ InflateRect((LPRECT)&ped->rcFmt, -(min(ped->aveCharWidth,ped->cxSysCharWidth)/2), -(min(ped->lineHeight,ped->cySysCharHeight)/4));
#ifdef BROKEN
ped->rcFmt.bottom = min(ped->rcFmt.top+ max(ped->lineHeight,ped->cySysCharHeight), ped->rcFmt.bottom); #else
ped->rcFmt.bottom = min(ped->rcFmt.top+ ped->lineHeight, ped->rcFmt.bottom); #endif
BOOL FAR PASCAL SLSetTextHandler(ped, lpstr) register PED ped; LPSTR lpstr; /* effects: Copies the null terminated text in lpstr to the ped. Notifies the
* parent if there isn't enough memory. Returns TRUE if successful else * FALSE. */ { BOOL fInsertSuccessful; RECT rcEdit;
SwapHandle(&lpstr); ECEmptyUndo(ped); SwapHandle(&lpstr);
/* Add the text and update the window if text was added. The parent is
* notified of no memory in ECSetText. */ if (fInsertSuccessful = ECSetText(ped, lpstr)) ped->fDirty = FALSE;
ECEmptyUndo(ped); if (!ped->listboxHwnd) ECNotifyParent(ped, EN_UPDATE);
#ifndef WOW
if (FChildVisible(ped->hwnd)) #else
if (IsWindowVisible(GetParent(ped->hwnd))) #endif
{ /* We will always redraw the text whether or not the insert was
* successful since we may set to null text. */ GetClientRect(ped->hwnd, (LPRECT)&rcEdit); if (ped->fBorder && rcEdit.right-rcEdit.left && rcEdit.bottom-rcEdit.top) { /* Don't invalidate the border so that we avoid flicker */ InflateRect((LPRECT)&rcEdit, -1, -1); } InvalidateRect(ped->hwnd, (LPRECT)&rcEdit, FALSE); UpdateWindow(ped->hwnd); }
if (!ped->listboxHwnd) ECNotifyParent(ped, EN_CHANGE);
return(fInsertSuccessful); }
LONG FAR PASCAL SLCreateHandler(hwnd, ped, lpCreateStruct) HWND hwnd; register PED ped; LPCREATESTRUCT lpCreateStruct;
/* effects: Creates the edit control for the window hwnd by allocating memory
* as required from the application's heap. Notifies parent if no memory * error (after cleaning up if needed). Returns TRUE if no error else returns * -1. */ { LPSTR lpWindowText = lpCreateStruct->lpszName; LONG windowStyle = GetWindowLong(hwnd, GWL_STYLE);
/* Save text across the local allocs in ECNcCreate */ SwapHandle(&lpWindowText);
/* Do the standard creation stuff */ if (!ECCreate(hwnd, ped, lpCreateStruct)) return(-1);
ped->fSingle = TRUE; /* Set single line edit control */
/* Single lines always have no undo and 1 line */ ped->cLines = 1; ped->undoType = UNDO_NONE;
/* Check if this edit control is part of a combobox and get a pointer to the
* combobox structure. */ if (windowStyle & ES_COMBOBOX) ped->listboxHwnd = GetDlgItem(lpCreateStruct->hwndParent,CBLISTBOXID);
/* Set the default font to be the system font.
*/ ECSetFont(ped, NULL, FALSE);
/* Set the window text if needed. Return false if we can't set the text
* SLSetText notifies the parent in case there is a no memory error. */ /* Restore text */ SwapHandle(&lpWindowText); if (lpWindowText && *lpWindowText && !SLSetTextHandler(ped, lpWindowText)) return(-1);
if (windowStyle & ES_PASSWORD) ECSetPasswordChar(ped, (WORD)'*');
return(TRUE); }
BOOL FAR PASCAL SLUndoHandler(ped) register PED ped; /* effects: Handles UNDO for single line edit controls. */ { HANDLE hDeletedText = ped->hDeletedText; BOOL fDelete = (BOOL)(ped->undoType & UNDO_DELETE); WORD cchDeleted = ped->cchDeleted; WORD ichDeleted = ped->ichDeleted; BOOL fUpdate = FALSE; RECT rcEdit;
if (ped->undoType == UNDO_NONE) /* No undo... */ return(FALSE);
ped->hDeletedText = NULL; ped->cchDeleted = 0; ped->ichDeleted = -1; ped->undoType &= ~UNDO_DELETE; if (ped->undoType == UNDO_INSERT) { ped->undoType = UNDO_NONE; /* Set the selection to the inserted text */ SLSetSelectionHandler(ped, ped->ichInsStart, ped->ichInsEnd); ped->ichInsStart = ped->ichInsEnd = -1;
#ifdef NEVER
/* Now send a backspace to deleted and save it in the undo buffer... */ SLCharHandler(ped, VK_BACK, NOMODIFY); fUpdate = TRUE; #else
/* Delete the selected text and save it in undo buff */ /* Call ECDeleteText() instead of sending a VK_BACK message which
* results in a EN_UPDATE notification sent even before we insert * the deleted chars. This results in Bug #6610. * Fix for Bug #6610 -- SANKAR -- 04/19/91 -- */ if (ECDeleteText(ped)) fUpdate = TRUE; #endif
if (fDelete) { /* Insert deleted chars */ /* Set the selection to the inserted text */ SLSetSelectionHandler(ped, ichDeleted, ichDeleted); SLInsertText(ped, GlobalLock(hDeletedText), cchDeleted); GlobalUnlock(hDeletedText); GlobalFree(hDeletedText); SLSetSelectionHandler(ped, ichDeleted, ichDeleted+cchDeleted); fUpdate=TRUE; }
if(fUpdate) { /* If we have something to update, send EN_UPDATE before and EN_CHANGE
* after the actual update. * A part of the Fix for Bug #6610 -- SANKAR -- 04/19/91 -- */ ECNotifyParent(ped, EN_UPDATE); #ifndef WOW
if (FChildVisible(ped->hwnd)) #else
if (IsWindowVisible(GetParent(ped->hwnd))) #endif
{ GetClientRect(ped->hwnd, (LPRECT)&rcEdit); if (ped->fBorder && rcEdit.right-rcEdit.left && rcEdit.bottom-rcEdit.top) { /* Don't invalidate the border so that we avoid flicker */ InflateRect((LPRECT)&rcEdit, -1, -1); } InvalidateRect(ped->hwnd, (LPRECT)&rcEdit, FALSE); UpdateWindow(ped->hwnd); } ECNotifyParent(ped,EN_CHANGE); } return(TRUE); }