page ,132 subttl emfdiv.asm - Division ;*** ;emfdiv.asm - Division ; ; Copyright (c) 1986-89, Microsoft Corporation ; ;Purpose: ; Division ; ; This Module contains Proprietary Information of Microsoft ; Corporation and should be treated as Confidential. ; ;Revision History: ; See emulator.hst ; ;*******************************************************************************
;-----------------------------------------; ; ; ; Division ; ; ; ;-----------------------------------------;
ProfBegin FDIV
RDBRQQ: ; Routine Div Both must see if we have two singles.
if fastSP MOV BX,DX XOR BX,Single + 256*Single TEST BX,Single + 256*Single JNZ RDDRQQ MOV bx,offset TDSRQQ JMP [bx] endif ;fastSP
pub RDDRQQ ; Routine Division Double ; Now we have ; SI --> numerator , AX - Expon , DL - Sign ; DI --> denominator , CX - Expon , DH - Sign
if fastSP CALL CoerceToDouble ; insure that both args are double endif ;fastSP
STC ; exponent will be difference - 1 SBB AX,CX ; compute result exponent
; AH has the (tentative) true exponent of the result. It is correct if the ; result does not need normalizing. If normalizing is required, then this ; must be incremented to give the correct result exponent
XOR DH,DL ; Compute sign PUSH ebp PUSH edx ; Save sign PUSH esi PUSH edi ADD esi,6 ADD edi,6 MOV ecx,4 STD REP CMPS word ptr [esi],word ptr [edi] ; compare numerator mantissa CLD ; with denominator mantissa POP edi POP esi PUSHF ; save the flags from the compare MOV BP,AX ; save the exponent LODS word ptr [esi] ; Load up numerator MOV CX,AX LODS word ptr [esi] MOV BX,AX LODS word ptr [esi] MOV DX,AX LODS word ptr [esi] XCHG AX,DX
; Move divisor to DAC so we can get at it easily.
MOV esi,edi ; Move divisor to DAC MOV edi,offset DAC ifdef i386 MOVSD MOVSD else MOVSW MOVSW MOVSW MOVSW endif
; Now we're all set: ; DX:AX:BX:CX has dividend ; DAC has divisor (in normal format) ; Both are 64 bits with zeros and have implied bit set. ; Top of stack has sign and tentative exponent.
XOR DI,DI POPF ; numerator mantissa < denominator? ; 80286 errata for POPF shouldn't ; apply because interrupts should be ; turned on in this context JB short DivNoShift ; if so bypass numerator shift SHR DX,1 ; Make sure dividend is smaller than divisor RCR AX,1 ; by dividing it by two RCR BX,1 RCR CX,1 RCR DI,1 INC BP ; increment result exponent pub DivNoShift PUSH ebp ; save result exponent MOV [REMLSW],DI ; Save lsb of remainder CALL DIV16 ; Get a quotient digit PUSH edi MOV [REMLSW],0 ; Turn off the shifted bit CALL DIV16 PUSH edi CALL DIV16 PUSH edi CALL DIV16 MOV BP,8001H ; turn round and sticky on SHL CX,1 RCL BX,1 RCL AX,1 RCL DX,1 ; multiply remainder by 2 JC short BPset ; if overflow, then round,sticky valid MOV esi,offset DAC CMP DX,[esi+6] JNE short RemainderNotHalf CMP AX,[esi+4] JNE short RemainderNotHalf CMP BX,[esi+2] JNE short RemainderNotHalf CMP CX,[esi] ; compare 2*remainder with denominator
;Observe, oh wondering one, how you can assume the result of this last ;compare is not equality. Use the following notation: n=numerator, ;d=denominator,q=quotient,r=remainder,b=base(2^64 here). If ;initially we had n < d then there was no shift and we will find q and r ;so that q*d+r=n*b, if initially we had n >= d then there was a shift and ;we will find q and r so that q*d+r=n*b/2. If we have equality here ;then r=d/2 ==> n={possibly 2*}(2*q+1)*d/(2*b), since this can only ;be integral if d is a multiple of b, but by definition b/2 <= d < b, we ;have a contradiction. Equality is thus impossible at this point.
pub RemainderNotHalf ; if 2*remainder > denominator JAE short BPset ; then round and sticky are valid OR AX,DX OR AX,CX OR AX,BX OR AL,AH ; otherwise or sticky bits into AL XOR AH,AH ; clear round bit MOV BP,AX ; move round and sticky into BP pub BPset MOV DX,DI ; get low 16 bits into proper location POP ecx POP ebx POP edi POP esi ; Now restore exponent
JMP ROUND ; Result is normalized, round it
; Remainder in DX:AX:BX:CX:REMLSW
pub DIV16 MOV SI,[DAC+6] ; Get high word of divisor XOR DI,DI ; Initialize quotient digit to zero CMP DX,SI ; Will we overflow? JAE MAXQUO ; If so, go handle special OR DX,DX ; Is dividend small? JNZ short DDIV CMP SI,AX ; Will divisor fit at all? JA short ZERQUO ; No - quotient is zero
pub DDIV DIV SI ; AX is our digit "guess" PUSH edx ; Save remainder - PUSH ebx ; top 32 bits XCHG AX,DI ; Quotient digit in DI XOR BP,BP ; Initialize quotient * divisor MOV SI,BP MOV AX,[DAC] OR AX,AX ; If zero, save multiply time JZ short REM2 MUL DI ; Begin computing quotient * divisor MOV SI,DX
pub REM2 PUSH eax ; Save lowest word of quotient * divisor MOV AX,[DAC+2] OR AX,AX JZ short REM3 MUL DI ADD SI,AX ADC BP,DX
; Remainder - Quotient * divisor ; [SP+4]:[SP+2]:CX:REMLSW - AX:BP:SI:[SP]
pub REM4 MOV DX,[REMLSW] ; Low word of remainder POP ebx ; Recover lowest word of quotient * divisor SUB DX,BX SBB CX,SI POP ebx SBB BX,BP POP ebp ; Remainder from DIV SBB BP,AX XCHG AX,BP
pub ZERQUO ; Remainder in AX:BX:CX:DX XCHG AX,DX XCHG AX,CX XCHG AX,BX JNC short DRET ; Remainder in DX:AX:BX:CX
pub RESTORE DEC DI ; Drop quotient since it didn't fit ADD CX,[DAC] ; Add divisor back in until remainder goes + ADC BX,[DAC+2] ADC AX,[DAC+4] ADC DX,[DAC+6] JNC RESTORE ; Loop is performed at most twice
pub MAXQUO DEC DI ; DI=FFFF=2**16-1, DX:AX:BX:CX is remainder, SUB CX,[DAC] ; DX = [DAC+6], d = divisor = [DAC] SBB BX,[DAC+2] SBB AX,[DAC+4] ; subtract 2^16*d from DX:AX:BX:CX:0000H ADD CX,[DAC+2] ; (DX-[DAC+6] = 0 is implied) ADC BX,[DAC+4] ADC AX,DX ; add high 48 bits of d to AX:BX:CX:0000H MOV DX,[DAC] ; add low 16 bits of d to zero giving DX CMC ; DI should be FFFEH if no carry from add JMP ZERQUO
ProfEnd FDIV