Source code of Windows XP (NT5)
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510 lines
13 KiB

  1. 3259 memmove
  2. 795 RtlFillMemory
  3. 621 ExReleaseResourceLite
  4. 566 ExAcquireResourceExclusiveLite
  5. 519 KiSwitchStacks
  6. 482 ExAllocatePoolWithTag
  7. 421 KeSwapIrql
  8. 393 IopParseDevice
  9. 345 KeRemoveQueue
  10. 324 MiReserveSystemPtes
  11. 300 KeInsertQueueDpc
  12. 284 ExFreePoolWithTag
  13. 240 CcMapData
  14. 235 RtlCompareMemory
  15. 233 ExAcquireFastMutex
  16. 227 KiDispatchInterrupt
  17. 196 RtlUpcaseUnicodeToOemN
  18. 194 CcGetVirtualAddress
  19. 179 IofCompleteRequest
  20. 170 RtlFindClearBits
  21. 164 KiRetireDpcList
  22. 160 KiInsertQueue
  23. 149 CcFindBcb
  24. 147 KiUnlockDispatcherDatabase
  25. 145 KeFlushIoBuffers
  26. 143 KeAcquireSpinLockRaiseToSynch
  27. 140 ObReferenceObjectByHandle
  28. 137 RtlEqualMemory
  29. 136 ExpInterlockedPushEntrySList
  30. 133 ExpInterlockedPopEntrySListFault
  31. 132 FsRtlIsNameInExpressionPrivate
  32. 128 KeReleaseSpinLock
  33. 127 RtlSplay
  34. 123 ExReleaseFastMutex
  35. 122 KiRaiseIrqlToXxxLevel
  36. 121 ExAcquireResourceSharedLite
  37. 119 CcPinFileData
  38. 116 SwapFromIdle
  39. 114 KeSynchronizeExecution
  40. 113 FsRtlDissectName
  41. 109 ObOpenObjectByName
  42. 103 CcFreeVirtualAddress
  43. 102 IoFreeIrp
  44. 101 ObpCaptureObjectCreateInformation
  45. 101 PsImpersonateClient
  46. 100 ObfDereferenceObject
  47. 100 ObpLookupObjectName
  48. 96 IofCallDriver
  49. 96 RtlTimeToTimeFields
  50. 93 KeRaiseIrql
  51. 88 KiReadyThread
  52. 87 MmCheckCachedPageState
  53. 84 MmProbeAndLockPages
  54. 81 FsRtlLookupLargeMcbEntry
  55. 81 MiFlushSectionInternal
  56. 80 ExpInterlockedPopEntrySList
  57. 80 IopAllocateIrp
  58. 80 RtlCompareUnicodeString
  59. 76 IoAllocateIrp
  60. 75 CcSetDirtyPinnedData
  61. 74 PspSetLdtSize
  62. 73 IoGetRelatedDeviceObject
  63. 69 CcUnpinFileData
  64. 67 KeWaitForSingleObject
  65. 66 CcMapAndRead
  66. 66 RtlIsNameLegalDOS8Dot3
  67. 65 ObpCaptureObjectName
  68. 63 ExReleaseHandleTableShared
  69. 63 KdPollBreakIn
  70. 62 CcFastCopyRead
  71. 62 FsRtlAddToTunnelCache
  72. 62 KiInterruptException
  73. 61 CcPinMappedData
  74. 61 FsRtlFindLargeIndex
  75. 60 ExInterlockedAddUlong
  76. 59 CcCanIWrite
  77. 59 RtlEqualUnicodeString
  78. 58 islower
  79. 58 KeInsertQueue
  80. 57 KiChainedDispatch
  81. 57 ObpAllocateObject
  82. 56 ElapsedDaysToYears
  83. 56 FsRtlIsFatDbcsLegal
  84. 53 ExAcquireFastMutexUnsafe
  85. 51 KiSwapThread
  86. 51 memset
  87. 50 CcFlushCache
  88. 48 ExAcquireHandleTableShared
  89. 48 IopDeleteFile
  90. 48 KeLeaveCriticalRegion
  91. 47 CcMdlRead
  92. 47 CcPrepareMdlWrite
  93. 46 CcFastCopyWrite
  94. 44 CcInitializeCacheMap
  95. 44 CcSetDirtyInMask
  96. 44 MiFreePoolPages
  97. 44 MiReleaseSystemPtes
  98. 44 RtlQueryAtomsInAtomTable
  99. 43 IoIsOperationSynchronous
  100. 43 KeLowerIrql
  101. 40 IoFastQueryNetworkAttributes
  102. 40 PsReferenceImpersonationToken
  103. 39 MiInsertPageInList
  104. 39 MmUnmapViewInSystemCache
  105. 39 ObCreateObject
  106. 39 ObpDecrementHandleCount
  107. 38 CcAcquireByteRangeForWrite
  108. 38 IopParseFile
  109. 38 KeSetEvent
  110. 38 MiLocateAndReserveWsle
  111. 38 MmUnlockPages
  112. 38 SeCreateAccessState
  113. 37 FsRtlFindInTunnelCache
  114. 37 IoCreateFile
  115. 36 CcMdlWriteComplete2
  116. 36 KeEnterCriticalRegion
  117. 35 CcMapAndCopy
  118. 35 ExCreateHandle
  119. 35 ExpFindCurrentThread
  120. 35 FsRtlCheckOplock
  121. 35 IopCloseFile
  122. 35 IopCompleteRequest
  123. 33 KiSaveVolatileFloatState
  124. 33 KiSwapThreadExit
  125. 33 ObpFreeObjectNameBuffer
  126. 32 CcSetFileSizes
  127. 32 RtlExtendedMagicDivide
  128. 31 CcUnpinData
  129. 31 MmMapLockedPages
  130. 31 MmSetAddressRangeModified
  131. 31 NtSetInformationFile
  132. 31 RtlUpcaseUnicodeStringToOemString
  133. 30 IoAcquireCancelSpinLock
  134. 30 IoAllocateMdl
  135. 30 IoFreeMdl
  136. 30 MiCheckProtoPtePageState
  137. 30 MiCleanSection
  138. 30 MiRemoveZeroPage
  139. 30 ObpCreateHandle
  140. 30 PsAssignImpersonationToken
  141. 29 ExAcquireHandleTableExclusive
  142. 29 FsRtlOplockBreakToII
  143. 29 MiRemovePageByColor
  144. 29 RtlNtStatusToDosErrorNoTeb
  145. 29 SeAssignSecurity
  146. 29 wcscmp
  147. 28 CcUninitializeCacheMap
  148. 28 FsRtlRequestExclusiveOplock
  149. 28 KiModifyException
  150. 28 RtlCopyUnicodeString
  151. 28 SeDeleteAccessState
  152. 27 CcLazyWriteScan
  153. 27 ExAcquireSharedStarveExclusive
  154. 27 KiUnwaitThread
  155. 27 MiDecrementReferenceCount
  156. 27 MiRemovePageFromList
  157. 27 ObpIncrementHandleCount
  158. 26 CcWriteBehind
  159. 26 MmAccessFault
  160. 26 ObpAllocateObjectNameBuffer
  161. 26 RtlFillMemoryUlong
  162. 26 RtlMapGenericMask
  163. 25 ExReleaseHandleTableExclusive
  164. 25 RtlUnicodeToOemN
  165. 24 FsRtlOplockCleanup
  166. 24 MiDecrementShareCount2
  167. 24 MiUpdateWsle
  168. 24 NtClose
  169. 23 FsRtlInitProcessorLockQueue
  170. 23 IoBuildPartialMdl
  171. 23 MiRestoreTransitionPte
  172. 23 MmFlushSection
  173. 23 RtlpDidUnicodeToOemWork
  174. 22 _ull_rshift
  175. 22 IopCheckBackupRestorePrivilege
  176. 22 IopDereferenceVpbAndFree
  177. 22 MmMapViewInSystemCache
  178. 22 SeCaptureSubjectContext
  179. 21 ExpAcquireResourceSharedLite
  180. 21 MmPurgeSection
  181. 21 RtlOemToUnicodeN
  182. 21 RtlUpcaseUnicodeString
  183. 20 ExMapHandleToPointer
  184. 20 MiCreateDataFileMap
  185. 20 MiLocateWsle
  186. 20 MiRemoveAnyPage
  187. 20 MiUnlinkPageFromList
  188. 20 RtlUpcaseUnicodeChar
  189. 19 IoSetHardErrorOrVerifyDevice
  190. 19 KeUpdateSystemTime
  191. 19 MiWaitForInPageComplete
  192. 19 MmCreateSection
  193. 19 ObpDeleteNameCheck
  194. 19 ObpFreeObject
  195. 19 PsReferencePrimaryToken
  196. 19 SeReleaseSubjectContext
  197. 18 CcGetVacbMiss
  198. 18 ExFreePool
  199. 18 FsRtlOplockIsFastIoPossible
  200. 18 RtlFindClearBitsAndSet
  201. 17 ExReleaseFastMutexUnsafe
  202. 17 FsRtlGetNextLargeMcbEntry
  203. 17 FsRtlRemoveNodeFromTunnel
  204. 17 KeReadStateTimer
  205. 17 KiAcquireSpinLock
  206. 17 MiInitializePfn
  207. 16 CcPinRead
  208. 16 CcWorkerThread
  209. 16 FsRtlDoesNameContainWildCards
  210. 16 FsRtlFastCheckLockForRead
  211. 16 FsRtlOplockFsctrl
  212. 16 IoCheckFunctionAccess
  213. 16 IoCheckShareAccess
  214. 16 KdpReadControlSpace
  215. 16 KiDeliverApc
  216. 16 KiRestoreVolatileFloatState
  217. 16 MiResolveMappedFileFault
  218. 16 ObpRemoveObjectRoutine
  219. 15 CcAllocateInitializeBcb
  220. 15 ExLockPool
  221. 15 ExpInterlockedCompareExchange64
  222. 15 MiCheckControlArea
  223. 15 MmCopyToCachedPage
  224. 15 MmIsAddressValid
  225. 15 RtlUpcaseUnicodeStringToCountedOemString
  226. 15 xHalSuspendHibernateSystem
  227. 14 CcPreparePinWrite
  228. 14 ExTryToAcquireFastMutex
  229. 14 IopCheckDeviceAndDriver
  230. 14 KeInitializeEvent
  231. 14 RtlpGetExtraStuffPointer
  232. 14 SwapContext
  233. 13 ExDestroyHandle
  234. 13 FsRtlRemoveAndCompleteWaitIrp
  235. 13 IoCheckDesiredAccess
  236. 13 KiInterruptDispatchSame
  237. 13 KxUnlockDispatcherDatabase
  238. 13 MiDispatchFault
  239. 13 MmUnmapLockedPages
  240. 13 ObpChargeQuotaForObject
  241. 13 RtlpGetStackLimits
  242. 13 SeAuditingFileEvents
  243. 12 KiInterruptExit
  244. 12 MiSetDirtyBit
  245. 11 CcFreeActiveVacb
  246. 11 ExSetResourceOwnerPointer
  247. 11 FsRtlLookupLastLargeMcbEntry
  248. 11 FsRtlPrivateFastUnlockAll
  249. 11 FsRtlTruncateLargeMcb
  250. 11 KeReadStateQueue
  251. 11 KiWaitTest
  252. 11 MiRemoveWsle
  253. 11 MiResolveProtoPteFault
  254. 11 PsWatchWorkingSet
  255. 11 RtlOemStringToUnicodeString
  256. 11 SeSetAccessStateGenericMapping
  257. 10 CmpCreatePredefined
  258. 10 ExGetPreviousMode
  259. 10 ExpInterlockedExchangeAddLargeInteger
  260. 10 FsRtlNotifySetCancelRoutine
  261. 10 IoSetShareAccess
  262. 10 IoStartPacket
  263. 10 KeAcquireSpinLock
  264. 10 KeQuerySystemTime
  265. 10 MiMakeSystemAddressValidPfn
  266. 10 PsChargeSharedPoolQuota
  267. 10 RawInitializeVcb
  268. 10 RtlpGenerateInheritedAce
  269. 9 CcCopyRead
  270. 9 CcGetDirtyPages
  271. 9 ExInterlockedInsertTailList
  272. 9 FsRtlPruneTunnelCache
  273. 9 IoStartNextPacket
  274. 9 KiActivateWaiterQueue
  275. 9 KiInsertTreeTimer
  276. 9 ObValidateSecurityQuota
  277. 9 RtlTimeToSecondsSince1970
  278. 8 CcCreateVacbArray
  279. 8 CcReleaseByteRangeFromWrite
  280. 8 ExpAcquireSharedStarveExclusive
  281. 8 FsRtlPrivateLimitFreeLockList
  282. 8 FsRtlWaitOnIrp
  283. 8 IoAllocateAdapterChannel
  284. 8 IoGetCurrentProcess
  285. 8 IopDeleteIoCompletion
  286. 8 KdIsThisAKdTrap
  287. 8 KeClearEvent
  288. 8 KeQueryTickCount
  289. 8 KiInsertQueueApc
  290. 8 KiInsertTimerTable
  291. 8 MiAllocatePoolPages
  292. 8 MiSectionDelete
  293. 8 RtlpLengthInheritedAce
  294. 8 SeValidSecurityDescriptor
  295. 8 SwapSplayLinks
  296. 7 FsRtlFastCheckLockForWrite
  297. 7 FsRtlUninitializeLargeMcb
  298. 7 KeUpdateRunTime
  299. 7 ObpCreateUnnamedHandle
  300. 7 RtlInsertElementGenericTable
  301. 7 SeLockSubjectContext
  302. 7 SepRmSendCommandToLsaWrkr
  303. 7 wcsicmp
  304. 6 CcPurgeCacheSection
  305. 6 CcUnmapVacbArray
  306. 6 ExAllocatePoolWithQuotaTag
  307. 6 ExIsResourceAcquiredExclusiveLite
  308. 6 FsRtlAddLargeMcbEntry
  309. 6 FsRtlAreNamesEqual
  310. 6 FsRtlDeleteTunnelCache
  311. 6 FsRtlPrivateLock
  312. 6 FsRtlRemoveMcbEntryPrivate
  313. 6 IO_DESC_MIN
  314. 6 IoCreateStreamFileObject
  315. 6 IoQueueThreadIrp
  316. 6 KeResetEvent
  317. 6 KeSetEventBoostPriority
  318. 6 KiContinueInterrupt
  319. 6 MiInitializeReadInProgressPfn
  320. 6 MiResolveDemandZeroFault
  321. 6 MmDeterminePoolType
  322. 6 ObpValidateAccessMask
  323. 6 RtlDelete
  324. 5 CcSetValidData
  325. 5 ExAcquireSharedWaitForExclusive
  326. 5 ExInitializeResourceLite
  327. 5 ExQueueWorkItem
  328. 5 ExReinitializeResourceLite
  329. 5 FsRtlAllocateOplock
  330. 5 FsRtlCurrentBatchOplock
  331. 5 FsRtlFastUnlockSingleExclusive
  332. 5 FsRtlInitializeLargeMcb
  333. 5 FsRtlLookupMcbEntry
  334. 5 FsRtlNotifyCompletion
  335. 5 IoRemoveShareAccess
  336. 5 IoSynchronousPageWrite
  337. 5 KeAlertResumeThread
  338. 5 KeFillEntryTb
  339. 5 KeRemoveQueueDpc
  340. 5 MiGetEventCounter
  341. 5 MmBuildMdlForNonPagedPool
  342. 5 ObInsertObject
  343. 5 PsReturnSharedPoolQuota
  344. 5 RtlClearBits
  345. 5 RtlSubAuthoritySid
  346. 5 SeTraverseAuditAlarm
  347. 4 CcCopyWrite
  348. 4 CcDeallocateBcb
  349. 4 CcMdlReadComplete2
  350. 4 ExpWaitForResource
  351. 4 FsRtlAcknowledgeOplockBreak
  352. 4 FsRtlAcquireFileForCcFlush
  353. 4 FsRtlUninitializeOplock
  354. 4 IoGetTopLevelIrp
  355. 4 KeInsertQueueApc
  356. 4 KeTryToAcquireSpinLock
  357. 4 KiAlternateExit
  358. 4 KiApcInterrupt
  359. 4 KiFlushSingleTb
  360. 4 KiTimerExpiration
  361. 4 MiAccessCheck
  362. 4 MiAddValidPageToWorkingSet
  363. 4 MiEnsureAvailablePageOrWait
  364. 4 MiGetInPageSupportBlock
  365. 4 MiReleasePageFileSpace
  366. 4 MiResolveTransitionFault
  367. 4 NtDeleteFile
  368. 4 NtFsControlFile
  369. 4 NtQueryVolumeInformationFile
  370. 4 RtlpGenerateInheritAcl
  371. 4 RtlSetBits
  372. 4 RtlUnicodeStringToCountedOemString
  373. 4 RtlUnicodeStringToOemString
  374. 4 SepCheckAcl
  375. 3 CcUnmapAndPurge
  376. 3 ExChangeHandle
  377. 3 ExDeleteResourceLite
  378. 3 ExInterlockedAddLargeStatistic
  379. 3 ExpAcquireResourceExclusiveLite
  380. 3 FsRtlCheckLockForReadAccess
  381. 3 FsRtlFastUnlockSingle
  382. 3 FsRtlFindFirstOverlappingExclusiveNode
  383. 3 FsRtlMdlWriteCompleteDev
  384. 3 FsRtlNotifyCleanup
  385. 3 FsRtlNumberOfRunsInLargeMcb
  386. 3 FsRtlPrivateInsertLock
  387. 3 FsRtlRemoveAndCompleteIrp
  388. 3 IopOpenLinkOrRenameTarget
  389. 3 IoReleaseCancelSpinLock
  390. 3 KeInitializeApc
  391. 3 KeInsertDeviceQueue
  392. 3 KeInsertHeadQueue
  393. 3 KeSetAutoAlignmentThread
  394. 3 KiComputeTimerTableIndex
  395. 3 KiPassiveRelease
  396. 3 KiSystemServiceRepeat
  397. 3 MiCheckControlAreaStatus
  398. 3 MiFreeInPageSupportBlock
  399. 3 MiMakeProtectionMask
  400. 3 ObpIncrementHandleDataBase
  401. 3 RtlDeleteElementGenericTable
  402. 3 RtlDeleteNoSplay
  403. 3 RtlSubtreePredecessor
  404. 3 RtlUpperString
  405. 3 SepAccessCheck
  406. 3 SepConcatenatePrivileges
  407. 3 SepGetDefaultsSubjectContext
  408. 2 CcGetVirtualAddressIfMapped
  409. 2 CcScheduleReadAhead
  410. 2 CcSetReadAheadGranularity
  411. 2 ExDisableResourceBoostLite
  412. 2 ExEnumHandleTable
  413. 2 ExInterlockedPushEntryList
  414. 2 ExIsResourceAcquiredSharedLite
  415. 2 ExpWorkerThread
  416. 2 FsRtlFreeTunnelNode
  417. 2 FsRtlIsNameInExpression
  418. 2 FsRtlOplockBreakNotify
  419. 2 FsRtlReleaseFileForCcFlush
  420. 2 IoGetDeviceToVerify
  421. 2 IopSynchronousApiServiceTail
  422. 2 KeChangeColorPage
  423. 2 KeSetTimerEx
  424. 2 KeWaitForMultipleObjects
  425. 2 KiDecrementQuantum
  426. 2 KiRequestSoftwareInterrupt
  427. 2 KiSetServerWaitClientEvent
  428. 2 MiAddWorkingSetPage
  429. 2 MiChargeCommitmentCantExpand
  430. 2 MiCheckForControlAreaDeletion
  431. 2 MiCompleteProtoPteFault
  432. 2 MiDereferenceSegmentThread
  433. 2 MiFlushPteList
  434. 2 MiFreeEventCounter
  435. 2 MiReleaseWsle
  436. 2 MmCanFileBeTruncatedInternal
  437. 2 NtCancelTimer
  438. 2 ObDeleteCapturedInsertInfo
  439. 2 ObpIncrementUnnamedHandleCount
  440. 2 PsReturnPoolQuota
  441. 2 RtlAppendUnicodeToString
  442. 2 RtlAreBitsSet
  443. 2 RtlCaptureContext
  444. 2 RtlConvertUlongToLargeInteger
  445. 2 RtlCreateSecurityDescriptor
  446. 2 RtlEqualPrefixSid
  447. 2 RtlInitializeSid
  448. 2 RtlInitializeUnicodePrefix
  449. 2 RtlVirtualUnwind
  450. 2 SepInheritAcl
  451. 2 SeUnlockSubjectContext
  452. 1 CcDeleteSharedCacheMap
  453. 1 CcPerformReadAhead
  454. 1 CcPostWorkQueue
  455. 1 CcUnpinDataForThread
  456. 1 CcZeroEndOfLastPage
  457. 1 ExAllocatePoolWithQuota
  458. 1 ExReleaseResourceForThreadLite
  459. 1 ExUnlockUserBuffer
  460. 1 FsRtlAllocateFirstMapping
  461. 1 FsRtlFastUnlockAll
  462. 1 FsRtlFastUnlockSingleShared
  463. 1 FsRtlPrivateCheckForExclusiveLockAccess
  464. 1 FsRtlRemoveLargeMcbEntry
  465. 1 FsRtlUninitializeFileLock
  466. 1 IoBuildAsynchronousFsdRequest
  467. 1 IoGetRequestorProcess
  468. 1 IoPageRead
  469. 1 IopTimerDispatch
  470. 1 IoUpdateShareAccess
  471. 1 KeAttachProcess
  472. 1 KeBoostCurrentThread
  473. 1 KeContextFromKframes
  474. 1 KeFlushSingleTb
  475. 1 KeRemoveByKeyDeviceQueue
  476. 1 KeSetBasePriorityThread
  477. 1 KeThawAllThreads
  478. 1 KiCacheError
  479. 1 KiCacheErrorEndAddress
  480. 1 KiExceptionExit
  481. 1 KiFindReadyThread
  482. 1 KiScanBugCheckCallbackList
  483. 1 KiTimerListExpire
  484. 1 MiFindActualFaultingPte
  485. 1 MiFlushInPageSupportBlock
  486. 1 MiFreeWsle
  487. 1 MiGatherPagefilePages
  488. 1 MiInsertPageFileInList
  489. 1 MiInsertVad
  490. 1 MiRemoveUnusedSegments
  491. 1 MiReserveSystemPtes2
  492. 1 MiResolvePageFileFault
  493. 1 MiReturnPageFileQuota
  494. 1 MiSegmentDelete
  495. 1 MiWriteComplete
  496. 1 MmRaisePoolQuota
  497. 1 NtCreateFile
  498. 1 NtQueryTimerResolution
  499. 1 RtlAreBitsClear
  500. 1 RtlCompressWorkSpaceSizeNS
  501. 1 RtlCreateAcl
  502. 1 RtlExtendedIntegerMultiply
  503. 1 RtlIsGenericTableEmpty
  504. 1 RtlLengthSecurityDescriptor
  505. 1 RtlpLengthInheritAcl
  506. 1 RtlpRaiseException
  507. 1 SeObjectReferenceAuditAlarm
  508. 1 SepSidInToken
  509. 1 SepTokenIsOwner
  510. 1 strncpy