Copyright (c) 1990 Microsoft Corporation Copyright (c) 1993 Digital Equipment Corporation
Module Name:
This module implements Alpha AXP machine dependent kernel functions to flush the data and instruction caches and to flush I/O buffers.
David N. Cutler (davec) 26-Apr-1990 Joe Notarangelo 29-Nov-1993
Kernel mode only.
Revision History:
#include "ki.h"
// Define forward referenced prototypes.
VOID KiSweepDcacheTarget ( IN PKIPI_CONTEXT SignalDone, IN PVOID Count, IN PVOID Parameter2, IN PVOID Parameter3 );
VOID KiSweepIcacheTarget ( IN PKIPI_CONTEXT SignalDone, IN PVOID Count, IN PVOID Parameter2, IN PVOID Parameter3 );
VOID KiFlushIoBuffersTarget ( IN PKIPI_CONTEXT SignalDone, IN PVOID Mdl, IN PVOID ReadOperation, IN PVOID DmaOperation );
VOID KiSynchronizeMemoryAccessTarget ( IN PKIPI_CONTEXT SignalDone, IN PVOID Parameter1, IN PVOID Parameter2, IN PVOID Parameter3 );
ULONG KiSynchronizeMemoryCallCount = 0;
VOID KeSweepDcache ( IN BOOLEAN AllProcessors )
Routine Description:
This function flushes the data cache on all processors that are currently running threads which are children of the current process or flushes the data cache on all processors in the host configuration.
AllProcessors - Supplies a boolean value that determines which data caches are flushed.
Return Value:
KIRQL OldIrql; KAFFINITY TargetProcessors;
ASSERT(KeGetCurrentIrql() <= KiSynchIrql);
// Raise IRQL to synchronization level to prevent a context switch.
#if !defined(NT_UP)
OldIrql = KeRaiseIrqlToSynchLevel();
// Compute the set of target processors and send the sweep parameters
// to the target processors, if any, for execution.
TargetProcessors = KeActiveProcessors & PCR->NotMember; if (TargetProcessors != 0) { KiIpiSendPacket(TargetProcessors, KiSweepDcacheTarget, NULL, NULL, NULL); }
IPI_INSTRUMENT_COUNT(KeGetCurrentPrcb()->Number, SweepDcache);
// Sweep the data cache on the current processor.
// Wait until all target processors have finished sweeping the their
// data cache.
#if !defined(NT_UP)
if (TargetProcessors != 0) { KiIpiStallOnPacketTargets(TargetProcessors); }
// Lower IRQL to its previous level and return.
return; }
VOID KiSweepDcacheTarget ( IN PKIPI_CONTEXT SignalDone, IN PVOID Parameter1, IN PVOID Parameter2, IN PVOID Parameter3 )
Routine Description:
This is the target function for sweeping the data cache on target processors.
SignalDone - Supplies a pointer to a variable that is cleared when the requested operation has been performed
Parameter1 - Parameter3 - not used
Return Value:
// Sweep the data cache on the current processor and clear the sweep
// data cache packet address to signal the source to continue.
#if !defined(NT_UP)
HalSweepDcache(); KiIpiSignalPacketDone(SignalDone); IPI_INSTRUMENT_COUNT(KeGetCurrentPrcb()->Number, SweepDcache);
return; }
VOID KeSweepIcache ( IN BOOLEAN AllProcessors )
Routine Description:
This function flushes the instruction cache on all processors that are currently running threads which are children of the current process or flushes the instruction cache on all processors in the host configuration.
AllProcessors - Supplies a boolean value that determines which instruction caches are flushed.
Return Value:
KIRQL OldIrql; KAFFINITY TargetProcessors;
ASSERT(KeGetCurrentIrql() <= KiSynchIrql);
// Raise IRQL to synchronization level to prevent a context switch.
#if !defined(NT_UP)
OldIrql = KeRaiseIrqlToSynchLevel();
// Compute the set of target processors and send the sweep parameters
// to the target processors, if any, for execution.
TargetProcessors = KeActiveProcessors & PCR->NotMember; if (TargetProcessors != 0) { KiIpiSendPacket(TargetProcessors, KiSweepIcacheTarget, NULL, NULL, NULL); }
IPI_INSTRUMENT_COUNT(KeGetCurrentPrcb()->Number, SweepIcache);
// Sweep the instruction cache on the current processor.
// Wait until all target processors have finished sweeping the their
// instruction cache.
#if !defined(NT_UP)
if (TargetProcessors != 0) { KiIpiStallOnPacketTargets(TargetProcessors); }
// Lower IRQL to its previous level and return.
return; }
VOID KiSweepIcacheTarget ( IN PKIPI_CONTEXT SignalDone, IN PVOID Parameter1, IN PVOID Parameter2, IN PVOID Parameter3 )
Routine Description:
This is the target function for sweeping the instruction cache on target processors.
SignalDone - Supplies a pointer to a variable that is cleared when the requested operation has been performed
Parameter1 - Parameter3 - not used
Return Value:
// Sweep the instruction cache on the current processor and clear
// the sweep instruction cache packet address to signal the source
// to continue.
#if !defined(NT_UP)
KiImb(); KiIpiSignalPacketDone(SignalDone); IPI_INSTRUMENT_COUNT(KeGetCurrentPrcb()->Number, SweepIcache);
return; }
VOID KeSweepIcacheRange ( IN BOOLEAN AllProcessors, IN PVOID BaseAddress, IN ULONG_PTR Length )
Routine Description:
This function flushes the an range of virtual addresses from the primary instruction cache on all processors that are currently running threads which are children of the current process or flushes the range of virtual addresses from the primary instruction cache on all processors in the host configuration.
AllProcessors - Supplies a boolean value that determines which instruction caches are flushed.
BaseAddress - Supplies a pointer to the base of the range that is flushed.
Length - Supplies the length of the range that is flushed if the base address is specified.
Return Value:
KeSweepIcache(AllProcessors); return; }
VOID KeFlushIoBuffers ( IN PMDL Mdl, IN BOOLEAN ReadOperation, IN BOOLEAN DmaOperation )
Routine Description:
This function flushes the I/O buffer specified by the memory descriptor list from the data cache on all processors.
Alpha requires that caches be coherent with respect to I/O. All that this routine needs to do is execute a memory barrier on the current processor. However, in order to maintain i-stream coherency, all processors must execute the IMB PAL call in the case of page reads. Thus, all processors are IPI'd to perform the IMB for any flush that is a DmaOperation, a ReadOperation, and an MDL_IO_PAGE_READ.
Mdl - Supplies a pointer to a memory descriptor list that describes the I/O buffer location.
ReadOperation - Supplies a boolean value that determines whether the I/O operation is a read into memory.
DmaOperation - Supplies a boolean value that determines whether the I/O operation is a DMA operation.
Return Value:
{ KIRQL OldIrql; KAFFINITY TargetProcessors;
ASSERT(KeGetCurrentIrql() <= KiSynchIrql);
// If the operation is a DMA operation, then check if the flush
// can be avoided because the host system supports the right set
// of cache coherency attributes. Otherwise, the flush can also
// be avoided if the operation is a programmed I/O and not a page
// read.
if (DmaOperation != FALSE) { if (ReadOperation != FALSE) { if ((KiDmaIoCoherency & DMA_READ_ICACHE_INVALIDATE) != 0) {
} else if (((Mdl->MdlFlags & MDL_IO_PAGE_READ) == 0) && ((KiDmaIoCoherency & DMA_READ_DCACHE_INVALIDATE) != 0)) { return; }
} else if ((KiDmaIoCoherency & DMA_WRITE_DCACHE_SNOOP) != 0) { return; }
} else if ((Mdl->MdlFlags & MDL_IO_PAGE_READ) == 0) { return; }
// Either the operation is a DMA operation and the right coherency
// attributes are not supported by the host system, or the operation
// is programmed I/O and a page read.
// Raise IRQL to synchronization level to prevent a context switch.
OldIrql = KeRaiseIrqlToSynchLevel();
// Compute the set of target processors, and send the flush I/O
// parameters to the target processors, if any, for execution.
#if !defined(NT_UP)
TargetProcessors = KeActiveProcessors & PCR->NotMember; if (TargetProcessors != 0) { KiIpiSendPacket(TargetProcessors, KiFlushIoBuffersTarget, (PVOID)Mdl, ULongToPtr((ULONG)ReadOperation), ULongToPtr((ULONG)DmaOperation)); }
// Flush I/O buffer on current processor.
HalFlushIoBuffers(Mdl, ReadOperation, DmaOperation);
// Wait until all target processors have finished flushing the
// specified I/O buffer.
#if !defined(NT_UP)
if (TargetProcessors != 0) { KiIpiStallOnPacketTargets(TargetProcessors); }
// Lower IRQL to its previous level and return.
return; }
#if !defined(NT_UP)
VOID KiFlushIoBuffersTarget ( IN PKIPI_CONTEXT SignalDone, IN PVOID Mdl, IN PVOID ReadOperation, IN PVOID DmaOperation )
Routine Description:
This is the target function for flushing an I/O buffer on target processors.
SignalDone Supplies a pointer to a variable that is cleared when the requested operation has been performed.
Mdl - Supplies a pointer to a memory descriptor list that describes the I/O buffer location.
ReadOperation - Supplies a boolean value that determines whether the I/O operation is a read into memory.
DmaOperation - Supplies a boolean value that determines whether the I/O operation is a DMA operation.
Return Value:
// Flush the specified I/O buffer on the current processor.
HalFlushIoBuffers((PMDL)Mdl, (BOOLEAN)((ULONG_PTR)ReadOperation), (BOOLEAN)((ULONG_PTR)DmaOperation));
KiIpiSignalPacketDone(SignalDone); IPI_INSTRUMENT_COUNT(KeGetCurrentPrcb()->Number, FlushIoBuffers);
return; }
VOID KeSynchronizeMemoryAccess ( VOID )
Routine Description:
This function synchronizes memory access across all processors in the host configurarion.
Return Value:
KIRQL OldIrql; KAFFINITY TargetProcessors;
ASSERT(KeGetCurrentIrql() <= KiSynchIrql);
KiSynchronizeMemoryCallCount += 1;
// Raise IRQL to synchronization level to prevent a context switch.
#if !defined(NT_UP)
OldIrql = KeRaiseIrqlToSynchLevel();
// Compute the set of target processors and send the synchronize message
// to the target processors, if any, for execution.
TargetProcessors = KeActiveProcessors & PCR->NotMember; if (TargetProcessors != 0) { KiIpiSendPacket(TargetProcessors, KiSynchronizeMemoryAccessTarget, NULL, NULL, NULL); }
// On an MP system an implicit memory barrier is executed during the
// end of the IPI message. On a UP system, a memory barrier must be
// executed.
// Wait until all target processors have finished sweeping the their
// data cache.
#if !defined(NT_UP)
if (TargetProcessors != 0) { KiIpiStallOnPacketTargets(TargetProcessors); }
// Lower IRQL to its previous level and return.
return; }
#if !defined(NT_UP)
VOID KiSynchronizeMemoryAccessTarget ( IN PKIPI_CONTEXT SignalDone, IN PVOID Parameter1, IN PVOID Parameter2, IN PVOID Parameter3 )
Routine Description:
This function performs no operation, but an implicit memory barrier is executed when the IPI message is received.
SignalDone - Supplies a pointer to a variable that is cleared when the requested operation has been performed
Parameter1 - Parameter3 - not used
Return Value:
KiIpiSignalPacketDone(SignalDone); return; }