Copyright (c) 2000 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This module implements interfaces that support manipulation of I/O Permission Maps (IOPMs).
David N. Cutler (davec) 4-May-2000
Kernel mode only.
Revision History:
#include "ki.h"
// Define forward referenced function prototypes.
VOID KiSetIoAccessMap ( IN PKIPI_CONTEXT SignalDone, IN PVOID MapSource, IN PVOID Parameter2, IN PVOID Parameter3 );
VOID KiSetIoAccessProcess ( IN PKIPI_CONTEXT SignalDone, IN PVOID MapOffset, IN PVOID Parameter2, IN PVOID Parameter3 );
VOID KeQueryIoAccessMap ( PKIO_ACCESS_MAP IoAccessMap )
Routine Description:
This function queries the current I/O Permissions Map and copies it to the specified buffer.
IoAccessMap - Supplies a pointer to an I/O Permissions Map that will receive the current I/O Permissions Map.
Return Value:
KIRQL OldIrql;
// Raise IRQL and acquire the context swap lock..
// Copy the current I/O Permissions Map to the specified buffer.
RtlCopyMemory(IoAccessMap, &KeGetPcr()->TssBase->IoMap[0], IOPM_SIZE);
// Release the context swap lock and lower IRQL.
KiUnlockContextSwap(OldIrql); return; }
VOID KeSetIoAccessMap ( PKIO_ACCESS_MAP IoAccessMap )
Routine Description:
This funtion copies the specified I/O Permission Map to the current I/O Permissions Map on all processors in the host configuration.
IoAccessMap - Supplies a pointer to the new I/O Permissions Map.
Return Value:
KIRQL OldIrql; PKPRCB Prcb; KAFFINITY TargetProcessors;
// Raise IRQL and acquire the context swap lock.
// Compute the target set of processors and send a message to copy
// the new I/O Permissions Map.
#if !defined(NT_UP)
Prcb = KeGetCurrentPrcb(); TargetProcessors = KeActiveProcessors & Prcb->NotSetMember; if (TargetProcessors != 0) { KiIpiSendPacket(TargetProcessors, KiSetIoAccessMap, IoAccessMap, NULL, NULL); }
// Copy the I/O Permissions Map into the current map.
RtlCopyMemory(&KeGetPcr()->TssBase->IoMap[0], IoAccessMap, IOPM_SIZE);
// Wait until all of the target processors have finished copying the
// new map.
#if !defined(NT_UP)
if (TargetProcessors != 0) { KiIpiStallOnPacketTargets(TargetProcessors); }
// Release the context swap lock and lower IRQL.
KiUnlockContextSwap(OldIrql); return; }
#if !defined(NT_UP)
VOID KiSetIoAccessMap ( IN PKIPI_CONTEXT SignalDone, IN PVOID MapSource, IN PVOID Parameter2, IN PVOID Parameter3 )
Routine Description:
This is the target function for copying the new I/O Permissions Map.
MapSource - Supplies a pointer to the new I/O Permission Map.
Parameter2 - Parameter3 - Not used.
Return Value:
// Copy the specified I/O Permissions map into the current map.
RtlCopyMemory(&KeGetPcr()->TssBase->IoMap[0], MapSource, IOPM_SIZE); KiIpiSignalPacketDone(SignalDone); return; }
VOID KeSetIoAccessProcess ( PKPROCESS Process, BOOLEAN Enable )
Routine Description:
This function enables or disables use of the I/O Permissions Map by the specified process.
Process - Supplies a pointer to a process object.
Enable - Supplies a value that determines whether the current I/O Permissions Map is enabled (TRUE) or disabled (FALSE) for the specified process.
Return Value:
USHORT MapOffset; KIRQL OldIrql; PKPRCB Prcb; KAFFINITY TargetProcessors;
// Raise IRQL and acquire the context swap lock.
// Compute the new I/O Permissions Map offset and set the new offset for
// the specified process.
MapOffset = KiComputeIopmOffset(Enable); Process->IopmOffset = MapOffset;
// Compute the target set of processors and send a message specifing a
// new I/O Permsissions Map offset.
Prcb = KeGetCurrentPrcb();
#if !defined(NT_UP)
TargetProcessors = Process->ActiveProcessors & Prcb->NotSetMember; if (TargetProcessors != 0) { KiIpiSendPacket(TargetProcessors, KiSetIoAccessProcess, (PVOID)((ULONG64)MapOffset), NULL, NULL); }
// If the specified process has a child thread that is running on the
// current processor, then set the new I/O Permissions Map offset.
if (Process->ActiveProcessors & Prcb->SetMember) { KeGetPcr()->TssBase->IoMapBase = MapOffset; }
// Wait until all of the target processors have finished setting the new
// map offset.
#if !defined(NT_UP)
// Release the context swap lock and lower IRQL.
KiUnlockContextSwap(OldIrql); return; }
#if !defined(NT_UP)
VOID KiSetIoAccessProcess ( IN PKIPI_CONTEXT SignalDone, IN PVOID MapOffset, IN PVOID Parameter2, IN PVOID Parameter3 )
Routine Description:
This is the target function to set the I/O Permissions Map offset.
MapOffset - Supplies the new I/O Permissions Map offset.
Parameter2 - Parameter3 - Not Used.
Return Value:
// Update IOPM field in TSS from current process
KeGetPcr()->TssBase->IoMapBase = (USHORT)((ULONG64)MapOffset); KiIpiSignalPacketDone(SignalDone); return; }