Copyright (c) 1991 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This module implement the code necessary to emulate unaliged data references.
David N. Cutler (davec) 17-Jun-1991
Kernel mode only.
Revision History:
#include "ki.h"
#define OPCODE_MASK 0x1EF00000000
#define LD_OP 0x08000000000
#define LDS_OP 0x08100000000
#define LDA_OP 0x08200000000
#define LDSA_OP 0x08300000000
#define LDBIAS_OP 0x08400000000
#define LDACQ_OP 0x08500000000
#define LDCCLR_OP 0x08800000000
#define LDCNC_OP 0x08900000000
#define LDCCLRACQ_OP 0x08A00000000
#define ST_OP 0x08C00000000
#define STREL_OP 0x08D00000000
#define LD_IMM_OP 0x0A000000000
#define LDS_IMM_OP 0x0A100000000
#define LDA_IMM_OP 0x0A200000000
#define LDSA_IMM_OP 0x0A300000000
#define LDBIAS_IMM_OP 0x0A400000000
#define LDACQ_IMM_OP 0x0A500000000
#define LDCCLR_IMM_OP 0x0A800000000
#define LDCNC_IMM_OP 0x0A900000000
#define LDCCLRACQ_IMM_OP 0x0AA00000000
#define ST_IMM_OP 0x0AC00000000
#define STREL_IMM_OP 0x0AD00000000
#define LDF_OP 0x0C000000000
#define LDFS_OP 0x0C100000000
#define LDFA_OP 0x0C200000000
#define LDFSA_OP 0x0C300000000
#define LDFCCLR_OP 0x0C800000000
#define LDFCNC_OP 0x0C900000000
#define STF_OP 0x0CC00000000
#define LDF_IMM_OP 0x0E000000000
#define LDFS_IMM_OP 0x0E100000000
#define LDFA_IMM_OP 0x0E200000000
#define LDFSA_IMM_OP 0x0E300000000
#define LDFCCLR_IMM_OP 0x0E800000000
#define LDFCNC_IMM_OP 0x0E900000000
#define STF_IMM_OP 0x0EC00000000
typedef struct _INST_FORMAT { union { struct { ULONGLONG qp: 6; ULONGLONG r1: 7; ULONGLONG r2: 7; ULONGLONG r3: 7; ULONGLONG x: 1; ULONGLONG hint: 2; ULONGLONG x6: 6; ULONGLONG m: 1; ULONGLONG Op: 4; ULONGLONG Rsv: 23; } i_field; ULONGLONG Ulong64; } u; } INST_FORMAT;
VOID KiEmulateLoad( IN PVOID UnalignedAddress, IN ULONG OperandSize, IN PVOID Data );
VOID KiEmulateStore( IN PVOID UnalignedAddress, IN ULONG OperandSize, IN PVOID Data );
VOID KiEmulateLoadFloat( IN PVOID UnalignedAddress, IN ULONG OperandSize, IN PVOID Data );
VOID KiEmulateStoreFloat( IN PVOID UnalignedAddress, IN ULONG OperandSize, IN PVOID Data );
VOID KiEmulateLoadFloat80( IN PVOID UnalignedAddress, OUT PVOID FloatData );
VOID KiEmulateLoadFloatInt( IN PVOID UnalignedAddress, OUT PVOID FloatData );
VOID KiEmulateLoadFloat32( IN PVOID UnalignedAddress, OUT PVOID FloatData );
VOID KiEmulateLoadFloat64( IN PVOID UnalignedAddress, OUT PVOID FloatData );
VOID KiEmulateStoreFloat80( IN PVOID UnalignedAddress, OUT PVOID FloatData );
VOID KiEmulateStoreFloatInt( IN PVOID UnalignedAddress, OUT PVOID FloatData );
VOID KiEmulateStoreFloat32( IN PVOID UnalignedAddress, OUT PVOID FloatData );
VOID KiEmulateStoreFloat64( IN PVOID UnalignedAddress, OUT PVOID FloatData );
Routine Description:
This function is called to emulate an unaligned data reference to an address in the user part of the address space.
ExceptionRecord - Supplies a pointer to an exception record.
ExceptionFrame - Supplies a pointer to an exception frame.
TrapFrame - Supplies a pointer to a trap frame.
Return Value:
A value of TRUE is returned if the data reference is successfully emulated. Otherwise, a value of FALSE is returned.
PVOID EffectiveAddress; PVOID ExceptionAddress; KIRQL OldIrql; KPROCESSOR_MODE PreviousMode; INST_FORMAT FaultInstruction; ULONGLONG Opcode; ULONGLONG Reg2Value; ULONGLONG Reg3Value; ULONGLONG BundleLow; ULONGLONG BundleHigh; ULONGLONG Syllable; ULONGLONG Data = 0; ULONGLONG ImmValue; ULONG OpSize; ULONG Length; ULONG Sor; ULONG Rrbgr; ULONG Rrbfr; ULONG Operand1, Operand2, Operand3; FLOAT128 FloatData = {0, 0};
// Must flush the RSE to synchronize the RSE and backing store contents
if (TrapFrame->PreviousMode == UserMode) { KeFlushUserRseState(TrapFrame); }
// Call out to profile interrupt if alignment profiling is active
if (KiProfileAlignmentFixup) {
if (++KiProfileAlignmentFixupCount >= KiProfileAlignmentFixupInterval) {
KeRaiseIrql(PROFILE_LEVEL, &OldIrql); KiProfileAlignmentFixupCount = 0; KeProfileInterruptWithSource(TrapFrame, ProfileAlignmentFixup); KeLowerIrql(OldIrql);
} }
// Save the original exception address in case another exception
// occurs.
EffectiveAddress = (PVOID) ExceptionRecord->ExceptionInformation[1]; ExceptionAddress = (PVOID) TrapFrame->StIIP;
// Capture previous mode from trap frame not current thread.
PreviousMode = (KPROCESSOR_MODE) TrapFrame->PreviousMode;
// Any exception that occurs during the attempted emulation of the
// unaligned reference causes the emulation to be aborted. The new
// exception code and information is copied to the original exception
// record and a value of FALSE is returned.
try {
BundleLow = *((ULONGLONG *)ExceptionAddress); BundleHigh = *(((ULONGLONG *)ExceptionAddress) + 1);
Syllable = (TrapFrame->StIPSR >> PSR_RI) & 0x3;
switch (Syllable) { case 0: FaultInstruction.u.Ulong64 = (BundleLow >> 5); break; case 1: FaultInstruction.u.Ulong64 = (BundleLow >> 46) | (BundleHigh << 18); break; case 2: FaultInstruction.u.Ulong64 = (BundleHigh >> 23); case 3: default: return FALSE; } Rrbgr = (ULONG)(TrapFrame->StIFS >> 18) & 0x7f; Rrbfr = (ULONG)(TrapFrame->StIFS >> 25) & 0x7f; Sor = (ULONG)((TrapFrame->StIFS >> 14) & 0xf) * 8; Operand1 = (ULONG)FaultInstruction.u.i_field.r1; Operand2 = (ULONG)FaultInstruction.u.i_field.r2; Operand3 = (ULONG)FaultInstruction.u.i_field.r3;
if (Sor > 0) { if ((Operand1 >= 32) && ((Operand1-32) < Sor)) Operand1 = 32 + (Rrbgr + Operand1 - 32) % Sor; if ((Operand2 >= 32) && ((Operand2-32) < Sor)) Operand2 = 32 + (Rrbgr + Operand2 - 32) % Sor; if ((Operand3 >= 32) && ((Operand3-32) < Sor)) Operand3 = 32 + (Rrbgr + Operand3 - 32) % Sor; }
Opcode = FaultInstruction.u.Ulong64 & OPCODE_MASK; OpSize = (ULONG)FaultInstruction.u.i_field.x6 & 0x3;
switch (Opcode) {
// speculative and speculative advanced load
case LDS_OP: case LDSA_OP: case LDS_IMM_OP: case LDSA_IMM_OP: case LDFS_OP: case LDFSA_OP: case LDFS_IMM_OP:
// return NaT value to the target register
TrapFrame->StIPSR |= (1i64 << PSR_ED);
return TRUE;
// normal, advance, and check load
case LD_OP: case LDA_OP: case LDBIAS_OP: case LDCCLR_OP: case LDCNC_OP: case LDACQ_OP: case LDCCLRACQ_OP:
if (FaultInstruction.u.i_field.x == 1) { //
// xField must be 0
return FALSE; } if( PreviousMode != KernelMode ){ ProbeForRead( EffectiveAddress, 1 << OpSize, sizeof(UCHAR) ); }
KiEmulateLoad(EffectiveAddress, OpSize, &Data); KiSetRegisterValue( Operand1, Data, ExceptionFrame, TrapFrame );
if (FaultInstruction.u.i_field.m == 1) {
// Update the address register (R3)
Reg2Value = KiGetRegisterValue( Operand2, ExceptionFrame, TrapFrame );
Reg3Value = KiGetRegisterValue( Operand3, ExceptionFrame, TrapFrame );
// register update form
Reg3Value = Reg2Value + Reg3Value;
KiSetRegisterValue ( Operand3, Reg3Value, ExceptionFrame, TrapFrame); }
if ((Opcode == LDACQ_OP) || (Opcode == LDCCLRACQ_OP)) {
// all future access should occur after unaligned memory access
__mf(); }
// normal, advance, and check load
// immidiate updated form
if( PreviousMode != KernelMode ){ ProbeForRead( EffectiveAddress, 1 << OpSize, sizeof(UCHAR) ); }
KiEmulateLoad(EffectiveAddress, OpSize, &Data); KiSetRegisterValue( Operand1, Data, ExceptionFrame, TrapFrame );
// Update the address register R3
Reg3Value = KiGetRegisterValue(Operand3, ExceptionFrame, TrapFrame);
// immediate update form
ImmValue = (FaultInstruction.u.i_field.r2 + (FaultInstruction.u.i_field.x << 7));
if (FaultInstruction.u.i_field.m == 1) {
ImmValue = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFF00i64 | ImmValue;
Reg3Value = Reg3Value + ImmValue;
KiSetRegisterValue(Operand3, Reg3Value, ExceptionFrame, TrapFrame); if ((Opcode == LDACQ_IMM_OP) || (Opcode == LDCCLRACQ_IMM_OP)) {
// all future access should occur after unaligned memory access
__mf(); }
case LDF_OP: case LDFA_OP: case LDFCCLR_OP: case LDFCNC_OP:
if (Operand1 >= 32) Operand1 = 32 + (Rrbfr + Operand1 - 32) % 96; if (Operand2 >= 32) Operand2 = 32 + (Rrbfr + Operand2 - 32) % 96; if (Operand3 >= 32) Operand3 = 32 + (Rrbfr + Operand3 - 32) % 96;
if (FaultInstruction.u.i_field.x == 1) {
// floating point load pair
if (FaultInstruction.u.i_field.m == 1) {
// m field must be zero
return FALSE; }
if( PreviousMode != KernelMode ){
switch (OpSize) { case 0: return FALSE; case 1: Length = 8; break; case 2: Length = 4; break; case 3: Length = 8; break; default: return FALSE; }
ProbeForRead( EffectiveAddress, Length << 1, sizeof(UCHAR) ); }
// emulate the 1st half of the pair
KiEmulateLoadFloat(EffectiveAddress, OpSize, &FloatData); KiSetFloatRegisterValue( Operand1, FloatData, ExceptionFrame, TrapFrame );
// emulate the 2nd half of the pair
EffectiveAddress = (PVOID)((ULONG_PTR)EffectiveAddress + Length);
KiEmulateLoadFloat(EffectiveAddress, OpSize, &FloatData); KiSetFloatRegisterValue( Operand2, FloatData, ExceptionFrame, TrapFrame );
} else {
// floating point single load
if( PreviousMode != KernelMode ){
switch (OpSize) { case 0: Length = 16; break; case 1: Length = 8; break; case 2: Length = 4; break; case 3: Length = 8; break; default: return FALSE; }
ProbeForRead( EffectiveAddress, Length, sizeof(UCHAR) ); }
KiEmulateLoadFloat(EffectiveAddress, OpSize, &FloatData); KiSetFloatRegisterValue( Operand1, FloatData, ExceptionFrame, TrapFrame );
if (FaultInstruction.u.i_field.m == 1) { //
// update the address register (R3)
Reg2Value = KiGetRegisterValue( Operand2, ExceptionFrame, TrapFrame ); Reg3Value = KiGetRegisterValue( Operand3, ExceptionFrame, TrapFrame ); //
// register update form
Reg3Value = Reg2Value + Reg3Value;
KiSetRegisterValue (Operand3, Reg3Value, ExceptionFrame, TrapFrame); } } break;
// normal, advanced and checked floating point load
// immediate updated form
if (Operand1 >= 32) Operand1 = 32 + (Rrbfr + Operand1 - 32) % 96; if (Operand2 >= 32) Operand2 = 32 + (Rrbfr + Operand2 - 32) % 96; if (Operand3 >= 32) Operand3 = 32 + (Rrbfr + Operand3 - 32) % 96;
if (FaultInstruction.u.i_field.x == 1) {
// floating point load pair
if (FaultInstruction.u.i_field.m == 0) {
// m field must be one
return FALSE; }
if( PreviousMode != KernelMode ){
switch (OpSize) { case 0: return FALSE; case 1: Length = 8; break; case 2: Length = 8; break; case 3: Length = 4; break; default: return FALSE; }
ProbeForRead( EffectiveAddress, Length << 1, sizeof(UCHAR) ); }
// emulate the 1st half of the pair
KiEmulateLoadFloat(EffectiveAddress, OpSize, &FloatData); KiSetFloatRegisterValue( Operand1, FloatData, ExceptionFrame, TrapFrame );
EffectiveAddress = (PVOID)((ULONG_PTR)EffectiveAddress + Length);
// emulate the 2nd half of the pair
KiEmulateLoadFloat(EffectiveAddress, OpSize, &FloatData); KiSetFloatRegisterValue( Operand2, FloatData, ExceptionFrame, TrapFrame );
// Update the address register (R3)
Reg3Value = KiGetRegisterValue( Operand3, ExceptionFrame, TrapFrame );
// immediate update form
ImmValue = Length << 1; Reg3Value = Reg3Value + ImmValue;
KiSetRegisterValue( Operand3, Reg3Value, ExceptionFrame, TrapFrame );
} else { //
// floating point single load
if( PreviousMode != KernelMode ){ switch (OpSize) { case 0: Length = 16; break; case 1: Length = 8; break; case 2: Length = 4; break; case 3: Length = 8; break; default: return FALSE; }
ProbeForRead( EffectiveAddress, Length, sizeof(UCHAR) ); } KiEmulateLoadFloat(EffectiveAddress, OpSize, &FloatData); KiSetFloatRegisterValue( Operand1, FloatData, ExceptionFrame, TrapFrame );
// Update the address register (R3)
Reg3Value = KiGetRegisterValue( Operand3, ExceptionFrame, TrapFrame );
// immediate update form
ImmValue = (FaultInstruction.u.i_field.r2 + (FaultInstruction.u.i_field.x << 7));
if (FaultInstruction.u.i_field.m == 1) {
ImmValue = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFF00i64 | ImmValue;
Reg3Value = Reg3Value + ImmValue;
KiSetRegisterValue( Operand3, Reg3Value, ExceptionFrame, TrapFrame ); } break;
case STREL_OP:
case ST_OP:
if (FaultInstruction.u.i_field.x == 1) { //
// xField must be 0
return FALSE; }
if (FaultInstruction.u.i_field.m == 1) {
// no register update form defined
return FALSE; } if( PreviousMode != KernelMode ){ ProbeForWrite( EffectiveAddress, 1 << OpSize, sizeof(UCHAR) ); }
Data = KiGetRegisterValue( Operand2, ExceptionFrame, TrapFrame ); KiEmulateStore( EffectiveAddress, OpSize, &Data);
break; case STREL_IMM_OP:
case ST_IMM_OP:
if( PreviousMode != KernelMode ){ ProbeForWrite( EffectiveAddress, 1 << OpSize, sizeof(UCHAR) ); }
Data = KiGetRegisterValue( Operand2, ExceptionFrame, TrapFrame ); KiEmulateStore( EffectiveAddress, OpSize, &Data);
// update the address register (R3)
Reg3Value = KiGetRegisterValue(Operand3, ExceptionFrame, TrapFrame);
// immediate update form
ImmValue = (FaultInstruction.u.i_field.r1 + (FaultInstruction.u.i_field.x << 7));
if (FaultInstruction.u.i_field.m == 1) {
ImmValue = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFF00i64 | ImmValue;
Reg3Value = Reg3Value + ImmValue;
KiSetRegisterValue(Operand3, Reg3Value, ExceptionFrame, TrapFrame); break;
case STF_OP: if (FaultInstruction.u.i_field.x) {
// x field must be 0
return FALSE; }
if (FaultInstruction.u.i_field.m) {
// no register update form defined
return FALSE; }
if( PreviousMode != KernelMode ){
switch (OpSize) { case 0: Length = 16; break; case 1: Length = 8; break; case 2: Length = 4; break; case 3: Length = 8; break; default: return FALSE; } ProbeForWrite( EffectiveAddress, Length, sizeof(UCHAR) ); }
if (Operand2 >= 32) Operand2 = 32 + (Rrbfr + Operand2 - 32) % 96; FloatData = KiGetFloatRegisterValue(Operand2, ExceptionFrame, TrapFrame); KiEmulateStoreFloat( EffectiveAddress, OpSize, &FloatData);
break; case STF_IMM_OP:
if( PreviousMode != KernelMode ){
switch (OpSize) { case 0: Length = 16; break; case 1: Length = 8; break; case 2: Length = 4; break; case 3: Length = 8; break; default: return FALSE; } ProbeForWrite( EffectiveAddress, Length, sizeof(UCHAR) ); }
if (Operand2 >= 32) Operand2 = 32 + (Rrbfr + Operand2 - 32) % 96; FloatData = KiGetFloatRegisterValue(Operand2, ExceptionFrame, TrapFrame); KiEmulateStoreFloat( EffectiveAddress, OpSize, &FloatData);
// update the address register (R3)
if (Operand3 >= 32) Operand3 = 32 + (Rrbfr + Operand3 - 32) % 96; Reg3Value = KiGetRegisterValue(Operand3, ExceptionFrame, TrapFrame);
// immediate update form
ImmValue = (FaultInstruction.u.i_field.r1 + (FaultInstruction.u.i_field.x << 7));
if (FaultInstruction.u.i_field.m == 1) {
ImmValue = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFF00i64 | ImmValue;
Reg3Value = Reg3Value + ImmValue;
KiSetRegisterValue(Operand3, Reg3Value, ExceptionFrame, TrapFrame); break; default:
return FALSE;
// advance instruction pointer
return TRUE;
// If an exception occurs, then copy the new exception information to the
// original exception record and handle the exception.
} except (KiCopyInformation(ExceptionRecord, (GetExceptionInformation())->ExceptionRecord)) {
// Preserve the original exception address.
ExceptionRecord->ExceptionAddress = ExceptionAddress; }
// Return a value of FALSE.
return FALSE; }
VOID KiEmulateLoad( IN PVOID UnalignedAddress, IN ULONG OperandSize, IN PVOID Data )
Routine Description:
This routine returns the integer value stored at the unaligned address passed in UnalignedAddress.
UnalignedAddress - Supplies a pointer to data value.
OperandSize - Supplies the size of data to be loaded
Data - Supplies a pointer to be filled for data Return Value:
The value at the address pointed to by UnalignedAddress.
{ PUCHAR Source; PUCHAR Destination; ULONG i;
Source = (PUCHAR) UnalignedAddress; Destination = (PUCHAR) Data; OperandSize = 1 << OperandSize;
for (i = 0; i < OperandSize; i++) {
*Destination++ = *Source++;
return; }
VOID KiEmulateStore( IN PVOID UnalignedAddress, IN ULONG OperandSize, IN PVOID Data ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine store the integer value at the unaligned address passed in UnalignedAddress.
UnalignedAddress - Supplies a pointer to be stored
OperandSize - Supplies the size of data to be storeed
Data - Supplies a pointer to data value Return Value:
The value at the address pointed to by UnalignedAddress.
--*/ { PUCHAR Source; PUCHAR Destination; ULONG i;
Source = (PUCHAR) Data; Destination = (PUCHAR) UnalignedAddress; OperandSize = 1 << OperandSize;
for (i = 0; i < OperandSize; i++) {
*Destination++ = *Source++;
return; }
VOID KiEmulateLoadFloat( IN PVOID UnalignedAddress, IN ULONG OperandSize, IN OUT PVOID Data )
Routine Description:
This routine returns the floating point value stored at the unaligned address passed in UnalignedAddress.
UnalignedAddress - Supplies a pointer to floating point data value.
OperandSize - Supplies the size of data to be loaded
Data - Supplies a pointer to be filled for data Return Value:
The value at the address pointed to by UnalignedAddress.
{ FLOAT128 FloatData;
RtlCopyMemory(&FloatData, UnalignedAddress, sizeof(FLOAT128));
switch (OperandSize) {
case 0: KiEmulateLoadFloat80(&FloatData, Data); return;
case 1: KiEmulateLoadFloatInt(&FloatData, Data); return;
case 2: KiEmulateLoadFloat32(&FloatData, Data); return;
case 3: KiEmulateLoadFloat64(&FloatData, Data); return;
default: return; } }
VOID KiEmulateStoreFloat( IN PVOID UnalignedAddress, IN ULONG OperandSize, IN PVOID Data )
Routine Description:
This routine stores the floating point value stored at the unaligned address passed in UnalignedAddress.
UnalignedAddress - Supplies a pointer to be stored.
OperandSize - Supplies the size of data to be loaded
Data - Supplies a pointer to floating point data Return Value:
The value at the address pointed to by UnalignedAddress.
{ FLOAT128 FloatData; ULONG Length;
switch (OperandSize) {
case 0: KiEmulateStoreFloat80(&FloatData, Data); Length = 10; break;
case 1: KiEmulateStoreFloatInt(&FloatData, Data); Length = 8; break;
case 2: KiEmulateStoreFloat32(&FloatData, Data); Length = 4; break;
case 3: KiEmulateStoreFloat64(&FloatData, Data); Length = 8; break;
default: return; }
RtlCopyMemory(UnalignedAddress, &FloatData, Length); }