Copyright (c) 1989 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Symbolic Link Object routines
Steve Wood (stevewo) 3-Aug-1989
Revision History:
#include "obp.h"
VOID ObpProcessDosDeviceSymbolicLink ( POBJECT_SYMBOLIC_LINK SymbolicLink, ULONG Action );
#if defined(ALLOC_PRAGMA)
#pragma alloc_text(PAGE,NtCreateSymbolicLinkObject)
#pragma alloc_text(PAGE,NtOpenSymbolicLinkObject)
#pragma alloc_text(PAGE,NtQuerySymbolicLinkObject)
#pragma alloc_text(PAGE,ObpParseSymbolicLink)
#pragma alloc_text(PAGE,ObpDeleteSymbolicLink)
#pragma alloc_text(PAGE,ObpDeleteSymbolicLinkName)
#pragma alloc_text(PAGE,ObpCreateSymbolicLinkName)
#pragma alloc_text(PAGE,ObpProcessDosDeviceSymbolicLink)
// This is the object type for device objects.
extern POBJECT_TYPE IoDeviceObjectType;
// Global that enables/disables LUID device maps
extern ULONG ObpLUIDDeviceMapsEnabled;
// Local procedure prototypes
NTSTATUS NtCreateSymbolicLinkObject ( OUT PHANDLE LinkHandle, IN ACCESS_MASK DesiredAccess, IN POBJECT_ATTRIBUTES ObjectAttributes, IN PUNICODE_STRING LinkTarget )
Routine Description:
This function creates a symbolic link object, sets it initial value to value specified in the LinkTarget parameter, and opens a handle to the object with the specified desired access.
LinkHandle - Supplies a pointer to a variable that will receive the symbolic link object handle.
DesiredAccess - Supplies the desired types of access for the symbolic link object.
ObjectAttributes - Supplies a pointer to an object attributes structure.
LinkTarget - Supplies the target name for the symbolic link object.
Return Value:
An appropriate status value
// Get previous processor mode and probe output arguments if necessary.
PreviousMode = KeGetPreviousMode();
if (PreviousMode != KernelMode) {
try {
ProbeForReadSmallStructure( ObjectAttributes, sizeof( OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES ), sizeof( ULONG ));
ProbeForReadSmallStructure( LinkTarget, sizeof( *LinkTarget ), sizeof( UCHAR ));
CapturedLinkTarget = *LinkTarget;
ProbeForRead( CapturedLinkTarget.Buffer, CapturedLinkTarget.MaximumLength, sizeof( UCHAR ));
ProbeForWriteHandle( LinkHandle );
return( GetExceptionCode() ); }
} else {
CapturedLinkTarget = *LinkTarget; }
// Check if there is an odd MaximumLength
if (CapturedLinkTarget.MaximumLength % sizeof( WCHAR )) {
// Round down the MaximumLength to a valid even size
CapturedLinkTarget.MaximumLength = (CapturedLinkTarget.MaximumLength / sizeof( WCHAR )) * sizeof( WCHAR ); }
// Error if link target name length is odd, the length is greater than
// the maximum length, or zero and creating.
if ((CapturedLinkTarget.MaximumLength == 0) || (CapturedLinkTarget.Length > CapturedLinkTarget.MaximumLength) || (CapturedLinkTarget.Length % sizeof( WCHAR ))) {
KdPrint(( "OB: Invalid symbolic link target - %wZ\n", &CapturedLinkTarget ));
// Create the symbolic link object
Status = ObCreateObject( PreviousMode, ObpSymbolicLinkObjectType, ObjectAttributes, PreviousMode, NULL, sizeof( *SymbolicLink ), 0, 0, (PVOID *)&SymbolicLink );
if (!NT_SUCCESS( Status )) {
return( Status ); }
// Fill in symbolic link object with link target name string
KeQuerySystemTime( &SymbolicLink->CreationTime );
SymbolicLink->DosDeviceDriveIndex = 0; SymbolicLink->LinkTargetObject = NULL;
RtlInitUnicodeString( &SymbolicLink->LinkTargetRemaining, NULL );
SymbolicLink->LinkTarget.MaximumLength = CapturedLinkTarget.MaximumLength; SymbolicLink->LinkTarget.Length = CapturedLinkTarget.Length; SymbolicLink->LinkTarget.Buffer = (PWCH)ExAllocatePoolWithTag( PagedPool, CapturedLinkTarget.MaximumLength, 'tmyS' );
if (SymbolicLink->LinkTarget.Buffer == NULL) {
ObDereferenceObject( SymbolicLink );
try {
RtlCopyMemory( SymbolicLink->LinkTarget.Buffer, CapturedLinkTarget.Buffer, CapturedLinkTarget.MaximumLength );
ObDereferenceObject( SymbolicLink );
return( GetExceptionCode() ); }
// Insert symbolic link object in the current processes object table,
// set symbolic link handle value and return status.
Status = ObInsertObject( SymbolicLink, NULL, DesiredAccess, 0, (PVOID *)&Object, &Handle );
try {
*LinkHandle = Handle;
// Fall through, since we do not want to undo what we have done.
return( Status ); }
NTSTATUS NtOpenSymbolicLinkObject ( OUT PHANDLE LinkHandle, IN ACCESS_MASK DesiredAccess, IN POBJECT_ATTRIBUTES ObjectAttributes )
Routine Description:
This function opens a handle to an symbolic link object with the specified desired access.
LinkHandle - Supplies a pointer to a variable that will receive the symbolic link object handle.
DesiredAccess - Supplies the desired types of access for the symbolic link object.
ObjectAttributes - Supplies a pointer to an object attributes structure.
Return Value:
An appropriate status value
// Get previous processor mode and probe output arguments if necessary.
// The object attributes does not need to be probed because the
// ObOpenObjectByName does the probe for us
PreviousMode = KeGetPreviousMode();
if (PreviousMode != KernelMode) {
try {
ProbeForWriteHandle( LinkHandle );
return( GetExceptionCode() ); } }
// Open handle to the symbolic link object with the specified desired
// access, set symbolic link handle value, and return service completion
// status.
Status = ObOpenObjectByName( ObjectAttributes, ObpSymbolicLinkObjectType, PreviousMode, NULL, DesiredAccess, NULL, &Handle );
try {
*LinkHandle = Handle;
// Fall through, since we do not want to undo what we have done.
return( Status ); }
NTSTATUS NtQuerySymbolicLinkObject ( IN HANDLE LinkHandle, IN OUT PUNICODE_STRING LinkTarget, OUT PULONG ReturnedLength OPTIONAL )
Routine Description:
This function queries the state of a symbolic link object and returns the requested information in the specified record structure.
LinkHandle - Supplies a handle to a symbolic link object. This handle must have SYMBOLIC_LINK_QUERY access granted.
LinkTarget - Supplies a pointer to a record that is to receive the target name of the symbolic link object.
ReturnedLength - Optionally receives the maximum length, in bytes, of the link target on return
Return Value:
An appropriate status value
// Get previous processor mode and probe output arguments if necessary.
PreviousMode = KeGetPreviousMode();
if (PreviousMode != KernelMode) {
try {
ProbeForReadSmallStructure( LinkTarget, sizeof( *LinkTarget ), sizeof( WCHAR ) );
ProbeForWriteUshort( &LinkTarget->Length );
ProbeForWriteUshort( &LinkTarget->MaximumLength );
CapturedLinkTarget = *LinkTarget;
ProbeForWrite( CapturedLinkTarget.Buffer, CapturedLinkTarget.MaximumLength, sizeof( UCHAR ) );
if (ARGUMENT_PRESENT( ReturnedLength )) {
ProbeForWriteUlong( ReturnedLength ); }
return( GetExceptionCode() ); }
} else {
CapturedLinkTarget = *LinkTarget; }
// Reference symbolic link object by handle, read current state, deference
// symbolic link object, fill in target name structure and return service
// status.
Status = ObReferenceObjectByHandle( LinkHandle, SYMBOLIC_LINK_QUERY, ObpSymbolicLinkObjectType, PreviousMode, (PVOID *)&SymbolicLink, NULL );
if (NT_SUCCESS( Status )) {
ObjectHeader = OBJECT_TO_OBJECT_HEADER( SymbolicLink );
ObpLockObject( ObjectHeader );
// If the caller wants a return length and what we found can easily
// fit in the output buffer then we copy into the output buffer all
// the bytes from the link.
// If the caller did not want a return length and we found can still
// easily fit in the output buffer then copy over the bytes that just
// make up the string and nothing extra
if ((ARGUMENT_PRESENT( ReturnedLength ) && (SymbolicLink->LinkTarget.MaximumLength <= CapturedLinkTarget.MaximumLength))
(!ARGUMENT_PRESENT( ReturnedLength ) && (SymbolicLink->LinkTarget.Length <= CapturedLinkTarget.MaximumLength)) ) {
try {
RtlCopyMemory( CapturedLinkTarget.Buffer, SymbolicLink->LinkTarget.Buffer, ARGUMENT_PRESENT( ReturnedLength ) ? SymbolicLink->LinkTarget.MaximumLength : SymbolicLink->LinkTarget.Length );
LinkTarget->Length = SymbolicLink->LinkTarget.Length;
if (ARGUMENT_PRESENT( ReturnedLength )) {
*ReturnedLength = SymbolicLink->LinkTarget.MaximumLength; }
// Fall through, since we do cannot undo what we have done.
} else {
// The output buffer is just too small for the link target, but
// we'll tell the user how much is needed if they asked for that
// return value
if (ARGUMENT_PRESENT( ReturnedLength )) {
try {
*ReturnedLength = SymbolicLink->LinkTarget.MaximumLength;
// Fall through, since we do cannot undo what we have done.
} }
ObpUnlockObject( ObjectHeader );
ObDereferenceObject( SymbolicLink ); }
return( Status ); }
Routine Description:
This is the call back routine for parsing symbolic link objects. It is invoked as part of ObpLookupObjectName
ParseObject - This will actually be a symbolic link object
ObjectType - Specifies the type of the object to lookup
AccessState - Current access state, describing already granted access types, the privileges used to get them, and any access types yet to be granted. The access masks may not contain any generic access types.
AccessMode - Specifies the callers processor mode
Attributes - Specifies the attributes for the lookup (e.g., case insensitive)
CompleteName - Supplies a pointer to the complete name that we are trying to open. On return this could be modified to fit the new reparse buffer
RemainingName - Supplies a pointer to the remaining name that we are trying to open. On return this will point to what remains after we processed the symbolic link.
Context - Unused
SecurityQos - Unused
Object - Receives a pointer to the symbolic link object that we resolve to
Return Value:
STATUS_REPARSE_OBJECT if the parse object is already a snapped symbolic link meaning we've modified the remaining name and and have returned the target object of the symbolic link
STATUS_REPARSE if the parse object has not been snapped. In this case the Complete name has been modified with the link target name added in front of the remaining name. The parameters remaining name and object must now be ignored by the caller
An appropriate error value
{ ULONG NewLength; USHORT Length; USHORT MaximumLength; PWCHAR NewName, NewRemainingName; ULONG InsertAmount; NTSTATUS Status; POBJECT_SYMBOLIC_LINK SymbolicLink; PUNICODE_STRING LinkTargetName;
// This routine needs to be synchonized with the delete symbolic link
// operation. Which uses the root directory mutex.
try {
*Object = NULL;
// If there isn't any name remaining and the caller gave us
// an object type then we'll reference the parse object. If
// this is successful then that's the object we return. Otherwise
// if the status is anything but a type mismatch then we'll
// return that error status
if (RemainingName->Length == 0) {
if ( ObjectType ) {
Status = ObReferenceObjectByPointer( ParseObject, 0, ObjectType, AccessMode );
if (NT_SUCCESS( Status )) {
*Object = ParseObject;
} else if (Status != STATUS_OBJECT_TYPE_MISMATCH) {
leave; } }
// If the remaining name does not start with a "\" then
// its is illformed and we'll call it a type mismatch
} else if (*(RemainingName->Buffer) != OBJ_NAME_PATH_SEPARATOR) {
// A symbolic link has been encountered. See if this link has been snapped
// to a particular object.
SymbolicLink = (POBJECT_SYMBOLIC_LINK)ParseObject;
if (SymbolicLink->LinkTargetObject != NULL) {
// This is a snapped link. Get the remaining portion of the
// symbolic link target, if any.
LinkTargetName = &SymbolicLink->LinkTargetRemaining;
if (LinkTargetName->Length == 0) {
// Remaining link target string is zero, so return to caller
// quickly with snapped object pointer and remaining object name
// which we haven't touched yet.
*Object = SymbolicLink->LinkTargetObject;
Status = STATUS_REPARSE_OBJECT; leave; }
// We have a snapped symbolic link that has additional text.
// Insert that in front of the current remaining name, preserving
// and text between CompleteName and RemainingName
InsertAmount = LinkTargetName->Length;
if ((LinkTargetName->Buffer[ (InsertAmount / sizeof( WCHAR )) - 1 ] == OBJ_NAME_PATH_SEPARATOR)
(*(RemainingName->Buffer) == OBJ_NAME_PATH_SEPARATOR)) {
// Both the link target name ends in a "\" and the remaining
// starts with a "\" but we only need one when we're done
InsertAmount -= sizeof( WCHAR ); }
// We need to bias the differnce between two
// pointers with * sizeof(wchar) because the difference is in wchar
// and we need the length in bytes
NewLength = (ULONG)(((RemainingName->Buffer - CompleteName->Buffer) * sizeof( WCHAR )) + InsertAmount + RemainingName->Length);
if (NewLength > 0xFFF0) {
Status = STATUS_NAME_TOO_LONG; leave; }
Length = (USHORT)NewLength;
// Now check if the new computed length is too big for the input
// buffer containing the complete name
if (CompleteName->MaximumLength <= Length) {
// The new concatentated name is larger than the buffer supplied for
// the complete name. Allocate space for this new string
MaximumLength = Length + sizeof( UNICODE_NULL ); NewName = ExAllocatePoolWithTag( OB_NAMESPACE_POOL_TYPE, MaximumLength, 'mNbO' );
if (NewName == NULL) {
// Calculate the pointer within this buffer for the remaining
// name. This value has not been biased by the new link
// target name
NewRemainingName = NewName + (RemainingName->Buffer - CompleteName->Buffer);
// Copy over all the names that we've processed so far
RtlCopyMemory( NewName, CompleteName->Buffer, ((RemainingName->Buffer - CompleteName->Buffer) * sizeof( WCHAR )));
// If we have some remaining names then those over at the
// the location offset to hold the link target name
if (RemainingName->Length != 0) {
RtlCopyMemory( (PVOID)((PUCHAR)NewRemainingName + InsertAmount), RemainingName->Buffer, RemainingName->Length ); }
// Now insert the link target name
RtlCopyMemory( NewRemainingName, LinkTargetName->Buffer, InsertAmount );
// Free the old complete name buffer and reset the input
// strings to use the new buffer
ExFreePool( CompleteName->Buffer );
CompleteName->Buffer = NewName; CompleteName->Length = Length; CompleteName->MaximumLength = MaximumLength;
RemainingName->Buffer = NewRemainingName; RemainingName->Length = Length - (USHORT)((PCHAR)NewRemainingName - (PCHAR)NewName); RemainingName->MaximumLength = RemainingName->Length + sizeof( UNICODE_NULL );
} else {
// Insert extra text associated with this symbolic link name before
// existing remaining name, if any.
// First shove over the remaining name to make a hole for the
// link target name
if (RemainingName->Length != 0) {
RtlMoveMemory( (PVOID)((PUCHAR)RemainingName->Buffer + InsertAmount), RemainingName->Buffer, RemainingName->Length ); }
// Now insert the link target name
RtlCopyMemory( RemainingName->Buffer, LinkTargetName->Buffer, InsertAmount );
// Adjust input strings to account for this inserted text
CompleteName->Length += LinkTargetName->Length;
RemainingName->Length += LinkTargetName->Length; RemainingName->MaximumLength += RemainingName->Length + sizeof( UNICODE_NULL );
CompleteName->Buffer[ CompleteName->Length / sizeof( WCHAR ) ] = UNICODE_NULL; }
// Return the object address associated with snapped symbolic link
// and the reparse object status code.
*Object = SymbolicLink->LinkTargetObject;
Status = STATUS_REPARSE_OBJECT; leave; }
// The symbolic has not yet been snapped
// Compute the size of the new name and check if the name will
// fit in the existing complete name buffer.
LinkTargetName = &SymbolicLink->LinkTarget;
InsertAmount = LinkTargetName->Length;
if ((InsertAmount != 0) && (LinkTargetName->Buffer[ (InsertAmount / sizeof( WCHAR )) - 1 ] == OBJ_NAME_PATH_SEPARATOR) && (RemainingName->Length != 0) && (*(RemainingName->Buffer) == OBJ_NAME_PATH_SEPARATOR)) {
// Both the link target name ends in a "\" and the remaining
// starts with a "\" but we only need one when we're done
InsertAmount -= sizeof( WCHAR ); }
NewLength = InsertAmount + RemainingName->Length;
if (NewLength > 0xFFF0) {
Status = STATUS_NAME_TOO_LONG; leave; }
Length = (USHORT)NewLength;
if (CompleteName->MaximumLength <= Length) {
// The new concatentated name is larger than the buffer supplied for
// the complete name.
MaximumLength = Length + sizeof( UNICODE_NULL ); NewName = ExAllocatePoolWithTag( OB_NAMESPACE_POOL_TYPE, MaximumLength, 'mNbO' );
if (NewName == NULL) {
} else {
MaximumLength = CompleteName->MaximumLength; NewName = CompleteName->Buffer; }
// Concatenate the symbolic link name with the remaining name,
// if any. What this does is overwrite the front of the complete
// name up to the remaining name with the links target name
if (RemainingName->Length != 0) {
RtlMoveMemory( (PVOID)((PUCHAR)NewName + InsertAmount), RemainingName->Buffer, RemainingName->Length ); }
RtlCopyMemory( NewName, LinkTargetName->Buffer, InsertAmount );
NewName[ Length / sizeof( WCHAR ) ] = UNICODE_NULL;
// If a new name buffer was allocated, then free the original complete
// name buffer.
if (NewName != CompleteName->Buffer) {
ExFreePool( CompleteName->Buffer ); }
// Set the new complete name buffer parameters and return a reparse
// status.
CompleteName->Buffer = NewName; CompleteName->Length = Length; CompleteName->MaximumLength = MaximumLength;
} finally {
// Nothing to do here
return Status; }
VOID ObpDeleteSymbolicLink ( IN PVOID Object )
Routine Description:
This routine is called when a reference to a symbolic link goes to zero. Its job is to clean up the memory used to the symbolic link string
Object - Supplies a pointer to the symbolic link object being deleted
Return Value:
// The only cleaning up we need to do is to free the link target
// buffer
if (SymbolicLink->LinkTarget.Buffer != NULL) {
ExFreePool( SymbolicLink->LinkTarget.Buffer ); }
SymbolicLink->LinkTarget.Buffer = NULL;
// And return to our caller
return; }
VOID ObpDeleteSymbolicLinkName ( POBJECT_SYMBOLIC_LINK SymbolicLink )
Routine Description:
This routine delete the symbolic from the system
SymbolicLink - Supplies a pointer to the object body for the symbolic link object to delete
Return Value:
This function must be called with the symbolic link object locked. That lock is protecting the symlink specific fields.
ObpProcessDosDeviceSymbolicLink( SymbolicLink, DELETE_SYMBOLIC_LINK );
return; }
VOID ObpCreateSymbolicLinkName ( POBJECT_SYMBOLIC_LINK SymbolicLink )
Routine Description:
This routine does extra processing for symbolic links being created in object directories controlled by device map objects.
This processing consists of:
1. Determine if the name of the symbolic link is a drive letter. If so, then we will need to update the drive type in the associated device map object.
2. Process the link target, trying to resolve it into a pointer to an object other than a object directory object. All object directories traversed must grant world traverse access other wise we bail out. If we successfully find a non object directory object, then reference the object pointer and store it in the symbolic link object, along with a remaining string if any. ObpLookupObjectName will used this cache object pointer to short circuit the name lookup directly to the cached object's parse routine. For any object directory objects traversed along the way, increment their symbolic link SymbolicLinkUsageCount field. This field is used whenever an object directory is deleted or its security is changed such that it no longer grants world traverse access. In either case, if the field is non-zero we walk all the symbolic links and resnap them.
SymbolicLink - pointer to symbolic link object being created.
Return Value:
{ POBJECT_HEADER ObjectHeader; POBJECT_HEADER_NAME_INFO NameInfo; WCHAR DosDeviceDriveLetter; ULONG DosDeviceDriveIndex;
// Now see if this symbolic link is being created in an object directory
// controlled by a device map object. Since we are only called from
// NtCreateSymbolicLinkObject, after the handle to this symbolic link
// has been created but before it is returned to the caller the handle can't
// be closed while we are executing, unless via a random close,
// So no need to hold the type specific mutex while we look at the name.
ObjectHeader = OBJECT_TO_OBJECT_HEADER( SymbolicLink ); NameInfo = ObpReferenceNameInfo( ObjectHeader );
if ((NameInfo == NULL) || (NameInfo->Directory == NULL) || (NameInfo->Directory->DeviceMap == NULL)) {
ObpDereferenceNameInfo( NameInfo ); return; }
// Here if we are creating a symbolic link in an object directory controlled
// by a device map object. See if this is a drive letter definition. If so
// calculate the drive letter index and remember in the symbolic link object.
DosDeviceDriveIndex = 0;
if ((NameInfo->Name.Length == (2 * sizeof( WCHAR ))) && (NameInfo->Name.Buffer[ 1 ] == L':')) {
DosDeviceDriveLetter = RtlUpcaseUnicodeChar( NameInfo->Name.Buffer[ 0 ] );
if ((DosDeviceDriveLetter >= L'A') && (DosDeviceDriveLetter <= L'Z')) {
DosDeviceDriveIndex = DosDeviceDriveLetter - L'A'; DosDeviceDriveIndex += 1;
SymbolicLink->DosDeviceDriveIndex = DosDeviceDriveIndex; } }
// Now traverse the target path seeing if we can snap the link now.
ObpProcessDosDeviceSymbolicLink( SymbolicLink, CREATE_SYMBOLIC_LINK );
ObpDereferenceNameInfo( NameInfo );
return; }
// Local support routine
#define MAX_DEPTH 16
VOID ObpProcessDosDeviceSymbolicLink ( POBJECT_SYMBOLIC_LINK SymbolicLink, ULONG Action )
Routine Description:
This function is called whenever a symbolic link is created or deleted in an object directory controlled by a device map object.
For creates, it attempts to snap the symbolic link to a non-object directory object. It does this by walking the symbolic link target string, until it sees a non-directory object or a directory object that does NOT allow World traverse access. It stores a referenced pointer to this object in the symbolic link object. It also increments a count in each of the object directory objects that it walked over. This count is used to disallow any attempt to remove World traverse access from a directory object after it has participated in a snapped symbolic link.
For deletes, it repeats the walk of the target string, decrementing the count associated with each directory object walked over. It also dereferences the snapped object pointer.
SymbolicLink - pointer to symbolic link object being created or deleted.
Action - describes whether this is a create or a delete action
Return Value:
{ NTSTATUS Status; PVOID Object; POBJECT_HEADER ObjectHeader; POBJECT_HEADER_NAME_INFO NameInfo; PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR SecurityDescriptor; BOOLEAN MemoryAllocated; UNICODE_STRING RemainingName; UNICODE_STRING ComponentName; BOOLEAN HaveWorldTraverseAccess; ULONG Depth; POBJECT_DIRECTORY Directories[ MAX_DEPTH ], Directory, ParentDirectory; PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject; PDEVICE_MAP DeviceMap = NULL; ULONG DosDeviceDriveType; BOOLEAN DeviceMapUsed = FALSE; UNICODE_STRING RemainingTarget; ULONG MaxReparse = OBJ_MAX_REPARSE_ATTEMPTS; OBP_LOOKUP_CONTEXT LookupContext; POBJECT_DIRECTORY SymLinkDirectory = NULL; BOOLEAN PreviousLockingState;
ObjectHeader = OBJECT_TO_OBJECT_HEADER( SymbolicLink ); NameInfo = OBJECT_HEADER_TO_NAME_INFO( ObjectHeader );
if (NameInfo != NULL) {
SymLinkDirectory = NameInfo->Directory; }
Object = NULL; RtlInitUnicodeString( &RemainingTarget, NULL );
ObpInitializeLookupContext( &LookupContext );
// Check if we are creating a symbolic link or if the link has already
// been snapped
if ((Action == CREATE_SYMBOLIC_LINK) || (SymbolicLink->LinkTargetObject != NULL)) {
ParentDirectory = NULL; Depth = 0; Directory = ObpRootDirectoryObject; RemainingName = SymbolicLink->LinkTarget;
// If LUID device maps are enabled,
// then use the Object Manager's pointer to the global
// device map
// With LUID device maps enabled, the process' device map pointer
// may be NULL
if (ObpLUIDDeviceMapsEnabled != 0) { DeviceMap = ObSystemDeviceMap; } else { //
// use the device map associated with the process
DeviceMap = PsGetCurrentProcess()->DeviceMap; }
if (DeviceMap) {
if (!((ULONG_PTR)(RemainingName.Buffer) & (sizeof(ULONGLONG)-1))
(DeviceMap->DosDevicesDirectory != NULL )) {
// Check if the object name is actually equal to the
// global dos devices short name prefix "\??\"
if ((RemainingName.Length >= ObpDosDevicesShortName.Length)
(*(PULONGLONG)(RemainingName.Buffer) == ObpDosDevicesShortNamePrefix.Alignment.QuadPart)) {
// The user gave us the dos short name prefix so we'll
// look down the directory, and start the search at the
// dos device directory
Directory = DeviceMap->DosDevicesDirectory;
RemainingName.Buffer += (ObpDosDevicesShortName.Length / sizeof( WCHAR )); RemainingName.Length -= ObpDosDevicesShortName.Length;
DeviceMapUsed = TRUE;
} } }
// The following loop will dissect the link target checking
// that each directory exists and that we have access to
// the directory. When we pop out the local directories
// array will contain a list of directories that we need
// to traverse to process this action.
while (TRUE) {
// Gobble up the "\" in the remaining name
if (*(RemainingName.Buffer) == OBJ_NAME_PATH_SEPARATOR) {
RemainingName.Buffer++; RemainingName.Length -= sizeof( OBJ_NAME_PATH_SEPARATOR ); }
// And dissect the name into its first component and any
// remaining part
ComponentName = RemainingName;
while (RemainingName.Length != 0) {
if (*(RemainingName.Buffer) == OBJ_NAME_PATH_SEPARATOR) {
break; }
RemainingName.Buffer++; RemainingName.Length -= sizeof( OBJ_NAME_PATH_SEPARATOR ); }
ComponentName.Length -= RemainingName.Length;
if (ComponentName.Length == 0) {
ObpReleaseLookupContext(&LookupContext); return; }
// See if we have world traverse access to look this name up
if (ParentDirectory != NULL) {
HaveWorldTraverseAccess = FALSE;
// Obtain the object's security descriptor
Status = ObGetObjectSecurity( ParentDirectory, &SecurityDescriptor, &MemoryAllocated );
if (NT_SUCCESS( Status )) {
// Check to see if WORLD has TRAVERSE access and then release
// the security descriptor
HaveWorldTraverseAccess = SeFastTraverseCheck( SecurityDescriptor, DIRECTORY_TRAVERSE, UserMode );
ObReleaseObjectSecurity( SecurityDescriptor, MemoryAllocated ); }
if (!HaveWorldTraverseAccess) {
Object = NULL; break; }
if (Depth >= MAX_DEPTH) {
Object = NULL; break; }
Directories[ Depth++ ] = ParentDirectory; }
// Look this component name up in this directory. If not found, then
// bail.
// If we are searching the same directory that contains the sym link
// we have already the directory exclusively locked. We need to adjust
// the lookupcontext state and avoid recursive locking
if (Directory == SymLinkDirectory) {
PreviousLockingState = LookupContext.DirectoryLocked; LookupContext.DirectoryLocked = TRUE; }
Object = ObpLookupDirectoryEntry( Directory, &ComponentName, 0, FALSE , &LookupContext);
if (Directory == SymLinkDirectory) {
LookupContext.DirectoryLocked = PreviousLockingState; }
if (Object == NULL) {
break; }
// See if this is a object directory object. If so, keep going
ObjectHeader = OBJECT_TO_OBJECT_HEADER( Object );
if (ObjectHeader->Type == ObpDirectoryObjectType) {
ParentDirectory = Directory; Directory = (POBJECT_DIRECTORY)Object;
} else if ((ObjectHeader->Type == ObpSymbolicLinkObjectType) && (((POBJECT_SYMBOLIC_LINK)Object)->DosDeviceDriveIndex == 0)) {
// To prevent Denial of Service attacks from parsing
// symbolic links infinitely.
// Check the number of symbolic link parse attempts
if (MaxReparse == 0) {
Object = NULL; break; }
// Found a symbolic link to another symbolic link that is
// not already snapped. So switch to its target string
// so we can chase down the real device object
ParentDirectory = NULL; Depth = 0; Directory = ObpRootDirectoryObject;
// Save the remaining name
if (RemainingTarget.Length == 0) {
RemainingTarget = RemainingName; }
RemainingName = ((POBJECT_SYMBOLIC_LINK)Object)->LinkTarget;
goto ReCalcDeviceMap;
} else {
// Not an object directory object, or a symbolic link to an
// unsnapped symbolic link, so all done. Exit the loop
break; } }
// Done walking the target path. Now update the counts associated
// with each directory object walked over.
while (Depth--) {
Directory = Directories[ Depth ];
if (Object != NULL) {
Directory->SymbolicLinkUsageCount += 1; }
} else {
Directory->SymbolicLinkUsageCount -= 1; } } }
// Done processing symbolic link target path. Update symbolic link
// object as appropriate for passed in reason
// If this is a drive letter symbolic link, get the address of the device
// map object that is controlling the containing object directory so we
// can update the drive type in the device map.
DeviceMap = NULL;
if (SymbolicLink->DosDeviceDriveIndex != 0) {
ObjectHeader = OBJECT_TO_OBJECT_HEADER( SymbolicLink ); NameInfo = ObpReferenceNameInfo( ObjectHeader );
if (NameInfo != NULL && NameInfo->Directory) {
DeviceMap = NameInfo->Directory->DeviceMap; }
ObpDereferenceNameInfo( NameInfo ); }
// Check if we are creating a symbolic link
if (Object != NULL) {
// We only want to do snapping for console session. When we create a
// remote session all the symbolic links stored in the console dos devices
// directory (\??) are copied into the per session DosDevices object directory
// (\Session\<id>\DosDevices). We don't want to do snapping for the copied
// symbolic links since for each copy we will increment the ref count on the
// target object. All these counts have to go to zero before the device can be
// deleted.
// Disable snapping until we come up with a delete scheme for it
if (FALSE /*( PsGetCurrentProcess()->SessionId == 0) || (DeviceMapUsed)*/) { //
// Create action. Store a referenced pointer to the snapped object
// along with the description of any remaining name string. Also,
// for Dos drive letters, update the drive type in the appropriate
// device map object.
ObReferenceObject( Object );
SymbolicLink->LinkTargetObject = Object;
// If we have saved a remaining target string
// we'll set it to the symbolic link object
if ( RemainingTarget.Length ) {
RemainingName = RemainingTarget; }
if ((*(RemainingName.Buffer) == OBJ_NAME_PATH_SEPARATOR) && (RemainingName.Length == sizeof( OBJ_NAME_PATH_SEPARATOR))) {
RtlInitUnicodeString( &SymbolicLink->LinkTargetRemaining, NULL );
} else {
SymbolicLink->LinkTargetRemaining = RemainingName; } }
if (SymbolicLink->DosDeviceDriveIndex != 0) {
// Default is to calculate the drive type in user mode if we are
// unable to snap the symbolic link or it does not resolve to a
// DEVICE_OBJECT we know about.
ObjectHeader = OBJECT_TO_OBJECT_HEADER( Object );
if (ObjectHeader->Type == IoDeviceObjectType) {
DeviceObject = (PDEVICE_OBJECT)Object;
switch (DeviceObject->DeviceType) {
if (DeviceObject->Characteristics & FILE_REMOVABLE_MEDIA) {
} else {
#if defined(REMOTE_BOOT)
// If this is a remote boot workstation, the X:
// drive is a redirected drive, but needs to look
// like a local drive.
if (IoRemoteBootClient && (SymbolicLink->DosDeviceDriveIndex == 24)) {
} else #endif // defined(REMOTE_BOOT)
{ DosDeviceDriveType = DOSDEVICE_DRIVE_REMOTE; }
break; } } } }
// If this is a drive letter symbolic link, update the drive type and
// and mark as valid drive letter.
if (DeviceMap != NULL) {
DeviceMap->DriveType[ SymbolicLink->DosDeviceDriveIndex-1 ] = (UCHAR)DosDeviceDriveType; DeviceMap->DriveMap |= 1 << (SymbolicLink->DosDeviceDriveIndex-1) ;
ObpUnlockDeviceMap(); }
} else {
// Deleting the symbolic link. Dereference the snapped object pointer if any
// and zero out the snapped object fields.
RtlInitUnicodeString( &SymbolicLink->LinkTargetRemaining, NULL );
Object = SymbolicLink->LinkTargetObject;
if (Object != NULL) {
SymbolicLink->LinkTargetObject = NULL; ObDereferenceObject( Object ); }
// If this is a drive letter symbolic link, set the drive type to
// unknown and clear the bit in the drive letter bit map.
if (DeviceMap != NULL) {
DeviceMap->DriveMap &= ~(1 << (SymbolicLink->DosDeviceDriveIndex-1)); DeviceMap->DriveType[ SymbolicLink->DosDeviceDriveIndex-1 ] = DOSDEVICE_DRIVE_UNKNOWN;
SymbolicLink->DosDeviceDriveIndex = 0; }
// N.B. The original code freed here the target buffer. This is
// illegal because the parse routine for symbolic links reads the buffer unsynchronized
// The buffer will be released in the delete procedure, when the sym link goes away
return; }