Copyright (c) 1997-1999 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Diagnostic helper apis
Kernel mode
Revision History:
#include "wmikmp.h"
// Each diag request and result is stored in one of these structures. It
// can be uniquely identified by the following combination of properties
// IrpMn
// Guid
// MethodId (If IrpMn == IRP_MN_EXECUTE_METHOD, otherwise ignored)
// InstanceContext
// InstanceId
typedef struct { ULONG NextOffset; // Offset to next result/request
UCHAR IrpMn; // Operation
BOOLEAN IsValid; // if FALSE then this is ignored
UCHAR Reserved1; UCHAR Reserved2; GUID Guid; ULONG MethodId; ULONG InstanceContextOffset; // Offset to instance context from
// beginning of structure. If 0 then
// no instance context.
ULONG InstanceContextSize; ULONG InstanceIndex; ULONG DataOffset; // Offset to data from beginning of
// stru
// Results are stored under the Checkpoint reg key which is volatile
#define REGSTR_CHECKPOINT L"CheckpointDiags"
// Permament requests are stored under the Permament reg key
#define REGSTR_PERMAMENT L"PermamentDiags"
// Temporary requests are stored under the Scheduled reg key
#define REGSTR_SCHEDULED L"ScheduledDiags"
// Temporary requests are stored under the Scheduled reg key
#define REGSTR_SCHEDULED L"Scheduled"
Routine Description:
Opens a registry key using the name passed in based at the BaseHandle node. This name may specify a key that is actually a registry path.
Handle - Pointer to the handle which will contain the registry key that was opened.
BaseHandle - Optional handle to the base path from which the key must be opened. If KeyName specifies a registry path that must be created, then this parameter must be specified, and KeyName must be a relative path.
KeyName - Name of the Key that must be opened/created (possibly a registry path)
DesiredAccess - Specifies the desired access that the caller needs to the key.
Return Value:
The function value is the final status of the operation.
{ OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES objectAttributes;
InitializeObjectAttributes( &objectAttributes, KeyName, OBJ_CASE_INSENSITIVE | OBJ_KERNEL_HANDLE, BaseHandle, (PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR) NULL ); //
// Simply attempt to open the path, as specified.
return ZwOpenKey( Handle, DesiredAccess, &objectAttributes ); }
Routine Description:
Opens or creates a registry key using the name passed in based at the BaseHandle node. This name may specify a key that is actually a registry path, in which case each intermediate subkey will be created (if Create is TRUE).
NOTE: Creating a registry path (i.e., more than one of the keys in the path do not presently exist) requires that a BaseHandle be specified.
Handle - Pointer to the handle which will contain the registry key that was opened.
BaseHandle - Optional handle to the base path from which the key must be opened. If KeyName specifies a registry path that must be created, then this parameter must be specified, and KeyName must be a relative path.
KeyName - Name of the Key that must be opened/created (possibly a registry path)
DesiredAccess - Specifies the desired access that the caller needs to the key.
CreateOptions - Options passed to ZwCreateKey.
Disposition - If Create is TRUE, this optional pointer receives a ULONG indicating whether the key was newly created:
REG_CREATED_NEW_KEY - A new Registry Key was created REG_OPENED_EXISTING_KEY - An existing Registry Key was opened
Return Value:
The function value is the final status of the operation.
{ OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES objectAttributes; ULONG disposition, baseHandleIndex = 0, keyHandleIndex = 1, closeBaseHandle; HANDLE handles[2]; BOOLEAN continueParsing; PWCHAR pathEndPtr, pathCurPtr, pathBeginPtr; ULONG pathComponentLength; UNICODE_STRING unicodeString; NTSTATUS status;
InitializeObjectAttributes( &objectAttributes, KeyName, OBJ_CASE_INSENSITIVE | OBJ_KERNEL_HANDLE, BaseHandle, (PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR) NULL ); //
// Attempt to create the path as specified. We have to try it this
// way first, because it allows us to create a key without a BaseHandle
// (if only the last component of the registry path is not present).
status = ZwCreateKey(&(handles[keyHandleIndex]), DesiredAccess, &objectAttributes, 0, (PUNICODE_STRING) NULL, CreateOptions, &disposition );
// If we get to here, then there must be more than one element of the
// registry path that does not currently exist. We will now parse the
// specified path, extracting each component and doing a ZwCreateKey on it.
handles[baseHandleIndex] = NULL; handles[keyHandleIndex] = BaseHandle; closeBaseHandle = 0; continueParsing = TRUE; pathBeginPtr = KeyName->Buffer; pathEndPtr = (PWCHAR)((PCHAR)pathBeginPtr + KeyName->Length); status = STATUS_SUCCESS;
while(continueParsing) { //
// There's more to do, so close the previous base handle (if necessary),
// and replace it with the current key handle.
if(closeBaseHandle > 1) { ZwClose(handles[baseHandleIndex]); } baseHandleIndex = keyHandleIndex; keyHandleIndex = (keyHandleIndex + 1) & 1; // toggle between 0 and 1.
handles[keyHandleIndex] = NULL;
// Extract next component out of the specified registry path.
for(pathCurPtr = pathBeginPtr; ((pathCurPtr < pathEndPtr) && (*pathCurPtr != OBJ_NAME_PATH_SEPARATOR)); pathCurPtr++);
if((pathComponentLength = (ULONG)((PCHAR)pathCurPtr - (PCHAR)pathBeginPtr))) { //
// Then we have a non-empty path component (key name). Attempt
// to create this key.
unicodeString.Buffer = pathBeginPtr; unicodeString.Length = unicodeString.MaximumLength = (USHORT)pathComponentLength;
InitializeObjectAttributes(&objectAttributes, &unicodeString, OBJ_CASE_INSENSITIVE | OBJ_KERNEL_HANDLE, handles[baseHandleIndex], (PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR) NULL ); status = ZwCreateKey(&(handles[keyHandleIndex]), DesiredAccess, &objectAttributes, 0, (PUNICODE_STRING) NULL, CreateOptions, &disposition ); if(NT_SUCCESS(status)) { //
// Increment the closeBaseHandle value, which basically tells us whether
// the BaseHandle passed in has been 'shifted out' of our way, so that
// we should start closing our base handles when we're finished with them.
closeBaseHandle++; } else { continueParsing = FALSE; continue; } } else { //
// Either a path separator ('\') was included at the beginning of
// the path, or we hit 2 consecutive separators.
status = STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; continueParsing = FALSE; continue; }
if((pathCurPtr == pathEndPtr) || ((pathBeginPtr = pathCurPtr + 1) == pathEndPtr)) { //
// Then we've reached the end of the path
continueParsing = FALSE; } }
if(closeBaseHandle > 1) { ZwClose(handles[baseHandleIndex]); } }
if(NT_SUCCESS(status)) { *Handle = handles[keyHandleIndex];
if(ARGUMENT_PRESENT(Disposition)) { *Disposition = disposition; } }
return status; }
NTSTATUS WmipReadValueKey( IN HANDLE Key, IN PUNICODE_STRING ValueName, IN ULONG ValueType, OUT PKEY_VALUE_PARTIAL_INFORMATION *PartialInfoPtr, OUT PULONG InfoSizePtr ) { KEY_VALUE_PARTIAL_INFORMATION PartialInfo; ULONG InfoSize; PUCHAR Buffer; NTSTATUS Status; InfoSize = sizeof(KEY_VALUE_PARTIAL_INFORMATION); Status = ZwQueryValueKey(Key, ValueName, KeyValuePartialInformation, &PartialInfo, InfoSize, &InfoSize); if (((Status != STATUS_BUFFER_OVERFLOW) && (! NT_SUCCESS(Status))) || (PartialInfo.Type != ValueType)) { //
// if there is no value or it is not the correct type then don't
// return anything
*PartialInfoPtr = NULL; *InfoSizePtr = 0; } else { //
// Allocate a buffer to hold the previous and new diags
Buffer = ExAllocatePoolWithTag(PagedPool, InfoSize, WMIPSCHEDPOOLTAG); if (Buffer != NULL) { Status = ZwQueryValueKey(Key, ValueName, KeyValuePartialInformation, Buffer, InfoSize, &InfoSize); if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { *InfoSizePtr = InfoSize; *PartialInfoPtr = (PKEY_VALUE_PARTIAL_INFORMATION)Buffer; } else { ExFreePool(Buffer); } } else { Status = STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; } } return(Status); }
NTSTATUS WmipOpenDiagRegKey( IN PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject, IN PUNICODE_STRING SubKey, IN ULONG DesiredAccess, IN BOOLEAN CreateIfNeeded, OUT PHANDLE Key ) { HANDLE BaseKey; NTSTATUS Status; ULONG Disposition; PDEVICE_OBJECT PDO; PAGED_CODE(); Status = WmipGetDevicePDO(DeviceObject, &PDO); if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { Status = IoOpenDeviceRegistryKey(PDO, PLUGPLAY_REGKEY_DEVICE, DesiredAccess, &BaseKey); if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { if (SubKey != NULL) { if (CreateIfNeeded) { Status = WmipCreateRegistryKeyEx(Key, BaseKey, SubKey, DesiredAccess, REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, &Disposition); } else { Status = WmipOpenRegistryKeyEx(Key, BaseKey, SubKey, DesiredAccess); } ZwClose(BaseKey); } else { *Key = BaseKey; } } ObDereferenceObject(PDO); } return(Status); }
BOOLEAN WmipDoesSigMatchDiag( IN PSCHEDULEDDIAG Diag, IN UCHAR IrpMn, IN LPGUID Guid, IN ULONG InstanceContextSize, IN PUCHAR InstanceContext, IN ULONG InstanceIndex, IN ULONG MethodId ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine will determine if the diag passed matches the signature passed.
Diag is the diag structure to check IrpMn is the irp operation to perform Guid is the guid for the diag request/result InstanceContextSize is the size of the optional instance context InstanceContext is a pointer to the optional instance context InstanceIndex is the instance index MethodId is the method id if the operation is IRP_MN_EXECUTE_METHOD
Return Value:
TRUE if signature matches
--*/ { BOOLEAN RetVal = FALSE; PUCHAR DiagInstanceContext; if ((Diag->IsValid) && (Diag->IrpMn == IrpMn) && (IsEqualGUID(&Diag->Guid, Guid)) && (Diag->InstanceContextSize == InstanceContextSize) && ((IrpMn != IRP_MN_EXECUTE_METHOD) || (Diag->MethodId == MethodId))) { //
// Diag is valid and the IrpMn, Guid, InstanceContext size
// and Method Id match. Now if the InstanceContext data
// matches then we have a match.
if ((InstanceContext == NULL) && (Diag->InstanceContextOffset == 0)) { if (InstanceIndex == Diag->InstanceIndex) { //
// There is no instance context, but the instance index
// match so we have a match
RetVal = TRUE; } //
// There is no instance context, but the instance index
// do not match
} else { DiagInstanceContext = OffsetToPtr(Diag, Diag->InstanceContextOffset); if (RtlCompareMemory(DiagInstanceContext, InstanceContext, InstanceContextSize) == InstanceContextSize) { //
// There is an instance context and it matches
RetVal = TRUE; } } } return(RetVal); }
PSCHEDULEDDIAG WmipFindDiagInBuffer( IN PUCHAR DiagList, IN ULONG DiagBufferSize, IN UCHAR IrpMn, IN LPGUID Guid, IN ULONG InstanceContextSize, IN PUCHAR InstanceContext, IN ULONG InstanceIndex, IN ULONG MethodId ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine will search the diags in the DiagList buffer for a valid diag structure that matches the diag signature
DiagList is the diag structures to check DiagBufferSize is the size of the diag list IrpMn is the irp operation to perform Guid is the guid for the diag request/result InstanceContextSize is the size of the optional instance context InstanceContext is a pointer to the optional instance context InstanceIndex is the instance index MethodId is the method id if the operation is IRP_MN_EXECUTE_METHOD
Return Value:
pointer to the diag that matches the signature or NULL if none do
--*/ { ULONG Offset; PSCHEDULEDDIAG Diag; Offset = 0; while (Offset < DiagBufferSize) { Diag = (PSCHEDULEDDIAG)OffsetToPtr(DiagList, Offset); if (WmipDoesSigMatchDiag(Diag, IrpMn, Guid, InstanceContextSize, InstanceContext, InstanceIndex, MethodId)) { //
// we have a match, so return the pointer
return(Diag); } Offset += Diag->NextOffset; } return(NULL); }
NTSTATUS WmipUpdateOrAppendDiag( IN PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject, IN PUNICODE_STRING DiagType, IN PUNICODE_STRING DiagSet, IN UCHAR IrpMn, IN LPGUID Guid, IN ULONG InstanceContextSize, IN PUCHAR InstanceContext, IN ULONG InstanceIndex, IN ULONG MethodId, IN ULONG DataSize, IN PUCHAR Data ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine will update or append a new diag to the diag set specified. If an existing diag with the same signature exists then the existing diag is made invalid and a new diag to replace it is appended. CONSIDER: If we reach a threshold of many invalid diags then we may want to repack the buffer.
DeviceObject is the device object for the device DiagType is the type of diag, ie SCHEDULED, PERMAMENT or CHECKPOINT DiagSet is the unique diag set name IrpMn is the irp operation to perform Guid is the guid for the diag request/result InstanceContextSize is the size of the optional instance context InstanceContext is a pointer to the optional instance context InstanceIndex is the instance index MethodId is the method id if the operation is IRP_MN_EXECUTE_METHOD DataSize is the size of the request/result data Data is a pointer to the data
Return Value:
NT status code
--*/ { KEY_VALUE_PARTIAL_INFORMATION PartialInfo; PKEY_VALUE_PARTIAL_INFORMATION DiagPartialInfo; NTSTATUS Status; UNICODE_STRING Scheduled; ULONG InstanceContextOffset, DataOffset; ULONG InfoSize; HANDLE Key; ULONG DiagSize, SizeNeeded; PUCHAR DiagBuffer; PSCHEDULEDDIAG Diag; PUCHAR Ptr; PUCHAR RegDataPtr; ULONG RegDataSize;
// Get the current contents for the diag set
Status = WmipOpenDiagRegKey(DeviceObject, DiagType, KEY_WRITE | KEY_READ, TRUE, &Key); if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { //
// Comupte size needed to append the new diagnostic
InstanceContextOffset = FIELD_OFFSET(SCHEDULEDDIAG, VariableData); DataOffset = ((InstanceContextOffset + 7) &~7) + InstanceContextSize; DiagSize = ((DataOffset+ 7)&~7) + DataSize; //
// Obtain the size of the current diags already setup in the registry
InfoSize = sizeof(KEY_VALUE_PARTIAL_INFORMATION); Status = ZwQueryValueKey(Key, DiagSet, KeyValuePartialInformation, &PartialInfo, InfoSize, &InfoSize); if (((Status != STATUS_BUFFER_OVERFLOW) && (! NT_SUCCESS(Status))) || (PartialInfo.Type != REG_BINARY)) { //
// if there is no value or it is not a REG_BINARY then ignore
// it.
InfoSize = 0; Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; }
// Allocate a buffer to hold the previous and new diags
SizeNeeded = InfoSize + DiagSize; DiagBuffer = ExAllocatePoolWithTag(PagedPool, SizeNeeded, WMIPSCHEDPOOLTAG); if (DiagBuffer != NULL) { //
// If there are previous diagnostics then read them in
if (InfoSize != 0) { Status = ZwQueryValueKey(Key, DiagSet, KeyValuePartialInformation, DiagBuffer, InfoSize, &InfoSize); if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { //
// Setup pointers to the diag data
DiagPartialInfo = (PKEY_VALUE_PARTIAL_INFORMATION)DiagBuffer; RegDataPtr = &DiagPartialInfo->Data[0]; RegDataSize = DiagPartialInfo->DataLength + DiagSize; //
// See if there is a duplicate diag for the
// diag signature
Diag = WmipFindDiagInBuffer(RegDataPtr, DiagPartialInfo->DataLength, IrpMn, Guid, InstanceContextSize, InstanceContext, InstanceIndex, MethodId); if (Diag != NULL) { //
// There is already a signature so we mark this as
// invalid
ASSERT(Diag->IsValid); Diag->IsValid = FALSE; } } else { //
// For some reason we failed reading in a second time
ASSERT(FALSE); RegDataPtr = DiagBuffer; RegDataSize = DiagSize; Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; } } else { //
// Setup pointers to the diag data
RegDataPtr = DiagBuffer; RegDataSize = DiagSize; } if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { //
// Initialize the Diag structure at the end of the diag buffer
Diag = (PSCHEDULEDDIAG)OffsetToPtr(DiagBuffer, InfoSize); RtlZeroMemory(Diag, DiagSize); Diag->IsValid = TRUE; Diag->NextOffset = DiagSize; Diag->IrpMn = IrpMn; Diag->Guid = *Guid; Diag->MethodId = MethodId; if (InstanceContext != NULL) { //
// If there is an instance context then initialize it
Diag->InstanceIndex = InstanceIndex; Diag->InstanceContextOffset = InstanceContextOffset; Diag->InstanceContextSize = InstanceContextSize; Ptr = (PUCHAR)OffsetToPtr(Diag, InstanceContextOffset); RtlCopyMemory(Ptr, InstanceContext, InstanceContextSize); } if (Data != NULL) { //
// If there is data then initialize it
Diag->DataOffset = DataOffset; Diag->DataSize = DataSize; Ptr = (PUCHAR)OffsetToPtr(Diag, DataOffset); RtlCopyMemory(Ptr, Data, DataSize); } //
// Write diag buffer back to registry
Status = ZwSetValueKey(Key, DiagSet, 0, REG_BINARY, RegDataPtr, RegDataSize); } ExFreePool(DiagBuffer); } else { Status = STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; } ZwClose(Key); } return(Status);
NTSTATUS IoWMIScheduleDiagnostic( IN PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject, IN PUNICODE_STRING DiagSet, IN UCHAR IrpMn, IN LPGUID Guid, IN ULONG InstanceContextSize, IN PUCHAR InstanceContext, IN ULONG InstanceIndex, IN ULONG MethodId, IN ULONG DataSize, IN PUCHAR Data ) { NTSTATUS Status; UNICODE_STRING Scheduled; PAGED_CODE(); //
// Get the current contents for the diag set
RtlInitUnicodeString(&Scheduled, REGSTR_SCHEDULED); Status = WmipUpdateOrAppendDiag(DeviceObject, &Scheduled, DiagSet, IrpMn, Guid, InstanceContextSize, InstanceContext, InstanceIndex, MethodId, DataSize, Data); return(Status); }
NTSTATUS IoWMICancelDiagnostic( IN PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject, IN PUNICODE_STRING DiagSet, IN UCHAR IrpMn, IN LPGUID Guid, IN ULONG InstanceContextSize, IN PUCHAR InstanceContext, IN ULONG InstanceIndex, IN ULONG MethodId ) { NTSTATUS Status; UNICODE_STRING Value; HANDLE Key; KEY_VALUE_PARTIAL_INFORMATION PartialInfo; PKEY_VALUE_PARTIAL_INFORMATION DiagPartialInfo; UNICODE_STRING Scheduled; ULONG InstanceContextOffset, DataOffset; ULONG InfoSize; PUCHAR DiagBuffer; PSCHEDULEDDIAG Diag; PUCHAR Ptr; PUCHAR DiagList; ULONG DiagListSize;
// Get the current contents for the diag set
RtlInitUnicodeString(&Scheduled, REGSTR_SCHEDULED);
Status = WmipOpenDiagRegKey(DeviceObject, &Scheduled, KEY_WRITE | KEY_READ, TRUE, &Key); if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { //
// Obtain the size of the current diags already setup in the registry
InfoSize = sizeof(KEY_VALUE_PARTIAL_INFORMATION); Status = ZwQueryValueKey(Key, DiagSet, KeyValuePartialInformation, &PartialInfo, InfoSize, &InfoSize); if ( ((Status == STATUS_BUFFER_OVERFLOW) || NT_SUCCESS(Status)) && (PartialInfo.Type == REG_BINARY) ) { //
// Allocate a buffer to hold the diag list
DiagBuffer = ExAllocatePoolWithTag(PagedPool, InfoSize, WMIPSCHEDPOOLTAG); if (DiagBuffer != NULL) { //
// Read in all of the diags in the list
Status = ZwQueryValueKey(Key, DiagSet, KeyValuePartialInformation, DiagBuffer, InfoSize, &InfoSize); if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { //
// Setup pointers to the diag data
DiagPartialInfo = (PKEY_VALUE_PARTIAL_INFORMATION)DiagBuffer; DiagList = &DiagPartialInfo->Data[0]; DiagListSize = DiagPartialInfo->DataLength; //
// See if there is a duplicate diag for the
// diag signature
Diag = WmipFindDiagInBuffer(DiagList, DiagListSize, IrpMn, Guid, InstanceContextSize, InstanceContext, InstanceIndex, MethodId); if (Diag != NULL) { //
// There is already a signature so we mark this as
// invalid or cancelled.
ASSERT(Diag->IsValid); Diag->IsValid = FALSE; //
// Write diag buffer back to registry
Status = ZwSetValueKey(Key, DiagSet, 0, REG_BINARY, DiagList, DiagListSize); } else { Status = STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND; } } else { //
// For some reason we failed reading in a second time
ASSERT(FALSE); } ExFreePool(DiagBuffer); } else { //
// Couldn't alloc memory
Status = STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; } } else if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { //
// Value is not a REG_BINARY so we skip it and return an error
Status = STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND; } ZwClose(Key); } return(Status); }
NTSTATUS WmipSendMethodDiagRequest( PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject, PSCHEDULEDDIAG Diag, PWNODE_METHOD_ITEM *WnodeMethodPtr ) { PWNODE_METHOD_ITEM WnodeMethod; NTSTATUS Status; ULONG SizeNeeded, DataOffset, InstanceOffset; BOOLEAN Looping; ULONG ProviderId; PWCHAR DPtr, SPtr; IO_STATUS_BLOCK Iosb; SizeNeeded = sizeof(WNODE_METHOD_ITEM) + Diag->InstanceContextSize + ((Diag->OutDataSize > Diag->DataSize) ? Diag->OutDataSize : Diag->DataSize);
Looping = TRUE; while(Looping) { WnodeMethod = ExAllocatePoolWithTag(NonPagedPool, SizeNeeded, WMIPSCHEDPOOLTAG); if (WnodeMethod != NULL) { //
// Build the WNODE to query with
RtlZeroMemory(WnodeMethod, SizeNeeded); ProviderId = IoWMIDeviceObjectToProviderId(DeviceObject); InstanceOffset = FIELD_OFFSET(WNODE_SINGLE_INSTANCE, VariableData); DataOffset = (InstanceOffset + Diag->InstanceContextSize + sizeof(USHORT) + 7) &~7; WnodeMethod->WnodeHeader.BufferSize = DataOffset; WnodeMethod->WnodeHeader.ProviderId = ProviderId; WnodeMethod->WnodeHeader.Guid = Diag->Guid; WnodeMethod->WnodeHeader.Flags = WNODE_FLAG_METHOD_ITEM | WNODE_FLAG_DIAG_REQUEST; WnodeMethod->InstanceIndex = Diag->InstanceIndex; WnodeMethod->OffsetInstanceName = InstanceOffset; WnodeMethod->MethodId = Diag->MethodId; if (Diag->InstanceContextOffset != 0) { //
// Copy in any instance context
DPtr = (PWCHAR)OffsetToPtr(WnodeMethod, InstanceOffset); SPtr = (PWCHAR)OffsetToPtr(Diag, Diag->InstanceContextOffset); *DPtr++ = (USHORT)Diag->InstanceContextSize; RtlCopyMemory(DPtr, SPtr, Diag->InstanceContextSize); } else { WnodeMethod->WnodeHeader.Flags |= WNODE_FLAG_STATIC_INSTANCE_NAMES; } WnodeMethod->DataBlockOffset = DataOffset; WnodeMethod->SizeDataBlock = Diag->DataSize; if (Diag->DataSize != 0) { //
// Copy in method input data
DPtr = (PWCHAR)OffsetToPtr(WnodeMethod, DataOffset); SPtr = (PWCHAR)OffsetToPtr(Diag, Diag->DataOffset); RtlCopyMemory(DPtr, SPtr, Diag->DataSize); } Status = WmipSendWmiIrp(IRP_MN_EXECUTE_METHOD, ProviderId, &WnodeMethod->WnodeHeader.Guid, SizeNeeded, WnodeMethod, &Iosb); if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { if (Iosb.Information == sizeof(WNODE_TOO_SMALL)) { //
// Buffer was too small, so setup to alloc a bigger one
SizeNeeded = ((PWNODE_TOO_SMALL)WnodeMethod)->SizeNeeded; ExFreePool(WnodeMethod); } else { //
// We have successfully returned from the query
*WnodeMethodPtr = WnodeMethod; Looping = FALSE; } } else { //
// Some sort of failure, we just return it to the caller
ExFreePool(WnodeMethod); Looping = FALSE; } } else { Status = STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; Looping = FALSE; } } return(Status); }
NTSTATUS WmipSendQSIDiagRequest( PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject, PSCHEDULEDDIAG Diag, PWNODE_SINGLE_INSTANCE *WnodeSIPtr ) { PWNODE_SINGLE_INSTANCE WnodeSI; NTSTATUS Status; ULONG SizeNeeded, DataOffset, InstanceOffset; BOOLEAN Looping; ULONG ProviderId; PWCHAR SPtr, DPtr; IO_STATUS_BLOCK Iosb; SizeNeeded = sizeof(WNODE_SINGLE_INSTANCE) + Diag->InstanceContextSize + (Diag->OutDataSize > Diag->DataSize) ? Diag->OutDataSize : Diag->DataSize; Looping = TRUE; while(Looping) { WnodeSI = ExAllocatePoolWithTag(NonPagedPool, SizeNeeded, WMIPSCHEDPOOLTAG); if (WnodeSI != NULL) { //
// Build the WNODE to query with
RtlZeroMemory(WnodeSI, SizeNeeded); ProviderId = IoWMIDeviceObjectToProviderId(DeviceObject); InstanceOffset = FIELD_OFFSET(WNODE_SINGLE_INSTANCE, VariableData); DataOffset = (InstanceOffset + Diag->InstanceContextSize + sizeof(USHORT) + 7) &~7; WnodeSI->WnodeHeader.BufferSize = DataOffset; WnodeSI->WnodeHeader.ProviderId = ProviderId; WnodeSI->WnodeHeader.Guid = Diag->Guid; WnodeSI->WnodeHeader.Flags = WNODE_FLAG_SINGLE_INSTANCE | WNODE_FLAG_DIAG_REQUEST; WnodeSI->InstanceIndex = Diag->InstanceIndex; WnodeSI->OffsetInstanceName = InstanceOffset; if (Diag->InstanceContextOffset != 0) { //
// Copy in any instance context
DPtr = (PWCHAR)OffsetToPtr(WnodeSI, InstanceOffset); SPtr = (PWCHAR)OffsetToPtr(Diag, Diag->InstanceContextOffset); *DPtr++ = (USHORT)Diag->InstanceContextSize; RtlCopyMemory(DPtr, SPtr, Diag->InstanceContextSize); } else { WnodeSI->WnodeHeader.Flags |= WNODE_FLAG_STATIC_INSTANCE_NAMES; } WnodeSI->DataBlockOffset = DataOffset; Status = WmipSendWmiIrp(IRP_MN_QUERY_SINGLE_INSTANCE, ProviderId, &WnodeSI->WnodeHeader.Guid, SizeNeeded, WnodeSI, &Iosb); if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { if (Iosb.Information == sizeof(WNODE_TOO_SMALL)) { //
// Buffer was too small, so setup to alloc a bigger one
SizeNeeded = ((PWNODE_TOO_SMALL)WnodeSI)->SizeNeeded; ExFreePool(WnodeSI); } else { //
// We have successfully returned from the query
*WnodeSIPtr = WnodeSI; Looping = FALSE; } } else { //
// Some sort of failure, we just return it to the caller
ExFreePool(WnodeSI); Looping = FALSE; } } else { Status = STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; Looping = FALSE; } } return(Status); }
NTSTATUS IoWMIStartScheduledDiagnostics( IN PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject, IN PUNICODE_STRING DiagSet ) { NTSTATUS Status, Status2; HANDLE Key; UNICODE_STRING Scheduled; ULONG Index; KEY_FULL_INFORMATION KeyFullInfo; ULONG ReturnSize; PKEY_VALUE_PARTIAL_INFORMATION PartialInfo; ULONG InfoSize; PUCHAR DiagData; ULONG DiagSize; PSCHEDULEDDIAG Diag; ULONG Offset; PWNODE_SINGLE_INSTANCE WnodeSI; PWNODE_METHOD_ITEM WnodeMethod; UNICODE_STRING Checkpoint; PUCHAR InstanceContext; PUCHAR Data; PAGED_CODE(); RtlInitUnicodeString(&Scheduled, REGSTR_SCHEDULED); RtlInitUnicodeString(&Checkpoint, REGSTR_CHECKPOINT); Status = WmipOpenDiagRegKey(DeviceObject, &Scheduled, KEY_READ, FALSE, &Key); if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { Status = WmipReadValueKey(Key, DiagSet, REG_BINARY, &PartialInfo, &InfoSize); if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { //
// Loop over all Diags in the value and then send them
// to the device
DiagData = &PartialInfo->Data[0]; DiagSize = PartialInfo->DataLength; Offset = 0; while (Offset < DiagSize) { //
// Send the appropriate diag to the device object
Diag = (PSCHEDULEDDIAG)OffsetToPtr(DiagData, Offset); if (Diag->IsValid) { switch(Diag->IrpMn) { case IRP_MN_QUERY_SINGLE_INSTANCE: { PWNODE_SINGLE_INSTANCE WnodeSI; Status2 = WmipSendQSIDiagRequest(DeviceObject, Diag, &WnodeSI); if (NT_SUCCESS(Status2)) { if (Diag->InstanceContextOffset != 0) { InstanceContext = OffsetToPtr(Diag, Diag->InstanceContextOffset); } else { InstanceContext = NULL; } Data = OffsetToPtr(WnodeSI, WnodeSI->DataBlockOffset); Status2 = WmipUpdateOrAppendDiag( DeviceObject, &Checkpoint, DiagSet, Diag->IrpMn, &Diag->Guid, Diag->InstanceContextSize, InstanceContext, Diag->InstanceIndex, Diag->MethodId, WnodeSI->SizeDataBlock, Data); ExFreePool(WnodeSI); } break; } case IRP_MN_EXECUTE_METHOD: { PWNODE_METHOD_ITEM WnodeMethod; Status2 = WmipSendMethodDiagRequest(DeviceObject, Diag, &WnodeMethod); if (NT_SUCCESS(Status2)) { if (Diag->InstanceContextOffset != 0) { InstanceContext = OffsetToPtr(Diag, Diag->InstanceContextOffset); } else { InstanceContext = NULL; } Data = OffsetToPtr(WnodeMethod, WnodeMethod->DataBlockOffset); Status2 = WmipUpdateOrAppendDiag( DeviceObject, &Checkpoint, DiagSet, Diag->IrpMn, &Diag->Guid, Diag->InstanceContextSize, InstanceContext, Diag->InstanceIndex, Diag->MethodId, WnodeMethod->SizeDataBlock, Data); ExFreePool(WnodeMethod); } break; } default: { WmipAssert(FALSE); break; } } } //
// Advance to next diagnostic in
Offset += Diag->NextOffset; } ExFreePool(PartialInfo); } ZwClose(Key); } return(Status); }
NTSTATUS IoWMIGetDiagnosticResult( IN PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject, IN PUNICODE_STRING DiagSet, IN UCHAR IrpMn, IN LPGUID Guid, IN ULONG InstanceContextSize, IN PUCHAR InstanceContext, IN ULONG InstanceIndex, IN ULONG MethodId, IN OUT ULONG *DataSize, OUT PUCHAR Data ) { NTSTATUS Status; UNICODE_STRING Checkpoint; HANDLE Key; PKEY_VALUE_PARTIAL_INFORMATION PartialInfo; ULONG InfoSize; PUCHAR DiagList; PSCHEDULEDDIAG Diag; ULONG DiagSize; PUCHAR DataPtr; PAGED_CODE(); RtlInitUnicodeString(&Checkpoint, REGSTR_CHECKPOINT); Status = WmipOpenDiagRegKey(DeviceObject, &Checkpoint, KEY_READ, FALSE, &Key); if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { Status = WmipReadValueKey(Key, DiagSet, REG_BINARY, &PartialInfo, &InfoSize); if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { //
// See if a diag is available that matches the sig passed
DiagList = &PartialInfo->Data[0]; DiagSize = PartialInfo->DataLength; Diag = WmipFindDiagInBuffer(DiagList, DiagSize, IrpMn, Guid, InstanceContextSize, InstanceContext, InstanceIndex, MethodId); if (Diag != NULL) { if (Diag->DataOffset != 0) { if (*DataSize >= Diag->DataSize) { //
// There is enough room, so copy out the data
DataPtr = OffsetToPtr(Diag, Diag->DataOffset); RtlCopyMemory(Data, DataPtr, Diag->DataSize); } else { //
// Not enough room to return the data
Status = STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL; } *DataSize = Diag->DataSize; } else { //
// There is no data for this diag result
*DataSize = 0; } } else { //
// Diag was not in the list
Status = STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND; } ExFreePool(PartialInfo); } } return(Status); }
NTSTATUS IoWMISaveDiagnosticResult( IN PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject, IN PUNICODE_STRING DiagSet, IN UCHAR IrpMn, IN LPGUID Guid, IN ULONG InstanceContextSize, IN PUCHAR InstanceContext, IN ULONG InstanceIndex, IN ULONG MethodId, IN ULONG DataSize, IN PUCHAR Data ) { NTSTATUS Status; UNICODE_STRING Checkpoint; PAGED_CODE(); //
// Write saved diagnostic results into the Checkpoint key
RtlInitUnicodeString(&Checkpoint, REGSTR_CHECKPOINT); Status = WmipUpdateOrAppendDiag(DeviceObject, &Checkpoint, DiagSet, IrpMn, Guid, InstanceContextSize, InstanceContext, InstanceIndex, MethodId, DataSize, Data); return(Status); }