* 10.25.94 Joe Holman TC-like program changed to perform * logging ERRORs for media. * 01.17.95 Joe Holman Every file that is copied gets NORMAL attrs. * 02.01.95 Joe Holman Revamped algorithm and allow empty dirs * to be copied. * */ #include <direct.h>
#include <sys\types.h>
#include <sys\stat.h>
#include <io.h>
#include <conio.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <process.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <time.h>
// Forward Function Declartions...
BOOL CopyNode( char * ); void __cdecl main( int, char ** ); void MyMakeDir ( char * ); void MyCopyFile ( const char * , const char * );
ULONG numFilesCopied=0;
char gSource[MAX_PATH]; char gDest[MAX_PATH]; char realDest[MAX_PATH]; char tempdir[MAX_PATH]; char tempfile[MAX_PATH]; //int drv;
int srclen, dstlen;
FILE * logFile;
void Msg ( const char * szFormat, ... ) {
va_list vaArgs;
va_start ( vaArgs, szFormat ); vprintf ( szFormat, vaArgs ); vfprintf ( logFile, szFormat, vaArgs ); va_end ( vaArgs ); }
void Usage( void ) {
printf ( "Usage: mTC logFile src-tree dst-tree" ); exit (1); }
char fPathChr ( int c ) {
return (char) ( c == '\\' || c == '/' ); }
void Header(argv) char* argv[]; { time_t t;
Msg ("\n=========== MTC =============\n"); Msg ("LogFile : %s\n",argv[1]); Msg ("Source : %s\n",argv[2]); Msg ("Destination: %s\n",argv[3]); time(&t); Msg ("Time : %s",ctime(&t)); Msg ("================================\n\n"); }
/* ExpandPath - construct a path from the root to the specified file
* correctly handling ., .. and current directory/drive references. * * src source path for input * dst destination buffer * returns TRUE if error detected */ ExpandPath (src, dst) char *src, *dst; {
Ok = (!GetFullPathName( (LPSTR) src, (DWORD) MAX_PATH, (LPSTR) dst, &FilePart ));
if ( !Ok ) { p = src + strlen( src ) - 1; if ( *p == '.' ) { if ( p > src ) { p--; if ( *p != '.' && *p != ':' && !fPathChr(*p) ) { strcat( dst, "." ); } } } }
return Ok;
BOOL RecurseSrcDir ( const char * gSource, const char * gDest ) {
WIN32_FIND_DATA wfd; HANDLE fHandle; BOOL bRC=TRUE; ULONG gle; char szSrc[MAX_PATH]; char szDst[MAX_PATH]; char szPath[MAX_PATH]; char szDest[MAX_PATH]; char szFind[MAX_PATH]; char szSrcFile[MAX_PATH]; char szDstFile[MAX_PATH];
// Get rid of any trailing forward slashes.
strcpy ( szSrc, gSource ); strcpy ( szDst, gDest ); if ( szSrc[strlen(szSrc)-1] == '\\' ) { szSrc[strlen(szSrc)-1] = '\0'; } if ( szDst[strlen(szDst)-1] == '\\' ) { szDst[strlen(szDst)-1] = '\0'; }
//Msg ( "entered: szSrc = %s, szDst = %s\n", szSrc, szDst );
sprintf ( szFind, "%s\\*.*", szSrc );
fHandle = FindFirstFile ( szFind, &wfd );
if ( fHandle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) {
// An error occurred finding a directory.
Msg ( "ERROR R FindFirstFile FAILED, szFind = %s, GLE = %ld\n", szFind, GetLastError() ); return (FALSE); } else {
// Since this is the first time finding a directory,
// go to the loops code that makes the same directory on the
// destination.
do {
bRC = FindNextFile ( fHandle, &wfd );
if ( !bRC ) {
// An error occurred with FindNextFile.
gle = GetLastError(); if ( gle == ERROR_NO_MORE_FILES ) {
//Msg ( "ERROR_NO_MORE_FILES...\n" );
FindClose ( fHandle ); return (TRUE); } else { Msg ( "ERROR R FindNextFile FAILED, GLE = %ld\n", GetLastError() ); FindClose ( fHandle ); exit ( 1 ); } } else {
// Msg ( "wfd.cFileName = %s\n", wfd.cFileName );
// If not directory, don't just continue.
if ( (wfd.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) == 0 ) {
sprintf ( szSrcFile, "%s\\%s", szSrc, wfd.cFileName ); sprintf ( szDstFile, "%s\\%s", szDst, wfd.cFileName );
MyCopyFile ( szSrcFile, szDstFile );
// Don't do anything with . and .. directory entries.
if (!strcmp ( wfd.cFileName, "." ) || !strcmp ( wfd.cFileName, "..") ) {
//Msg ( "Don't do anything with . or .. dirs.\n" );
// Don't do anything with HIDDEN directory entries.
if ( wfd.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN ) {
//Msg ( "Don't do anything with HIDDEN dirs.\n" );
sprintf ( szPath, "%s\\%s", szSrc, wfd.cFileName ); sprintf ( szDest, "%s\\%s", szDst, wfd.cFileName );
//Msg ( "szPath = %s\n", szPath );
//Msg ( "md szDest = %s\n", szDest );
MyMakeDir ( szDest );
// Keep recursing down the directories.
RecurseSrcDir ( szPath, szDest );
} while ( bRC );
return ( TRUE );
BOOL MakeCommandDir ( const char * dest ) {
char szDest[MAX_PATH]; char szLast[MAX_PATH]; // contains last directory made
char * blah; int i;
strcpy ( szLast, dest );
// Exception case - if the specified directory is just the root, then
// just ignore this code, since the root directory exists by default.
if ( szLast[1] == ':' && szLast[2] == '\\' && szLast[3] == '\0' ) {
return ( TRUE );
// Clean-up any trailing slashes.
if ( szLast[strlen(szLast)-1] == '\\' ) {
szLast[strlen(szLast)-1] = '\0'; }
//Msg ( "MakeCommandDir, %s\n", szLast );
// Copy and skip the D:\ chars.
szDest[0] = szLast[0]; szDest[1] = szLast[1]; szDest[2] = szLast[2];
blah = szLast; blah += 3; i = 3;
while ( 1 ) {
if ( *blah == '\0' ) {
szDest[i] = *blah; MyMakeDir ( szDest ); // make the directory...
break; } else if ( *blah == '\\' ) {
szDest[i] = '\0'; MyMakeDir ( szDest ); // make the directory...
szDest[i] = *blah; // now, since the dir exists, put the slash
// back in.
} else { szDest[i] = *blah; }
++blah; ++i; }
return ( TRUE ); }
void __cdecl main ( int argc, char * argv[] ) {
if ( argc != 4) { Usage(); exit(1); } if ((logFile=fopen(argv[1],"a"))==NULL) {
printf("ERROR Couldn't open logFile: %s\n",argv[1]); exit(1); } Header(argv);
Msg ( "%s %s %s %s\n", argv[0], argv[1], argv[2], argv[3] );
if ( ExpandPath (argv[2], gSource) ) { Msg ( "ERROR Invalid source: %s\n", argv[2] ); exit(1); } if ( ExpandPath (argv[3], gDest) ) { Msg ( "ERROR Invalid destination: %s\n", argv[3] ); exit(1); }
Msg ( "gSource = %s\n", gSource ); Msg ( "gDest = %s\n", gDest );
srclen = strlen (gSource); dstlen = strlen (gDest);
if (!strcmp(gSource, gDest)) { Msg ("ERROR gSource == gDest\n" ); exit(1); }
// Make any destination directories specified on the command line.
MakeCommandDir ( gDest );
// Make the src directory structure on the destination.
RecurseSrcDir ( gSource, gDest );
Msg ( "\nnumFilesCopied: %ld\n", numFilesCopied );
exit(0); }
MEMBER: strbscan
SYNOPSIS: Returns pointer to first character from string in set
ARGUMENTS: const LPSTR - search string const LPSTR - set of characters
RETURNS: LPSTR - pointer to first matching character
HISTORY: davegi 28-Jul-90 Rewritten from 286 MASM
#include <assert.h>
#include <process.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <windows.h>
LPSTR strbscan ( const LPSTR pszStr, const LPSTR pszSet ) {
assert( pszStr ); assert( pszSet );
return pszStr + strcspn( pszStr, pszSet ); } static char szDot[] = "."; static char szDotDot[] = ".."; static char szColon[] = ":"; static char szPathSep[] = "\\/:";
/** FindFilename - find filename in string
* * Find last /\:-separated component in string * * psz pointer to string to search * * returns pointer to filename */ static char *FindFilename (char *psz) { char *p;
while (TRUE) { p = strbscan (psz, szPathSep); if (*p == 0) { return psz; } psz = p + 1; } }
void MyCopyFile ( const char * src, const char * dst ) {
// Copy the file if the src is newer than the dst.
// See if the dst exists first.
if (_access (dst, 00) != -1 ) {
struct _stat srcbuf; struct _stat dstbuf; int irc;
// The dst exists, see if we need to copy the src (newer).
irc = _stat (src, &srcbuf);
if ( irc == -1 ) {
Msg ( "MyCopyFile ERROR stat src FAILed: %s\n", src ); }
irc = _stat (dst, &dstbuf);
if ( irc == -1 ) {
Msg ( "MyCopyFile ERROR stat dst FAILed: %s\n", dst ); }
if ( srcbuf.st_mtime <= dstbuf.st_mtime) {
// The src is NOT newer than the dst, don't copy.
fCopy = FALSE; }
} else {
// Dst doesn't exist. Copy the file over.
//Msg ( "Dst doesn't exist, so copy over: %s\n", dst );
fCopy = TRUE; }
if ( fCopy ) {
bRC = CopyFile ( src, dst, FALSE );
if ( !bRC ) {
Msg ( "CopyFile ERROR, gle = %ld: %s >>> %s\n", GetLastError(), src, dst ); exit ( 1 ); } else { BOOL b;
Msg ( "CopyFile: %s >>> %s [OK]\n", src, dst );
b = SetFileAttributes ( dst, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL );
if ( !b ) {
Msg ( "ERROR SetFileAttributes: %s, gle() = %ld\n", dst, GetLastError() ); }
++numFilesCopied; } }
void MyMakeDir ( char * szPath ) {
char szDirToMake[MAX_PATH]; int numChars = strlen ( szPath ); struct _stat dbuf;
// szPath is the string of the destination path.
// Currently, this assumes a local drive on the machine.
// We could change the below code to skip the first \\server\share
// names in a UNC specified path, if ever needed.
strcpy ( szDirToMake, szPath );
//Msg ( "szDirToMake = %s\n", szDirToMake );
if ( _stat ( szDirToMake, &dbuf) == 0 ) {
if ( dbuf.st_mode & S_IFDIR ) {
// Wanted directory exists already.
} if ( dbuf.st_mode & S_IFREG ) {
// Wanted directory to make already exists as a FILE !
Msg ("ERROR MyMakeDir(%s) is a file already.", szDirToMake); exit ( 1 ); } } else {
if ( errno == ENOENT ) {
b = CreateDirectory ( szDirToMake, NULL ); if ( !b ) { Msg ("ERROR Unable to CreateDirectory(%s), gle = %ld\n", szDirToMake, GetLastError() ); exit(1); } else {
Msg ( "md %s [OK]\n", szDirToMake ); } } else { Msg ( "MyMakeDir ERROR (%s) stat FAILED...\n", szDirToMake ); exit(1); } }