#####mstools.inf all ;---------------------------------------------------- ; LANGUAGE CHOICES ;----------------------------------------------------
[StringsENG] String1 = "Setup cannot install on the current processor."$(!LF)$(!LF)+ "Cannot proceed with install."
String4 = "Setup couldn't copy over the Win32 SDK files. "$(!LF)$(!LF)+ "Cannot proceed with install."
String5 = "Error querying init directory. "$(!LF)$(!LF)+ "Initializing our own init directory."
String6 = "Error querying environment variables."$(!LF)$(!LF)+ "Cannot proceed with install."
String7 = "Error modifying environment variabkes."$(!LF)$(!LF)+ "Cannot proceed with install."
String8 = "Size required for full installation is: " String9 = "Minimum size required for custom installation is: " String10 = " MB." String11 = "No drive was found with this much space."$(!LF)$(!LF)+ "Cannot proceed with install."
String12 = "There is space sufficient for the minimum Win32 SDK installation. "+ "You need to run Setup again and choose custom installation."
String13 = "Setup needs a full path specification of your destination. Please "+ "reenter a new path. An example of af full path is: "
String14 = "The drive entered in the Win32 SDK destination path is not "+ "a valid drive for installation. Please reenter a new path."
String15 = "There is no space free for the optional Win32 SDK components."
;*************************************************************************** ; DIALOGS ; ------- ; the following sections contain the dialogs used to interact with the user. ; for each language supported there is a different dialog section. ;***************************************************************************
;----------------------------------------------- ; WELCOME DIALOG ;----------------------------------------------- [WelcomeDlgENG] Caption = "Win32 SDK Setup"
DlgText = "Welcome to Setup."$(LF)$(LF)+ "The Setup program for the Microsoft Win32 Software "+ "Development Kit for Windows NT "+ "installs Win32 development tools. "+ "Each Setup dialog has basic instructions for "+ "completing a step of the installation. If you want additional "+ "information and instructions about a dialog or option, please "+ "press the Help key, F1."$(LF)$(LF)+ "To learn how to use the Win32 SDK Setup, press F1."$(LF)$(LF)+ "To install the Win32 SDK on your computer now, click Continue "+ "or press Enter."$(LF)$(LF)+ "To exit Setup without installing the Win32 SDK, press F3."
Continue = Continue Help = Help Exit = Exit
; no needed for translation DlgType = Info DlgTemplate = WELCOME HelpContext = $(!IDH_DB_MSTWELCOME_INS)
;----------------------------------------------- ; INSTALL MODE DIALOG ;----------------------------------------------- [InstallModeDlgENG] Caption = "Setup Methods" DlgText = "Express Setup installs the Win32 SDK using default settings "+ "and detected configuration."$(LF)$(LF)+ "Custom Setup gives you more control in viewing detected configuration "+ "and choosing options."$(LF)$(LF)+ "Choose one of the two Setup methods:"
Continue = "Continue" Help = "&Help" Exit = "&Exit"
RadioHeader = "" Radio1Text = "&Express Setup" Radio2Text = "&Custom Setup"
; no translation needed after this DlgType = "Radio" DlgTemplate = "INSTALLMODE" HelpContext = $(!IDH_DB_MSTINSTALLMODE_INS) RadioDefault = $(STF_INSTALL_MODE) OptionsGreyed = {}
;----------------------------------------------- ; TOOLS DESTINATION DIALOG ;----------------------------------------------- [DestinationDlgENG] Caption = "Win32 SDK Destination" DlgText = "Setup recommends installing the Win32 SDK on the following "+ "hard disk drive."
Combo1Label = "Destination Drive:"
Continue = "Continue" Help = "&Help" Exit = "&Exit"
GroupLabel = "Destination Drive Characteristics"
Static1Label = "Available Space:" footer1 = "MB" footer2 = "( For Full Setup )" footer3 = "( For Minimum Setup )" Static2Label = "Space Needed:" EditLabel = "SDK Directory:"
; no translation needed after this HelpContext = $(!IDH_DB_MSTDEST_INS) Static1Text = $(DestVolumeFree) Static2Text = $(MaxToolsSize) Static3Text = $(MinToolsSize)
DlgType = Combination DlgTemplate = "DESTTOOLS" TextFields = {$(Static1Text), $(Static2Text), $(Static3Text)}
; ; Editboxes in the dialog ;
EditTextLim = 256 EditTextIn = $(MstoolsDir) EditFocus = "ALL"
Combo1List = $(DestVolumeList) Combo1Out = $(DestVolume)
ComboListItemsIn = {Combo1List} ComboListItemsOut = {Combo1Out}
NotifyFields = {YES}
;------------------------------------------------------------- ; PARTIAL INSTALL COMPONENTS ;------------------------------------------------------------- [MSToolsOptionsDlgENG] Caption = "Win32 SDK Install Options"
DlgText = "The following optional groups of files (components) can be "+ "installed on your system."$(!LF)$(!LF)+ "To remove a component, clear its checkbox."$(!LF)$(!LF)+ "To install a component, check its checkbox."$(!LF)$(!LF)
Check1Text = "Copy Win32 SDK samples." Check2Text = "Copy WinHelp files." Check3Text = "Copy C++ development files." Check4Text = "Copy Posix development files."
Continue = "&Continue" Help = "&Help" Exit = "E&xit" CheckHeader = "Components:" SizeHeader = "Bytes Used:" Files = "Files..." SpaceRequired = "Total Disk Space Required:" SpaceAvailable = "Disk Space Available:" footer1 = "Bytes"
; no translation needed after this DlgType = "Check1" DlgTemplate = "TOOLSOPTIONS" HelpContext = $(!IDH_DB_MSTOPTIONS_INS)
SizeAvailable = $(FreeForOptional)
CheckItemsIn = { $(DoToolsSamples), $(DoToolsHelp), $(DoMfc), $(DoPosix) } CheckItemsInSizes = { $(ToolsSamplesSize), $(ToolsHelpSize), $(MfcSize), $(PosixSize) } OptionsGreyed = $(DisableList)
;-------------------------------------------------------------- ; k) SETUP DONE - RESTART DIALOG ;-------------------------------------------------------------- [SetupDoneDlgENG] Caption = "Win32 SDK Setup" DlgText = "Microsoft Win32 Software Development Kit for Windows NT is now installed."$(LF)$(LF)+ "Please choose to exit back to the Windows NT System. You "+ "need to logoff and logon again before you use the Win32 SDK." Windows = "Exit to &Windows NT"
; no translation need after this DlgType = "Info" DlgTemplate = "RESTART"
;-------------------------------------------------------------- ; k) SETUP NOT DONE - RESTART DIALOG ;-------------------------------------------------------------- [SetupNotDoneDlgENG] Caption = "Win32 SDK Setup" DlgText = "Microsoft Win32 Software Development Kit for Windows NT has not been installed."$(LF)$(LF)+ "Please choose to exit back to the Windows NT System." Windows = "Exit to &Windows NT"
; no translation needed after this DlgType = "Info" DlgTemplate = "RESTART"
;************************************************************************** ; PROGRESS GUAGE VARIABLES ;**************************************************************************
[ProgressCopyENG] ProCaption = "Win32 SDK Setup" ProCancel = "Cancel" ProCancelMsg = "Win32 SDK isn't correctly installed. Are you sure "+ "you want to cancel copying files?" ProCancelCap = "Setup Message" ProText1 = "Copying:" ProText2 = "To:"
;---------------------------------------------- ; EXIT WINDOWS NT TOOLS SETUP WARNING ;----------------------------------------------
[ExitWarningDlgENG] STF_MB_TITLE = "Exit Win32 SDK Setup" STF_MB_TEXT = "Win32 SDK isn't correctly installed. Are you "+ "sure you want to exit Setup?"
; no translation needed after this DlgType = "MessageBox" STF_MB_TYPE = 3 STF_MB_ICON = 5 STF_MB_DEF = 2
#####other.inf all ;-------------------- ; LANGUAGES SUPPORTED ;--------------------
[LanguagesSupported] ENG
[OptionDiskettesENG] ; Computer = "Computer Driver" Video = "Display Driver" Layout = "Keyboard Layout" Language = "Language Driver" Printer = "Printer Driver" Sound = "Sound Driver" Driver = "Driver" NetAdapter = "Network Adapter" NetDriver = "Network Driver" NetTransport = "Network Transport" NetService = "Network Service" Network = "Network" NetProvider = "Network Provider"
[OptionDisketteMultiENG] OptDiskette = "software"
;----------------------------------------------- ; OEM DISKETTE PROMPT DIALOG ;----------------------------------------------- [DisketteDlgENG]
Caption = "Insert Disk" DlgText = "Insert disk with "$(OemDiskette)" provided by the "+ "software or hardware manufacturer. If the files can be found at "+ "a different location, for example on another drive "+ "type a new path to the files below."
Continue = "OK" Cancel = "Cancel"
;no translation needed after this
DlgType = "Edit" DlgTemplate = "DISKETTE" Edit1Label = "" EditTextIn = $(OemDisketteSrc) EditFocus = "ALL"
;-------------------------------------------------- ; OEM SINGLE OPTION SELECT ;--------------------------------------------------
Caption = "Select OEM Option" DlgText = "Choose a "$(OemOptionTypeText)" supported by this hardware "+ "manufacturer's disk."
Continue = "OK" Cancel = "Cancel" Help = "&Help"
;no translation needed after this
DlgType = List DlgTemplate = "OEMSINGLESEL" HelpContext = $(!IDH_DB_OEMSINGLESEL_INS)
ListItemsIn = $(OemOptionTextList) ListItemsOut = *($(OemOptionTextList),1)
;-------------------------------------------------- ; OEM MULTI OPTION SELECT ;--------------------------------------------------
Caption = "Select OEM Option(s)" DlgText = "Choose "$(DeviceOem)"(s) supported by this hardware "+ "manufacturer's disk."
Continue = "OK" Cancel = "Cancel" Help = "&Help"
;no translation needed after this
DlgType = List DlgTemplate = "OEMMULTISEL" HelpContext = $(!IDH_DB_OEMMULTISEL_INS)
ListItemsIn = $(OemTextList) ListItemsOut = {}
[NonFatalError1ENG] NonFatal = "Setup cannot find OEMSETUP.INF or OEMSETNT.INF."$(!LF)$(!LF)+ "Please type a new path to the OEMSETUP.INF file."
[NonFatalError2ENG] NonFatal = "The OEMSETUP.INF or OEMSETNT.INF file found is not valid "+ "for the current option."$(!LF)$(!LF)+ "Please type a new path to the OEMSETUP.INF file."
#####subroutn.inf all ; Supported Languages: ;
[LanguageID] ENG
;---------------------------------------------- ; WARNING DIALOG ;----------------------------------------------
[WarningDlgENG] STF_MB_TITLE = "Setup Message"
;no translation needed after this
DlgType = "MessageBox" STF_MB_TEXT = $(DlgText) STF_MB_TYPE = 2 STF_MB_ICON = 5 STF_MB_DEF = 2
;---------------------------------------------- ; FATAL ERROR DIALOG ;----------------------------------------------
[FatalDlgENG] STF_MB_TITLE = "Setup Message"
;no translation needed after this
DlgType = "MessageBox" STF_MB_TEXT = $(DlgText) STF_MB_TYPE = 1 STF_MB_ICON = 3 STF_MB_DEF = 1
;---------------------------------------------- ; NONFATAL ERROR DIALOG ;---------------------------------------------- [NonfatalDlgENG] STF_MB_TITLE = "Setup Message"
;no translation needed after this
DlgType = "MessageBox" STF_MB_TEXT = $(DlgText) STF_MB_TYPE = 1 STF_MB_ICON = 5 STF_MB_DEF = 1
;---------------------------------------------- ; z) STATUS DIALOG ;---------------------------------------------- [StatusDlgENG] STF_MB_TITLE = "Setup Message"
;no translation needed after this
DlgType = "MessageBox" STF_MB_TEXT = $(DlgText) STF_MB_TYPE = 1 STF_MB_ICON = 2 STF_MB_DEF = 1
;---------------------------------------------- ; EXIT WINDOWS NT SETUP WARNING ;----------------------------------------------
[ExitWarningDlgENG] STF_MB_TITLE = "Exit Windows NT Setup" STF_MB_TEXT = "Windows NT is not correctly installed. Are you "+ "sure you want to exit Setup?"
;no translation needed after this
DlgType = "MessageBox" STF_MB_TYPE = 3 STF_MB_ICON = 5 STF_MB_DEF = 2
;no translation needed after this
DlgType = Billboard DlgTemplate = $($0) TextFields = {$($1)}
[DriversExistDlgENG] Caption = "Windows NT Setup" DlgText = "The driver(s) for this "$($1)" are already on the system. "+ "Do you want to use the currently installed driver(s) or "+ "install new one(s)."
Current = "Cu&rrent" New = "&New" Cancel = "Cancel" Help = "&Help"
;no translation needed after this
DlgType = "Info" DlgTemplate = "DRIVEREXISTS" HelpContext = $(!IDH_DB_DRIVEREXIST_INS)
[DoAskSourceDlgTextENG] DlgText = "Setup needs to copy some Windows NT files."$(!LF)$(!LF)+ "Setup will look for the files in the location specified below. If you want "+ "Setup to look in a different place, type the new location. When the location "+ "is correct, click Continue."
[AskSourceStringsENG] String1 = "Error processing path entered. Please reenter the path."
String2 = "Setup requires a full path of the Windows NT distribution files. "+ "Please reenter the path."
String3 = "Setup failed to find a free drive to use to connect to the "+ "server specified. Please free up some drives and try again."
String4 = "Setup failed to connect to the server specified. Please reenter "+ "the path."
;----------------------------------------------- ; SOURCE PROMPT DIALOG ;----------------------------------------------- [DisketteDlgENG]
Caption = "Windows NT Setup"
Continue = "Continue" Cancel = "Cancel"
;no translation needed after this
DlgType = "Edit" DlgTemplate = "DISKETTE" DlgText = $($1) Edit1Label = "" EditTextIn = $(Src) EditFocus = "ALL"
#####update.inf all
[Source Media Descriptions] 1 = "Windows NT 3.51 Update Disk #1" , TAGFILE = disk1 2 = "Windows NT 3.51 Update Disk #2" , TAGFILE = disk2 3 = "Windows NT 3.51 Update Disk #3" , TAGFILE = disk3 4 = "Windows NT 3.51 Update Disk #4" , TAGFILE = disk4 5 = "Windows NT 3.51 Update Disk #5" , TAGFILE = disk5 6 = "Windows NT 3.51 Update Disk #6" , TAGFILE = disk6 7 = "Windows NT 3.51 Update Disk #7" , TAGFILE = disk7 8 = "Windows NT 3.51 Update Disk #8" , TAGFILE = disk8 9 = "Windows NT 3.51 Update Disk #9" , TAGFILE = disk9 10 = "Windows NT 3.51 Update Disk #10" , TAGFILE = disk10
String1 = "This update disk cannot be used on this platform." String2 = "Setup failed to update the system." String3 = "Setup has successfully updated your system." String4 = "You do not have permission to update the system. Please contact your system administrator." String5 = "Setup failed to setup your updated files for secure operation."
String8 = "Setup has detected that the version of the system installed is "+ "newer than the update you are applying to it. The update can render "+ "your system unstartable. Press OK if you still wish to continue "+ "or press Cancel to exit Setup."
; PLEASE NOTE: ; Change the language mentioned in variable String9 to the language ; you are localizing to. That is if the localized language is Spanish, ; the word English should be changed to Espanol (?). ;
String9 = "Setup is going to update your Windows NT system with the English "+ "version of the update program. If you wish to cancel the update "+ "process, please press Cancel or press OK to continue."
String11 = "Setup couldn't find the setup.log file in your repair directory. "+ "Setup cannot proceed to update your system. Please copy the setup.log "+ "file from your Emergency Repair Disk to your repair directory "+ "and restart the update." String12 = "Setup has not updated your system. If you wish to update your "+ "system please run the update utility again."
String13a = "Not enough hard disk space to run Setup. Setup needs at least " String13b = "MB of free hard disk space on " String13c = " before it can be run. Delete some"+ " files and run the Update program again."
String14 = "Setup cannot update your Windows NT files because it could not "+ "determine your product type. Your registry may be corrupt."
String15 = "Setup cannot update your checked system. The update can only "+ "be applied to the retail system."
String16 = "Setup cannot update your Windows NT files because your system is "+ "NT 3.1. Please upgrade your system to the retail Windows NT 3.5, "+ "and then update your system."
String17 = "Setup cannot update your Windows NT files because your system is "+ "a pre-release of NT 3.5. Please upgrade your system to the retail "+ "Windows NT 3.5, and then update your system."
String18 = "Setup cannot update your system using the current Service Pack. "+ "You must first update your system using Service Pack 1 for NT 3.5."
Billboard1 = "Please wait..." Billboard2 = "Please wait while the files to be updated are determined..." Billboard3 = "Please wait while the Emergency Repair Disk is updated..."
[ProgressCopyENG] ProCaption = "Windows NT Setup" ProCancel = "Cancel" ProCancelMsg = "The Windows NT 3.51 files are not completely updated. Are you sure you want "+ "to cancel copying files?" ProCancelCap = "Setup Message" ProText1 = "Copying:" ProText2 = "To:"
[SetupDoneDlgENG] Caption = "Windows NT Setup" DlgText = "Windows NT 3.5 has been updated. If you change or add "+ "any components to your system, you will need to "+ "reapply the update."$(!LF)$(!LF)+ "Remove disks from the floppy disk drives and "+ "choose Restart Computer to run the updated system."
Reboot = "&Restart Computer" Windows = "E&xit to Windows NT" DlgType = "Info" DlgTemplate = "REBOOT"
[QueryOKCancelDlgENG] STF_MB_TITLE = "Setup Message"
;no translation needed after this
DlgType = "MessageBox" STF_MB_TEXT = $(DlgText) STF_MB_TYPE = 2 STF_MB_ICON = 4 STF_MB_DEF = 1