;---------------------------------------------------------------- ; HARDWARE OPTION CLASSES APPEARING IN SYSTEM INFORMATION DIALOG ;---------------------------------------------------------------- [SystemInformationClasses] ; ; Video ; Layout Language
;----------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; ROUTINE: InitialHardwareInstall ; ; DESCRIPTION: This does the system information screen ; ; INPUTS: $0: Language to use ; ; OUTPUTS: $R0: STATUS: STATUS_SUCCESSFUL | ; STATUS_FAILED ; ; $R1: Hardware Options to configure ; ;------------------------------------------------------------------------
[InitialHardwareInstall] ; ; StartWait set Status = STATUS_FAILED set !STF_LANGUAGE_HACK = NO set ConfigureOptions = {} read-syms OemOptionDiskettes$(!STF_LANGUAGE) read-syms Strings$(!STF_LANGUAGE) shell "subroutn.inf" PushBillboard STATUSDLG $(Error6)
set OptionTypeList = {Language} ForListDo $(OptionTypeList) read-syms $($)Vars detect $($)Vars EndForListDo
; ; initialize all the option vars ;
ForListDo $(OptionTypeList) shell "" InitOptionVars $(!STF_LANGUAGE) $($) $($($)HardwareDetected) $($($)SystemSet) $($($)Default) ifstr(i) $($R0) == "STATUS_SUCCESSFUL" set $($)OurINFOptions = $($R1) set $($)OemINFOptions = $($R2) set $($)MergedOptions = $($R3) set $($)SpecialOption = $($R4) set $($)CurrentOption = $($R5) set $($)Option = *($($R5), 1) else shell "subroutn.inf" PopBillboard EndWait shell "subroutn.inf" SetupMessage $(!STF_LANGUAGE) "FATAL" $(Error1) StartWait goto finish_system endif EndForListDo
; ; Initalize the listbox vars ;
ForListDo $(OptionTypeList) shell "" InitListBoxVars $(!STF_LANGUAGE) $($($)MergedOptions) $($($)SpecialOption) $(Other) ifstr(i) $($R0) == "STATUS_SUCCESSFUL" set $($)OptionList = $($R1) set $($)OptionTextList = $($R2) else shell "subroutn.inf" PopBillboard EndWait shell "subroutn.inf" SetupMessage $(!STF_LANGUAGE) "FATAL" $(Error2) StartWait goto finish_system endif EndForListDo
shell "subroutn.inf" PopBillboard system = +
; ifstr(i) $(!STF_INSTALL_MODE) == EXPRESS ; goto install_system ; endif
read-syms SystemDlg$(!STF_LANGUAGE) EndWait ui start "System" ifstr(i) $(DLGEVENT) == "CONTINUE" ForListDo $(OptionTypeList) set $($)Option = *($($($)OptionList), ~($(Combo$(#)List), $(Combo$(#)Out))) EndForListDo ui pop 1 goto install_system
else-ifstr(i) $(DLGEVENT) == "NOTIFY" ; ; Find out the option which changed. ; set OptionNum = $(ButtonChecked) set Option = *($(OptionTypeList), $(ButtonChecked)) set ReInit = YES ifstr(i) $(Combo$(OptionNum)Out) != $(Other) set $(Option)Option = *($($(Option)OptionList), ~($(Combo$(OptionNum)List), $(Combo$(OptionNum)Out))) set ReInit = NO else shell "other.inf" GetNewOEMOption $(!STF_LANGUAGE) $($(Option)OemINFOptions) $(Option) $($(Option)DisketteSrc) ifstr(i) $($R0) == STATUS_SUCCESSFUL ; ; extract the new variables ; set $(Option)OemINFOptions = $($R1) set $(Option)Option = $($R2) set $(Option)DisketteSrc = $($R4) ; ; Merge our options with the oem options ; shell "" MergeOptions $($(Option)OurINFOptions) $($(Option)OemINFOptions) ifstr(i) $($R0) == STATUS_SUCCESSFUL set $(Option)MergedOptions = {$($R1), $($R2)} else shell "subroutn.inf" SetupMessage $(!STF_LANGUAGE) "FATAL" $(Error4) ui pop 1 StartWait goto finish_system endif
; ; Initialise the listbox vars ; shell "" InitListBoxVars $(!STF_LANGUAGE) $($(Option)MergedOptions) $($(Option)SpecialOption) $(Other) ifstr(i) $($R0) == "STATUS_SUCCESSFUL" set $(Option)OptionList = $($R1) set $(Option)OptionTextList = $($R2) else shell "subroutn.inf" SetupMessage $(!STF_LANGUAGE) "FATAL" $(Error2) ui pop 1 StartWait goto finish_system endif
set ReInit = YES goto system
else-ifstr(i) $($R0) == "STATUS_USERCANCEL" set ReInit = YES goto system else shell "subroutn.inf" SetupMessage $(!STF_LANGUAGE) "NONFATAL" $(Error3) set ReInit = YES goto system endif
endif goto system
else-ifstr(i) $(DLGEVENT) == "EXIT" shell "subroutn.inf" QueryUserQuit $(!STF_LANGUAGE) ifstr(i) $($R1) == "OK" set Status = STATUS_USERQUIT ui pop 1 StartWait goto finish_system else set ReInit = NO goto system endif else ui pop 1 StartWait goto finish_system endif
install_system = + StartWait ; ; find out for each option whether it should be installed and if so the ; inf that represents the option. ;
ForListDo $(OptionTypeList) ; ; See if option has changed ; set Changed = YES ifstr(i) $($($)Option) == $($($)SystemSet) set Changed = NO endif
; ; If option has not changed and we are SETUPBOOTED mode then skip ; ifstr(i) $(Changed) == "NO" ifstr(i) $(!STF_INSTALL_TYPE) == "SETUPBOOTED" set $($)Install = "NO" goto skip_setinstall endif endif set $($)Install = "YES"
; ; check special option first.. skip ;
ifstr(i) $($($)SpecialOption) != {} ifstr(i) $($($)Option) == *($($($)SpecialOption), 1) goto skip_setinstall endif endif
; ; check if oem option ;
shell "" GetOptionFile $($($)Option) $($($)OemINFOptions) ifstr(i) $($R0) == "STATUS_SUCCESSFUL" set $($)INF = $(!STF_WINDOWSSYSPATH)"\"$($R1) set $($)SrcDir = $($($)DisketteSrc) goto skip_setinstall endif
; ; check if our option ;
shell "" GetOptionFile $($($)Option) $($($)OurINFOptions) ifstr(i) $($R0) == "STATUS_SUCCESSFUL" set $($)INF = $($R1) set $($)SrcDir = $(!STF_SRCDIR) goto skip_setinstall endif
skip_setinstall = + EndForListDo
; ; For each of the hardware options find if they are to be installed and ; if there is an INF representing the option ;
ForListDo $(OptionTypeList) ; ifstr(i) $($($)Install) == "YES" ifstr(i) $($($)INF) != "" shell $($($)INF) InstallOption $(!STF_LANGUAGE) $($($)Option) $($($)SrcDir) "YES" "NO" "NO" set ConfigureOptions = >($(ConfigureOptions), {$($), $($($)INF), $($($)Option), $($($)SrcDir)}) endif endif EndForListDo
; ; If we have not installed any language do a hack to be able to install the ; OS2 Message file for the current locale ;
ifstr(i) $(LanguageInstall) != "YES" set !STF_LANGUAGE_HACK = YES shell "language.inf" InstallOption $(!STF_LANGUAGE) $(LanguageOption) $(!STF_SRCDIR) "YES" "NO" "NO" endif
finish_system = + Return $(Status) $(ConfigureOptions)
;----------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; ROUTINE: ConfigureHardwareOptions ; ; DESCRIPTION: This configures the system information screen options ; ; INPUTS: $0: Options to configure ; ; OUTPUTS: $R0: STATUS: STATUS_SUCCESSFUL | ; STATUS_FAILED ; ;------------------------------------------------------------------------
[ConfigureHardwareOptions] ; set Status = STATUS_SUCCESSFUL
; ; first make the setup entry under the current control set\control ;
shell "registry.inf" MakeSetupKey ifint $($ShellCode) != $(!SHELL_CODE_OK) Debug-Output "Shell to MakeSetupKey failed" set Status = STATUS_FAILED goto finish_ConfigureHardware endif
ifstr(i) $($R0) != STATUS_SUCCESSFUL Debug-Output "MakeSetupKey failed" set Status = STATUS_FAILED goto finish_ConfigureHardware endif
ForListDo $($0)
; ; install the option ;
shell *($($), 2) InstallOption $(!STF_LANGUAGE) *($($), 3) *($($), 4) "NO" "NO" "YES" ifint $($ShellCode) != $(!SHELL_CODE_OK) Debug-Output "Shell to Configure Hardware Option Type "*($($), 3)" failed" set Status = STATUS_FAILED else-ifstr(i) $($R0) != STATUS_SUCCESSFUL Debug-Output "Configure Hardware Option Type "*($($), 3)" failed" set Status = STATUS_FAILED else
; ; keep a record of what option we installed in the setup node ;
shell "registry.inf" MakeSetupOptionEntry *($($), 1) *($($), 3) ifint $($ShellCode) != $(!SHELL_CODE_OK) Debug-Output "shelling MakeSetupOptionEntry failed" set Status = STATUS_FAILED endif
ifstr(i) $($R0) != STATUS_SUCCESSFUL ; ignore error Debug-Output "Making setup entry for "*($($), 1)" = "*($($), 3)" failed." set Status = STATUS_FAILED endif endif
ifstr(i) $(!STF_LANGUAGE_HACK) == "YES" read-syms LanguageVars LibraryProcedure STATUS, $(!LIBHANDLE), SetCurrentLocale $(LanguageSystemSet) "YES" ifstr(i) $(STATUS) != "SUCCESS" set Status = STATUS_FAILED Debug-Output "REGISTRY.INF: Failed in SetCurrentLocale function" goto finish_ConfigureHardware endif endif
finish_ConfigureHardware = + Return $(Status)
;----------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; ROUTINE: InitOptionVars ; ; DESCRIPTION: This routine intialises the values for the option we are ; dealing with. It finds out the options supported by setup. ; It also sees if there is an OEM INF in the windows system ; directory which represents this option. If so it reads in ; the options supported by this INF and then forms a merged ; list from the two. ; ; INPUTS: $0: Language to use ; $1: OptionType ; $2: Hardware detected option ; $3: Software set option ; $4: Default value for option ; ; OUTPUTS: $R0: STATUS: STATUS_SUCCESSFUL | ; STATUS_FAILED ; ; $R1: OurINFOptions var {{filename, {OptionList}, {OptionTextList}}} ; $R2: OemINFOptions var {{filename, {OptionList}, {OptionTextList}}, ..} ; $R3: Merged INF Options {{OptionList}, {OptionTextList}} ; $R4: Special Options {Option, OptionText} ; $R5: Current Option {Option, OptionText} ; ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ [InitOptionVars]
set Status = STATUS_FAILED set OurINFOptions = {} set OemINFOptions = {} set MergedINFOptions = {} set SpecialOption = {} set CurrentOption = {}
; ; Determine our INF options ; set OurINFFile = $($1)".inf" shell "other.inf", GetOptionsFromINF $($0) $($1) $(OurINFFile) ifstr(i) $($R0) == STATUS_SUCCESSFUL set OurINFOptions = {{$(OurINFFile), $($R1), $($R2)}} else EndWait read-syms Strings$(!STF_LANGUAGE) shell "subroutn.inf" SetupMessage $(!STF_LANGUAGE) "FATAL" $(Error7) StartWait goto finish_InitOptionVars endif
; ; Determine all Oem options ; shell "other.inf" ReturnOemOptions $($0) $($1) ifstr(i) $($R0) == "STATUS_SUCCESSFUL" set OemINFOptions = $($R1) endif
; ; Merge the two and set the merged list ; shell "" MergeOptions $(OurINFOptions) $(OemINFOptions) ifstr(i) $($R0) == STATUS_SUCCESSFUL set MergedINFOptionList = $($R1) set MergedINFOptionTextList = $($R2) set MergedINFOptions = {$($R1), $($R2)} else goto finish_InitOptionVars endif
; ; For video, see if the detected value is in ; the merged option list. if it isn't then shell out to out option ; inf trying to find a mapping to a supported option for the detected ; hardware option ;
set SubOptionList = {Video} set Detected = $($2) ifcontains(i) $($1) in $(SubOptionList) ifcontains(i) $(Detected) in $(MergedINFOptionList) else shell $(OurINFFile) MapToSupportedOption $(Detected) ifint $($ShellCode) != $(!SHELL_CODE_OK) Debug-Output "Shelling MapToSupportedOption in "$(OurINFFile)" failed" else-ifstr(i) $($R0) == STATUS_SUCCESSFUL set Detected = $($R1) endif endif endif
; ; Form current option. ; ; Algorithm: ; ; ; On initial install software set values have little meaning, so ; try first hardware detected value, if not exists take system set ; value, if this also doesn't exist then take default. the logic ; above is more appropriate for upgrade or maintenance mode.
ifstr(i) $(!STF_UPGRADE) == "YES" set Option = "" ifstr(i) $($3) != "" set Option = $($3) else ifstr(i) $(Detected) != "" set Option = $(Detected) else set Option = $($4) endif endif
else set Option = "" ifstr(i) $(Detected) != "" set Option = $(Detected) else-ifstr(i) $($3) != "" set Option = $($3) else set Option = $($4) endif endif
; ; Check Option against all the options supported ; If found set Current Option, else set the special options var ; and set this to the current option. ;
ifcontains(i) $(Option) in $(MergedINFOptionList) set OptionText = *($(MergedINFOptionTextList), ~($(MergedINFOptionList), $(Option))) else set OptionText = "Oem Installed Option" set Option = $(Option) set SpecialOption = {$(Option), $(OptionText)} endif
set CurrentOption = {$(Option), $(OptionText)} set Status = STATUS_SUCCESSFUL
finish_InitOptionVars = + Return $(Status) $(OurINFOptions) $(OemINFOptions) $(MergedINFOptions) $(SpecialOption) $(CurrentOption)
;------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; ROUTINE: InitListBoxVars ; ; DESCRIPTION: This routine initialises the option list and the option text ; list to be displayed to the user. ; ; INPUTS: $0: Language ; $1: MergedINFOptions ; $2: SpecialOption ; $3: OtherOption ; ; OUTPUTS: $R0: STATUS: STATUS_FAILED | ; STATUS_SUCCESSFUL ; ; $R1: OptionList ; $R2: OptionTextList ; ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- [InitListBoxVars]
set Status = STATUS_FAILED set OptionList = {} set OptionTextList = {}
; ; Process the standard options ;
ifstr(i) $($1) != {} set OptionList = *($($1), 1) set OptionTextList = *($($1), 2) endif
; ; Process the special option if present ;
ifstr(i) $($2) != {} set OptionList = >($(OptionList), *($($2), 1)) set OptionTextList = >($(OptionTextList), *($($2), 2)) endif
; ; Add the "other" option only to the text list ;
set OptionTextList = >($(OptionTextList), $($3)) set Status = STATUS_SUCCESSFUL
Return $(Status) $(OptionList) $(OptionTextList)
;----------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; ROUTINE: MergeOptions ; ; DESCRIPTION: This merges the option lists to form the master list of ; options and optiontext. ; ; INPUTS: $0: OurOptionList ; $1: OemOptionList ; ; OUTPUTS: $R0: STATUS: STATUS_SUCCESSFUL | ; STATUS_FAILED ; ; $R1: MergedOptionList ; $R2: MergedOptionTextList ; ; ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ [MergeOptions]
set Status = STATUS_FAILED set MergedOptionList = {} set MergedOptionTextList = {}
; ; First merge our options in ;
ForListDo $($0) set OptionList = *($($), 2) set OptionTextList = *($($), 3) ForListDo $(OptionList) Ifcontains $($) in $(MergedOptionList) else set MergedOptionList = >($(MergedOptionList), $($)) set MergedOptionTextList = >($(MergedOptionTextList), *($(OptionTextList), $(#))) endif EndForListDo EndForListDo
; ; Then merge the oem options in ;
ForListDo $($1) set OptionList = *($($), 2) set OptionTextList = *($($), 3) ForListDo $(OptionList) Ifcontains $($) in $(MergedOptionList) else set MergedOptionList = >($(MergedOptionList), $($)) set MergedOptionTextList = >($(MergedOptionTextList), *($(OptionTextList), $(#))) endif EndForListDo EndForListDo
set Status = STATUS_SUCCESSFUL Return $(Status) $(MergedOptionList) $(MergedOptionTextList)
;----------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; ROUTINE: GetOptionFile ; ; DESCRIPTION: Given the Option list and the current option, determines ; if the current option is a supported option and returns the ; file representing the option ; ; INPUTS: $0: OptionChosen ; $1: OptionList {{filename, {optionlist}, {optiontextlist}} ; ; OUTPUTS: $R0: STATUS: STATUS_SUCCESSFUL | ; STATUS_FILENOTFOUND | ; STATUS_FAILED ; ; $R1: FileName ; ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ [GetOptionFile]
set Status = STATUS_FILENOTFOUND set FileName = "" ; ForListDo $($1) set OptionFile = *($($), 1) set OptionList = *($($), 2) ForListDo $(OptionList) ifstr(i) $($) == $($0) set Status = STATUS_SUCCESSFUL set FileName = $(OptionFile) ; ; BUGBUG** For now comment this out, this is causing a bug ; ; goto finish_GetOptionFile endif EndForListDo EndForListDo
finish_GetOptionFile = + Return $(Status) $(FileName)