;============================================================================ ;============================================================================ ; ; NCPARAM.INF Netcard Detection Parameter handling routines ; ;============================================================================ ; SECTION 1: Overview and description of variables. ;============================================================================ ; ; This file is "shelled" to by OEMNxxyy.INF files to facilitate ; and generalize the handling of netcard detection, defaulted ; and detected parameter handling and parameter verification. ; ; These routines are based upon several precursors. This section ; documents all key information about netcard detection and ; the requirements necessary to use the routines in this file. ; ; 1) The document NCDETECT.DOC describes the detection ; driver, DLLs and the interfaces provided by them. ; ; 2) Netcard detection DLLs are registered in the Registry ; under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\Setup, NetcardDlls, ; which is a REG_MULTI_SZ. The standard Microsoft DLL, ; MSNCDET.DLL, should be first in this list. ; ; 3) The netcard detection driver, NETDTECT.SYS, is installed ; as the NETDETECT service. he driver interface DLL, ; NETDTECT.DLL, interfaces to the driver. ; ; 4) The file NETDTECT.INF installs the NETDETECT service ; and updates the "NetcardDlls" value. In other words, ; it performs steps 3 and 4 above. ; ; The files MSNCDET.DLL, NETDETCT.DLL and NETDETCT.SYS ; must be in the minimum boot tree during main installation. ; ; 5) During main installation, NTLANMAN.INF shells to NETDTECT.INF ; to install the NETDETECT service, which it then starts. ; ; 6) During main installation, NTLANMAN.INF shells to OEMHOOK.INF ; so that additional OEM netcard detection DLLs can be ; properly registred. ; ; 7) NCPA.CPL exports wrapper functions through the generic ; SETUP-to-NCPA function CPlSetup(). These functions are: ; ; DTSTART Activate the NETDETECT service ; and instantiate the C++ objects ; required for support of detection. ; ; DTEND Stop detection and discard the objects. ; The NETDETECT service is not stopped. ; ; DTRESET Reset enumeration across buses, etc. ; Also discards all previous detected ; netcard information. ; ; DTPARAMS Return netcard parameter information about ; a particular netcard option. ; ; DTCARD Attempt to detect a card. This is a ; first-next enumeration routine. After ; it reports failure, it calls DTRESET ; internally to restart enumeration. If ; successful, it returns the option name ; of the detected card and a numeric ; index representing the card. ; ; DTQUERY Return detected parameters from a netcard ; reported by DTCARD. ; ; DTVERIFY Validate chosen netcard parameteres for a ; netcard reported by DTCARD. ; ; ; 8) Several new global INF variables are used for netcard ; detection: ; ; STF_NCDETECT = {YES|NO} ; ; This controls the use of detection in ; NTLANMAN.INF and all other INFs. If ; "NO", no use of the detection ; services is made. ; ; STF_INSTALL_MODE = {CUSTOM|EXPRESS} ; ; This is not new a new variable, but is ; a key factor in the UI presented. ; ; STF_NCDETCARD = 0,1,2, etc. ; ; This is an integer representing a ; detected card. The actual structures ; are maintained by ncpa!CPlSetup(). ; ; STF_NCOPTION = OPTIONNAME (e.g., DE201) ; ; This is the name of the netcard option ; which has been detected. ; ; STF_NCDETINFO = INF list containing data about the ; detected card; it has the form: ; ; { OPTIONNAME, ; <card index>, ; <numeric card type>, ; <detection confidence level>, ; <bus interface type>, ; <bus number> ; } ; ; All values except OPTIONNAME are numeric. ; See NCDETECT.DOC for further details. ; ; STF_NC_PARAMS = INF list describing netcard parameters; it has ; the form: ; ; { {PARAMETER_1_NAME, ; <setting control>, ; <confidence>, ; {v1,v2,v3,...} }, ; {PARAMETER_2_NAME, ; <setting control>, ; <confidence>, ; {v1,v2,v3,...} }, ; ... ; } ; ; where PARAMETER_1_NAME might be IRQ; ; <setting control> determines whether the ; parameter is controllable through software; ; <confidence> is a number [0..100] representing ; the confidence with which the parameter can ; be detected. The nested list {v1,v2...} ; enumerates the possible numeric settings ; which the parameter can take. ; ; Each netcard INF must create this list ; and populate it with the hard-coded default ; values from its tables. ; ; This variable is set by [Param_BuildTypeLists]. ; ; STF_NC_PNAMES = An INF list of the form: ; ; { { PARAMETER_1_NAME, ; <name of variable>, ; <default value> }, ; { PARAMETER_2_NAME, ; <name of variable>, ; <default value> }, ; ... ; } ; ; The <name of variable> is the name of the ; variable in the context level of the INF ; file which contains the current setting ; of the parameter. ; ; This variable is set by [Param_BuildTypeLists]. ; ; ; 9) During main installation, NTLANMAN.INF runs the detection ; algorithm. If successful, and the netcard option returned ; maps to a known INF file, the variables STF_NCDETCARD ; and STF_NCOPTION are set. ; ; Then the INF is called. Note that the installation mode ; may be CUSTOM or EXPRESS. It will always be CUSTOM for ; post-installation usage from the NCPA. ; ; NTLANMAN.INF will set STF_NCOPTION to "" (empty string) ; if the card was merely chosen and not detected. This will ; always be the case in post-installation usage. ; ; An INF can therefore tell if the card was detected by ; first checking $(!STF_NCDETECT) == YES, and then comparing ; the option is was given to !STF_NCOPTION. If it's different, ; then the option was chosen, not detected, and no detection ; should be used. ; ; 10) The INF must instantiate the variables !STF_NC_PARAMS and ; !STF_NC_PNAMES. See OEMNADD2.INF, section ; [Param_BuildTypeList] for an example of this. ; ; 11) The routines in this file are used to interface between the ; netcard INF, the global variables, and the wrapper functions ; in NCPA.CPL. ; ; It is critical to note that the sections [Param_SetDefaults] ; and [Param_VerifyCard] access and/or modify variables ; in the calling INF through the use of the "!p:" syntax. ; ; THIS MEANS THAT THE NETCARD INF MUST BE THE IMMEDIATE PARENT! ; ; No "indirection" from another INF or a auxilliary section ; in the netcard INF can be allowed. This would cause the ; variables to be set in the caller's context, and then discarded ; when that context was discarded to return to the netcard INF> ; ; 12) Every attempt has been made to document the routines in this ; file throughly. Refer to their commentary for more details. ; ;=========================================================================== ; SECTION 2: Behavior of NTLANMAN.INF. ;=========================================================================== ; ;STEP 1: Installation of the detection sofware ; ; !STF_NCDETECT is set to "NO" ; ; * NETDTECT.INF is run by NTLANMAN.INF ; ; * OEMHOOK.INF is run by NTLANMAN.INF ; ; * NCPA's wrapper is used to start the NETDETECT service ; If successful, !STF_NCDETECT is set to "YES" ; ; ;STEP 2: Allow bypassing of detection ; ; * If EXPRESS, this step is skipped. ; * If CUSTOM, present a dialog: ; ; +--------------------------------------------+ ; | Setup is about to attempt to detect your | ; | netcard. If this is OK, click Continue. | ; | | ; | [Continue] [Bypass] [Help] | ; +--------------------------------------------+ ; ; * If "Bypass", set !STF_NCDETECT to NO ; ; ;STEP 3: Detect the netcard ; ; * If !STF_NCDETECT == NO, skip this step ; ; * Call NCPA!CPlSetup( DTSTART ) ; ; This creates the DETECTION_CONTROL object in NCPA.CPL. ; If it fails, set !STF_DETECT to NO, display error ; accordingly, and go to STEP 4. ; ; * do..while ; ; * Call NCPA!CPlSetup( DTCARD ) -- detect a card ; ; * If success && EXPRESS ; save card index into !STF_NCDETCARD ; save card option name into !STF_NCOPTION ; Go to STEP 4. ; ; * If failed to find a card, do warning popup ; ; +--------------------------------------------+ ; | Setup was unable to determine the type | ; | of network card in this machine. | ; | | ; | [Continue] [Try Again] | ; +--------------------------------------------+ ; ; If Continue, ; set !STF_NCDETECT = NO, go to STEP 4 ; else, ; call NCPA!CPlSetup( DTRESET ) (to reset ; enumeration), then go to do..while. ; ; * If success, do popup: ; ; +--------------------------------------------+ ; | Setup found the following netcard in your | ; | machine. If OK, click Accept, otherwise | ; | you may stop detection or try again. | ; | | ; | [ Displayable name of netcard ] | ; | | ; | [Accept] [Try Again] [Stop] [Help] | ; +--------------------------------------------+ ; ; If Try Again, go to do..while. ; ; If Stop, set !STF_NCDETECT = NO, go to STEP 4. ; ; If Accept, ; save card index into !STF_NCDETCARD ; save card option name into !STF_NCOPTION ; go to STEP 4. ; ; ;STEP 4: Display netcard choice list if necessary ; ; * If !STF_NCDETECT == YES, go to STEP 5. ; ; * Present standard netcard listbox. ; ; ;STEP 5: Run netcard INF file. ; ; * Each netcard INF file is aware of the following ; global variables: ; ; !STF_INSTALL_MODE == {CUSTOM|EXPRESS} ; !STF_NCDETECT == {YES|NO} ; !STF_NCDETCARD == 0,1,2, etc. ; !STF_NCOPTION == OPTIONNAME ; ; If !STF_NCDETECT == NO, no calls will be made to ; NCPA!CPlSetup() to query or verify the card's configuration. ; ; !STF_NCDETCARD is the CARD_REFERENCE index maintained internally ; by the code in NCPASETP.CXX. ; ; ;STEP 6: Terminate detection ; ; * If !STF_NCDETECT == YES, call NCPA!CPlSetup( DTEND ). ; ; This terminates all detection and discards all memory associated ; with netcard handling. ; ; ;============================================================================ ; SECTION 3: Behavior of typical netcard INF ; ; (OEMNADD2.INF will be the exemplar) ;============================================================================ ; ;General Behavior: ; ; * If !STF_DETECT == NO, no interaction with the netcard detection software ; will be attempted. ; ; * If !STF_DETECT == YES: ; ; * Detectable parameters are queried. ; ; * Overall confidence level is obtained. ; ; * If ( EXPRESS mode ; and confidence >= 70 ; and no required parameters are undetected ), ; parameters detect are verified so that IRQ conflicts ; can be determined. If verification succeeds, ; installation is performed silently. ; ; * Initial settings for controls are based upon the detected ; settings. ; ; * If configuration dialog must be displayed, it is displayed. ; ; * On OK, verification is performed. If it fails, a popup appears: ; ; +--------------------------------------------+ ; | The <nnn> parameter appears to be in | ; | conflict with another device. To reenter | ; | new values, click Configure. If you click | ; | Override, the parameters you entered will | ; | be used as specified. | ; | | ; | [Configure] [Override] [Help] | ; +--------------------------------------------+ ; ; This cycle continues until satisfied. ; ;============================================================================ ;============================================================================ ;============================================================================
[Param_SetGlobals] Read-syms InitGlobals return
;----------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; ROUTINE: Param_ControlDetection ; ; DESCRIPTION: Control netcard detection; invoke parameterless ; wrapper functions ; ; INPUTS: $0: DTSTART -- start detection ; DTEND -- end detection ; DTRESET -- discard old results, restart iteration ; ; OUTPUTS: $R0: STATUS_SUCCESSFUL if Ok ; ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ [Param_ControlDetection]
Set DtMode = $($0)
Debug-Output "NCPARAM.INF: calling "$(DtMode)" wrapper"
Set FLibraryErrCtl = 1 LibraryProcedure StartResult $(!NCPA_HANDLE), CPlSetup $(!STF_HWND), $(DtMode) Set FLibraryErrCtl = 0
Set StartStatus = *($(StartResult),1) Debug-Output "NCPARAM.INF: "$(DtMode)" status was: "$(StartStatus)
Ifint $(StartStatus) == 0 Set ReturnStatus = STATUS_SUCCESSFUL Else Set ReturnStatus = STATUS_FAILED Endif
Return $(ReturnStatus)
;----------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; ROUTINE: Param_DetectCard ; ; DESCRIPTION: Perform netcard detection. DTSTART must have ; already been called. ; ; INPUTS: Nothing ; ; ; OUTPUTS: $R0: Result list from NCPA wrapper: ; ; { <error code>, ; OPTIONNAME, ; <card index>, ; <numeric card type code>, ; <detection confidence level>, ; <bus interface type>, ; <bus number> ; } ; ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ [Param_DetectCard]
Debug-Output "NCPARAM.INF: calling DTCARD wrapper"
Set FLibraryErrCtl = 1 LibraryProcedure DetectResult $(!NCPA_HANDLE), CPlSetup $(!STF_HWND), DTCARD Set FLibraryErrCtl = 0
Set Status = *($(DetectResult),1) Debug-Output "NCPARAM.INF: DTCARD status was: "$(Status)
Ifint $(DetectStatus) == 0 Set DtOption = *($(DetectResult),2) Set DtIndex = *($(DetectResult),3) Debug-Output "NCPARAM.INF: card found is type "$(DtOption)", index "$(DtIndex) Endif
Return $(DetectResult)
;----------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; ROUTINE: Param_BuildTypeLists ; ; DESCRIPTION: Run the DTPARAMS wrapper for the given netcard option ; and merge the results with the list given. ; ; INPUTS: $0: Name of netcard option : $1: Parameter control list of the form: ; ; { { <parameter name>, ; <name of choice list var | NONE>, ; <name of default var | NONE> }, ; ... ; } ; ; OUTPUTS: $R0: STATUS_SUCCESSFUL if OK; if OK, then: ; ; !STF_NC_PARAMS is set to a list formatted as: ; ; { {PARAMETER_1_NAME,<setting control>,<confidence>, ; {v1,v2,v3,...} }, ; {PARAMETER_2_NAME,<setting control>,<confidence>, ; {v1,v2,v3,...} }, ; ... ; } ; ; !STF_NC_PNAMES is set to a list formatted as: ; ; { {PARAMETER_1_NAME, <param variable name>, <param current value> }, ; {PARAMETER_2_NAME, <param variable name>, <param current value> }, ; ... ; } ; ; ; Also, the parameter choice list variables named in the ; input list (if not "NONE") are created with values from the DLL. ; ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ [Param_BuildTypeLists]
Set Option = $($0) Set OptList = $($1) Set Result1 = {} Set Result2 = {} Set !STF_NC_PARAMS = {} Set !STF_NC_PNAMES = {} Set Status = STATUS_FAILED
; Get parameter info from the detection DLLs for this card option
Debug-Output "NCPARAM.INF: Querying parameters for netcard type: "$(Option)
Set FLibraryErrCtl = 1 ; Report DLL errors back to INF code LibraryProcedure NcpaResult $(!NCPA_HANDLE), CPlSetup $(!STF_HWND), DTPARAMS, $(Option) Set FLibraryErrCtl = 0
Set ErrorStatus = *($(NcpaResult),1) Debug-Output "NCPARAM.INF: DTPARAMS status was: "$(ErrorStatus)
; If error, return the input list
Ifint $(ErrorStatus) != 0 Goto PMTL_Return Endif
Set DllList = *($(NcpaResult),2) Debug-Output "NCPARAM.INF: DLL param type list is: "$(DllList)
; For each element in the input list, try to find its ; corresponding element in the DLL's list. If found, ; set the corresponding parameter choice list variable ; and parameter default setting variable in the parent context.
Set NbrOptions = 0 Set NbrFound = 0
ForListDo $(OptList) Set-add NbrOptions = $(NbrOptions),1 Set Found = 0 Set Plist = $($) Set Pname = *($(Plist),1) Set PlistVar = *($(Plist),2) Set Pvar = *($(Plist),3) Set Dentry = {}
ForListDo $(DllList) Set Dlist = $($) Set Dname = *($(Dlist),1) Set Dvlist = *($(Dlist),4) Ifstr(i) $(Dname) == $(Pname) Set Found = 1 Set Dvalue = *($(Dvlist),1) Set Dentry = $(Dlist) ; Set parameter choice list var value Ifstr(i) $(PlistVar) != NONE Set !p:$(PlistVar) = $(Dvlist) Debug-Output "NCPARAM.INF: DLL param "$(Pname)" list var "$(PlistVar)" set" Endif Endif EndForListDo
Set-add NbrFound = $(NbrFound),$(Found) Ifint $(Found) == 1 Set Result1 = >($(Result1),$(Dentry)) Set Result2 = >($(Result2),{$(Pname),$(Pvar),$(Dvalue)}) Else Debug-Output "NCPARAM.INF: parameter "$(Pname)" not in DLL for "$(Option) Endif
Ifint $(NbrOptions) == $(NbrFound) Set Status = STATUS_SUCCESSFUL Set !STF_NC_PARAMS = $(Result1) Set !STF_NC_PNAMES = $(Result2) Debug-Output "NCPARAM.INF: Netcard list STF_NC_PARAMS for "$(Option)" is: "$(Result1) Debug-Output "NCPARAM.INF: Netcard list STF_NC_PNAMES for "$(Option)" is: "$(Result2) Endif
PMTL_Return =+ Return $(Status)
;************************************************************************* ; ; ROUTINE: Param_SaveValues ; ; DESCRIPTION: Create a list containing the current values ; of the netcard's parameters. ; ; INPUTS: !STF_NC_PNAMES ; ; ; OUTPUTS: $R0: list identical in form to STF_NC_PNAMES, but ; containing the current values of each parameter. ; ; Parameters with no corresponding variable name (e.g., NONE) ; are not included. ; ;************************************************************************* [Param_SaveValues] Set Plist = {}
ForListDo $(!STF_NC_PNAMES) Set Pelem = $($) Set Name = *($(Pelem),1) Set Qvar = *($(Pelem),2) Set Qvalue = *($(Pelem),3)
Ifstr(i) $(Qvar) != "NONE" Set Qvalue = $(!p:$(Qvar)) Set Plist = >($(Plist),{$(Name),$(Qvar),$(Qvalue)}) Endif EndForListDo
Return $(Plist)
;************************************************************************* ; ; ROUTINE: Param_DiffValues ; ; DESCRIPTION: Given a list of the STF_NC_PNAMES form, produce a new ; list containing only those parameters whose values are ; different from those in the input list. ; ; INPUTS: $0: list of the !STF_NC_PNAMES form; ; (see [Param_SaveValues]) ; ; OUTPUTS: $R0: list identical in form to STF_NC_PNAMES, but ; containing the current values of each parameter. ; ; Parameters with no corresponding variable name (e.g., NONE) ; are not included. ; ;************************************************************************* [Param_DiffValues]
Set Plist = {}
ForListDo $($0) Set Pelem = $($) Set Name = *($(Pelem),1) Set Qvar = *($(Pelem),2) Set Qvalue = *($(Pelem),3)
Ifstr(i) $(Qvar) != "NONE" Set QnewValue = $(!p:$(Qvar)) Ifint $(QnewValue) != $(Qvalue) Debug-Output "NCPARAM.INF: Param_DiffValues: param "$(Name)" value has changed" Set Plist = >($(Plist),{$(Name),$(Qvar),$(QnewValue)}) Endif Endif EndForListDo
Return $(Plist)
;----------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; ROUTINE: Param_SetDefaults ; ; DESCRIPTION: Given the (possibly empty) set of results of a ; call to Query Netcard Parameters (DTQUERY), set the default ; value variables. First choice is to a detected value; ; second choice is the hard-coded default in [ParamSettings]. ; ; INPUTS: $0: List returned by [Param_QueryCard] section below or ; an empty list, {}. ; ; !STF_NC_PNAMES list created by INF file. ; ; OUTPUTS: Variables named in !STF_NC_PNAMES are set. ; ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ [Param_SetDefaults]
Set QueryList = $($0) Debug-Output "NCPARAM.INF: Param_SetDefaults, QueryList = "$(QueryList)
; Iterate the name list; find the corresponding value in the ; QueryList, if any.
ForListDo $(!STF_NC_PNAMES) Set Pelem = $($) Set Name = *($(Pelem),1) Set Qvar = *($(Pelem),2) Set Qvalue = *($(Pelem),3)
ForListDo $(QueryList) Set Qname = *($($),1) Ifstr(i) $(Qname) == $(Name) ; Found a matching value from QueryList Debug-Output "NCPARAM.INF: Param_SetDefaults: default override for param "$(Qname) Set Qvalue = *($($),2) Endif EndForListDo
; If the name of the value-containing variable is not "NONE", ; set it IN THE PARENT CONTEXT!
Ifstr(i) $(Qvar) != "NONE" Debug-Output "NCPARAM.INF: Param_SetDefaults: setting "$(Qvar)" to "$(Qvalue) Set !p:$(Qvar) = $(Qvalue) Endif
;----------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; ROUTINE: Param_QueryCard ; ; DESCRIPTION: Call the NCPA's QueryConfiguration wrapper. Return ; the list or the error. ; ; INPUTS: $0: integer detected card index ; ; OUTPUTS: $R0: STATUS_SUCCESSFUL if OK ; $R1: QueryList; format: ; ; { {PARAMETER_1_NAME, <detected value> }, ; {PARAMETER_2_NAME, <detected value> }, ; ... ; } ; ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ [Param_QueryCard] Set CardIndex = $($0) Set Status = STATUS_SUCCESSFUL Set ResultList = {}
Debug-Output "OEMNADDE.INF: Querying parameters for netcard "$(CardIndex)
Set FLibraryErrCtl = 1 ; Report DLL errors back to INF code LibraryProcedure NcpaResult $(!NCPA_HANDLE), CPlSetup $(!STF_HWND), DTQUERY, $(CardIndex) Set FLibraryErrCtl = 0
Set ErrorStatus = *($(NcpaResult),1) Debug-Output "NCPARAM.INF: DTQUERY status was: "$(ErrorStatus)
Ifint $(ErrorStatus) != 0 Set Status = STATUS_FAILED Else Set ResultList = *($(NcpaResult),2) Endif
Return $(Status) $(ResultList)
;----------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; ROUTINE: Param_VerifyCard ; ; DESCRIPTION: Call the NCPA's VerifyConfiguration wrapper. Return ; the result. Current settings must be in the variables ; named as default variables in the [ParamSettings] ; section. ; ; INPUTS: $0: integer detected card index ; ; !STF_NC_PNAMES list ; ; OUTPUTS: $R0: STATUS_SUCCESSFUL if OK ; ; NOTES: The [ParamSettings] section is used to build up ; a list of the following form: ; ; { {PARAMETER_1_NAME, <chosen value> }, ; {PARAMETER_2_NAME, <chosen value> }, ; ... ; } ; ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ [Param_VerifyCard] Set CardIndex = $($0)
Set Status = STATUS_FAILED Set VerifyList = {}
; Build up the list of parameters using the default value ; variable from the PARENT CONTEXT. Ignore empty variables.
ForListDo $(!STF_NC_PNAMES) Set Pelem = $($) Set Name = *($(Pelem),1) Set Qvar = *($(Pelem),2) Set Qvalue = $(!p:$(Qvar)) Ifstr(i) $(Qvalue) != "" Debug-Output "NCPARAM.INF: VerifyCard: "$(Qvar)" = "$(Qvalue) Set VerifyList = >($(VerifyList),{$(Name),$(Qvalue)}) Endif EndForListDo
; Verify the parameters.
Debug-Output "NCPARAM.INF: Verifying parameters for netcard "$(CardIndex) Debug-Output "NCPARAM.INF: Parameters are: "$(VerifyList)
Set FLibraryErrCtl = 1 ; Report DLL errors back to INF code LibraryProcedure NcpaResult $(!NCPA_HANDLE), CPlSetup $(!STF_HWND), DTVERIFY, $(CardIndex), $(VerifyList) Set FLibraryErrCtl = 0
Set ErrorStatus = *($(NcpaResult),1) Debug-Output "NCPARAM.INF: DTVERIFY status was: "$(ErrorStatus)
; ; if in unattended mode, do not bother user with warnings that are mostly useless ; ifstr(i) $(!STF_GUI_UNATTENDED) == "YES" Set Status = STATUS_SUCCESSFUL else Ifint $(ErrorStatus) == 0 Set Status = STATUS_SUCCESSFUL Endif endif
Return $(Status)
;----------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; ROUTINE: Param_VerifyResources ; ; DESCRIPTION: Call the NCPA's VerifyConfiguration wrapper for ; and existing card. This routine "diffs" the current ; parameter settings and attempts to "claim" the new ; parameters at the NT level. See [Param_SaveValues] ; and [Param_DiffValues] for list construction details. ; ; INPUTS: $0: parameter difference list produced by [Param_DiffValues] ; ; OUTPUTS: $R0: STATUS_SUCCESSFUL if OK ; ; NOTES: If $0 is the empty list, STATUS_SUCCESSFUL is returned. ; ; A list of the following form is constructed for DTVERIFY: ; ; { {PARAMETER_1_NAME, <chosen value> }, ; {PARAMETER_2_NAME, <chosen value> }, ; ... ; } ; ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ [Param_VerifyResources] Set DiffParamList = $($0)
; See if the difference list is empty
Ifstr(i) $(DiffParamList) == {} Set Status = STATUS_SUCCESSFUL Goto PVR_Return Endif
; Build up the list of parameters which have changed.
Set VerifyList = {} ForListDo $(DiffParamList) Set Pelem = $($) Set Name = *($(Pelem),1) Set Qvar = *($(Pelem),2) Set Qvalue = $(!p:$(Qvar)) Ifstr(i) $(Qvalue) != "" Debug-Output "NCPARAM.INF: VerifyResources: "$(Qvar)" = "$(Qvalue) Set VerifyList = >($(VerifyList),{$(Name),$(Qvalue)}) Endif EndForListDo
; Claim the resource delta.
Debug-Output "NCPARAM.INF: VerifyResources: Claiming changed resource parameter values" Debug-Output "NCPARAM.INF: Parameters are: "$(VerifyList)
Set FLibraryErrCtl = 1 ; Report DLL errors back to INF code LibraryProcedure NcpaResult $(!NCPA_HANDLE), CPlSetup $(!STF_HWND), DTCLAIM, $(VerifyList) Set FLibraryErrCtl = 0
Set ErrorStatus = *($(NcpaResult),1) Debug-Output "NCPARAM.INF: DTCLAIM status was: "$(ErrorStatus)
Ifint $(ErrorStatus) == 0 Set Status = STATUS_SUCCESSFUL Endif
PVR_Return = + Return $(Status)
;----------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; ROUTINE: Param_ParameterConfidence ; ; DESCRIPTION: Return TRUE if the netcard's required parameters are ; detectable. ; ; Iterate over STF_NC_PARAMS; check that all the type ; 0 and 1 parameters have a detection confidence ; factor greater than 70. ; ; INPUTS: None ; ; OUTPUTS: $R0: STATUS_SUCCESSFUL or STATUS_FAILED ; ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ [Param_ParameterConfidence]
Set LowestConf = 100 Set Status = STATUS_SUCCESSFUL Set LowestParam = ""
ForListDo $(!STF_NC_PARAMS) Set Ptype = *($($),2) Set Pconf = *($($),3) Ifint $(Ptype) < 2 Ifint $(Pconf) < $(LowestConf) Set LowestConf = $(Pconf) Set LowestParam = *($($),1) Endif Endif EndForListDo
Ifint $(LowestConf) < 70 Set Status = STATUS_FAILED Debug-Output "NCPARAM.INF: parameter "$(LowestParam)" cannot be adequately detected" Endif
Return $(Status)
;----------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; ROUTINE: HexListFromDecList ; ; DESCRIPTION: Return a list of hex values from a list of decimal values ; ; INPUTS: $0: the input list of decimal numbers ; ; OUTPUTS: $R0: the result list of hex values ; ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ [HexListFromDecList]
Set HexList = {}
ForListDo $($0) Set-DecToHex HexValue = $($) Set HexList = >($(HexList),$(HexValue)) EndForListDo
Return $(HexList)
;----------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; End of NCPARAM.INF ; ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------