;********************************************************************** ; ; NAME: NCPASHEL.INF ; ; PURPOSE: ; ; This INF script is invoked by the Network Control ; Panel Applet (NCPA). ; ; ; COMMENTARY: ; ; The NCPA builds a command line to invoke SETUP, instructing ; it to run this file. The other settings on the command line ; tell NCPASHEL.INF what to invoke and in what mode. ; ; The primary function of this file is to hide the distinction ; between invocation by the main install SETUP and later invocation ; by the NCPA. This involves restoring the STF_XXXXX global ; variables to their earlier settings, along with defining some ; new ones to "fine-tune" the functions of the product-level ; INF scripts. ; ; ; HISTORY: ; ; DavidHov Created 4/4/92 ; ;*********************************************************************** ; ; ;*********************************************************************** ; ; ; ;***********************************************************************
;*********************************************************************** ; ; Variables declared by SETUP.INF, the main INF for GUI Setup. ; ; Those marked with ** are established by the SETUP.EXE; the others ; are obtained from detection or established programmatically by ; SETUP.INF. ; ; The STF_* variables documented below are the globals which can be used ; by shelled INFs: ; ;************************************************************************* ; ; ** 0. STF_HWND: Handle to setup window (hex string) ; ; ** 1. STF_SRCTYPE: DOS | ARC | UNC | NT ; ; ** 2. STF_SRCDIR: NT Sources, e.g. f:\i386i\ ; ; ** 3. STF_SRCBASE: Defined only for UNC srctype, the unc share, e.g., ; \\Orville\razzle. ; ; 4. STF_NTDRIVE: Destination NT Drive, e.g. d: ; ; 5. STF_NTPATH: Path to nt, e.g. d:\nt ; ; 6. STF_WINDOWSPATH: Path to windows, e.g. d:\nt\windows ; ; 7. STF_WINDOWSSYSPATH: Path to windows system, e.g. d:\nt\windows\System32 ; ; ** 8. STF_CWDDIR: Path to place where setup is run from., ; e.g. d:\setup\ ; ; 9. STF_LANGUAGE: Language to use (ENG | ...) ; ; 10. STF_INSTALL_MODE: EXPRESS | CUSTOM ; ; ** 11. STF_INSTALL_TYPE: SETUPRUN | SETUPBOOTED | NETDUMP | MAINTENANCE ; (SETUPRUN: Setup is run off any source (network, cdrom, ; ... from a running NT system) ; ; (SETUPBOOTED: Setupprep runs and then copies setup on the ; system and runs GUI Setup..) ; ; (SETUPTOSHARE: Copy sources to destination STF_DSTDIR) ; ; (MAINTENANCE: MAINTENACE mode setup) ; ; (used to be FRESH | UPGRADE | NETDUMP) ; ; 12. STF_UPGRADE: YES | NO ; ; 13. STF_PLATFORM: I386 | MIPS | Alpha | ppc ; ; 14. STF_PROCESSOR: I386 | I486 | I586 or R2000 | R3000 | R4000 | Alpha_AXP. ; ; 15. STF_USERNAME: Username for account. "string" (no whitespaces, < 15) ; ; 16. STF_COMPUTERNAME: Computername to identify machine (no whitespaces, < 15) ; ; 17. STF_PRODUCT: WINNT | LANMANNT | SERVERNT ; ; 18. STF_UNUSEDDRIVES: List of drives currently unused and available for ; assignment. {E:, F:, ...., Z:}. Use routine in ; subroutn.inf to allocate unused. ; ; nn. STF_NCDETECT: YES | NO determines if netcard detection is enabled ; ; Conditionally defined: ; ; ** 19. STF_DSTDIR: Only defined in SETUPTOSHARE. e.g., f:\beta\nt\i386\ ; ; ** 20. STF_DSTTYPE as STF_SRCTYPE ; ; ** 21. STF_DSTBASE as STF_SRCBASE ; ; Others Sunil didn't mention: ; ; ** 22. STF_SRCINFPATH path to invoked (outermost) INF ; ; ** 23. STF_CONTEXTINFNAME path to currently executing INF ; ; ** 24. STF_SYS_INIT NO ; ;*********************************************************************** ; ;*********************************************************************** ; Variables required for NCPA support ;*********************************************************************** ; ; NTN_RegBase Location of product key in SOFTWARE hive. ; Set by NCPA.CPL as command line option. ; ; NTN_ServiceBase Top of Services Tree ; ; NTN_InstallMode "install", "deinstall", "configure", ; "bind" ; Set by NCPA.CPL as command line option. ; ; NTN_Origination "ncpa", "install" ; ; NTN_Infname name (pathless) of INF file to execute. ; Set by NCPA.CPL as command line option. ; ; If the INF name is equal to one of these, ; then the appropriate section of ; NTLANMAN.INF is shelled to. ; ; NTN_InfOption INF option name associated with this product. ; ; NTN_InstallPhase "primary","secondary". ; "primary" implies main installation; ; "secondary" implies product add-on installation. ; ;***********************************************************************
!STF_PROCESSOR = "" ? $(!LIBHANDLE) GetProcessor !STF_PLATFORM = "I386" ; BUGBUG-- How to establish? ; ; ; Language to Use For interaction with user ;
!STF_LANGUAGE = "" ? $(!LIBHANDLE) GetLanguage LanguageList = ^(LanguageID, 1) ; ; Destination NT Directory relative to root of NT Drive ; !STF_WINDOWSPATH = "" ? $(!LIBHANDLE) GetWindowsNtDir !STF_WINDOWSSYSPATH = "" ? $(!LIBHANDLE) GetWindowsNtSysDir !STF_NTPATH = $(!STF_WINDOWSPATH) !STF_COMPUTERNAME = "" ? $(!LIBHANDLE) GetMyComputerName !STF_BUSTYPE = "" ? $(!LIBHANDLE) GetMyBusType !STF_BUSTYPELIST = "" ? $(!LIBHANDLE) GetMyBusTypeList
!ProcessorID_I386 = I386 !ProcessorID_I486 = I486 !ProcessorID_I586 = I586 !ProcessorID_R4000 = R4000 !ProcessorID_Alpha = Alpha_AXP
!ProcessorID_PPC601 = PPC601 !ProcessorID_PPC603 = PPC603 !ProcessorID_PPC604 = PPC604 !ProcessorID_PPC620 = PPC620
!PlatformID_I386 = I386 !PlatformID_Mips = Mips !PlatformID_Alpha = Alpha !PlatformID_PPC = ppc
; ; Version Information ;
!STF_PRODUCT = WINNT ; BUGBUG-- Determine from Registry
!STF_USERNAME = "" ; BUGBUG-- Determine from API calls
!STF_INSTALL_MODE = "CUSTOM" ; It's always CUSTOM from the NCPA
!STF_NCDETECT = NO ; disable netcard detection !STF_NCOPTION = "" ; set defaults for other !STF_NCDETCARD = 99999 ; global netcard variables !STF_NCDETINFO = {} ; No detect information !STF_NC_PARAMS = {} ; !STF_NC_PNAMES = {} ; !STF_SRCDIR_KEYED = "" ; source dir as entered !STF_SRCDIR_USED = "" ; source dir as used !STF_SRCDIR_OVERRIDE = "" ; source dir override (see UTILITY.INF) !STF_SRCDIR_WINNT = "" ; WINNT override source path
; Establish the error dialog template overrides.
; ; DOS VDM Setup / OS2 Subsystem Setup ; !STF_INSTALLED_OS = {} ? $(!LIBHANDLE) GetInstalledOSNames
FatalErrorIndex = 1
Exit_Code = 0
read-syms DoAskUpgradeSrcDlgText$(!STF_LANGUAGE) shell "subroutn.inf" DoAskSourceEx $($0) $(DlgText) Return $($R0) $($R1) $($R2) $($R3)
;*********************************************************************** ; ; Primary control section. ; ;***********************************************************************
[Shell Commands] ; ; Initialization code borrowed from SETUP.INF. Establish all the ; STF_ variables not already created by initialization (in INIT.C). ; set-title "Windows NT Setup" ; ; Changing the literal 0 to a 1 will turn Debug-Output on. ; Set !G:DebugOutputControl = 0
LoadLibrary "x" $(!STF_CWDDIR)setupdll.dll !LIBHANDLE
; ; Bind to NCPA.CPL. Defer this operation if we're ; installing new software. ; Set !NCPA_HANDLE = "" Ifstr(i) $(!NTN_InfSection) != OemSoftwareInstall Debug-Output "NCPASHEL.INF: LoadLibrary on "$(!STF_CWDDIR)ncpa.cpl LoadLibrary "y" $(!STF_CWDDIR)ncpa.cpl !NCPA_HANDLE Endif ; ; Establish the help IDs and help file. ; Shell "subroutn.inf" ReadSetupHelpIds SetHelpFile "NetCfg.hlp" $(!MinimumID) $(!MaximumID)
set-subst LF = "\n" StartWait ; ; Reestablish the SETUP STF_ variables as best we can. ; read-syms StfVariableSyms read-syms StfVariableDetect detect StfVariableDetect Set !STF_NTPATH = $(!STF_WINDOWSSYSPATH) ; ; Get the product type from the registry ; OpenRegKey $(!REG_H_LOCAL) "" "System\CurrentControlSet\Control\ProductOptions" 33554432 KeyProductOption ifstr(i) $(KeyProductOption) != "" GetRegValue $(KeyProductOption) "ProductType" ProductTypeList set TempProductType = *($(ProductTypeList),4) ifstr(i) $(TempProductType) == "winnt" set !STF_PRODUCT = WINNT else-ifstr(i) $(TempProductType) == "lanmannt" set !STF_PRODUCT = LANMANNT else-ifstr(i) $(TempProductType) == "servernt" set !STF_PRODUCT = SERVERNT endif CloseRegKey $(KeyProductOptions) endif
; ; Determine the source location. If STF_SRCDIR is already set, use it. ; Otherwise, try to extract it from the NCPA's home location in the Registry. ; ; Debug-Output "NCPASHEL.INF: STF_SRCDIR is "$(!STF_SRCDIR) Debug-Output "NCPASHEL.INF: NTN_SRCPATH is "$(!NTN_SRCPATH)
Ifstr(i) $(!NTN_SRCPATH) != "" Set !STF_ORIGINAL_SRCDIR = $(!STF_SRCDIR) Set !STF_SRCDIR = $(!NTN_SRCPATH) Debug-Output "NCPASHEL.INF: Reset STF_SRCDIR to:"$(!STF_SRCDIR) else OpenRegKey $(!REG_H_LOCAL) "" "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows Nt\CurrentVersion" $(!REG_KEY_READ) KeyNt Ifstr(i) $(KeyNt) != "" GetRegValue $(KeyNt) "SourcePath" SourcePathValue Set !STF_SRCDIR = *($(SourcePathValue),4) Debug-Output "NCPASHEL.INF: SourcePath retrieved is "$(!STF_SRCDIR) CloseRegKey $(KeyNt) Endif
Ifstr(i) $(!STF_SRCDIR) == "" Set !STF_SRCDIR = "A:\" Endif Endif
; ; Extract the "setup in progress" variable from the Registry; ; set global variables accordingly. If "setup in progress" flag is ; on, set !NTN_InstallPhase to "primary", then look for the ; "winnt source path" value; if found, set !STF_SRCDIR_WINNT. ; Set SetupInp = 0 Set !NTN_InstallPhase = secondary
ifstr(i) $(!NTN_OVERIDEPHASE) != "" Set !NTN_InstallPhase = $(!NTN_OVERIDEPHASE) Else OpenRegKey $(!REG_H_LOCAL) "" "SYSTEM\Setup" $(!REG_KEY_READ) KeySetup Ifstr(i) $(KeySetup) != "" GetRegValue $(KeySetup) "SystemSetupInProgress" SetupInpValue Ifint $(RegLastError) == $(!REG_ERROR_SUCCESS) Set SetupInp = *($(SetupInpValue),4) Debug-Output "NCPASHEL.INF: SetupInp = "$(SetupInp) Endif Ifint $(SetupInp) == 1 Set !NTN_InstallPhase = primary GetRegValue $(KeySetup) "WinntPath" SetupPathValue Ifint $(RegLastError) == $(!REG_ERROR_SUCCESS) Set !STF_SRCDIR_WINNT = *($(SetupPathValue),4) Debug-Output "NCPASHEL.INF: STF_SRCDIR_WINNT = "$(!STF_SRCDIR_WINNT) Endif Endif CloseRegKey $(KeySetup) Endif EndIf
Debug-Output "NCPASHEL.INF: NTN_InstallPhase = "$(!NTN_InstallPhase) Debug-Output "NCPASHEL.INF: NTN_InfSection = "$(!NTN_InfSection) Debug-Output "NCPASHEL.INF: NTN_InstallMode = "$(!NTN_InstallMode) ; ; Enable the netcard detection functions if necessary. ; Don't check for errors, since each INF will report ; the error if it really needs to use detection. ; ; We start detection for installations and configurations ; exceptfor final review INFs, which are marked as installations. ;
Ifstr(i) $(!NTN_Origination) == "install" Goto skipdetection Endif
Ifstr(i) $(!NTN_InfSection) == BindingsReview Goto skipdetection Endif Ifstr(i) $(!NTN_InstallMode) == install Goto startdetection Endif Ifstr(i) $(!NTN_InstallMode) == configure Goto startdetection Endif
Goto skipdetection
startdetection = +
Ifstr(i) $(!NCPA_HANDLE) != "" Debug-Output "NCPASHEL.INF: Enable netcard detection from NCPA.CPL" Shell "NCPARAM.INF" Param_ControlDetection DTSTART Endif
skipdetection = + ; ; Check processor type, see if it is supported, if so what platform does it ; belong to. Set also the SYS variable to denote which set of sources we ; are installing from ; ifstr(i) $(!STF_PROCESSOR) == $(!ProcessorID_I386) set !STF_PLATFORM = $(!PlatformID_I386) set !SYS = $(!ProcessorID_I386) else-ifstr(i) $(!STF_PROCESSOR) == $(!ProcessorID_I486) set !STF_PLATFORM = $(!PlatformID_I386) set !SYS = $(!ProcessorID_I386) else-ifstr(i) $(!STF_PROCESSOR) == $(!ProcessorID_I586) set !STF_PLATFORM = $(!PlatformID_I386) set !SYS = $(!ProcessorID_I386) else-ifstr(i) $(!STF_PROCESSOR) == $(!ProcessorID_R4000) set !STF_PLATFORM = $(!PlatformID_Mips) set !SYS = $(!ProcessorID_R4000) else-ifstr(i) $(!STF_PROCESSOR) == $(!ProcessorID_Alpha) set !STF_PLATFORM = $(!PlatformID_Alpha) set !SYS = $(!ProcessorID_Alpha) else-ifstr(i) $(!STF_PROCESSOR) == $(!ProcessorID_PPC601) set !STF_PLATFORM = $(!PlatformID_PPC) set !SYS = $(!ProcessorID_PPC601) else-ifstr(i) $(!STF_PROCESSOR) == $(!ProcessorID_PPC603) set !STF_PLATFORM = $(!PlatformID_PPC) set !SYS = $(!ProcessorID_PPC603) else-ifstr(i) $(!STF_PROCESSOR) == $(!ProcessorID_PPC604) set !STF_PLATFORM = $(!PlatformID_PPC) set !SYS = $(!ProcessorID_PPC604) else-ifstr(i) $(!STF_PROCESSOR) == $(!ProcessorID_PPC620) set !STF_PLATFORM = $(!PlatformID_PPC) set !SYS = $(!ProcessorID_PPC620) else set !STF_PLATFORM = $(!PlatformID_I386) set !SYS = $(!ProcessorID_I386) endif
Ifstr(i) $(!STF_LANGUAGE) != "ENG" ; BUGBUG: temporary Debug-Output "NCPASHEL: Language not set to English; resetting" !STF_LANGUAGE = "ENG" Endif
read-syms ProgressCopy$(!STF_LANGUAGE)
;---------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; STF_ variables are now established. ; ; Establish by default the NCPA variables which the NCPA didn't. ; ;----------------------------------------------------------------------
Ifstr(i) $(!NTN_RegBase) == "" set !NTN_RegBase = "" Endif
set !NTN_ServiceBase = "SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\SERVICES" ; ; Default the InstallMode to "configure" ; Ifstr(i) $(!NTN_InstallMode) == "" Debug-Output "NCPASHEL:!NTN_InstallMode was not defined!" set !NTN_InstallMode = "configure" Endif
Ifstr(i) $(!NTN_SoftwareBase) == "" ; BUGBUG ; set !NTN_SoftwareBase = "SOFTWARE\Description" set !NTN_SoftwareBase = "SOFTWARE" Endif
Ifstr(i) $(!NTN_Origination) == "" set !NTN_Origination = "ncpa" Endif
;---------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; NTN_ variables are now established. ; ; Prepare to Shell to target INF ; ;----------------------------------------------------------------------
Ifstr(i) $(!NTN_Infname) == "" goto fatalnoinfname Endif
Ifstr(i) $(!NTN_InfSection) == "" Set !NTN_InfSection = "InstallOption" Endif
;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; ; Shell to the given section of the component INF. If this is an ; update/upgrade, ask the user for the location of the file. ; ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ifstr(i) $(!NTN_InstallMode) == "Update" Debug-Output "NCPASHEL.INF: Upgrade mode" ; ; First, ask for oemsetup.inf location ; Then, pass the information to the inf file ; Shell "" DoAskOemsetupSource $(!STF_SRCDIR)
Ifstr(i) $($ShellCode) != $(!SHELL_CODE_OK) goto shellerror Endif
ifstr(i) $($R0) == STATUS_SUCCESSFUL set !STF_SRCDIR = $($R1) else-ifstr(i) $($R0) == STATUS_USERCANCEL set Exit_Code = 1 goto end else set Exit_Code = 2 goto end endif
; ; Change NTN_Infname to refer to the OEMSETUP.INF file ; pointed to by the user. ; Set !NTN_Infname = $(!STF_SRCDIR)oemsetup.inf endif
Ifstr(i) $(!NTN_InstallMode) == install set AddCopy = YES set DoCopy = YES set DoConfig = YES Else-ifstr(i) $(!NTN_InstallMode) == "Update" set AddCopy = YES set DoCopy = YES set DoConfig = NO
; ; If upgrade, check for option list. ; Debug-Output "NCPASHEL.INF: Shell to "$(!NTN_Infname) Shell $(!NTN_Infname) ReturnOptions $(!STF_LANGUAGE) Ifstr(i) $($ShellCode) != $(!SHELL_CODE_OK) Debug-Output "NCPASHEL.INF: SHELL ERROR: "$($ShellCode) goto shellerror Endif Ifstr(i) $($R0) == "STATUS_SUCCESSFUL" IfContains(i) $(!NTN_InfOption) in $($R1) goto ContinueUpgrade endif endif read-syms IncorrectOemsetupDisk$(!STF_LANGUAGE) shell "subroutn.inf" SetupMessage $(!STF_LANGUAGE) "NONFATAL" $(ErrorText) set Exit_Code = 1 goto end ContinueUpgrade = +
; ; if we supplied a specific oem directory, use it ; ifstr(i) $(!NTN_SRCPATH) != "" Set !STF_SRCDIR_OVERRIDE = $(!STF_SRCDIR) Endif
Shell $(!NTN_Infname) $(!NTN_InfSection) + $(!STF_LANGUAGE) $(!NTN_InfOption) + $(!STF_SRCDIR) $(AddCopy) $(DoCopy) $(DoConfig)
Ifstr(i) $($ShellCode) != $(!SHELL_CODE_OK) Debug-Output "NCPASHEL.INF: SHELL ERROR: "$($ShellCode) goto shellerror Endif
Debug-Output "NCPASHEL: INF return: "$($R0)
Ifstr(i) $($R0) == STATUS_SUCCESSFUL set Exit_Code = 0 else-ifstr(i) $($R0) == STATUS_USERCANCEL set Exit_Code = 1 else-ifstr(i) $($R0) == STATUS_NO_EFFECT set Exit_Code = 3 else-ifstr(i) $($R0) == STATUS_REBIND set Exit_Code = 4 else-ifstr(i) $($R0) == STATUS_REBOOT set Exit_Code = 5 else set Exit_Code = 2 Endif
goto end
;------------------------------------------------------------------ ; Fatal error display functions ;------------------------------------------------------------------ shellerror = + read-syms ShellError$(!$ShellCode)$(!STF_LANGUAGE) Debug-Output "NCPASHEL: SHELL ERROR: "$(Error) goto fatal
fatalnoinfname = + set FatalErrorIndex = 2 goto fatalmsg
fatalmsg = + read-syms FatalError$(FatalErrorIndex)$(!STF_LANGUAGE) Debug-Output "NCPASHEL: FATAL ERROR: "$(Error) goto fatal
fatal = + read-syms FatalDlg$(!STF_LANGUAGE) ui start "FatalError" goto end
;------------------------------------------------------------------ ; Exit NCPASHEL.INF; return to NCPA ;------------------------------------------------------------------ end = + Ifstr(i) $(!LIBHANDLE) != "" LibraryProcedure DontCare, $(!LIBHANDLE), DeleteAllConnections Endif
Debug-Output "NCPASHEL: NCPASHEL: returning to NCPA" goto term ; ; Immediate exit ; term = + Debug-Output "NCPASHEL: Bye." exit
;*********************************************************************** ; ; End of NCPASHEL.INF ; ;***********************************************************************