;----------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; FILE: NetBond.Inf ; ; DESCRIPTION: This file contains inf sub-routines that are run by the ; the new NCPA and NetSetup Wizard. These routines Glue ; the current INF components/functions to the new code. ; ; ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------
[NotifySyms] !PWM_SETPROGRESSTEXT = 2163 ; 1024 + 1139 !PWM_SETPROGRESSPOS = 2162 ; 1024 + 1138 !PWM_SETPROGRESSSIZE = 2161 ; 1024 + 1137 !PWM_PROGRESSEND = 2160 ; 1024 + 1136 !PGI_REMOVE = 0 !PGI_INSTALL = 1 !PGI_COPY = 2 !PGI_UPDATE = 3
;----------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; ROUTINE: SetStatusInReg ; ; DESCRIPTION: This routine saves the passed string into the registry ; as the return value from sections called from this inf. ; ; INPUTS: $0 - ClearReg - YES | NO; Set or Clear Registry ; $1 - ErrorMsg - The string to save in the registry ; ; OUTPUTS: none ; ; NOTES: In the Reg Key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Ncpa the value ; InfReturn is set to the passed string ; ; ;------------------------------------------------------------------------
[SetStatusInReg] set ClearReg = $($0) set ErrorMsg = $($1) Set SetupKeyName = "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NCPA" Set ErrorValueName = "InfReturn" Set MaskAllAccess = 33554432
OpenRegKey $(!REG_H_LOCAL) "" $(SetupKeyName) $(MaskAllAccess) SetupKey Ifint $(RegLastError) == $(!REG_ERROR_SUCCESS) ifstr(i) ClearReg == YES DeleteRegValue $(SetupKey) $(ErrorValueName) else SetRegValue $(SetupKey) {$(ErrorValueName),0,$(!REG_VT_SZ),$(ErrorMsg)} endif CloseRegKey $(SetupKey) endif return
;----------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; ROUTINE: IsNetCard ; ; DESCRIPTION: This routine determines whether the inf file name ; that is passed in is a net driver inf file (prefixed by oemnad. ; ; ; INPUTS: $0 - InfFileName ; ; OUTPUTS: YES if $0 is an oemnad*.inf, NO otherwise ; ; NOTES: ; ;------------------------------------------------------------------------
[IsNetCard] set ThisInfName = $($0) set NetCard = "NO"
Split-String $(ThisInfName) "\." SrcDirList QueryListSize ListSize $(SrcDirList) ifint $(ListSize) >= 3 set-sub Position = $(ListSize), 2 set InfName = *($(SrcDirList), $(Position)) Split-String $(InfName) "dD" CharList QueryListSize ListSize $(CharList) ifint $(ListSize) >= 2 ifstr(i) *($(CharList), 1) == "oemna" ifstr(i) *($(CharList), 2) == "d" set NetCard = "YES" endif endif endif endif return $(NetCard)
;----------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; ROUTINE: PrepRegForNetOptions ; ; DESCRIPTION: This routine finds all net infs in the system32 dir ; and places them in the registry. ; ; INPUTS: !NTN_NETTYPE - {NetAdapter | NetTransport | NetService | NetProvider | Network } ; ; ; OUTPUTS: $R0: STATUS: STATUS_SUCCESSFUL | ; STATUS_FAILED ; ; ;------------------------------------------------------------------------
[PrepRegForNetOptions] Debug-Output "Other.INF: Get options NTN_NETTYPE "$(!NTN_NETTYPE) ForListDo $(!NTN_NETTYPE) Debug-Output "Other.INF: Get options net type "$($) shell "Other.inf" ReturnOemOptions $(!STF_LANGUAGE) $($) TRUE ifstr(i) $($R0) == "STATUS_SUCCESSFUL" Debug-Output "NETBOND.INF: Other OEM options found for type "$($) endif EndForListDo
set Status = STATUS_SUCCESSFUL Return $(Status)
;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; InstallAndCopyNetComponets ; ; Parameters ; !NTN_InfsToBeRun ; !NTN_OptionsToBeRun ; !NTN_TextToBeShown ; !NTN_NETOEMPATHS ; ; !NTN_NCDETINFOS - INF list containing detect info list ; Detected netcards have entries, all others are "{}" ; "{ ; { OPTIONNAME, ; <card index>, ; <numeric card type>, ; <detection confidence level>, ; <bus interface type>, ; <bus number> ; }, ... }" ; ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- [InstallAndCopyNetComponents] set UtilityInf = "Utility.inf" set NcParamInf = "NCPARAM.INF" set !STF_NETCANCELOVERIDE = "YES" set !STF_NETDELETEOVERIDE = "YES"
set cDetectCount = 0
Debug-Output "The Glue That Keeps Us Installing" Debug-Output "NetBond.INF: INFs to be run: "$(!NTN_InfsToBeRun) Debug-Output "NetBond.INF: Options to install: "$(!NTN_OptionsToBeRun) Debug-Output "NetBond.INF: Billboards to be shown: "$(!NTN_TextToBeShown) Debug-Output "NetBond.INF: OemPaths to use: "$(!NTN_NETOEMPATHS) Debug-Output "NetBond.INF: RegBases to pass: "$(!NTN_RegBases)
Debug-Output "NetBond.INF: STF_NCDETINFOs to be used: "$(!NTN_NCDETINFOS) Debug-Output "NetBond.INF: NTN_NCDETECTED, items detected: "$(!NTN_NCDETECTED) Debug-Output "NetBond.INF: NTN_NETSECTIONS, items detected: "$(!NTN_NETSECTIONS) Debug-Output "NetBond.INF: Install Mode: "$(!NTN_STF_INSTALL_MODE) Debug-Output "NetBond.INF: NTN_UPGRADEMODE: "$(!NTN_UPGRADEMODE) Debug-Output "NetBond.INF: NTN_UPGRADEWARN: "$(!NTN_UPGRADEWARN) Debug-Output "NetBond.INF: STF_UNATTENDED: "$(!STF_UNATTENDED) Debug-Output "NetBond.INF: STF_GUI_UNATTENDED: "$(!STF_GUI_UNATTENDED) Debug-Output "NetBond.INF: Notify Hwnd: "$(!NTN_NOTIFY_HWND) ; ; make sure install mode is set ; ifstr(i) $(!NTN_STF_INSTALL_MODE) != "" set !STF_INSTALL_MODE = $(!NTN_STF_INSTALL_MODE) endif
; ; make sure reg base is set, used in upgrade only ; set !NTN_RegBase = ""
Shell "" SetStatusInReg YES ""
; ; Should we ask for the source location? ; ifstr(i) $(!NTN_InstallPhase) != primary ; ; make sure during secondary install that we ask for the ; location of the files ; Set !STF_SRCDIR_OVERRIDE = "" reaskforsource = + Shell $(UtilityInf), DoAskSource, $(!STF_CWDDIR), $(!STF_SRCDIR) YES
Ifint $($ShellCode) != $(!SHELL_CODE_OK) Shell "" SetStatusInReg NO "SHELLASKSRCFAIL" set NetInstallStatus = $($R0) Goto netcopyescape Else-Ifstr(i) $($R0) == STATUS_FAILED Shell "" SetStatusInReg NO "ASKSRCFAIL" set NetInstallStatus = $($R0) Goto netcopyescape Else-Ifstr(i) $($R0) == STATUS_USERCANCEL Shell "" SetStatusInReg NO "USERCANCEL" set NetInstallStatus = $($R0) Goto netcopyescape Endif
; ; create modified version of the path specified by the user ; so that we can be smart about finding the files. ; Split-String $($R1), "\", lSrcDirParts QueryListSize cSrcDirParts $(lSrcDirParts)
; make sure srcpath has the \ ; ifstr(i) *($(lSrcDirParts),$(cSrcDirParts)) != "\" Set SrcDir = $($R1)"\" else Set SrcDir = $($R1) Endif
; remove the platform from the given path ; ifint $(cSrcDirParts) >= 3 debug-output "NETBOND.INF: checking to remove platform" ifstr(i) *($(lSrcDirParts),$(cSrcDirParts)) == "\" ; remove the extra \ set-sub iStopParts = $(cSrcDirParts), 2 else set-sub iStopParts = $(cSrcDirParts), 1 endif
debug-output "NETBOND.INF: parts were "$(cSrcDirParts)" and stops at "$(iStopParts) set SrcDirMin = "" set SkipAppend = FALSE ForListDo $(lSrcDirParts) ifint $(#) > $(iStopParts) ifstr(i) $($) == $(!STF_PLATFORM) set SkipAppend = TRUE debug-output "NETBOND.INF: skipping appended"$($) goto skip_appending_list_item else ifstr(i) $(SkipAppend) == TRUE debug-output "NETBOND.INF: skipping appended"$($) goto skip_appending_list_item endif endif endif set NewSrcDir = $(SrcDirMin)$($) set SrcDirMin = $(NewSrcDir) debug-output "NETBOND.INF: appended items "$(SrcDirMin) skip_appending_list_item = + EndForListDo else debug-output "NETBOND.INF: path to small to have platform" set SrcDirMin = *($(lSrcDirParts),1)"\" endif debug-output "NETBOND.INF: SrcDirMin : "$(SrcDirMin) debug-output "NETBOND.INF: SrcDir : "$(SrcDir)
set NtTagFile = "Disk1"
; ; check the exact path the user entered ; set NtSrc = $(SrcDir) set Path1 = $(NtSrc) LibraryProcedure STATUS,$(!LIBHANDLE), CheckFileExistance $(NtSrc)$(NtTagFile) ifstr(i) $(STATUS) != "YES" ; ; check a minimum path we derived from the users entered path ; set NtSrc = $(SrcDirMin) set Path2 = $(NtSrc) LibraryProcedure STATUS,$(!LIBHANDLE), CheckFileExistance $(NtSrc)$(NtTagFile) ifstr(i) $(STATUS) != "YES" ; ; append the platform to the minimum path and check it ; set NtSrc = $(SrcDirMin)$(!STF_PLATFORM)"\" set Path3 = $(NtSrc) LibraryProcedure STATUS,$(!LIBHANDLE), CheckFileExistance $(NtSrc)$(NtTagFile) ifstr(i) $(STATUS) != "YES" ; ; no tag file was found, warn user and let them re-enter it ; read-syms ErrorMsg$(!STF_LANGUAGE) Shell "Subroutn.Inf" SetupMessage $(!STF_LANGUAGE) "NONFATAL" $(CannotFindNtFiles) goto reaskforsource endif endif endif
Set !STF_SRCDIR = $(NtSrc) endif
; ; ssync detect state, since we are running in seperate process ; ; Shell $(NcParamInf) Param_SetGlobals ; Shell $(NcParamInf) Param_ControlDetection DTSTART Set lInfStatus = {} Set fRunCopy = FALSE
; fake an update ifstr(i) $(!NTN_UPGRADEMODE) == "YES" Debug-Output "NETBOND.INF: We are in Upgrade now" set OldInstallMode = $(!NTN_InstallMode) set !NTN_InstallMode = "Update" endif
; no ui if we are are in notify mode read-syms MessageText$(!STF_LANGUAGE) ifstr(i) $(!NTN_NOTIFY_HWND) != "" read-syms NotifySyms ; set the install type ifstr(i) $(!NTN_InstallMode) == "Update" set NTN_PGI = $(!PGI_UPDATE) else set NTN_PGI = $(!PGI_INSTALL) endif
QueryListSize cInfsToBeRun $(!NTN_InfsToBeRun) LibraryProcedure STATUS, $(!NCPA_HANDLE), SendProgressMessage, $(!PWM_SETPROGRESSSIZE), $(!NTN_NOTIFY_HWND), "D", $(NTN_PGI), "D", $(cInfsToBeRun) ; set to default text, displays the guage and text ; LibraryProcedure STATUS, $(!NCPA_HANDLE), SendProgressMessage, $(!PWM_SETPROGRESSTEXT), $(!NTN_NOTIFY_HWND), "D", $(NTN_PGI), "D", "-1" endif
; ; Loop on list and shell the specific infs... ;
ForListDo $(!NTN_InfsToBeRun) Set ThisInfName = $($) Debug-Output "NETBOND.INF: Installing "$(ThisInfName)
ifstr(i) $(!NTN_InstallMode) == "Update" set !NTN_RegBase = *($(!NTN_RegBases),$(#)) Debug-Output "NETBOND.INF: NTN_RegBase is "$(!NTN_RegBase) ; If this not a Microsoft file, we ignore it. Shell $(ThisInfName) GetSignature ifstr(i) $($ShellCode) != $(!SHELL_CODE_OK) Debug-Output "NETBOND.INF: Does not have a GetSignature section "$(ThisInfName) ifstr(i) $(!STF_UNATTENDED) == "NO" ifstr(i) $(!NTN_UPGRADEWARN) == "YES" set ServiceTitle = *($(!NTN_TextToBeShown), $(#)) Shell "" IsNetCard $(ThisInfName) ifstr(i) $($R0) == "YES" read-syms UpgradeNetCardWarnings else read-syms UpgradeWarnings endif read-syms WarningDlg ui start "Warning" endif endif goto skipthisinf endif ifstr(i) $($R0) != "MICROSOFT_FILE" Debug-Output "NETBOND.INF: This is not an MS Inf "$(ThisInfName) ifstr(i) $(!STF_UNATTENDED) == "NO" ifstr(i) $(!NTN_UPGRADEWARN) == "YES" set ServiceTitle = *($(!NTN_TextToBeShown), $(#)) Shell "" IsNetCard $(ThisInfName) ifstr(i) $($R0) == "YES" read-syms UpgradeNetCardWarnings else read-syms UpgradeWarnings endif read-syms WarningDlg ui start "Warning" endif endif goto skipthisinf endif endif
; no ui if we are are in notify mode ifstr(i) $(!NTN_NOTIFY_HWND) == "" ifstr(i) $(!NTN_InstallMode) == "Update" Shell "subroutn.inf" PushBillboard NETSTATUSDLG $(MPreUpgrade1)*($(!NTN_TextToBeShown),$(#))$(MPreInstall2) else Shell "subroutn.inf" PushBillboard NETSTATUSDLG $(MPreInstall1)*($(!NTN_TextToBeShown),$(#))$(MPreInstall2) endif
Set BillboardVisible = 1 else LibraryProcedure STATUS, $(!NCPA_HANDLE), SendProgressMessage, $(!PWM_SETPROGRESSTEXT), $(!NTN_NOTIFY_HWND), "D", $(NTN_PGI), "A", *($(!NTN_TextToBeShown),$(#))
endif Set InfOption = *($(!NTN_OptionsToBeRun),$(#))
; ; support netcard detection of params ; this info was saved during detection, so that these ; needed variables get set correctly ; Set !STF_NCDETINFO = *($(!NTN_NCDETINFOS),$(#)) ifstr(i) $(!STF_NCDETINFO) != "{}"
Set !STF_NCDETECT = "YES" Set !STF_NCDETCARD = *($(!STF_NCDETINFO),2) Set !STF_NCOPTION = *($(!STF_NCDETINFO),1) Debug-Output "NETBOND.INF: DetectInfo Available" ; only used to sync state so verify will work ; ;detectloop = + ; Shell $(NcParamInf) Param_DetectCard ; set-add cDetectCount = $(cDetectCount), 1 ; ; ifint $(!STF_NCDETCARD) >= $(cDetectCount) ; goto detectloop ; endif
else Debug-Output "NETBOND.INF: No DetectInfo Available"
; ; use the oem path if specified ; Set OemPath = *($(!NTN_NETOEMPATHS),$(#)) ifstr(i) $(OemPath) == "" Set OemPath = $(!STF_SRCDIR) endif
; ; make sure all overides are turned off from inf to inf ; Set !STF_SRCDIR_OVERRIDE = ""
; ; use the unattended sections if specified ; Set !STF_UNATTENDED_SECTION = *($(!NTN_NETSECTIONS),$(#)) Debug-Output "NETBOND.INF: Unattend Section for "$(ThisInfName)" is "$(!STF_UNATTENDED_SECTION)
; ; preload netcard parameters, actually this will load the netcard ; symbols even for non-card infs, but since these are only used ; from netcard infs, this is ok. (we currently don't define the ; inf types at this point) ; ; also note that GetDefault answer checks STF_GUI_UNATTENDED and only ; loads them if it is yes ; shell "subroutn.inf" GetDefaultAnswer "NetCardParameterList"
; ; do the inf ; ifstr(i) $(!NTN_InstallMode) != "Update" Shell $(ThisInfName) InstallOption $(!STF_LANGUAGE) $(InfOption) $(OemPath) "YES" "NO" "NO" else Shell $(ThisInfName) InstallOption $(!STF_LANGUAGE) $(InfOption) $(OemPath) "YES" "NO" "YES" endif
; Reset the title string ; no ui if we are are in notify mode ifstr(i) $(!NTN_NOTIFY_HWND) == "" Set BillboardVisible = 1 ifstr(i) $(!NTN_InstallMode) == "Update" Set-title *($(!NTN_TextToBeShown),$(#))$(MPostUpgrade) else Set-title *($(!NTN_TextToBeShown),$(#))$(MPostInstall) endif else LibraryProcedure STATUS, $(!NCPA_HANDLE), SendProgressMessage, $(!PWM_SETPROGRESSPOS), $(!NTN_NOTIFY_HWND), "D", $(NTN_PGI), "D", $(#) endif
Set NetInstallStatus = $($R0) Ifint $($ShellCode) != $(!SHELL_CODE_OK) Debug-Output "NETBOND.INF: INF "$(ThisInfName)" SHELL ERROR!" Set NetInstallStatus = $($ShellCode) Endif ; ; store the status for latter return ; set lInfStatus = >($(lInfStatus), $(NetInstallStatus) ) ; ; run the copy on succesful install of at least one component ; Ifstr(i) $(NetInstallStatus) == STATUS_SUCCESSFUL Set fRunCopy = TRUE Endif
Ifstr(i) $(NetInstallStatus) == STATUS_REBIND Set fRunCopy = TRUE Endif
Ifstr(i) $(NetInstallStatus) == STATUS_NO_EFFECT Set fRunCopy = TRUE Endif
Ifstr(i) $(NetInstallStatus) == STATUS_REBOOT Set fRunCopy = TRUE Endif
skipthisinf = + EndForListDo
; clear the status text, removes the guage and text ; ;LibraryProcedure STATUS, $(!NCPA_HANDLE), SendProgressMessage, $(!PWM_SETPROGRESSTEXT), $(!NTN_NOTIFY_HWND), "D", $(NTN_PGI), "D", "0"
; ; Run the copy operation, but only if needed ; ; note that the STF_NCPA_FLUSH_COPYLIST was an atiquated way of the inf ; to notify ncpa that the copy list was flushed. ;
ifstr(i) $(fRunCopy) == TRUE Install InstallNetFiles ifstr(i) $(STF_INSTALL_OUTCOME) != STF_SUCCESS Shell "" SetStatusInReg NO "COPY:"$(STF_INSTALL_OUTCOME)":"$(lInfStatus) goto netcopyescape endif endif
; ; The products are set to be copied, and the Registry is up to date. ; netruninfescape = +
Ifint $(BillboardVisible) != 0 Shell "subroutn.inf" PopBillboard Set BillboardVisible = 0 Endif
; ; return the status of each inf ; Shell "" SetStatusInReg NO "INSTALL:STATUS_SUCCESSFUL:"$(lInfStatus)
netcopyescape = + ; ; error status is saved in registry ;
; set back old mode ifstr(i) $(!NTN_InstallMode) == "Update" set !NTN_InstallMode = $(OldInstallMode) endif return STATUS_SUCCESSFUL
;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; RemoveNetComponets ; ; Parameters ; !NTN_InfsToBeRun ; !NTN_OptionsToBeRun ; !NTN_TextToBeShown ; !NTN_RegBases ; ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- [RemoveNetComponents] set UtilityInf = "Utility.inf" set NcParamInf = "NCPARAM.INF" set !STF_NETCANCELOVERIDE = "YES" set !STF_NETDELETEOVERIDE = "YES"
Debug-Output "The Glue That Keeps Us Installing" Debug-Output "NetBond.INF: INFs to be run: "$(!NTN_InfsToBeRun) Debug-Output "NetBond.INF: Options to install: "$(!NTN_OptionsToBeRun) Debug-Output "NetBond.INF: Billboards to be shown: "$(!NTN_TextToBeShown) Debug-Output "NetBond.INF: RegBases to pass: "$(!NTN_RegBases) Shell "" SetStatusInReg YES ""
Set lInfStatus = {}
; no ui if we are are in notify mode read-syms MessageText$(!STF_LANGUAGE) ifstr(i) $(!NTN_NOTIFY_HWND) != "" read-syms NotifySyms QueryListSize cInfsToBeRun $(!NTN_InfsToBeRun) LibraryProcedure STATUS, $(!NCPA_HANDLE), SendProgressMessage, $(!PWM_SETPROGRESSSIZE), $(!NTN_NOTIFY_HWND), "D", $(!PGI_REMOVE), "D", $(cInfsToBeRun) ; sets the default text, displays the gauge and text ; LibraryProcedure STATUS, $(!NCPA_HANDLE), SendProgressMessage, $(!PWM_SETPROGRESSTEXT), $(!NTN_NOTIFY_HWND), "D", $(!PGI_REMOVE), "D", "-1" endif ; ; make sure the infs know we are removing them ; set !NTN_InstallMode = deinstall
; ; Loop on list and shell the specific infs... ; ForListDo $(!NTN_InfsToBeRun) Set ThisInfName = $($) Debug-Output "NETBOND.INF: Removing "$(ThisInfName)
; no ui if we are are in notify mode ifstr(i) $(!NTN_NOTIFY_HWND) == "" Shell "subroutn.inf" PushBillboard NETSTATUSDLG $(MPreRemove1)*($(!NTN_TextToBeShown),$(#))$(MPreRemove2) Set BillboardVisible = 1 else LibraryProcedure STATUS, $(!NCPA_HANDLE), SendProgressMessage, $(!PWM_SETPROGRESSTEXT), $(!NTN_NOTIFY_HWND), "D", $(!PGI_REMOVE), "A", *($(!NTN_TextToBeShown),$(#)) endif Set InfOption = *($(!NTN_OptionsToBeRun),$(#)) Set OemPath = $(!STF_SRCDIR)
; ; make sure the reg base is set for this item to remove ; Set !NTN_RegBase = *($(!NTN_RegBases),$(#))
; ; do the inf ; Shell $(ThisInfName) InstallOption $(!STF_LANGUAGE) $(InfOption) $(OemPath) "YES" "NO" "NO"
; Reset the title string ; no ui if we are are in notify mode ifstr(i) $(!NTN_NOTIFY_HWND) == "" Set-title *($(!NTN_TextToBeShown),$(#))$(MPostRemove) else LibraryProcedure STATUS, $(!NCPA_HANDLE), SendProgressMessage, $(!PWM_SETPROGRESSPOS), $(!NTN_NOTIFY_HWND), "D", $(!PGI_REMOVE), "D", $(#) endif Set NetInstallStatus = $($R0) Ifint $($ShellCode) != $(!SHELL_CODE_OK) Debug-Output "NETBOND.INF: INF "$(ThisInfName)" SHELL ERROR!" Set NetInstallStatus = $($ShellCode) Endif ; ; store the status for latter return ; set lInfStatus = >($(lInfStatus), $(NetInstallStatus) ) EndForListDo
; ; The products are set to be copied, and the Registry is up to date. ; netruninfescape = +
Ifint $(BillboardVisible) != 0 Shell "subroutn.inf" PopBillboard Set BillboardVisible = 0 Endif ; clear the status text, removes the gauge and text ; ;LibraryProcedure STATUS, $(!NCPA_HANDLE), SendProgressMessage, $(!PWM_SETPROGRESSTEXT), $(!NTN_NOTIFY_HWND), "D", $(!PGI_REMOVE), "D", "0"
; ; return the status of each inf ; Shell "" SetStatusInReg NO "REMOVE:STATUS_SUCCESSFUL:"$(lInfStatus)
netcopyescape = + ; ; error status is saved in registry ; return STATUS_SUCCESSFUL
;----------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; ROUTINE: OemHaveDisk ; ; DESCRIPTION: ; ; INPUTS: ; ; OUTPUTS: ; ; NOTES: ; ;------------------------------------------------------------------------
[OemHaveDisk] Shell "" SetStatusInReg YES "" shell "Other.inf" GetNewOEMMultiOption $(!STF_LANGUAGE) {} $(!NTN_NETTYPE) "A:" Debug-Output "Status:"$($R0)" OemList:"$($R1)" OptionChoice"$($R2)" ChosenText"$($R3)" Diskette:"$($R4)
Ifstr(i) $($R0) == STATUS_SUCCESSFUL shell "" SetStatusInReg NO *(*($($R1),1),1)","$($R4)","$($R2)","$($R3) else shell "" SetStatusInReg NO $($R0) endif
Return $($R0)
;----------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; Install sections... ; ;------------------------------------------------------------------------
[InstallNetFiles] set !STF_NCPA_FLUSH_COPYLIST = TRUE CopyFilesInCopyList exit
;*********************************************************************************************** ; ; UpgradeNetwork - Upgrade all the network components. ; ; From Here down is taken directly from the NtLanman.Inp file for upgrade support, ; it has been modified so that bindings will be done outside this inf after this ; call ; ;*********************************************************************************************** ; ;[UpgradeNetwork] ; set !STF_NETCANCELOVERIDE = "YES" ; set !STF_NETDELETEOVERIDE = "YES"
; Shell "" SetStatusInReg YES ""
; ifstr(i) $(!NTN_NOTIFY_HWND) != "" ; read-syms NotifySyms ;LibraryProcedure STATUS, $(!NCPA_HANDLE), SendProgressMessage, $(!PWM_SETPROGRESSSIZE), $(!NTN_NOTIFY_HWND), "D", $(!PGI_UPDATE), "D", $(cSectionsToRun) ; sets the default text, displays the gauge and text ; ; LibraryProcedure STATUS, $(!NCPA_HANDLE), SendProgressMessage, $(!PWM_SETPROGRESSTEXT), $(!NTN_NOTIFY_HWND), "D", $(!PGI_UPDATE), "D", "-1" ; endif ; ; Enable network card first ; ; Shell "" EnableNetworkComponents
; ; Update network components that do not have an inf ; ; Shell "" UpdateSpecificItems
; ; For each inf files upgrade ; ; Shell "" UpdateEachInf
; ; Change the card number from 0X to X ; ; LibraryProcedure STATUS, $(!NCPA_HANDLE), UpgradeCardNum
; ; Update SNA stuff ; ; LibraryProcedure STATUS, $(!NCPA_HANDLE), UpgradeSNA
; ; Remove some old inf files ; ; Shell "" RemoveOldInfFile "NWWKSTA", "NetService", "oemnsv", "oemnsvnw.inf" ; LibraryProcedure Status1, $(!LIBHANDLE), DelFile, $(!STF_WINDOWSSYSPATH)"\oemnxpsn.inf"
; ; fix mac services files ; ; ifstr(i) $(!STF_PRODUCT) != "WINNT" ; LibraryProcedure Status1, $(!LIBHANDLE), DelFile, $(!STF_WINDOWSSYSPATH)"\oemnxpsm.inf" ; else ; LibraryProcedure Status1, $(!LIBHANDLE), DelFile, $(!STF_WINDOWSSYSPATH)"\oemnsvsm.inf" ; endif
; return
;****************************************************************************** ; ; UpdatesSpecificItems - update specific network compents that is not handled ; by a specific INF ; ;******************************************************************************
;[UpdateSpecificItems] ; set MAXIMUM_ALLOWED = 33554432
; ; update AFD ; ; Shell "Utility.inf" UpgradeAFD
; ; Fix NDIS problems, these were in builds around 1116. ; ; set NDISService = "SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\NDIS" ; OpenRegKey $(!REG_H_LOCAL) "" $(NDISService) $(MAXIMUM_ALLOWED) KeyNDIS
; ifstr(i) $(KeyNDIS) != "" ; DeleteRegValue $(KeyNDIS) "ImagePath" ; DeleteRegValue $(KeyNDIS) "ObjectName" ; CloseRegKey $(KeyNDIS) ; endif
; ; Warn user of upgrade needed for Directory Service Manager for NetWare Administrative Tools ; ; LibraryProcedure FilePresent, $(!LIBHANDLE), CheckFileExistance $(!STF_WINDOWSSYSPATH)\swclnt.dll ; ifstr(i) $(FilePresent) == "YES" ; read-syms UpgradeSWTOOLSTitle ; read-syms UpgradeWarnings ; read-syms WarningDlg ; ui start "Warning" ; endif
; return
;*********************************************************************************************** ; ; EnableNetworkComponents - Enable all the network components. ; ;***********************************************************************************************
;[EnableNetworkComponents] ; set MAXIMUM_ALLOWED = 33554432 ; set NcpaName = "Software\Microsoft\Ncpa\CurrentVersion" ; OpenRegKey $(!REG_H_LOCAL) "" $(NcpaName) $(MAXIMUM_ALLOWED) KeyNcpa
; ifstr(i) $(KeyNcpa) != "" ; GetRegValue $(KeyNcpa),"DisableList", DisableListInfo ; set DisableList = *($(DisableListInfo),4)
; ForListDo $(DisableList) ; ; Enable each network component ; ; set ServiceName = "System\CurrentControlSet\Services\"$($) ; OpenRegKey $(!REG_H_LOCAL) "" $(ServiceName) $(MAXIMUM_ALLOWED) KeyService
; ifstr(i) $(KeyService) != "" ; GetRegValue $(KeyService),"OldStart", OldStartInfo ; set OldStart = *($(OldStartInfo),4)
; SetRegValue $(KeyService) {Start,$(NoTitle),*($(OldStartInfo),3),*($(OldStartInfo),4)} ; LibraryProcedure Result, $(!LIBHANDLE), SetupChangeServiceStart, $($), $(OldStart) ; ; Remove Old Start Value ; ; DeleteRegValue $(KeyService) "OldStart" ; CloseRegKey $(KeyService) ; endif ; EndForListDo ; DeleteRegValue $(KeyNcpa) "DisableList" ; CloseRegKey $(KeyNcpa) ; endif
; return
;*********************************************************************************************** ; ; UpdateEachInf - Search the register for all the network components. Then ; update each one of them. ; ;***********************************************************************************************
;[UpdateEachInf] ; read-syms UpgradeDialog$(!STF_LANGUAGE) ; set WarningList = { "SWSRV", "NWSRV", "NWTOOLS" } ; set UnsupportedOptions = { "AM1500T", "AM1500T2", "AM1500T2" }
; set MAXIMUM_ALLOWED = 33554432 ; set OptionList = {} ; set InfFileList = {} ; set ManufacturerList = { "Software\DigiBoard" , "Software\Microsoft" } ; ForListDo $(ManufacturerList) ; set SoftwareName = $($) ; OpenRegKey $(!REG_H_LOCAL) "" $(SoftwareName) $(MAXIMUM_ALLOWED) KeySoftware
; ifstr(i) $(KeySoftware) != "" ; EnumRegKey $(KeySoftware) SoftwareList ; ForListDo $(SoftwareList) ; ; Find all the network component ; ; set ComponentName = $(SoftwareName)"\"*($($),1) ; OpenRegKey $(!REG_H_LOCAL) "" $(ComponentName) $(MAXIMUM_ALLOWED) KeyComponent ; ifstr(i) $(KeyComponent) != "" ; set NetRulesName = $(ComponentName)"\CurrentVersion\NetRules" ; OpenRegKey $(!REG_H_LOCAL) "" $(NetRulesName) $(MAXIMUM_ALLOWED) KeyNetRules ; ifstr(i) $(KeyNetRules) != "" ; ; Put the inf option and file into the list ; ; GetRegValue $(KeyNetRules),"InfName", InfNameInfo ; GetRegValue $(KeyNetRules),"InfOption", InfOptionInfo ; set ComponentInfName = *($(InfNameInfo),4) ; set ComponentInfOption = *($(InfOptionInfo),4) ; retrieve the componet title ; set CurrentVerName = $(ComponentName)"\CurrentVersion" ; OpenRegKey $(!REG_H_LOCAL) "" $(CurrentVerName) $(MAXIMUM_ALLOWED) KeyCurrentVer ; GetRegValue $(KeyCurrentVer),"Title", InfTitleInfo ; CloseRegKey $(KeyCurrentVer) ; set ComponentTitle = *($(InfTitleInfo),4)
; ; let the user know of orphaned software ; ; ifcontains(i) $(ComponentInfOption) in $(UnsupportedOptions) ; read-syms UpgradeUnsupported ; read-syms WarningDlg ; ui start "Warning" ; endif
; ; Directory Service Manager for NetWare or ; File and Print Services for NetWare special cases ; ; ifcontains(i) $(ComponentInfOption) in $(WarningList) ; read-syms Upgrade$(ComponentInfOption)Title ; read-syms UpgradeWarnings ; read-syms WarningDlg ; ui start "Warning" ; endif
; ; Handle special case for NWCWorkstation and MCSXNS ; ; ifstr(i) $(ComponentInfOption) == "NWWKSTA" ; ifstr(i) $(ComponentInfName) != "oemnsvnw.inf" ; LibraryProcedure Status1, $(!LIBHANDLE), DelFile, $(!STF_WINDOWSSYSPATH)"\"$(ComponentInfName) ; set ComponentInfName = "oemnsvnw.inf" ; SetRegValue $(KeyNetRules) {InfName,$(NoTitle),$(!REG_VT_SZ),"oemnsvnw.inf"} ; endif ; endif
; ifstr(i) $(ComponentInfOption) == "SNMP" ; set CurrentVersionKey = $(ComponentName)"\CurrentVersion" ; OpenRegKey $(!REG_H_LOCAL) "" $(CurrentVersionKey) $(MAXIMUM_ALLOWED) CurrentVersion ; set SoftwareType = "SoftwareType" ; set SoftwareTypeValue = "service" ; SetRegValue $(CurrentVersion) {$(SoftwareType),$(NoTitle),$(!REG_VT_SZ),$(SoftwareTypeValue)} ; CloseRegKey $(CurrentVersion) ; set ComponentInfName = "oemnsvsn.inf" ; SetRegValue $(KeyNetRules) {InfName,$(NoTitle),$(!REG_VT_SZ),$(ComponentInfName)} ; endif
; fix atalk file inf name ; ifstr(i) $(ComponentInfOption) == "ATALK" ; ifstr(i) $(!STF_PRODUCT) != "WINNT" ; set NewAtalkInf = "oemnsvsm.inf" ; else ; set NewAtalkInf = "oemnxpsm.inf" ; endif ; ifstr(i) $(ComponentInfName) != $(NewAtalkInf) ; set ComponentInfName = $(NewAtalkInf) ; SetRegValue $(KeyNetRules) {InfName,$(NoTitle),$(!REG_VT_SZ),$(ComponentInfName)} ; endif ; endif
; fix Services For Mac inf name ; ifstr(i) $(ComponentInfOption) == "SFM" ; ifstr(i) $(ComponentInfName) != "oemnsvsm.inf" ; set ComponentInfName = "oemnsvsm.inf" ; SetRegValue $(KeyNetRules) {InfName,$(NoTitle),$(!REG_VT_SZ),$(ComponentInfName)} ; endif ; endif
; fix Services For Mac inf name ; ifstr(i) $(ComponentInfOption) == "MACPRINT" ; ifstr(i) $(ComponentInfName) != "oemnsvsm.inf" ; set ComponentInfName = "oemnsvsm.inf" ; SetRegValue $(KeyNetRules) {InfName,$(NoTitle),$(!REG_VT_SZ),$(ComponentInfName)} ; endif ; endif
; fix Services For Mac inf name ; ifstr(i) $(ComponentInfOption) == "AFPSVC" ; ifstr(i) $(ComponentInfName) != "oemnsvsm.inf" ; set ComponentInfName = "oemnsvsm.inf" ; SetRegValue $(KeyNetRules) {InfName,$(NoTitle),$(!REG_VT_SZ),$(ComponentInfName)} ; endif ; endif
; ifstr(i) $(ComponentInfOption) == "NWLINK" ; set ComponentInfOption = "NWLNKIPX" ; SetRegValue $(KeyNetRules) {InfOption,$(NoTitle),$(!REG_VT_SZ),"NWLNKIPX"} ; endif
; ifstr(i) $(ComponentInfOption) == "BLOODHOUND" ; ifstr(i) $(ComponentInfName) != "oemnsvbh.inf" ; LibraryProcedure Status1, $(!LIBHANDLE), DelFile, $(!STF_WINDOWSSYSPATH)"\"$(ComponentInfName) ; set ComponentInfName = "oemnsvbh.inf" ; SetRegValue $(KeyNetRules) {InfName,$(NoTitle),$(!REG_VT_SZ),"oemnsvbh.inf"} ; endif ; set ComponentInfOption = "NETMON" ; SetRegValue $(KeyNetRules) {InfOption,$(NoTitle),$(!REG_VT_SZ),"NETMON"} ; endif
; ifstr(i) $(ComponentInfOption) == "PCNTN3" ; ; remove the third party inf file ; ; LibraryProcedure Status1, $(!LIBHANDLE), DelFile, $(!STF_WINDOWSSYSPATH)"\"$(ComponentInfName) ; set ComponentInfOption = "AMDPCI" ; set ComponentInfName = "oemnadap.inf" ; endif
; ifstr(i) $(ComponentInfOption) == "MCSXNS" ; goto skipxns ; endif
; ifstr(i) $(ComponentInfOption) == "Ubnb" ; goto skipxns ; endif
; Shell $(ComponentInfName) GetSignature ; Ifstr(i) $($ShellCode) != $(!SHELL_CODE_OK) ; goto skipxns ; endif ; ifstr(i) $($R0) != "MICROSOFT_FILE" ; goto skipxns ; endif
; ifcontains(i) $(ComponentInfName) NOT-IN $(InfFileList) ; ifstr(i) $(InfFileList) == {} ; set InfFileList = {$(ComponentInfName)} ; set OptionList = {$(ComponentInfOption)} ; set TitleList = {$(ComponentTitle)} ; else ; set InfFileList = >($(InfFileList),$(ComponentInfName)) ; set OptionList = >($(OptionList),$(ComponentInfOption)) ; set TitleList = >($(TitleList),$(ComponentTitle)) ; endif ; endif ;skipxns = +
; CloseRegKey $(KeyNetRules) ; endif ; CloseRegKey $(KeyComponent) ; endif
; EndForListDo ; CloseRegKey $(KeySoftware) ; endif ; EndForListDo
; Upgrade all the component in the option list ; ; debug-output $(InfFileList) ; debug-output $(OptionList) ; debug-output $(TitleList)
; set OldInstallMode = $(!NTN_InstallMode) ; set !NTN_InstallMode = "Update" ; set AddCopy = YES ; set DoCopy = YES ; set DoConfig = YES
; ifstr(i) $(!NTN_NOTIFY_HWND) != "" ; QueryListSize cInfsToBeRun $(InfFileList) ; LibraryProcedure STATUS, $(!NCPA_HANDLE), SendProgressMessage, $(!PWM_SETPROGRESSSIZE), $(!NTN_NOTIFY_HWND), "D", $(!PGI_UPDATE), "D", $(cInfsToBeRun) ; sets the default text, displays the gauge and text ; ; LibraryProcedure STATUS, $(!NCPA_HANDLE), SendProgressMessage, $(!PWM_SETPROGRESSTEXT), $(!NTN_NOTIFY_HWND), "D", $(!PGI_UPDATE), "D", "-1" ; endif
; ForListDo $(InfFileList) ; debug-output $($) ; debug-output *($(OptionList), $(#))
; ifstr(i) $(!NTN_NOTIFY_HWND) != "" ; LibraryProcedure STATUS, $(!NCPA_HANDLE), SendProgressMessage, $(!PWM_SETPROGRESSTEXT), $(!NTN_NOTIFY_HWND), "D", $(!PGI_UPDATE), "A", *($(TitleList), $(#)) ; endif
; Shell $($) "InstallOption" + ; $(!STF_LANGUAGE) *($(OptionList), $(#)) + ; $(!STF_SRCDIR) $(AddCopy) $(DoCopy) $(DoConfig)
; Ifstr(i) $($ShellCode) != $(!SHELL_CODE_OK) ; Debug-Output "NCPASHEL.INF: SHELL ERROR: "$($ShellCode) ; Endif
; ifstr(i) $(!NTN_NOTIFY_HWND) != "" ; LibraryProcedure STATUS, $(!NCPA_HANDLE), SendProgressMessage, $(!PWM_SETPROGRESSPOS), $(!NTN_NOTIFY_HWND), "D", $(PGI_UPDATE), "D", $(#) ; endif
; EndForListDo
; set !NTN_InstallMode = $(OldInstallMode)
; install "Install-UpdateFiles"
; return
;*********************************************************************************************** ; ; RemoveoldInfFile - remove old inf file ; Entry: $0 - Option name (ie NWWKSTA) ; $1 - Inf file type (ie, NetService) ; $2 - inf prefix (ie oemnsv) ; $3 - the new inf file to keep (ie oemnsvnw.inf) ; ;***********************************************************************************************
;[OEMFiles] ; OemFiles = {} ? $(!LIBHANDLE) FindFileInstances $(!STF_WINDOWSSYSPATH)"\"$(Prefix)"*.inf"
;[RemoveOldInfFile] ; set OptionName = $($0) ; set OptionType = $($1) ; set Prefix = $($2) ; set CurrentInf = $($3)
; ; First get all the filenames ; ; set OemOptionList = {} ; set InfToDelete = {} ; read-syms OEMFiles ; detect OEMFiles
; ; Get the option from each file ; ; ForListDo $(OemFiles) ; ifstr(i) $($) != $(CurrentInf) ; set OemFileName = $(!STF_WINDOWSSYSPATH)"\"$($) ; shell "other.inf", GetOptionsFromINF $(!STF_LANGUAGE) $(OptionType) $(OemFileName) ; ifstr(i) $($R0) == STATUS_SUCCESSFUL ; ifcontains(i) $(OptionName) in $($R1) ; set InfToDelete = >($(InfToDelete), $($)) ; endif ; endif ; endif ; EndForListDo
; debug-output $(InfToDelete)
; ; del all the old files ; ; ForListDo $(InfToDelete) ; LibraryProcedure Status1, $(!LIBHANDLE), DelFile, $(!STF_WINDOWSSYSPATH)"\"$($) ; EndForListDo
; return
;*********************************************************************************************** ; ; Install-UpdateFiles - Copy all the new network components files. ; ;***********************************************************************************************
;[Install-UpdateFiles] ; set !STF_NCPA_FLUSH_COPYLIST = TRUE ; CopyFilesInCopyList ; exit