;======================================== ; REGISTRY MANIPULATION ;========================================
MaskAllAccess = 33554432 NoTitle = 0 RegLastError = $(!REG_ERROR_SUCCESS)
;----------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ROUTINE: GetNTSource ; ; DESCRIPTION: Reads the software entry to find out where the installation ; medium was. ; ; INPUTS: $0: None ; ; OUTPUTS: $R0: Status: STATUS_SUCCESSFUL ; STATUS_FAILED ; ; $R1: NTSource ; ;------------------------------------------------------------------------
set Status = STATUS_SUCCESSFUL read-syms RegistryConstants set NTSource = A:\
; ; Open the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion ; key
set KeyName = "Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion" OpenRegKey $(!REG_H_LOCAL) "" $(KeyName) $(!REG_KEY_READ) KeyHandle ifint $(RegLastError) != $(!REG_ERROR_SUCCESS) Debug-Output "REGISTRY.INF: Couldn't open windows nt software key for read access" goto end_getntsource endif
; ; read the sourcepath entry ;
GetRegValue $(KeyHandle) "SourcePath" SourcePathValue ifint $(RegLastError) != $(!REG_ERROR_SUCCESS) CloseRegKey $(KeyHandle) goto end_getntsource endif
set NTSource = *($(SourcePathValue), 4) CloseRegKey $(KeyHandle) end_getntsource = + Return $(Status) $(NTSource)
;----------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ROUTINE: MakeServicesEntry ; ; DESCRIPTION: Creates an entry for a services node ; ; INPUTS: $0: Services node ; $1: Services Value Entries ; $2: Parameters Value Entries( "" if no parameters key is to be ; created. ) ; $3: List of Devicen specific Value Entries: ; {{Value List For Device0}, {Value List For Device1}...} ; $4: Eventlog Value Entries ; $5: Name of first-level subkey (ie, Device0 | Parameters ) ; $6: Full path to service binary ; ; ; OUTPUTS: $R0: Status: STATUS_SUCCESSFUL ; STATUS_FAILED ; ; ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ [MakeServicesEntry]
set Status = STATUS_FAILED read-syms RegistryConstants
Debug-Output "REGISTRY.INF: Creating Services node: "$($0)
; ; Make the entry corresponding to the option ; ; Open the services key ;
OpenRegKey $(!REG_H_LOCAL) "" "system\"$(!STF_CONTROLSET)"\services" $(MaskAllAccess) ServicesKey ifint $(RegLastError) != $(!REG_ERROR_SUCCESS) Debug-Output "REGISTRY.INF: Failed to open services key" goto finish_MakeServicesEntry endif
; ; Examine the values passed in. If the values are not out of a standard ; set then we need to go ahead and make the entries ourselves. The ; standard set values will be established by the service controller. ;
set StandardSet = { Type, + Start, + ErrorControl, + Group, + Dependencies, + StartName, + Password, + BinaryPathName, + DisplayName + }
ForListDo $(StandardSet) set $($) = "" EndForListDo
set KeyValues = {} ForListDo $($1) set Var = *($($), 1) set Value = *($($), 4) ifcontains(i) $(Var) in $(StandardSet) set $(Var) = $(Value) else set KeyValues = >($(KeyValues), $($)) endif EndForListDo set Error = NO ForListDo { Type, Start, ErrorControl, BinaryPathName } ifstr(i) $($($)) == "" set Error = YES endif EndForListDo ifstr(i) $(Error) == YES Debug-Output "REGISTRY.INF: MakeServicesEntry was not passed in one of the three values: Type, Start, ErrorControl" CloseRegKey $(ServicesKey) goto finish_MakeServicesEntry endif
; ; call the service controller to make a services entry ;
set ServiceName = $($0) LibraryProcedure STATUS, $(!LIBHANDLE), SetupCreateService $(ServiceName) + $(DisplayName) + $(Type) + $(Start) + $(ErrorControl) + $(BinaryPathName) + $(Group) + $(Dependencies) + $(StartName) + $(Password)
ifstr(i) $(STATUS) != "SUCCESS" Debug-Output "REGISTRY.INF: MakeServicesEntry: SetupCreateService function failed" CloseRegKey $(ServicesKey) goto finish_MakeServicesEntry endif
; ; Create a key for the service mentioned ( this is so that the values ; other than the standard set get updated - for example if the caller ; wants to put his own tag field.
set KeyPath = {{$($0), $(NoTitle), $(MaskAllAccess)}}
shell "" CreateKey $(ServicesKey) $(KeyPath) $(KeyValues) ifint $($ShellCode) != $(!SHELL_CODE_OK) Debug-Output "REGISTRY.INF: Failed to shell CreateKey." CloseRegKey $(ServicesKey) goto error_MakeServicesEntry endif
ifstr(i) $($R0) != STATUS_SUCCESSFUL Debug-Output "REGISTRY.INF: Failed to create services node." CloseRegKey $(ServicesKey) goto error_MakeServicesEntry endif
set MiniportKey = $($R1)
; ; Create the parameters for the miniport mentioned ;
ifstr(i) $($2) != "" set KeyPath = {{$($5), $(NoTitle), $(MaskAllAccess)}} set KeyValues = $($2)
shell "" CreateKey $(MiniportKey) $(KeyPath) $(KeyValues) ifint $($ShellCode) != $(!SHELL_CODE_OK) CloseRegKey $(ServicesKey) CloseRegKey $(MiniportKey) goto error_MakeServicesEntry endif
ifstr(i) $($R0) != STATUS_SUCCESSFUL CloseRegKey $(ServicesKey) CloseRegKey $(MiniportKey) goto error_MakeServicesEntry endif
set ParametersKey = $($R1)
ForListDo $($3)
set-sub DeviceNum = $(#) 1 set EntryName = "Device"$(DeviceNum) set KeyPath = {{$(EntryName), $(NoTitle), $(MaskAllAccess)}} set KeyValues = $($3)
shell "" CreateKey $(ParametersKey) $(KeyPath) $(KeyValues) ifint $($ShellCode) != $(!SHELL_CODE_OK) CloseRegKey $(ServicesKey) CloseRegKey $(MiniportKey) CloseRegKey $(ParametersKey) goto error_MakeServicesEntry endif
ifstr(i) $($R0) != STATUS_SUCCESSFUL CloseRegKey $(ServicesKey) CloseRegKey $(MiniportKey) CloseRegKey $(ParametersKey) goto error_MakeServicesEntry endif CloseRegKey $($R1)
CloseRegKey $(ParametersKey)
endif CloseRegKey $(MiniportKey)
; ; see if we need to make an event log entry for this ;
ifstr(i) $($4) != {} ; ; Open the eventlog\system key in the services area. ;
OpenRegKey $(ServicesKey) "" "eventlog\system" $(MaskAllAccess) EventLogKey ifint $(RegLastError) != $(!REG_ERROR_SUCCESS) Debug-Output "REGISTRY.INF: Failed to open eventlog key" CloseRegKey $(ServicesKey) goto error_MakeServicesEntry endif
; ; create the key for the current service ;
set KeyPath = {{$($0), $(NoTitle), $(MaskAllAccess)}} set KeyValues = $($4) shell "" CreateKey $(EventLogKey) $(KeyPath) $(KeyValues) ifint $($ShellCode) != $(!SHELL_CODE_OK) CloseRegKey $(ServicesKey) CloseRegKey $(EventLogKey) goto error_MakeServicesEntry endif
ifstr(i) $($R0) != STATUS_SUCCESSFUL CloseRegKey $(ServicesKey) CloseRegKey $(EventLogKey) goto error_MakeServicesEntry endif CloseRegKey $($R1) CloseRegKey $(EventLogKey) endif
CloseRegKey $(ServicesKey) set Status = STATUS_SUCCESSFUL goto finish_MakeServicesEntry
error_MakeServicesEntry = + shell "" ModifyServicesEntry $($0) $(!SERVICE_DISABLED) finish_MakeServicesEntry = + Return $(Status)
;----------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ROUTINE: GetServicesEntryStart ; ; DESCRIPTION: Finds out about the Start value of the Service Entry ; ; INPUTS: $0: Services node ; ; OUTPUTS: $R0: Status: STATUS_SUCCESSFUL ; STATUS_FAILED ; ; $R1: Start value: $(!SERVICE_BOOT_START) | $(!SERVICE_SYSTEM_START) | ; $(!SERVICE_AUTO_START) | $(!SERVICE_DEMAND_START) | ; $(!SERVICE_DISABLED) ; ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ [GetServicesEntryStart] set Status = STATUS_FAILED set StartValue = "" read-syms RegistryConstants Debug-Output "REGISTRY.INF: Get Services node Start value: "$($0)
; ; Open the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\$(!STF_CONTROLSET)\Services\ServicesEntry key ; key
set KeyName = "system\"$(!STF_CONTROLSET)"\services\"$($0) OpenRegKey $(!REG_H_LOCAL) "" $(KeyName) $(!REG_KEY_READ) KeyHandle ifint $(RegLastError) != $(!REG_ERROR_SUCCESS) Debug-Output "REGISTRY.INF: Couldn't open services node for read access" goto finish_GetServicesEntryStart endif
; ; read the Start entry ;
GetRegValue $(KeyHandle) "Start" StartValueList ifint $(RegLastError) != $(!REG_ERROR_SUCCESS) Debug-Output "REGISTRY.INF: Couldn't read Start value" CloseRegKey $(KeyHandle) goto finish_GetServicesEntryStart endif CloseRegKey $(KeyHandle) set StartValue = *($(StartValueList), 4)
set Status = STATUS_SUCCESSFUL finish_GetServicesEntryStart = + Return $(Status) $(StartValue)
;----------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ROUTINE: RemoveServicesEntry ; ; DESCRIPTION: Removes an entry for a services node. Currently just ; disables it ; ; INPUTS: $0: Services node ; ; OUTPUTS: $R0: Status: STATUS_SUCCESSFUL ; STATUS_FAILED ; ; ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ [RemoveServicesEntry]
set Status = STATUS_FAILED read-syms RegistryConstants
Debug-Output "REGISTRY.INF: Removing Services node: "$($0) shell "" ModifyServicesEntry $($0) $(!SERVICE_DISABLED) Return $($R0)
;----------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ROUTINE: MakeSetupKey ; ; DESCRIPTION: Creates the setup key under the current control ; set\control. This key is created with admin all access. ; Whenever setup has to do an operation which should be ; restricted to admin. ; ; INPUTS: None ; ; ; OUTPUTS: $R0: Status: STATUS_SUCCESSFUL ; STATUS_FAILED ; ; ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ [MakeSetupKey] set Status = STATUS_FAILED read-syms RegistryConstants
; ; Open the control key ;
OpenRegKey $(!REG_H_LOCAL) "" "system\"$(!STF_CONTROLSET)"\control" $(MaskAllAccess) ControlKey ifint $(RegLastError) != $(!REG_ERROR_SUCCESS) Debug-Output "REGISTRY.INF: Failed to open services key" goto finish_MakeSetupKey endif
; ; Create a key for setup ;
set KeyPath = { + {"Setup", $(NoTitle), $(MaskAllAccess)} + }
; ; Form the value info structures for the setup entry ;
set KeyValues = {}
shell "" CreateKey $(ControlKey) $(KeyPath) $(KeyValues) ifint $($ShellCode) != $(!SHELL_CODE_OK) CloseRegKey $(ControlKey) goto finish_MakeSetupKey endif
ifstr(i) $($R0) != STATUS_SUCCESSFUL CloseRegKey $(ControlKey) goto finish_MakeSetupKey endif
CloseRegKey $($R1) CloseRegKey $(ControlKey)
set Status = STATUS_SUCCESSFUL finish_MakeSetupKey = + Return $(Status)
;----------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ROUTINE: CheckSetupModify ; ; DESCRIPTION: Checks to see if setup has admin privileges ; ; INPUTS: None ; ; ; OUTPUTS: $R0: Status: STATUS_SUCCESSFUL ; STATUS_FAILED ; ; ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ [CheckSetupModify] set Status = STATUS_FAILED read-syms RegistryConstants
; ; Call the library function to see if we have admin privileges ;
LibraryProcedure STATUS, $(!LIBHANDLE), TestAdmin ifstr(i) $(STATUS) == "YES" set Status = STATUS_SUCCESSFUL endif
Return $(Status)
;----------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ROUTINE: MakeSetupOptionEntry ; ; DESCRIPTION: Creates an entry for a miniport driver and also enters the ; miniport driver group entry into the service group order ; ; INPUTS: $0: OptionType [ Video ] ; $1: OptionID ; ; OUTPUTS: $R0: Status: STATUS_SUCCESSFUL ; STATUS_FAILED ; ; ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ [MakeSetupOptionEntry] set Status = STATUS_FAILED read-syms RegistryConstants
; ; Make the entry corresponding to the option ; ; Open the control key ;
OpenRegKey $(!REG_H_LOCAL) "" "system\"$(!STF_CONTROLSET)"\control" $(MaskAllAccess) ControlKey ifint $(RegLastError) != $(!REG_ERROR_SUCCESS) Debug-Output "REGISTRY.INF: Failed to open services key" goto finish_MakeSetupOptionEntry endif
; ; Create a key for the miniport mentioned ; ; ; Make the parameters ; set KeyPath = { + {"Setup", $(NoTitle), $(MaskAllAccess)} + }
; ; Form the value info structures for the WinNT entry ; set KeyValues = { + {$($0), $(NoTitle), $(!REG_VT_SZ), $($1)} + }
shell "" CreateKey $(ControlKey) $(KeyPath) $(KeyValues) ifint $($ShellCode) != $(!SHELL_CODE_OK) CloseRegKey $(ControlKey) goto finish_MakeSetupOptionEntry endif
ifstr(i) $($R0) != STATUS_SUCCESSFUL CloseRegKey $(ControlKey) goto finish_MakeSetupOptionEntry endif
CloseRegKey $($R1) CloseRegKey $(ControlKey)
set Status = STATUS_SUCCESSFUL finish_MakeSetupOptionEntry = + Return $(Status)
;----------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ROUTINE: ModifyServicesEntry ; ; DESCRIPTION: Changes the "Start" value entry on a services key. ; ; INPUTS: $0: Services entry ; $1: Start Type $(!SERVICE_BOOT_START) | $(!SERVICE_SYSTEM_START) | ; $(!SERVICE_AUTO_START) | $(!SERVICE_DEMAND_START) | ; $(!SERVICE_DISABLED) ; ; OUTPUTS: $R0: Status: STATUS_SUCCESSFUL ; STATUS_FAILED ; ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ [ModifyServicesEntry] read-syms RegistryConstants set Status = STATUS_FAILED set StartValue = $($1)
LibraryProcedure STATUS, $(!LIBHANDLE), SetupChangeServiceStart $($0) $(StartValue) ifstr(i) $(STATUS) != "SUCCESS" Debug-Output "REGISTRY.INF: ModifyServicesEntry: SetupChangeServiceStart function failed" goto finish_ModifyServicesEntry endif
finish_ModifyServicesEntry = + Return $(Status)
;----------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ROUTINE: CreateKey ; ; DESCRIPTION: Creates a key and fixes the values indicated. ; Key is Handle\Key1\Key2\...\Keyn. Value list ; is for Valuen. ; ; INPUTS: $0: Handle into registry ; $1: KeyTreeComponents {Key1Info, Key2Info..} ; $2: ValueList {Value1Info, Value2Info, Value3Info} ; ; OUTPUTS: $R0: Status: STATUS_SUCCESSFUL ; STATUS_FAILED ; STATUS_ERROR_CREATEKEY ; STATUS_ERROR_CREATEVALUE ; ; $R1: Handle to created key ; ;------------------------------------------------------------------------
; ; Initialize ;
set Status = STATUS_FAILED read-syms RegistryConstants
; ; traverse down the keytreecomponents and open/create components as ; you go along ;
set BaseHandle = $($0) set KeyHandle = $(BaseHandle)
ForListDo $($1)
set KeyInfo = $($) set KeyName = *($(KeyInfo), 1)
; ; Try opening the key first
OpenRegKey $(BaseHandle) "" $(KeyName) $(MaskAllAccess) KeyHandle ifint $(RegLastError) != $(!REG_ERROR_SUCCESS) ; ; Key doesn't exist ; Debug-Output "REGISTRY.INF: Key"$(KeyName)"doesn't exist. Will create key"
set RegLastError = 0 CreateRegKey $(BaseHandle) $(KeyInfo) "" $(MaskAllAccess) "" KeyHandle ifint $(RegLastError) != $(!REG_ERROR_SUCCESS) set Status = STATUS_ERROR_CREATEKEY Debug-Output "REGISTRY.INF: Error in creating key" goto endcreate endif endif
ifstr(i) $(BaseHandle) != $($0) CloseRegKey $(BaseHandle) ifint $(RegLastError) != $(!REG_ERROR_SUCCESS) set Status = STATUS_ERROR_CREATEKEY Debug-Output "REGISTRY.INF: Error in closing base handle" goto endcreate endif endif
set BaseHandle = $(KeyHandle)
ifstr(i) $($2) != {} shell "" AddValueList $(KeyHandle) $($2) ifstr(i) $($R0) != STATUS_SUCCESSFUL set Status = STATUS_ERROR_CREATEVALUE goto endcreate endif endif set Status = STATUS_SUCCESSFUL
endcreate = + ifstr(i) $(Status) != STATUS_SUCCESSFUL Debug-Output "REGISTRY.INF: CreateKey Error:"$(Status) endif Return $(Status) $(KeyHandle)
;************************************************************************* ; ; SECTION: AddValueList ; ; PURPOSE: Given a nested list of value items, add each to the given ; key. Key is left open. ; ; ARGUMENTS: $0 Registry key handle ; $1 List of value items; for example: ; { {ValueName1,0,$(!REG_VT_SZ),$(ValueData1)}, + ; {ValueName2,0,$(!REG_VT_SZ),$(ValueData2)} } ; ; RETURNS: $R0 Status ; ; ;*************************************************************************
[AddValueList] set Status = STATUS_FAILED read-syms RegistryConstants
ForListDo $($1) SetRegValue $($0) $($) ifint $(RegLastError) != $(!REG_ERROR_SUCCESS) Debug-Output "REGISTRY.INF: CreateValue failed:"$($) goto end_addvaluelist endif EndForListDo set Status = STATUS_SUCCESSFUL
end_addvaluelist = + return $(Status)
[EnableCrashDump] OpenRegKey $(!REG_H_LOCAL) "" system\currentcontrolset\control\CrashControl $(!REG_KEY_SET_VALUE) CrashControlKey ifstr $(CrashControlKey) != ""
shell "" AddValueList $(CrashControlKey) {{LogEvent ,0,$(!REG_VT_DWORD),1},+ {SendAlert ,0,$(!REG_VT_DWORD),1},+ {CrashDumpEnabled,0,$(!REG_VT_DWORD),1},+ {AutoReboot ,0,$(!REG_VT_DWORD),1}} CloseRegKey $(CrashControlKey) endif return