#include "precomp.h"
#pragma hdrstop
This file contains procedures that create Program Information Files (PIFs) for DOS apps using information contained in the APPS.INF file.
Copyright (C) Microsoft, 1991
Modified by: Date: Comment:
PAK 11/2/90 Created
PAK 8/18/91 Major Clean-up, rewrite, and bug fixes.
SUNILP 2/04/92 Changed for Win 32 GUI Setup use
extern HWND hwndFrame;
// This is common between dospif and search, so should go in an include file
#define EXE_WIN16_SZ "WIN16"
#define EXE_WIN32_SZ "WIN32"
#define EXE_DOS_SZ "DOS"
/* Globals (App Modules) */ CB cbAllPIF = 0; LPVOID lpAllPIF = NULL; static SZ szDOTPIF = ".PIF"; static SZ szProgman = "PROGMAN.EXE";
/* Globals (This Module) */ static BOOL bNoTrpHRGrfx = fTrue; static BOOL bIs386 = fTrue;
/* statics which are global to this module. */ static LPPIFNEWSTRUCT lpDfltPIF = NULL; static LPPIFNEWSTRUCT lpCurrPIF = NULL; static LPPIFEXTHEADER lpStdExtHdr = NULL; static LPPIF286EXT30 lpDfltStd = NULL; static LPPIF286EXT30 lpCurrStd = NULL; static LPPIFEXTHEADER lpEnhaExtHdr = NULL; static LPPIF386EXT lpDfltEnha = NULL; static LPPIF386EXT lpCurrEnha = NULL;
AddWinItem ----------
This processes an Win16 | Win 32 App item in the App List. The app rgsz structure is documented below:
rgszApp[nEXETYPE= 0] : WIN16 | WIN32 rgszApp[nNAME = 1] : App Name rgszApp[nEXE = 2] : App Exe (full path to the exe)
Modified by: Date: Comment:
PAK 11/2/90 Created
PAK 3/22/91 GenerateProgmanPath is no longer called since the PIFs all go in the same directory and will always be found.
SUNILP 2/5/92 Modified extensively for GUI Setup toolkit
***************************************************************************/ ADDAPP_STATUS AddWinItem( IN RGSZ rgszApp, IN SZ szGroup ) { ADDAPP_STATUS Status = ADDAPP_SUCCESS;
SZ szIconFile = ""; INT nIcon = 0; /* default icon */ CMO cmo = cmoVital; BOOL bStatus;
bStatus = FCreateProgManItem( szGroup, // Group to add
rgszApp[nNAME], // Item name
rgszApp[nEXE], // Command field
szIconFile, // Icon file
nIcon, // Icon number
cmo, // vital?
TRUE // common group
if (!bStatus) { Status = ADDAPP_GRPFAIL; }
return (Status);
AddDosAppItem --------------
This processes a DOS App item in the App List. The app rgsz structure is documented below:
rgszApp[nEXETYPE= 0] : DOS rgszApp[nNAME = 1] : App Name rgszApp[nEXE = 2] : App Exe (full path to the exe) rgszApp[nDIR = 3] : App Directory rgszApp[nPIF = 4] : App PIF Name rgszApp[nDEFDIR = 5] : App Default Directory ("" means user App Direct) rgszApp[nCWE = 6] : App CWE field ("" means no, "cwe" means close) rgszApp[nSTDOPT = 7] : App Standard mode options ({} for no section) rgszApp[nENHOPT = 8] : App Enhanced mode options ({} for no section) rgszApp[nICOFIL = 9] : App Icon File ("" means use default) rgszApp[nICONUM = 10] : App Icon Num ("" means use default)
Modified by: Date: Comment:
PAK 11/2/90 Created
PAK 3/22/91 GenerateProgmanPath is no longer called since the PIFs all go in the same directory and will always be found.
SUNILP 2/5/92 Modified extensively for GUI Setup toolkit
***************************************************************************/ ADDAPP_STATUS AddDosAppItem( IN RGSZ rgszApp, IN SZ szPifDir, IN SZ szGroup ) { ADDAPP_STATUS Status = ADDAPP_GENFAIL;
CHP szPIFPath[cchlFullPathBuf]; SZ szIconFile = rgszApp[nICOFIL]; INT nIcon = 0; /* default icon */ CMO cmo = cmoVital; BOOL bStatus;
// Build the PIF file.
if ( FDeterminePIFName(rgszApp, szPifDir, szPIFPath) && FCreatePIF(rgszApp, szPIFPath) ) {
// Check IconFile
if (CrcStringCompareI(szIconFile, "") == crcEqual) { szIconFile = szProgman; }
// Check icon number
if (CrcStringCompareI(rgszApp[nICONUM], "") != crcEqual) { nIcon = atoi(rgszApp[nICONUM]); }
bStatus = FCreateProgManItem( szGroup, // Group to add
rgszApp[nNAME], // Item name
szPIFPath, // Command field
szIconFile, // Icon file
nIcon, // Icon number
cmo, // vital?
TRUE // common group
if (bStatus) { Status = ADDAPP_SUCCESS; } else { Status = ADDAPP_GRPFAIL; }
return (Status); }
DeterminePIFName ----------------
This procedure will determine a name (possibly with user interaction) for the PIF which is to be created. If the proposed PIF name already exists and the user does not wish to replace it, an alternative name will be sought. The alternative name is obtained by adding 2 digits to the end of the file name (if possible) and assertaining whether the new PIF exists. If the filename is already seven or eight characters in length the last two characters are replaced with digits.
E.G. filename.PIF becomes filena00.PIF file.PIF becomes file00.PIF
The last two digits of the filename are incremented to 99 until a non-existant file is found.
The user will be asked to replace the PIF if we determine that the PIF we are about to create is for the same EXE name and contains the same description string in the prexisting PIF.
Modified by: Date: Comment:
PAK 7/31/91 Created SUNILP 2/6/92 Removed questioning user for alternate PIF Changed to use Setup file functions.
***************************************************************************/ BOOL FDeterminePIFName( IN RGSZ rgszApp, IN SZ szPifDir, IN OUT SZ szPIFPath ) { PFH pfh; SZ szName[PIFNAMESIZE+1]; SZ szExe[PIFSTARTLOCSIZE+1]; int i = 0, iLen; char sub_char1 = '0'; char sub_char2 = '0'; BOOL bConcat, bInitialConcat = fTrue; BOOL bCouldntDelete = fFalse, bCouldntRead = fFalse;
// We need to find out if the proposed pif already exists
// If it does we need to open it for reading and extract
// the name and description fields to make sure that the
// PIF is for the same app.
// Build the fully qualified Pif file
lstrcpy(szPIFPath, szPifDir); lstrcat(szPIFPath, rgszApp[nPIF]); lstrcat(szPIFPath, szDOTPIF);
// Does the PIF already exist, if yes open for reading. if no then
// return because we already have the PIF Path we need.
if ((pfh = PfhOpenFile(szPIFPath, ofmRead)) == (PFH)NULL) { return (fTrue); }
// The Proposed PIF already exists
// Can we extract the Description and Exe Name?
// If NO, create new PIF since if we cant read it we probably won't
// be able to replace it.
if ( (LfaSeekFile(pfh, 2L, sfmSet) != 2L) || (CbReadFile(pfh, (PB)szName, (CB)PIFNAMESIZE) != PIFNAMESIZE) || (LfaSeekFile(pfh, 4L, sfmCur) != (CB)PIFNAMESIZE + 2L + 4L) || (CbReadFile(pfh, (PB)szExe, (CB)PIFSTARTLOCSIZE) != PIFSTARTLOCSIZE) ) {
bCouldntRead = fTrue; }
// Close Preexisting PIF as we no longer require info from it
FCloseFile(pfh); pfh = (PFH)NULL;
if (!bCouldntRead) { ExtractStrFromPIF((LPSTR)szName, PIFNAMESIZE); if (!lstrcmpi((LPSTR)szExe, rgszApp[nEXE]) && !lstrcmpi((LPSTR)szName, rgszApp[nNAME]) ) {
// No asking the user, just delete.
if (FRemoveFile(szPIFPath)) { return (fTrue); }
} }
/* see if PIF specified in szPIFPath already exists. If it does
we change the name, looking for a name that doesn't exist. */
if (lstrlen(szGetFileName(szPIFPath)) < 11) { bConcat = fTrue; } else { bConcat = fFalse; }
iLen = lstrlen(szPIFPath);
i = 0; while (FFileExists(szPIFPath)) { if (i == 100) { return fFalse; }
if (bConcat) { if (bInitialConcat) { bInitialConcat = fFalse; szPIFPath[iLen-2] = '.'; szPIFPath[iLen-1] = 'P'; szPIFPath[iLen] = 'I'; szPIFPath[iLen+1] = 'F'; szPIFPath[iLen+2] = '\0'; } szPIFPath[iLen-4] = sub_char1; szPIFPath[iLen-3] = sub_char2; } else { szPIFPath[iLen-6] = sub_char1; szPIFPath[iLen-5] = sub_char2; }
if (sub_char2 == '9') { sub_char1++; sub_char2 = '0'; } else sub_char2++; i++; }
return( fTrue ); }
FCreatePIF ----------
This code creates the PIF file.
For the 286 product only the 286 PIF extensions are added. For the 386 product both 286 and the 386 extension are added.
The PIF file looks like this
PIFNEWSTRUCT +---------------+ | | | | | | | PIFEXTHEADER | +---------------+ PIFEXTHEADER +---------------+ | for Standard | | | +---------------+ PIF286EXT30 +---------------+ | | | | +---------------+ PIFEXTHEADER +---------------+ this only present for 386 product | for Enhanced | | | | v +---------------+ PIF386EXT +---------------+ | | | | +---------------+
Modified by: Date: Comment:
PAK 11/2/90 Created
SUNILP 2/5/92 Modified to use Setup File functions.
***************************************************************************/ BOOL FCreatePIF( RGSZ rgszApp, SZ szPIFPath ) { PFH pfh = (PFH)NULL; CB cbActual; BOOL bStatus; PACKED_PIFNEWSTRUCT PPif;
// Create PIF, at this point it does not exist
if (!(pfh = PfhOpenFile(szPIFPath, ofmCreate))) { return (fFalse); }
// Copy Default PIF to current PIF
memmove((PVOID)lpCurrPIF, (PVOID)lpDfltPIF, sizeof(PIFNEWSTRUCT)); memmove((PVOID)lpCurrStd, (PVOID)lpDfltStd, sizeof(PIF286EXT30));
if (bIs386) { memmove((PVOID)lpCurrEnha, (PVOID)lpDfltEnha, sizeof(PIF386EXT)); }
// Process information common to both standard and enhanced mode PIFs
ProcessCommonInfo( rgszApp, lpCurrPIF );
// Write information particular to standard mode PIFs to Current PIF
bStatus = FProcessStdModeInfo(rgszApp[nSTDOPT], lpCurrPIF, lpCurrStd); if (!bStatus) { return (fFalse); }
// write PIF struct, and 286 extension header and extension.
PackPif(lpCurrPIF, &PPif); cbActual = sizeof(PACKED_PIFNEWSTRUCT); if (cbActual != CbWriteFile(pfh, (PB)&PPif, (CB)cbActual)) { return (fFalse); }
cbActual = sizeof(PIFEXTHEADER); if (cbActual != CbWriteFile(pfh, (PB)lpStdExtHdr, (CB)cbActual)) { return (fFalse); }
cbActual = sizeof(PIF286EXT30); if (cbActual != CbWriteFile(pfh, (PB)lpCurrStd, (CB)cbActual)) { return (fFalse); }
// Write information particular to enhanced mode PIFs to Current PIF
if (bIs386) {
bStatus = FProcessEnhaModeInfo( rgszApp[nENHOPT], lpCurrEnha); if (!bStatus) { return (fFalse); }
cbActual = sizeof(PIFEXTHEADER); if (cbActual != CbWriteFile(pfh, (PB)lpEnhaExtHdr, (CB)cbActual)) { return (fFalse); }
cbActual = sizeof(PIF386EXT); if (cbActual != CbWriteFile(pfh, (PB)lpCurrEnha, (CB)cbActual)) { return (fFalse); }
bStatus = FCloseFile(pfh); return (bStatus); }
ProcessCommonInfo ------------------
This procedure will set the Common PIF settings.
Modified by: Date: Comment:
SUNILP 2/4/92 Changed to use INF Vars from symbol table
***************************************************************************/ VOID ProcessCommonInfo( RGSZ rgszApp, LPPIFNEWSTRUCT lpPNS ) {
// Write information common to both standard and enhanced mode PIFs
// to Current PIF
// 1. App Filename
lstrcpy( lpPNS->startfile, rgszApp[nEXE] );
// 2. App Title
lstrcpy( lpPNS->name, rgszApp[nNAME] );
// 3. Default Startup Dir
if (!lstrcmpi(rgszApp[nDEFDIR], "")) { lstrcpy(lpPNS->defpath, rgszApp[nDIR] ); } else { lstrcpy(lpPNS->defpath, rgszApp[nDEFDIR] ); } if ( (lpPNS->defpath)[lstrlen(lpPNS->defpath) - 1] == '\\' ) { (lpPNS->defpath)[lstrlen(lpPNS->defpath) - 1] = '\0'; }
// 4. Close Window on exit
if (!lstrcmpi(rgszApp[nCWE], CLOSE_ON_EXIT)) { lpPNS->MSflags |= EXITMASK; }
FProcessStdModeInfo -------------------
This procedure will set the Standard Mode PIF settings according to the information given in APPS.INF.
Modified by: Date: Comment:
PAK 11/2/90 Created SUNILP 2/4/92 Changed to use INF Vars from symbol table
***************************************************************************/ BOOL FProcessStdModeInfo( SZ szStdOptions, LPPIFNEWSTRUCT lpPNS, LPPIF286EXT30 lpPStd ) { PSZ pszStdOptions; SZ szOption; RGSZ rgszStdOptions, rgszOption, rgszVal; int iOption;
// szStdOptions: {{Var1, Val1}, {Var2, Val2}, {Var3, Val3}}
while ((pszStdOptions = rgszStdOptions = RgszFromSzListValue(szStdOptions)) == (RGSZ)NULL) { if (!FHandleOOM(hwndFrame)) { return(fFalse); } }
// For all options found
while ((szOption = *pszStdOptions++) != NULL) {
// Find the Var, Val pair
while ((rgszOption = RgszFromSzListValue(szOption)) == (RGSZ)NULL) { if (!FHandleOOM(hwndFrame)) { EvalAssert(FFreeRgsz(rgszStdOptions)); return(fFalse); } }
// Check validity of option
if (rgszOption[0] == NULL || rgszOption[1] == NULL) { EvalAssert(FFreeRgsz(rgszOption)); continue; }
// Examine Option Variable
iOption = GetExtOption(rgszOption[0]);
switch (iOption) {
case PARAMS: lstrcpy(lpPNS->params, rgszOption[1]); break;
case MINCONVMEM: if (!lstrcmp(rgszOption[1], "-1")) { lpPNS->minmem = 0xFFFF; } else { lpPNS->minmem = (WORD)atoi(rgszOption[1]); } break;
case VIDEOMODE: if (!lstrcmpi(rgszOption[1], TEXT_OPT)) { lpPNS->MSflags &= TEXTMASK; lpPNS->sysmem = 7; } else if (!lstrcmpi(rgszOption[1], GRAF_MULTXT)) { lpPNS->MSflags |= GRAPHMASK; lpPNS->sysmem = 23; } break;
case XMSMEM: while ((rgszVal = RgszFromSzListValue(rgszOption[1])) == (RGSZ)NULL) { if (!FHandleOOM(hwndFrame)) { EvalAssert(FFreeRgsz(rgszOption)); EvalAssert(FFreeRgsz(rgszStdOptions)); return (fFalse); } }
if (rgszVal[0] == NULL || rgszVal[1] == NULL) { EvalAssert(FFreeRgsz(rgszVal)); break; }
lpPStd->PfMinXmsK = (WORD)atoi(rgszVal[0]);
if (!lstrcmp(rgszVal[1], "-1")) { lpPStd->PfMaxXmsK = 0xFFFF; } else { lpPStd->PfMaxXmsK = (WORD)atoi(rgszVal[1]); } EvalAssert(FFreeRgsz(rgszVal)); break;
case CHECKBOXES: while ((rgszVal = RgszFromSzListValue(rgszOption[1])) == (RGSZ)NULL) { if (!FHandleOOM(hwndFrame)) { EvalAssert(FFreeRgsz(rgszOption)); EvalAssert(FFreeRgsz(rgszStdOptions)); return (fFalse); } }
ProcessCheckBoxSwitches(rgszVal, lpPNS, lpPStd); EvalAssert(FFreeRgsz(rgszVal)); break;
default: break;
} EvalAssert(FFreeRgsz(rgszOption)); } EvalAssert(FFreeRgsz(rgszStdOptions)); return (fTrue); }
ProcessCheckBoxSwitches -----------------------
This procedure will process the "checkboxes = ..." line from the given standard PIF section of APPS.INF. The various fields of the line will affect the pif and pif286 structures.
Modified by: Date: Comment:
PAK 11/2/90 Created SUNILP 2/4/92 Modified to use RGSZ list
***************************************************************************/ VOID ProcessCheckBoxSwitches( RGSZ rgsz, LPPIFNEWSTRUCT lpPNS, LPPIF286EXT30 lpPStd ) { int i; SZ szStr;
/* If this gets called we are not using defaults for "checkboxes"
so reset all bits that "checkboxes =" can set. */
lpPNS->MSflags &= ~(PSMASK | SGMASK | COM1MASK | COM2MASK); lpPNS->behavior &= ~KEYMASK; lpPStd->PfW286Flags &= ~(fALTTABdis286 | fALTESCdis286 | fALTPRTSCdis286 | fPRTSCdis286 | fCTRLESCdis286 | fNoSaveVid286 | fCOM3_286 | fCOM4_286); i = 0; while ((szStr = rgsz[i++]) != (SZ)NULL) {
if (!lstrcmpi(szStr, COM1)) { lpPNS->MSflags |= COM1MASK; }
else if (!lstrcmpi(szStr, COM2)) { lpPNS->MSflags |= COM2MASK; }
else if (!lstrcmpi(szStr, COM3)) { lpPStd->PfW286Flags |= fCOM3_286; }
else if (!lstrcmpi(szStr, COM4)) { lpPStd->PfW286Flags |= fCOM4_286; }
else if (!lstrcmpi(szStr, NO_SCRN_EXCHANGE)) { lpPNS->MSflags |= SGMASK; }
else if (!lstrcmpi(szStr, KEYB)) { lpPNS->behavior |= KEYMASK; }
else if (!lstrcmpi(szStr, PREVENT_PROG_SW)) { lpPNS->MSflags |= PSMASK; }
else if (!lstrcmpi(szStr, ALT_TAB)) { lpPStd->PfW286Flags |= fALTTABdis286; }
else if (!lstrcmpi(szStr, ALT_ESC)) { lpPStd->PfW286Flags |= fALTESCdis286; }
else if (!lstrcmpi(szStr, CTRL_ESC)) { lpPStd->PfW286Flags |= fCTRLESCdis286; }
else if (!lstrcmpi(szStr, PRSCRN)) { lpPStd->PfW286Flags |= fPRTSCdis286; }
else if (!lstrcmpi(szStr, ALT_PRSCRN)) { lpPStd->PfW286Flags |= fALTPRTSCdis286; }
else if (!lstrcmpi(szStr, NO_SAVE_SCREEN)) { lpPStd->PfW286Flags |= fNoSaveVid286; } } }
FProcessEnhaModeInfo -------------------
This procedure will set the Standard Mode PIF settings according to the information given in APPS.INF.
Modified by: Date: Comment:
PAK 11/2/90 Created SUNILP 2/4/92 Modified for Win32 GUI Setup.
***************************************************************************/ BOOL FProcessEnhaModeInfo( SZ szEnhOptions, LPPIF386EXT lpPEnha ) { PSZ pszEnhOptions; SZ szOption, szVal; RGSZ rgszEnhOptions, rgszOption, rgszVal; int i, iOption;
// szEnhOptions: {{Var1, Val1}, {Var2, Val2}, {Var3, Val3}}
while ((pszEnhOptions = rgszEnhOptions = RgszFromSzListValue(szEnhOptions)) == (RGSZ)NULL) { if (!FHandleOOM(hwndFrame)) { return (fFalse); } }
// For all options found
while ((szOption = *pszEnhOptions++) != NULL) {
// Find the Var, Val pair
while ((rgszOption = RgszFromSzListValue(szOption)) == (RGSZ)NULL) { if (!FHandleOOM(hwndFrame)) { EvalAssert(FFreeRgsz(rgszEnhOptions)); return (fFalse); } }
// Check validity of option
if (rgszOption[0] == NULL || rgszOption[1] == NULL) { EvalAssert(FFreeRgsz(rgszOption)); continue; }
// Examine Option Variable
iOption = GetExtOption(rgszOption[0]);
switch (iOption) {
case PARAMS: lstrcpy(lpPEnha->params, rgszOption[1]); break;
case CONVMEM: while ((rgszVal = RgszFromSzListValue(rgszOption[1])) == (RGSZ)NULL) { if (!FHandleOOM(hwndFrame)) { EvalAssert(FFreeRgsz(rgszOption)); EvalAssert(FFreeRgsz(rgszEnhOptions)); return (fFalse); } }
if (rgszVal[0] == NULL || rgszVal[1] == NULL) { EvalAssert(FFreeRgsz(rgszVal)); break; }
if (!lstrcmp(rgszVal[0], "-1")) { lpPEnha->minmem = 0xFFFF; } else { lpPEnha->minmem = (WORD)atoi(rgszVal[0]); }
if (!lstrcmp(rgszVal[1], "-1")) { lpPEnha->maxmem = 0xFFFF; } else { lpPEnha->maxmem = (WORD)atoi(rgszVal[1]); }
if (!lstrcmpi(rgszOption[1], FULL_SCREEN)) { lpPEnha->PfW386Flags |= fFullScrn; } else if (!lstrcmpi(rgszOption[1], WINDOWED_OPT)) { lpPEnha->PfW386Flags &= ~fFullScrn; } break;
/* Reset bits that this case addresses. */
lpPEnha->PfW386Flags &= ~(fBackground | fExclusive);
while ((rgszVal = RgszFromSzListValue(rgszOption[1])) == (RGSZ)NULL) { if (!FHandleOOM(hwndFrame)) { EvalAssert(FFreeRgsz(rgszOption)); EvalAssert(FFreeRgsz(rgszEnhOptions)); return (fFalse); } }
i = 0; while ((szVal = rgszVal[i++]) != (SZ)NULL) {
if (!lstrcmpi(szVal, BACKGROUND)) { lpPEnha->PfW386Flags |= fBackground; } else if (!lstrcmpi(szVal, EXCLUSIVE)) { lpPEnha->PfW386Flags |= fExclusive; }
EvalAssert(FFreeRgsz(rgszVal)); break;
while ((rgszVal = RgszFromSzListValue(rgszOption[1])) == (RGSZ)NULL) { if (!FHandleOOM(hwndFrame)) { EvalAssert(FFreeRgsz(rgszOption)); EvalAssert(FFreeRgsz(rgszEnhOptions)); return(fFalse); } }
if (rgszVal[0] == NULL || rgszVal[1] == NULL) { EvalAssert(FFreeRgsz(rgszVal)); break; }
lpPEnha->PfBPriority = (WORD)atoi(rgszVal[0]); lpPEnha->PfFPriority = (WORD)atoi(rgszVal[1]);
EvalAssert(FFreeRgsz(rgszVal)); break;
case EMSMEM:
while ((rgszVal = RgszFromSzListValue(rgszOption[1])) == (RGSZ)NULL) { if (!FHandleOOM(hwndFrame)) { EvalAssert(FFreeRgsz(rgszOption)); EvalAssert(FFreeRgsz(rgszEnhOptions)); return(fFalse); } }
if (rgszVal[0] == NULL || rgszVal[1] == NULL) { EvalAssert(FFreeRgsz(rgszVal)); break; }
lpPEnha->PfMinEMMK = (WORD)atoi(rgszVal[0]);
if (!lstrcmp(rgszVal[1], "-1")) { lpPEnha->PfMaxEMMK = 0xFFFF; } else { lpPEnha->PfMaxEMMK = (WORD)atoi(rgszVal[1]); }
EvalAssert(FFreeRgsz(rgszVal)); break;
case XMSMEM:
while ((rgszVal = RgszFromSzListValue(rgszOption[1])) == (RGSZ)NULL) { if (!FHandleOOM(hwndFrame)) { EvalAssert(FFreeRgsz(rgszOption)); EvalAssert(FFreeRgsz(rgszEnhOptions)); return (fFalse); } }
if (rgszVal[0] == NULL || rgszVal[1] == NULL) { EvalAssert(FFreeRgsz(rgszVal)); break; }
lpPEnha->PfMinXmsK = (WORD)atoi(rgszVal[0]);
if (!lstrcmp(rgszVal[1], "-1")) { lpPEnha->PfMaxXmsK = 0xFFFF; } else { lpPEnha->PfMaxXmsK = (WORD)atoi(rgszVal[1]); }
EvalAssert(FFreeRgsz(rgszVal)); break;
/* Reset bits that this case addresses. */
lpPEnha->PfW386Flags |= fNoHMA; lpPEnha->PfW386Flags &= ~(fPollingDetect | fEMSLocked | fXMSLocked | fVMLocked);
while ((rgszVal = RgszFromSzListValue(rgszOption[1])) == (RGSZ)NULL) { if (!FHandleOOM(hwndFrame)) { EvalAssert(FFreeRgsz(rgszOption)); EvalAssert(FFreeRgsz(rgszEnhOptions)); return (fFalse); } }
i = 0; while ((szVal = rgszVal[i++]) != (SZ)NULL) {
if (!lstrcmpi(szVal, DETECT_IDLE_TIME)) { lpPEnha->PfW386Flags |= fPollingDetect; }
else if (!lstrcmpi(szVal, EMS_LOCKED)) { lpPEnha->PfW386Flags |= fEMSLocked; }
else if (!lstrcmpi(szVal, XMS_LOCKED)) { lpPEnha->PfW386Flags |= fXMSLocked; }
else if (!lstrcmpi(szVal, USE_HIMEM_AREA)) { lpPEnha->PfW386Flags &= ~fNoHMA; }
else if (!lstrcmpi(szVal, LOCK_APP_MEM)) { lpPEnha->PfW386Flags |= fVMLocked; } }
EvalAssert(FFreeRgsz(rgszVal)); break;
if (!lstrcmpi(rgszOption[1], TEXT_OPT)) { lpPEnha->PfW386Flags2 |= fVidTextMd; lpPEnha->PfW386Flags2 &= ~(fVidLowRsGrfxMd | fVidHghRsGrfxMd); } else if (!lstrcmpi(rgszOption[1], LO_RES_GRAPH)) { lpPEnha->PfW386Flags2 |= fVidLowRsGrfxMd; lpPEnha->PfW386Flags2 &= ~(fVidTextMd | fVidHghRsGrfxMd); } else if (!lstrcmpi(rgszOption[1], HI_RES_GRAPH)) { lpPEnha->PfW386Flags2 |= fVidHghRsGrfxMd; lpPEnha->PfW386Flags2 &= ~(fVidLowRsGrfxMd | fVidTextMd); } break;
case DISP_OPT_PORTS: /* Reset bits that this case addresses. */ lpPEnha->PfW386Flags2 |= fVidNoTrpTxt | fVidNoTrpLRGrfx | fVidNoTrpHRGrfx;
while ((rgszVal = RgszFromSzListValue(rgszOption[1])) == (RGSZ)NULL) { if (!FHandleOOM(hwndFrame)) { EvalAssert(FFreeRgsz(rgszOption)); EvalAssert(FFreeRgsz(rgszEnhOptions)); return(fFalse); } }
i = 0; while ((szVal = rgszVal[i++]) != (SZ)NULL) {
if (!lstrcmpi(szVal, TEXT_OPT)) { lpPEnha->PfW386Flags2 &= ~fVidNoTrpTxt; }
else if (!lstrcmpi(szVal, LO_RES_GRAPH)) { lpPEnha->PfW386Flags2 &= ~fVidNoTrpLRGrfx; }
else if (!lstrcmpi(szVal, HI_RES_GRAPH)) { lpPEnha->PfW386Flags2 &= ~fVidNoTrpHRGrfx; } }
EvalAssert(FFreeRgsz(rgszVal)); break;
case DISP_OPT_FLAGS: /* Reset bits that this case addresses. */ lpPEnha->PfW386Flags2 &= ~(fVidTxtEmulate | fVidRetainAllo);
while ((rgszVal = RgszFromSzListValue(rgszOption[1])) == (RGSZ)NULL) { if (!FHandleOOM(hwndFrame)) { EvalAssert(FFreeRgsz(rgszOption)); EvalAssert(FFreeRgsz(rgszEnhOptions)); return(fFalse); } }
i = 0; while ((szVal = rgszVal[i++]) != (SZ)NULL) {
if (!lstrcmpi(szVal, EMULATE_TEXT_MODE)) { lpPEnha->PfW386Flags2 |= fVidTxtEmulate; } else if (!lstrcmpi(szVal, RETAIN_VIDEO_MEM)) { lpPEnha->PfW386Flags2 |= fVidRetainAllo; } }
EvalAssert(FFreeRgsz(rgszVal)); break;
case OTHER_OPTIONS: /* Reset bits that this case addresses. */ lpPEnha->PfW386Flags &= ~(fINT16Paste | fEnableClose | fALTTABdis | fALTESCdis | fCTRLESCdis | fPRTSCdis | fALTPRTSCdis | fALTSPACEdis | fALTENTERdis);
while ((rgszVal = RgszFromSzListValue(rgszOption[1])) == (RGSZ)NULL) { if (!FHandleOOM(hwndFrame)) { EvalAssert(FFreeRgsz(rgszOption)); EvalAssert(FFreeRgsz(rgszEnhOptions)); return (fFalse); } }
i = 0; while ((szVal = rgszVal[i++]) != (SZ)NULL) {
if (!lstrcmpi(szVal, ALLOW_FAST_PASTE)) lpPEnha->PfW386Flags |= fINT16Paste;
else if (!lstrcmpi(szVal, ALLOW_CLOSE_ACTIVE)) lpPEnha->PfW386Flags |= fEnableClose;
else if (!lstrcmpi(szVal, ALT_TAB)) lpPEnha->PfW386Flags |= fALTTABdis;
else if (!lstrcmpi(szVal, ALT_ESC)) lpPEnha->PfW386Flags |= fALTESCdis;
else if (!lstrcmpi(szVal, CTRL_ESC)) lpPEnha->PfW386Flags |= fCTRLESCdis;
else if (!lstrcmpi(szVal, PRSCRN)) lpPEnha->PfW386Flags |= fPRTSCdis;
else if (!lstrcmpi(szVal, ALT_PRSCRN)) lpPEnha->PfW386Flags |= fALTPRTSCdis;
else if (!lstrcmpi(szVal, ALT_SPACE)) lpPEnha->PfW386Flags |= fALTSPACEdis;
else if (!lstrcmpi(szVal, ALT_ENTER)) lpPEnha->PfW386Flags |= fALTENTERdis; } EvalAssert(FFreeRgsz(rgszVal)); break;
default: break; } EvalAssert(FFreeRgsz(rgszOption)); } EvalAssert(FFreeRgsz(rgszEnhOptions));
if (bNoTrpHRGrfx) { lpPEnha->PfW386Flags2 |= fVidNoTrpHRGrfx; }
return (fTrue); }
GetExtOption ------------
This procedure will return an ID which defines the string switch from the APPS.INF line which was passed in.
Modified by: Date: Comment:
PAK 11/2/90 Created
***************************************************************************/ INT GetExtOption( LPSTR lpsz ) { if (!lstrcmpi(lpsz, "params")) { return PARAMS; } else if (!lstrcmpi(lpsz, "minconvmem")) { return MINCONVMEM; } else if (!lstrcmpi(lpsz, "videomode")) { return VIDEOMODE; } else if (!lstrcmpi(lpsz, "xmsmem")) { return XMSMEM; } else if (!lstrcmpi(lpsz, "checkboxes")) { return CHECKBOXES; } else if (!lstrcmpi(lpsz, "emsmem")) { return EMSMEM; } else if (!lstrcmpi(lpsz, "convmem")) { return CONVMEM; } else if (!lstrcmpi(lpsz, "dispusage")) { return DISPLAY_USAGE; } else if (!lstrcmpi(lpsz, "execflags")) { return EXEC_FLAGS; } else if (!lstrcmpi(lpsz, "multaskopt")) { return MULTASK_OPT; } else if (!lstrcmpi(lpsz, "procmemflags")) { return PROC_MEM_FLAGS; } else if (!lstrcmpi(lpsz, "dispoptvideo")) { return DISP_OPT_VIDEO; } else if (!lstrcmpi(lpsz, "dispoptports")) { return DISP_OPT_PORTS; } else if (!lstrcmpi(lpsz, "dispflags")) { return DISP_OPT_FLAGS; } else if (!lstrcmpi(lpsz, "otheroptions")) { return OTHER_OPTIONS; } else { return UNKNOWN_OPTION; } }
FInitializePIFStructs --------------------
This procedure will allocate and initialize all PIF structures required to set up DOS applications.
Modified by: Date: Comment:
PAK 8/18/91 Created SUNILP 2/04/92 Modified to fit into Win32 GUI Setup
***************************************************************************/ BOOL FInitializePIFStructs( BOOL bIsEnhanced, SZ szDfltStdOpt, SZ szDfltEnhOpt ) { HDC hdc; BOOL bStatus;
/* Initialize for enhanced/standard mode pifs */
bIs386 = bIsEnhanced;
/* Allcate a BIG block to contain all necessary PIF structures. This
block will be freed during ExitProcessing */
cbAllPIF = bIs386 ? sizeof(PIF386Combined) : sizeof(PIF286Combined);
while ((lpAllPIF = SAlloc(cbAllPIF)) == NULL) { if (!FHandleOOM(hwndFrame)) { DestroyWindow(GetParent(hwndFrame)); return(fFalse); } } memset( lpAllPIF, 0, cbAllPIF );
if (bIs386) { lpDfltPIF = &(((LPPIF386Combined)lpAllPIF)->DfltPIF ); lpDfltStd = &(((LPPIF386Combined)lpAllPIF)->DfltStd ); lpDfltEnha = &(((LPPIF386Combined)lpAllPIF)->DfltEnha ); lpCurrPIF = &(((LPPIF386Combined)lpAllPIF)->CurrPIF ); lpStdExtHdr = &(((LPPIF386Combined)lpAllPIF)->StdExtHdr ); lpCurrStd = &(((LPPIF386Combined)lpAllPIF)->CurrStd ); lpEnhaExtHdr = &(((LPPIF386Combined)lpAllPIF)->EnhaExtHdr); lpCurrEnha = &(((LPPIF386Combined)lpAllPIF)->CurrEnha ); } else { lpDfltPIF = &(((LPPIF286Combined)lpAllPIF)->DfltPIF ); lpDfltStd = &(((LPPIF286Combined)lpAllPIF)->DfltStd ); lpCurrPIF = &(((LPPIF286Combined)lpAllPIF)->CurrPIF ); lpStdExtHdr = &(((LPPIF286Combined)lpAllPIF)->StdExtHdr ); lpCurrStd = &(((LPPIF286Combined)lpAllPIF)->CurrStd ); }
/* Intialize PIF structure headers, these will be used by all created
PIFs. */
lstrcpy(lpDfltPIF->stdpifext.extsig, STDHDRSIG); lpDfltPIF->stdpifext.extfileoffset = 0; lpDfltPIF->stdpifext.extsizebytes = sizeof(PACKED_PIFNEWSTRUCT) - sizeof(PIFEXTHEADER); lpDfltPIF->stdpifext.extnxthdrfloff = sizeof(PACKED_PIFNEWSTRUCT);
lstrcpy(lpStdExtHdr->extsig, W286HDRSIG30); lpStdExtHdr->extfileoffset = sizeof(PACKED_PIFNEWSTRUCT) + sizeof(PIFEXTHEADER); lpStdExtHdr->extsizebytes = sizeof(PIF286EXT30);
if (!bIs386) { lpStdExtHdr->extnxthdrfloff = LASTHEADERPTR; } else { lpStdExtHdr->extnxthdrfloff = sizeof(PACKED_PIFNEWSTRUCT) + sizeof(PIFEXTHEADER) + sizeof(PIF286EXT30);
lpEnhaExtHdr->extfileoffset = sizeof(PACKED_PIFNEWSTRUCT) + sizeof(PIFEXTHEADER) + sizeof(PIF286EXT30) + sizeof(PIFEXTHEADER);
lstrcpy(lpEnhaExtHdr->extsig, W386HDRSIG); lpEnhaExtHdr->extsizebytes = sizeof(PIF386EXT); lpEnhaExtHdr->extnxthdrfloff = LASTHEADERPTR; }
/* Initialize values that will never change and are probably obsolete.
These values cannot be changed by the PIF editor, but probably have some historical significance. */
lpDfltPIF->maxmem = 640; lpDfltPIF->screen = 0x7f; lpDfltPIF->cPages = 1; lpDfltPIF->highVector = 0xff; lpDfltPIF->rows = 25; lpDfltPIF->cols = 80;
/* Set default standard and enhanced mode PIF settings from the
appropriate default sections contained in APPS.INF. */
bStatus = FProcessStdModeInfo(szDfltStdOpt, lpDfltPIF, lpDfltStd); if (!bStatus) { return (fFalse); }
if (bIs386) { bStatus = FProcessEnhaModeInfo(szDfltEnhOpt, lpDfltEnha); if (!bStatus) { return (fFalse); } }
/* Special case hack for VGA & 8514:
- Always disable hires graphics trapping
This is code from 3.0. This code means that if APPS.INF contains an entry that enables Hires graphics trapping, this portion of code will set a flag that will cause it to be disabled if a VGA or 8514 are present. */
hdc = GetDC(NULL); if ( GetDeviceCaps(hdc,VERTRES) == 350 ) { bNoTrpHRGrfx = fFalse; }
ReleaseDC(NULL,hdc); return (fTrue); }
FreePIFstructs --------------
This procedure will allocate and initialize all PIF structures required to set up DOS applications.
Modified by: Date: Comment:
PAK 8/18/91 Created SUNILP 2/04/92 Modified to fit into Win32 GUI Setup
***************************************************************************/ VOID FreePIFStructs( VOID ) { if (lpAllPIF) {
SFree(lpAllPIF); //
// Reset all the pointers to this global memory to NULL
cbAllPIF = 0; lpAllPIF = NULL; lpDfltPIF = NULL; lpCurrPIF = NULL; lpStdExtHdr = NULL; lpDfltStd = NULL; lpCurrStd = NULL; lpEnhaExtHdr = NULL; lpDfltEnha = NULL; lpCurrEnha = NULL; }
ExtractStrFromPIF -----------------
This procedure will remove trailing spaces from a descritpion string. It is needed because PIFs created with the PIF editor have their description string padded with spaces (' ').
Modified by: Date: Comment:
PAK 8/6/91 Created SUNILP 2/4/92 Modified to remove DBCS.
***************************************************************************/ VOID ExtractStrFromPIF( LPSTR lpsz, int n ) { int i = 0; int iSpace = 0; BOOL bSpaceFound = fFalse;
while ((i < n) && (lpsz[i] != '\0')) { if (lpsz[i] == ' ') { if (!bSpaceFound) { bSpaceFound = fTrue; iSpace = i; } } else { bSpaceFound = fFalse; }
i++; }
if (bSpaceFound) { lpsz[iSpace] = '\0'; } else { lpsz[i] = '\0'; }
return; }
FInstallDOSPifs ---------------
This is the main install routine which handles dos app installation. The routine:
1. Initialises PIF Structs with the defaults given
2. Processes a DOS App list trying to create PIF For the app and adding an item to the progman group for the app.
3. Creating some base pifs. (NOT IMPLEMENTED)
4. Cleaning up after everything is done.
1. szAppList: This is a list of all the app entries to be set up. 2. szWinMode: ENHANCED | STANDARD 3. szDefltStdValues: The defaults for standard mode options 4. szDefltEnhValues: The defaults for enhanced mode options 5. szPifDir: The directory for creating PIFs (e.g. d:\nt\) 6. szGroup: The progman group which is to receive all the DOS App items.
EXIT: BOOL: fTrue if successful
Modified by: Date: Comment:
SUNILP 2/5/92 Created.
***************************************************************************/ BOOL APIENTRY FInstallDOSPifs( SZ szAppList, SZ szWinMode, SZ szDefltStdValues, SZ szDefltEnhValues, SZ szPifDir, SZ szGroup ) {
BOOL bIsEnhanced, bStatus; RGSZ rgszGroupList, rgszAppList, rgszApp; PSZ pszAppList; SZ szApp; INT nGroupFromList = 0;
// Since the "Applications" group may be full the szGroup is actually
// a list of possible group names including "Applications". We should
// try alternate group names in case the current one fails.
while ((rgszGroupList = RgszFromSzListValue(szGroup)) == (RGSZ)NULL) { if (!FHandleOOM(hwndFrame)) { return(fFalse); } }
Assert (rgszGroupList[nGroupFromList] != NULL);
// See Windows Mode we are operating in
bIsEnhanced = !lstrcmpi((LPSTR)szWinMode, (LPSTR)MODE_ENHANCED);
bStatus = FInitializePIFStructs( bIsEnhanced, szDefltStdValues, szDefltEnhValues );
if (!bStatus) { EvalAssert(FFreeRgsz(rgszGroupList)); FreePIFStructs(); return fFalse; }
// Process App List.
while ((pszAppList = rgszAppList = RgszFromSzListValue(szAppList)) == (RGSZ)NULL) { if (!FHandleOOM(hwndFrame)) { EvalAssert(FFreeRgsz(rgszGroupList)); FreePIFStructs(); return(fFalse); } }
while ((szApp = *pszAppList++) != (SZ)NULL) { while ((rgszApp = RgszFromSzListValue(szApp)) == (RGSZ)NULL) { if (!FHandleOOM(hwndFrame)) { EvalAssert(FFreeRgsz(rgszGroupList)); EvalAssert(FFreeRgsz(rgszAppList)); FreePIFStructs(); return(fFalse); } }
// Check the app type, whether it is a win16/win32 or dos app
if ( (CrcStringCompareI(rgszApp[nEXETYPE], EXE_WIN16_SZ) == crcEqual) || (CrcStringCompareI(rgszApp[nEXETYPE], EXE_WIN32_SZ) == crcEqual) ) { while ((rc = AddWinItem( rgszApp, rgszGroupList[nGroupFromList] )) != ADDAPP_SUCCESS) { if ( rc == ADDAPP_GRPFAIL && rgszGroupList[++nGroupFromList] != NULL ) { } else { bStatus = fFalse; break; } } } else if (CrcStringCompareI(rgszApp[nEXETYPE], EXE_DOS_SZ) == crcEqual) { while ((rc = AddDosAppItem( rgszApp, szPifDir, rgszGroupList[nGroupFromList] )) != ADDAPP_SUCCESS) {
if ( rc == ADDAPP_GRPFAIL && rgszGroupList[++nGroupFromList] != NULL ) { } else { bStatus = fFalse; break; } }
if (!bStatus) { break; } }
// Minimize application groups, just in case one of them
// has overlaid a main group.
if(bStatus) {
INT i; CHAR min[10];
for(i=0; i<=nGroupFromList; i++) {
FShowProgManGroup( rgszGroupList[i], min, cmoNone, TRUE ); } }
// Clean Up
EvalAssert(FFreeRgsz(rgszGroupList)); EvalAssert(FFreeRgsz(rgszAppList));
return(bStatus); }