#include "precomp.h"
#pragma hdrstop
Copyright (c) 1991 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This contains all the service controller functions.
Sunil Pai (sunilp) December 1992
// Private function prototypes.
VOID AddServiceToModifiedServiceList( IN LPSTR ServiceName );
BOOL TestAdminWorker( ) /*++
Routine Description:
Tests for admin privileges by opening the service control manager with read/write/execute access. Note that this is not a conclusive test that setup can do whatever it wants. There may still be operations which fail for lack of security privilege.
Return value:
Returns TRUE always. ReturnTextBuffer has "YES" if the current process has administrative privileges, "NO" otherwise.
--*/ { SC_HANDLE hSC;
if( hSC != NULL ) { SetReturnText( "YES" ); CloseServiceHandle( hSC ); } else { SetReturnText( "NO" ); }
return( TRUE ); }
BOOL SetupCreateServiceWorker( LPSTR lpServiceName, LPSTR lpDisplayName, DWORD dwServiceType, DWORD dwStartType, DWORD dwErrorControl, LPSTR lpBinaryPathName, LPSTR lpLoadOrderGroup, LPSTR lpDependencies, LPSTR lpServiceStartName, LPSTR lpPassword ) /*++
Routine Description:
Setupdll stub for calling CreateService. If CreateService fails with the error code indicating that the service already exists, this routine calls the Setupdll stub for ChangeServiceConfig to ensure that the parameters passed in are reflected in the services database.
lpServiceName - Name of service
lpDisplayName - Localizable name of Service or ""
dwServiceType - Service type, e.g. SERVICE_KERNEL_DRIVER
dwStartType - Service Start value, e.g. SERVICE_BOOT_START
dwErrorControl - Error control value, e.g. SERVICE_ERROR_NORMAL
lpBinaryPathName - Full Path of the binary image containing service
lpLoadOrderGroup - Group name for load ordering or ""
lpDependencies - Multisz string having dependencies. Any dependency component having + as the first character is a group dependency. The others are service dependencies.
lpServiceStartName - Service Start name ( account name in which this service is run ).
lpPassword - Password used for starting the service.
Return value:
Returns TRUE if successful. FALSE otherwise.
if TRUE then ReturnTextBuffer has "SUCCESS" else it has the error text to be displayed by the caller.
--*/ { SC_HANDLE hSC; SC_HANDLE hSCService; DWORD dwTag, dw; BOOL Status = TRUE;
// Open a handle to the service controller manager
if( hSC == NULL ) { Status = FALSE; dw = GetLastError(); KdPrint(("SETUPDLL: OpenSCManager Last Error Code: %x", dw)); switch( dw ) { case ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED: SetErrorText( IDS_ERROR_PRIVILEGE ); break;
case ERROR_DATABASE_DOES_NOT_EXIST: case ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER: default: SetErrorText( IDS_ERROR_SCOPEN ); break; } return( Status ); }
// Create the service using the parameters passed in. Process the optional
// "" parameters passed in and make them NULL.
hSCService = CreateService( hSC, lpServiceName, lstrcmpi(lpDisplayName, "") ? lpDisplayName : NULL, 0, dwServiceType, dwStartType, dwErrorControl, lpBinaryPathName, lstrcmpi(lpLoadOrderGroup, "") ? lpLoadOrderGroup : NULL, lstrcmpi(lpLoadOrderGroup, "") ? &dwTag : NULL, lpDependencies, lstrcmpi(lpServiceStartName, "") ? lpServiceStartName : NULL, lstrcmpi(lpPassword, "") ? lpPassword : NULL );
// If we were unable to create the service, check if the service already
// exists in which case all we need to do is change the configuration
// parameters in the service. If it is any other error return the error
// to the inf
if( hSCService != NULL ) {
// Note that we won't do anything with the tag. The person calling
// this function will have to do something intelligently with the
// tag. Most of our services have tag values stored in the inf which
// we will directly plop down into the registry entry created. Since
// tags are not important for this boot, the fact that the service
// controller has some tag and the registry entry may have a different
// tag is not important.
CloseServiceHandle( hSCService );
// Log this service name in our 'modified services' list.
SetReturnText( "SUCCESS" ); Status = TRUE;
} else {
dw = GetLastError();
Status = SetupChangeServiceConfigWorker( lpServiceName, dwServiceType, dwStartType, dwErrorControl, lpBinaryPathName, lpLoadOrderGroup, lpDependencies, lpServiceStartName, lpPassword, lpDisplayName );
} else {
KdPrint(("SETUPDLL: CreateService Last Error Code: %x", dw)); //
// process error returned
switch( dw ) { case ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED: SetErrorText( IDS_ERROR_PRIVILEGE ); break;
Status = FALSE; } }
CloseServiceHandle( hSC ); return( Status ); }
BOOL SetupChangeServiceStartWorker( LPSTR lpServiceName, DWORD dwStartType )
Routine Description:
Routine to change the start value of a service. This turns around and calls the setupdll stub to ChangeServiceConfig.
lpServiceName - Name of service
dwStartType - Service Start value, e.g. SERVICE_BOOT_START
Return value:
Returns TRUE if successful. FALSE otherwise.
if TRUE then ReturnTextBuffer has "SUCCESS" else it has the error text to be displayed by the caller.
--*/ { return( SetupChangeServiceConfigWorker( lpServiceName, SERVICE_NO_CHANGE, dwStartType, SERVICE_NO_CHANGE, "", "", NULL, "", "", "" )); }
BOOL SetupChangeServiceConfigWorker( LPSTR lpServiceName, DWORD dwServiceType, DWORD dwStartType, DWORD dwErrorControl, LPSTR lpBinaryPathName, LPSTR lpLoadOrderGroup, LPSTR lpDependencies, LPSTR lpServiceStartName, LPSTR lpPassword, LPSTR lpDisplayName )
Routine Description:
Setupdll stub for ChangeServiceConfig.
lpServiceName - Name of service
dwServiceType - Service type, e.g. SERVICE_KERNEL_DRIVER
dwStartType - Service Start value, e.g. SERVICE_BOOT_START
dwErrorControl - Error control value, e.g. SERVICE_ERROR_NORMAL
lpBinaryPathName - Full Path of the binary image containing service
lpLoadOrderGroup - Group name for load ordering or ""
lpDependencies - Multisz string having dependencies. Any dependency component having + as the first character is a group dependency. The others are service dependencies.
lpServiceStartName - Service Start name ( account name in which this service is run ).
lpPassword - Password used for starting the service.
lpDisplayName - Localizable name of Service or ""
Return value:
Returns TRUE if successful. FALSE otherwise.
if TRUE then ReturnTextBuffer has "SUCCESS" else it has the error text to be displayed by the caller.
{ SC_LOCK sclLock; SC_HANDLE hSC; SC_HANDLE hSCService; DWORD dw; BOOL Status = TRUE;
// Open a handle to the service controller manager
if( hSC == NULL ) { Status = FALSE; dw = GetLastError(); KdPrint(("SETUPDLL: OpenSCManager Last Error Code: %x", dw)); switch( dw ) { case ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED: SetErrorText( IDS_ERROR_PRIVILEGE ); break; case ERROR_DATABASE_DOES_NOT_EXIST: case ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER: default: SetErrorText( IDS_ERROR_SCOPEN ); break; } return( Status ); }
// Try to lock the database, if possible. if we are not able to lock
// the database we will still modify the services entry. this is because
// we are just modifying a single service and chances are very low that
// anybody else is manipulating the same entry at the same time.
sclLock = LockServiceDatabase( hSC );
// Open the service with SERVICE_CHANGE_CONFIG access
hSCService = OpenService( hSC, lpServiceName, SERVICE_CHANGE_CONFIG );
if( hSCService != NULL ) {
if( ChangeServiceConfig( hSCService, dwServiceType, dwStartType, dwErrorControl, lstrcmpi(lpBinaryPathName, "") ? lpBinaryPathName : NULL, lstrcmpi(lpLoadOrderGroup, "") ? lpLoadOrderGroup : NULL, NULL, lpDependencies, lstrcmpi(lpServiceStartName, "") ? lpServiceStartName : NULL, lstrcmpi(lpPassword, "") ? lpPassword : NULL, lstrcmpi(lpDisplayName, "") ? lpDisplayName : NULL )) { //
// Log this service name in our 'modified services' list.
SetReturnText("SUCCESS"); } else { dw = GetLastError(); KdPrint(("SETUPDLL: ChangeServiceConfig Last Error Code: %x", dw)); switch( dw ) { case ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED: SetErrorText( IDS_ERROR_PRIVILEGE ); break;
CloseServiceHandle( hSCService ); } else { dw = GetLastError(); KdPrint(("SETUPDLL: OpenService Last Error Code: %x", dw)); switch( dw ) { case ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED: SetErrorText( IDS_ERROR_PRIVILEGE ); break;
// Unlock the database if locked and then close the service controller
// handle
if( sclLock != NULL ) { UnlockServiceDatabase( sclLock ); }
CloseServiceHandle( hSC ); return( Status );
LPSTR ProcessDependencyList( LPSTR lpDependenciesList )
Routine Description:
This processes an LPSTR containing a list of dependencies {...} and converts it into a MULTI_SZ string.
lpDependenciesList - List of dependencies. {blah, blah, ... }
Return value:
Returns LPSTR containing a MULTI_SZ string which has the dependencies. NULL otherwise. Caller should free the string after use.
{ LPSTR lp = NULL; RGSZ rgsz; PSZ psz; SZ sz;
if ( !lstrcmpi( lpDependenciesList, "" ) ) { return( lp ); }
rgsz = RgszFromSzListValue( lpDependenciesList ); if( rgsz ) {
// process GROUP_IDENTIFIER character
psz = rgsz; while( sz = *psz++ ) { if( *sz == '\\' ) { *sz = SC_GROUP_IDENTIFIER; } }
// Convert the rgsz into a multi sz
lp = RgszToMultiSz( rgsz ); RgszFree( rgsz ); } return ( lp );
DWORD LegacyInfGetModifiedSvcList( IN LPSTR SvcNameBuffer, IN UINT SvcNameBufferSize, OUT PUINT RequiredSize ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine is provided solely for use by the Device Installer APIs to be used immediately after installing a device via a legacy INF (i.e., using LegacyInfInterpret). The Device Installer sets a variable, LEGACY_DODEVINSTALL, that causes the service modifications to be logged (the service names are written to a global multi-sz buffer). If the legacy INF runs successfully, then the Device Installer calls this API to retrieve the list of services that were modified. Upon successful completion of this call (i.e., the caller supplies us with a large enough buffer), we will free our list, and subsequent calls will return ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS.
SvcNameBuffer - Supplies the address of the character buffer that will receive the list of service names. If this parameter is NULL, then SvcNameBufferSize must be zero, and the call will fail with ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER if there is a list to retrieve.
SvcNameBufferSize - Supplies the size, in characters, of SvcNameBuffer.
RequiredSize - Supplies the address of a variable that receives the size, in characters, required to store the service name list.
Return Value:
If the function succeeds (i.e., there's a list to return, and the caller's buffer was big enough to hold it), the return value is NO_ERROR.
If the function fails, the return value will be one of the following error codes:
ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS : Either no services were modified during this INF run, or the list has already been successfully retrieved via this API.
ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER : The caller-supplied buffer was not large enough to hold the service name list. In this case, 'RequiredSize' will contain the necessary buffer size upon return.
--*/ { //
// If we don't have a service name list, then there's nothing to do.
if(!ServicesModified) { return ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS; }
*RequiredSize = ServicesModifiedSize;
if(ServicesModifiedSize > SvcNameBufferSize) { return ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER; }
// OK, the caller's buffer is large enough to hold our list. Store the list in their
// buffer, and get rid of ours.
CopyMemory(SvcNameBuffer, ServicesModified, ServicesModifiedSize * sizeof(CHAR) );
SFree(ServicesModified); ServicesModified = NULL; ServicesModifiedSize = 0;
return NO_ERROR; }
VOID AddServiceToModifiedServiceList( IN LPSTR ServiceName ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine adds the specified service name to our global 'modified services' list, if it's not already in the list.
This is only done if the global variable, !LEGACY_DODEVINSTALL, is set.
ServiceName - Specifies the service name to be added to the list.
Return Value:
--*/ { LPSTR CurSvcName, TempPtr; DWORD ServiceNameLen, NewBufferSize;
// First, check to make sure that we're supposed to be logging service modifications.
if(!(TempPtr = SzFindSymbolValueInSymTab("!LEGACY_DODEVINSTALL")) || lstrcmp(TempPtr, "YES")) { //
// Then we weren't invoked by the Device Installer, so no logging should be done.
return; }
// Now, search through the existing list to see if this service name is already
// present.
if(ServicesModified) {
for(CurSvcName = ServicesModified; *CurSvcName; CurSvcName += lstrlen(CurSvcName) + 1) {
if(!lstrcmpi(ServiceName, CurSvcName)) { //
// The service is already in the list--nothing to do.
return; } } }
// The service wasn't already in the list. Allocate/grow the buffer to accommodate
// this new name.
ServiceNameLen = lstrlen(ServiceName); if(ServicesModified) {
TempPtr = SRealloc(ServicesModified, (NewBufferSize = ServicesModifiedSize + ServiceNameLen + 1) * sizeof(CHAR) );
if(TempPtr) { ServicesModified = TempPtr; lstrcpy(&(ServicesModified[ServicesModifiedSize-1]), ServiceName); ServicesModifiedSize = NewBufferSize; //
// Now add extra terminating NULL at the end.
ServicesModified[ServicesModifiedSize-1] = '\0'; }
} else { if(ServicesModified = SAlloc((NewBufferSize = ServiceNameLen + 2) * sizeof(CHAR))) {
ServicesModifiedSize = NewBufferSize;
lstrcpy(ServicesModified, ServiceName); //
// Now add extra terminating NULL at the end.
ServicesModified[ServiceNameLen+1] = '\0'; } } }