#include "precomp.h"
#pragma hdrstop
Copyright (c) 1991 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This file continas the entrypoints for the Win32 Setup support DLL and common subroutines.
Ted Miller (tedm) July 1991
BOOL FForceDeleteFile( LPSTR szPath );
#ifdef CONTIG
// arg0 = drive (only first letter is signifiacnt)
// arg1 = file
BOOL MakeFileContiguous( IN DWORD cArgs, IN LPSTR Args[], OUT LPSTR *TextOut ) { char ActualDrive[4]; char ActualFile[13];
*TextOut = ReturnTextBuffer; if(cArgs != 2) { SetErrorText(IDS_ERROR_BADARGS); return(FALSE); }
ActualDrive[0] = *Args[0]; ActualDrive[1] = ':'; ActualDrive[2] = '\\'; ActualDrive[3] = '\0';
memset(ActualFile,0,13); strncpy(ActualFile,Args[1],12);
*ReturnTextBuffer = '\0';
return(MakeContigWorker(ActualDrive,ActualFile)); } #endif
#if 0
// arg0 = drive -- must be 'x:\'
// arg1 = filesystem ("FAT" or "HPFS")
// arg2 = file containing boot code
// arg3 = file for saving current boot sector
BOOL LayBootCode( IN DWORD cArgs, IN LPSTR Args[], OUT LPSTR *TextOut ) { *TextOut = ReturnTextBuffer; if(cArgs != 4) { SetErrorText(IDS_ERROR_BADARGS); return(FALSE); }
*ReturnTextBuffer = '\0';
return(LayBootCodeWorker(Args[0],Args[1],Args[2],Args[3])); } #endif
// arg1 = Value to be set.
BOOL SetNVRAMVar( IN DWORD cArgs, IN LPSTR Args[], OUT LPSTR *TextOut ) { *TextOut = ReturnTextBuffer; if(cArgs != 2) { SetErrorText(IDS_ERROR_BADARGS); return(FALSE); }
*ReturnTextBuffer = '\0';
return(SetEnvironmentString(Args[0], Args[1])); }
// arg0: fully qualified dos path
BOOL DosPathToNtPath( IN DWORD cArgs, IN LPSTR Args[], OUT LPSTR *TextOut ) { CHAR NtPath[MAX_PATH];
*TextOut = ReturnTextBuffer; if(cArgs != 1) { SetErrorText(IDS_ERROR_BADARGS); return(FALSE); }
if (!DosPathToNtPathWorker(*Args, NtPath)) { return (FALSE); }
lstrcpy(ReturnTextBuffer, NtPath);
return(TRUE); }
// arg0: fully qualified dos path
BOOL NtPathToDosPath( IN DWORD cArgs, IN LPSTR Args[], OUT LPSTR *TextOut ) { CHAR DosPath[MAX_PATH];
*TextOut = ReturnTextBuffer; if(cArgs != 1) { SetErrorText(IDS_ERROR_BADARGS); return(FALSE); }
if (!NtPathToDosPathWorker(*Args, DosPath)) { return (FALSE); }
lstrcpy(ReturnTextBuffer, DosPath);
return(TRUE); }
// arg0: fully qualified dos path
BOOL DosPathToArcPath( IN DWORD cArgs, IN LPSTR Args[], OUT LPSTR *TextOut ) { CHAR ArcPath[MAX_PATH];
*TextOut = ReturnTextBuffer; if(cArgs != 1) { SetErrorText(IDS_ERROR_BADARGS); return(FALSE); }
if (!DosPathToArcPathWorker(*Args, ArcPath)) { return (FALSE); }
lstrcpy(ReturnTextBuffer, ArcPath);
return(TRUE); }
#if 0
// Change scsi(x) to scsi() because there is only ever one miniport
// driver loaded into ntldr.
// arg0: arc path to change.
BOOL FixArcPathForBootIni( IN DWORD cArgs, IN LPSTR Args[], OUT LPSTR *TextOut ) { PCHAR p,q;
*TextOut = ReturnTextBuffer; if(cArgs != 1) { SetErrorText(IDS_ERROR_BADARGS); return(FALSE); }
lstrcpy(ReturnTextBuffer,Args[0]); _strlwr(ReturnTextBuffer);
if(p = strstr(ReturnTextBuffer,"scsi(")) {
p += 5; // p points to next char after scsi(
if(q = strchr(p,')')) {
memmove(p,q,lstrlen(q)+1); } }
return(TRUE); } #endif
// arg0 = fully qualified arc path
BOOL ArcPathToDosPath( IN DWORD cArgs, IN LPSTR Args[], OUT LPSTR *TextOut ) { CHAR DosName[MAX_PATH];
*TextOut = ReturnTextBuffer; if(cArgs != 1) { SetErrorText(IDS_ERROR_BADARGS); return(FALSE); }
if (!ArcPathToDosPathWorker(*Args, DosName)) { return (FALSE); }
lstrcpy(ReturnTextBuffer, DosName);
return(TRUE); }
// arg[0] Drive (X:)
BOOL CheckDriveExternal( IN DWORD cArgs, IN LPSTR Args[], OUT LPSTR *TextOut ) { BOOL IsExternal;
*TextOut = ReturnTextBuffer; if(cArgs != 1) { SetErrorText(IDS_ERROR_BADARGS); return(FALSE); }
if (!IsDriveExternalScsi(*Args, &IsExternal)) { return(FALSE); }
lstrcpy(ReturnTextBuffer, IsExternal ? "YES" : "NO");
return(TRUE); }
// arg0 = filename
// arg2n+1 = original text string #n (n is 0-based)
// arg2n+2 = substitute text string #n (n is 0-based)
BOOL ConfigFileSubst( IN DWORD cArgs, IN LPSTR Args[], OUT LPSTR *TextOut ) { *TextOut = ReturnTextBuffer; if((!(cArgs % 2)) || (cArgs == 1)) { SetErrorText(IDS_ERROR_BADARGS); // if cArgs is even
return(FALSE); }
*ReturnTextBuffer = '\0';
return(ConfigFileSubstWorker(Args[0],(cArgs-1)/2,&Args[1])); }
// arg0 = filename
// arg2n+1 = original text string #n (n is 0-based)
// arg2n+2 = substitute text string #n (n is 0-based)
BOOL BinaryFileSubst( IN DWORD cArgs, IN LPSTR Args[], OUT LPSTR *TextOut ) { *TextOut = ReturnTextBuffer; if((!(cArgs % 2)) || (cArgs == 1)) { SetErrorText(IDS_ERROR_BADARGS); // if cArgs is even
return(FALSE); }
*ReturnTextBuffer = '\0';
return(BinaryFileSubstWorker(Args[0],(cArgs-1)/2,&Args[1])); }
// arg0 = filename
// argn = append text string #n (n >= 1)
BOOL ConfigFileAppend( IN DWORD cArgs, IN LPSTR Args[], OUT LPSTR *TextOut ) { *TextOut = ReturnTextBuffer; if(cArgs == 1) { SetErrorText(IDS_ERROR_BADARGS); return(FALSE); }
*ReturnTextBuffer = '\0';
return(ConfigFileAppendWorker(Args[0],cArgs-1,&Args[1])); }
// arg0 = filename
BOOL DelFile( IN DWORD cArgs, IN LPSTR Args[], OUT LPSTR *TextOut ) { OFSTRUCT ReOpen; BOOL b;
*TextOut = ReturnTextBuffer; if(cArgs != 1) { SetErrorText(IDS_ERROR_BADARGS); return(FALSE); }
*ReturnTextBuffer = '\0';
// If file doesn't exist then return true
if ( OpenFile(Args[0],&ReOpen,OF_EXIST) == -1 ) { SetReturnText("SUCCESS"); return( TRUE ); }
// Try to delete the file or force delete the file
if(b = SetFileAttributes(Args[0],FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL)) { b = DeleteFile(Args[0]); } if(!b) { if(FForceDeleteFile(Args[0])) { b = DeleteFile(Args[0]); } }
SetReturnText(b ? "SUCCESS" : "FAILED");
return( TRUE ); }
// arg0 = old filename
// arg1 = new filename
BOOL RenFile( IN DWORD cArgs, IN LPSTR Args[], OUT LPSTR *TextOut ) {
*TextOut = ReturnTextBuffer; if(cArgs != 2) { SetErrorText(IDS_ERROR_BADARGS); return(FALSE); }
*ReturnTextBuffer = '\0';
return(MoveFile(Args[0],Args[1])); }
// arg0 = source filename
// arg1 = destination filename
BOOL CopySingleFile( IN DWORD cArgs, IN LPSTR Args[], OUT LPSTR *TextOut ) { BOOL bStatus;
*TextOut = ReturnTextBuffer; if(cArgs != 2) { SetErrorText(IDS_ERROR_BADARGS); return(FALSE); }
*ReturnTextBuffer = '\0';
bStatus = CopyFile( Args[0], Args[1], FALSE ); if (!bStatus) { SetErrorText(IDS_ERROR_COPYFILE); } return (bStatus);
// arg0 = list
BOOL SumListItems( IN DWORD cArgs, IN LPSTR Args[], OUT LPSTR *TextOut ) { LPSTR n,p; UINT Sum,Number;
*TextOut = ReturnTextBuffer; if(cArgs != 1) { SetErrorText(IDS_ERROR_BADARGS); return(FALSE); }
Sum = 0;
p = Args[0]; n = CharNext(p);
while(n-p) { // else *p was 0
if(n-p == 1) { // single byte char
Number = 0;
while((n-p == 1) && (*p >= '0') && (*p <= '9')) {
Number = 10*Number + (UINT)(UCHAR)*p - (UINT)(UCHAR)'0'; p = n; n = CharNext(p); } Sum += Number; } p = n; n = CharNext(p); } wsprintf(ReturnTextBuffer,"%d",Sum); return(TRUE); }
// arg0 = YES for Reboot after Shutdown, NO for no Reboot.
BOOL ShutdownSystem( IN DWORD cArgs, IN LPSTR Args[], OUT LPSTR *TextOut ) { BOOL Reboot, Status; LONG Privilege = SE_SHUTDOWN_PRIVILEGE; TOKEN_PRIVILEGES PrevState; ULONG ReturnLength = sizeof( TOKEN_PRIVILEGES );
*TextOut = ReturnTextBuffer; if(cArgs != 1) { SetErrorText(IDS_ERROR_BADARGS); // if reboot indication not given
return(FALSE); }
*ReturnTextBuffer = '\0';
if (!lstrcmpi(Args[0], "YES")) Reboot = TRUE; else if (!lstrcmpi(Args[0], "NO")) Reboot = FALSE; else return(FALSE);
// Enable the shutdown privilege
if ( !AdjustPrivilege( Privilege, ENABLE_PRIVILEGE, &PrevState, &ReturnLength ) ) {
SetErrorText( IDS_ERROR_PRIVILEGE ); return( FALSE ); }
Status = ShutdownSystemWorker(Reboot); RestorePrivilege( &PrevState ); if( !Status ) { SetErrorText( IDS_ERROR_SHUTDOWN ); } return( Status );
// arg0 = string to check
BOOL WhiteSpaceCheck( IN DWORD cArgs, IN LPSTR Args[], OUT LPSTR *TextOut ) { LPSTR p; BOOL WhiteSpace;
*TextOut = ReturnTextBuffer; if(cArgs != 1) { SetErrorText(IDS_ERROR_BADARGS); return(FALSE); }
for(WhiteSpace = FALSE, p = *Args; *p && !WhiteSpace; p++) {
if(isspace((unsigned char)(*p))) { WhiteSpace = TRUE; } }
lstrcpy(ReturnTextBuffer,WhiteSpace ? "YES" : "NO");
return(TRUE); }
// arg0 = string to check
BOOL NetNameCheck( IN DWORD cArgs, IN LPSTR Args[], OUT LPSTR *TextOut ) { DWORD len = lstrlen(Args[0]);
#define CTRL_CHARS_0 TEXT( "\001\002\003\004\005\006\007")
#define CTRL_CHARS_1 TEXT("\010\011\012\013\014\015\016\017")
#define CTRL_CHARS_2 TEXT("\020\021\022\023\024\025\026\027")
#define CTRL_CHARS_3 TEXT("\030\031\032\033\034\035\036\037")
#define ILLEGAL_NAME_CHARS_STR TEXT("\"/\\[]:|<>+=;,?*") CTRL_CHARS_STR
*TextOut = ReturnTextBuffer; if(cArgs != 1) { SetErrorText(IDS_ERROR_BADARGS); return(FALSE); }
// Leading/trailing spaces are invalid.
lstrcpy(ReturnTextBuffer, ( (Args[0][0] != ' ') && (Args[0][len-1] != ' ') && (_mbscspn(Args[0],ILLEGAL_NAME_CHARS_STR) == _mbstrlen(Args[0])) ) ? "YES" : "NO" );
return(TRUE); }
// arg0 = file to check for (may be a directory)
BOOL CheckFileExistance( IN DWORD cArgs, IN LPSTR Args[], OUT LPSTR *TextOut ) { DWORD d;
*TextOut = ReturnTextBuffer; if(cArgs != 1) { SetErrorText(IDS_ERROR_BADARGS); return(FALSE); }
d = GetFileAttributes(*Args);
lstrcpy(ReturnTextBuffer,(d == (DWORD)(-1)) ? "NO" : "YES");
return(TRUE); }
// arg0 = config file to check. This returns if it is a DOS config
// or not.
BOOL CheckConfigType( IN DWORD cArgs, IN LPSTR Args[], OUT LPSTR *TextOut ) { *TextOut = ReturnTextBuffer; if(cArgs != 1) { SetErrorText(IDS_ERROR_BADARGS); return(FALSE); }
lstrcpy(ReturnTextBuffer, CheckConfigTypeWorker( Args[0] ) ? "DOS" : "OS2"); return ( TRUE ); }
// Create config.nt [and possibly autoexec.nt] for the Dos subsystem
// Args[0]: Add on block for config.nt
// Args[1]: Add on block for autoexec.nt
BOOL VdmFixup( IN DWORD cArgs, IN LPSTR Args[], OUT LPSTR *TextOut ) { *TextOut = ReturnTextBuffer; if(cArgs != 2) { SetErrorText(IDS_ERROR_BADARGS); return(FALSE); } *ReturnTextBuffer = '\0';
return( VdmFixupWorker( Args[0], Args[1]) ); }
// arg0 = Remote name
// arg1 = Password
// arg2 = Local Name
BOOL AddNetConnection( IN DWORD cArgs, IN LPSTR Args[], OUT LPSTR *TextOut ) { SZ szPassword = NULL;
*TextOut = ReturnTextBuffer; if(cArgs < 2) { SetErrorText(IDS_ERROR_BADARGS); return(FALSE); }
if(cArgs >= 3) { szPassword = Args[2]; }
return ( AddNetConnectionWorker( Args[0], szPassword, Args[1] ) );
// Arg[0]: Local Name
// Arg[1]: Force closure -- "TRUE" | "FALSE"
BOOL DeleteNetConnection( IN DWORD cArgs, IN LPSTR Args[], OUT LPSTR *TextOut ) { *TextOut = ReturnTextBuffer; if(cArgs != 2) { SetErrorText(IDS_ERROR_BADARGS); return(FALSE); } DeleteNetConnectionWorker( Args[0], Args[1] ); return( TRUE ); }
// Args[0]: Printer Model (eg QMS ..)
// Args[1]: Printer Environment (eg w32x86)
// Args[2]: Printer Driver (eg pscript.dll)
// Args[3]: Printer Datafile (eg QMS810.PPD)
// Args[4]: Printer Configfile (eg PSCRPTUI.DLL)
BOOL SetupAddPrinterDriver( IN DWORD cArgs, IN LPSTR Args[], OUT LPSTR *TextOut ) { SZ Server = NULL;
*TextOut = ReturnTextBuffer; if(cArgs < 5) { SetErrorText(IDS_ERROR_BADARGS); return(FALSE); } *ReturnTextBuffer = '\0';
if( cArgs > 5 && (*(Args[5]) != '\0')) { Server = Args[5]; }
return( AddPrinterDriverWorker( Args[0], Args[1], Args[2], Args[3], Args[4], Server ) ); }
// Args[0]: Monitor Model (eg QMS ..)
// Args[1]: Monitor Environment (eg w32x86)
// Args[2]: Monitor DLL (eg pscript.dll)
BOOL SetupAddPrinterMonitor( IN DWORD cArgs, IN LPSTR Args[], OUT LPSTR *TextOut ) { SZ Server = NULL;
*TextOut = ReturnTextBuffer; if(cArgs < 3) { SetErrorText(IDS_ERROR_BADARGS); return(FALSE); } *ReturnTextBuffer = '\0';
if( cArgs > 3 && (*(Args[3]) != '\0')) { Server = Args[3]; }
return( AddPrinterMonitorWorker( Args[0], Args[1], Args[2], Server ) ); }
// Args[0]: Printer Name (My Favorite Printer)
// Args[1]: Printer Port (COM1..)
// Args[2]: Printer Driver (e.g. HP LAserJet IIP)
// Args[3]: Printer Description (e.g. HP LasetJet IIP on COM1:)
// Args[4]: Printer Processor (WINPRINT)
// Args[5]: Printer Attributes (QUEUEDDEFAULT..)
BOOL SetupAddPrinter( IN DWORD cArgs, IN LPSTR Args[], OUT LPSTR *TextOut ) { SZ Server = NULL;
*TextOut = ReturnTextBuffer; if(cArgs < 6) { SetErrorText(IDS_ERROR_BADARGS); return(FALSE); } *ReturnTextBuffer = '\0';
if( cArgs > 6 && (*(Args[6]) != '\0')) { Server = Args[6]; }
return( AddPrinterWorker( Args[0], Args[1], Args[2], Args[3], Args[4], (DWORD)atoi(Args[5]), Server ) ); }
BOOL AreCharsInString( IN DWORD cArgs, IN LPSTR Args[], OUT LPSTR *TextOut ) { *TextOut = ReturnTextBuffer; if(cArgs != 2) { SetErrorText(IDS_ERROR_BADARGS); return(FALSE); }
lstrcpy(ReturnTextBuffer,_mbspbrk(Args[0],Args[1]) ? "YES" : "NO");
return(TRUE); }
// Security related library functions
// 1. CheckPrivilegeExists <PrivilegeName>
BOOL CheckPrivilegeExists( IN DWORD cArgs, IN LPSTR Args[], OUT LPSTR *TextOut ) { *TextOut = ReturnTextBuffer; if(cArgs != 1) { SetErrorText(IDS_ERROR_BADARGS); return(FALSE); } *ReturnTextBuffer = '\0';
return( CheckPrivilegeExistsWorker( Args[0] ) ); }
// 2. EnablePrivilege <Privilege> <ENABLE | DISABLE>
BOOL EnablePrivilege( IN DWORD cArgs, IN LPSTR Args[], OUT LPSTR *TextOut ) { *TextOut = ReturnTextBuffer; if(cArgs != 2) { SetErrorText(IDS_ERROR_BADARGS); return(FALSE); } *ReturnTextBuffer = '\0';
return( EnablePrivilegeWorker( Args[0], Args[1] ) ); }
// 5. SetMyComputerName
BOOL SetMyComputerName( IN DWORD cArgs, IN LPSTR Args[], OUT LPSTR *TextOut ) { *TextOut = ReturnTextBuffer; if(cArgs != 1) { SetErrorText(IDS_ERROR_BADARGS); return(FALSE); } *ReturnTextBuffer = '\0';
return( SetMyComputerNameWorker( Args[0] ) ); }
// DeleteAllConnections: Remove all automatically created UNC uses.
BOOL DeleteAllConnections( IN DWORD cArgs, IN LPSTR Args[], OUT LPSTR *TextOut ) { *TextOut = ReturnTextBuffer; *ReturnTextBuffer = '\0';
DeleteAllConnectionsWorker(); return TRUE ; }
// Path related routines
BOOL CheckPathFullPathSpec( IN DWORD cArgs, IN LPSTR Args[], OUT LPSTR *TextOut ) { BOOL IsFullPath = FALSE; DWORD Length;
*TextOut = ReturnTextBuffer; if(cArgs != 1) { SetErrorText(IDS_ERROR_BADARGS); return(FALSE); }
Length = lstrlen( Args[0] ); if ( Length >= 2 && Args[0][1] == ':') { if( Length > 2 ) { if ( Args[0][2] == '\\' ) { IsFullPath = TRUE; } } else { IsFullPath = TRUE; }
lstrcpy(ReturnTextBuffer, IsFullPath ? "YES" : "NO"); return(TRUE); }
BOOL AppendBackSlash( IN DWORD cArgs, IN LPSTR Args[], OUT LPSTR *TextOut ) { DWORD Length;
*TextOut = ReturnTextBuffer; if(cArgs != 1) { SetErrorText(IDS_ERROR_BADARGS); return(FALSE); }
lstrcpy( ReturnTextBuffer, Args[0] ); Length = lstrlen( Args[0] );
if( Length == 0 || Args[0][Length - 1] != '\\' ) { lstrcat( ReturnTextBuffer, "\\" ); }
return( TRUE ); }
BOOL ProcessForUNC( IN DWORD cArgs, IN LPSTR Args[], OUT LPSTR *TextOut ) { SZ szPath; BOOL IsUNC = FALSE; DWORD Attr;
*TextOut = ReturnTextBuffer; if(cArgs != 1) { SetErrorText(IDS_ERROR_BADARGS); return(FALSE); } szPath = Args[0];
// Check to see if UNC
if ( lstrlen( szPath ) > 4 && szPath[0] == '\\' && szPath[1] == '\\' && szPath[2] != '\\' ) { IsUNC = TRUE; }
if ( IsUNC ) { //
// Check to see if UNC path exists. if exists return Path
// else return "UNC-FAILCONNECT"
if ((( Attr = GetFileAttributes(szPath) ) != 0xFFFFFFFF) && (Attr & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY ) ) { lstrcpy ( ReturnTextBuffer, szPath ); } else { lstrcpy ( ReturnTextBuffer, "UNC-FAILCONNECT" ); } } else { lstrcpy ( ReturnTextBuffer, "NOT-UNC" ); } return( TRUE );
// SetEnvVar <USER | SYSTEM> <ValueName> <ValueTitleIndex> <ValueType> <ValueData>
BOOL SetEnvVar( IN DWORD cArgs, IN LPSTR Args[], OUT LPSTR *TextOut ) { *TextOut = ReturnTextBuffer; if(cArgs != 5) { SetErrorText(IDS_ERROR_BADARGS); return(FALSE); }
return( SetEnvVarWorker( Args[0], Args[1], Args[2], Args[3], Args[4] ) );
// ExpandSz <String>
BOOL ExpandSz( IN DWORD cArgs, IN LPSTR Args[], OUT LPSTR *TextOut ) { *TextOut = ReturnTextBuffer; if(cArgs != 1) { SetErrorText(IDS_ERROR_BADARGS); return(FALSE); }
return( ExpandSzWorker( Args[0], ReturnTextBuffer, RETURN_BUFFER_SIZE ) );
BOOL ShutdownRemoteSystem( IN DWORD cArgs, IN LPSTR Args[], OUT LPSTR *TextOut ) { INT nReturnCode;
*TextOut = ReturnTextBuffer; if(cArgs != 5) { SetErrorText(IDS_ERROR_BADARGS); return(FALSE); }
nReturnCode = InitiateSystemShutdown( Args[0], // machinename
Args[1], // shutdown message
(DWORD)atol(Args[2]), // delay
!lstrcmpi(Args[3], "TRUE"), // force apps close
!lstrcmpi(Args[4], "TRUE") // reboot after shutdown
return(TRUE); }
// - TestAdmin
// - SetupCreateService
// - SetupChangeServiceStart
// - SetupChangeServiceConfig
// TestAdmin: This tries to open the service controller with write access
// and reports whether we have admin privileges in the services
// area.
// (No Args)
BOOL TestAdmin( IN DWORD cArgs, IN LPSTR Args[], OUT LPSTR *TextOut ) { *TextOut = ReturnTextBuffer; if(cArgs != 0) { SetErrorText(IDS_ERROR_BADARGS); return(FALSE); }
return( TestAdminWorker() );
// SetupCreateService: To create a service. The parameters passed in are:
// arg0: lpServiceName
// arg1: lpDisplayName
// arg2: dwServiceType
// arg3: dwStartType
// arg4: dwErrorControl
// arg5: lpBinaryPathName
// arg6: lpLoadOrderGroup
// arg7: lpDependencies
// arg8: lpServiceStartName
// arg9: lpPassword
BOOL SetupCreateService( IN DWORD cArgs, IN LPSTR Args[], OUT LPSTR *TextOut ) { LPSTR lpDependencies = NULL; BOOL Status;
*TextOut = ReturnTextBuffer; if(cArgs != 10) { SetErrorText(IDS_ERROR_BADARGS); return(FALSE); }
lpDependencies = ProcessDependencyList( Args[7] ); Status = SetupCreateServiceWorker( Args[0], Args[1], (DWORD)atol( Args[2] ), (DWORD)atol( Args[3] ), (DWORD)atol( Args[4] ), Args[5], Args[6], lpDependencies, Args[8], Args[9] ); if( lpDependencies ) { SFree( lpDependencies ); } return( Status ); }
// SetupChangeServiceStart: To just change the start value of the service
// arg0: lpServiceName
// arg1: dwStartType
BOOL SetupChangeServiceStart( IN DWORD cArgs, IN LPSTR Args[], OUT LPSTR *TextOut ) { *TextOut = ReturnTextBuffer; if(cArgs != 2) { SetErrorText(IDS_ERROR_BADARGS); return(FALSE); }
return( SetupChangeServiceStartWorker( Args[0], (DWORD)atol( Args[1] ) ) );
// SetupChangeServiceConfig: To change the parameters of an existing service.
// The parameters passed in are:
// arg0: lpServiceName,
// arg1: dwServiceType,
// arg2: dwStartType,
// arg3: dwErrorControl,
// arg4: lpBinaryPathName,
// arg5: lpLoadOrderGroup,
// arg6: lpDependencies,
// arg7: lpServiceStartName,
// arg8: lpPassword,
// arg9: lpDisplayName
BOOL SetupChangeServiceConfig( IN DWORD cArgs, IN LPSTR Args[], OUT LPSTR *TextOut ) { LPSTR lpDependencies = NULL; BOOL Status;
*TextOut = ReturnTextBuffer; if(cArgs != 10) { SetErrorText(IDS_ERROR_BADARGS); return(FALSE); }
lpDependencies = ProcessDependencyList( Args[6] ); Status = SetupChangeServiceConfigWorker( Args[0], (DWORD)atol(Args[1]), (DWORD)atol(Args[2]), (DWORD)atol(Args[3]), Args[4], Args[5], lpDependencies, Args[7], Args[8], Args[9] ); if( lpDependencies ) { SFree( lpDependencies ); } return( Status ); }
BOOL Delnode( IN DWORD cArgs, IN LPSTR Args[], OUT LPSTR *TextOut )
Routine Description:
Perform a recusive deletion starting at a given directory. All files and subdirectories are deleted.
cArgs - supplies number of arguments. Must be 1, which is the directory to delnode.
Args - supplies an argv-style array of parameters to this routine
TextOut - receives address of buffer containing error text
FALSE if argc != 1. TRUE otherwise.
{ DWORD x; PCHAR Directory;
*TextOut = ReturnTextBuffer; *ReturnTextBuffer = '\0';
if(cArgs != 1) { SetErrorText(IDS_ERROR_BADARGS); return(FALSE); }
Directory = Args[0];
// If the given directory ends in \, remove the trailing \.
if(Directory[x=(lstrlen(Directory)-1)] == TEXT('\\')) { Directory[x] = 0; }
return(TRUE); }
BOOL SetCurrentLayout( IN DWORD cArgs, IN LPSTR Args[], OUT LPSTR *TextOut ) { *TextOut = ReturnTextBuffer; if(cArgs != 1) { SetErrorText(IDS_ERROR_BADARGS); return(FALSE); }
if( LoadKeyboardLayout( Args[0], KLF_ACTIVATE ) != NULL ) { SetReturnText( "SUCCESS" ); } else { SetReturnText( "FAILED" ); } return( TRUE ); }
BOOL SetCurrentLocale( IN DWORD cArgs, IN LPSTR Args[], OUT LPSTR *TextOut ) { *TextOut = ReturnTextBuffer; if(cArgs != 2) { SetErrorText(IDS_ERROR_BADARGS); return(FALSE); }
if( SetCurrentLocaleWorker( Args[0] , Args[1] ) ) { SetReturnText( "SUCCESS" ); } return( TRUE ); }
// Error Text routine
VOID SetErrorText( IN DWORD ResID ) { LoadString(MyDllModuleHandle,(WORD)ResID,ReturnTextBuffer,sizeof(ReturnTextBuffer)-1); ReturnTextBuffer[sizeof(ReturnTextBuffer)-1] = '\0'; // just in case
// Return Text Routine
VOID SetReturnText( IN LPSTR Text )
{ lstrcpy( ReturnTextBuffer, Text ); }
// Return a list of indices for a sorted version of the given list.
// See MISC.C for details.
BOOL GenerateSortedIndexList ( IN DWORD cArgs, IN LPSTR Args[], OUT LPSTR *TextOut ) { BOOL bAscending, bCaseSens ; SZ szIndexList = NULL ;
*TextOut = ReturnTextBuffer; if ( cArgs != 3 ) { SetErrorText(IDS_ERROR_BADARGS); return(FALSE); }
bAscending = lstrcmpi( Args[1], "TRUE" ) == 0 ; bCaseSens = lstrcmpi( Args[2], "TRUE" ) == 0 ;
szIndexList = GenerateSortedIntList( Args[0], bAscending, bCaseSens ) ;
if ( szIndexList == NULL ) { SetErrorText( IDS_ERROR_NO_MEMORY ) ; return FALSE ; }
SetReturnText( szIndexList ) ; SFree( szIndexList ) ;
return TRUE ; }