Copyright (c) 1997 Microsoft Corporation.
Module Name:
Contains functions that deal with ntlog.dll
Jason Allor (JasonAll) 5/27/97
Revision History:
--*/ #include "logutils.h"
static HANDLE g_hSemaphore; static ULONG g_ulPass; static ULONG g_ulFail; static ULONG g_ulInfo;
Routine Description: LoadDLLs
Tries to dynamically load ntlog.dll functions
DLLName: the name of the DLL to load, ntlog.dll in this case
Return Value:
--*/ void LoadDLLs(IN PTCHAR DLLName) { HINSTANCE Library;
// Set global handle to logfile to NULL
gPnPTestLog = NULL;
// Load the engine DLL
Library = LoadLibrary(DLLName);
if ((UINT) Library > 32) { #ifdef UNICODE
_tlLog = (Dll_tlLog) \ GetProcAddress(Library, "tlLog_W");
_tlCreateLog = (Dll_tlCreateLog) \ GetProcAddress(Library, "tlCreateLog_W"); #else
_tlLog = (Dll_tlLog) \ GetProcAddress(Library, "tlLog_A");
_tlCreateLog = (Dll_tlCreateLog) \ GetProcAddress(Library, "tlCreateLog_A"); #endif
_tlAddParticipant = (Dll_tlAddParticipant) \ GetProcAddress(Library, "tlAddParticipant");
_tlDestroyLog = (Dll_tlDestroyLog) \ GetProcAddress(Library, "tlDestoryLog");
_tlEndVariation = (Dll_tlEndVariation) \ GetProcAddress(Library, "tlEndVariation");
_tlRemoveParticipant = (Dll_tlRemoveParticipant) \ GetProcAddress(Library, "tlRemoveParticipant");
_tlStartVariation = (Dll_tlStartVariation) \ GetProcAddress(Library, "tlStartVariation");
_tlReportStats = (Dll_tlReportStats) \ GetProcAddress(Library, "tlReportStats");
gNtLogLoaded = TRUE; } else { gNtLogLoaded = FALSE; }
} // LoadDLLs //
Routine Description: InitLog
This routine will import the NtLog DLL functions and initialize them
Return Value:
HANDLE: handle to the log file
--*/ HANDLE InitLog(IN PTCHAR tszLogName, IN PTCHAR tszTitle, IN BOOL bConsole) { gPnPTestLog = NULL; gPnPTestLogFile = NULL;
g_ulPass = 0; g_ulFail = 0; g_ulInfo = 0;
// Initialize Semaphore
g_hSemaphore = CreateSemaphore(NULL, 1, 9999, NULL);
if (g_hSemaphore == NULL) { _ftprintf(stderr, TEXT("WARNING! Could not create semaphore!\n")); }
CreateConsoleWindow(bConsole, tszTitle); //
// Set up console window for log output
g_hConsole = CreateConsoleScreenBuffer(GENERIC_WRITE, 0, NULL, CONSOLE_TEXTMODE_BUFFER, NULL);
if (g_hConsole == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { return INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; } //
// Load ntlog.dll
if (gNtLogLoaded) { g_LogLineLen = NTLOG_LINE_LEN; gPnPTestLog = _tlCreateLog((LPCWSTR)(tszLogName), LOG_OPTIONS);
if (!gPnPTestLog) { _ftprintf(stderr, TEXT("WARNING! Log file could not be created!\n")); } else { _tlStartVariation(gPnPTestLog); _tlAddParticipant(gPnPTestLog, 0, 0); } } else { SetConsoleActiveScreenBuffer(g_hConsole); g_LogLineLen = NO_NTLOG_LINE_LEN; gPnPTestLogFile = _tfopen(tszLogName, TEXT("w"));
if (!gPnPTestLogFile) { _ftprintf(stderr, TEXT("WARNING! Log file could not be created!\n")); } }
return gPnPTestLog;
} // InitLog //
Routine Description: ExitLog
Processes clean-up work before exiting the program
Return Value:
--*/ void ExitLog() { double dTotal; double dPass; double dFail; USHORT usPassPerc; USHORT usFailPerc; CloseHandle(g_hConsole); CloseHandle(g_hSemaphore); if (gNtLogLoaded) { if (gPnPTestLog) { _tlReportStats(gPnPTestLog); _tlRemoveParticipant(gPnPTestLog); _tlEndVariation(gPnPTestLog);
gPnPTestLog = NULL; } } else { //
// Print out statistics
dTotal = g_ulPass + g_ulFail;
dPass = (double)g_ulPass / dTotal; dFail = (double)g_ulFail / dTotal; usPassPerc = (USHORT)(dPass * 100); usFailPerc = (USHORT)(dFail * 100);
LogBlankLine(); LogBlankLine(); Log(0, INFO, TEXT("Log Statistics:")); LogBlankLine();
Log(0, INFO, TEXT("Pass: %lu\t%lu%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%"), g_ulPass, usPassPerc);
Log(0, INFO, TEXT("Fail: %lu\t%lu%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%"), g_ulFail, usFailPerc);
Log(0, INFO, TEXT("Total: %lu"), dTotal); if (gPnPTestLog) { fclose(gPnPTestLogFile);
gPnPTestLogFile = NULL; } }
} // ExitLog //
Routine Description: WriteLog
Wrapper function to write to the log
dwLoglevel: specifies the log level such as TLS_INF, TLS_WARN, or TLS_SEV2 tszBuffer: the string to write to the log
Return Value:
--*/ void WriteLog(IN DWORD dwLogLevel, IN PTCHAR tszBuffer) { USHORT i; HANDLE hConsole; DWORD dwDummy; TCHAR tszLogLine[2000]; CHAR cszAnsi[2000]; CHAR cszLogLine[2000]; if (gNtLogLoaded) { if (gPnPTestLog) { _tlLog(gPnPTestLog, dwLogLevel | TL_VARIATION, tszBuffer); } } else { //
// Convert tszBuffer to an ANSI string
#ifdef UNICODE
_tcscpy(tszLogLine, tszBuffer); for (i = 0; i < _tcslen(tszBuffer) && i < 1999; i++) { cszAnsi[i] = (CHAR)tszLogLine[0]; _tcscpy(tszLogLine, _tcsinc(tszLogLine)); } cszAnsi[i] = '\0';
strcpy(cszAnsi, tszBuffer); #endif
switch (dwLogLevel) { case INFO: sprintf(cszLogLine, "INFO "); g_ulInfo++; break; case SEV1: sprintf(cszLogLine, "SEV1 "); g_ulFail++; break; case SEV2: sprintf(cszLogLine, "SEV2 "); g_ulFail++; break; case SEV3: sprintf(cszLogLine, "SEV3 "); g_ulFail++; break; case PASS: sprintf(cszLogLine, "PASS "); g_ulPass++; break; default: sprintf(cszLogLine, " "); } if (gPnPTestLogFile) { sprintf (cszLogLine, "%s%s\n", cszLogLine, cszAnsi); WaitForSingleObject(g_hSemaphore, INFINITE); //
// Print to log file
fprintf(gPnPTestLogFile, cszLogLine); fflush(gPnPTestLogFile);
// Print to screen
WriteFile(g_hConsole, cszLogLine, strlen(cszLogLine), &dwDummy, NULL); ReleaseSemaphore(g_hSemaphore, 1, NULL); } }
} // WriteLog //
Routine Description: Log
Wrapper to the Log function. It divides a long string into shorter strings and puts each one on a separate line to avoid running over the end of a console window
dFunctionNumber: shows which function this log output is coming from. Used to track function progress dwLoglevel: specifies the log level such as TLS_INF, TLS_WARN, or TLS_SEV2 tszLogString: printf() style format string
Return Value:
--*/ void Log(IN double dFunctionNumber, IN DWORD dwLogLevel, IN PTCHAR tszLogString, IN ...) { va_list va; TCHAR tszBuffer[LOG_STRING_LEN]; TCHAR tszBufferToPrint[LOG_STRING_LEN]; TCHAR tszTmpString[LOG_STRING_LEN + LOG_SPACE_LEN]; ULONG ulIndex, i, j; BOOL boolFirstTime = TRUE; int iInteger, iFunctionNumber; double dDecimal;
// Prints the list to a buffer
va_start(va, tszLogString); if (!_vsntprintf (tszBuffer, LOG_STRING_LEN, tszLogString, va)) { _ftprintf(stderr, TEXT("Log: Failed\n")); ExitLog(); exit(1); } va_end(va);
switch (dwLogLevel) { case INFO: SetConsoleTextAttribute(g_hConsole, GREY); break; case SEV1: SetConsoleTextAttribute(g_hConsole, RED); break; case SEV2: SetConsoleTextAttribute(g_hConsole, RED); break; case SEV3: SetConsoleTextAttribute(g_hConsole, RED); break; case PASS: SetConsoleTextAttribute(g_hConsole, GREEN); break; default: SetConsoleTextAttribute(g_hConsole, GREY); } while (_tcslen(tszBuffer)) { ZeroMemory(tszBufferToPrint, LOG_STRING_LEN);
if (_tcslen(tszBuffer) > g_LogLineLen) { //
// If the LogString is longer than the console length, start at the
// maximum console length and work backwards until we hit a space
// to find out where to cut off the string
for (ulIndex = g_LogLineLen; ulIndex > 0; ulIndex--) { if (tszBuffer[ulIndex] == ' ') { break; } }
// index now sits on the last char that we want to print. Create
// two strings - one to print now and one with the leftovers.
for (i = 0; i < ulIndex; i++) { tszBufferToPrint[i] = tszBuffer[i]; }
ulIndex++; for (i = 0; i < LOG_STRING_LEN; i++) { //
// Shift the remaining string up to the front
if (i < LOG_STRING_LEN - ulIndex) { tszBuffer[i] = tszBuffer[i + ulIndex]; } else { tszBuffer[i] = '\0'; } } } else { //
// Just print out the entire string since it contains no spaces
_stprintf(tszBufferToPrint, tszBuffer); ZeroMemory(tszBuffer, LOG_STRING_LEN); }
if (boolFirstTime) { { _stprintf(tszTmpString, TEXT("(%.2f) "), dFunctionNumber); } _tcscat(tszTmpString, tszBufferToPrint); _tcscpy(tszBufferToPrint, tszTmpString); WriteLog(dwLogLevel, tszBufferToPrint); } else { _stprintf(tszTmpString, TEXT(" ")); _tcscat(tszTmpString, tszBufferToPrint); _tcscpy(tszBufferToPrint, tszTmpString); WriteLog(INFO, tszBufferToPrint); }
boolFirstTime = FALSE; }
} // Log //
Routine Description: LogBlankLine
Print a blank line to the log
Return Value:
--*/ VOID LogBlankLine() { SetConsoleTextAttribute(g_hConsole, GREY); WriteLog(INFO, TEXT(" "));
} // LogBlankLine //
Routine Description: CreateConsoleWindow
Creates a console window for this process to dump the log output into. Gives the console window a title and uses this title to get a handle to the console window. Then disables the cancel button on the window.
bConsole: TRUE if a new console window needs to be created. FALSE if there is already a console that can be used tszTitle: title to give the console window
Return Value:
--*/ VOID CreateConsoleWindow(IN BOOL bConsole, IN PTCHAR tszTitle) { HWND gConsole;
if (bConsole) { //
// Create a console window to dump the log output in
if (!AllocConsole()) { goto RETURN; } } if (!SetConsoleTitle(tszTitle)) { goto RETURN; }
RETURN: return;
} // CreateConsoleWindow //
VOID AddLogParticipant(IN HANDLE hLog) { if (gNtLogLoaded) { _tlAddParticipant(hLog, 0, 0); }
} // AddLogParticipant //
VOID RemoveLogParticipant(IN HANDLE hLog) { if (gNtLogLoaded) { _tlRemoveParticipant(hLog); }
} // RemoveLogParticipant //