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if (fModemReDetected) window.parent.ReCheckModem();
window.parent.GoNext(); } catch (e) { var L_strUnexpected_Text = "An unexpected error has occurred. Please call MSN Technical Support."; alert(L_strUnexpected_Text); } }
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<img id="imgUpperLeftCorner" style="position:absolute;top:0px;left:0px;visibility:hidden" SRC="../images/MSNlogo.gif" width="80" height="43"> <script LANGUAGE="javascript"> <!-- function setImagePosition(oImg, szHorizontal, szVertical) { // Position oImg image to absolute coordinates based on szVertical(upper, lower) and szHorizontal(left, right) var x; var y; //alert('body:\nW: ' + document.body.offsetWidth + '\nH: ' + document.body.offsetHeight); x = szHorizontal.toLowerCase() == 'left' ? 0 : document.body.clientWidth - oImg.width - 15; y = szVertical.toLowerCase() == 'upper' ? 0 : document.body.clientHeight - oImg.height - 16; oImg.style.left = x; oImg.style.top = y; //alert('X: ' + x + '\nY: ' + y); oImg.style.visibility = 'visible'; }
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/*nResult = msnSetup.FreeDiskSpace; if (nResult < 1000000){ Flag += MAKE_SPACE; } document.write("You have "+nResult+" megs free on your drive.");*/ //This is to check if OE is installed.. need to find out about the reg key to check. try { nResult = ApiObj.get_RegValue(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, OOBE_MAIN_REG_KEY, "IsInstalled"); } catch (e) { nResult = 0; }
if (nResult != 1){ var L_strOutlook_Text = "We will need to install Outlook Express 5 before continuing."; document.write("<br>" + L_strOutlook_Text); } //ApiObj.get_UserDefaultLCID() </script> <div TABINDEX="-1" ID="Start_INFO3">Please click <b>Next</b> to continue.</div> <br> </span>
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