Source code of Windows XP (NT5)
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

217 lines
9.5 KiB

  1. <html>
  2. <head>
  3. <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="mmsobshe.css">
  4. <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
  5. </head>
  6. <body TABINDEX="-1" onload="locLoadTapi();" scroll=no>
  7. <img id="imgUpperLeftCorner" style="position:absolute;top:0px;left:0px;visibility:hidden" SRC="../images/MSNlogo.gif" width="80" height="43">
  8. <script LANGUAGE="javascript">
  9. <!--
  10. var TapiObj = null;
  11. var g_intCountry = null;
  12. if (null == TapiObj)
  13. {
  14. TapiObj = new Object;
  15. TapiObj = window.external.Tapi;
  16. }
  17. g_intCountry = TapiObj.get_CountryIndex();
  18. //alert(g_intCountry);
  19. function locLoadTapi()
  20. {
  21. switch (g_intCountry){
  22. case 81:
  23. selCountry1.selectedIndex = 0;
  24. break;
  25. case 113:
  26. selCountry1.selectedIndex = 1;
  27. break;
  28. case 226:
  29. selCountry1.selectedIndex = 2;
  30. break;
  31. case 227:
  32. selCountry1.selectedIndex = 3;
  33. break;
  34. default:
  35. selCountry1.selectedIndex = 3;
  36. break;
  37. }
  38. window.parent.TapiLoadMe();
  39. window.parent.g_FirstFocusElement = selCountry1;
  40. selCountry1.focus();
  41. locTapi_CountryChange();
  43. = btnLan.offsetLeft + (btnLan.width / 2 - btnLanText.offsetWidth / 2);
  44. btnLanText.onkeydown = window.parent.KeyDownBtnText;
  45. btnLanText.onfocus = window.parent.FocusBtnText;
  46. }
  47. function locTapi_CountryChange(){
  48. var RegionValue = selCountry1.value;
  49. var i = 0;
  50. while (selCountry(i).innerText != RegionValue){
  51. ++i;
  52. }
  53. selCountry.selectedIndex = i;
  54. window.parent.Tapi_CountryChange();
  55. if ( == "visible")
  56. btnNext.disabled = true;
  57. else
  58. btnNext.disabled = false;
  59. window.parent.InitPairedButton(spanNext, btnNext, btnNextText, window.parent.g_ImgRightDefault, window.parent.g_ImgRightDisabled,
  60. window.parent.g_ImgRightDefaultSingle, window.parent.g_ImgRightDisabledSingle,
  61. spanBack, "backButton", "backButtonText");
  62. }
  63. function CloseWindow(){
  64. var L_strCloseWindow_Text = "Click OK to exit MSN Internet Access Setup.";
  65. if (confirm(L_strCloseWindow_Text)){
  66. window.external.Finish();
  67. }
  68. }
  69. function HoverLan(){
  70. parent.window.HoverOnPairedButton( btnLan, btnLanText, parent.g_ImgLeftHoverWide, parent.g_ImgHover, parent.btnRestore);
  71. }
  72. function ResetLan(){
  73. parent.window.HoverOffPairedButton(btnLan, btnLanText, parent.g_ImgLeftDefaultWide, parent.g_ImgDefault, parent.btnRestore);
  74. }
  75. function GoDial()
  76. {
  77. window.parent.dnCKPT[window.parent.CKPT_CONNECT].strURL = "msnsetup\\mconnect.htm";
  78. window.parent.GoNext();
  79. }
  80. function GoLan()
  81. {
  82. if (window.external.Directions.get_AppMode == 2)
  83. {
  84. window.parent.external.RunManualICW();
  85. }
  86. //alert(window.parent.CKPT_CONNECT);
  87. window.parent.dnCKPT[window.parent.CKPT_CONNECT].strURL = "msnsetup\\mlan.htm";
  88. window.parent.GoNext();
  89. }
  90. function setImagePosition(oImg, szHorizontal, szVertical) {
  91. // Position oImg image to absolute coordinates based on szVertical(upper, lower) and szHorizontal(left, right)
  92. var x;
  93. var y;
  94. //alert('body:\nW: ' + document.body.offsetWidth + '\nH: ' + document.body.offsetHeight);
  95. x = szHorizontal.toLowerCase() == 'left' ? 0 : document.body.clientWidth - oImg.width - 15;
  96. y = szVertical.toLowerCase() == 'upper' ? 0 : document.body.clientHeight - oImg.height - 16;
  97. = x;
  98. = y;
  99. //alert('X: ' + x + '\nY: ' + y);
  100. = 'visible';
  101. }
  102. setImagePosition( imgUpperLeftCorner, 'left', 'upper' );
  103. //-->
  104. </script>
  105. <img id="WaterMark" class="gradient" src="../images/msnwtrmk.gif">
  106. <img id="StageImage" class="flag">
  107. <span TABINDEX="-1" CLASS="pageTitle">
  108. <id id="Tapi_TITLE">Using Your Modem to Connect</id>
  109. </span>
  110. <span TABINDEX="-1" CLASS="contents">
  111. <div TABINDEX="-1" id="Tapi_INFO">MSN Internet Access can make it easier to access the Internet<br>and all it has to offer. <br>Please type in the information below so we can help you connect to the <br>Internet and register you online. You will not be charged for this call.</div>
  112. <br>
  113. <label TABINDEX="-1" ACCESSKEY="R" for="selCountry1" id="Tapi_COUNTRY">Select the count<u>r</u>y/region where you are now. Click the down arrow, <br>or press the ALT + DOWN ARROW keys to view the list of regions.</label>
  114. <br>
  115. <select TABINDEX="1" id="selCountry1" onchange="locTapi_CountryChange();">
  116. <option value='Germany' ID="Tapi_Germany">Germany</option>
  117. <option value='Japan' ID="Tapi_Japan">Japan</option>
  118. <option value='United Kingdom' ID="Tapi_UK">United Kingdom</option>
  119. <option value='United States of America' ID="Tapi_USA" selected>United States of America</option>
  120. </select>
  121. <select TABINDEX="-1" id="selCountry" style="position:relative;top:-1000;" onchange="window.parent.Tapi_CountryChange();">
  122. <script language="javascript">
  123. document.write(window.parent.external.Tapi.get_AllCountryName);
  124. </script>
  125. </select>
  126. <br>
  127. <div id="div_MSNNotAvailable" style="visibility:hidden">We are unable to dial to a Microsoft server in your country. <BR>To quit MSN Setup, click Cancel.</div>
  128. <span id="spn_AdditionalSettings" style="visibility:hidden">
  129. <label TABINDEX="-1" ACCESSKEY="C" id="Tapi_AREACODE" for="edtAreaCode">Enter your telephone area <u>c</u>ode (e.g., 425 in 425-555-1212)</label>
  130. <input TABINDEX="2" type="text" id="edtAreaCode" maxlength=10 size="4" style="ime-mode:disabled;" onkeypress="window.parent.KeyPressIsNumeric();window.parent.Tapi_AreaCodeChange();" onkeyup="window.parent.Tapi_AreaCodeChange();">
  131. <br>
  132. <label TABINDEX="-1" ACCESSKEY="O" id="Tapi_OUTSIDELINE1" for="radioOutSideLineYes">Do you dial a number to access an <u>o</u>utside line?</label>
  133. <input TABINDEX="3" type="radio" name="OutSideLine" id="radioOutSideLineYes" onclick="window.parent.tapi_OutsideLineClicked();">
  134. <label TABINDEX="-1" id="Tapi_OUTSIDELINE_YES" for="radioOutSideLineYes">Yes</label>
  135. <input TABINDEX="3" type="radio" name="OutSideLine" id="radioOutSideLineNo" onclick="window.parent.tapi_OutsideLineClicked();">
  136. <label TABINDEX="-1" id="Tapi_OUTSIDELINE_NO" for="radioOutSideLineNo" checked>No</label>
  137. <br>
  138. <span TABINDEX="-1" id="spanOutsideLine" style="visibility:hidden; position:relative;">
  139. <i>
  140. <label TABINDEX="-1" ACCESSKEY="W" ID="Tapi_OUTSIDELINE2" for="edtOutsideLine"><u>W</u>hat is that number?</label>
  141. </i>
  142. <input TABINDEX="4" style="ime-mode:disabled; visibility:hidden" type="text" id="edtOutsideLine" maxlength=10 size="4" onkeypress="window.parent.KeyPressIsNumeric();">
  143. </span>
  144. <br>
  145. <br>
  146. <label TABINDEX="-1" ACCESSKEY="T" id="Tapi_TOUCHTONE" for="radioTouchToneYes">Do you have <u>t</u>ouch tone service?</label>
  147. <input TABINDEX="5" type="radio" name="TouchTone" checked id="radioTouchToneYes">
  148. <label TABINDEX="-1" id="Tapi_TOUCHTONE_YES" for="radioTouchToneYes">Yes</label>
  149. <input TABINDEX="5" type="radio" name="TouchTone" id="radioTouchToneNo">
  150. <label TABINDEX="-1" id="Tapi_TOUCHTONE_NO" for="radioTouchToneNo">No</label>
  151. </span>
  152. </span>
  153. <script language=javascript>
  154. if (screen.width != 640){
  155. var L_strConnectLan_Text = "To set up MSN using your Local Area Network, click <b>LAN</b>.";
  156. var L_strConnectNext_Text = "To continue, click <b>Next</b>.";
  157. document.write('<table tabindex="-1" class="navInfoTapi" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr> <td valign="top" id="Tapi_NAVINFO2A">' + L_strConnectLan_Text + '</td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="top" id="Tapi_NAVINFO2A">' + L_strConnectNext_Text + '</td> </tr> </table>');
  158. }
  159. </script>
  160. <span TABINDEX="-1" id="navbar" CLASS="navbar">
  161. <hr NOSHADE CLASS="blackBar" style="z-index:-1;">
  162. <span TABINDEX="-1" Id="spanCancel" onclick="CloseWindow()">
  163. <img Id="btnCancel" class="cancelButton" style="z-index:1;">
  164. <label TABINDEX="6" ACCESSKEY="A" for="btnCancelText" Id="btnCancelText" class="cancelButtonText" style="z-index:2;">
  165. <id id="Tapi_CANCEL">C<u>a</u>ncel</id>
  166. </label>
  167. </span>
  168. <span TABINDEX="-1" Id="spanLan" onmouseover="HoverLan()" onmouseout="ResetLan()" onclick="GoLan()">
  169. <img Id="btnLan" class="LanButton" style="z-index:1;" src="../images/default.gif">
  170. <label TABINDEX="7" ACCESSKEY="L" for="btnLanText" Id="btnLanText" class="LanButtonText" style="z-index:2;">
  171. <id id="Tapi_LAN"><u>L</u>an</id>
  172. </label>
  173. </span>
  174. <span TABINDEX="-1" Id="spanBack" onclick="window.parent.GoBack();">
  175. <img Id="btnBack" class="backButton" style="z-index:1;">
  176. <label TABINDEX="8" ACCESSKEY="B" for="btnBackText" Id="btnBackText" class="backButtonText" style="z-index:2;">
  177. <id id="Tapi_BACK"><u>B</u>ack</id>
  178. </label>
  179. </span>
  180. <span TABINDEX="-1" Id="spanNext" onclick="if(btnNext.disabled == false) GoDial();">
  181. <img Id="btnNext" class="nextButton" style="z-index:1;">
  182. <label TABINDEX="9" ACCESSKEY="N" for="btnNextText" Id="btnNextText" class="nextButtonText" style="z-index:2;">
  183. <id id="Tapi_NEXT"><u>N</u>ext</id>
  184. </label>
  185. </span>
  186. </div>
  187. <script language=Javascript>
  188. if (window.external.Directions.get_AppMode == 2){
  189. btnLanText.innerHTML = "<u>L</u>an/Manual";
  190. }
  191. </script>
  192. </body>
  193. </html>