// Module: INETCFG.DLL
// File: iclient.c
// Content: This file contains all the functions that handle importing
// client information.
// History:
// Sat 10-Mar-1996 23:50:40 -by- Mark MacLin [mmaclin]
// 96/03/13 markdu Assimilated with inetcfg.dll.
// 96/03/20 markdu Combined export.h and iclient.h into inetcfg.h
// 96/04/18 markdu NASH BUG 18443
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation 1991-1996
//#include "wizard.h"
//#include "inetcfg.h"
#include "obcomglb.h"
#define REGSTR_PATH_INTERNET_CLIENT L"Software\\Microsoft\\Internet ClientX"
#pragma data_seg(".rdata")
// registry constants
static const WCHAR cszRegPathInternetClient[] = REGSTR_PATH_INTERNET_CLIENT;
static const WCHAR cszRegValEMailName[] = L"EMail_Name"; static const WCHAR cszRegValEMailAddress[] = L"EMail_Address"; static const WCHAR cszRegValPOPLogonRequired[] = L"POP_Logon_Required"; static const WCHAR cszRegValPOPLogonName[] = L"POP_Logon_Name"; static const WCHAR cszRegValPOPLogonPassword[] = L"POP_Logon_Password"; static const WCHAR cszRegValPOPServer[] = L"POP_Server"; static const WCHAR cszRegValSMTPServer[] = L"SMTP_Server"; static const WCHAR cszRegValNNTPLogonRequired[] = L"NNTP_Logon_Required"; static const WCHAR cszRegValNNTPLogonName[] = L"NNTP_Logon_Name"; static const WCHAR cszRegValNNTPLogonPassword[] = L"NNTP_Logon_Password"; static const WCHAR cszRegValNNTPServer[] = L"NNTP_Server"; static const WCHAR cszNull[] = L""; static const WCHAR cszYes[] = L"yes"; static const WCHAR cszNo[] = L"no";
#pragma data_seg()
// FUNCTION: InetGetClientInfo
// PURPOSE: This function will get the internet client params
// from the registry
// PARAMETERS: lpClientInfo - on return, this structure will contain
// the internet client params as set in the registry.
// lpszProfileName - Name of client info profile to
// retrieve. If this is NULL, the default profile is used.
// RETURNS: HRESULT code, ERROR_SUCCESS if no errors occurred
extern HRESULT WINAPI InetGetClientInfo( LPCWSTR lpszProfileName, LPINETCLIENTINFO lpClientInfo) { HKEY hKey; DWORD dwRet; DWORD dwSize; DWORD dwType; DWORD dwVal;
if (sizeof(INETCLIENTINFO) > lpClientInfo->dwSize) { return ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER; }
dwRet = RegOpenKey(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, cszRegPathInternetClient, &hKey); if (ERROR_SUCCESS != dwRet) { return dwRet; }
lpClientInfo->dwFlags = 0;
dwSize = sizeof(dwVal); dwType = REG_DWORD; RegQueryValueEx( hKey, cszRegValPOPLogonRequired, 0L, &dwType, (LPBYTE)&dwVal, &dwSize);
if (dwVal) { lpClientInfo->dwFlags |= INETC_LOGONMAIL; }
dwSize = sizeof(dwVal); dwType = REG_DWORD; RegQueryValueEx( hKey, cszRegValNNTPLogonRequired, 0L, &dwType, (LPBYTE)&dwVal, &dwSize);
if (dwVal) { lpClientInfo->dwFlags |= INETC_LOGONNEWS; }
dwSize = sizeof(lpClientInfo->szEMailName); dwType = REG_SZ; RegQueryValueEx( hKey, cszRegValEMailName, 0L, &dwType, (LPBYTE)lpClientInfo->szEMailName, &dwSize);
dwSize = sizeof(lpClientInfo->szEMailAddress); dwType = REG_SZ; RegQueryValueEx( hKey, cszRegValEMailAddress, 0L, &dwType, (LPBYTE)lpClientInfo->szEMailAddress, &dwSize);
dwSize = sizeof(lpClientInfo->szPOPServer); dwType = REG_SZ; RegQueryValueEx( hKey, cszRegValPOPServer, 0L, &dwType, (LPBYTE)lpClientInfo->szPOPServer, &dwSize);
dwSize = sizeof(lpClientInfo->szSMTPServer); dwType = REG_SZ; RegQueryValueEx( hKey, cszRegValSMTPServer, 0L, &dwType, (LPBYTE)lpClientInfo->szSMTPServer, &dwSize);
dwSize = sizeof(lpClientInfo->szNNTPServer); dwType = REG_SZ; RegQueryValueEx( hKey, cszRegValNNTPServer, 0L, &dwType, (LPBYTE)lpClientInfo->szNNTPServer, &dwSize);
// FUNCTION: InetSetClientInfo
// PURPOSE: This function will set the internet client params
// PARAMETERS: lpClientInfo - pointer to struct with info to set
// in the registry.
// lpszProfileName - Name of client info profile to
// modify. If this is NULL, the default profile is used.
// RETURNS: HRESULT code, ERROR_SUCCESS if no errors occurred
HRESULT WINAPI InetSetClientInfo( LPCWSTR lpszProfileName, LPINETCLIENTINFO lpClientInfo) { HKEY hKey; DWORD dwRet; DWORD dwSize; DWORD dwType; DWORD dwVal;
if (sizeof(INETCLIENTINFO) > lpClientInfo->dwSize) { return ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER; }
dwRet = RegCreateKey(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, cszRegPathInternetClient, &hKey); if (ERROR_SUCCESS != dwRet) { return dwRet; }
dwVal = lpClientInfo->dwFlags & INETC_LOGONMAIL ? 1 : 0; dwSize = sizeof(dwVal); dwType = REG_DWORD; RegSetValueEx( hKey, cszRegValPOPLogonRequired, 0L, dwType, (LPBYTE)&dwVal, dwSize);
dwVal = lpClientInfo->dwFlags & INETC_LOGONNEWS ? 1 : 0; dwSize = sizeof(dwVal); dwType = REG_DWORD; RegSetValueEx( hKey, cszRegValNNTPLogonRequired, 0L, dwType, (LPBYTE)&dwVal, dwSize);
dwSize = sizeof(lpClientInfo->szEMailName); dwType = REG_SZ; RegSetValueEx( hKey, cszRegValEMailName, 0L, dwType, (LPBYTE)lpClientInfo->szEMailName, dwSize);
dwSize = sizeof(lpClientInfo->szEMailAddress); dwType = REG_SZ; RegSetValueEx( hKey, cszRegValEMailAddress, 0L, dwType, (LPBYTE)lpClientInfo->szEMailAddress, dwSize);
dwSize = sizeof(lpClientInfo->szPOPServer); dwType = REG_SZ; RegSetValueEx( hKey, cszRegValPOPServer, 0L, dwType, (LPBYTE)lpClientInfo->szPOPServer, dwSize);
dwSize = sizeof(lpClientInfo->szSMTPServer); dwType = REG_SZ; RegSetValueEx( hKey, cszRegValSMTPServer, 0L, dwType, (LPBYTE)lpClientInfo->szSMTPServer, dwSize);
dwSize = sizeof(lpClientInfo->szNNTPServer); dwType = REG_SZ; RegSetValueEx( hKey, cszRegValNNTPServer, 0L, dwType, (LPBYTE)lpClientInfo->szNNTPServer, dwSize);
return dwRet; }