// inets.cpp: implementation of the CInetSetup class.
#include "inets.h"
#include <ras.h>
#include <tapi.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <appdefs.h>
#define MAXNAME 200
// Registry Values //
// For CInetSetup::InetSSetLanConnection
//static const WCHAR cszRegEnumPciKey[] = L"Enum\\PCI";
//static const WCHAR cszRegEnumNetworkTcpKey[] = L"Enum\\Network\\MSTCP";
//static const WCHAR cszRegClassKey[] = L"System\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\Class";
static const WCHAR cszRegBindings[] = L"Bindings"; //static const WCHAR cszRegEnumDriverKey[] = L"Driver";
static const WCHAR cszRegTcpIp[] = L"MSTCP";
// Global TcpIp Reg Location
static const WCHAR cszRegFixedTcpInfoKey[] = L"System\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\VxD\\MSTCP";
// IP Address
static const WCHAR cszRegIPAddress[] = L"IPAddress"; static const WCHAR cszRegIPMask[] = L"IPMask"; //
static const WCHAR cszRegWINS[] = L"NameServer"; //
// Gateway
static const WCHAR cszRegDefaultGateway[] = L"DefaultGateway"; //
// DNS
static const WCHAR cszRegDomainName[] = L"Domain"; static const WCHAR cszRegNameServer[] = L"NameServer"; static const WCHAR cszRegHostName[] = L"HostName"; static const WCHAR cszRegEnableDNS[] = L"EnableDNS"; static const WCHAR cszRegSuffixSearchList[] = L"SearchList";
static const WCHAR cszNullIP[] = L"";
static const WCHAR cszAdapterClass[] = L"Net"; static const WCHAR cszProtocolClass[] = L"NetTrans";
static const WCHAR cszNodeType[] = L"NodeType";
static const WCHAR cszScopeID[] = L"ScopeID";
// Not in use by OOBE, but included in case this becomes
// a seperate module. API does *NOT* work with PPPOA.
HMODULE hRasApi = LoadLibrary (L"RasApi32.dll"); if (!hRasApi) return GetLastError();
if (!(rsep = (LPFNDLL_RASSETENTRYPROPERTIES) GetProcAddress (hRasApi, "RasSetEntryProperties"))) { nRetVal = GetLastError(); goto end; } if (!(rgep = (LPFNDLL_RASGETENTRYPROPERTIES) GetProcAddress (hRasApi, "RasGetEntryProperties"))) { nRetVal = GetLastError(); goto end; } if ( (nRetVal = RasValidateEntryName ( ((!lstrlen(RasEntry.szPhoneBook)) ? NULL : RasEntry.szPhoneBook), RasEntry.szEntryName )) != ERROR_SUCCESS && nRetVal != ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS ) { nRetVal = ERROR_INVALID_NAME; goto end; } // we place the RASENTRY structure first. the lpDeviceInfo information is only considered for
// ATM.
if ( (nRetVal = rsep (((!lstrlen(RasEntry.szPhoneBook)) ? NULL : RasEntry.szPhoneBook), RasEntry.szEntryName, &RasEntry.RasEntry, sizeof (RasEntry.RasEntry), NULL, 0)) != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { goto end; } // unless the device is ATM, no further action is necessary.
//if ( lstrcmpi (RasEntry.RasEntry.szDeviceType, RASDT_Atm) )
{ nRetVal = ERROR_SUCCESS; goto end; } if ( RasEntry.dwDeviceInfoSize != sizeof (ATMPBCONFIG) ) { nRetVal = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto end; } if ( (nRetVal = rgep (((!lstrlen(RasEntry.szPhoneBook)) ? NULL : RasEntry.szPhoneBook), RasEntry.szEntryName, &(RasEntry.RasEntry), &(RasEntry.RasEntry.dwSize), NULL, &dwDeviceBufSize)) != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { goto end; }
if ( !(lpDeviceBuf = (LPBYTE) malloc (dwDeviceBufSize)) ) { nRetVal = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; goto end; } if ( (nRetVal = rgep (((!lstrlen(RasEntry.szPhoneBook)) ? NULL : RasEntry.szPhoneBook), RasEntry.szEntryName, &(RasEntry.RasEntry), &(RasEntry.RasEntry.dwSize), lpDeviceBuf, &dwDeviceBufSize)) != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { goto end; } // ** BUGBUG: WARNING: THIS IS NOT STABLE CODE: THERE IS NO DOCUMENTATION ON THE CORRECT
memcpy (lpDeviceBuf+66, &RasEntry.lpDeviceInfo, RasEntry.dwDeviceInfoSize); // HACK!
if ( (nRetVal = rsep (NULL, RasEntry.szEntryName, &RasEntry.RasEntry, sizeof (RasEntry.RasEntry), lpDeviceBuf, dwDeviceBufSize)) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { goto end; } end: free (lpDeviceBuf); FreeLibrary(hRasApi); return nRetVal; }
// this function sets a PPPOE connection. Presently, it merely updates
// the device's registry location with the parameters in the INS file.
// in the future, InetSSetPppoeConnection () will have native support.
DWORD WINAPI InetSSetPppoeConnection ( PPPOEINFO& PppoeInfo ) { // settings:
// ---------------------------------------------------
// Format: "RegKey=RegVal" e.g. "Pvc1=10"
// LPBYTE lpbNdiBuf = PppoeInfo.PppoeModule.lpbRegNdiParamBuf;
LPWSTR pwchSetBuf = (LPWSTR)PppoeInfo.PppoeModule.lpbRegSettingsBuf; LPWSTR eq = 0; DWORD cwchValue = 0; HKEY hkeyAdapterClass = NULL;
// BUGBUG: error checking is ignored. BUG-BUG
DWORD nRetVal = 0; if ( (nRetVal = InetSGetAdapterKey ( cszAdapterClass, PppoeInfo.TcpIpInfo.szPnPId, INETS_ADAPTER_HARDWAREID, DIREG_DRV, hkeyAdapterClass )) != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { return nRetVal; }
while ( *pwchSetBuf ) { if ( !(eq = wcschr ( pwchSetBuf, L'=' )) ) { return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } // we also disallow the following: "Vci="
if ( !(*(eq+1)) ) { return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; }
// flush out the '=' so that we have two token strings.
// we simply move each string directly into the registry.
*eq = L'\0'; cwchValue = lstrlen(eq + 1) + 1; // account for trailing 0
if ( RegSetValueEx ( hkeyAdapterClass, pwchSetBuf, 0, REG_SZ, (LPBYTE)(eq + 1), cwchValue * sizeof(WCHAR)) != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { *eq = L'='; return E_FAIL; }
// restore the '=' and move to the next pair "name=value"
*eq = L'='; pwchSetBuf = eq + 1 + cwchValue; // include '='
if ( InetSSetLanConnection ( PppoeInfo.TcpIpInfo ) != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { return E_FAIL; }
DWORD WINAPI InetSSetRfc1483Connection ( RFC1483INFO &Rfc1483Info ) { // settings:
// ---------------------------------------------------
// Format: "RegKey=RegVal" e.g. "Pvc1=10"
// LPBYTE lpbNdiBuf = Rfc1483Info.Rfc1483Module.lpbRegNdiParamBuf;
// BUGBUG: What does lpbSetBuf contain??
LPBYTE lpbSetBuf = Rfc1483Info.Rfc1483Module.lpbRegSettingsBuf; WCHAR *eq = 0; DWORD_PTR dwNameSize = 0; DWORD dwValueSize = 0; HKEY hkeyAdapterClass = NULL;
// BUGBUG: error checking is ignored. BUG-BUG
DWORD nRetVal = 0; if ( (nRetVal = InetSGetAdapterKey ( cszAdapterClass, Rfc1483Info.TcpIpInfo.szPnPId, INETS_ADAPTER_HARDWAREID, DIREG_DRV, hkeyAdapterClass )) != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { return nRetVal; }
while ( *lpbSetBuf ) { if ( !(eq = wcschr ( (WCHAR*)lpbSetBuf, L'=' )) ) { return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } // we also disallow the following: "Vci="
if ( !(*(eq+1)) ) { return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; }
// flush out the '=' so that we have two token strings.
// we simply move each string directly into the registry.
*eq = L'\0'; dwNameSize = eq-(WCHAR*)lpbSetBuf; dwValueSize = BYTES_REQUIRED_BY_SZ(eq+1);
if ( RegSetValueEx ( hkeyAdapterClass, (WCHAR*)lpbSetBuf, 0, REG_SZ, (LPBYTE)eq+1, dwValueSize+1) != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { *eq = L'='; return E_FAIL; }
// restore the '=' and move to the next pair "name=value"
*eq = L'='; lpbSetBuf += dwNameSize+dwValueSize+2; // for '=' and '\0'
if ( InetSSetLanConnection ( Rfc1483Info.TcpIpInfo ) != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { return E_FAIL; }
// -*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* InetSGetAdapterKey -*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* //
// Description:
// This function returns a Driver Registry Key for a Device.
// Arguments:
// cszDeviceClass - Any Device Class, e.g. "Net", "NetTrans", etc.
// cszDeviceParam - Value that we're using to identify the Device.
// dwEnumType - Can be either INETS_ADAPTER_HARDWAREID or
// dwRequiredKeyType - This corresponds to KeyType in SetupDiOpenDevRegKey
// in SetupAPI.
// hkeyDevKey - Registry Key Handle provided by the caller.
// Return Values:
// ERROR_SUCCESS - Function returns successfully.
// Other - use GetLastError(). Note: hkeyDevKey = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE in this case.
// Remarks:
// Use this function to browse the Device Manager for Network Devices and Protocol Drivers.
DWORD WINAPI InetSGetAdapterKey ( LPCWSTR cszDeviceClass, LPCWSTR cszDeviceParam, DWORD dwEnumType, DWORD dwRequiredKeyType, HKEY &hkeyDevKey ) {
// initialization of parameter
// We find out the network adapter's TCP/IP Binding first.
HINSTANCE hSetupLib = LoadLibrary (L"SetupApi.Dll"); if (!hSetupLib) { return GetLastError(); }
// Get procedures we need from the DLL.
if ( !(lpfndll_SetupDiClassGuidsFromName = (LPFNDLL_SETUPDICLASSGUIDSFROMNAME) GetProcAddress ( hSetupLib, cszSetupDiClassGuidsFromName )) ) { nRetVal = GetLastError(); FreeLibrary ( hSetupLib ); return nRetVal; } if ( !(lpfndll_SetupDiGetClassDevs = (LPFNDLL_SETUPDIGETCLASSDEVS) GetProcAddress ( hSetupLib, cszSetupDiGetClassDevs )) ) { nRetVal = GetLastError(); FreeLibrary ( hSetupLib ); return nRetVal; } if ( !(lpfndll_SetupDiEnumDeviceInfo = (LPFNDLL_SETUPDIENUMDEVICEINFO) GetProcAddress ( hSetupLib, "SetupDiEnumDeviceInfo" )) ) { nRetVal = GetLastError(); FreeLibrary ( hSetupLib ); return nRetVal; } if ( !(lpfndll_SetupDiGetDeviceRegistryProperty = (LPFNDLL_SETUPDIGETDEVICEREGISTRYPROPERTY) GetProcAddress ( hSetupLib, cszSetupDiGetDeviceRegistryProperty )) ) { nRetVal = GetLastError(); FreeLibrary ( hSetupLib ); return nRetVal; } if ( !(lpfndll_SetupDiOpenDevRegKey = (LPFNDLL_SETUPDIOPENDEVREGKEY) GetProcAddress ( hSetupLib, "SetupDiOpenDevRegKey" )) ) { nRetVal = GetLastError(); FreeLibrary ( hSetupLib ); return nRetVal; } if ( !(lpfndll_SetupDiGetDeviceInstanceId = (LPFNDLL_SETUPDIGETDEVICEINSTANCEID) GetProcAddress ( hSetupLib, cszSetupDiGetDeviceInstanceId ) ) ) { nRetVal = GetLastError(); FreeLibrary ( hSetupLib ); return nRetVal; } // fantastic. we have the functions. now, on to business.
// Get Class Guid.
BOOLEAN bRet = FALSE; DWORD dwArraySize = 0; LPGUID lpguidArray = NULL;
bRet = lpfndll_SetupDiClassGuidsFromName ( cszDeviceClass, NULL, NULL, &dwArraySize );
// We depend on SetupDiClassGuidsFromName() to provide us with the Guid, and we need to
// allocate space to accomodate the Guid. If this cannot be done, we are crippled!
if ( !dwArraySize ) { FreeLibrary ( hSetupLib ); return ERROR_INVALID_DATA; }
if ( !(lpguidArray = (LPGUID) malloc (dwArraySize*sizeof(GUID))) ) { FreeLibrary ( hSetupLib ); return ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; } if ( !(bRet = (lpfndll_SetupDiClassGuidsFromName ( cszDeviceClass, lpguidArray, dwArraySize, &dwArraySize )) ) ) { FreeLibrary ( hSetupLib ); free ( lpguidArray ); return ERROR_INVALID_FUNCTION;
// we retrieve the list of devices.
HDEVINFO hdevNetDeviceList = lpfndll_SetupDiGetClassDevs ( lpguidArray, NULL, NULL, DIGCF_PRESENT ); if ( !hdevNetDeviceList ) { FreeLibrary ( hSetupLib ); free ( lpguidArray ); return ERROR_INVALID_FUNCTION; }
free ( lpguidArray ); // where shall we do this garbage collection ?
// we will now enumerate through the list of Net devices.
SP_DEVINFO_DATA DevInfoStruct; memset ( &DevInfoStruct, 0, sizeof (DevInfoStruct) ); DevInfoStruct.cbSize = sizeof (DevInfoStruct); int i = 0;
LPBYTE lpbHardwareIdBuf = NULL; DWORD dwHardwareIdBufSize = 0; DWORD dwRequiredSize = 0; BOOL bFound = FALSE; const DWORD cdwIncrement = 500; // BUGBUG: What's magic about 500??
if ( !(lpbHardwareIdBuf = (LPBYTE) malloc (500)) ) { FreeLibrary ( hSetupLib ); return ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; } dwHardwareIdBufSize = 500;
while ( bRet = ( lpfndll_SetupDiEnumDeviceInfo (hdevNetDeviceList, i, &DevInfoStruct )) ) {
// for each Net device, we will compare its hardware ID to the one
// provided in the parameter.
switch ( dwEnumType ) { case INETS_ADAPTER_HARDWAREID: while ( !(bRet = lpfndll_SetupDiGetDeviceRegistryProperty ( hdevNetDeviceList, &DevInfoStruct, SPDRP_HARDWAREID, NULL, lpbHardwareIdBuf, dwHardwareIdBufSize, &dwRequiredSize )) && ((nRetVal = GetLastError()) == ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER )) { // we need to reallocate the buffer size.
if ( !dwRequiredSize ) dwHardwareIdBufSize += cdwIncrement; else dwHardwareIdBufSize += dwRequiredSize; if ( !(lpbHardwareIdBuf = (LPBYTE) realloc ( (void*) lpbHardwareIdBuf, dwHardwareIdBufSize )) ) { // not enough memory!
free (lpbHardwareIdBuf); FreeLibrary ( hSetupLib ); return ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; } } break; case INETS_ADAPTER_INSTANCEID: while ( !(bRet = lpfndll_SetupDiGetDeviceInstanceId ( hdevNetDeviceList, &DevInfoStruct, (PCWSTR) lpbHardwareIdBuf, dwHardwareIdBufSize, &dwRequiredSize )) && ((nRetVal = GetLastError()) == ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER )) { // we need to reallocate the buffer size.
if ( !dwRequiredSize ) dwHardwareIdBufSize += cdwIncrement; else dwHardwareIdBufSize += dwRequiredSize; if ( !(lpbHardwareIdBuf = (LPBYTE) realloc ( (void*) lpbHardwareIdBuf, dwHardwareIdBufSize )) ) { // not enough memory!
free (lpbHardwareIdBuf); FreeLibrary ( hSetupLib ); return ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; } } break; default: free (lpbHardwareIdBuf); FreeLibrary ( hSetupLib ); return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } if ( bRet ) { // we should have the hardware ID, at this stage. we compare it with
// the device's plug-and-play ID.
// BUGBUG: Is lpbHardwareIdBuf ANSI or Unicode?
if ( wcsstr( (const WCHAR *)lpbHardwareIdBuf, cszDeviceParam) ) { // found!
bFound = TRUE; // we get the device's registry key.
if ( (hkeyDevKey = lpfndll_SetupDiOpenDevRegKey ( hdevNetDeviceList, &DevInfoStruct, DICS_FLAG_GLOBAL, 0, dwRequiredKeyType, KEY_ALL_ACCESS )) == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) { free (lpbHardwareIdBuf); FreeLibrary ( hSetupLib ); return ERROR_BADKEY; } free (lpbHardwareIdBuf); FreeLibrary ( hSetupLib ); return ERROR_SUCCESS; } } i++; } // the while loop enumerated unsuccessfully.
free (lpbHardwareIdBuf); FreeLibrary ( hSetupLib ); return ERROR_NOT_FOUND; }
DWORD WINAPI InetSSetLanConnection ( LANINFO& LANINFO ) { HKEY hkeyAdapter = NULL; DWORD nRetVal = 0; HKEY hkeyGlobalTcp = NULL; LPBYTE lpbBufPtr = NULL; DWORD dwValueBufSize = 0; WCHAR *Token = NULL, *PlaceHolder = NULL; WCHAR *WINSListPtr = NULL; // TCP/IP InstanceID ==> Class Key
HKEY hkeyClassTcp = NULL; HKEY hkeyAdapterBinding = NULL;
__try { // PnPId ==> Device Configuration Key
if ( (nRetVal = InetSGetAdapterKey ( cszAdapterClass, LANINFO.szPnPId, INETS_ADAPTER_HARDWAREID, DIREG_DEV, hkeyAdapter)) != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { __leave; }
// Open the Bindings subkey to look for TCP/IP Binding.
if ( RegOpenKeyEx ( hkeyAdapter, cszRegBindings, 0, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, &hkeyAdapterBinding ) != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { nRetVal = GetLastError(); __leave; }
// Find the TCP/IP binding.
WCHAR szBindingValueName [GEN_MAX_STRING_LENGTH]; DWORD dwBindingValueNameSize = sizeof (szBindingValueName) / sizeof(WCHAR); int index = 0; while ( RegEnumValue ( hkeyAdapterBinding, index, szBindingValueName, &dwBindingValueNameSize, 0, 0, 0, 0 ) == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { if ( !wcsncmp ( szBindingValueName, cszRegTcpIp, sizeof (cszRegTcpIp)-1 ) ) { // we found a binding!
break; } index++; }
if ( (nRetVal = InetSGetAdapterKey ( cszProtocolClass, szBindingValueName, INETS_ADAPTER_INSTANCEID, DIREG_DRV, hkeyClassTcp )) != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { nRetVal = GetLastError(); __leave; }
// Got it. we will now start the update.
// IP Address
lpbBufPtr = 0; dwValueBufSize = 0; if ( LANINFO.TcpIpInfo.EnableIP ) { lpbBufPtr = (LPBYTE) LANINFO.TcpIpInfo.szIPAddress; dwValueBufSize = BYTES_REQUIRED_BY_SZ(LANINFO.TcpIpInfo.szIPAddress); if (RegSetValueEx ( hkeyClassTcp, cszRegIPAddress, 0, REG_SZ, lpbBufPtr, dwValueBufSize) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { // close handles also!
nRetVal = E_FAIL; __leave; } lpbBufPtr = (LPBYTE) LANINFO.TcpIpInfo.szIPMask; dwValueBufSize = BYTES_REQUIRED_BY_SZ(LANINFO.TcpIpInfo.szIPMask); if (RegSetValueEx ( hkeyClassTcp, cszRegIPMask, 0, REG_SZ, lpbBufPtr, dwValueBufSize) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { // close handles also!
nRetVal = E_FAIL; __leave; } } else { lpbBufPtr = (LPBYTE) cszNullIP; dwValueBufSize = BYTES_REQUIRED_BY_SZ(cszNullIP); if (RegSetValueEx ( hkeyClassTcp, cszRegIPAddress, 0, REG_SZ, lpbBufPtr, dwValueBufSize) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { // close handles also!
nRetVal = E_FAIL; __leave; } if (RegSetValueEx ( hkeyClassTcp, cszRegIPMask, 0, REG_SZ, lpbBufPtr, dwValueBufSize) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { // close handles also!
nRetVal = E_FAIL; __leave; } }
lpbBufPtr = 0; dwValueBufSize = 0; index = 1; WCHAR szWINSEntry [GEN_MAX_STRING_LENGTH]; WCHAR szWINSListCopy [GEN_MAX_STRING_LENGTH]; WINSListPtr = szWINSListCopy; // BUGBUG: Is LANINFO.TcpIpInfo.szWINSList ANSI or Unicode?
lstrcpy (WINSListPtr, LANINFO.TcpIpInfo.szWINSList);
wsprintf (szWINSEntry, L"%s%d", cszRegWINS, index); PlaceHolder = szWINSEntry+lstrlen(cszRegWINS);
if ( LANINFO.TcpIpInfo.EnableWINS ) { while ( Token = wcstok ((index > 1) ? NULL : WINSListPtr, L", " )) { // WARNING. wcstok uses static data! Also the whitespace in ", " is necessary!
if (!Token) { nRetVal = E_FAIL; __leave; } lpbBufPtr = (LPBYTE) Token; dwValueBufSize = BYTES_REQUIRED_BY_SZ(Token); if (RegSetValueEx ( hkeyClassTcp, szWINSEntry, 0, REG_SZ, lpbBufPtr, dwValueBufSize) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { // close handles also!
nRetVal = E_FAIL; __leave; } wsprintf (PlaceHolder, L"%d", ++index); } if (RegSetValueEx ( hkeyClassTcp, cszNodeType, 0, REG_SZ, (LPBYTE) L"8", sizeof (L"8") ) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { nRetVal = E_FAIL; __leave; } } else { // TODO: Remove all instances of NameServerX <== IMPORTANT
index = 0; WCHAR szEnumValueBuffer[GEN_MAX_STRING_LENGTH]; DWORD dwEnumValueBufferSize; while ( RegEnumValue ( hkeyClassTcp, index, szEnumValueBuffer, &(dwEnumValueBufferSize=sizeof(szEnumValueBuffer)/sizeof(WCHAR)), 0, 0, 0, 0 ) != ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS ) { if ( !wcsncmp (szEnumValueBuffer, cszRegWINS, sizeof (cszRegWINS)-1) ) { if ( RegDeleteValue ( hkeyClassTcp, szEnumValueBuffer ) != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { nRetVal = E_FAIL; __leave; } continue; } index++; } if (RegSetValueEx ( hkeyClassTcp, cszNodeType, 0, REG_SZ, (LPBYTE) L"1", sizeof (L"1") ) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { nRetVal = E_FAIL; __leave; }
// Default Gateway
lpbBufPtr = (LPBYTE) LANINFO.TcpIpInfo.szDefaultGatewayList; dwValueBufSize = BYTES_REQUIRED_BY_SZ (LANINFO.TcpIpInfo.szDefaultGatewayList); if (RegSetValueEx ( hkeyClassTcp, cszRegDefaultGateway, 0, REG_SZ, lpbBufPtr, dwValueBufSize) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { // close handles also!
nRetVal = E_FAIL; __leave; }
// Step 4: Update global TCPIP entries (DNS)
if ( RegOpenKeyEx ( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, cszRegFixedTcpInfoKey, 0, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, &hkeyGlobalTcp) != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { // close keys
nRetVal = E_FAIL; __leave; }
if ( LANINFO.TcpIpInfo.EnableDNS ) { lpbBufPtr = (LPBYTE) LANINFO.TcpIpInfo.szHostName; dwValueBufSize = BYTES_REQUIRED_BY_SZ (LANINFO.TcpIpInfo.szHostName); if (RegSetValueEx ( hkeyGlobalTcp, cszRegHostName, 0, REG_SZ, lpbBufPtr, dwValueBufSize) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { // close handles also!
nRetVal = E_FAIL; __leave; } lpbBufPtr = (LPBYTE) LANINFO.TcpIpInfo.szDomainName; dwValueBufSize = BYTES_REQUIRED_BY_SZ (LANINFO.TcpIpInfo.szDomainName); if (RegSetValueEx ( hkeyGlobalTcp, cszRegDomainName, 0, REG_SZ, lpbBufPtr, dwValueBufSize) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { // close handles also!
nRetVal = E_FAIL; __leave; } lpbBufPtr = (LPBYTE) LANINFO.TcpIpInfo.szDNSList; dwValueBufSize = BYTES_REQUIRED_BY_SZ (LANINFO.TcpIpInfo.szDNSList); if (RegSetValueEx ( hkeyGlobalTcp, cszRegNameServer, 0, REG_SZ, lpbBufPtr, dwValueBufSize) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { // close handles also!
nRetVal = E_FAIL; __leave; } lpbBufPtr = (LPBYTE) LANINFO.TcpIpInfo.szSuffixSearchList; dwValueBufSize = BYTES_REQUIRED_BY_SZ (LANINFO.TcpIpInfo.szSuffixSearchList); if (RegSetValueEx ( hkeyGlobalTcp, cszRegSuffixSearchList, 0, REG_SZ, lpbBufPtr, dwValueBufSize) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { // close handles also!
nRetVal = E_FAIL; __leave; } if (RegSetValueEx ( hkeyGlobalTcp, cszRegEnableDNS, 0, REG_SZ, (LPBYTE)L"1", sizeof(L"1")) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { // close handles also!
nRetVal = E_FAIL; __leave; }
} else { if (RegSetValueEx ( hkeyGlobalTcp, cszRegEnableDNS, 0, REG_SZ, (LPBYTE)L"0", sizeof(L"0")) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { // close handles also!
nRetVal = E_FAIL; __leave; }
} WCHAR szScopeID[GEN_MAX_STRING_LENGTH]; if ( LANINFO.TcpIpInfo.EnableWINS ) { if (LANINFO.TcpIpInfo.uiScopeID == (UINT)~0x0) // this line implies that no ScopeID is given.
{ if ( RegSetValueEx ( hkeyGlobalTcp, cszScopeID, 0, REG_SZ, (LPBYTE)L"", sizeof(L"") ) ) { nRetVal = E_FAIL; __leave; } } else if (RegSetValueEx(hkeyGlobalTcp, cszScopeID, 0, REG_SZ, (LPBYTE)_itow( LANINFO.TcpIpInfo.uiScopeID, szScopeID, 10 ), BYTES_REQUIRED_BY_SZ(szScopeID) ) != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { nRetVal = E_FAIL; __leave; } } else { if ( RegDeleteValue ( hkeyGlobalTcp, cszScopeID ) != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { nRetVal = E_FAIL; __leave; } } }
// end.
__finally { if ( hkeyAdapter ) { RegCloseKey ( hkeyAdapter ); } if ( hkeyGlobalTcp ) { RegCloseKey ( hkeyGlobalTcp ); } if ( hkeyAdapterBinding ) { RegCloseKey ( hkeyAdapterBinding ); } if ( hkeyClassTcp ) { RegCloseKey ( hkeyClassTcp ); } }
return nRetVal; } /*
int main() {
CInetSetup inetSetup; const WCHAR cszINS[] = L"C:\\test.ins"; LANINFO LanInfo; RASINFO RasInfo; memset ( &RasInfo, 0, sizeof(RASINFO) ); memset ( &LanInfo, 0, sizeof(LANINFO) );
RasInfo.dwDeviceInfoSize = sizeof(ATMPBCONFIG); RasInfo.lpDeviceInfo = (LPBYTE) malloc (sizeof (ATMPBCONFIG)); RasInfo.RasEntry.dwSize = sizeof (RASENTRY); RasInfo.RasEntry.dwfNetProtocols = RASNP_Ip; RasInfo.RasEntry.dwFramingProtocol = RASFP_Ppp; lstrcpy ( RasInfo.RasEntry.szDeviceType, RASDT_Modem ); lstrcpy ( RasInfo.RasEntry.szDeviceName, L"Standard 56000 bps V90 Modem" ); lstrcpy ( RasInfo.RasEntry.szLocalPhoneNumber, L"5551212" ); lstrcpy ( RasInfo.szEntryName, L"Test1" ); lstrcpy ( RasInfo.szPhoneBook, L"" );
inetSetup.InetSImportLanConnection ( LanInfo, cszINS ); inetSetup.InetSSetLanConnection ( LanInfo );
inetSetup.InetSSetRasConnection ( RasInfo ); free ( RasInfo.lpDeviceInfo ); return 0; }