Copyright (c) 2000 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Contains the input file abstraction implementation Author:
Mike Cirello Vijay Jayaseelan (vijayj)
Revision History:
03 March 2001 : Rewamp the whole source to make it more maintainable (particularly readable) --*/
#include <stdio.h>
#include "File.h"
#include "msginc.h"
// static data member initialization
TCHAR File::targetDirectory[1024] = {0}; FileList File::files; int File::ctr = 0;
// constant strings
const std::wstring INTL_INF_FILENAME = TEXT("intl.inf"); const std::wstring FONT_INF_FILENAME = TEXT("font.inf"); const std::wstring REGIONAL_SECTION_NAME = TEXT("regionalsettings"); const std::wstring LANGUAGE_GROUP_KEY = TEXT("languagegroup"); const std::wstring LANGUAGE_KEY = TEXT("language"); const std::wstring REGMAPPER_SECTION_NAME = TEXT("registrymapper"); const std::wstring LANGGROUP_SECTION_PREFIX = TEXT("lg_install_"); const std::wstring DEFAULT_LANGGROUP_NAME = TEXT("lg_install_1"); const std::wstring ADDREG_KEY = TEXT("addreg"); const std::wstring LOCALES_SECTION_NAME = TEXT("locales"); const std::wstring FONT_CP_REGSECTION_FMT_STR = TEXT("font.cp%s.%d"); const std::wstring CCS_SOURCE_KEY = TEXT("currentcontrolset"); const std::wstring CCS_TARGET_KEY = TEXT("ControlSet001");
// other constant values
// Set the target file and intialize the registry writer
// The luid makes sure each file gets a different registry key
// Arguments:
// pszTargetfile - file name (without path) that this File will be saved to.
// bModify - T - load the targetfile and modify it. F - create new file
File::File( IN PCTSTR pszTargetFile, IN bool bModify ) { luid = ctr; ctr++;
targetFile = pszTargetFile; modify = bModify;
if (!modify) { regWriter.Init(luid,0); } else { wstring full = targetDirectory;
full += targetFile; regWriter.Init(luid, full.c_str()); }
// by default no registry mapping
SetRegistryMapper(NULL); }
// Destructor
File::~File() { // TBD : clean up the memory allocated
// Add a section from an .inf file into the 'to do' list
// Arguments:
// fileName - path and name of the .inf file
// section - name of the section in the .inf to be added
// action - What to do with the section - Add, Delete, Etc.. (see process sections for list)
void File::AddInfSection( IN PCTSTR fileName, IN PCTSTR section, IN PCTSTR action, IN bool Prepend ) { hFile = SetupOpenInfFile(fileName, 0, INF_STYLE_WIN4, 0); if (hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { throw new W32Error(); }
if (Prepend) { handleList.push_front(hFile); infList.push_front(action); infList.push_front(section); } else { handleList.push_back(hFile);
// NOTE the order of addition
infList.push_back(section); infList.push_back(action); } }
// Sets the directory the target file will be stored in
// Arguments:
// section - section in the .inf containing the directory
// h - handle to the .inf file with the directory
DWORD File::SetDirectory( IN PCTSTR section, HINF h) { INFCONTEXT ic,ic2;
if (!(SetupFindFirstLine(h, section, 0, &ic))) { throw new W32Error(); } memcpy(&ic2, &ic, sizeof(ic));
ic2.Line = 0; if (!(SetupGetStringField(&ic2, 1, targetDirectory, ELEMENT_COUNT(targetDirectory), 0))) { throw new W32Error(); }
int len = wcslen(targetDirectory); if (len && targetDirectory[len - 1] != L'\\') { targetDirectory[len] = L'\\'; targetDirectory[len + 1] = UNICODE_NULL; }
// Save information from the registry to file and
// delete the registry keys (happens in the regwriter deconstructor)
DWORD File::Cleanup() { FileList::iterator i;
while(files.size()!=0) { i = files.begin(); delete (*i); files.pop_front(); } return ERROR_SUCCESS; }
// Load existing registry hive into the registry, then add new keys to it
// Arguments:
// section - section containing the keys to be added
// h - handle to the .inf containing section
DWORD File::AddRegExisting( IN PCTSTR lpszSection, HINF h) { INFCONTEXT ic,ic2; int fields,lines,curLine,curField; File* curFile;
if (!(SetupFindFirstLine(h, lpszSection, 0, &ic))) { return ERROR_SUCCESS; } memcpy(&ic2,&ic,sizeof(ic));
lines = SetupGetLineCount(h, lpszSection); if (lines != -1) { for (curLine=0;curLine<lines;curLine++) { ic2.Line = curLine; fields = SetupGetFieldCount(&ic2);
if (fields == 0) { continue; }
TCHAR *target = new TCHAR[1024];
SetupGetStringField(&ic2, 0, target, 1024, 0); curFile = GetFile(target, true); for(curField=1; curField < fields; curField += 2) { TCHAR *section = new TCHAR[1024],*inf = new TCHAR[1024]; SetupGetStringField(&ic2, curField, inf, 1024, 0); SetupGetStringField(&ic2, curField + 1, section, 1024, 0); curFile->AddInfSection(inf, section, L"AddReg"); }
if (curFile->ProcessSections()) { _putws(GetFormattedMessage( ThisModule, FALSE, Message, sizeof(Message)/sizeof(Message[0]), MSG_ERROR_IN_LINE, target) ); } } }
// Load existing registry hive into the registry, then delete new keys from it
// Arguments:
// section - section containing the keys to be deleted
// h - handle to the .inf containing section
DWORD File::DelRegExisting( PCTSTR lpszSection, HINF h) { INFCONTEXT ic,ic2; int fields,lines,curLine,curField; File* curFile;
if (!(SetupFindFirstLine(h,lpszSection,0,&ic))) { return ERROR_SUCCESS; } memcpy(&ic2, &ic, sizeof(ic));
lines = SetupGetLineCount(h, lpszSection); if (lines!=-1) { for (curLine=0;curLine<lines;curLine++) { ic2.Line = curLine; fields = SetupGetFieldCount(&ic2);
if (fields == 0) { continue; }
TCHAR *target = new TCHAR[1024]; SetupGetStringField(&ic2,0,target,1024,0);
// got the target file, now do it
curFile = GetFile(target,true); for(curField=1;curField<fields;curField+=2) { TCHAR *section = new TCHAR[1024],*inf = new TCHAR[1024]; SetupGetStringField(&ic2,curField,inf,1024,0); SetupGetStringField(&ic2,curField+1,section,1024,0); curFile->AddInfSection(inf,section,L"DelReg"); }
if (curFile->ProcessSections()) { _putws( GetFormattedMessage(ThisModule, FALSE, Message, sizeof(Message)/sizeof(Message[0]), MSG_ERROR_IN_LINE, target) ); } } }
return 0; }
// Load information from a .inf file into the registry
// Arguments:
// section - section containing the keys to be added
// h - handle to the .inf containing section
DWORD File::AddRegNew( PCTSTR lpszSection, HINF h) { INFCONTEXT ic,ic2; int fields,lines,curLine,curField; File* curFile;
if (!(SetupFindFirstLine(h, lpszSection, 0, &ic))) { return ERROR_SUCCESS; } memcpy(&ic2, &ic, sizeof(ic));
lines = SetupGetLineCount(h,lpszSection); if (lines!=-1) { for (curLine=0;curLine<lines;curLine++) { ic2.Line = curLine; fields = SetupGetFieldCount(&ic2); if (fields==0) continue;
TCHAR *target = new TCHAR[1024]; SetupGetStringField(&ic2,0,target,1024,0);
// got the target file, now do it
curFile = GetFile(target,false); for(curField=1;curField<fields;curField+=2) { TCHAR *section = new TCHAR[1024],*inf = new TCHAR[1024];
SetupGetStringField(&ic2, curField, inf, 1024, 0); SetupGetStringField(&ic2, curField + 1, section, 1024, 0); curFile->AddInfSection(inf,section,L"AddReg"); }
if (curFile->ProcessSections()) { _putws( GetFormattedMessage(ThisModule, FALSE, Message, sizeof(Message)/sizeof(Message[0]), MSG_ERROR_IN_PROCESS_SECTIONS) ); } } }
// Adds an .inf section (probably [AddReg]) to the registry
// Arguments:
// pszSection - section containing the keys to be added
// hInfFile - handle to the .inf containing section
DWORD File::AddSection( PCTSTR pszSection, HINF hInfFile ) { INFCONTEXT ic,ic2; int nRet = 0; long nLines,curLine; TCHAR Buffer[1024],Root[1024],Subkey[1024],Value[1024],SubkeyFinal[1024]; DWORD flags = 0,dwCount; BYTE* b;TCHAR* t;DWORD d,f; int bSize = 0;
// cout << "AddSection : " << pszSection << endl;
nLines = SetupGetLineCount(hInfFile,pszSection);
if (!nLines) { //
// there are no lines in the section
_putws( GetFormattedMessage(ThisModule, FALSE, Message, sizeof(Message)/sizeof(Message[0]), MSG_EMPTY_ADDREG_SECTION, pszSection) ); return ERROR_SUCCESS; } if (!(SetupFindFirstLine(hInfFile,pszSection,0,&ic))) { _putws( GetFormattedMessage(ThisModule, FALSE, Message, sizeof(Message)/sizeof(Message[0]), MSG_FIND_FIRST_LINE_FAILED, pszSection, Error()) ); throw errGENERAL_ERROR; } memcpy(&ic2, &ic, sizeof(ic));
// get all the parameters, key, value, type, flags
for (curLine=0;curLine<nLines;curLine++) { bool IsSystemHive = false; ic2.Line = curLine; dwCount = SetupGetFieldCount(&ic2);
b = 0; t = 0; d = f = 0; bSize = 0; if (dwCount > 3) { if (!(SetupGetStringField(&ic2, 4, Buffer, ELEMENT_COUNT(Buffer), 0))) { _putws( GetFormattedMessage( ThisModule, FALSE, Message, sizeof(Message)/sizeof(Message[0]), MSG_SETUPGETSTRINGFIELD_FAILED, pszSection, Error()) ); throw errGENERAL_ERROR; } if ((flags = GetFlags(Buffer)) == errBAD_FLAGS) { if (!(SetupGetStringField(&ic2, 2, Subkey, ELEMENT_COUNT(Subkey), 0))) { _putws( GetFormattedMessage(ThisModule, FALSE, Message, sizeof(Message)/sizeof(Message[0]), MSG_SETUPGETSTRINGFIELD_FAILED, pszSection, Error()) );
throw errGENERAL_ERROR; } _putws( GetFormattedMessage(ThisModule, FALSE, Message, sizeof(Message)/sizeof(Message[0]), MSG_BAD_REG_FLAGS, pszSection, Subkey) ); throw errBAD_FLAGS; } if (flags == FLG_ADDREG_KEYONLY) { dwCount = 2; }
if (dwCount > 4) { if (!(flags ^ REG_BINARY)) { SetupGetBinaryField(&ic2,5,0,0,&f); b = new BYTE[f]; bSize = f; SetupGetBinaryField(&ic2,5,b,f,0); f = 1; } else if (!(flags ^ REG_DWORD)) { SetupGetIntField(&ic2,5,(int*)&d); f = 2; } else if (flags ^ FLG_ADDREG_KEYONLY) { DWORD length; SetupGetStringField(&ic2,5,0,0,&length); t = new TCHAR[2048]; SetupGetStringField(&ic2,5,t,length,0); if (flags==REG_MULTI_SZ) { for (int field = 6;field<=dwCount;field++) { t[length-1] = '\0'; SetupGetStringField(&ic2,field,0,0,&f); SetupGetStringField(&ic2,field,t+length,f,&f); length += f; } t[length-1] = '\0'; t[length] = '\0'; f = 4; } else { f = 3; } } } } if (dwCount > 2) { if (!(SetupGetStringField(&ic2, 3, Value, ELEMENT_COUNT(Value), 0))) { _putws(GetFormattedMessage( ThisModule, FALSE, Message, sizeof(Message)/sizeof(Message[0]), MSG_SETUPGETSTRINGFIELD_FAILED, pszSection, Error()) ); throw errGENERAL_ERROR; } } if (dwCount > 1) { if (!(SetupGetStringField(&ic2, 2, Subkey, ELEMENT_COUNT(Subkey), 0))) { _putws(GetFormattedMessage( ThisModule, FALSE, Message, sizeof(Message)/sizeof(Message[0]), MSG_SETUPGETSTRINGFIELD_FAILED, pszSection, Error()) ); throw errGENERAL_ERROR; } }
RegWriter *CurrRegWriter = ®Writer; if (dwCount > 0) { if (!(SetupGetStringField(&ic2, 1, Root, ELEMENT_COUNT(Root), 0))) { _putws(GetFormattedMessage( ThisModule, FALSE, Message, sizeof(Message)/sizeof(Message[0]), MSG_SETUPGETSTRINGFIELD_FAILED, pszSection, Error()) ); throw errGENERAL_ERROR; }
std::wstring RegFileSubKey = Subkey;
// Map the registry if needed
RegistryMapper *RegMapper = GetRegistryMapper();
if (RegMapper && RegFileSubKey.length()) { std::wstring::size_type SlashPos = RegFileSubKey.find(L'\\');
if (SlashPos != RegFileSubKey.npos) { std::wstring KeyName = Root; KeyName += TEXT("\\") + RegFileSubKey.substr(0, SlashPos);
std::wstring RegistryName;
// get the file that this registry entry is mapped to
// and get its regwriter to flush the current registry
// entry
if (RegMapper->GetMappedRegistry(KeyName, RegistryName)) { File *CurrFile = GetFile(RegistryName.c_str(), true);
if (CurrFile) { //std::cout << "Mapping to " << RegistryName << std::endl;
CurrRegWriter = &(CurrFile->GetRegWriter()); } } } } //
// Adjust Subkey if necessary:
// HKCR is a link to Software\Classes.
// Anything stored in Software or System shouldn't have SOFTWARE or SYSTEM
// as part of the subkey.
if (!wcscmp(Root, L"HKCR")) { TCHAR temp[1024]; wcscpy(temp, L"Classes\\"); wcscat(temp, Subkey); wcscpy(Subkey, temp); } if (!wcscmp(Root, L"HKLM")) { TCHAR temp[1024]; if (Subkey[8] == '\\') { wcscpy(temp, Subkey); temp[8] = '\0'; if (!_wcsicmp(temp, L"SOFTWARE")) { wcscpy(Subkey, temp+9); } } else if (Subkey[6]=='\\') { wcscpy(temp, Subkey); temp[6] = '\0'; if (!_wcsicmp(temp, L"SYSTEM")) { wcscpy(Subkey, temp+7); IsSystemHive = true; } } } }
wcscpy(SubkeyFinal, wKey); wcscat(SubkeyFinal, Subkey);
// Do we need to map CCS to CCS01 ?
// NOTE : Might want to extend this to generically map
// any subkey.
if (IsSystemHive) { std::wstring CCSKey = SubkeyFinal; _wcslwr((PWSTR)CCSKey.c_str());
PWSTR CurrentControlSet = wcsstr((PWSTR)CCSKey.c_str(), (PWSTR)CCS_SOURCE_KEY.c_str());
if (CurrentControlSet) { PWSTR RemainingPart = CurrentControlSet + CCS_SOURCE_KEY.length(); size_t CharsToSkip = CurrentControlSet - CCSKey.c_str();
wcscpy(SubkeyFinal + CharsToSkip, (PWSTR)CCS_TARGET_KEY.c_str()); wcscat(SubkeyFinal, RemainingPart);
//std::cout << SubkeyFinal << std::endl;
} } //
// if there's a value
if (dwCount > 2) { CurrRegWriter->Write(Root, SubkeyFinal, Value, flags, new Data(b,d,t,f,bSize)); } else { CurrRegWriter->Write(Root,SubkeyFinal, 0, 0, 0); } } return ERROR_SUCCESS; }
DWORD File::DelSection( PCTSTR pszSection, HINF hInfFile ) { INFCONTEXT ic,ic2; long nLines,curLine; TCHAR Buffer[1024],Root[1024],Subkey[1024],Value[1024],SubkeyFinal[1024]; DWORD LastError = ERROR_SUCCESS, Result;
// get the section's first line context
if (!(SetupFindFirstLine(hInfFile,pszSection,0,&ic))) { _putws( GetFormattedMessage(ThisModule, FALSE, Message, sizeof(Message)/sizeof(Message[0]), MSG_FIND_FIRST_LINE_FAILED, pszSection, Error()) ); throw errGENERAL_ERROR; }
// replicate the context
memcpy(&ic2, &ic, sizeof(ic));
// How many lines are there in the section which we need to process ?
if (!(nLines = SetupGetLineCount(hInfFile,pszSection))) { _putws(GetFormattedMessage( ThisModule, FALSE, Message, sizeof(Message)/sizeof(Message[0]), MSG_SETUPGETLINECOUNT_ERROR, pszSection, Error()) ); throw errGENERAL_ERROR; }
// get all the parameters key & value
for (curLine=0;curLine<nLines;curLine++) { DWORD dwCount; ic2.Line = curLine; dwCount = SetupGetFieldCount(&ic2); Value[0] = NULL;
// if value field is present then get it
if (dwCount > 2) { if (!(SetupGetStringField(&ic2, 3, Value, ELEMENT_COUNT(Value), 0))) { _putws( GetFormattedMessage(ThisModule, FALSE, Message, sizeof(Message)/sizeof(Message[0]), MSG_SETUPGETSTRINGFIELD_FAILED, pszSection, Error()) );
throw errGENERAL_ERROR; } }
// if key is present then get it
if (dwCount > 1) { if (!(SetupGetStringField(&ic2, 2, Subkey, ELEMENT_COUNT(Subkey), 0))) { _putws( GetFormattedMessage(ThisModule, FALSE, Message, sizeof(Message)/sizeof(Message[0]), MSG_SETUPGETSTRINGFIELD_FAILED, pszSection, Error()) );
throw errGENERAL_ERROR; }
// get the root key
if (!(SetupGetStringField(&ic2, 1, Root, ELEMENT_COUNT(Root), 0))) { _putws( GetFormattedMessage(ThisModule, FALSE, Message, sizeof(Message)/sizeof(Message[0]), MSG_SETUPGETSTRINGFIELD_FAILED, pszSection, Error()) );
throw errGENERAL_ERROR; }
// Adjust Subkey if necessary:
// HKCR is a link to Software\Classes.
// Anything stored in Software or System shouldn't have SOFTWARE or SYSTEM
// as part of the subkey.
if (!wcscmp(Root, L"HKCR")) { TCHAR temp[1024]; wcscpy(temp, L"Classes\\"); wcscat(temp, Subkey); wcscpy(Subkey, temp); }
if (!wcscmp(Root, L"HKLM")) { TCHAR temp[1024]; if (Subkey[8] == '\\') { wcscpy(temp, Subkey); temp[8] = '\0';
if (!_wcsicmp(temp, L"SOFTWARE")) { wcscpy(Subkey, temp+9); } } else if (Subkey[6]=='\\') { wcscpy(temp, Subkey); temp[6] = '\0';
if (!_wcsicmp(temp, L"SYSTEM")) { wcscpy(Subkey, temp+7); } } }
wcscpy(SubkeyFinal, wKey); wcscat(SubkeyFinal, Subkey);
// delete the entry
Result = regWriter.Delete(Root, SubkeyFinal, (Value[0] ? Value : NULL));
if (ERROR_SUCCESS != Result) { LastError = Result; } } }
return LastError; }
// Save the keys to files
DWORD File::SaveAll() { DWORD dwRet; FileList::iterator i = files.begin(); TCHAR fullPath[1024]; for (i = files.begin(); i!=files.end(); i++) { wcscpy(fullPath, targetDirectory); wcscat(fullPath, (*i)->targetFile.c_str()); DeleteFile(fullPath); _putws( GetFormattedMessage(ThisModule, FALSE, Message, sizeof(Message)/sizeof(Message[0]), MSG_SAVING_KEYS, fullPath) ); if (dwRet = (*i)->regWriter.Save((*i)->wKey,fullPath)) { throw dwRet; } }
// Process the 'to do' list for this file
// This function goes through all the sections that have been
// added to this file and calls the appropriate function to
// deal with each one
DWORD File::ProcessSections() { DWORD dwRet = 0; StringList::iterator sSection,sAction; HandleList::iterator h = handleList.begin(); StringList::iterator PrevSectionIter; HandleList::iterator PrevHandleIter; StringList::iterator PrevActionIter;
sSection = sAction = infList.begin(); sAction++;
for (sSection = infList.begin();sSection!=infList.end();) { bool SectionProcessed = true;
if (!(wcscmp(L"AddReg", *sAction))) { if (dwRet = AddSection(*sSection, *h)) { throw dwRet; } } else if (!(wcscmp(L"DelReg", *sAction))) { if (dwRet = DelSection(*sSection, *h)) { throw dwRet; } } else if (!(wcscmp(L"AddRegNew", *sAction))) { if (dwRet = AddRegNew(*sSection, *h)) { throw dwRet; } } else if (!(wcscmp(L"AddRegExisting", *sAction))) { if (dwRet = AddRegExisting(*sSection, *h)) { throw dwRet; } } else if (!(wcscmp(L"DelRegExisting", *sAction))) { if (dwRet = DelRegExisting(*sSection, *h)) { throw dwRet; } } else if (!(wcscmp(L"SetDirectory", *sAction))) { if (dwRet = SetDirectory(*sSection, *h)) { throw dwRet; } } else { SectionProcessed = false; }
// remember current element so that we can delete it
if (SectionProcessed) { PrevSectionIter = sSection; PrevHandleIter = h; PrevActionIter = sAction; }
// get hold of the next entry to process
sSection++; sSection++; sAction++; sAction++; h++;
// remove processed elements
if (SectionProcessed) { infList.erase(PrevSectionIter); infList.erase(PrevActionIter); handleList.erase(PrevHandleIter); } }
DWORD File::GetFlags( PCTSTR FlagStr ) /*++
Routine Description:
Converts the given string representation of flags into proper registery DWORD format
FlagStr : The flag represented in string format..
Return Value:
Appropriate registry DWORD type if successful, otherwise REG_NONE
{ DWORD Flags = REG_NONE; if (FlagStr) { //
// Check if the type if specified through string
if (!wcscmp(FlagStr, TEXT("REG_EXPAND_SZ"))) { Flags = REG_EXPAND_SZ; } else if (!wcscmp(FlagStr, TEXT("REG_DWORD"))) { Flags = REG_DWORD; } else if (!wcscmp(FlagStr, TEXT("REG_BINARY"))) { Flags = REG_BINARY; } else if (!wcscmp(FlagStr, TEXT("REG_MULTI_SZ"))) { Flags = REG_MULTI_SZ; } else if (!wcscmp(FlagStr, TEXT("REG_SZ"))) { Flags = REG_SZ; } else if (!wcscmp(FlagStr, TEXT(""))) { Flags = REG_SZ; }
// if still the flags were not found then convert the flags
// into a DWORD and then interpret it
if (Flags == REG_NONE) { PTSTR EndChar = NULL; DWORD FlagsValue = _tcstoul(FlagStr, &EndChar, 0);
if (!errno) { if ((FlagsValue & FLG_ADDREG_KEYONLY) == FLG_ADDREG_KEYONLY) { Flags = FLG_ADDREG_KEYONLY; } else if (HIWORD(FlagsValue) == REG_BINARY) { Flags = REG_BINARY; } else if ((FlagsValue & FLG_ADDREG_TYPE_EXPAND_SZ) == FLG_ADDREG_TYPE_EXPAND_SZ) { Flags = REG_EXPAND_SZ; } else if ((FlagsValue & FLG_ADDREG_TYPE_DWORD) == FLG_ADDREG_TYPE_DWORD) { Flags = REG_DWORD; } else if ((FlagsValue & FLG_ADDREG_TYPE_BINARY) == FLG_ADDREG_TYPE_BINARY) { Flags = REG_BINARY; } else if ((FlagsValue & FLG_ADDREG_TYPE_MULTI_SZ) == FLG_ADDREG_TYPE_MULTI_SZ) { Flags = REG_MULTI_SZ; } else if ((FlagsValue & FLG_ADDREG_TYPE_SZ) == FLG_ADDREG_TYPE_SZ) { Flags = REG_SZ; } } } } return Flags; }
// Either get pointer to existing file object or create new one
// Arguments:
// fileName - name (w/o path) of target file
// modify - T - load and modify an existing hive. F - Create new hive
File* File::GetFile( PCTSTR fileName, bool modify) { FileList::iterator i;
for (i = files.begin(); i!=files.end(); i++) { if (!(wcscmp(fileName, (*i)->GetTarget()))) { return *i; } }
files.insert(files.begin(), new File(fileName, modify));
return (*(files.begin())); }
void File::ProcessNlsRegistryEntriesForSection( IN InfFileW &ConfigInf, IN InfFileW &IntlInf, IN InfFileW &FontInf, IN const std::wstring &SectionName ) /*++
Routine Description:
Given the configuration inf, intl.inf & font.inf files processes the given section name entries for registry changes.
ConfigInf - reference to config.inf InfFile object
IntlInf - reference to intl.inf InfFile object
FontInf - reference to font.inf InfFile object
SectionName - name of the section to process
Return Value:
None, throws appropriate exception.
--*/ { //std::cout << "Processing : " << SectionName << std::endl;
// iterate through all the addreg sections calling
// AddSection(...)
std::wstring LangSectionName = SectionName;
// Is the section present in intl.inf ?
Section<WCHAR> *LangSection = IntlInf.GetSection(LangSectionName); bool InFontInf = false;
if (!LangSection) { //
// Is the section present in font.inf ?
LangSection = FontInf.GetSection(LangSectionName); InFontInf = true; }
if (!LangSection) { throw new InvalidInfSection<WCHAR>(LangSectionName, IntlInf.GetName()); }
Section<WCHAR>::Iterator Iter = LangSection->begin(); SectionValues<WCHAR> *CurrValue; Section<WCHAR> *AddRegSection = NULL;
// go through each addreg section entry in the multivalue list
// and process each section.
while (!Iter.end()) { CurrValue = *Iter; if (CurrValue) { //std::cout << CurrValue->GetName() << std::endl;
if (_wcsicmp(CurrValue->GetName().c_str(), ADDREG_KEY.c_str()) == 0) { DWORD ValueCount = CurrValue->Count();
for (DWORD Index = 0; Index < ValueCount; Index++) { std::wstring Value = CurrValue->GetValue(Index); HINF InfHandle = NULL;
if (!InFontInf) { InfHandle = (HINF)IntlInf.GetInfHandle(); AddRegSection = IntlInf.GetSection(Value); }
if (!AddRegSection || InFontInf) { InfHandle = (HINF)FontInf.GetInfHandle(); AddRegSection = FontInf.GetSection(Value); }
if (!AddRegSection || (InfHandle == NULL)) { throw new InvalidInfSection<WCHAR>(Value, IntlInf.GetName()); }
// process the AddReg section entries
// std::cout << "Processing AddReg : " << Value << std::endl;
DWORD Result = AddSection(Value.c_str(), InfHandle);
if (ERROR_SUCCESS != Result) { throw new W32Error(Result); } } } } Iter++; } }
void File::ProcessNlsRegistryEntriesForLanguage( IN InfFileW &ConfigInf, IN InfFileW &IntlInf, IN InfFileW &FontInf, IN const std::wstring &Language ) /*++
Routine Description:
Processes the registry sections for the given Language (locale Id)
ConfigInf - reference to config.inf InfFile object
IntlInf - reference to intl.inf InfFile object
FontInf - reference to font.inf InfFile object
Language - locale ID of the language to process (e.g 0x411 for JPN)
Return Value:
None, throws appropriate exception.
--*/ { //
// get the language section
WCHAR LanguageIdStr[64]; PWSTR EndPtr; DWORD LanguageId;
LanguageId = wcstoul(Language.c_str(), &EndPtr, 16); swprintf(LanguageIdStr, L"%08x", LanguageId); _wcslwr(LanguageIdStr);
std::wstring LangSectionName = LanguageIdStr;
ProcessNlsRegistryEntriesForSection(ConfigInf, IntlInf, FontInf, LangSectionName); }
void File::ProcessNlsRegistryEntriesForLangGroup( IN InfFileW &ConfigInf, IN InfFileW &IntlInf, IN InfFileW &FontInf, IN const std::wstring &LangGroupIndex ) /*++
Routine Description:
Processes the registry sections for the given Language group
ConfigInf - reference to config.inf InfFile object
IntlInf - reference to intl.inf InfFile object
FontInf - reference to font.inf InfFile object
LangGroupIndex - language group index (like 1, 7, 9 etc)
Return Value:
None, throws appropriate exception.
--*/ { //
// get the language group section
std::wstring LangGroupName = LANGGROUP_SECTION_PREFIX + LangGroupIndex; //
// iterate through all the addreg sections calling
// AddSection(...)
ProcessNlsRegistryEntriesForSection(ConfigInf, IntlInf, FontInf, LangGroupName); }
void File::ProcessNlsRegistryEntries( void ) /*++
Routine Description:
Top level method which munges intl.inf, font.inf and config.inf to do the required registry modifications to install a language.
config.inf's regionalsettings section controls the behavior of this function for e.g.
[regionalsettings] languagegroup=9 language=0x411
will do the necessary registry processing for language group 9 and language group 7 (since 0x411 belongs to language group 7). After processing the language groups it sets the registry to make the requested lanaguage active (0x411 in this case). Also processes the font.inf for appropriate language group & language font entries.
Return Value:
None, throws appropriate exception.
try { std::wstring IntlInfName = TEXT(".\\") + INTL_INF_FILENAME; std::wstring FontInfName = TEXT(".\\") + FONT_INF_FILENAME;
// open the required inf files
InfFileW ConfigInf(targetFile); InfFileW IntlInf(IntlInfName); InfFileW FontInf(FontInfName);
// get hold of [regionalsettings] section
Section<WCHAR> *RegionalSection = ConfigInf.GetSection(REGIONAL_SECTION_NAME); if (!RegionalSection) { throw new InvalidInfSection<WCHAR>(REGIONAL_SECTION_NAME, targetFile); }
// get hold of the [registrymapper] section
Section<WCHAR> *RegMapperSection = ConfigInf.GetSection(REGMAPPER_SECTION_NAME); if (!RegMapperSection) { throw new InvalidInfSection<WCHAR>(REGMAPPER_SECTION_NAME, targetFile); }
// if [languagegroup] section is present the get hold of it also
SectionValues<WCHAR> *LangGroups;
try { LangGroups = &(RegionalSection->GetValue(LANGUAGE_GROUP_KEY)); } catch (...) { LangGroups = NULL; }
// get hold of the active languauge
SectionValues<WCHAR> &Language = RegionalSection->GetValue(LANGUAGE_KEY); ULONG LangGroupCount = LangGroups ? LangGroups->Count() : 0;
RegistryMapper RegMapper; RegistryMapper *OldMapper;
// initialize the registry mapper map table
//std::cout << RegMapper;
// make our registry mapper active
OldMapper = SetRegistryMapper(&RegMapper);
std::map< std::wstring, std::wstring > RegSectionsToProcess;
// process each language group specified
for (ULONG Index = 0; Index < LangGroupCount; Index++) { //
// get the language group section
std::wstring LangGroupName = LANGGROUP_SECTION_PREFIX;
LangGroupName += LangGroups->GetValue(Index);
// std::cout << LangGroupName << std::endl;
// if the section is not present then add it
if (RegSectionsToProcess.find(LangGroupName) == RegSectionsToProcess.end()) { // std::cout << "Adding : " << LangGroupName << std::endl;
RegSectionsToProcess[LangGroupName] = LangGroupName; } }
// get the language section
WCHAR LanguageIdStr[64]; PWSTR EndPtr; DWORD LanguageId;
LanguageId = wcstoul(Language.GetValue(0).c_str(), &EndPtr, 16); swprintf(LanguageIdStr, L"%08x", LanguageId); _wcslwr(LanguageIdStr);
std::wstring LangSectionName = LanguageIdStr;
RegSectionsToProcess[LangSectionName] = LangSectionName;
// make sure the required language groups for this
// language are also processed
Section<WCHAR> *LocaleSection = IntlInf.GetSection(LOCALES_SECTION_NAME);
if (!LocaleSection) { throw new InvalidInfSection<WCHAR>(LOCALES_SECTION_NAME, IntlInf.GetName()); }
SectionValues<WCHAR> &LocaleValues = LocaleSection->GetValue(LangSectionName); std::wstring NeededLangGroup = LANGGROUP_SECTION_PREFIX + LocaleValues.GetValue(LANG_GROUP1_INDEX);
RegSectionsToProcess[NeededLangGroup] = NeededLangGroup;
// add the font registry entries also
WCHAR FontSectionName[MAX_PATH];
swprintf(FontSectionName, FONT_CP_REGSECTION_FMT_STR.c_str(), LocaleValues.GetValue(OEM_CP_INDEX).c_str(), DEFAULT_FONT_SIZE);
RegSectionsToProcess[FontSectionName] = FontSectionName;
// we always process lg_install_1 language group section
std::map< std::wstring, std::wstring >::iterator Iter = RegSectionsToProcess.find(DEFAULT_LANGGROUP_NAME);
if (Iter == RegSectionsToProcess.end()) { RegSectionsToProcess[DEFAULT_LANGGROUP_NAME] = DEFAULT_LANGGROUP_NAME; }
// process each language group
Iter = RegSectionsToProcess.begin();
while (Iter != RegSectionsToProcess.end()) { ProcessNlsRegistryEntriesForSection(ConfigInf, IntlInf, FontInf, (*Iter).first); Iter++; }
// reset the old registry mapper
Result = ERROR_SUCCESS; } catch (W32Exception<WCHAR> *Exp) { if (Exp) { Result = Exp->GetErrorCode(); Exp->Dump(std::cout); delete Exp; } } catch (BaseException<WCHAR> *BaseExp) { if (BaseExp) { BaseExp->Dump(std::cout); delete BaseExp; } } catch(...) { } if (ERROR_SUCCESS != Result) { throw new W32Error(Result); } }
// RegistryMapper abstraction implementation
std::ostream& operator<<( std::ostream &os, RegistryMapper &rhs ) /*++
Routine Description:
Helper method to dump registry mapper instance state
os - reference to ostream instance
rhs - reference to registry mapper whose state needs to be dumped
Return Value:
ostream reference for insertion of other outputs.
--*/ { std::map< std::wstring, std::wstring >::iterator Iter = rhs.KeyToRegistryMap.begin();
while (Iter != rhs.KeyToRegistryMap.end()) { os << (*Iter).first << "=>" << (*Iter).second << std::endl; Iter++; }
return os; }
void RegistryMapper::AddWorker( SectionValues<WCHAR> &Values, PVOID ContextData ) /*++
Routine Description:
The worker routine which processes the section entries and adds them to the map table.
Values - The section value entries which need to be processed
ContextData - receives RegistryMapper instance pointer in disguise.
Return Value:
--*/ { RegistryMapper *RegMap = (RegistryMapper *)ContextData; std::wstring Key = Values.GetName(); std::wstring Value = Values.GetValue(0);
_wcslwr((PWSTR)Key.c_str()); RegMap->AddEntry(Key, Value); }
void RegistryMapper::AddSection( Section<WCHAR> &MapSection ) /*++
Routine Description:
Adds the given section entries to the internal map data structure
MapSection - reference to Section object that needs to be processed
Return Value:
--*/ { MapSection.DoForEach(RegistryMapper::AddWorker, this);
void RegistryMapper::AddEntry( const std::wstring &Key, const std::wstring &Value ) /*++
Routine Description:
Given a key and value adds it to the map maintained by the registry mapper.
Key - The key i.e. fully qualified registry path name
Value - The file that has the backing storage for this key.
Return Value:
--*/ { KeyToRegistryMap[Key] = Value; }
bool RegistryMapper::GetMappedRegistry( const std::wstring &Key, std::wstring &Registry ) /*++
Routine Description:
Given a Key returns the mapped backing store file name for it.
Key - The key i.e. fully qualified registry path name
Value - Place holder to receive the file that has the backing storage for this key.
Return Value:
true if a mapping exists otherwise false.
--*/ { bool Result = false;
//std::cout << "GetMappedRegistry(" << Key << ")" << std::endl;
std::wstring KeyLower = Key; _wcslwr((PWSTR)KeyLower.c_str());
std::map< std::wstring, std::wstring >::iterator Iter = KeyToRegistryMap.find(KeyLower);
if (Iter != KeyToRegistryMap.end()) { Registry = (*Iter).second; Result = true; }
return Result; }