// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1997.
// File: M A I N . C P P
// Contents: Code to provide a simple cmdline interface to
// the sample code functions
// Notes: The code in this file is not required to access any
// netcfg functionality. It merely provides a simple cmdline
// interface to the sample code functions provided in
// file netcfg.cpp.
// Author: kumarp 28-September-98
// vijayj 12-November-2000
// - Adapt it for WinPE network installation
#include "pch.h"
#pragma hdrstop
#include "netcfg.h"
#include <string>
#include "msg.h"
#include <libmsg.h>
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Global vars
BOOL g_fVerbose=FALSE; BOOL MiniNTMode = FALSE; static WCHAR* optarg;
// Global variables used to get formatted message for this program.
HMODULE ThisModule = NULL; WCHAR Message[4096];
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
void ShowUsage(); WCHAR getopt(ULONG Argc, WCHAR* Argv[], WCHAR* Opts); enum NetClass MapToNetClass(WCHAR ch);
INT MainEntry( IN INT argc, IN WCHAR *argv[] );
DWORD InstallWinPENetworkComponents( IN INT Argc, IN WCHAR *Argv[] );
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Function: wmain
// Purpose: The main function
// Arguments: standard main args
// Returns: 0 on success, non-zero otherwise
// Author: kumarp 25-December-97
// Notes:
EXTERN_C int __cdecl wmain(int argc, WCHAR* argv[]) { INT Result = 0; ThisModule = GetModuleHandle(NULL); if ((argc > 1) && (argc < 4)) { Result = (INT)InstallWinPENetworkComponents(argc, argv);
if (Result == ERROR_INVALID_DATA) { Result = MainEntry(argc, argv); } } else { Result = MainEntry(argc, argv); }
return Result; }
INT MainEntry( IN INT argc, IN WCHAR *argv[] ) { HRESULT hr=S_OK; WCHAR ch; enum NetClass nc=NC_Unknown;
// use simple cmd line parsing to get parameters for actions
// we want to perform. the order of parameters supplied is significant.
static const WCHAR c_szValidOptions[] = L"hH?c:C:l:L:i:I:u:U:vVp:P:s:S:b:B:q:Q:"; WCHAR szFileFullPath[MAX_PATH+1]; PWSTR szFileComponent;
MiniNTMode = IsMiniNTMode();
while (_istprint(ch = getopt(argc, argv, (WCHAR*) c_szValidOptions))) { switch (tolower(ch)) { case 'q': FindIfComponentInstalled(optarg); break;
case 'b': hr = HrShowBindingPathsOfComponent(optarg); break;
case 'c': nc = MapToNetClass(optarg[0]); break;
case 'l': wcscpy(szFileFullPath, optarg); break;
case 'i': if (nc != NC_Unknown) { hr = HrInstallNetComponent(optarg, nc, szFileFullPath); } else { ShowUsage(); exit(-1); } break;
case 'u': hr = HrUninstallNetComponent(optarg); break;
case 's': switch(tolower(optarg[0])) { case 'a': hr = HrShowNetAdapters(); break;
case 'n': hr = HrShowNetComponents(); break;
default: ShowUsage(); exit(-1); break; } break;
case 'v': g_fVerbose = TRUE; break;
case EOF: break;
default: case 'h': case '?': ShowUsage(); exit(0); break; } }
return hr; }
// Function: MapToNetClass
// Purpose: Map a character to the corresponding net class enum
// Arguments:
// ch [in] char to map
// Returns: enum for net class
// Author: kumarp 06-October-98
// Notes:
enum NetClass MapToNetClass(WCHAR ch) { switch(tolower(ch)) { case 'a': return NC_NetAdapter;
case 'p': return NC_NetProtocol;
case 's': return NC_NetService;
case 'c': return NC_NetClient;
default: return NC_Unknown; } } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Function: ShowUsage
// Purpose: Display program usage help
// Arguments: None
// Returns: None
// Author: kumarp 24-December-97
// Notes:
void ShowUsage() { _putts( GetFormattedMessage( ThisModule, FALSE, Message, sizeof(Message)/sizeof(Message[0]), MSG_PGM_USAGE ) ); }
// Function: getopt
// Purpose: Parse cmdline and return one argument each time
// this function is called.
// Arguments:
// Argc [in] standard main argc
// Argv [in] standard main argv
// Opts [in] valid options
// Returns:
// Author: kumarp 06-October-98
// Notes:
WCHAR getopt (ULONG Argc, WCHAR* Argv[], WCHAR* Opts) { static ULONG optind=1; static ULONG optcharind; static ULONG hyphen=0;
WCHAR ch; WCHAR* indx;
do { if (optind >= Argc) { return EOF; }
ch = Argv[optind][optcharind++]; if (ch == '\0') { optind++; optcharind=0; hyphen = 0; continue; }
if ( hyphen || (ch == '-') || (ch == '/')) { if (!hyphen) { ch = Argv[optind][optcharind++]; if (ch == '\0') { optind++; return EOF; } } else if (ch == '\0') { optind++; optcharind = 0; continue; } indx = wcschr(Opts, ch); if (indx == NULL) { continue; } if (*(indx+1) == ':') { if (Argv[optind][optcharind] != '\0'){ optarg = &Argv[optind][optcharind]; } else { if ((optind + 1) >= Argc || (Argv[optind+1][0] == '-' || Argv[optind+1][0] == '/' )) { return 0; } optarg = Argv[++optind]; } optind++; hyphen = optcharind = 0; return ch; } hyphen = 1; return ch; } else { return EOF; } } while (1); }
BOOL IsMiniNTMode( VOID ) /*++
Routine Description:
Finds out if we are running under MiniNT environment
Return value:
TRUE if we are running under MiniNT environment otherwise FALSE
--*/ { BOOL Result = FALSE; TCHAR *MiniNTKeyName = TEXT("SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\MiniNT"); HKEY MiniNTKey = NULL; LONG RegResult; RegResult = RegOpenKey(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, MiniNTKeyName, &MiniNTKey);
if (RegResult == ERROR_SUCCESS) { Result = TRUE; RegCloseKey(MiniNTKey); }
return Result; }
DWORD InstallWinPENetworkComponents( IN INT Argc, IN WCHAR *Argv[] ) /*++
Routine Description:
Installs the required network components for WinPE environment - TCP/IP Stack - NETBIOS Stack - MS Client
Note : This basically calls into MainEntry(...) manipulating the arguments as though user had entered them.
Argc - Argument Count Argv - Arguments
Return value:
Win32 Error code
--*/ { DWORD Result = ERROR_INVALID_DATA; WCHAR *NetArgs[] = { TEXT("-l"), TEXT("\\inf\\nettcpip.inf"), TEXT("-c"), TEXT("p"), TEXT("-i"), TEXT("ms_tcpip"), TEXT("-l"), TEXT("\\inf\\netnb.inf"), TEXT("-c"), TEXT("s"), TEXT("-i"), TEXT("ms_netbios"), TEXT("-l"), TEXT("\\inf\\netmscli.inf"), TEXT("-c"), TEXT("c"), TEXT("-i"), TEXT("ms_msclient") }; ULONG TcpIpInfIdx = 1; ULONG NetNbInfIdx = 7; ULONG MsCliInfIdx = 13;
if (Argc && Argv) { bool IsWinPE = false; bool VerboseInstall = false;
for (ULONG Index = 1; Argv[Index]; Index++) { if (!_wcsicmp(Argv[Index], TEXT("-winpe"))) { IsWinPE = true; } else if (!_wcsicmp(Argv[Index], TEXT("-v"))) { VerboseInstall = true; } }
if (IsWinPE) { WCHAR WinDir[MAX_PATH] = {0}; PWSTR VerboseArg = TEXT("-v");
if (GetWindowsDirectory(WinDir, sizeof(WinDir)/sizeof(WinDir[0]))) { std::wstring TcpIpFullPath = WinDir; std::wstring NetNbFullPath = WinDir; std::wstring MsClientFullPath = WinDir;
TcpIpFullPath += NetArgs[TcpIpInfIdx]; NetArgs[TcpIpInfIdx] = (PWSTR)TcpIpFullPath.c_str();
NetNbFullPath += NetArgs[NetNbInfIdx]; NetArgs[NetNbInfIdx] = (PWSTR)NetNbFullPath.c_str();
MsClientFullPath += NetArgs[MsCliInfIdx]; NetArgs[MsCliInfIdx] = (PWSTR)MsClientFullPath.c_str();
ULONG ArgsSize = (sizeof(NetArgs) + (sizeof(PWSTR) * 3)); PWSTR *Args = (PWSTR *)(new char[ArgsSize]); ULONG NumArgs = ArgsSize / sizeof(PWSTR);
if (Args) { Index = 0; Args[Index++] = Argv[0];
if (VerboseInstall) { Args[Index++] = VerboseArg; }
for (ULONG TempIndex = 0; (TempIndex < (sizeof(NetArgs)/sizeof(PWSTR))); TempIndex++) { Args[Index++] = NetArgs[TempIndex]; }
ULONG ArgCount = Index;
Args[Index++] = NULL;
Result = MainEntry(ArgCount, Args);
delete [](PSTR)Args; } else { Result = GetLastError(); }
} else { Result = GetLastError(); } } }
return Result; }