Copyright (c) 2000 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Simple tool to create a Mini NT image from a regular NT image
Vijay Jayaseelan (vijayj) Apr-23-2000
Revision History:
Aug-08-2000 - Major rewrite using setupapi wrapper class library.
Nov-10-2000 - Made the utility work with actual distribution CD.
Jan-23-2001 - Add support for version checking.
Feb-09-2002 - Add support for multiple driver cab file extraction.
Apr-15-2002 - Modify tool to work on both layouts (placement) of SxS assemblies on release share. It used to be in ASMS folder but now is in asms*.cab file.
NOTE: This tool needs to be updated on changes to entries to the disk ordinals for WOW64 files.!!!! Change needs to go in IsWow64File(..) --*/
#include <oemmint.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <io.h>
#include <sxsapi.h>
#include "msg.h"
#include <libmsg.h>
using namespace std;
// static constant data members
const std::basic_string<TCHAR> DriverIndexInfFile<TCHAR>::VersionSectionName = TEXT("version"); const std::basic_string<TCHAR> DriverIndexInfFile<TCHAR>::CabsSectionName = TEXT("cabs"); const std::basic_string<TCHAR> DriverIndexInfFile<TCHAR>::CabsSearchOrderKeyName = TEXT("cabfiles");
// Constants
const std::wstring REGIONAL_SECTION_NAME = TEXT("regionalsettings"); const std::wstring LANGUAGE_GROUP_KEY = TEXT("languagegroup"); const std::wstring LANGUAGE_KEY = TEXT("language"); const std::wstring LANGGROUP_SECTION_PREFIX = TEXT("lg_install_"); const std::wstring DEFAULT_LANGGROUP_NAME = TEXT("lg_install_1"); const std::wstring LOCALES_SECTION_NAME = TEXT("locales"); const std::wstring FONT_CP_REGSECTION_FMT_STR = TEXT("font.cp%s.%d"); const std::wstring X86_PLATFORM_DIR = TEXT("i386"); const std::wstring IA64_PLATFORM_DIR = TEXT("ia64"); const std::wstring INFCHANGES_SECTION_NAME = TEXT("infchanges");
// Global variables used to get formatted message for this program.
HMODULE ThisModule = NULL; WCHAR Message[4096];
// Main entry point
int __cdecl wmain(int Argc, wchar_t* Argv[]) { int Result = 0; ThisModule = GetModuleHandle(NULL);
try{ //
// parse the arguments
UnicodeArgs Args(Argc, Argv);
// Check to see if we are using this utility to check the version
if (!Args.CheckVersion) {
if (Args.Verbose) { cout << GetFormattedMessage(ThisModule, FALSE, Message, sizeof(Message)/sizeof(Message[0]), MSG_CREATING_WINPE_FILE_LIST) << endl; } //
// open the config.inf file
if (Args.Verbose) { cout << GetFormattedMessage(ThisModule, FALSE, Message, sizeof(Message)/sizeof(Message[0]), MSG_PARSING_FILE, Args.ConfigInfFileName.c_str()) << endl; } InfFileW ConfigInfFile(Args.ConfigInfFileName); //
// open the layout.inf file
if (Args.Verbose) { cout << GetFormattedMessage(ThisModule, FALSE, Message, sizeof(Message)/sizeof(Message[0]), MSG_PARSING_FILE, Args.LayoutName.c_str()) << endl; } InfFileW InputFile(Args.LayoutName);
// open the drvindex.inf file
if (Args.Verbose) { cout << GetFormattedMessage(ThisModule, FALSE, Message, sizeof(Message)/sizeof(Message[0]), MSG_PARSING_FILE, Args.DriverIndexName.c_str()) << endl; }
DriverIndexInfFile<WCHAR> DriverIdxFile(Args.DriverIndexName);
// open the intl.inf file
if (Args.Verbose) { cout << GetFormattedMessage(ThisModule, FALSE, Message, sizeof(Message)/sizeof(Message[0]), MSG_PARSING_FILE, Args.IntlInfFileName.c_str()) << endl; } InfFileW IntlInfFile(Args.IntlInfFileName);
// open the font.inf file
if (Args.Verbose) { cout << GetFormattedMessage(ThisModule, FALSE, Message, sizeof(Message)/sizeof(Message[0]), MSG_PARSING_FILE, Args.FontInfFileName.c_str()) << endl; } InfFileW FontInfFile(Args.FontInfFileName); map<std::basic_string<wchar_t>, Section<wchar_t>* > Sections;
// get hold of the sections in the layout file
InputFile.GetSections(Sections); //
// get hold of "[SourceDisksFiles] section
map<basic_string<wchar_t>, Section<wchar_t> * >::iterator iter = Sections.find(L"sourcedisksfiles");
Section<wchar_t> *SDSection = 0; Section<wchar_t> *DirSection = 0; Section<wchar_t> *PlatSection = 0;
if (iter != Sections.end()) { SDSection = (*iter).second; }
// get hold of the [WinntDirectories] section
iter = Sections.find(L"winntdirectories");
if (iter != Sections.end()) { DirSection = (*iter).second; }
// get hold of the platform specific source files section
basic_string<wchar_t> PlatformSection = SDSection->GetName() + L"." + Args.PlatformSuffix;
iter = Sections.find(PlatformSection);
if (iter != Sections.end()) { PlatSection = (*iter).second; }
// Merge the platform and common source files section
if (PlatSection) { if (Args.Verbose) { cout << GetFormattedMessage( ThisModule, FALSE, Message, sizeof(Message)/sizeof(Message[0]), MSG_MERGING_PLATFORM_AND_COMMON_SRC_FILES, PlatSection->GetName().c_str(), SDSection->GetName().c_str()) << endl; }
*SDSection += *PlatSection; }
// Iterate through each file in the common merged section
// creating a file list of minint image
FileListCreatorContext<wchar_t> fl(Args, SDSection, DirSection, ConfigInfFile, IntlInfFile, FontInfFile, DriverIdxFile); //
// Create the list of files to be copied
SDSection->DoForEach(FileListCreator, &fl);
// Process Nls files
ULONG NlsFileCount = fl.ProcessNlsFiles(); if (Args.Verbose) { std::cout << GetFormattedMessage( ThisModule, FALSE, Message, sizeof(Message)/sizeof(Message[0]), MSG_DUMP_PROCESSED_NLS_FILE_COUNT, NlsFileCount) << std::endl; }
// Process WinSxS files
ULONG SxSFileCount = ProcessWinSxSFiles(fl);
if (Args.Verbose) { std::cout << GetFormattedMessage( ThisModule, FALSE, Message, sizeof(Message)/sizeof(Message[0]), MSG_DUMP_PROCESSED_SXS_FILE_COUNT, SxSFileCount) << std::endl; }
// If there are extra files specified then process them and
// add to the file list for minint image
if (Args.ExtraFileName.length() > 0) { ULONG ExtraFiles = ProcessExtraFiles(fl);
if (Args.Verbose) { cout << GetFormattedMessage(ThisModule, FALSE, Message, sizeof(Message)/sizeof(Message[0]), MSG_DUMP_PROCESSED_EXTRA_FILES, ExtraFiles, fl.Args.ExtraFileName.c_str()) << endl; } }
// Create all the required destination directories
ULONG DirsCreated = PreCreateDirs(fl); //
// Ok, now copy the list of files
ULONG FilesToCopy = fl.GetSourceCount(); if (FilesToCopy) { ULONG Count = CopyFileList(fl);
Result = FilesToCopy - Count; if (Result || Args.Verbose) { cout << GetFormattedMessage(ThisModule, FALSE, Message, sizeof(Message)/sizeof(Message[0]), MSG_NUMBER_OF_FILES_COPIED, Count, FilesToCopy ) << endl; } }
// Now process the required inf changes
wstring ControlInf = Args.CurrentDirectory + L"config.inf";
if (!IsFilePresent(ControlInf)) { throw new W32Exception<wchar_t>(ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND); }
ProcessInfChanges(Args, ControlInf); } else { //
// Check the version of the current OS and the install media
// to make sure that they match
Result = CheckMediaVersion(Args) ? 0 : 1; } } catch (InvalidArguments *InvArgs) { cerr << GetFormattedMessage(ThisModule, FALSE, Message, sizeof(Message)/sizeof(Message[0]), MSG_PGM_USAGE) << endl; delete InvArgs; Result = 1; } catch (BaseException<wchar_t> *Exp) { Exp->Dump(std::cout); delete Exp; Result = 1; } catch (...) { Result = 1; } return Result; }
// Processes all the inf files and adds them to the copy list
// to copy to the destination\inf directory
// NOTE : This routine only processes net*.inf file automatically.
// Other inf needs to be marked specifically
template <class T> BOOLEAN InfFileListCreator( SectionValues<T> &Values, FileListCreatorContext<T> &Context ) { //
// Note : All the inf files in layout always end with ".inf"
// lowercase characters
basic_string<T> Key = Values.GetName(); basic_string<T>::size_type InfIdx = Key.find(L".inf"); BOOLEAN Result = FALSE; static bool DirAdded = false; basic_string<T>::size_type NetIdx = Key.find(L"net");
if (!Context.SkipInfFiles && (InfIdx != basic_string<T>::npos) && (NetIdx == 0)) { Result = TRUE;
if (sizeof(T) == sizeof(CHAR)) { _strlwr((PSTR)Key.c_str()); } else { _wcslwr((PWSTR)Key.c_str()); }
basic_string<T> SrcFile = Context.Args.SourceDirectory + Key; basic_string<T> DestFile; bool DestDirPresent = false;
if (Values.Count() > 12) { basic_string<T> DestDir = Values.GetValue(12);
// remove trailing white spaces
unsigned int DestDirLength = DestDir.length();
while (DestDirLength) { if (DestDir[DestDirLength] != L' ') { break; }
DestDir[DestDirLength] = 0; DestDirLength--; }
// if the destination directory ID is 0 then skip
// the file
if (DestDir == L"0") { return TRUE; }
if (DestDir.length()) { basic_string<T> DestDirCode = DestDir; DestDir = Context.DirsSection->GetValue(DestDir).GetValue(0); if (DestDir.length()) { if (DestDir[DestDir.length() - 1] != L'\\') { DestDir += L"\\"; }
DestDir = Context.Args.DestinationDirectory + DestDir; //
// Cache the directory, if not already done
if (Context.DestDirs.find(DestDirCode) == Context.DestDirs.end()) { Context.DestDirs[DestDirCode] = DestDir; }
DestDirPresent = true; DestFile = DestDir; } } }
if (!DestDirPresent) { DestFile = Context.Args.DestinationDirectory + L"Inf\\";
if (!DirAdded) { //
// Inf directory's code is 20
basic_string<T> DestDirCode(L"20");
// Cache the directory, if not already done
if (Context.DestDirs.find(DestDirCode) == Context.DestDirs.end()) { Context.DestDirs[DestDirCode] = DestFile; }
DirAdded = true; } }
if (Values.Count() > 10) { const basic_string<T> &DestName = Values.GetValue(10);
if (DestName.length()) { DestFile += DestName; } else { DestFile += Key; } } else { DestFile += Key; }
bool AlternateFound = false;
if (Context.Args.OptionalSrcDirectory.length()) { basic_string<T> OptionalSrcFile = Context.Args.OptionalSrcDirectory + Key;
if (IsFilePresent(OptionalSrcFile)) { SrcFile = OptionalSrcFile; AlternateFound = true; } }
const basic_string<T> &DriverCabFileName = Context.GetDriverCabFileName(Key);
if (!AlternateFound && DriverCabFileName.length()) { SrcFile = Key; }
if (DriverCabFileName.length()) { Context.AddFileToCabFileList(DriverCabFileName, SrcFile, DestFile); } else if (Context.ProcessingExtraFiles) { Context.ExtraFileList[SrcFile] = DestFile; } else { Context.FileList[SrcFile] = DestFile; } }
return Result; }
// Parses the value to determine, if this file needs
// to be in minint and adds the file to the file list
// if this file is needed
template <class T> void FileListCreator(SectionValues<T> &Values, void *Context) { FileListCreatorContext<T> *FlContext = (FileListCreatorContext<T> *)(Context); unsigned int Count = Values.Count() ; bool Compressed = false;
if (FlContext && !IsFileSkipped(Values, *FlContext) && !InfFileListCreator(Values, *FlContext) && (Count > 12)) { basic_string<T> SrcDir = Values.GetValue(11); basic_string<T> DestDir = Values.GetValue(12); basic_string<T> Key = Values.GetName();
if (sizeof(T) == sizeof(CHAR)) { _strlwr((PSTR)Key.c_str()); } else { _wcslwr((PWSTR)Key.c_str()); }
// remove trailing white spaces
unsigned int DestDirLength = DestDir.length();
while (DestDirLength) { if (DestDir[DestDirLength] != L' ') { break; }
DestDir[DestDirLength] = 0; DestDirLength--; }
// if the destination directory ID is 0 then skip
// the file
if (DestDir == L"0") { return; } basic_string<T> SrcSubDir = FlContext->DirsSection->GetValue(SrcDir).GetValue(0); basic_string<T> DestSubDir = FlContext->DirsSection->GetValue(DestDir).GetValue(0); basic_string<T> DestDirCode = DestDir;
// Fix up diretory names
if (SrcSubDir.length() && (SrcSubDir[SrcSubDir.length() - 1] != L'\\')) { SrcSubDir += L"\\"; }
if (DestSubDir.length() && (DestSubDir[DestSubDir.length() - 1] != L'\\')) { DestSubDir += L"\\"; }
basic_string<T> OptSrcDir = FlContext->Args.OptionalSrcDirectory;
SrcDir = FlContext->Args.SourceDirectory;
if (SrcSubDir != L"\\") { SrcDir += SrcSubDir;
if (OptSrcDir.length()) { OptSrcDir += SrcSubDir; } } DestDir = FlContext->Args.DestinationDirectory;
if (DestSubDir != L"\\") { DestDir += DestSubDir; }
// Cache the directory, if not already done
if (FlContext->DestDirs.find(DestDirCode) == FlContext->DestDirs.end()) { FlContext->DestDirs[DestDirCode] = DestDir; }
basic_string<T> SrcFile, DestFile; bool AltSrcDir = false;
if (OptSrcDir.length()) { SrcFile = OptSrcDir + Key; AltSrcDir = IsFilePresent(SrcFile); }
const basic_string<T> &DriverCabFileName = FlContext->GetDriverCabFileName(Key); bool DriverCabFile = false;
if (!AltSrcDir) { SrcFile = SrcDir + Key; basic_string<T> CompressedSrcName = SrcFile;
CompressedSrcName[CompressedSrcName.length() - 1] = TEXT('_'); if (!IsFilePresent(SrcFile) && !IsFilePresent(CompressedSrcName)) { if (DriverCabFileName.length()) { SrcFile = Key; DriverCabFile = true; } } } DestFile = Values.GetValue(10);
if (!DestFile.length()) { DestFile = Key; }
DestFile = DestDir + DestFile;
if (DriverCabFile) { FlContext->AddFileToCabFileList(DriverCabFileName, SrcFile, DestFile); } else if (FlContext->ProcessingExtraFiles) { FlContext->ExtraFileList[SrcFile] = DestFile; } else { FlContext->FileList[SrcFile] = DestFile; } } }
// CAB file callback routine, which does the actual
// check of whether to extract the file or skip the
// file
template <class T> UINT CabinetCallback( PVOID Context, UINT Notification, UINT_PTR Param1, UINT_PTR Param2 ) { UINT ReturnCode = NO_ERROR; FileListCreatorContext<T> *FlContext = (FileListCreatorContext<T> *)Context; PFILE_IN_CABINET_INFO FileInfo = NULL; PFILEPATHS FilePaths = NULL; basic_string<T> &FileName = FlContext->CurrentFileName;
map<basic_string<T>, basic_string<T> >::iterator Iter; map<basic_string<T>, basic_string<T> >::iterator FlIter; switch (Notification) { case SPFILENOTIFY_FILEINCABINET: { ReturnCode = FILEOP_SKIP; FileInfo = (PFILE_IN_CABINET_INFO)Param1;
if (sizeof(T) == sizeof(CHAR)) { FileName = (const T *)(FileInfo->NameInCabinet); _strlwr((PSTR)(FileName.c_str())); } else { FileName = (const T *)(FileInfo->NameInCabinet); _wcslwr((PWSTR)(FileName.c_str())); } Iter = FlContext->CabFileListMap[FlContext->CurrentCabFileIdx]->find(FileName);
if (Iter != FlContext->CabFileListMap[FlContext->CurrentCabFileIdx]->end()) { if (!FlContext->Args.SkipFileCopy) { if (sizeof(T) == sizeof(CHAR)) { (VOID)StringCchCopyA((PSTR)(FileInfo->FullTargetName), ARRAY_SIZE(FileInfo->FullTargetName), (PCSTR)((*Iter).second).c_str()); } else { (VOID)StringCchCopyW((PWSTR)(FileInfo->FullTargetName), ARRAY_SIZE(FileInfo->FullTargetName), (PCWSTR)((*Iter).second).c_str()); } ReturnCode = FILEOP_DOIT; } else { ReturnCode = FILEOP_SKIP; FlContext->FileCount++; if (FlContext->Args.Verbose) { std::cout << GetFormattedMessage(ThisModule, FALSE, Message, sizeof(Message)/sizeof(Message[0]), MSG_EXTRACT_FILES_FROM_CAB_NOTIFICATION, FlContext->CurrentCabFileIdx.c_str(), FileName.c_str(), (*Iter).second.c_str()) << std::endl; } } } } break;
if (FilePaths->Win32Error) { std::cout << GetFormattedMessage(ThisModule, FALSE, Message, sizeof(Message)/sizeof(Message[0]), MSG_ERROR_EXTRACTING_FILES, FilePaths->Win32Error, FilePaths->Source, FileName.c_str(), FilePaths->Target) << std::endl; } else { FlContext->FileCount++;
if (FlContext->Args.Verbose) { std::cout << GetFormattedMessage(ThisModule, FALSE, Message, sizeof(Message)/sizeof(Message[0]), MSG_EXTRACTED_FILES_FROM_CAB_NOTIFICATION, FilePaths->Source, FileName.c_str(), FilePaths->Target) << std::endl; } } break; default: break; }
return ReturnCode; }
// Copies all the required files in given CAB file to the specified
// destination directory
template <class T> ULONG CopyCabFileList( FileListCreatorContext<T> &Context, const std::basic_string<T> &CabFileName ) { ULONG Count = Context.FileCount;
if (Context.CabFileListMap.size()) { BOOL Result = FALSE; if (sizeof(T) == sizeof(CHAR)) { Result = SetupIterateCabinetA((PCSTR)CabFileName.c_str(), NULL, (PSP_FILE_CALLBACK_A)CabinetCallback<char>, &Context); } else { Result = SetupIterateCabinetW((PCWSTR)CabFileName.c_str(), NULL, (PSP_FILE_CALLBACK_W)CabinetCallback<wchar_t>, &Context); }
if (!Result) { cout << GetFormattedMessage(ThisModule, FALSE, Message, sizeof(Message)/sizeof(Message[0]), MSG_ERROR_ITERATING_CAB_FILE, GetLastError(), CabFileName.c_str()) << endl; } }
return Context.FileCount - Count; }
template <class T> ULONG CopySingleFileList( FileListCreatorContext<T> &Context, map<basic_string<T>, basic_string<T> > &FileList ) { ULONG Count = 0;
map<basic_string<T>, basic_string<T> >::iterator Iter = FileList.begin(); while (Iter != FileList.end()) { DWORD ErrorCode = 0; if (!Context.Args.SkipFileCopy) { if (sizeof(T) == sizeof(CHAR)) { ErrorCode = SetupDecompressOrCopyFileA( (PCSTR)((*Iter).first.c_str()), (PCSTR)((*Iter).second.c_str()), NULL); } else { ErrorCode = SetupDecompressOrCopyFileW( (PCWSTR)((*Iter).first.c_str()), (PCWSTR)((*Iter).second.c_str()), NULL); } }
if (!ErrorCode) { Count++;
if (sizeof(T) == sizeof(CHAR)) { ErrorCode = SetFileAttributesA((LPCSTR)((*Iter).second.c_str()), FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL); } else { ErrorCode = SetFileAttributesW((LPCWSTR)((*Iter).second.c_str()), FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL); } if (Context.Args.SkipFileCopy) { std::cout << GetFormattedMessage(ThisModule, FALSE, Message, sizeof(Message)/sizeof(Message[0]), MSG_WILL_COPY) ; }
if (Context.Args.Verbose) { std::cout << GetFormattedMessage(ThisModule, FALSE, Message, sizeof(Message)/sizeof(Message[0]), MSG_FILE_NAME, (*Iter).first.c_str(), (*Iter).second.c_str()) << std::endl; } } else { std::cout << GetFormattedMessage(ThisModule, FALSE, Message, sizeof(Message)/sizeof(Message[0]), MSG_ERROR_COPYING_FILES, ErrorCode, (*Iter).first.c_str(), (*Iter).second.c_str()) << std::endl; }
Iter++; }
return Count; }
// Iterates through a file list and copies the files
// from the specified source directory to the destination
// directory
template <class T> ULONG CopyFileList( FileListCreatorContext<T> &Context ) { ULONG Count = 0;
std::map<std::basic_string<T>, std::map<std::basic_string<T>, std::basic_string<T> > * >::iterator Iter;
for (Iter = Context.CabFileListMap.begin(); Iter != Context.CabFileListMap.end(); Iter++) { basic_string<T> FullCabFileName = Context.Args.SourceDirectory + (*Iter).first; Context.CurrentCabFileIdx = (*Iter).first; Count += CopyCabFileList(Context, FullCabFileName); }
Count += CopySingleFileList(Context, Context.FileList); Context.FileCount += Count;
Count += CopySingleFileList(Context, Context.NlsFileMap); Context.FileCount += Count;
Count += CopySingleFileList(Context, Context.WinSxSFileList); Context.FileCount += Count; Count += CopySingleFileList(Context, Context.ExtraFileList); Context.FileCount += Count;
return Count; }
// Processes the extra files from the specified file name
// other than those present in the layout.inf file.
// Adds the files to the file list for MiniNT image
template <class T> ULONG ProcessExtraFiles(FileListCreatorContext<T> &Context) { ULONG Count = 0; InfFile<T> ExtraFile(Context.Args.ExtraFileName);
basic_string<T> ExtraSecName = TEXT("extrafiles"); basic_string<T> PlatExtraSecName = ExtraSecName + TEXT(".") + Context.Args.PlatformSuffix; Section<T> *ExtraFilesSec = ExtraFile.GetSection(ExtraSecName.c_str()); Section<T> *PlatExtraFilesSec = ExtraFile.GetSection(PlatExtraSecName.c_str());
if (ExtraFilesSec) { Context.ProcessingExtraFiles = true; ExtraFilesSec->DoForEach(FileListCreator, &Context); Context.ProcessingExtraFiles = false; Count += Context.ExtraFileList.size(); }
if (PlatExtraFilesSec) { Context.ProcessingExtraFiles = true; PlatExtraFilesSec->DoForEach(FileListCreator, &Context); Context.ProcessingExtraFiles = false; Count += (Context.ExtraFileList.size() - Count); } return Count; }
// Goes through the list of desination directories and precreates
// them
template <class T> ULONG PreCreateDirs( FileListCreatorContext<T> &Context ) { ULONG Count = 0;
std::map< std::basic_string<T>, std::basic_string<T> >::iterator Iter = Context.DestDirs.begin();
while (Iter != Context.DestDirs.end()) { if (CreateDirectories((*Iter).second, NULL)) { if (Context.Args.Verbose) { std::cout << GetFormattedMessage(ThisModule, FALSE, Message, sizeof(Message)/sizeof(Message[0]), MSG_CREATING_DIRECTORIES, (*Iter).second.c_str()) << std::endl; } Count++; } Iter++; }
return Count; }
// Creates the directory (including subdirectories)
template <class T> bool CreateDirectories(const basic_string<T> &DirName, LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES SecurityAttrs) { bool Result = false; std::vector<std::basic_string<T> > Dirs; std::basic_string<T> Delimiters((T *)TEXT("\\")); std::basic_string<T> NextDir;
if (Tokenize(DirName, Delimiters, Dirs)) { std::vector<std::basic_string<T> >::iterator Iter = Dirs.begin();
while (Iter != Dirs.end()) { NextDir += (*Iter);
if (sizeof(T) == sizeof(CHAR)) { if (_access((PCSTR)NextDir.c_str(), 0)) { Result = (CreateDirectoryA((PCSTR)NextDir.c_str(), SecurityAttrs) == TRUE); } } else { if (_waccess((PCWSTR)NextDir.c_str(), 0)) { Result = (CreateDirectoryW((PCWSTR)NextDir.c_str(), SecurityAttrs) == TRUE); } }
Iter++; NextDir += (T *)TEXT("\\"); } }
return Result; }
// Determines if the given file (or directory) is present
template <class T> bool IsFilePresent(const basic_string<T> &FileName) { bool Result = false;
if (sizeof(T) == sizeof(CHAR)) { Result = (::_access((PCSTR)FileName.c_str(), 0) == 0); } else { Result = (::_waccess((PCWSTR)FileName.c_str(), 0) == 0); }
return Result; }
// Determines if the file is Wow64 file (only valid in IA64) case
template <class T> bool IsWow64File( SectionValues<T> &Values, FileListCreatorContext<T> &Context ) { bool Result = false;
if (Values.Count() > 0) { //
// NOTE : DiskID == 55 for wowfiles. In XPSP1 it is 155.
Result = ((Values.GetValue(0) == L"55")|| (Values.GetValue(0) == L"155")); } return Result; }
// Determines if the record (file) needs to be skipped or not
template <class T> bool IsFileSkipped( SectionValues<T> &Values, FileListCreatorContext<T> &Context ) { bool Result = false;
if (Context.Args.WowFilesPresent && Context.Args.SkipWowFiles) { Result = IsWow64File(Values, Context); }
return Result; }
// InfProcessing context
template <class T> struct InfProcessingErrors { vector<basic_string<T> > FileList; Arguments<T> &Args;
InfProcessingErrors(Arguments<T> &TempArgs) : Args(TempArgs){} };
// Inf processing worker routine
template <class T> VOID InfFileChangeWorker( SectionValues<T> &Values, PVOID CallbackContext ) { InfProcessingErrors<T> *ProcessingContext = (InfProcessingErrors<T> *)CallbackContext;
if (ProcessingContext) { InfProcessingErrors<T> &Context = *ProcessingContext; T Buffer[4096] = {0}; DWORD CharsCopied = 0; BOOL WriteResult = FALSE; basic_string<T> FileName;
FileName = Context.Args.DestinationDirectory; FileName += Values.GetValue(0); basic_string<T> Value = Values.GetValue(2);
if (Value.find(L' ') != Value.npos) { Value = L"\"" + Value + L"\""; } if (sizeof(T) == sizeof(CHAR)) { WriteResult = WritePrivateProfileStringA((PCSTR)Values.GetValue(1).c_str(), (PCSTR)Values.GetName().c_str(), (PCSTR)Value.c_str(), (PCSTR)FileName.c_str()); } else { WriteResult = WritePrivateProfileStringW((PCWSTR)Values.GetValue(1).c_str(), (PCWSTR)Values.GetName().c_str(), (PCWSTR)Value.c_str(), (PCWSTR)FileName.c_str()); }
if (!WriteResult) { Context.FileList.push_back(Values.GetName()); } } }
// Given the control inf, reads the [infchanges] section
// and changes each of the specified value of the specified
// inf in destination directory to given value
// The format for the [infchanges] section is
// <[sub-directory]\><inf-name>=<section-name>,<key-name>,<new-value>
template <class T> bool ProcessInfChanges( Arguments<T> &Args, const basic_string<T> &InfName ) { bool Result = false;
try{ InfFile<T> ControlInf(InfName); Section<T> *ChangeSection = ControlInf.GetSection(INFCHANGES_SECTION_NAME); T SectionStringBuffer[16] = {0}; if (sizeof(T) == sizeof(CHAR)) { (VOID)StringCchPrintfA((PSTR)SectionStringBuffer, ARRAY_SIZE(SectionStringBuffer), "%d", Args.MajorBuildNumber); } else { (VOID)StringCchPrintfW((PWSTR)SectionStringBuffer, ARRAY_SIZE(SectionStringBuffer), TEXT("%d"), Args.MajorBuildNumber); } basic_string<T> BuildSpecificInfChangeSecName = INFCHANGES_SECTION_NAME + TEXT(".") + SectionStringBuffer; Section<T> *BuildSpecificInfChangeSection = ControlInf.GetSection(BuildSpecificInfChangeSecName.c_str());
InfProcessingErrors<T> ProcessingErrors(Args); //
// There needs to be atleast one entry with "/minint" load option change
// for txtsetup.sif
if (!ChangeSection) { throw new InvalidInfSection<T>(L"infchanges", InfName); } else { ChangeSection->DoForEach(InfFileChangeWorker, &ProcessingErrors);
if (BuildSpecificInfChangeSection){ BuildSpecificInfChangeSection->DoForEach(InfFileChangeWorker, &ProcessingErrors); } }
if (ProcessingErrors.FileList.size()) { vector<basic_string<T> >::iterator Iter = ProcessingErrors.FileList.begin();
cout << GetFormattedMessage(ThisModule, FALSE, Message, sizeof(Message)/sizeof(Message[0]), MSG_ERROR_PROCESSING_INF_FILES) << endl;
while (Iter != ProcessingErrors.FileList.end()) { cout << GetFormattedMessage(ThisModule, FALSE, Message, sizeof(Message)/sizeof(Message[0]), MSG_FILE, (*Iter).c_str()) << endl; Iter++; } } else { Result = true; } } catch (BaseException<wchar_t> *Exp) { Exp->Dump(std::cout); delete Exp; Result = false; } catch(...) { Result = false; }
return Result; }
// Arguments (constructor)
template <class T> Arguments<T>::Arguments(int Argc, T *Argv[]) : Verbose(false) { bool ValidArguments = false;
SkipWowFiles = true; WowFilesPresent = false; SkipFileCopy = false; CheckVersion = false; IA64Image = false; MajorBuildNumber = 0; MajorVersionNumber = 0; MinorVersionNumber = 0;
T Buffer[MAX_PATH] = {0}; DWORD CharsCopied = 0;
if (sizeof(T) == sizeof(CHAR)) { CharsCopied = GetCurrentDirectoryA(sizeof(Buffer)/sizeof(T), (PSTR)Buffer); } else { CharsCopied = GetCurrentDirectoryW(sizeof(Buffer)/sizeof(T), (PWSTR)Buffer); }
if (!CharsCopied) { throw new W32Exception<T>(); }
if (Buffer[CharsCopied - 1] != L'\\') { Buffer[CharsCopied] = L'\\'; Buffer[CharsCopied + 1] = NULL; }
CurrentDirectory = Buffer;
if (Argc >= 2) { for (int Index = 0; Index < Argc; Index++) { if (wcsstr(Argv[Index], L"/s:")) { SourceDirectory = Argv[Index] + 3; } else if (wcsstr(Argv[Index], L"/d:")) { DestinationDirectory = Argv[Index] + 3; } else if (wcsstr(Argv[Index], L"/m:")) { OptionalSrcDirectory = Argv[Index] + 3; } else if (wcsstr(Argv[Index], L"/e:")) { ExtraFileName = Argv[Index] + 3; } else if (wcsstr(Argv[Index], L"/l:")) { LayoutName = Argv[Index] + 3; } else if (wcsstr(Argv[Index], L"/p:")) { PlatformSuffix = Argv[Index] + 3; } else if (wcsstr(Argv[Index], L"/v")) { Verbose = true; } else if (!_wcsicmp(Argv[Index], L"/#u:nocopy")) { SkipFileCopy = true; } else if (!_wcsicmp(Argv[Index], L"/#u:checkversion")) { CheckVersion = true; } }
if (SourceDirectory.length() && SourceDirectory[SourceDirectory.length() - 1] != L'\\') { SourceDirectory += L"\\"; SourceDirectoryRoot = SourceDirectory;
std::basic_string<T> ia64Dir = SourceDirectory + L"ia64"; std::basic_string<T> x86Dir = SourceDirectory + L"i386"; if (IsFilePresent(ia64Dir)) { PlatformSuffix = L"ia64"; SourceDirectory += L"ia64\\"; WowFilesPresent = true; IA64Image = true; } else if (IsFilePresent(x86Dir)) { PlatformSuffix = L"x86"; SourceDirectory += L"i386\\"; } }
if (DestinationDirectory.length() && DestinationDirectory[DestinationDirectory.length() - 1] != L'\\') { DestinationDirectory += L'\\'; }
if (!LayoutName.length()) { LayoutName = SourceDirectory + L"layout.inf"; }
if (OptionalSrcDirectory.length() && OptionalSrcDirectory[OptionalSrcDirectory.length() - 1] != L'\\') { OptionalSrcDirectory += L"\\"; }
DriverIndexName = SourceDirectory + L"drvindex.inf";
if (OptionalSrcDirectory.length()) { IntlInfFileName = OptionalSrcDirectory + L"intl.inf"; FontInfFileName = OptionalSrcDirectory + L"font.inf"; ConfigInfFileName = OptionalSrcDirectory + L"config.inf"; } else { IntlInfFileName = SourceDirectory + L"intl.inf"; FontInfFileName = SourceDirectory + L"font.inf"; ConfigInfFileName = SourceDirectory + L"config.inf"; }
DosNetFileName = SourceDirectory + L"dosnet.inf";
// Get the SxS assembly layout (in ASMS directory or CAB).
if (!CheckVersion) { ValidArguments = SourceDirectory.length() && DestinationDirectory.length() && LayoutName.length() && ((PlatformSuffix == L"x86") || (PlatformSuffix == L"ia64")); } else { ValidArguments = (SourceDirectory.length() > 0) && IsFilePresent(DosNetFileName); } } if (!ValidArguments) { throw new InvalidArguments(); } }
template <class T> VOID Arguments<T>::IdentifySxSLayout( VOID ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine determines the file layout for SXS files. Arguments:
Return Value:
None. --*/ { WCHAR DriverVer[MAX_PATH] = {0};
WinSxSLayout = SXS_LAYOUT_TYPE_CAB; // by default assumes latest layout
if (GetPrivateProfileString(L"Version", L"DriverVer", NULL, DriverVer, sizeof(DriverVer)/sizeof(DriverVer[0]), DosNetFileName.c_str())){
basic_string<T> DriverVerStr = DriverVer; basic_string<T>::size_type VerStartPos = DriverVerStr.find(L','); basic_string<T> VersionStr = DriverVerStr.substr(VerStartPos + 1); vector<basic_string<T> > VersionTokens;
if (Tokenize(VersionStr, basic_string<T>(L"."), VersionTokens) > 2) { T *EndChar; MajorVersionNumber = wcstoul(VersionTokens[0].c_str(), &EndChar, 10); MinorVersionNumber = wcstoul(VersionTokens[1].c_str(), &EndChar, 10); MajorBuildNumber = wcstoul(VersionTokens[2].c_str(), &EndChar, 10); //
// This can be expanded in future for more products.
if ((MajorVersionNumber == 5) && (MajorBuildNumber < SXS_CAB_LAYOUT_BUILD_NUMBER)) { WinSxSLayout = SXS_LAYOUT_TYPE_DIRECTORY; } } else { throw new InvalidInfSection<T>(L"Version", DosNetFileName.c_str()); } } else { throw new W32Exception<T>(); } }
// Checks the media version against the current OS version
template <class T> bool CheckMediaVersion( Arguments<T> &Args ) { bool Result = false;
#ifdef _IA64_
bool IA64Build = true; #else
bool IA64Build = false; #endif
try { WCHAR DriverVer[MAX_PATH] = {0}; WCHAR ProductType[MAX_PATH] = {0};
if (GetPrivateProfileString(L"Version", L"DriverVer", NULL, DriverVer, sizeof(DriverVer)/sizeof(DriverVer[0]), Args.DosNetFileName.c_str()) && GetPrivateProfileString(L"Miscellaneous", L"ProductType", NULL, ProductType, sizeof(ProductType)/sizeof(ProductType[0]), Args.DosNetFileName.c_str())) { basic_string<T> DriverVerStr = DriverVer; basic_string<T> ProductTypeStr = ProductType; basic_string<T>::size_type VerStartPos = DriverVerStr.find(L','); T *EndPtr; DWORD ProductType = wcstoul(ProductTypeStr.c_str(), &EndPtr, 10);
// For the time being only worry about CD type
// Allow only from Pro, Server, Blade and ADS SKU's.
Result = ((0 == ProductType) || (1 == ProductType) || (5 == ProductType) || (2 == ProductType));
// make sure that the CD is pro CD and the version is the same
// version as we are running from
if ((ProductType == 0) && (VerStartPos != basic_string<T>::npos)) { basic_string<T> VersionStr = DriverVerStr.substr(VerStartPos + 1); vector<basic_string<T> > VersionTokens;
if (Tokenize(VersionStr, basic_string<T>(L"."), VersionTokens) >= 3) { T *EndChar; DWORD MajorVer = wcstoul(VersionTokens[0].c_str(), &EndChar, 10); DWORD MinorVer = wcstoul(VersionTokens[1].c_str(), &EndChar, 10); DWORD BuildNumber = wcstoul(VersionTokens[2].c_str(), &EndChar, 10); OSVERSIONINFO VersionInfo;
ZeroMemory(&VersionInfo, sizeof(OSVERSIONINFO)); VersionInfo.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof(OSVERSIONINFO);
if (MajorVer && MinorVer && BuildNumber && ::GetVersionEx(&VersionInfo)) {
Result = (VersionInfo.dwMajorVersion == MajorVer) && (VersionInfo.dwMinorVersion == MinorVer) && (VersionInfo.dwBuildNumber == BuildNumber); } } } */ } } catch (...) { Result = false; }
return Result; }
// Computes a SxS string hash, used in creating assembly identity
template <class T> bool ComputeStringHash( const std::basic_string<T> &String, ULONG &HashValue ) { bool Result = false; ULONG TmpHashValue = 0;
if (String.length()) { std::basic_string<T>::const_iterator Iter = String.begin();
while (Iter != String.end()) { TmpHashValue = (TmpHashValue * 65599) + toupper(*Iter); Iter++; }
HashValue = TmpHashValue; Result = true; }
return Result; }
// Computes an assembly identity hash for the specified
// Name and attribute pairs
template <class T> bool ComputeWinSxSHash( IN std::map<std::basic_string<T>, std::basic_string<T> > &Attributes, ULONG &Hash ) { bool Result = false; std::map<std::basic_string<T>, std::basic_string<T> >::iterator Iter = Attributes.begin();
Hash = 0;
while (Iter != Attributes.end()) { ULONG NameHash = 0; ULONG ValueHash = 0; ULONG AttrHash = 0;
if (ComputeStringHash((*Iter).first, NameHash) && ComputeStringHash((*Iter).second, ValueHash)) { Result = true; AttrHash = (NameHash * 65599) + ValueHash; Hash = (Hash * 65599) + AttrHash; }
Iter++; }
return Result; }
// Given a manifest file name generates a unique
// assmebly name (with ID) to be used as destination
// directory for the assembly
template <class T> bool GenerateWinSxSName( IN std::basic_string<T> &ManifestName, IN ULONG FileSize, OUT std::basic_string<T> &SxSName ) { bool Result = false; if (FileSize) { bool Read = false; PUCHAR Buffer = new UCHAR[FileSize + 1]; PWSTR UnicodeBuffer = new WCHAR[FileSize + 1]; std::wstring FileContent;
if (Buffer && UnicodeBuffer) { HANDLE FileHandle;
// Open the manifest file
if (FileHandle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { DWORD BytesRead = 0;
// Read the entire contents of the file
if (ReadFile(FileHandle, Buffer, FileSize, &BytesRead, NULL)) { Read = (BytesRead == FileSize); }
CloseHandle(FileHandle); }
if (Read) { //
// null terminate the buffer
Buffer[FileSize] = NULL;
// Convert the string to unicode string
if (MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, 0, (LPCSTR)Buffer, FileSize + 1, UnicodeBuffer, FileSize + 1)) { FileContent = UnicodeBuffer; } }
delete []Buffer; delete []UnicodeBuffer; } else { if (Buffer) { delete []Buffer; }
if (UnicodeBuffer) delete []UnicodeBuffer; }
if (FileContent.length()) { std::wstring IdentityKey = L"<" SXS_ASSEMBLY_MANIFEST_STD_ELEMENT_NAME_ASSEMBLY_IDENTITY; std::wstring::size_type IdentityStartPos = FileContent.find(IdentityKey); std::wstring::size_type IdentityEndPos = FileContent.find(L"/>", IdentityStartPos);
// Create name, value pairs for all the identity attributes specified
// in the manifest
if ((IdentityStartPos != IdentityKey.npos) && (IdentityEndPos != IdentityKey.npos)) { std::map<std::wstring, std::wstring> IdentityPairs;
for (ULONG Index = 0; KeyNames[Index]; Index++) { std::wstring::size_type ValueStartPos; std::wstring::size_type ValueEndPos; std::wstring KeyName = KeyNames[Index];
KeyName += L"=\"";
ValueStartPos = FileContent.find(KeyName, IdentityStartPos);
if (ValueStartPos != std::wstring::npos) { ValueStartPos += KeyName.length(); ValueEndPos = FileContent.find(L"\"", ValueStartPos);
if ((ValueEndPos != std::wstring::npos) && (ValueEndPos > ValueStartPos) && (ValueEndPos <= IdentityEndPos)) { IdentityPairs[KeyNames[Index]] = FileContent.substr(ValueStartPos, ValueEndPos - ValueStartPos); } } }
ULONG Hash = 0;
// Compute the assembly identity hash
std::wstring Name;
Result = true;
// Generate the unique assembly name based on
// its identity attribute name, value pairs
for (Index = 0; KeyValues[Index]; Index += 2) { std::wstring Key(KeyValues[Index]); std::wstring Value(IdentityPairs[Key]);
// Use default value, if none specified
if ((Value.length() == 0) && KeyValues[Index + 1]) { Value = KeyValues[Index + 1]; }
if (Value.length()) { Name += Value;
if (KeyValues[Index + 2]) { Name += TEXT("_"); } } else { Result = false;
break; // required value is missing
} }
if (Result) { WCHAR Buffer[32] = {0};
(VOID)StringCchPrintfW(Buffer, ARRAY_SIZE(Buffer), L"%x", Hash);
SxSName = Name + TEXT("_") + Buffer; } } } } }
return Result; }
// Processes the fusion assembly in the specified directory
template <class T> ULONG ProcessWinSxSFilesInDirectory( IN FileListCreatorContext<T> &Context, IN std::basic_string<T> &DirName ) { //
// persistent state
static basic_string<T> WinSxSDirCode = TEXT("124"); static basic_string<T> WinSxSManifestDirCode = TEXT("125"); static basic_string<T> WinSxSDir = Context.DirsSection->GetValue(WinSxSDirCode).GetValue(0); static basic_string<T> WinSxSManifestDir = Context.DirsSection->GetValue(WinSxSManifestDirCode).GetValue(0); static ULONG NextDirIndex = 123456; // some random number not used in layout.inx
ULONG FileCount = 0; WIN32_FIND_DATA FindData = {0}; std::basic_string<T> SearchName = DirName + TEXT("\\*.MAN"); HANDLE SearchHandle;
// Search for the *.man file in the specfied directory
SearchHandle = FindFirstFile(SearchName.c_str(), &FindData);
if (SearchHandle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { std::basic_string<T> ManifestName = DirName + TEXT("\\") + FindData.cFileName; std::basic_string<T> WinSxSName; bool NameGenerated = false;
// Generate the WinSxS destination name for the manifest
NameGenerated = GenerateWinSxSName(ManifestName, FindData.nFileSizeLow, WinSxSName);
if (NameGenerated) { T NextDirCode[64] = {0}; std::basic_string<T> SxSDirName = Context.Args.DestinationDirectory + WinSxSDir + TEXT("\\"); std::basic_string<T> ManifestDirName = Context.Args.DestinationDirectory + WinSxSManifestDir + TEXT("\\"); //
// Cache the directory, if not already done
if (Context.DestDirs.find(WinSxSDirCode) == Context.DestDirs.end()) { Context.DestDirs[WinSxSDirCode] = SxSDirName; }
if (Context.DestDirs.find(WinSxSManifestDirCode) == Context.DestDirs.end()) { Context.DestDirs[WinSxSManifestDirCode] = ManifestDirName; }
ZeroMemory(&FindData, sizeof(WIN32_FIND_DATA));
// Search for all the files in the specified directory
SearchName = DirName + TEXT("\\*"); SearchHandle = FindFirstFile(SearchName.c_str(), &FindData);
if (SearchHandle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { std::basic_string<T> SrcFileName, DestFileName; std::basic_string<T> ManifestDirCode; if (sizeof(T) == sizeof(CHAR)) { (VOID)StringCchPrintfA((PSTR)NextDirCode, ARRAY_SIZE(NextDirCode), "%d", NextDirIndex++); } else { (VOID)StringCchPrintfW((PWSTR)NextDirCode, ARRAY_SIZE(NextDirCode), TEXT("%d"), NextDirIndex++); }
ManifestDirCode = NextDirCode; do { if (!(FindData.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)) { SrcFileName = DirName + TEXT("\\") + FindData.cFileName; DestFileName = SxSDirName; std::basic_string<T> FileName(FindData.cFileName); std::basic_string<T>::size_type DotPos = FileName.find(TEXT(".")); std::basic_string<T> Extension;
if (DotPos != FileName.npos) { Extension = FileName.substr(DotPos + 1); }
// *.man and *.cat go to the WinSxS\Manifest directory
if ((Extension == TEXT("man")) || (Extension == TEXT("MAN")) || (Extension == TEXT("cat")) || (Extension == TEXT("CAT"))) { DestFileName = ManifestDirName; DestFileName += WinSxSName;
if ((Extension == TEXT("man")) || (Extension == TEXT("MAN"))) { DestFileName += TEXT(".Manifest"); } else { DestFileName += TEXT("."); DestFileName += Extension; } } else { //
// Cache the directory, if not already done
if (Context.DestDirs.find(ManifestDirCode) == Context.DestDirs.end()) { Context.DestDirs[ManifestDirCode] = SxSDirName + WinSxSName; }
// Each file other than *.man & *.cat go the unique
// assembly directory created
DestFileName += WinSxSName; DestFileName += TEXT("\\"); DestFileName += FileName; }
// Queue this file for copying
Context.WinSxSFileList[SrcFileName] = DestFileName; FileCount++; } } while (FindNextFile(SearchHandle, &FindData)); FindClose(SearchHandle); } } }
return FileCount; }
template<class T> bool WinSxsExtractVersionInfo( IN basic_string<T> ManifestName, OUT basic_string<T> &Version ) /*++
Routine Description:
Extracts the version information string (like from the given manifest name.
NOTE: Assumes that version information is the third-last (third from the last) value in the assembly Id. Arguments:
ManifestName - full manifest name
Version - placeholder for extracted version information
Return Value:
true on success, otherwise false --*/ { bool Result = false; basic_string<T>::size_type VersionEnd = ManifestName.rfind((T)TEXT('_'));
if (VersionEnd != ManifestName.npos) { VersionEnd = ManifestName.rfind((T)TEXT('_'), VersionEnd - 1);
if (VersionEnd != ManifestName.npos) { basic_string<T>::size_type VersionStart = ManifestName.rfind((T)TEXT('_'), VersionEnd - 1); VersionEnd--;
if (VersionStart != ManifestName.npos) { Version = ManifestName.substr(VersionStart + 1, VersionEnd - VersionStart); Result = (Version.length() > 0); } } } return Result; }
template <class T> bool WinSxsFixFilePaths( IN FileListCreatorContext<T> &Context, IN OUT FILE_IN_CABINET_INFO &FileInfo ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine fixes the destination path in the FileInfo argument Arguments:
Context - FileListCreatorContext instance as PVOID.
FileInfo - Cab file iteration FileInfo instance
Return Value:
true if the destination name was fixed otherwise false. --*/ { bool Result = true; basic_string<T> SourceName; static basic_string<T> ManifestExtension((T *)TEXT(".Manifest")); static basic_string<T> PolicyExtension((T *)TEXT(".Policy")); static basic_string<T> PolicyKey((T *)TEXT("_policy")); static basic_string<T> ManExtKey((T *)TEXT(".man")); static basic_string<T> CatExtKey((T *)TEXT(".cat")); static basic_string<T> WinSxSDirCode((T *)TEXT("124")); static basic_string<T> WinSxSManifestDirCode((T *)TEXT("125")); static basic_string<T> WinSxSDir = Context.Args.DestinationDirectory + Context.DirsSection->GetValue(WinSxSDirCode).GetValue(0) + (T *)TEXT("\\") ; static basic_string<T> WinSxSManifestDir = Context.Args.DestinationDirectory + Context.DirsSection->GetValue(WinSxSManifestDirCode).GetValue(0) + (T *)TEXT("\\") ; static basic_string<T> WinSxSPoliciesDir = WinSxSDir + (T *)TEXT("Policies\\");
if (sizeof(T) == sizeof(CHAR)) { SourceName = (T *)(_strlwr((PSTR)(FileInfo.NameInCabinet))); } else { SourceName = (T *)(_wcslwr((PWSTR)(FileInfo.NameInCabinet))); }
basic_string<T> SourcePath; basic_string<T> AssemblyId; basic_string<T> SourceFileName; basic_string<T> SourceFilePart; basic_string<T> SourceFileExt; basic_string<T>::size_type SlashPos = SourceName.npos; basic_string<T> DestinationName;
if (sizeof(T) == sizeof(CHAR)) { SlashPos = SourceName.rfind('\\'); } else { SlashPos = SourceName.rfind(L'\\'); }
if (SlashPos != SourceName.npos) { //
// extract required substrings from the source name
AssemblyId = SourceName.substr(0, SlashPos); SourcePath = SourceName.substr(0, SlashPos + 1); SlashPos++; SourceFileName = SourceName.substr(SlashPos); SourceFilePart = SourceFileName.substr(0, SourceFileName.rfind((T *)TEXT("."))); SourceFileExt = SourceFileName.substr(SourceFileName.rfind((T *)TEXT(".")));
// what kind of file is it?
bool PolicyFile = (SourcePath.find(PolicyKey) != SourcePath.npos); bool ManifestFile = (SourceName.find(ManExtKey) != SourcePath.npos); bool CatalogFile = (SourceName.find(CatExtKey) != SourcePath.npos);
if (PolicyFile) { basic_string<T> VersionPart;
if (WinSxsExtractVersionInfo(SourcePath, VersionPart)) { DestinationName = WinSxSPoliciesDir + SourcePath + VersionPart;
if (ManifestFile) { DestinationName += PolicyExtension; } else { DestinationName += SourceFileExt; } } else { Result = false; // couldn't extract the version information
} } else if (ManifestFile) { DestinationName = WinSxSManifestDir + AssemblyId + ManifestExtension; } else if (CatalogFile) { DestinationName = WinSxSManifestDir + AssemblyId + SourceFileExt; } else { DestinationName = WinSxSDir + SourcePath + SourceFileName; } } else { Result = false; // invalid source file name
if (Result) { if (sizeof(T) == sizeof(CHAR)) { (VOID)StringCchCopyA((PSTR)(FileInfo.FullTargetName), ARRAY_SIZE(FileInfo.FullTargetName), (PCSTR)DestinationName.c_str()); } else { (VOID)StringCchCopyW((PWSTR)(FileInfo.FullTargetName), ARRAY_SIZE(FileInfo.FullTargetName), (PCWSTR)DestinationName.c_str()); } }
return Result; }
template <class T> UINT WinSxsCabinetCallback( IN PVOID Context, IN UINT Notification, IN UINT_PTR Param1, IN UINT_PTR Param2 ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine processes WinSxS files in Cabinet.
Context - FileListCreatorContext instance as PVOID.
Notification - CAB Iteration Code
Param1 - First parameter for Notification.
Param2 - Second parameter for Notification.
Return Value:
Appropriate return code to continue iterating, copy the file or skip the file in cab. --*/ { UINT ReturnCode = NO_ERROR; FileListCreatorContext<T> *FlContext = (FileListCreatorContext<T> *)Context; PFILE_IN_CABINET_INFO FileInfo = NULL; PFILEPATHS FilePaths = NULL; basic_string<T> &FileName = FlContext->CurrentFileName; switch (Notification) { case SPFILENOTIFY_FILEINCABINET: ReturnCode = FILEOP_SKIP; FileInfo = (PFILE_IN_CABINET_INFO)Param1; if (WinSxsFixFilePaths(*FlContext, *FileInfo)) { if (sizeof(T) == sizeof(CHAR)) { FileName = (const T *)(FileInfo->NameInCabinet); } else { FileName = (const T *)(FileInfo->NameInCabinet); } if (!FlContext->Args.SkipFileCopy) { //
// create the destination directory if it doesnot exist
basic_string<T> DestinationName = (T *)(FileInfo->FullTargetName); basic_string<T> DestinationDir = DestinationName.substr(0, DestinationName.rfind((T *)TEXT("\\")));
if (sizeof(T) == sizeof(CHAR)) { if (_access((PCSTR)(DestinationDir.c_str()), 0)) { CreateDirectories(DestinationDir, NULL); } } else { if (_waccess((PCWSTR)(DestinationDir.c_str()), 0)) { CreateDirectories(DestinationDir, NULL); } } ReturnCode = FILEOP_DOIT; } else { ReturnCode = FILEOP_SKIP; FlContext->FileCount++; if (FlContext->Args.Verbose) { std::cout << GetFormattedMessage(ThisModule, FALSE, Message, sizeof(Message)/sizeof(Message[0]), MSG_EXTRACT_FILES_FROM_CAB_NOTIFICATION, FlContext->WinSxsCabinetFileName.c_str(), FileInfo->NameInCabinet, FileInfo->FullTargetName) << std::endl; } } } else { ReturnCode = FILEOP_ABORT; } break;
if (FilePaths->Win32Error) { std::cout << GetFormattedMessage(ThisModule, FALSE, Message, sizeof(Message)/sizeof(Message[0]), MSG_ERROR_EXTRACTING_FILES, FilePaths->Win32Error, FilePaths->Source, FileName.c_str(), FilePaths->Target) << std::endl; } else { FlContext->FileCount++;
if (FlContext->Args.Verbose) { std::cout << GetFormattedMessage(ThisModule, FALSE, Message, sizeof(Message)/sizeof(Message[0]), MSG_EXTRACTED_FILES_FROM_CAB_NOTIFICATION, FilePaths->Source, FileName.c_str(), FilePaths->Target) << std::endl; } } break; default: break; }
return ReturnCode; }
// Copies all the required files in given CAB file to the specified
// destination directory
template <class T> ULONG ProcessWinSxsCabFiles( IN FileListCreatorContext<T> &Context, IN const std::basic_string<T> &CabFileName ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine processes the given CAB file for WinSxS. It extracts the required manifest, catalog and policy files and installs them to the the appropriate assembly on the destination.
Context - FileListCreatorContext instance as PVOID.
CabFileName - Fully qualitifed cab file name that needs to be processed.
Return Value:
Number of files processed. --*/ { ULONG Count = Context.FileCount; BOOL Result = FALSE;
Context.WinSxsCabinetFileName = CabFileName; if (sizeof(T) == sizeof(CHAR)) { Result = SetupIterateCabinetA((PCSTR)CabFileName.c_str(), NULL, (PSP_FILE_CALLBACK_A)WinSxsCabinetCallback<char>, &Context); } else { Result = SetupIterateCabinetW((PCWSTR)CabFileName.c_str(), NULL, (PSP_FILE_CALLBACK_W)WinSxsCabinetCallback<wchar_t>, &Context); }
if (!Result) { cout << GetFormattedMessage(ThisModule, FALSE, Message, sizeof(Message)/sizeof(Message[0]), MSG_ERROR_ITERATING_CAB_FILE, GetLastError(), CabFileName.c_str()) << endl; }
return Context.FileCount - Count; }
template <class T> ULONG ProcessWinSxSFilesForCabLayout( IN FileListCreatorContext<T> &Context, IN std::basic_string<T> &SearchPattern ) /*++
Routine Description:
Processes Win SXS files for CAB layout. Arguments:
Context : Current Processing Context. SearchPattern : The search pattern for cab files. Return Value:
The number of files which were processed. --*/ { ULONG FileCount = 0; WIN32_FIND_DATA FindData = {0}; std::basic_string<T> SearchName = Context.Args.SourceDirectory + SearchPattern; HANDLE SearchHandle;
SearchHandle = FindFirstFile(SearchName.c_str(), &FindData);
if (SearchHandle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { do { if (!(FindData.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)) { basic_string<T> FullCabFileName = Context.Args.SourceDirectory + FindData.cFileName; //
// Process any manifests present in the current directory
FileCount += ProcessWinSxsCabFiles(Context, FullCabFileName); } } while (FindNextFile(SearchHandle, &FindData));
FindClose(SearchHandle); } return FileCount; }
template <class T> ULONG ProcessWinSxSFilesForDirectoryLayout( IN FileListCreatorContext<T> &Context, IN std::basic_string<T> &DirName ) /*++
Routine Description:
Processes Win SXS files for flat/directory layout. Arguments:
Context: Current Processing context. DirName: Current directory to be processed. Return Value:
The number of files which were processed. --*/ { WIN32_FIND_DATA FindData = {0}; std::basic_string<T> SearchName; static std::basic_string<T> CurrDir = TEXT("."); static std::basic_string<T> ParentDir = TEXT(".."); ULONG FileCount = 0; HANDLE SearchHandle;
SearchName = DirName + TEXT("\\*"); SearchHandle = FindFirstFile(SearchName.c_str(), &FindData);
if (SearchHandle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { do { if ((CurrDir != FindData.cFileName) && (ParentDir != FindData.cFileName)) { //
// If we hit a directory then search again in that directory
if (FindData.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) { std::basic_string<T> NewDirName = DirName + TEXT("\\") + FindData.cFileName;
FileCount += ProcessWinSxSFilesForDirectoryLayout(Context, NewDirName); } else { //
// Process any manifests present in the current directory
FileCount += ProcessWinSxSFilesInDirectory(Context, DirName);
// done with this directory and sub-directories
break; } } } while (FindNextFile(SearchHandle, &FindData));
FindClose(SearchHandle); }
return FileCount; }
// Processes the asms directory and installs fusion assemblies in an
// offline fashion
template <class T> ULONG ProcessWinSxSFiles( IN FileListCreatorContext<T> &Context ) { ULONG FileCount = 0;
if (Context.Args.WinSxSLayout == SXS_LAYOUT_TYPE_DIRECTORY) { basic_string<T> AsmsDir = Context.Args.SourceDirectory + TEXT("asms");
FileCount = ProcessWinSxSFilesForDirectoryLayout(Context, AsmsDir); } else { basic_string<T> SearchPattern = TEXT("asms*.cab"); FileCount = ProcessWinSxSFilesForCabLayout(Context, SearchPattern); }
return FileCount; }
// Process NLS specific files
template <class T> FileListCreatorContext<T>::FileListCreatorContext( Arguments<T> &PrgArgs, Section<T> *Curr, Section<T> *Dirs, InfFile<T> &ConfigInf, InfFile<T> &IntlInf, InfFile<T> &FontInf, DriverIndexInfFile<T> &DrvIdxFile ): Args(PrgArgs), ConfigInfFile(ConfigInf), IntlInfFile(IntlInf), FontInfFile(FontInf), DriverIdxFile(DrvIdxFile) /*++
Routine Description:
Bunch of them.
Return Value:
FileListCreatorContext object instance.
--*/ { CurrentSection = Curr; DirsSection = Dirs; SkipInfFiles = false; FileCount = 0; ProcessingExtraFiles = false; DummyDirectoryId = 50000; // we start with 50000 and count upwards
// get hold of the windows directory which we need to prune the NLS
// copy file list
DWORD Length; T WindowsDirBuffer[MAX_PATH] = {0};
if (sizeof(T) == sizeof(CHAR)) { Length = GetWindowsDirectoryA((PSTR)WindowsDirBuffer, sizeof(WindowsDirBuffer)/sizeof(T));
if (Length){ if (((PSTR)WindowsDirBuffer)[Length] != '\\') { (VOID)StringCchCatA((PSTR)WindowsDirBuffer, ARRAY_SIZE(WindowsDirBuffer), "\\");
} _strlwr((PSTR)WindowsDirBuffer); WindowsDirectory = basic_string<T>((const T*)WindowsDirBuffer); } } else { Length = GetWindowsDirectoryW((PWSTR)WindowsDirBuffer, sizeof(WindowsDirBuffer)/sizeof(T));
if (Length) { if (((PWSTR)WindowsDirBuffer)[Length] != L'\\') { (VOID)StringCchCatW((PWSTR)WindowsDirBuffer, ARRAY_SIZE(WindowsDirBuffer), L"\\");
} _wcslwr((PWSTR)WindowsDirBuffer); WindowsDirectory = basic_string<T>((const T*)WindowsDirBuffer); } }
if (!WindowsDirBuffer[0]) { throw new W32Exception<T>(); } }
template <class T> ULONG FileListCreatorContext<T>::ProcessNlsFiles( VOID ) /*++
Routine Description:
Does the necessary work to process the NLS files from INTL.INF & FONT.INF files.
NOTE : For all locales language group 1 (LG_INSTALL_1 section) is processed.
Return Value:
Number of NLS files that were added to the files to copy list.
--*/ { ULONG FileCount = 0;
// get hold of the necessary copy file sections
Section<T> *RegionalSection = ConfigInfFile.GetSection(REGIONAL_SECTION_NAME); if (!RegionalSection) { throw new InvalidInfSection<T>(REGIONAL_SECTION_NAME, ConfigInfFile.GetName()); }
SectionValues<T> *LangGroups;
// [LanguageGroup] section is optional
try { LangGroups = &(RegionalSection->GetValue(LANGUAGE_GROUP_KEY)); } catch (...) { LangGroups = NULL; } SectionValues<T> &Language = RegionalSection->GetValue(LANGUAGE_KEY); ULONG LangGroupCount = LangGroups ? LangGroups->Count() : 0;
// go through all language group sections and create a list of unique
// language group sections that need to be processed.
std::map< std::basic_string<T>, std::basic_string<T> > RegSectionsToProcess;
for (ULONG Index = 0; Index < LangGroupCount; Index++) { //
// get the language group section
std::basic_string<T> LangGroupName = LANGGROUP_SECTION_PREFIX;
LangGroupName += LangGroups->GetValue(Index);
//std::cout << LangGroupName << std::endl;
if (sizeof(T) == sizeof(CHAR)) { _strlwr((PSTR)LangGroupName.c_str()); } else { _wcslwr((PWSTR)LangGroupName.c_str()); }
// if the section is not already there then add it
if (RegSectionsToProcess.find(LangGroupName) == RegSectionsToProcess.end()) { // std::cout << "Adding : " << LangGroupName << std::endl;
RegSectionsToProcess[LangGroupName] = LangGroupName; } }
// process the language section
T LanguageIdStr[64]; T *EndPtr; DWORD LanguageId;
if (sizeof(T) == sizeof(CHAR)) { LanguageId = strtoul((PSTR)Language.GetValue(0).c_str(), (PSTR *)&EndPtr, 16); (VOID)StringCchPrintfA((PSTR)LanguageIdStr, ARRAY_SIZE(LanguageIdStr), "%08x", LanguageId);
_strlwr((PSTR)LanguageIdStr); } else { LanguageId = wcstoul((PWSTR)Language.GetValue(0).c_str(), (PWSTR *)&EndPtr, 16); (VOID)StringCchPrintfW((PWSTR)LanguageIdStr, ARRAY_SIZE(LanguageIdStr), L"%08x", LanguageId);
_wcslwr((PWSTR)LanguageIdStr); }
std::basic_string<T> LangSectionName = LanguageIdStr;
RegSectionsToProcess[LangSectionName] = LangSectionName;
// make sure the required language groups for this
// language are also processed
Section<T> *LocaleSection = IntlInfFile.GetSection(LOCALES_SECTION_NAME);
if (!LocaleSection) { throw new InvalidInfSection<T>(LOCALES_SECTION_NAME, IntlInfFile.GetName()); }
SectionValues<T> &LocaleValues = LocaleSection->GetValue(LangSectionName); std::basic_string<T> NeededLangGroup = LANGGROUP_SECTION_PREFIX + LocaleValues.GetValue(LANG_GROUP1_INDEX);
RegSectionsToProcess[NeededLangGroup] = NeededLangGroup;
// add the font registry entries also
T FontSectionName[MAX_PATH];
if (sizeof(T) == sizeof(CHAR)) { (VOID)StringCchPrintfA((PSTR)FontSectionName, ARRAY_SIZE(FontSectionName), (PSTR)FONT_CP_REGSECTION_FMT_STR.c_str(), (PSTR)LocaleValues.GetValue(OEM_CP_INDEX).c_str(), DEFAULT_FONT_SIZE); } else { (VOID)StringCchPrintfW((PWSTR)FontSectionName, ARRAY_SIZE(FontSectionName), (PWSTR)FONT_CP_REGSECTION_FMT_STR.c_str(), (PWSTR)LocaleValues.GetValue(OEM_CP_INDEX).c_str(), DEFAULT_FONT_SIZE); }
RegSectionsToProcess[FontSectionName] = FontSectionName; std::map< std::wstring, std::wstring >::iterator Iter = RegSectionsToProcess.find(DEFAULT_LANGGROUP_NAME);
if (Iter == RegSectionsToProcess.end()) { RegSectionsToProcess[DEFAULT_LANGGROUP_NAME] = DEFAULT_LANGGROUP_NAME; }
// NOTE : Rather than parsing INTL.INF and FONT.INF files manually
// we use file queue to populate the queue and then later use the file
// queue to initialize our copy list map data structure.
// Initialize file queue
HINF IntlInfHandle = (HINF)IntlInfFile.GetInfHandle(); HINF FontInfHandle = (HINF)FontInfFile.GetInfHandle();
if (sizeof(T) == sizeof(CHAR)) { if (!SetupOpenAppendInfFileA((PSTR)Args.LayoutName.c_str(), IntlInfHandle, NULL)) { throw new W32Exception<T>(); } if (!SetupOpenAppendInfFileA((PSTR)Args.LayoutName.c_str(), FontInfHandle, NULL)) { throw new W32Exception<T>(); } } else { if (!SetupOpenAppendInfFileW((PWSTR)Args.LayoutName.c_str(), IntlInfHandle, NULL)) { throw new W32Exception<T>(); } if (!SetupOpenAppendInfFileW((PWSTR)Args.LayoutName.c_str(), FontInfHandle, NULL)) { throw new W32Exception<T>(); } }
HSPFILEQ FileQueueHandle = SetupOpenFileQueue();
if (FileQueueHandle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { throw new W32Exception<T>(); } //
// add copy file sections to the queue
BOOL Result; Iter = RegSectionsToProcess.begin();
while (Iter != RegSectionsToProcess.end()) { // cout << (*Iter).first << endl;
// process each section
if (sizeof(T) == sizeof(CHAR)) { Result = SetupInstallFilesFromInfSectionA(IntlInfHandle, NULL, FileQueueHandle, (PCSTR)(*Iter).first.c_str(), (PCSTR)Args.SourceDirectoryRoot.c_str(), 0); } else { Result = SetupInstallFilesFromInfSectionW(IntlInfHandle, NULL, FileQueueHandle, (PCWSTR)(*Iter).first.c_str(), (PCWSTR)Args.SourceDirectoryRoot.c_str(), 0); }
if (!Result) { throw new W32Exception<T>(); } Iter++; }
// scan the queue and populate FileListCreatorContext<T> copy list
// data structure
DWORD ScanResult = 0;
if (sizeof(T) == sizeof(CHAR)) { Result = SetupScanFileQueueA(FileQueueHandle, SPQ_SCAN_USE_CALLBACKEX, NULL, (PSP_FILE_CALLBACK_A)NlsFileQueueScanWorker, this, &ScanResult); } else { Result = SetupScanFileQueueW(FileQueueHandle, SPQ_SCAN_USE_CALLBACKEX, NULL, (PSP_FILE_CALLBACK_W)NlsFileQueueScanWorker, this, &ScanResult); }
// Add the Nls directory entries to main directory map
// Remove duplicate Nls file entries
// Move the driver cab files to driver cab list
// After all this work, how many NLS files do we actually
// want to copy ?
return NlsFileMap.size(); }
template <class T> void FileListCreatorContext<T>::MoveDriverCabNlsFiles( void ) /*++
Routine Description:
Takes each NLS file entry to be copied and moves it to the driver cab file copy list if the file is present in driver cab so that we can extract the file from driver cab.
Return Value:
--*/ { std::map<std::basic_string<T>, std::basic_string<T> >::iterator NlsIter, DelIter; T Slash;
if (sizeof(T) == sizeof(CHAR)) { Slash = (T)'\\'; } else { Slash = (T)L'\\'; }
for (NlsIter = NlsFileMap.begin(); NlsIter != NlsFileMap.end();) { const std::basic_string<T> &Key = (*NlsIter).first; std::basic_string<T>::size_type KeyStart = Key.rfind(Slash); std::basic_string<T> FileKey;
DelIter = NlsFileMap.end();
if (KeyStart != Key.npos) { FileKey = Key.substr(Key.rfind(Slash) + 1); }
if (FileKey.length()) { if (sizeof(T) == sizeof(CHAR)) { _strlwr((PSTR)FileKey.c_str()); } else { _wcslwr((PWSTR)FileKey.c_str()); }
const basic_string<T> &DriverCabFileName = GetDriverCabFileName(FileKey);
if (DriverCabFileName.length()) { // std::cout << "Moved to driver cab list : (" << FileKey << ")" << std::endl;
AddFileToCabFileList(DriverCabFileName, FileKey, (*NlsIter).second);
DelIter = NlsIter; } else { // std::cout << "Not present in driver cab list : (" << FileKey << ")" << std::endl;
} }
if (DelIter != NlsFileMap.end()) { NlsFileMap.erase(DelIter); } } }
template <class T> UINT FileListCreatorContext<T>::NlsFileQueueScanWorker( PVOID Context, UINT Notification, UINT_PTR Param1, UINT_PTR Param2 ) /*++
Routine Description:
The callback routine for the file queue scan. Takes each node and copies the relevant information to Nls file copy list and caches the directory names in Nls directory map.
Context - FileListCreatorContext in disguise.
Notification - Type of notification.
Param1 & Param2 - Polymorphic arguments based on type of notification.
Return Value:
0 to continue the scan or 1 to stop the scan.
--*/ { UINT Result = 0; // continue on
// cout << "Scanning (" << std::hex << Notification << ")" << endl;
if (Notification == SPFILENOTIFY_QUEUESCAN_EX) { FileListCreatorContext<T> &fl = *(FileListCreatorContext<T> *)Context; std::basic_string<T> SrcFileName, DestFileName, SrcFileKey, DestFileKey; T TargetFileNameBuffer[MAX_PATH]; bool ProcessEntry = false; if (sizeof(T) == sizeof(CHAR)) { PFILEPATHS_A FileNodeInfo = (PFILEPATHS_A)Param1;
if (FileNodeInfo) { SrcFileName = std::basic_string<T>((const T*)FileNodeInfo->Source); DestFileName = std::basic_string<T>((const T*)FileNodeInfo->Target);
_strlwr((PSTR)SrcFileName.c_str()); _strlwr((PSTR)DestFileName.c_str()); basic_string<T>::size_type SlashPos = SrcFileName.rfind((T)'\\');
if (SlashPos != SrcFileName.npos) { SrcFileKey = SrcFileName.substr(SlashPos + 1); SlashPos = DestFileName.rfind((T)L'\\');
if (SlashPos != DestFileName.npos) { DestFileKey = DestFileName.substr(SlashPos + 1); DestFileName[fl.WindowsDirectory.length()] = 0;
if (_stricmp((PCSTR)DestFileName.c_str(), (PCSTR)fl.WindowsDirectory.c_str()) == 0) { (VOID)StringCchCopyA((PSTR)TargetFileNameBuffer, ARRAY_SIZE(TargetFileNameBuffer), (PCSTR)fl.Args.DestinationDirectory.c_str()); (VOID)StringCchCatA((PSTR)TargetFileNameBuffer, ARRAY_SIZE(TargetFileNameBuffer), ((PCSTR)(FileNodeInfo->Target)) + fl.WindowsDirectory.length());
DestFileName = (const T *)TargetFileNameBuffer; ProcessEntry = true; } } } } } else { PFILEPATHS_W FileNodeInfo = (PFILEPATHS_W)Param1;
if (FileNodeInfo) { SrcFileName = std::basic_string<T>((const T*)FileNodeInfo->Source); DestFileName = std::basic_string<T>((const T*)FileNodeInfo->Target);
_wcslwr((PWSTR)SrcFileName.c_str()); _wcslwr((PWSTR)DestFileName.c_str());
basic_string<T>::size_type SlashPos = SrcFileName.rfind((T)L'\\');
if (SlashPos != SrcFileName.npos) { SrcFileKey = SrcFileName.substr(SlashPos + 1);
SlashPos = DestFileName.rfind((T)L'\\');
if (SlashPos != DestFileName.npos) { DestFileKey = DestFileName.substr(SlashPos + 1); DestFileName[fl.WindowsDirectory.length()] = 0;
if (_wcsicmp((PCWSTR)DestFileName.c_str(), (PCWSTR)fl.WindowsDirectory.c_str()) == 0) { (VOID)StringCchCopyW((PWSTR)TargetFileNameBuffer, ARRAY_SIZE(TargetFileNameBuffer), (PCWSTR)fl.Args.DestinationDirectory.c_str()); (VOID)StringCchCatW((PWSTR)TargetFileNameBuffer, ARRAY_SIZE(TargetFileNameBuffer), ((PCWSTR)(FileNodeInfo->Target)) + fl.WindowsDirectory.length());
DestFileName = (const T *)TargetFileNameBuffer; ProcessEntry = true; } } } } }
if (ProcessEntry) { bool SkipFileEntry = false; if (fl.CurrentSection && fl.Args.IA64Image) { SectionValues<T> *Values = NULL; try { Values = &(fl.CurrentSection->GetValue(SrcFileKey)); } catch(...) { }
if (Values) { SkipFileEntry = IsWow64File(*Values, fl); }
if (!SkipFileEntry) { if (sizeof(T) == sizeof(CHAR)) { SkipFileEntry = ( 0 == _stricmp((PCSTR)SrcFileKey.c_str() + 1, (PCSTR)DestFileKey.c_str())) && (((T)SrcFileKey[0] == (T)'w') || ((T)SrcFileKey[0] == (T)'W')); } else { SkipFileEntry = ( 0 == _wcsicmp((PCWSTR)SrcFileKey.c_str() + 1, (PCWSTR)DestFileKey.c_str())) && (((T)SrcFileKey[0] == (T)L'w') || ((T)SrcFileKey[0] == (T)L'W')); } } }
if (!SkipFileEntry) { if (fl.Args.IA64Image) { basic_string<T>::size_type PlatDirPos = SrcFileName.find(X86_PLATFORM_DIR.c_str());
if (PlatDirPos != SrcFileName.npos) { basic_string<T> NewSrcFileName = SrcFileName.substr(0, PlatDirPos);
NewSrcFileName += IA64_PLATFORM_DIR; NewSrcFileName += SrcFileName.substr(PlatDirPos + X86_PLATFORM_DIR.length());
// std::cout << "Remapping " << SrcFileName << "->" << NewSrcFileName << std::endl;
SrcFileName = NewSrcFileName; } } fl.NlsFileMap[SrcFileName] = DestFileName; fl.AddDirectoryToNlsDirMap(DestFileName); } else { // std::cout << "Skipping " << SrcFileName << " WOW64 file" << std::endl;
} } }
return Result; }