// Copyright (c) 1997-1999 Microsoft Corporation
// All rights reserved.
// File Name:
// init.c
// Description: This file contains all of the functions that handle
// initialization of the App.
#include "pch.h"
#include "allres.h"
// Net support
static VOID LoadStringsAndDefaultsForNetworkComponents( VOID);
// Timezone support
static BOOL ReadZoneData(TIME_ZONE_ENTRY* zone, HKEY key); static TIME_ZONE_LIST *BuildTimeZoneList(VOID);
// Regional Settings support
static VOID BuildLanguageLists( VOID ); extern BOOL GetCommaDelimitedEntry( OUT TCHAR szString[], IN OUT TCHAR **pBuffer );
// Function: InitTheWizard
// Purpose: Performs one time initialization for the App. This function
// is to be called once and only once each time the App is run.
// Arguments: VOID
// Returns: VOID
VOID InitTheWizard(VOID) {
// Save the dir the program was launched from
GetCurrentDirectory( MAX_PATH + 1, FixedGlobals.szSavePath );
// Have to load the strings for the titles on the networking property
// sheets here because the title is displayed before the WM_INITDIALOG
// message is sent
g_StrTcpipTitle = MyLoadString( IDS_TCPIP_TITLE ); g_StrAdvancedTcpipSettings = MyLoadString( IDS_ADVANCED_TCPIP_SETTINGS ); g_StrIpxProtocolTitle = MyLoadString( IDS_IPX_PROTOCOL_TITLE ); g_StrAppletalkProtocolTitle = MyLoadString( IDS_APPLETALK_TITLE ); g_StrMsClientTitle = MyLoadString( IDS_MSCLIENT_TITLE ); //
// Initialize network settings
NetSettings.NetworkAdapterHead = malloc( sizeof( NETWORK_ADAPTER_NODE ) );
NetSettings.pCurrentAdapter = NetSettings.NetworkAdapterHead;
CreateListWithDefaults( NetSettings.pCurrentAdapter );
// Initialize the number of network card variables
NetSettings.iNumberOfNetworkCards = 1; NetSettings.iCurrentNetworkCard = 1;
NetSettings.NetworkAdapterHead->next = NULL;
// Build the list of timezones
FixedGlobals.TimeZoneList = BuildTimeZoneList();
// Build the list of Language Groups and Locales
// Support for loading timezone info from the registry
// Function: ReadZoneData
// Purpose: Fills in a TIME_ZONE_ENTRY.
// Returns: BOOL
static BOOL ReadZoneData(TIME_ZONE_ENTRY* zone, HKEY key) { DWORD len;
// Get the display name
len = sizeof(zone->DisplayName);
if ( RegQueryValueEx(key, REGVAL_TZ_DISPLAY, 0, NULL, (LPBYTE)zone->DisplayName, &len) != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { return (FALSE); }
// Get the StandardName
len = sizeof(zone->StdName);
if ( RegQueryValueEx(key, REGVAL_TZ_STDNAME, 0, NULL, (LPBYTE)zone->StdName, &len) != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { return (FALSE); }
// Get the number associatted with this timezone
zone->Index = 0; len = sizeof(zone->Index);
if ( RegQueryValueEx(key, REGVAL_TZ_INDEX, 0, NULL, (LPBYTE)&zone->Index, &len) != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { return (FALSE); }
return (TRUE); }
// Function: InsertZone
// Purpose: Inserts a timezone entry into the timezone list maintains a sorted
// order.
// Arguments: IN OUT TIME_ZONE_LIST *TzList - time zone list the entry is to
// be inserted to
// IN TIME_ZONE_ENTRY NewTimeZoneEntry - the timezone entry to be
// inserted
// IN INT iNumberOfZonesInserted - number of timezone entries
// already inserted in to the TzList
// Returns: VOID
VOID InsertZone( IN OUT TIME_ZONE_LIST *TzList, IN TIME_ZONE_ENTRY NewTimeZoneEntry, IN INT iNumberOfZonesInserted ) {
INT i = 0; INT j;
while( i < iNumberOfZonesInserted ) {
if( TzList->TimeZones[i].Index < NewTimeZoneEntry.Index ) { i++; } else { break; // we found the insertion point
// Slide all the entries up 1 to make room for the new entry
for( j = iNumberOfZonesInserted - 1; j >= i; j-- ) {
lstrcpyn( TzList->TimeZones[j+1].DisplayName, TzList->TimeZones[j].DisplayName, AS(TzList->TimeZones[j+1].DisplayName) );
lstrcpyn( TzList->TimeZones[j+1].StdName, TzList->TimeZones[j].StdName, AS(TzList->TimeZones[j+1].StdName) );
TzList->TimeZones[j+1].Index = TzList->TimeZones[j].Index;
// Add the new entry to the array
lstrcpyn( TzList->TimeZones[i].DisplayName, NewTimeZoneEntry.DisplayName, AS(TzList->TimeZones[i].DisplayName) );
lstrcpyn( TzList->TimeZones[i].StdName, NewTimeZoneEntry.StdName, AS(TzList->TimeZones[i].StdName) );
TzList->TimeZones[i].Index = NewTimeZoneEntry.Index;
// Function: BuildTimeZoneList
// Purpose: Mallocs and fills in a TIME_ZONE_LIST which has an array of
// timezone data.
// Returns: BOOL - success
static TIME_ZONE_LIST *BuildTimeZoneList(VOID) { HKEY TimeZoneRootKey = NULL; WCHAR SubKeyName[TZNAME_SIZE]; HKEY SubKey = NULL; int i; INT iNumberOfZonesInserted; TIME_ZONE_ENTRY TempTimeZoneEntry; DWORD NumTimeZones = 0; TIME_ZONE_LIST *TzList; TCHAR *szTempString;
// Open the root of the timezone list in the registry.
// Find out how many sub-keys (timezones) there are.
RegQueryInfoKey(TimeZoneRootKey, NULL, NULL, NULL, &NumTimeZones, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
// We need to fudge the number of TIME_ZONE_ENTRIES because we add
// 2 special ones "Set Same As Server" and "Do Not Specify".
NumTimeZones += 2;
// Malloc the memory we need
if ( (TzList = malloc(sizeof(TIME_ZONE_LIST))) == NULL ) { RegCloseKey(TimeZoneRootKey); return NULL; }
TzList->NumEntries = NumTimeZones; TzList->TimeZones = malloc(NumTimeZones * sizeof(TIME_ZONE_ENTRY));
if ( TzList->TimeZones == NULL ) { RegCloseKey(TimeZoneRootKey); free(TzList); return NULL; }
// Enumerate the sub-keys under the timezone root. Each key at this
// level is the standard name of a timezone. Under that key are
// the values we care about. Call ReadZoneData() for each one to
// retrieve the display name and index.
i = 0; iNumberOfZonesInserted = 0;
while ( RegEnumKey(TimeZoneRootKey, i, SubKeyName, TZNAME_SIZE) == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
if (RegOpenKey(TimeZoneRootKey, SubKeyName, &SubKey) == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
if ( ReadZoneData( &TempTimeZoneEntry, SubKey) ) {
InsertZone( TzList, TempTimeZoneEntry, iNumberOfZonesInserted );
RegCloseKey(SubKey); i++; }
// Put the 2 special entries in at the end of the list
szTempString = MyLoadString(IDS_DONTSPECIFYSETTING); if (szTempString == NULL) { free(TzList->TimeZones); free(TzList); return NULL; } lstrcpyn(TzList->TimeZones[NumTimeZones-2].DisplayName, szTempString, AS(TzList->TimeZones[NumTimeZones-2].DisplayName)); lstrcpyn(TzList->TimeZones[NumTimeZones-2].StdName, _T(""), AS(TzList->TimeZones[NumTimeZones-2].StdName));
TzList->TimeZones[NumTimeZones-2].Index = TZ_IDX_DONOTSPECIFY;
free( szTempString );
szTempString = MyLoadString(IDS_SET_SAME_AS_SERVER); if (szTempString == NULL) { free(TzList->TimeZones); free(TzList); return NULL; }
lstrcpyn(TzList->TimeZones[NumTimeZones-1].DisplayName, szTempString, AS(TzList->TimeZones[NumTimeZones-1].DisplayName)); lstrcpyn(TzList->TimeZones[NumTimeZones-1].StdName, _T(""), AS(TzList->TimeZones[NumTimeZones-1].StdName));
TzList->TimeZones[NumTimeZones-1].Index = TZ_IDX_SETSAMEASSERVER;
// Add in the 2 special strings
iNumberOfZonesInserted = iNumberOfZonesInserted + 2;
if ( iNumberOfZonesInserted != (int) NumTimeZones ) { free(TzList->TimeZones); free(TzList); return NULL; }
return TzList; }
// Function: ReadAllFilesUnderSection
// Purpose:
// Arguments:
// Returns: VOID
static VOID ReadAllFilesUnderSection( IN HINF hInterntlInf, IN LPCTSTR pszSubSectionName, OUT NAMELIST *CurrentNameList ) {
TCHAR szLangFileName[MAX_PATH + 1]; INFCONTEXT LangInfContext = { 0 }; INT iRet;
AssertMsg( hInterntlInf != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, "Bad handle" );
AssertMsg( GetNameListSize( CurrentNameList ) < 100, "Too many entries" );
iRet = SetupFindFirstLine( hInterntlInf, pszSubSectionName, NULL, &LangInfContext );
if( iRet == 0 ) {
// If the subsection can't be found, just return. When this happens, it
// mostly likely means there are no files under this subsection.
do {
szLangFileName[0] = _T('\0');
iRet = SetupGetStringField( &LangInfContext, 1, szLangFileName, MAX_PATH, NULL );
if( iRet == 0 ) {
// If a file cannot be obtained, move on to the next one.
continue; }
if( szLangFileName[0] != _T('\0') ) { AddNameToNameListNoDuplicates( CurrentNameList, szLangFileName ); }
} // move to the next line of the .inf file
while( SetupFindNextLine( &LangInfContext, &LangInfContext ) );
// Function: BuildAdditionalLanguageList
// Purpose: Populate the LangGroupAdditionalFiles array
// LangGroupAdditionalFiles is a dynamically allocated array of Namelists
// that contain the extra files in the intl.inf that need to be copied for
// a language group in addition to its sub-directory.
// Arguments:
// Returns: VOID
static VOID BuildAdditionalLanguageList( IN HINF hInterntlInf, IN const INT iLangGroupCount ) {
INT i; INT j; INT iRetVal; INT iSubSectionEntries; TCHAR szBuffer[MAX_INILINE_LEN]; TCHAR szIniBuffer[MAX_INILINE_LEN]; TCHAR szSectionName[MAX_INILINE_LEN]; TCHAR szIntlInf[MAX_PATH + 1]; TCHAR *pszSubSectionName; TCHAR *pszIniBuffer; NAMELIST SubSectionList = { 0 }; HRESULT hrCat;
AssertMsg( hInterntlInf != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, "Bad handle" );
iRetVal = GetWindowsDirectory( szIntlInf, MAX_PATH );
if( iRetVal == 0 || iRetVal > MAX_PATH ) { return; }
hrCat=StringCchCat( szIntlInf, AS(szIntlInf), _T("\\inf\\intl.inf") );
FixedGlobals.LangGroupAdditionalFiles = malloc( sizeof(NAMELIST) * iLangGroupCount ); if (FixedGlobals.LangGroupAdditionalFiles == NULL) { TerminateTheWizard(IDS_ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY); } ZeroMemory( FixedGlobals.LangGroupAdditionalFiles, sizeof(NAMELIST) * iLangGroupCount );
for( i = 1; i <= iLangGroupCount; i++ ) {
lstrcpyn( szSectionName, _T("LG_INSTALL_"), AS(szSectionName) );
hrCat=StringCchCat( szSectionName, AS(szSectionName), _itot( i, szBuffer, 10 ) );
GetPrivateProfileString( szSectionName, _T("CopyFiles"), _T(""), szIniBuffer, StrBuffSize(szIniBuffer), szIntlInf );
// Loop grabbing each of the sub-section names and inserting them into
// the namelist
pszIniBuffer = szIniBuffer;
while( GetCommaDelimitedEntry( szBuffer, &pszIniBuffer ) ) {
AddNameToNameListNoDuplicates( &SubSectionList, szBuffer );
iSubSectionEntries = GetNameListSize( &SubSectionList );
for( j = 0; j < iSubSectionEntries; j++ ) {
pszSubSectionName = GetNameListName( &SubSectionList, j );
ReadAllFilesUnderSection( hInterntlInf, pszSubSectionName, &( FixedGlobals.LangGroupAdditionalFiles[i - 1] ) );
ResetNameList( &SubSectionList );
// Function: BuildLanguageLists
// Purpose: Mallocs and fills in a LANGUAGEGROUP_LIST and a LANGUAGELOCALE_LIST
// which are lists that that maintain language settings read from intl.inf
// Adjusts the global variables FixedGlobals.LanguageGroupList and
// FixedGlobals.LanguageLocaleList to point to their respective lists
// Arguments: VOID
// Returns: VOID
static VOID BuildLanguageLists( VOID ) {
#define INTERNATIONAL_INF _T("intl.inf")
HINF hInterntlInf = NULL; INFCONTEXT LangInfContext = { 0 }; INFCONTEXT LocaleInfContext = { 0 }; TCHAR szBuffer[MAX_STRING_LEN] = _T(""); INT iLangGroupCount = 0;
// Read in from the file intl.inf and build the language list
hInterntlInf = SetupOpenInfFile( INTERNATIONAL_INF, NULL, INF_STYLE_WIN4, NULL ); if( hInterntlInf == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) {
// ISSUE-2002/02/28-stelo - should allow browse for file here?
LangInfContext.Inf = hInterntlInf; LangInfContext.CurrentInf = hInterntlInf;
LocaleInfContext.Inf = hInterntlInf; LocaleInfContext.CurrentInf = hInterntlInf;
// For each Language Group, add its corresponding data to the language group list
SetupFindFirstLine( hInterntlInf, _T("LanguageGroups"), NULL, &LangInfContext );
do {
LangNode = malloc( sizeof( LANGUAGEGROUP_LIST ) ); if (LangNode == NULL) { TerminateTheWizard(IDS_ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY); } else { LangNode->next = NULL;
SetupGetStringField( &LangInfContext, 0, LangNode->szLanguageGroupId, MAX_STRING_LEN, NULL );
SetupGetStringField( &LangInfContext, 1, LangNode->szLanguageGroupName, MAX_STRING_LEN, NULL );
SetupGetStringField( &LangInfContext, 2, LangNode->szLangFilePath, MAX_STRING_LEN, NULL ); }
// See if the LanguageGroupList has been assigned yet. It will not be if
// it is NULL. If currentLangNode is NULL, then resetart LanguageGroupList
// at the new LangNode as well.
if( (FixedGlobals.LanguageGroupList == NULL) || (CurrentLangNode == NULL)) {
FixedGlobals.LanguageGroupList = LangNode; CurrentLangNode = LangNode;
} else { CurrentLangNode->next = LangNode; CurrentLangNode = CurrentLangNode->next; }
} // move to the next line of the .inf file
while( SetupFindNextLine( &LangInfContext, &LangInfContext ) );
// For each locale, add its corresponding data to the language locale list
SetupFindFirstLine( hInterntlInf, _T("Locales"), NULL, &LocaleInfContext );
do { LocaleNode = malloc( sizeof( LANGUAGELOCALE_LIST ) ); if (LocaleNode == NULL) { TerminateTheWizard(IDS_ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY); } else { LocaleNode->next = NULL;
// Get the Language Locale Name
SetupGetStringField( &LocaleInfContext, LANGUAGE_LOCALE_NAME, LocaleNode->szLanguageLocaleName, MAX_STRING_LEN, NULL );
// Get the Language Locale ID
SetupGetStringField( &LocaleInfContext, LANGUAGE_LOCALE_ID, LocaleNode->szLanguageLocaleId, MAX_STRING_LEN, NULL );
// Get the Keyboard Layout
SetupGetStringField( &LocaleInfContext, KEYBOARD_LAYOUT, LocaleNode->szKeyboardLayout, MAX_STRING_LEN, NULL );
// Get the Language Group ID
SetupGetStringField( &LocaleInfContext, LANGUAGE_GROUP_ID, szBuffer, MAX_STRING_LEN, NULL );
// Find the Language Group string that goes with the Language Group ID
for( CurrentLangNode = FixedGlobals.LanguageGroupList; CurrentLangNode != NULL; CurrentLangNode = CurrentLangNode->next ) {
if( lstrcmp( CurrentLangNode->szLanguageGroupId, szBuffer ) == 0 ) {
LocaleNode->pLanguageGroup = CurrentLangNode;
break; // found what we were looking for so break
} }
// Add the new node into the linked list
// See if the LanguageLocaleList has been assigned yet. It will not be if
// it is NULL. If currentLocaleNode is NULL, then resetart LanguageLocaleList
// at the new LocaleNode as well.
if( (FixedGlobals.LanguageLocaleList == NULL) || (CurrentLocaleNode == NULL)) { FixedGlobals.LanguageLocaleList = LocaleNode; CurrentLocaleNode = LocaleNode; } else { CurrentLocaleNode->next = LocaleNode; CurrentLocaleNode = CurrentLocaleNode->next; }
} // move to the next line of the .inf file
while( SetupFindNextLine( &LocaleInfContext, &LocaleInfContext ) );
// Set the default locale
SetupFindFirstLine( hInterntlInf, _T("DefaultValues"), NULL, &LocaleInfContext );
SetupGetStringField( &LocaleInfContext, 1, g_szDefaultLocale, MAX_LANGUAGE_LEN, NULL );
BuildAdditionalLanguageList( hInterntlInf, iLangGroupCount );
SetupCloseInfFile( hInterntlInf );
// Function: LoadStringsAndDefaultsForNetworkComponents
// Purpose:
// Arguments: VOID
// Returns: VOID
static VOID LoadStringsAndDefaultsForNetworkComponents( VOID ) { //
// Load strings from resources and setup initial values for global
// network components list
NETWORK_COMPONENT *pNetComponent; pNetComponent = malloc( sizeof( NETWORK_COMPONENT ) ); if (pNetComponent == NULL) TerminateTheWizard(IDS_ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY); NetSettings.NetComponentsList = pNetComponent;
pNetComponent->StrComponentName = MyLoadString( IDS_CLIENT_FOR_MS_NETWORKS ); pNetComponent->StrComponentDescription = MyLoadString( IDS_CLIENT_FOR_MS_NETWORKS_DESC ); pNetComponent->iPosition = MS_CLIENT_POSITION; pNetComponent->ComponentType = CLIENT; pNetComponent->bHasPropertiesTab = TRUE; pNetComponent->bInstalled = FALSE; pNetComponent->bSysprepSupport = TRUE; pNetComponent->dwPlatforms = 0x0 | PERSONAL_INSTALL | WORKSTATION_INSTALL | SERVER_INSTALL;
pNetComponent->next = malloc( sizeof( NETWORK_COMPONENT ) ); pNetComponent = pNetComponent->next; if (pNetComponent == NULL) TerminateTheWizard(IDS_ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY);
pNetComponent->StrComponentName = MyLoadString( IDS_CLIENT_FOR_NETWARE ); pNetComponent->StrComponentDescription = MyLoadString( IDS_CLIENT_FOR_NETWARE_DESC ); pNetComponent->iPosition = NETWARE_CLIENT_POSITION; pNetComponent->ComponentType = CLIENT; pNetComponent->bHasPropertiesTab = TRUE; pNetComponent->bInstalled = FALSE; pNetComponent->bSysprepSupport = TRUE; pNetComponent->dwPlatforms = 0x0 | WORKSTATION_INSTALL;
pNetComponent->next = malloc( sizeof( NETWORK_COMPONENT ) ); pNetComponent = pNetComponent->next; if (pNetComponent == NULL) TerminateTheWizard(IDS_ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY);
pNetComponent->StrComponentName = MyLoadString( IDS_FILE_AND_PRINT_SHARING ); pNetComponent->StrComponentDescription = MyLoadString( IDS_FILE_AND_PRINT_SHARING_DESC ); pNetComponent->iPosition = FILE_AND_PRINT_SHARING_POSITION; pNetComponent->ComponentType = SERVICE; pNetComponent->bHasPropertiesTab = FALSE; pNetComponent->bInstalled = FALSE; pNetComponent->bSysprepSupport = FALSE; pNetComponent->dwPlatforms = 0x0 | PERSONAL_INSTALL | WORKSTATION_INSTALL | SERVER_INSTALL;
pNetComponent->next = malloc( sizeof( NETWORK_COMPONENT ) ); pNetComponent = pNetComponent->next; if (pNetComponent == NULL) TerminateTheWizard(IDS_ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY);
pNetComponent->StrComponentName = MyLoadString( IDS_PACKET_SCHEDULING_DRIVER ); pNetComponent->StrComponentDescription = MyLoadString( IDS_PACKET_SCHEDULING_DRIVER_DESC ); pNetComponent->iPosition = PACKET_SCHEDULING_POSITION; pNetComponent->ComponentType = SERVICE; pNetComponent->bHasPropertiesTab = FALSE; pNetComponent->bInstalled = FALSE; pNetComponent->bSysprepSupport = FALSE; pNetComponent->dwPlatforms = 0x0 | PERSONAL_INSTALL | WORKSTATION_INSTALL | SERVER_INSTALL;
pNetComponent->next = malloc( sizeof( NETWORK_COMPONENT ) ); pNetComponent = pNetComponent->next; if (pNetComponent == NULL) TerminateTheWizard(IDS_ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY);
pNetComponent->StrComponentName = MyLoadString( IDS_APPLETALK_PROTOCOL ); pNetComponent->StrComponentDescription = MyLoadString( IDS_APPLETALK_PROTOCOL_DESC ); pNetComponent->iPosition = APPLETALK_POSITION; pNetComponent->ComponentType = PROTOCOL; pNetComponent->bHasPropertiesTab = FALSE; pNetComponent->bInstalled = FALSE; pNetComponent->bSysprepSupport = FALSE; pNetComponent->dwPlatforms = 0x0 | PERSONAL_INSTALL | WORKSTATION_INSTALL | SERVER_INSTALL;
pNetComponent->next = malloc( sizeof( NETWORK_COMPONENT ) ); pNetComponent = pNetComponent->next; if (pNetComponent == NULL) TerminateTheWizard(IDS_ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY);
pNetComponent->StrComponentName = MyLoadString( IDS_TCPIP ); pNetComponent->StrComponentDescription = MyLoadString( IDS_TCPIP_DESC ); pNetComponent->iPosition = TCPIP_POSITION; pNetComponent->ComponentType = PROTOCOL; pNetComponent->bHasPropertiesTab = TRUE; pNetComponent->bInstalled = FALSE; pNetComponent->bSysprepSupport = FALSE; pNetComponent->dwPlatforms = 0x0 | PERSONAL_INSTALL | WORKSTATION_INSTALL | SERVER_INSTALL;
pNetComponent->next = malloc( sizeof( NETWORK_COMPONENT ) ); pNetComponent = pNetComponent->next; if (pNetComponent == NULL) TerminateTheWizard(IDS_ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY);
pNetComponent->StrComponentName = MyLoadString( IDS_NETWORK_MONITOR_AGENT ); pNetComponent->StrComponentDescription = MyLoadString( IDS_NETWORK_MONITOR_AGENT_DESC ); pNetComponent->iPosition = NETWORK_MONITOR_AGENT_POSITION; pNetComponent->ComponentType = PROTOCOL; pNetComponent->bHasPropertiesTab = FALSE; pNetComponent->bInstalled = FALSE; pNetComponent->bSysprepSupport = FALSE; pNetComponent->dwPlatforms = 0x0 | PERSONAL_INSTALL | WORKSTATION_INSTALL | SERVER_INSTALL;
pNetComponent->next = malloc( sizeof( NETWORK_COMPONENT ) ); pNetComponent = pNetComponent->next; if (pNetComponent == NULL) TerminateTheWizard(IDS_ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY);
pNetComponent->StrComponentName = MyLoadString( IDS_IPX_PROTOCOL ); pNetComponent->StrComponentDescription = MyLoadString( IDS_IPX_PROTOCOL_DESC ); pNetComponent->iPosition = IPX_POSITION; pNetComponent->ComponentType = PROTOCOL; pNetComponent->bHasPropertiesTab = TRUE; pNetComponent->bInstalled = FALSE; pNetComponent->bSysprepSupport = FALSE; pNetComponent->dwPlatforms = 0x0 | PERSONAL_INSTALL | WORKSTATION_INSTALL | SERVER_INSTALL;
pNetComponent->next = malloc( sizeof( NETWORK_COMPONENT ) ); pNetComponent = pNetComponent->next; if (pNetComponent == NULL) TerminateTheWizard(IDS_ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY);
pNetComponent->StrComponentName = MyLoadString( IDS_DLC_PROTOCOL ); pNetComponent->StrComponentDescription = MyLoadString( IDS_DLC_PROTOCOL_DESC ); pNetComponent->iPosition = DLC_POSITION; pNetComponent->ComponentType = PROTOCOL; pNetComponent->bHasPropertiesTab = FALSE; pNetComponent->bInstalled = FALSE; pNetComponent->bSysprepSupport = FALSE; pNetComponent->dwPlatforms = 0x0 | PERSONAL_INSTALL | WORKSTATION_INSTALL | SERVER_INSTALL;
pNetComponent->next = malloc( sizeof( NETWORK_COMPONENT ) ); pNetComponent = pNetComponent->next; if (pNetComponent == NULL) TerminateTheWizard(IDS_ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY);
pNetComponent->StrComponentName = MyLoadString( IDS_NETBEUI_PROTOCOL ); pNetComponent->StrComponentDescription = MyLoadString( IDS_NETBEUI_PROTOCOL_DESC ); pNetComponent->iPosition = NETBEUI_POSITION; pNetComponent->ComponentType = PROTOCOL; pNetComponent->bHasPropertiesTab = FALSE; pNetComponent->bInstalled = FALSE; pNetComponent->bSysprepSupport = FALSE; pNetComponent->dwPlatforms = 0x0 | PERSONAL_INSTALL | WORKSTATION_INSTALL | SERVER_INSTALL;
pNetComponent->next = malloc( sizeof( NETWORK_COMPONENT ) ); pNetComponent = pNetComponent->next; if (pNetComponent == NULL) TerminateTheWizard(IDS_ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY);
pNetComponent->StrComponentName = MyLoadString( IDS_SAP_AGENT ); pNetComponent->StrComponentDescription = MyLoadString( IDS_SAP_AGENT_DESC ); pNetComponent->iPosition = SAP_AGENT_POSITION; pNetComponent->ComponentType = SERVICE; pNetComponent->bHasPropertiesTab = FALSE; pNetComponent->bInstalled = FALSE; pNetComponent->bSysprepSupport = FALSE; pNetComponent->dwPlatforms = 0x0 | PERSONAL_INSTALL | WORKSTATION_INSTALL | SERVER_INSTALL;
pNetComponent->next = malloc( sizeof( NETWORK_COMPONENT ) ); pNetComponent = pNetComponent->next; if (pNetComponent == NULL) TerminateTheWizard(IDS_ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY);
pNetComponent->StrComponentName = MyLoadString( IDS_GATEWAY_FOR_NETWARE ); pNetComponent->StrComponentDescription = MyLoadString( IDS_GATEWAY_FOR_NETWARE_DESC ); pNetComponent->iPosition = GATEWAY_FOR_NETWARE_POSITION; pNetComponent->ComponentType = CLIENT; pNetComponent->bHasPropertiesTab = TRUE; pNetComponent->bInstalled = FALSE; pNetComponent->bSysprepSupport = TRUE; pNetComponent->dwPlatforms = 0x0 | SERVER_INSTALL;
pNetComponent->next = NULL; // terminate the list
NetSettings.NumberOfNetComponents = 11;