// Copyright (c) 1997-1999 Microsoft Corporation
// All rights reserved.
// File Name:
// loadnet.c
// Description:
// Reads in the settings for the Clients, Services and Protocols.
#include "pch.h"
// String constants
static const LPTSTR StrConstYes = _T("Yes"); static const LPTSTR StrConstNo = _T("No");
// Local prototypes
static VOID SetFlagToInstalled( INT iStringResourceId, HWND hwnd );
static int GetNetworkAdapterCount( IN TCHAR szBuffer[] );
static VOID GetNextAdapterSection( IN OUT TCHAR **pAdapterSections, OUT TCHAR szNetworkBuffer[] );
static VOID ReadPlugAndPlayIds( IN HWND hwnd ); static VOID ReadClientForMsNetworks( IN HWND hwnd ); static VOID ReadClientServiceForNetware( IN HWND hwnd ); static VOID ReadFileAndPrintSharing( IN HWND hwnd ); static VOID ReadPacketSchedulingDriver( IN HWND hwnd ); static VOID ReadSapAgentSettings( IN HWND hwnd ); static VOID ReadAppleTalkSettings( IN HWND hwnd ); static VOID ReadDlcSettings( IN HWND hwnd ); static VOID ReadTcpipSettings( IN HWND hwnd ); static VOID ReadNetBeuiSettings( IN HWND hwnd ); static VOID ReadNetworkMonitorSettings( IN HWND hwnd ); static VOID ReadIpxSettings( IN HWND hwnd );
// Function: ReadNetworkSettings
// Purpose: Reads in what network settings are set to be installed and reads
// there settings.
// Arguments: IN HWND hwnd - handle to the dialog
// Returns: VOID
extern VOID ReadNetworkSettings( IN HWND hwnd ) {
GetPrivateProfileString( _T("Networking"), _T("InstallDefaultComponents"), StrConstYes, Buffer, StrBuffSize(Buffer), FixedGlobals.ScriptName );
if( lstrcmpi( Buffer, StrConstYes ) == 0 ) { NetSettings.iNetworkingMethod = TYPICAL_NETWORKING; } else { NETWORK_COMPONENT *pNetComponent;
NetSettings.iNetworkingMethod = CUSTOM_NETWORKING;
// Uninstall all Client, Service and Protocols before reading
// which ones are to be installed
for( pNetComponent = NetSettings.NetComponentsList; pNetComponent; pNetComponent = pNetComponent->next ) { pNetComponent->bInstalled = FALSE; }
} ReadPlugAndPlayIds( hwnd );
// Read the Client settings
SettingQueue_MarkVolatile( _T("NetClients"), SETTING_QUEUE_ORIG_ANSWERS );
ReadClientForMsNetworks( hwnd );
ReadClientServiceForNetware( hwnd );
// Read the Service settings
SettingQueue_MarkVolatile( _T("NetServices"), SETTING_QUEUE_ORIG_ANSWERS ); ReadFileAndPrintSharing( hwnd );
ReadPacketSchedulingDriver( hwnd );
ReadSapAgentSettings( hwnd );
// Read the Protocol settings
SettingQueue_MarkVolatile( _T("NetProtocols"), SETTING_QUEUE_ORIG_ANSWERS );
ReadAppleTalkSettings( hwnd );
ReadDlcSettings( hwnd );
ReadTcpipSettings( hwnd );
ReadNetBeuiSettings( hwnd );
ReadNetworkMonitorSettings( hwnd );
ReadIpxSettings( hwnd );
// Function: ReadPlugAndPlayIds
// Purpose: read input file and fill global structs with the Plug and Play Ids
// Arguments: VOID
// Returns: VOID
VOID ReadPlugAndPlayIds( IN HWND hwnd ) {
INT iCount; INT NewNumberOfNetworkCards; TCHAR Buffer[MAX_INILINE_LEN] = _T(""); TCHAR szAdapterSections[MAX_INILINE_LEN] = _T("");
NETWORK_ADAPTER_NODE *pAdapter = NetSettings.NetworkAdapterHead; HRESULT hrPrintf;
// Count how many network cards there are
for( iCount = 1; ; iCount++ ) {
hrPrintf=StringCchPrintf( szAdapterSections,AS(szAdapterSections), _T("Adapter%d"), iCount );
if( GetPrivateProfileString(_T("NetAdapters"), szAdapterSections, _T(""), Buffer, StrBuffSize(Buffer), FixedGlobals.ScriptName) <= 0 ) {
break; // no more adapters
SettingQueue_MarkVolatile( _T("NetAdapters"), SETTING_QUEUE_ORIG_ANSWERS );
NewNumberOfNetworkCards = iCount - 1;
AdjustNetworkCardMemory( NewNumberOfNetworkCards, NetSettings.iNumberOfNetworkCards );
NetSettings.iNumberOfNetworkCards = NewNumberOfNetworkCards;
for( iCount = 1; iCount <= NewNumberOfNetworkCards; iCount++, pAdapter = pAdapter->next ) {
hrPrintf=StringCchPrintf( szAdapterSections,AS(szAdapterSections), _T("Adapter%d"), iCount );
GetPrivateProfileString( _T("NetAdapters"), szAdapterSections, _T(""), Buffer, StrBuffSize(Buffer), FixedGlobals.ScriptName );
SettingQueue_MarkVolatile( Buffer, SETTING_QUEUE_ORIG_ANSWERS );
// Read in the Plug and Play IDs
GetPrivateProfileString( Buffer, _T("INFID"), _T(""), pAdapter->szPlugAndPlayID, StrBuffSize( pAdapter->szPlugAndPlayID ), FixedGlobals.ScriptName );
// Function: ReadClientForMsNetworks
// Purpose: read input file and determine if the Client for Microsoft
// Networks is to be installed and if so, read in its settings
// and populate global structs
// Arguments: VOID
// Returns: VOID
VOID ReadClientForMsNetworks( IN HWND hwnd ) {
// See if MS Client is installed
if( GetPrivateProfileString(_T("NetClients"), _T("MS_MSClient"), _T(""), Buffer, StrBuffSize(Buffer), FixedGlobals.ScriptName) > 0) {
// MS Client is installed so set its installed flag to true
SetFlagToInstalled( IDS_CLIENT_FOR_MS_NETWORKS, hwnd );
SettingQueue_MarkVolatile( Buffer, SETTING_QUEUE_ORIG_ANSWERS );
// and grab all of its settings from the
// answer file
GetPrivateProfileString( Buffer, _T("NameServiceProtocol"), _T(""), szNameServiceProvider, StrBuffSize( szNameServiceProvider ), FixedGlobals.ScriptName );
if ( LSTRCMPI(szNameServiceProvider, _T("ncacn_ip_tcp")) == 0 ) { NetSettings.NameServiceProvider = MS_CLIENT_DCE_CELL_DIR_SERVICE; } else { NetSettings.NameServiceProvider = MS_CLIENT_WINDOWS_LOCATOR; }
GetPrivateProfileString( Buffer, _T("NameServiceNetworkAddress"), NetSettings.szNetworkAddress, NetSettings.szNetworkAddress, StrBuffSize( NetSettings.szNetworkAddress ), FixedGlobals.ScriptName );
// Function: ReadClientServiceForNetware
// Purpose: read input file and determine if the Client Service for Netware
// is to be installed
// Arguments: VOID
// Returns: VOID
VOID ReadClientServiceForNetware( IN HWND hwnd ) {
// See if the NetWare Client is installed
if( GetPrivateProfileString(_T("NetClients"), _T("MS_NWClient"), _T(""), Buffer, StrBuffSize(Buffer), FixedGlobals.ScriptName) > 0) {
// Netware Client is installed so set its installed flag to true
// ISSUE-2002/02/28-stelo - verify this works since Netware client has two
// different names, 1 for client, 1 for server
SetFlagToInstalled( IDS_CLIENT_FOR_NETWARE, hwnd );
SettingQueue_MarkVolatile( Buffer, SETTING_QUEUE_ORIG_ANSWERS );
// and grab all of its settings from the
// answer file
GetPrivateProfileString( Buffer, _T("PreferredServer"), NetSettings.szPreferredServer, NetSettings.szPreferredServer, StrBuffSize(NetSettings.szPreferredServer), FixedGlobals.ScriptName );
if( NetSettings.szPreferredServer[0] != _T('\0') ) { NetSettings.bDefaultTreeContext = FALSE; } else { NetSettings.bDefaultTreeContext = TRUE; }
GetPrivateProfileString(Buffer, _T("DefaultTree"), NetSettings.szDefaultTree, NetSettings.szDefaultTree, StrBuffSize(NetSettings.szDefaultTree), FixedGlobals.ScriptName);
GetPrivateProfileString(Buffer, _T("DefaultContext"), NetSettings.szDefaultContext, NetSettings.szDefaultContext, StrBuffSize(NetSettings.szDefaultContext), FixedGlobals.ScriptName);
GetPrivateProfileString(Buffer, _T("LogonScript"), NetSettings.szDefaultContext, YesNoBuffer, StrBuffSize(YesNoBuffer), FixedGlobals.ScriptName);
if ( lstrcmpi(YesNoBuffer, StrConstYes) == 0 ) NetSettings.bNetwareLogonScript = TRUE; else NetSettings.bNetwareLogonScript = FALSE;
// Function: ReadFileAndPrintSharing
// Purpose: read input file and determine if the File and Print Sharing
// is to be installed
// Arguments: VOID
// Returns: VOID
VOID ReadFileAndPrintSharing( IN HWND hwnd ) { TCHAR Buffer[MAX_INILINE_LEN];
// See if MS Server (File and Print Sharing) is installed
if( GetPrivateProfileString(_T("NetServices"), _T("MS_SERVER"), _T(""), Buffer, StrBuffSize(Buffer), FixedGlobals.ScriptName) > 0) {
// MS Server (File and Print Sharing) is installed so set its
// installed flag to true
SetFlagToInstalled( IDS_FILE_AND_PRINT_SHARING, hwnd );
SettingQueue_MarkVolatile( Buffer, SETTING_QUEUE_ORIG_ANSWERS );
// Function: ReadPacketSchedulingDriver
// Purpose: read input file and determine if the Packet Scheduling Driver
// is to be installed
// Arguments: VOID
// Returns: VOID
VOID ReadPacketSchedulingDriver( IN HWND hwnd ) {
// See if Packet Scheduling Driver is installed
if( GetPrivateProfileString(_T("NetServices"), _T("MS_PSched"), _T(""), Buffer, StrBuffSize(Buffer), FixedGlobals.ScriptName) > 0) {
// Packet Scheduling Driver is installed so set its installed flag
// to true
SettingQueue_MarkVolatile( Buffer, SETTING_QUEUE_ORIG_ANSWERS );
// Function: ReadSapAgentSettings
// Purpose: read input file and determine if the SAP Agent is to be installed
// Arguments: VOID
// Returns: VOID
VOID ReadSapAgentSettings( IN HWND hwnd ) {
// See if SAP Agent is installed
if( GetPrivateProfileString(_T("NetServices"), _T("MS_NwSapAgent"), _T(""), Buffer, StrBuffSize(Buffer), FixedGlobals.ScriptName) > 0) {
// SAP Agent is installed so set its installed flag to true
SetFlagToInstalled( IDS_SAP_AGENT, hwnd );
SettingQueue_MarkVolatile( Buffer, SETTING_QUEUE_ORIG_ANSWERS );
// Function: ReadAppleTalkSettings
// Purpose: read input file and determine if the AppleTalk protocol is to be
// installed and if so, read in its settings
// Arguments: VOID
// Returns: VOID
VOID ReadAppleTalkSettings( IN HWND hwnd ) {
// See if AppleTalk is installed
if( GetPrivateProfileString(_T("NetProtocols"), _T("MS_AppleTalk"), _T(""), Buffer, StrBuffSize(Buffer), FixedGlobals.ScriptName) > 0) {
// AppleTalk is installed so set its installed flag to true
SetFlagToInstalled( IDS_APPLETALK_PROTOCOL, hwnd );
// and grab all of its settings from the
// answer file
// ISSUE-2002/02/28-stelo- fill this in, once we know the
// parameters to read in
// Function: ReadDlcSettings
// Purpose: read input file and determine if the DLC protocol is to be
// installed
// Arguments: VOID
// Returns: VOID
VOID ReadDlcSettings( IN HWND hwnd ) {
// See if DLC is installed
if( GetPrivateProfileString(_T("NetProtocols"), _T("MS_DLC"), _T(""), Buffer, StrBuffSize(Buffer), FixedGlobals.ScriptName) > 0) {
// DLC is installed so set its installed flag to true
SetFlagToInstalled( IDS_DLC_PROTOCOL, hwnd );
SettingQueue_MarkVolatile( Buffer, SETTING_QUEUE_ORIG_ANSWERS ); }
// Function: ReadTcpipSettings
// Purpose: read input file and determine if the TCP/IP protocol is to be
// installed and if so, read in its settings
// Arguments: VOID
// Returns: VOID
VOID ReadTcpipSettings( IN HWND hwnd ) {
INT NewNumberOfNetworkCards;
NETWORK_ADAPTER_NODE *pAdapter; TCHAR *pAdapterSections; TCHAR *pBuffer; TCHAR *pSubnetBuffer;
TCHAR szNetworkBuffer[MAX_INILINE_LEN] = _T(""); TCHAR szSubnetBuffer[MAX_INILINE_LEN] = _T(""); TCHAR szAdapterSections[MAX_INILINE_LEN] = _T(""); TCHAR szIPString[IPSTRINGLENGTH] = _T(""); TCHAR szSubnetString[IPSTRINGLENGTH] = _T("");
// See if TCP/IP is installed
if( GetPrivateProfileString(_T("NetProtocols"), _T("MS_TCPIP"), _T(""), Buffer, StrBuffSize(Buffer), FixedGlobals.ScriptName) > 0) {
SettingQueue_MarkVolatile( Buffer, SETTING_QUEUE_ORIG_ANSWERS );
// TCP/IP is installed so set its installed flag to true
SetFlagToInstalled( IDS_TCPIP, hwnd );
// and grab all of its settings from the
// answer file
GetPrivateProfileString( Buffer, _T("EnableLMHosts"), StrConstNo, szNetworkBuffer, StrBuffSize( szNetworkBuffer ), FixedGlobals.ScriptName );
if( lstrcmpi( szNetworkBuffer, StrConstYes ) == 0 ) NetSettings.bEnableLMHosts = TRUE; else NetSettings.bEnableLMHosts = FALSE;
GetPrivateProfileString( Buffer, _T("UseDomainNameDevolution"), StrConstNo, szNetworkBuffer, StrBuffSize( szNetworkBuffer ), FixedGlobals.ScriptName );
if( lstrcmpi( szNetworkBuffer, StrConstYes ) == 0 ) NetSettings.bIncludeParentDomains = TRUE; else NetSettings.bIncludeParentDomains = FALSE;
GetPrivateProfileString( Buffer, _T("DNS"), StrConstNo, szNetworkBuffer, StrBuffSize( szNetworkBuffer ), FixedGlobals.ScriptName );
if( lstrcmpi( szNetworkBuffer, StrConstYes ) == 0 ) NetSettings.bObtainDNSServerAutomatically = TRUE; else NetSettings.bObtainDNSServerAutomatically = FALSE;
GetPrivateProfileString( Buffer, _T("AdapterSections"), _T(""), szAdapterSections, StrBuffSize( szAdapterSections ), FixedGlobals.ScriptName );
NewNumberOfNetworkCards = GetNetworkAdapterCount( szAdapterSections );
// allocate the right amount of space for the netword cards
// that will be read in
AdjustNetworkCardMemory( NewNumberOfNetworkCards, NetSettings.iNumberOfNetworkCards );
NetSettings.iNumberOfNetworkCards = NewNumberOfNetworkCards;
// Load network adapter specific TCP/IP settings
pAdapterSections = szAdapterSections;
for( pAdapter = NetSettings.NetworkAdapterHead; pAdapter; pAdapter = pAdapter->next ) {
GetNextAdapterSection( &pAdapterSections, szNetworkBuffer );
SettingQueue_MarkVolatile( szNetworkBuffer, SETTING_QUEUE_ORIG_ANSWERS );
// Read in the DNS Domain Name
GetPrivateProfileString( szNetworkBuffer, _T("DNSDomain"), pAdapter->szDNSDomainName, pAdapter->szDNSDomainName, StrBuffSize( pAdapter->szDNSDomainName ), FixedGlobals.ScriptName );
pAdapter->iNetBiosOption = GetPrivateProfileInt( szNetworkBuffer, _T("NetBIOSOptions"), pAdapter->iNetBiosOption, FixedGlobals.ScriptName );
// if it is not using server assigned DNS, then read in the
// DNS IPs
if( !NetSettings.bObtainDNSServerAutomatically ) {
GetPrivateProfileString( szNetworkBuffer, _T("DNSServerSearchOrder"), _T(""), Buffer, StrBuffSize(Buffer), FixedGlobals.ScriptName );
pBuffer = Buffer; //
// Loop grabbing the DNS addresses and inserting them into
// its namelist
while( GetCommaDelimitedEntry( szIPString, &pBuffer ) ) {
TcpipAddNameToNameList( &pAdapter->Tcpip_DnsAddresses, szIPString );
// Read from the file if it is using DHCP or not
GetPrivateProfileString( szNetworkBuffer, _T("DHCP"), StrConstYes, Buffer, StrBuffSize(Buffer), FixedGlobals.ScriptName );
if ( lstrcmpi( Buffer, StrConstYes ) == 0 ) pAdapter->bObtainIPAddressAutomatically = TRUE; else pAdapter->bObtainIPAddressAutomatically = FALSE;
if( !pAdapter->bObtainIPAddressAutomatically ) { //
// DHCP is set to "No" so:
// Read the IP and Subnet addresses from the file and
// insert them into the proper variables
GetPrivateProfileString( szNetworkBuffer, _T("IPAddress"), _T(""), Buffer, StrBuffSize(Buffer), FixedGlobals.ScriptName );
GetPrivateProfileString( szNetworkBuffer, _T("SubnetMask"), _T(""), szSubnetBuffer, StrBuffSize(szSubnetBuffer), FixedGlobals.ScriptName ); pBuffer = Buffer; pSubnetBuffer = szSubnetBuffer; //
// Loop grabbing the IP address and Subnet masks and
// inserting them into their respective namelists
while( GetCommaDelimitedEntry( szIPString, &pBuffer ) && GetCommaDelimitedEntry( szSubnetString, &pSubnetBuffer ) ) {
TcpipAddNameToNameList( &pAdapter->Tcpip_IpAddresses, szIPString );
TcpipAddNameToNameList( &pAdapter->Tcpip_SubnetMaskAddresses, szSubnetString );
// Read the Gateway addresses from the file and insert them
// into the proper variables
GetPrivateProfileString( szNetworkBuffer, _T("DefaultGateway"), _T(""), Buffer, StrBuffSize(Buffer), FixedGlobals.ScriptName );
pBuffer = Buffer;
// Loop grabbing the Gateway IPs and inserting them into
// its namelist
while( GetCommaDelimitedEntry( szIPString, &pBuffer ) ) {
TcpipAddNameToNameList( &pAdapter-> Tcpip_GatewayAddresses, szIPString );
// if WINS is set to "Yes", then read in the WINS addresses
GetPrivateProfileString( szNetworkBuffer, _T("WINS"), StrConstYes, Buffer, StrBuffSize(Buffer), FixedGlobals.ScriptName );
if( lstrcmpi( Buffer, StrConstYes ) == 0 ) {
// Read the WINS addresses from the file and insert them
// into the proper variables
GetPrivateProfileString( szNetworkBuffer, _T("WinsServerList"), _T(""), Buffer, StrBuffSize(Buffer), FixedGlobals.ScriptName );
pBuffer = Buffer; //
// Loop grabbing the IPs and inserting them into
// the NameList
while( GetCommaDelimitedEntry( szIPString, &pBuffer ) ) {
AddNameToNameList( &pAdapter->Tcpip_WinsAddresses, szIPString );
} //
// Read in the DNS suffixes, if there are any
GetPrivateProfileString( szNetworkBuffer, _T("WinsServerList"), _T(""), Buffer, StrBuffSize(Buffer), FixedGlobals.ScriptName );
pBuffer = Buffer; //
// Loop grabbing the IPs and inserting them into the NameList
while( GetCommaDelimitedEntry( szIPString, &pBuffer ) ) {
AddNameToNameList( &NetSettings.TCPIP_DNS_Domains, szIPString );
// Function: ReadNetBeuiSettings
// Purpose: read input file and determine if the Net BEUI protocol is to be
// installed
// Arguments: VOID
// Returns: VOID
VOID ReadNetBeuiSettings( IN HWND hwnd ) {
// See if NetBEUI is installed
if( GetPrivateProfileString(_T("NetProtocols"), _T("MS_NetBEUI"), _T(""), Buffer, StrBuffSize(Buffer), FixedGlobals.ScriptName) > 0) {
// NetBEUI is installed so set its installed flag to true
SetFlagToInstalled( IDS_NETBEUI_PROTOCOL, hwnd );
SettingQueue_MarkVolatile( Buffer, SETTING_QUEUE_ORIG_ANSWERS ); }
// Function: ReadNetworkMonitorSettings
// Purpose: read input file and determine if the Network Monitor is to be
// installed
// Arguments: VOID
// Returns: VOID
VOID ReadNetworkMonitorSettings( IN HWND hwnd ) {
// See if Network Monitor Agent is installed
if( GetPrivateProfileString(_T("NetProtocols"), _T("MS_NetMon"), _T(""), Buffer, StrBuffSize(Buffer), FixedGlobals.ScriptName) > 0) {
// Network Monitor Agent is installed so set its installed flag
// to true
SetFlagToInstalled( IDS_NETWORK_MONITOR_AGENT, hwnd );
SettingQueue_MarkVolatile( Buffer, SETTING_QUEUE_ORIG_ANSWERS ); }
// Function: ReadIpxSettings
// Purpose: read input file and determine if the IPX protocol is to be
// installed and if so, read in its settings
// Arguments: VOID
// Returns: VOID
VOID ReadIpxSettings( IN HWND hwnd ) {
INT NewNumberOfNetworkCards;
NETWORK_ADAPTER_NODE *pAdapter; TCHAR *pAdapterSections;
// See if IPX is installed
if( GetPrivateProfileString(_T("NetProtocols"), _T("MS_NWIPX"), _T(""), Buffer, StrBuffSize(Buffer), FixedGlobals.ScriptName) > 0) {
SettingQueue_MarkVolatile( Buffer, SETTING_QUEUE_ORIG_ANSWERS );
// IPX is installed so set its installed flag to true
SetFlagToInstalled( IDS_IPX_PROTOCOL, hwnd );
// and grab all of its settings from the
// answer file
GetPrivateProfileString( Buffer, _T("VirtualNetworkNumber"), NetSettings.szInternalNetworkNumber, NetSettings.szInternalNetworkNumber, StrBuffSize( NetSettings.szInternalNetworkNumber ), FixedGlobals.ScriptName );
GetPrivateProfileString( Buffer, _T("AdapterSections"), _T(""), szAdapterSections, StrBuffSize( szAdapterSections ), FixedGlobals.ScriptName );
NewNumberOfNetworkCards = GetNetworkAdapterCount( szAdapterSections );
// allocate the right amount of space for the netword cards that will
// be read in
AdjustNetworkCardMemory( NewNumberOfNetworkCards, NetSettings.iNumberOfNetworkCards );
NetSettings.iNumberOfNetworkCards = NewNumberOfNetworkCards;
// Load network adapter specific IPX settings
pAdapterSections = szAdapterSections;
for( pAdapter = NetSettings.NetworkAdapterHead; pAdapter; pAdapter = pAdapter->next ) {
GetNextAdapterSection( &pAdapterSections, szNetworkBuffer );
SettingQueue_MarkVolatile( szNetworkBuffer, SETTING_QUEUE_ORIG_ANSWERS );
GetPrivateProfileString( szNetworkBuffer, _T("PktType"), pAdapter->szFrameType, pAdapter->szFrameType, StrBuffSize( pAdapter->szFrameType ), FixedGlobals.ScriptName );
GetPrivateProfileString( szNetworkBuffer, _T("NetworkNumber"), pAdapter->szNetworkNumber, pAdapter->szNetworkNumber, StrBuffSize( pAdapter->szNetworkNumber ), FixedGlobals.ScriptName );
} }
// Function: SetFlagToInstalled
// Purpose: iterate through the Network list until the item whose name matches
// the input parameter is found. Set its flag to installed.
// Arguments: IN INT iStringResourceId - the string resource ID
// IN HWND hwnd - handle to the dialog window
// Returns: VOID
static VOID SetFlagToInstalled( IN INT iStringResourceId, IN HWND hwnd ) {
INT i; TCHAR *szComponentName; NETWORK_COMPONENT *pNetComponent;
szComponentName = MyLoadString( iStringResourceId );
for( pNetComponent = NetSettings.NetComponentsList; pNetComponent; pNetComponent = pNetComponent->next ) {
if( lstrcmpi( pNetComponent->StrComponentName, szComponentName ) == 0 ) {
pNetComponent->bInstalled = TRUE;
free( szComponentName );
free( szComponentName );
// if the function reaches this point then the string ID passed as input
// did not match any string in NetComponentsList
AssertMsg(FALSE, "String ID not found.");
// Function: GetNextAdapterSection
// Purpose: copies the next section from pAdapterSections into szNetworkBuffer
// each section is separated by commas so that's what it looks for
// Arguments: IN OUT TCHAR *pAdapterSections - pointer to the current position
// in the AdapterSections string
// OUT TCHAR szNetworkBuffer[] - the parsed section from the
// AdapterSections string
// Returns: VOID
static VOID GetNextAdapterSection( IN OUT TCHAR **pAdapterSections, OUT TCHAR szNetworkBuffer[] ) {
INT i;
// Copy over the string char by char
i = 0;
while( **pAdapterSections != _T(',') && **pAdapterSections != _T('\0') ) {
szNetworkBuffer[i] = **pAdapterSections; (*pAdapterSections)++; i++;
szNetworkBuffer[i] = _T('\0');
// Prepare pAdapterSections for the next call to this functions
if( **pAdapterSections == _T(',') ) { (*pAdapterSections)++;
// Function: GetNetworkAdapterCount
// Purpose: Counts the number of network cards by counting the number of
// commas in the adapter sections buffer
// Arguments: IN TCHAR szBuffer[] - string that lists the sections for each
// network card
// Returns: int - number of network adapters there are
static int GetNetworkAdapterCount( IN TCHAR szBuffer[] ) {
INT i; INT NetworkCardCount = 1;
for( i = 0; szBuffer[i] != _T('\0'); i++ ) {
if( szBuffer[i] == _T(',') ) { NetworkCardCount++; }
return( NetworkCardCount );