// Copyright (c) 1997-1999 Microsoft Corporation
// All rights reserved.
// File Name:
// save.c
// Description:
// This file has the code that dumps the user's answers to the
// answer file.
// The entry point SaveAllSettings() is called by the wizard when
// it is time to save the answer file (and possibly the .udf and
// sample batch script).
// The global vars GenSettings, NetSettings, etc. are examined
// and we decide what [Section] key=value settings need to be
// written.
// If you're adding a page to this wizard, see the function
// QueueSettingsToAnswerFile().
#include "pch.h"
#include "allres.h"
#define FILE_DOT_UDB _T(".udb")
// local prototypes
static BOOL IsOkToOverwriteFiles(HWND hwnd); static BOOL BuildAltFileNames(HWND hwnd); static BOOL WriteSampleBatchScript(HWND hwnd);
static VOID QuoteStringIfNecessary( OUT TCHAR *szOutputString, IN const TCHAR* const szInputString, IN DWORD cbSize);
// Localized "Usage" string
static TCHAR *StrUsage = NULL;
// External function in savefile.c
extern BOOL QueueSettingsToAnswerFile(HWND hwnd);
BOOL SettingQueueHalScsi_Flush(LPTSTR lpFileName, QUEUENUM dwWhichQueue);
static TCHAR *StrSampleBatchScriptLine1 = NULL; static TCHAR *StrSampleBatchScriptLine2 = NULL; static TCHAR *StrBatchScriptSysprepWarning = NULL;
// Function: SetCdRomPath
// Purpose: To find the CD-ROM on this local machine and set
// WizGlobals.CdSourcePath to it.
// Arguments: VOID
// Returns: BOOL TRUE - if the CD path was set
// FALSE - if no CD path was found
static BOOL SetCdRomPath( VOID ) {
TCHAR *p; TCHAR DriveLetters[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR PathBuffer[MAX_PATH];
// Find the CD-ROM
// GetLogicalDriveStrings() fills in the DriveLetters buffer, and it
// looks like:
// c:\(null)d:\(null)x:\(null)(null)
// (i.e. double-null at the end)
// ISSUE-2002/02/27-stelo,swamip - Replace with existing code that searches drives
if ( ! GetLogicalDriveStrings(MAX_PATH, DriveLetters) ) DriveLetters[0] = _T('\0');
p = DriveLetters;
while ( *p ) {
if ( GetDriveType(p) == DRIVE_CDROM ) {
lstrcpyn( PathBuffer, p , AS(PathBuffer));
GetSystemInfo( &SystemInfo );
switch( SystemInfo.wProcessorArchitecture ) { case PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL:
hrCat=StringCchCat( PathBuffer, AS(PathBuffer), _T("i386") );
hrCat=StringCchCat( PathBuffer, AS(PathBuffer), _T("amd64") );
hrCat=StringCchCat( PathBuffer, AS(PathBuffer), _T("i386") );
AssertMsg( FALSE, "Unknown Processor. Can't set setup files path." );
while ( *p++ ); }
// If no CD Found, leave the setup files path blank
if( *p == _T('\0') ) { lstrcpyn( WizGlobals.CdSourcePath, _T(""), AS(WizGlobals.CdSourcePath) );
return( FALSE ); } else { lstrcpyn( WizGlobals.CdSourcePath, PathBuffer, AS(WizGlobals.CdSourcePath) );
return( TRUE ); }
// Function: DidSetupmgrWriteThisFile
// Purpose: To check to see if a specific file was written by Setup Manager
// Arguments: IN LPTSTR lpFile - the full path and name of the file to check
// Returns: BOOL TRUE - if setup manager wrote the file
// FALSE - if it didn't
static BOOL DidSetupmgrWriteThisFile( IN LPTSTR lpFile ) {
INT iRet; TCHAR Buffer[MAX_INILINE_LEN]; FILE *fp = My_fopen(lpFile, _T("r") );
if ( fp == NULL ) return( FALSE );
if ( My_fgets(Buffer, MAX_INILINE_LEN - 1, fp) == NULL ) return( FALSE );
if ( lstrcmp(Buffer, _T(";SetupMgrTag\n")) == 0 || lstrcmp(Buffer, _T("@rem SetupMgrTag\n")) == 0 ) { return( TRUE ); } else { return( FALSE ); }
// Function: SaveAllSettings
// Purpose: This is the entry point for saving the answer file. It is
// called by the SaveScript page.
// If multiple computers were specified, it also writes a .udf.
// It always writes a batch file that makes it easy to use the
// answer file just created.
// Arguments: HWND hwnd
// Returns: BOOL
BOOL SaveAllSettings(HWND hwnd) { //
// Build the file names for the .udf and sample batch script. The
// results are stored in FixedGlobals.
// After calling BuildAltFileNames(), FixedGlobals.UdfFileName and
// FixedGlobals.BatchFileName will be null strings if we're not
// supposed to write those files out
if ( ! BuildAltFileNames(hwnd) ) return FALSE;
// Before overwriting anything do some checks.
if ( ! IsOkToOverwriteFiles(hwnd) ) return FALSE;
// Empty any intermediatte stuff we have on the queues because
// user is going back & next alot.
// Then initialize the queues with the original settings.
SettingQueue_Empty(SETTING_QUEUE_ANSWERS); SettingQueue_Empty(SETTING_QUEUE_UDF);
// Call the function that everybody plugs into in savefile.c to
// queue up all the answers from the UI.
if (!QueueSettingsToAnswerFile(hwnd)) return FALSE;
// Flush the answer file queue.
if ( ! SettingQueue_Flush(FixedGlobals.ScriptName, SETTING_QUEUE_ANSWERS) ) { ReportErrorId(hwnd, MSGTYPE_ERR | MSGTYPE_WIN32, IDS_ERRORS_WRITING_ANSWER_FILE, FixedGlobals.ScriptName); return FALSE; }
// If multiple computernames, flush the .udf queue
if ( FixedGlobals.UdfFileName[0] ) {
if ( ! SettingQueue_Flush(FixedGlobals.UdfFileName, SETTING_QUEUE_UDF) ) { ReportErrorId(hwnd, MSGTYPE_ERR | MSGTYPE_WIN32, IDS_ERRORS_WRITING_UDF, FixedGlobals.UdfFileName); return FALSE; } }
// If they are using SCSI or HAL files, then flush the txtsetup.oem queue
// NTRAID#NTBUG9-551746-2002/02/27-stelo,swamip - Unused code, should be removed
if ( GetNameListSize( &GenSettings.OemScsiFiles ) > 0 || GetNameListSize( &GenSettings.OemHalFiles ) > 0 ) {
TCHAR szTextmodePath[MAX_PATH + 1] = _T("");
// Note-ConcatenatePaths truncates to prevent overflow
ConcatenatePaths( szTextmodePath, WizGlobals.OemFilesPath, _T("Textmode\\txtsetup.oem"), NULL );
if ( ! SettingQueueHalScsi_Flush(szTextmodePath, SETTING_QUEUE_TXTSETUP_OEM) ) { ReportErrorId(hwnd, MSGTYPE_ERR | MSGTYPE_WIN32, IDS_ERRORS_WRITING_ANSWER_FILE, szTextmodePath); return FALSE; } }
// Write the sample batch script if BuildAltFileNames hasn't already
// determined that we should not (i.e. If a remote boot answer file,
// don't write a sample batch script)
if ( FixedGlobals.BatchFileName[0] ) { if ( ! WriteSampleBatchScript(hwnd) ) return FALSE; }
return TRUE; }
// Function: IsOkToOverwriteFiles
// Purpose: This is called prior to writing the answer file, .udf and sample
// batch script.
// Before overwriting any file, we make sure that it was created
// by setupmgr. If not, we prompt the user.
// Returns:
// TRUE - to go ahead and overwrite any of the files that might exist
// FALSE - user canceled the overwrite
static BOOL IsOkToOverwriteFiles(HWND hwnd) { INT i; INT iRet;
// If we are editing a script just write out the files
if( ! WizGlobals.bNewScript ) { return( TRUE ); }
// Check foo.txt foo.udf and foo.bat that we're about to write out.
// If any of them already exists, then check to see if they were
// created by setupmgr. We will prompt the user before overwriting
// something we didn't write before.
for ( i=0; i<3; i++ ) {
// The answer file, .udf or the batch script?
if ( i == 0 ) lpFile = FixedGlobals.ScriptName; else if ( i == 1 ) lpFile = FixedGlobals.UdfFileName; else lpFile = FixedGlobals.BatchFileName;
// If the file already exists, prompt the user if it doesn't
// have our tag.
// Look for ;SetupMgrTag in the answer file and .udf
// Look for rem SetupMgrTag in the batch script
if ( lpFile[0] && DoesFileExist(lpFile) ) {
if( DidSetupmgrWriteThisFile( lpFile ) ) {
iRet = ReportErrorId(hwnd, MSGTYPE_YESNO, IDS_ERR_FILE_ALREADY_EXISTS, lpFile); if ( iRet == IDNO ) return( FALSE );
} else {
iRet = ReportErrorId(hwnd, MSGTYPE_YESNO, IDS_ERR_SAVEFILE_NOT_SETUPMGR, lpFile); if ( iRet == IDNO ) return( FALSE );
return( TRUE ); }
// Function: BuildAltFileNames
// Purpose: This function derives the name for the .udf and the .bat
// associatted with a given answer filename.
// Note: This function has a couple of side-effects. If there is no
// extension on FixedGlobals.ScriptName, it adds one.
// Also, after this function runs, FixedGlobals.UdfFileName will
// be a null string if there <= 1 computer names (i.e. no udf)
// If we're writing a .sif (remote boot), FixGlobals.BatchFileName
// will be a null-string.
// The finish page relies on this.
// Returns: BOOL
static BOOL BuildAltFileNames(HWND hwnd) { TCHAR PathBuffer[MAX_PATH], *lpFilePart = NULL, *pExtension;
INT nEntries = GetNameListSize(&GenSettings.ComputerNames); BOOL bMultipleComputers = ( nEntries > 1 ); HRESULT hrCat;
// Find out the filename part of the answer file pathname and copy
// it to PathBuffer[]
GetFullPathName(FixedGlobals.ScriptName, MAX_PATH, PathBuffer, &lpFilePart);
if (lpFilePart == NULL) return FALSE; //
// Point at the extension in the PathBuffer[].
// e.g. foo.txt, point at the dot.
// foo, point at the null byte.
// If there is no extension, put one on it
if ( (pExtension = wcsrchr(lpFilePart, _T('.'))) == NULL ) {
pExtension = &lpFilePart[lstrlen(lpFilePart)];
if ( WizGlobals.iProductInstall == PRODUCT_REMOTEINSTALL ) hrCat=StringCchCat(FixedGlobals.ScriptName, AS(FixedGlobals.ScriptName), _T(".sif")); else hrCat=StringCchCat(FixedGlobals.ScriptName, AS(FixedGlobals.ScriptName), _T(".txt")); }
// Cannot allow foo.bat or foo.udf as answer file names because we
// will probably be writing other stuff to foo.bat and/or foo.udf
if ( (LSTRCMPI(pExtension, _T(".bat")) == 0) || (LSTRCMPI(pExtension, FILE_DOT_UDB) == 0) ) { ReportErrorId(hwnd, MSGTYPE_ERR, IDS_ERR_BAD_SCRIPT_EXTENSION); return FALSE; }
// Build the .udf name if there was > 1 computer names specified
if ( bMultipleComputers ) { lstrcpyn(pExtension, FILE_DOT_UDB, MAX_PATH- (int)(pExtension - PathBuffer) ); lstrcpyn(FixedGlobals.UdfFileName, PathBuffer,AS(FixedGlobals.UdfFileName)); } else { FixedGlobals.UdfFileName[0] = _T('\0'); }
// Build the .bat file name. We won't be creating a sample batch
// script in the case of remote boot, so null it out, else the Finish
// page will be broken.
if ( (WizGlobals.iProductInstall == PRODUCT_REMOTEINSTALL) || (WizGlobals.iProductInstall == PRODUCT_SYSPREP) ) { FixedGlobals.BatchFileName[0] = _T('\0'); } else { lstrcpyn(pExtension, _T(".bat"), MAX_PATH - (int)(pExtension - PathBuffer) ); lstrcpyn(FixedGlobals.BatchFileName, PathBuffer,AS(FixedGlobals.BatchFileName)); }
return TRUE; }
// Function: AddLanguageSwitch
// Purpose: Add the /copysource language switch to copy over the right
// language files
// Returns: VOID
static VOID AddLanguageSwitch( TCHAR *Buffer, DWORD cbSize ) { INT iNumLanguages; HRESULT hrCat;
iNumLanguages = GetNameListSize( &GenSettings.LanguageFilePaths );
if ( iNumLanguages > 0 ) { hrCat=StringCchCat( Buffer, cbSize, _T(" /copysource:lang") );
hrCat=StringCchCat( Buffer, cbSize, _T("\n") ); // make sure it has a line-feed at the end
// Function: WriteSampleBatchScript
// Purpose: writes the sample batch script
// Returns: FALSE if errors writing the file. Any errors are reported
// to the user.
static BOOL WriteSampleBatchScript(HWND hwnd) {
FILE *fp; TCHAR Buffer[MAX_INILINE_LEN]; TCHAR *pszScriptName = NULL; TCHAR szComputerName[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR SetupFilesBuffer[MAX_INILINE_LEN]; TCHAR AnswerFileBuffer[MAX_INILINE_LEN]; TCHAR SetupFilesQuotedBuffer[MAX_INILINE_LEN]; TCHAR Winnt32Buffer[MAX_INILINE_LEN]; DWORD dwSize; INT nEntries = GetNameListSize(&GenSettings.ComputerNames); BOOL bMultipleComputers = ( nEntries > 1 ); HRESULT hrPrintf;
if ( (fp = My_fopen(FixedGlobals.BatchFileName, _T("w")) ) == NULL ) { ReportErrorId(hwnd, MSGTYPE_ERR | MSGTYPE_WIN32, IDS_ERR_OPEN_SAMPLE_BAT, FixedGlobals.BatchFileName); return FALSE; }
My_fputs(_T("@rem SetupMgrTag\n@echo off\n\n"), fp);
if( StrSampleBatchScriptLine1 == NULL ) { StrSampleBatchScriptLine1 = MyLoadString( IDS_BATCH_SCRIPT_LINE1 ); StrSampleBatchScriptLine2 = MyLoadString( IDS_BATCH_SCRIPT_LINE2 ); }
My_fputs( _T("rem\nrem "), fp );
My_fputs( StrSampleBatchScriptLine1, fp );
My_fputs( _T("\nrem "), fp );
My_fputs( StrSampleBatchScriptLine2, fp );
My_fputs( _T("\nrem\n\n"), fp );
if ( !(pszScriptName = MyGetFullPath( FixedGlobals.ScriptName )) ) { My_fclose( fp ); return FALSE; }
// Quote the Script name if it contains spaces
QuoteStringIfNecessary( AnswerFileBuffer, pszScriptName, AS(AnswerFileBuffer) );
// Note: MAX_INILINE_LEN=1K AnswerFileBuffer at this time is MAX_PATH+2 MAX
// buffer overrun should not be a problem.
hrPrintf=StringCchPrintf( Buffer, AS(Buffer), _T("set AnswerFile=.\\%s\n"), AnswerFileBuffer );
My_fputs( Buffer, fp );
if( bMultipleComputers ) {
TCHAR UdfFileBuffer[1024];
pszScriptName = MyGetFullPath( FixedGlobals.UdfFileName );
// Quote the UDF name if it contains spaces
QuoteStringIfNecessary( UdfFileBuffer, pszScriptName, AS(UdfFileBuffer) );
hrPrintf=StringCchPrintf( Buffer, AS(Buffer), _T("set UdfFile=.\\%s\nset ComputerName=%%1\n"), UdfFileBuffer );
My_fputs( Buffer, fp );
if( WizGlobals.bStandAloneScript ) {
lstrcpyn( SetupFilesBuffer, WizGlobals.CdSourcePath, AS(SetupFilesBuffer) );
} else {
GetComputerNameFromUnc( WizGlobals.UncDistFolder, szComputerName, AS(szComputerName) );
hrPrintf=StringCchPrintf( SetupFilesBuffer, AS(SetupFilesBuffer), _T("%s%s%s%s%s"), szComputerName, _T("\\"), WizGlobals.DistShareName, _T("\\"), WizGlobals.Architecture ); }
QuoteStringIfNecessary( SetupFilesQuotedBuffer, SetupFilesBuffer, AS(SetupFilesQuotedBuffer) );
hrPrintf=StringCchPrintf( Buffer, AS(Buffer), _T("set SetupFiles=%s\n\n"), SetupFilesQuotedBuffer ); My_fputs( Buffer, fp );
hrPrintf=StringCchPrintf( Buffer, AS(Buffer), _T("%s\\winnt32"), SetupFilesBuffer );
QuoteStringIfNecessary( Winnt32Buffer, Buffer, AS(Winnt32Buffer) );
if( bMultipleComputers ) {
if( StrUsage == NULL ) { StrUsage = MyLoadString( IDS_USAGE ); }
hrPrintf=StringCchPrintf( Buffer, AS(Buffer), _T("if \"%%ComputerName%%\" == \"\" goto USAGE\n\n") ); My_fputs( Buffer, fp );
hrPrintf=StringCchPrintf( Buffer, AS(Buffer), _T("%s%s"), Winnt32Buffer, _T(" /s:%SetupFiles% ") _T("/unattend:%AnswerFile% ") _T("/udf:%ComputerName%,%UdfFile% ") _T("/makelocalsource") );
AddLanguageSwitch( Buffer, AS(Buffer) );
My_fputs( Buffer, fp );
My_fputs( _T("goto DONE\n\n"), fp );
My_fputs( _T(":USAGE\n"), fp );
My_fputs( _T("echo.\n"), fp );
hrPrintf=StringCchPrintf( Buffer, AS(Buffer), _T("echo %s: unattend ^<computername^>\n"), StrUsage );
My_fputs( Buffer, fp );
My_fputs( _T("echo.\n\n"), fp );
My_fputs( _T(":DONE\n"), fp );
} else { hrPrintf=StringCchPrintf(Buffer, AS(Buffer), _T("%s%s"), Winnt32Buffer, _T(" /s:%SetupFiles% ") _T("/unattend:%AnswerFile%"));
AddLanguageSwitch( Buffer, AS(Buffer) );
My_fputs( Buffer, fp ); }
My_fclose( fp );
return( TRUE ); }
// Function: QuoteStringIfNecessary
// Purpose: If the given input string has white space then the whole string
// is quoted and returned in the output string. Else just the string
// is returned in the output string.
// szOutputString is assumed to be of size MAX_INILINE_LEN
// Arguments: OUT TCHAR *szOutputString
// Returns: VOID
static VOID QuoteStringIfNecessary( OUT TCHAR *szOutputString, IN const TCHAR* const szInputString, IN DWORD cbSize) { HRESULT hrPrintf;
if( DoesContainWhiteSpace( szInputString ) ) { hrPrintf=StringCchPrintf( szOutputString, cbSize, _T("\"%s\""), szInputString ); } else { lstrcpyn( szOutputString, szInputString ,cbSize); }