OPTCOMP.C / Setup Manager
Microsoft Confidential Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation 2001-2002 All rights reserved
Source file for the OPK Wizard that contains the external and internal functions used by the "Optional Component" wizard page. 01/2002 - Stephen Lodwick (STELO) Initial creation
// Include File(s):
#include "pch.h"
#include "wizard.h"
#include "resource.h"
#include "optcomp.h"
// Internal Defined Value(s):
// Internal Function Prototype(s):
static BOOL OnInit(HWND, HWND, LPARAM); static void SaveData(HWND); static void OnListViewNotify(HWND, UINT, WPARAM, NMLVDISPINFO*);
// External Function(s):
INT_PTR CALLBACK OptionalCompDlgProc(HWND hwnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { switch (uMsg) { HANDLE_MSG(hwnd, WM_INITDIALOG, OnInit); case WM_NOTIFY:
switch ( wParam ) { case IDC_OPTCOMP:
// Notification to list view, lets handle below
OnListViewNotify(hwnd, uMsg, wParam, (NMLVDISPINFO*) lParam); break; default:
switch ( ((NMHDR FAR *) lParam)->code ) { case PSN_KILLACTIVE: case PSN_RESET: case PSN_WIZBACK: case PSN_WIZFINISH:
SaveData(hwnd); break;
WIZ_CANCEL(hwnd); break;
case PSN_HELP:
WIZ_HELP(); break;
break; }
default: return FALSE; }
return TRUE; }
// Internal Function(s):
static BOOL OnInit(HWND hwnd, HWND hwndFocus, LPARAM lParam) { LVITEM lvItem; LPTSTR lpItemText = NULL; LVCOLUMN lvCol; DWORD dwPosition = ListView_GetItemCount( GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDC_OPTCOMP) ); RECT rect; INT index; DWORD64 dwComponents; HWND lvHandle = GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDC_OPTCOMP);
// Add check boxes to each of the items
ListView_SetExtendedListViewStyle(lvHandle, LVS_EX_CHECKBOXES | LVS_EX_FULLROWSELECT);
// Believe it or not we must add the column (even though it's hidden)
GetClientRect( lvHandle, &rect ); lvCol.mask = LVCF_FMT | LVCF_WIDTH; lvCol.fmt = LVCFMT_LEFT; lvCol.cx = rect.right;
ListView_InsertColumn(lvHandle, 0, &lvCol); ListView_SetColumnWidth(lvHandle, 0, rect.right);
// Go through all of the known components and add them to the list box
for (index=0;index<AS(s_cgComponentNames);index++) { // Is this platform allowed to have this component
if ( s_cgComponentNames[index].dwValidSkus & WizGlobals.iPlatform) { DWORD dwItem = ListView_GetItemCount(lvHandle); BOOL bReturn = FALSE;
// We are allowed to add this string
lpItemText = AllocateString(NULL, s_cgComponentNames[index].uId);
ZeroMemory(&lvItem, sizeof(LVITEM)); lvItem.mask = LVIF_TEXT | LVIF_PARAM; lvItem.state = 0; lvItem.stateMask = LVIS_FOCUSED | LVIS_SELECTED; lvItem.iItem = dwItem; lvItem.lParam = s_cgComponentNames[index].dwComponentsIndex; lvItem.iSubItem = 0; lvItem.pszText = lpItemText;
ListView_InsertItem(lvHandle, &lvItem);
// Determine if all of the necessary components are installed
bReturn = ((GenSettings.dwWindowsComponents & s_cgComponentNames[index].dwComponents) == s_cgComponentNames[index].dwComponents) ? TRUE : FALSE;
// Check the item depending on the default value set in the platform page
ListView_SetCheckState(lvHandle, dwItem, bReturn)
FREE(lpItemText); }
// Always return false to WM_INITDIALOG.
return FALSE; }
static void SaveData(HWND hwnd) { DWORD dwItemCount = 0, dwIndex = 0; HWND lvHandle = GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDC_OPTCOMP); BOOL bChecked = FALSE; LVITEM lvItem; DWORD64 dwComponents = 0; BOOL bAddComponent = FALSE;
// Check to make sure we have a valid handle and that there's atleast one item in the list
if ( ( lvHandle ) && (dwItemCount = ListView_GetItemCount(lvHandle)) ) { // Zero this out as we're going to rescan the components to install
GenSettings.dwWindowsComponents = 0;
// Iterate through each of the items in the list
for (dwIndex=0;dwIndex < dwItemCount;dwIndex++) { ZeroMemory(&lvItem, sizeof(LVITEM)); lvItem.mask = LVIF_PARAM; lvItem.iItem = dwIndex; lvItem.iSubItem = 0; ListView_GetItem(lvHandle, &lvItem);
// Determine if this is a component group to install
if ( ListView_GetCheckState(lvHandle, dwIndex) ) { // We would like to install this component group
GenSettings.dwWindowsComponents |= s_cgComponentNames[lvItem.lParam].dwComponents; } } } }
static void OnListViewNotify(HWND hwnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, NMLVDISPINFO * lpnmlvdi) { HWND lvHandle = GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDC_OPTCOMP); POINT ptScreen, ptClient; LVHITTESTINFO lvHitInfo; LVITEM lvItem;
// See what the notification message that was sent to the list view.
switch ( lpnmlvdi->hdr.code ) { case NM_DBLCLK:
// Get cursor position, translate to client coordinates and
// do a listview hittest.
GetCursorPos(&ptScreen); ptClient.x = ptScreen.x; ptClient.y = ptScreen.y; MapWindowPoints(NULL, lvHandle, &ptClient, 1); lvHitInfo.pt.x = ptClient.x; lvHitInfo.pt.y = ptClient.y; ListView_HitTest(lvHandle, &lvHitInfo);
// Test if item was clicked.
if ( lvHitInfo.flags & LVHT_ONITEM ) { // Set the check button on/off depending on prior value
ListView_SetCheckState(lvHandle, lvHitInfo.iItem, !ListView_GetCheckState(lvHandle, lvHitInfo.iItem)); }
break; }
return; }