Confidential Copyright (c) Corporation 1998 All rights reserved
Debug API functions for the application to easily output information to the debugger.
12/98 - Jason Cohen (JCOHEN)
09/2000 - Stephen Lodwick (STELO) Ported OPK Wizard to Whistler
// Include File(s):
#include "pch.h"
// We only want this code include if this is a debug version.
#ifdef DBG
#include <windows.h>
#include <tchar.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
// External Function(s):
INT DebugOutW(LPCWSTR lpFileName, LPCWSTR lpFormat, ...) { INT iChars = -1; va_list lpArgs; FILE * hFile; LPWSTR lpString;
// Initialize the lpArgs parameter with va_start().
va_start(lpArgs, lpFormat);
// Open the debug file for output if a file name was passed in.
if ( lpFileName && ( hFile = _wfopen(lpFileName, L"a") ) ) { // Print the debug message to the file and close it.
iChars = vfwprintf(hFile, lpFormat, lpArgs); fclose(hFile);
// Reinitialize the lpArgs parameter with va_start()
// for the next call to a vptrintf function.
va_start(lpArgs, lpFormat); }
// If something failed above, we won't know the size to use
// for the string buffer, so just default to 2048 characters.
if ( iChars < 0 ) iChars = 2047;
// Allocate a buffer for the string.
if ( lpString = (LPWSTR) malloc((iChars + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR)) ) { // Print out the string, send it to the debugger, and free it.
iChars = StringCchPrintf(lpString, iChars + 1, lpFormat, lpArgs); OutputDebugStringW(lpString); free(lpString); } else // Use -1 to return an error.
iChars = -1;
// Return the number of characters printed.
return iChars; }
INT DebugOutA(LPCSTR lpFileName, LPCSTR lpFormat, ...) { INT iChars = -1; va_list lpArgs; FILE * hFile; LPSTR lpString;
// Initialize the lpArgs parameter with va_start().
va_start(lpArgs, lpFormat);
// Open the debug file for output if a file name was passed in.
if ( lpFileName && ( hFile = fopen(lpFileName, "a") ) ) { // Print the debug message to the file and close it.
iChars = vfprintf(hFile, lpFormat, lpArgs); fclose(hFile);
// Reinitialize the lpArgs parameter with va_start()
// for the next call to a vptrintf function.
va_start(lpArgs, lpFormat); }
// If something failed above, we won't know the size to use
// for the string buffer, so just default to 2048 characters.
if ( iChars < 0 ) iChars = 2047;
// Allocate a buffer for the string.
if ( lpString = (LPSTR) malloc((iChars + 1) * sizeof(CHAR)) ) { // Print out the string, send it to the debugger, and free it.
iChars = StringCchPrintfA(lpString, iChars + 1, lpFormat, lpArgs); OutputDebugStringA(lpString); free(lpString); } else // Use -1 to return an error.
iChars = -1;
// Return the number of characters printed.
return iChars; }
#endif // DEBUG or _DEBUG