Microsoft Confidential Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation 1998 All rights reserved
Source file for the OPK Wizard that contains the external and internal functions used by the "OEM info" wizard page.
5/99 - Jason Cohen (JCOHEN) Updated this old source file for the OPK Wizard as part of the Millennium rewrite. 09/2000 - Stephen Lodwick (STELO) Ported OPK Wizard to Whistler
// Include File(s):
#include "pch.h"
#include "wizard.h"
#include "resource.h"
// Internal Defined Value(s):
#define INI_SEC_SUPPORT _T("Support Information")
#define INI_SEC_NAUGHTY _T("IllegalWords")
#define INI_SEC_USERDATA _T("UserData")
#define INI_KEY_MODELNAME _T("Model")
// Internal Function Prototype(s):
static BOOL OnInit(HWND, HWND, LPARAM); static BOOL ValidData(HWND); static void SaveData(HWND); LONG CALLBACK SupportEditWndProc(HWND, UINT, WPARAM, LPARAM);
// External Function(s):
LRESULT CALLBACK OemInfoDlgProc(HWND hwnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { switch (uMsg) { HANDLE_MSG(hwnd, WM_INITDIALOG, OnInit); case WM_NOTIFY:
switch ( ((NMHDR FAR *) lParam)->code ) { case PSN_KILLACTIVE: case PSN_RESET: case PSN_WIZBACK: case PSN_WIZFINISH: break;
case PSN_WIZNEXT: if ( ValidData(hwnd) ) { SaveData(hwnd);
// If we are currently in the wizard, press the finish button
if ( GET_FLAG(OPK_ACTIVEWIZ) ) WIZ_PRESS(hwnd, PSBTN_FINISH); } else WIZ_FAIL(hwnd); break; case PSN_QUERYCANCEL: WIZ_CANCEL(hwnd); break;
case PSN_HELP: WIZ_HELP(); break;
case PSN_SETACTIVE: g_App.dwCurrentHelp = IDH_OEMINFO;
// Press next if the user is in auto mode
// We should continue on to maint. wizard if in maintenance mode
break; } break;
default: return FALSE; }
return TRUE; }
// Internal Function(s):
static BOOL OnInit(HWND hwnd, HWND hwndFocus, LPARAM lParam) { HWND hwndEdit = GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDC_INFO_SUPPORT); TCHAR szBuf[MAX_URL], szKeyBuf[32]; INT uIndex = 1; BOOL bNotDone; HRESULT hrPrintf;
// Get stuff from the oeminfo.ini/opkwiz.inf file.
// OEM name.
szBuf[0] = NULLCHR; GetPrivateProfileString(INI_SEC_GENERAL, INI_KEY_MANUFACT, NULLSTR, szBuf, MAX_INFOLEN, GET_FLAG(OPK_BATCHMODE) ? g_App.szOpkWizIniFile : g_App.szOemInfoIniFile); SetWindowText(GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDC_INFO_OEM), szBuf); SendDlgItemMessage(hwnd, IDC_INFO_OEM, EM_LIMITTEXT, MAX_INFOLEN - 1, 0L);
// Model name.
szBuf[0] = NULLCHR; GetPrivateProfileString(INI_SEC_GENERAL, INI_KEY_MODELNAME, NULLSTR, szBuf, MAX_INFOLEN, GET_FLAG(OPK_BATCHMODE) ? g_App.szOpkWizIniFile : g_App.szOemInfoIniFile); SetWindowText(GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDC_INFO_MODEL), szBuf); SendDlgItemMessage(hwnd, IDC_INFO_MODEL, EM_LIMITTEXT, MAX_INFOLEN - 1, 0L);
// Support info.
// This exists in the section as:
// Line1="df"
// Line2="dfvkl"
// Note we read lines in order (Line1, Line2...) and stop as soon
// as we see a gap. This means we ingnore the rest of the info if they
// have skipped a line (blanks are ok, i mean a line not existing).
do { // Get the line from the ini file.
hrPrintf=StringCchPrintf(szKeyBuf, AS(szKeyBuf), INI_KEY_SUPLINE, uIndex++); szBuf[0] = NULLCHR; GetPrivateProfileString(INI_SEC_SUPPORT, szKeyBuf, INI_VAL_DUMMY, szBuf, STRSIZE(szBuf), GET_FLAG(OPK_BATCHMODE) ? g_App.szOpkWizIniFile : g_App.szOemInfoIniFile);
// Make sure the line existed in the ini file.
if ( bNotDone = (lstrcmp(szBuf, INI_VAL_DUMMY) != 0) ) { // This is to fix a bug. We used to add a blank line everytime to
// the support text when we ran in mantenance mode.
// If this isn't he first line we have added, add a CRLF first.
if ( uIndex > 2 ) { SendMessage(hwndEdit, EM_SETSEL, (WPARAM) -1, 0L); SendMessage(hwndEdit, EM_REPLACESEL, FALSE, (LPARAM) STR_CRLF); } // Now tack this line we read in to the end of the edit control.
SendMessage(hwndEdit, EM_SETSEL, (WPARAM) -1, 0L); SendMessage(hwndEdit, EM_REPLACESEL, FALSE, (LPARAM) szBuf); } } while ( bNotDone );
// Replace the wndproc for the edit box.
SupportEditWndProc(GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDC_INFO_SUPPORT), WM_SUBWNDPROC, 0, 0L);
// Always return false to WM_INITDIALOG.
return FALSE; }
static BOOL ValidData(HWND hwnd) { TCHAR szString[512] = NULLSTR; HINF hInf = NULL; INFCONTEXT InfContext; BOOL bOk = TRUE, bRet; HWND hwndOem = GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDC_INFO_OEM), hwndEdit = GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDC_INFO_SUPPORT); LPTSTR lpszText, lpBad; DWORD dwBuffer;
// Check to make sure the OEM name is filled in.
if ( GetWindowTextLength(hwndOem) == 0 ) { MsgBox(GetParent(hwnd), IDS_ERROEMNAME, IDS_APPNAME, MB_ERRORBOX); SetFocus(hwndOem); return FALSE; }
// Check to make sure there is support information.
if ( GetWindowTextLength(hwndEdit) == 0 ) { MsgBox(GetParent(hwnd), IDS_ERROEMSUPPORT, IDS_APPNAME, MB_ERRORBOX); SetFocus(hwndEdit); return FALSE; } //
// Now make sure they don't use any naughty words.
// Get the text from the edit control.
dwBuffer = ((GetWindowTextLength(hwndEdit) + 1) * sizeof(TCHAR)); if ( (lpszText = MALLOC(dwBuffer)) == NULL ) return bOk; GetWindowText(hwndEdit, lpszText, dwBuffer);
// Open the opkinput file
if ((hInf = SetupOpenInfFile(g_App.szOpkInputInfFile, NULL, INF_STYLE_OLDNT | INF_STYLE_WIN4, NULL))) { // Loop through all the naughty words and check for each.
for ( bRet = SetupFindFirstLine(hInf, INI_SEC_NAUGHTY, NULL, &InfContext); bRet && bOk; bRet = SetupFindNextLine(&InfContext, &InfContext) ) { // Make sure we set the line back to nothing
szString[0] = NULLCHR;
// Get the naughty word and compare to window text
if ( ( SetupGetStringField(&InfContext, 1, szString, AS(szString), NULL) ) && ( lpBad = StrStrI(lpszText, szString) ) ) { // We found a bad string.
// Select the bad text in the edit control.
dwBuffer = (DWORD) (lpBad - lpszText); SetFocus(hwndEdit); PostMessage(hwndEdit, WM_SETSEL, (WPARAM) dwBuffer, (LPARAM) dwBuffer + lstrlen(szString)); PostMessage(hwndEdit, EM_SCROLLCARET, 0, 0L);
// Return false.
bOk = FALSE; } }
SetupCloseInfFile(hInf); } // Free our edit text buffer.
// Return our search result.
return bOk; }
static void SaveData(HWND hwnd) { TCHAR szBuf[MAX_URL], szKeyBuf[32]; UINT uCount, uIndex, uNumBytes; HRESULT hrPrintf;
// Save the stuff to the oeminfo.ini/opkwiz.ini file.
// OEM name.
GetDlgItemText(hwnd, IDC_INFO_OEM, szBuf, MAX_INFOLEN); WritePrivateProfileString(INI_SEC_GENERAL, INI_KEY_MANUFACT, szBuf,g_App.szOemInfoIniFile); WritePrivateProfileString(INI_SEC_GENERAL, INI_KEY_MANUFACT, szBuf,g_App.szOpkWizIniFile);
// Store away the Manufacturer name for IE Branding page
lstrcpyn(g_App.szManufacturer, szBuf[0] ? szBuf : NULLSTR, AS(g_App.szManufacturer));
// Model name.
GetDlgItemText(hwnd, IDC_INFO_MODEL, szBuf, MAX_INFOLEN); WritePrivateProfileString(INI_SEC_GENERAL, INI_KEY_MODELNAME, szBuf, g_App.szOemInfoIniFile); WritePrivateProfileString(INI_SEC_GENERAL, INI_KEY_MODELNAME, szBuf, g_App.szOpkWizIniFile);
// If there isn't already a config name, use the model name as the default.
if ( g_App.szConfigName[0] == NULLCHR ) lstrcpyn(g_App.szConfigName, szBuf, AS(g_App.szConfigName)); // Support info.
// All this nonsense below does:
// 1. Reads a line from the edit.
// 2. Prepends LineX=" to it (note the quote).
// 3. Adds a " and null terminator onto the end (the API
// used here does NOT null terminate the string).
// 4. Writes the line to the approp. section.
// First remove the section, setup the buffer, and find out
// many lines we are going to have to read in.
WritePrivateProfileString(INI_SEC_SUPPORT, NULL, NULL, g_App.szOemInfoIniFile); WritePrivateProfileString(INI_SEC_SUPPORT, NULL, NULL, g_App.szOpkWizIniFile); szBuf[0] = CHR_QUOTE; uCount = (UINT) SendDlgItemMessage(hwnd, IDC_INFO_SUPPORT, EM_GETLINECOUNT, 0, 0); for ( uIndex = 0; uIndex < uCount; uIndex++ ) { // Setup how big the buffer is.
*((WORD *) (szBuf + 1)) = STRSIZE(szBuf);
// Read a line in from the edit box.
uNumBytes = (UINT) SendDlgItemMessage(hwnd, IDC_INFO_SUPPORT, EM_GETLINE, (WPARAM) uIndex, (LPARAM) (szBuf + 1));
// Add the trailing quote and the null terminator.
*(szBuf + uNumBytes + 1) = CHR_QUOTE; *(szBuf + uNumBytes + 2) = NULLCHR;
// Now write it to the ini file.
hrPrintf=StringCchPrintf(szKeyBuf, AS(szKeyBuf), INI_KEY_SUPLINE, uIndex + 1); WritePrivateProfileString(INI_SEC_SUPPORT, szKeyBuf, szBuf, g_App.szOemInfoIniFile); WritePrivateProfileString(INI_SEC_SUPPORT, szKeyBuf, szBuf, g_App.szOpkWizIniFile); } }
LONG CALLBACK SupportEditWndProc(HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { static FARPROC lpfnOldProc = NULL;
switch ( msg ) { case EM_SETSEL: wParam = lParam = 0; PostMessage(hwnd, EM_SCROLLCARET, 0, 0L); break;
case WM_CHAR: if ( wParam == KEY_ESC ) WIZ_PRESS(GetParent(hwnd), PSBTN_CANCEL); break;
case WM_SUBWNDPROC: lpfnOldProc = (FARPROC) GetWindowLongPtr(hwnd, GWLP_WNDPROC); SetWindowLongPtr(hwnd, GWLP_WNDPROC, (LONG_PTR)SupportEditWndProc); return 1;
case WM_SETSEL: msg = EM_SETSEL; break; }
if ( lpfnOldProc ) return (LONG) CallWindowProc((WNDPROC) lpfnOldProc, hwnd, msg, wParam, lParam); else return 0; }