#include "setupp.h"
#pragma hdrstop
// Action item list control
// Define locations in extra window storage
#define AIL_FONT (0)
#define AIL_BOLDFONT (AIL_FONT + sizeof(PVOID))
#define AIL_TEXT (AIL_BOLDFONT + sizeof(PVOID))
#define AIL_BOLDITEM (AIL_TEXT + sizeof(PVOID))
#define AIL_EXTRA ((3 * sizeof(PVOID)) + (3 * sizeof(LONG)))
PCWSTR szActionItemListClassName = L"$$$ActionItemList";
VOID ActionItemListPaint( IN HWND hwnd ) {
PAINTSTRUCT PaintStruct; PWSTR p,Text; UINT LineCount; HFONT OldFont,Font,BoldFont; UINT HighlightedItem; UINT i; int Length; int y; int yDelta; HBITMAP Bitmap,OldBitmap; BITMAP bitmap; HDC MemoryDC; SIZE Size; RECT rect; int Spacing; int oldmode; #define BORDER 3
if(!BeginPaint(hwnd,&PaintStruct)) { return; }
// If no text, nothing to do.
if(Text = (PWSTR)GetWindowLongPtr(hwnd,AIL_TEXT)) { LineCount = (UINT)GetWindowLong(hwnd,AIL_LINECOUNT); }
if(!Text || !LineCount) { return; }
// Get value indicating which item is to be bolded.
HighlightedItem = (UINT)GetWindowLong(hwnd,AIL_BOLDITEM);
// Get font handles.
Font = (HFONT)GetWindowLongPtr(hwnd,AIL_FONT); BoldFont = (HFONT)GetWindowLongPtr(hwnd,AIL_BOLDFONT);
// Select the non-boldface font to get the handle of
// the currently selected font.
OldFont = SelectObject(PaintStruct.hdc,Font);
oldmode = SetBkMode(PaintStruct.hdc,TRANSPARENT);
// Load the little triangle bitmap and create a compatible DC for it.
if(MemoryDC = CreateCompatibleDC(PaintStruct.hdc)) {
OldBitmap = SelectObject(MemoryDC,Bitmap); GetObject(Bitmap,sizeof(BITMAP),&bitmap); }
Spacing = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXICON) / 2;
// Treat the text as a series of lines and draw each one.
p = Text; y = 0; for(i=0; i<LineCount; i++) {
// Calculate the line's height based on the boldface font.
// This is used to get to the y coord of the next line.
GetClientRect(hwnd,&rect); rect.left = (2 * BORDER) + Spacing; rect.bottom = 0;
yDelta = rect.bottom + (2*BORDER);
// Change font to non-boldface for this line if necessary.
if(i != HighlightedItem) { SelectObject(PaintStruct.hdc,Font); }
rect.top = y + BORDER; rect.left = (2 * BORDER) + Spacing; rect.bottom = rect.top + yDelta;
// Draw the line's text.
Length = lstrlen(p); DrawText(PaintStruct.hdc,p,Length,&rect,DT_WORDBREAK);
// Draw the little triangle thing if necessary.
if((i == HighlightedItem) && Bitmap && MemoryDC) {
// The arrow bitmap is monochrome. When blitted, 1-bits in the source
// are converted to the text color in the destination DC and 0-bits
// are converted to the background color. The effect we want to achieve
// is to turn off in the destination bits that are 1 in the bitmap
// and leave alone in the destination bits that are 0 in the bitmap.
// Set the text color to all 0s and the background color to all 1s.
// x AND 1 = x so background pixels stay undisturbed, and x AND 0 = 0
// so foreground pixels get turned off.
BitBlt( PaintStruct.hdc, BORDER, y + ((Size.cy - bitmap.bmHeight) / 2) + BORDER, bitmap.bmWidth, bitmap.bmHeight, MemoryDC, 0,0, SRCAND ); }
// Point to next line's text.
p += Length + 1; y += yDelta; }
// Clean up.
if(OldFont) { SelectObject(PaintStruct.hdc,OldFont); }
if(MemoryDC) { if(OldBitmap) { SelectObject(MemoryDC,OldBitmap); } if(Bitmap) { DeleteObject(Bitmap); } DeleteDC(MemoryDC); }
EndPaint(hwnd,&PaintStruct); }
LRESULT ActionItemListWndProc( IN HWND hwnd, IN UINT msg, IN WPARAM wParam, IN LPARAM lParam ) { LRESULT rc; HFONT OldFont,Font,BoldFont; LOGFONT LogFont; PWSTR Text; PWSTR p; UINT LineCount; BOOL FreeFont,FreeBoldFont;
switch(msg) {
// Create fonts.
OldFont = (HFONT)SendMessage(GetParent(hwnd),WM_GETFONT,0,0); if(!OldFont) { //
// Using system font.
OldFont = GetStockObject(DEFAULT_GUI_FONT); }
FreeFont = TRUE; FreeBoldFont = TRUE; if(OldFont && GetObject(OldFont,sizeof(LOGFONT),&LogFont)) {
LogFont.lfWeight = 400; Font = CreateFontIndirect(&LogFont); if(!Font) { Font = GetStockObject(DEFAULT_GUI_FONT); FreeFont = FALSE; }
LogFont.lfWeight = 700; BoldFont = CreateFontIndirect(&LogFont); if(!BoldFont) { BoldFont = Font; FreeBoldFont = FALSE; } }
SetWindowLongPtr(hwnd,AIL_FONT,(LONG_PTR)Font); SetWindowLongPtr(hwnd,AIL_BOLDFONT,(LONG_PTR)BoldFont); SetWindowLong(hwnd,AIL_BOLDITEM,0); SetWindowLongPtr(hwnd,AIL_TEXT,0); SetWindowLong(hwnd,AIL_LINECOUNT,0); SetWindowLong(hwnd,AIL_FREEFONTS,MAKELONG(FreeFont,FreeBoldFont));
rc = 0; break;
case WM_DESTROY: //
// Get rid of fonts we created if necessary.
FreeFont = (BOOL)GetWindowLong(hwnd,AIL_FREEFONTS); FreeBoldFont = HIWORD(FreeFont); FreeFont = LOWORD(FreeFont);
if(FreeFont && (Font = (HFONT)GetWindowLongPtr(hwnd,AIL_FONT))) { DeleteObject(Font); }
if(FreeBoldFont && (BoldFont = (HFONT)GetWindowLongPtr(hwnd,AIL_BOLDFONT))) { DeleteObject(BoldFont); }
if(Text = (PWSTR)GetWindowLongPtr(hwnd,AIL_TEXT)) { MyFree(Text); } rc = 0; break;
case WM_SETTEXT: //
// Free old text and remember new text.
if(Text = (PWSTR)GetWindowLongPtr(hwnd,AIL_TEXT)) { MyFree(Text); }
LineCount = 0; if(Text = pSetupDuplicateString((PVOID)lParam)) { //
// Count lines in the text. This is equal to the number of
// newlines. We require that the last line have a newline
// to be counted.
for(LineCount=0,p=Text; *p; p++) {
if(*p == L'\r') { *p = L' '; } else { if(*p == L'\n') { *p = 0; LineCount++; } } } }
// Cheat a little: we expect wParam to be the 0-based index
// of the boldfaced line. Callers will have to use SendMessage
// instead of SetWindowText().
SetWindowLong(hwnd,AIL_BOLDITEM,(LONG)wParam); SetWindowLong(hwnd,AIL_LINECOUNT,LineCount); SetWindowLongPtr(hwnd,AIL_TEXT,(LONG_PTR)Text);
rc = (Text != NULL); break;
// Indicate that the background was erased successfully to prevent
// any further processing. This allows us to lay text transparently
// over any background bitmap on the dialog.
rc = TRUE; break;
case WM_PAINT:
ActionItemListPaint(hwnd); rc = 0; break;
default: rc = DefWindowProc(hwnd,msg,wParam,lParam); break; }
return(rc); }
BOOL RegisterActionItemListControl( IN BOOL Init ) { WNDCLASS wc; BOOL b; static BOOL Registered;
if(Init) { if(Registered) { b = TRUE; } else { wc.style = CS_PARENTDC; wc.lpfnWndProc = ActionItemListWndProc; wc.cbClsExtra = 0; wc.cbWndExtra = AIL_EXTRA; wc.hInstance = MyModuleHandle; wc.hIcon = NULL; wc.hCursor = LoadCursor(NULL,IDC_ARROW); wc.hbrBackground = NULL; // want to get WM_ERASEBKGND messages
wc.lpszMenuName = NULL; wc.lpszClassName = szActionItemListClassName;
if(b = (RegisterClass(&wc) != 0)) { Registered = TRUE; } } } else { if(Registered) { if(b = UnregisterClass(szActionItemListClassName,MyModuleHandle)) { Registered = FALSE; } } else { b = TRUE; } }
return(b); }
typedef struct _SPREG_TO_TEXT { DWORD FailureCode; PCWSTR FailureText; } SPREG_TO_TEXT, *PSPREG_TO_TEXT;
SPREG_TO_TEXT RegErrorToText[] = { { SPREG_SUCCESS, L"Success" }, { SPREG_LOADLIBRARY, L"LoadLibrary" }, { SPREG_GETPROCADDR, L"GetProcAddress" }, { SPREG_REGSVR, L"DllRegisterServer" }, { SPREG_DLLINSTALL, L"DllInstall" }, { SPREG_TIMEOUT, L"Timed out" }, { SPREG_UNKNOWN, L"Unknown" }, { 0, NULL } };
UINT RegistrationQueueCallback( IN PVOID Context, IN UINT Notification, IN UINT_PTR Param1, IN UINT_PTR Param2 ) /*++
Routine Description:
Callback routine that is called each time we self-register a file.
Context - context message passed from parent to caller.
Notification - specifies an SPFILENOTIFY_*** code, which tells us how to interpret Param1 and Param2.
Param1 - dependent on notification.
Param2 - dependent on notification.
Return Value:
FILEOP_*** code dependent on Notification code.
// log that we're starting registration and update the progress
// guage as well.
SetupDebugPrint1( L"SETUP: file to register is %s...", Status->FileName);
if (RegistrationContext->hWndProgress) { SendMessage( RegistrationContext->hWndProgress, PBM_STEPIT, 0, 0 ); } return FILEOP_DOIT;
// the file has been registered, so log failure if necessary
// Note that we have a special code for timeouts
switch(Status->FailureCode) { case SPREG_SUCCESS:
SetupDebugPrint1( L"SETUP: %s registered successfully", Status->FileName); break; case SPREG_TIMEOUT: SetuplogError( LogSevError, SETUPLOG_USE_MESSAGEID, MSG_OLE_REGISTRATION_HUNG, Status->FileName, NULL,NULL); SetupDebugPrint1( L"SETUP: %s timed out during registration", Status->FileName); break; default: //
// log an error
for (i = 0;RegErrorToText[i].FailureText != NULL;i++) { if (RegErrorToText[i].FailureCode == Status->FailureCode) { p = RegErrorToText[i].FailureText; if ((Status->FailureCode == SPREG_LOADLIBRARY) && (Status->Win32Error == ERROR_MOD_NOT_FOUND)) ErrorMessageId = MSG_LOG_X_MOD_NOT_FOUND; else if ((Status->FailureCode == SPREG_GETPROCADDR) && (Status->Win32Error == ERROR_PROC_NOT_FOUND)) ErrorMessageId = MSG_LOG_X_PROC_NOT_FOUND; else ErrorMessageId = MSG_LOG_X_RETURNED_WINERR;
break; } }
if (!p) { p = L"Unknown"; ErrorMessageId = MSG_LOG_X_RETURNED_WINERR; } SetuplogError( LogSevError, SETUPLOG_USE_MESSAGEID, MSG_LOG_OLE_CONTROL_NOT_REGISTERED, Status->FileName, NULL, SETUPLOG_USE_MESSAGEID, ErrorMessageId, p, Status->Win32Error, NULL, NULL );
SetupDebugPrint1( L"SETUP: %s did not register successfully", Status->FileName); }
// Verify that the DLL didn't change our unhandled exception filter.
if( MyUnhandledExceptionFilter != SetUnhandledExceptionFilter(MyUnhandledExceptionFilter)) {
SetupDebugPrint1( L"SETUP: %ws broke the exception handler.", Status->FileName ); #if 0
// We'll put this in after all the currently broken DLLs are fixed.
MessageBoxFromMessage( RegistrationContext->hwndParent, MSG_EXCEPTION_FILTER_CHANGED, NULL, IDS_WINNT_SETUP, MB_OK | MB_ICONWARNING, Status->FileName ); #endif
return FILEOP_DOIT; }
return(FILEOP_DOIT); }
BOOL RegisterOleControls( IN HWND hwndParent, IN HINF hInf, IN HWND hProgress, IN ULONG StartAtPercent, IN ULONG StopAtPercent, IN PWSTR SectionName ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine runs down the entries in the specified INF section, and self-registers each file.
hwndParent - supplies the window handle used for the PRERELEASE message box that indicates an OLE registration has hung.
InfHandle - supplies handle to inf containing the specified SectionName.
hProgress - handle to progress gauge that gets ticked every time we process a file.
StartAtPercent - Position where the progress window should start (0% to 100%).
StopAtPercent - Maximum position where the progress window can be moved to (0% to 100%).
SectionName - Supplies the name of the section contained in the INF specified by InfHandle that lists OLE control DLLs to be registered/installed.
Return Value:
Boolean value indicating outcome. If a file to be registered is not present, that is NOT reason for returning false.
--*/ { UINT GaugeRange; DWORD SectionCount,LineCount, i; INFCONTEXT InfContext; BOOL RetVal = TRUE; REGISTRATION_CONTEXT RegistrationContext;
RegistrationContext.hWndParent = hwndParent; RegistrationContext.hWndProgress = hProgress; LineCount = 0;
// Initialize the progress indicator control.
if (hProgress) {
// find out how many files we have to register
if (SetupFindFirstLine(hInf, SectionName, TEXT("RegisterDlls"), &InfContext)) {
do { SectionCount = SetupGetFieldCount(&InfContext); for (i = 1; i<=SectionCount; i++) { PCWSTR IndividualSectionName = pSetupGetField(&InfContext,i);
if (IndividualSectionName) { LineCount += SetupGetLineCount(hInf, IndividualSectionName); } }
} while(SetupFindNextMatchLine( &InfContext, TEXT("RegisterDlls"), &InfContext)); }
MYASSERT((StopAtPercent-StartAtPercent) != 0); GaugeRange = (LineCount*100/(StopAtPercent-StartAtPercent)); SendMessage(hProgress, WMX_PROGRESSTICKS, LineCount, 0); SendMessage(hProgress,PBM_SETRANGE,0,MAKELPARAM(0,GaugeRange)); SendMessage(hProgress,PBM_SETPOS,GaugeRange*StartAtPercent/100,0); SendMessage(hProgress,PBM_SETSTEP,1,0); }
// now allow Setup API to register the files, using our callback to log
// errors if and when they occur.
if (!SetupInstallFromInfSection( hwndParent, hInf, SectionName, SPINST_REGSVR| SPINST_REGISTERCALLBACKAWARE, NULL, NULL, 0, RegistrationQueueCallback, (PVOID)&RegistrationContext, NULL, NULL )) { DWORD d; RetVal = FALSE; d = GetLastError(); SetuplogError( LogSevError, SETUPLOG_USE_MESSAGEID, MSG_OLE_REGISTRATION_SECTION_FAILURE, SectionName, L"syssetup.inf", d, NULL, SETUPLOG_USE_MESSAGEID, MSG_LOG_X_RETURNED_WINERR, szSetupInstallFromInfSection, d, NULL, NULL ); }
return(RetVal); }