Copyright (c) 1995 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This file contains the syssetup hooks for win9x->Nt5.0 migration. Most functions call out to the w95upgnt.dll where the real work is done.
Jaime Sasson 30-Aug-1995
Revision History:
29-Ian-1998 calinn Added RemoveFiles_x86 24-Jul-1997 marcw Minor bug cleanup. 03-Oct-1996 jimschm Changed over to use migration DLLs 22-Jan-1997 jimschm Added Win95MigrationFileRemoval 28-Feb-1997 jimschm Added SourceDir to MIGRATE fn 3-Apr-1997 jimschm Added PreWin9xMigration
#include "setupp.h"
#pragma hdrstop
typedef BOOL (WINAPI *MIGRATE) (HWND WizardParentWnd, LPCWSTR UnattendFile, LPCWSTR SourceDir); typedef BOOL (WINAPI *FILEREMOVAL) (void);
static HANDLE g_Win95UpgNTLib;
BOOL SpCreateSpoolerKey ( VOID ) { HKEY SpoolerKey; LONG rc; DWORD DontCare; static DWORD NinetyFive = 95;
// For spooler: write an upgrade flag that will automatically be removed
rc = RegCreateKeyEx ( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, WINNT_WIN95UPG_SPOOLER, 0, NULL, 0, KEY_WRITE, NULL, &SpoolerKey, &DontCare );
if (rc != ERROR_SUCCESS) { return FALSE; }
rc = RegSetValueEx ( SpoolerKey, WINNT_WIN95UPG_UPGRADE_VAL, 0, REG_DWORD, (LPBYTE) &NinetyFive, sizeof (NinetyFive) );
RegCloseKey (SpoolerKey);
return rc == ERROR_SUCCESS; }
BOOL PreWin9xMigration( VOID ) { BOOL b; BEGIN_SECTION(TEXT("PreWin9xMigration"));
b = SpCreateSpoolerKey(); if(!b){ SetupDebugPrint(TEXT("SpCreateSpoolerKey failed")); }
return b; }
BOOL MigrateWin95Settings( IN HWND hwndWizardParent, IN LPCWSTR UnattendFile ) /*++
Routine Description:
Loads w95upgnt.dll and calls W95UpgNt_Migrate. This function transfers all Win9x settings to the new NT installation, and is completely restartable.
hwndWizardParent Handle to the wizard window, used for (rare) UI UnattendFile The full Win32 path to the unattend file, to be opened via Setup APIs
Return Value:
Returns TRUE if the module was successful, or FALSE otherwise. GetLastError() holds a Win32 error code if not successful.
--*/ { MIGRATE Migrate; BOOL b = FALSE; WCHAR buffer[2048];
g_Win95UpgNTLib = NULL;
// See if there is a replacement path for the w95upgnt.dll.
GetPrivateProfileStringW ( WINNT_WIN95UPG_95_DIR_W, WINNT_WIN95UPG_NTKEY_W, L"", buffer, sizeof(buffer)/sizeof(WCHAR), UnattendFile );
if (*buffer) {
// We have a replacement dll to load.
g_Win95UpgNTLib = LoadLibrary (buffer); }
if (!g_Win95UpgNTLib) {
// Either there was not a replacement, or loading that replacement failed.
g_Win95UpgNTLib = LoadLibrary (L"w95upgnt.dll");
if (!g_Win95UpgNTLib) {
return FALSE; }
Migrate = (MIGRATE) GetProcAddress (g_Win95UpgNTLib, "W95UpgNt_Migrate"); if (Migrate) { b = Migrate (hwndWizardParent, UnattendFile, SourcePath); }
return b; }
BOOL Win95MigrationFileRemoval( void ) /*++
Routine Description:
Loads w95upgnt.dll and calls W95UpgNt_FileRemoval. This function deletes all Win9x-specific files and removes temporary files including all migration DLLs. It is NOT restartable.
Return Value:
Returns TRUE if the module was successful, or FALSE otherwise. GetLastError() holds a Win32 error code if not successful.
--*/ { FILEREMOVAL FileRemoval; BOOL b = FALSE;
FileRemoval = (FILEREMOVAL) GetProcAddress (g_Win95UpgNTLib, "W95UpgNt_FileRemoval"); if (FileRemoval) b = FileRemoval();
FreeLibrary (g_Win95UpgNTLib); return b; }
#define SIF_REMOVEFILESX86 L"RemoveFiles.x86"
BOOL RemoveFiles_X86 ( IN HINF InfHandle ) { WCHAR fullPath[MAX_PATH],fileName[MAX_PATH]; INFCONTEXT lineContext;
if (InfHandle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { return TRUE; } if (SetupFindFirstLine ( InfHandle, SIF_REMOVEFILESX86, NULL, &lineContext )) { do { if ((SetupGetStringField (&lineContext, 1, fileName, MAX_PATH, NULL)) && (GetWindowsDirectory (fullPath, MAX_PATH)) && (pSetupConcatenatePaths (fullPath, fileName, MAX_PATH, NULL)) && (SetFileAttributes (fullPath, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL)) ) { DeleteFile (fullPath); } } while (SetupFindNextLine (&lineContext, &lineContext)); } return TRUE; }