Copyright (c) 1998 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This module implements the basic command dispatcher.
Wesley Witt (wesw) 21-Oct-1998
Revision History:
#include "cmdcons.h"
#pragma hdrstop
ULONG RcCmdDoHelp( IN PTOKENIZED_LINE TokenizedLine );
ULONG RcCmdDoExit( IN PTOKENIZED_LINE TokenizedLine ); RC_CMD Commands[] = { { L"ATTRIB", RcCmdAttrib, 1, 2, 0, TRUE }, { L"BATCH", RcCmdBatch, 1, 2, 0, TRUE }, #if !defined(_DONT_HAVE_BOOTCFG_TESTERS_)
#if defined(_X86_)
{ L"BOOTCFG", RcCmdBootCfg, 0,-1, 0, TRUE }, #endif
{ L"CD", RcCmdChdir, 0, 1, 0, TRUE }, { L"CHDIR", RcCmdChdir, 0, 1, 0, TRUE }, { L"CHKDSK", RcCmdChkdsk, 0,-1, 0, TRUE }, { L"CLS", RcCmdCls, 0, 1, 0, TRUE }, { L"COPY", RcCmdCopy, 1, 2, 0, TRUE }, { L"DEL", RcCmdDelete, 1, 1, 0, TRUE }, { L"DELETE", RcCmdDelete, 1, 1, 0, TRUE }, { L"DIR", RcCmdDir, 0, 1, 0, TRUE }, { L"DISABLE", RcCmdDisableService, 0,-1, 0, TRUE }, { L"DISKPART", RcCmdFdisk, 0, 3, 0, TRUE }, { L"ENABLE", RcCmdEnableService, 0,-1, 0, TRUE }, { L"ERASE", RcCmdDelete, 1, 1, 1, TRUE }, { L"EXIT", RcCmdDoExit, 0, 1, 0, TRUE }, { L"EXPAND", RcCmdExpand, 1,-1, 0, TRUE }, { L"FIXBOOT", RcCmdFixBootSect, 0, 1, 0, TRUE }, { L"FIXMBR", RcCmdFixMBR, 0, 1, 0, TRUE }, { L"FORMAT", RcCmdFormat, 1, 3, 0, TRUE }, { L"HELP", RcCmdDoHelp, 0, 1, 0, TRUE }, { L"LISTSVC", RcCmdListSvc, 0, 1, 0, TRUE }, { L"LOGON", RcCmdLogon, 0, 3, 0, TRUE }, { L"MAP", RcCmdDriveMap, 0, 1, 0, TRUE }, { L"MD", RcCmdMkdir, 1, 1, 0, TRUE }, { L"MKDIR", RcCmdMkdir, 1, 1, 0, TRUE }, { L"MKDISKRAW", RcCmdMakeDiskRaw, 1, 1, 1, TRUE }, { L"MORE", RcCmdType, 1, 1, 0, TRUE }, // If you change the command from NET, change it in RcHideNetCommands().
{ L"NET", RcCmdNet, 1, 5, 0, TRUE }, { L"RD", RcCmdRmdir, 1, 1, 0, TRUE }, { L"REN", RcCmdRename, 1, 2, 0, TRUE }, { L"RENAME", RcCmdRename, 1, 2, 0, TRUE }, #if 0
{ L"REPAIR", RcCmdRepair, 1, 5, 0, TRUE }, #endif
{ L"RMDIR", RcCmdRmdir, 1, 1, 0, TRUE }, { L"SET", RcCmdSetFlags, 0, 3, 1, TRUE }, { L"SYSTEMROOT", RcCmdSystemRoot, 0, 1, 0, TRUE }, { L"TYPE", RcCmdType, 1, 1, 0, TRUE }, { L"VERIFIER", RcCmdVerifier, 0,-1, 1, TRUE }, { L"/?", RcCmdHelpHelp, 0, 1, 1, TRUE }, { L"?", RcCmdHelpHelp, 0, 1, 1, TRUE } };
#define NUM_CMDS (sizeof(Commands)/sizeof(Commands[0]))
// Special case: exit and reload
// prototype
ULONG GetStringTokenFromLine( IN OUT LPWSTR *Start, OUT LPWSTR Output OPTIONAL );
PTOKENIZED_LINE RcTokenizeLine( IN LPWSTR Line ) { ULONG len; WCHAR *p,*q; PTOKENIZED_LINE TokenizedLine; PLINE_TOKEN LineToken,PrevToken;
// Strip trailing space off the command.
len = wcslen(Line); while(len && RcIsSpace(Line[len-1])) { Line[--len] = 0; }
// Allocate and initialize a tokenized line structure.
TokenizedLine = SpMemAlloc(sizeof(TOKENIZED_LINE)); RtlZeroMemory(TokenizedLine,sizeof(TOKENIZED_LINE));
// Now we go into a loop of skipping leading space and parsing in
// the actual tokens.
PrevToken = NULL; p = Line; while(*p) { //
// Skip leading space. Because we trimmed off trailing space,
// we should never hit the end of the line before finding a
// non-space character.
while(RcIsSpace(*p)) { p++; } ASSERT(*p);
// Allocate a line token structure for this string.
LineToken = SpMemAlloc(sizeof(LINE_TOKEN)); RtlZeroMemory(LineToken,sizeof(LINE_TOKEN));
// Now we've got a string. First we make one pass over it
// to determine the length, then allocate a buffer and
// pull out the string into it.
q = p; len = GetStringTokenFromLine(&q,NULL); LineToken->String = SpMemAlloc((len+1)*sizeof(WCHAR)); GetStringTokenFromLine(&p,LineToken->String);
if(PrevToken) { PrevToken->Next = LineToken; } else { TokenizedLine->Tokens = LineToken; } PrevToken = LineToken;
TokenizedLine->TokenCount++; }
return(TokenizedLine); }
ULONG GetStringTokenFromLine( IN OUT LPWSTR *Start, OUT LPWSTR Output OPTIONAL ) { WCHAR *p; ULONG len; BOOLEAN InQuote;
len = 0; InQuote = FALSE; p = *Start;
while(*p) {
if(RcIsSpace(*p) && !InQuote) { //
// Done.
break; }
if(*p == L'\"') { InQuote = (BOOLEAN)(!InQuote); } else { if(Output) { Output[len] = *p; } len++; }
p++; }
if(Output) { Output[len] = 0; }
*Start = p; return(len); }
p = *TokenizedLine; *TokenizedLine = NULL;
q = p->Tokens; while(q) { n = q->Next; SpMemFree((PVOID)q->String); SpMemFree(q); q = n; }
SpMemFree(p); }
ULONG RcDispatchCommand( IN PTOKENIZED_LINE TokenizedLine )
Routine Description:
Top-level routine for dispatching a command.
Return Value:
{ unsigned i; unsigned count;
ASSERT(TokenizedLine->TokenCount); if(!TokenizedLine->TokenCount) { return(1); }
// Special case exit right up front.
if(!_wcsicmp(TokenizedLine->Tokens->String,EXIT_COMMAND_NAME)) { if (TokenizedLine->TokenCount > 1) { RcMessageOut(MSG_EXIT_HELP); return(1); } return(0); } */
if(!_wcsicmp(TokenizedLine->Tokens->String,RELOAD_COMMAND_NAME)) { return(2); }
if(!_wcsicmp(TokenizedLine->Tokens->String,HELP_COMMAND_NAME)) { if( RcCmdDoHelp(TokenizedLine) ) { // if we got a 1, then the user just wanted a help index
// otherwise we want to drop down and let the regular command
// processing path handle a /? parameter.
return(1); } } */
// See whether it's a drive designation.
if(RcIsAlpha(TokenizedLine->Tokens->String[0]) && (TokenizedLine->Tokens->String[1] == L':') && (TokenizedLine->Tokens->String[2] == 0)) {
RcCmdSwitchDrives(TokenizedLine->Tokens->String[0]); return(1); }
// Attempt to locate the command in our table.
for(i=0; i<NUM_CMDS; i++) {
if(Commands[i].Enabled && !_wcsicmp(TokenizedLine->Tokens->String,Commands[i].Name)) { //
// Validate arg count.
count = TokenizedLine->TokenCount - 1; if((count < Commands[i].MinimumArgCount) || (count > Commands[i].MaximumArgCount)) {
RcMessageOut(MSG_SYNTAX_ERROR); } else {
return Commands[i].Routine(TokenizedLine); }
return(1); } }
return(1); }
ULONG RcCmdDoExit( IN PTOKENIZED_LINE TokenizedLine ) /*++
Routine Description:
Exit command routine
Arguments: Tokens for the command Return Value: 1 if some error was found or help was asked for. 0 if we need to exit
--*/ { ULONG uResult = 0; // will exit
if (RcCmdParseHelp( TokenizedLine, MSG_EXIT_HELP )) uResult = 1; // will not exit
return uResult; }
ULONG RcCmdDoHelp( IN PTOKENIZED_LINE TokenizedLine ) /*++
Routine Description:
Help command routine
Arguments: Tokens for the command Return Value: 1 if some error was found or help was requested. When help was reqeusted for a particular command the dispatched command's return value with "/?" as argument for the command
--*/ { ULONG uResult = 1; int i; PLINE_TOKEN Token;
if (!RcCmdParseHelp( TokenizedLine, MSG_HELPCOMMAND_HELP )) { if (TokenizedLine->TokenCount == 2) { // we assume that the user is typing HELP <command>.
// we simply reverse the two tokens, getting <command> HELP
// and overwrite HELP with /? [which fits since HELP is four chars long]
// we then return a 0, which causes the dispatcher to drop into
// the normal command processing path
Token = TokenizedLine->Tokens; TokenizedLine->Tokens = TokenizedLine->Tokens->Next; TokenizedLine->Tokens->Next = Token; Token->Next = NULL; wcscpy( Token->String, L"/?" );
uResult = RcDispatchCommand( TokenizedLine ); } else { pRcEnableMoreMode(); RcMessageOut( MSG_HELPCOMMAND_HELP ); for( i=0; i < NUM_CMDS; i++ ) { if (Commands[i].Hidden == 0) { RcTextOut( Commands[i].Name ); RcTextOut( L"\r\n" ); } }
pRcDisableMoreMode(); } } return uResult; }
Routine Description:
Enables or disables the SET command
Note : we avoid using direct SET command index into Commands array so that if some one changes the Commands array this routine still works Arguments:
bEnable - BOOLEAN inidicating whether to enable or disable the set command
Return Value:
None --*/ VOID RcSetSETCommandStatus( BOOLEAN bEnabled ) { int iIndex; int cElements = sizeof(Commands) / sizeof(RC_CMD); WCHAR *szSetCmdName = L"SET";
// search through the dispatch table and trun on the
// help flag. This flag will indicate whether the set
// command is enabled or not
for(iIndex = 0; iIndex < cElements; iIndex++) { if ( !wcscmp(Commands[iIndex].Name, szSetCmdName) ) { Commands[iIndex].Hidden = bEnabled ? 0 : 1;
break; } } }
Routine Description:
Returns the SET command status
Note : we avoid using direct SET command index into Commands array so that if some one changes the Commands array this routine still works Arguments:
Return Value:
BOOLEAN inidicating whether the SET command is enabled or disabled.
--*/ BOOLEAN RcGetSETCommandStatus( VOID ) { BOOLEAN bEnabled = FALSE; int iIndex; int cElements = sizeof(Commands) / sizeof(RC_CMD); WCHAR *szSetCmdName = L"SET";
// search through the dispatch table and trun on the
// help flag. This flag will indicate whether the set
// command is enabled or not
for(iIndex = 0; iIndex < cElements; iIndex++) { if ( !wcscmp(Commands[iIndex].Name, szSetCmdName) ) { bEnabled = (Commands[iIndex].Hidden == 0);
break; } }
return bEnabled; }
BOOLEAN RcDisableCommand( IN PRC_CMD_ROUTINE CmdToDisable ) /*++
Routine Description:
Disables the specified command and hides it. Arguments:
CmdToDisable - Command Routine to disable
Return Value:
BOOLEAN inidicating whether the command was disabled or not.
--*/ { ULONG Index; ULONG NumCmds; BOOLEAN Result = FALSE;
if (CmdToDisable) { NumCmds = sizeof(Commands) / sizeof(RC_CMD); for (Index=0; Index < NumCmds; Index++) { //
// Note : Search the whole table as there might
// be aliases for the same command
if (CmdToDisable == Commands[Index].Routine) { Commands[Index].Hidden = TRUE; Commands[Index].Enabled = FALSE; Result = TRUE; } } }
return Result; }
VOID RcHideNetCommands( VOID ) { ULONG i;
for( i=0; i < NUM_CMDS; i++ ) { if (wcscmp(Commands[i].Name, L"NET")) { Commands[i].Hidden = 0; } }