Copyright (c) 1997 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Routines that manage the merging of registry keys. Given a key and a value, these functions allow the user to perform the same types of actions as those specified in usermig.inf and wkstamig.inf (i.e.: Copying, Suppressing, and Forcing various registry keys to be merged into the NT registry.)
Marc R. Whitten (marcw) 01-Aug-1997
Revision History:
Jim Schmidt (jimschm) 25-Mar-1998 Updated to properly support tree notation, fixed value suppression bug.
#include "pch.h"
#include "memdbp.h"
#include "merge.h"
#define DBG_REGOPS "RegOps"
Routine Description:
IsRegObjectMarkedForOperation builds an encoded key, escaping multi-byte characters and syntax characters, and then performs a MemDb lookup to see if the object is marked with the bit specified by OperationMask. A set of macros are built on top of this routine in regops.h.
Key - Specifies the unencoded registry key, with abriviated roots (i.e., HKLM\Software\Foo) Value - Specifies the registry key value name TreeState - Specifies KEY_ONLY to query against the key and optional value, KEY_TREE to query against the key with a star at the end, or TREE_OPTIONAL to query both. OperationMask - Specifies an operation mask. See merge.h.
Return Value:
TRUE if the key is in MemDb, or FALSE if it is not.
BOOL IsRegObjectMarkedForOperationA ( IN PCSTR Key, IN PCSTR Value, OPTIONAL IN TREE_STATE TreeState, IN DWORD OperationMask ) { PCSTR regObject; BOOL rIsMarked = FALSE; DWORD value;
MYASSERT (TreeState != KEY_TREE || !Value);
if (TreeState == KEY_ONLY || TreeState == TREE_OPTIONAL) { regObject = CreateEncodedRegistryStringExA(Key,Value,FALSE);
if (MemDbGetStoredEndPatternValueA(regObject,&value)) { rIsMarked = (value & OperationMask) == OperationMask; }
FreeEncodedRegistryStringA(regObject); }
if (!rIsMarked && TreeState == KEY_TREE || TreeState == TREE_OPTIONAL && !Value) { regObject = CreateEncodedRegistryStringExA(Key,Value,TRUE);
if (MemDbGetStoredEndPatternValueA(regObject,&value)) { rIsMarked = (value & OperationMask) == OperationMask; }
FreeEncodedRegistryStringA(regObject); }
return rIsMarked; }
BOOL IsRegObjectMarkedForOperationW ( IN PCWSTR Key, IN PCWSTR Value, OPTIONAL IN TREE_STATE TreeState, IN DWORD OperationMask ) { PCWSTR regObject; BOOL rIsMarked = FALSE; DWORD value;
MYASSERT (TreeState != KEY_TREE || !Value);
if (TreeState == KEY_ONLY || TreeState == TREE_OPTIONAL) { regObject = CreateEncodedRegistryStringExW(Key,Value,FALSE);
if (MemDbGetStoredEndPatternValueW(regObject,&value)) { rIsMarked = (value & OperationMask) == OperationMask; }
FreeEncodedRegistryStringW(regObject); }
if (!rIsMarked && TreeState == KEY_TREE || TreeState == TREE_OPTIONAL && !Value) { regObject = CreateEncodedRegistryStringExW(Key,Value,TRUE);
if (MemDbGetStoredEndPatternValueW(regObject,&value)) { rIsMarked = (value & OperationMask) == OperationMask; }
FreeEncodedRegistryStringW(regObject); }
return rIsMarked; }
Routine Description:
MarkRegObjectForOperation creates an encoded string and sets the operation bit in memdb. This routine is used to suppress operations from occurring on a registry key, registry value, or registry key tree.
Key - Specifies an unencoded registry key, with abriviated root (i.e., HKLM\Software\Foo). Value - Specifies the registry key value name. Tree - Specifies TRUE if Key specifies an entire registry key tree (in which case Value must be NULL), or FALSE if Key specifies a key that has different behavior for its subkeys. OperationMask - Specifies the suppression operation. See merge.h.
Return Value:
TRUE if the set was successful.
BOOL MarkRegObjectForOperationA ( IN PCSTR Key, IN PCSTR Value, OPTIONAL IN BOOL Tree, IN DWORD OperationMask ) {
PCSTR regObject; BOOL rSuccess = TRUE;
if (Tree && Value) { Tree = FALSE; }
regObject = CreateEncodedRegistryStringExA(Key,Value,Tree);
rSuccess = MarkObjectForOperationA (regObject, OperationMask);
return rSuccess; }
BOOL MarkRegObjectForOperationW ( IN PCWSTR Key, IN PCWSTR Value, OPTIONAL IN BOOL Tree, IN DWORD OperationMask ) {
PCWSTR regObject; BOOL rSuccess = TRUE;
if (Tree && Value) { Tree = FALSE; }
regObject = CreateEncodedRegistryStringExW(Key,Value,Tree);
rSuccess = MarkObjectForOperationW (regObject, OperationMask);
return rSuccess; }
Routine Description:
MarkObjectForOperation sets operation bits on a specified registry object, unless operation bits have already been specified.
Object - Specifies the encoded registry object. See memdbdef.h for syntax (the HKLM or HKR categories). OperationMask - Specifies the suppression operation for the particular object.
Return Value:
TRUE if the set operation was successful, or FALSE if an operation was already specified.
BOOL MarkObjectForOperationA ( IN PCSTR Object, IN DWORD OperationMask ) { DWORD Value;
if (MemDbGetValueA (Object, &Value)) { DEBUGMSG_IF (( Value == OperationMask, DBG_REGOPS, "%hs is already in memdb.", Object ));
DEBUGMSG_IF (( Value != OperationMask, DBG_REGOPS, "%hs is already in memdb with different flags %u. New flags ignored: %u.", Object, Value, OperationMask ));
return FALSE; }
return MemDbSetValueA (Object, OperationMask); }
BOOL MarkObjectForOperationW ( IN PCWSTR Object, IN DWORD OperationMask ) { DWORD Value;
if (MemDbGetValueW (Object, &Value)) { DEBUGMSG_IF (( Value == OperationMask, DBG_REGOPS, "%ls is already in memdb.", Object ));
DEBUGMSG_IF (( Value != OperationMask, DBG_REGOPS, "%ls is already in memdb with different flags %u. New flags ignored: %u.", Object, Value, OperationMask ));
return FALSE; }
return MemDbSetValueW (Object, OperationMask); }
BOOL ForceWin9xSettingA ( IN PCSTR SourceKey, IN PCSTR SourceValue, IN BOOL SourceTree, IN PCSTR DestinationKey, IN PCSTR DestinationValue, IN BOOL DestinationTree ) { PCSTR regSource; CHAR keySource[MEMDB_MAX]; PCSTR regDestination; CHAR keyDestination[MEMDB_MAX]; DWORD offset = 0; BOOL rSuccess = TRUE;
regSource = CreateEncodedRegistryStringExA (SourceKey, SourceValue, SourceTree); MemDbBuildKeyA (keySource, MEMDB_CATEGORY_FORCECOPYA, regSource, NULL, NULL);
regDestination = CreateEncodedRegistryStringExA (DestinationKey, DestinationValue, DestinationTree); MemDbBuildKeyA (keyDestination, MEMDB_CATEGORY_FORCECOPYA, regDestination, NULL, NULL);
rSuccess = MemDbSetValueExA (keyDestination, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, &offset);
if (rSuccess) { rSuccess = MemDbSetValueA (keySource, offset); }
FreeEncodedRegistryStringA (regDestination);
FreeEncodedRegistryStringA (regSource);
return rSuccess; }
BOOL ForceWin9xSettingW ( IN PCWSTR SourceKey, IN PCWSTR SourceValue, IN BOOL SourceTree, IN PCWSTR DestinationKey, IN PCWSTR DestinationValue, IN BOOL DestinationTree ) { PCWSTR regSource; WCHAR keySource[MEMDB_MAX]; PCWSTR regDestination; WCHAR keyDestination[MEMDB_MAX]; DWORD offset = 0; BOOL rSuccess = TRUE;
regSource = CreateEncodedRegistryStringExW (SourceKey, SourceValue, SourceTree); MemDbBuildKeyW (keySource, MEMDB_CATEGORY_FORCECOPYW, regSource, NULL, NULL);
regDestination = CreateEncodedRegistryStringExW (DestinationKey, DestinationValue, DestinationTree); MemDbBuildKeyW (keyDestination, MEMDB_CATEGORY_FORCECOPYW, regDestination, NULL, NULL);
rSuccess = MemDbSetValueExW (keyDestination, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, &offset);
if (rSuccess) { rSuccess = MemDbSetValueW (keySource, offset); }
FreeEncodedRegistryStringW (regDestination);
FreeEncodedRegistryStringW (regSource);
return rSuccess; }