Copyright (c) 1996 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
A number of string utilities useful for any project
Jim Schmidt (jimschm) 12-Sept-1996
jimschm 08-Jul-1999 IsPatternMatchEx jimschm 07-Jan-1999 GetFileExtensionFromPath fixed again, added GetDotExtensionFromPath calinn 23-Sep-1998 GetFileExtensionFromPath bug fix calinn 29-Jan-1998 Fixed a bug in EnumNextMultiSz. calinn 11-Jan-1998 Added EnumFirstMultiSz and EnumNextMultiSz functions. marcw 15-Dec-1997 Added ExpandEnvironmentTextEx functions. marcw 14-Nov-1997 SlightJoinText revisions. jimschm 21-May-1997 AppendWack revisions marcw 24-Mar-1997 StringReplace functions. jimschm 14-Mar-1997 New critical section stuff, enhanced message resource routines, C runtime extensions, registry root utils jimschm 26-Nov-1996 Added message resource tools. mikeco 01-Jul-1997 Add FreeStringResourcePtr Fns mikeco 29-Sep-1997 IsLeadByte wrapper for IsDBCSLeadByte
#include "pch.h"
#include "migutilp.h"
// Error stack size (normally only one or two, so 32 is relatively huge)
#define MAX_STACK 32
extern OUR_CRITICAL_SECTION g_MessageCs; // in main.c
extern PGROWBUFFER g_LastAllocTable; // in main.c
extern POOLHANDLE g_TextPool;
PCWSTR g_FailedGetResourceString = L"";
Routine Description:
AllocTextEx allocates a block of memory from the specified pool, or g_TextPool if no pool is specified, and is designated specifically for text processing. The g_TextPool is initialized when migutil.lib loads up, and there is 64K of guaranteed workspace, which will grow as necessary.
Pool - Specifies the pool to allocate memory from
CountOfChars - Specifies the number of characters (not bytes) to allocate. The return pointer is a block of memory that can hold CountOfChars characters, weather they are SBCS, DBCS or UNICODE.
Return Value:
A pointer to the allocated memory, or NULL if the pool could not be expanded to hold the number of specified characters.
PSTR RealAllocTextExA ( IN POOLHANDLE Pool, IN UINT CountOfChars ) { PSTR text;
if (CountOfChars == 0) { return NULL; }
if (!Pool) { Pool = g_TextPool; }
text = PoolMemGetAlignedMemory (Pool, CountOfChars * sizeof (CHAR) * 2);
text [0] = 0;
return text; }
PWSTR RealAllocTextExW ( IN POOLHANDLE Pool, IN UINT CountOfChars ) { PWSTR text;
if (CountOfChars == 0) { return NULL; }
if (!Pool) { Pool = g_TextPool; }
text = PoolMemGetAlignedMemory (Pool, CountOfChars * sizeof (WCHAR));
text [0] = 0;
return text; }
Routine Description:
FreeText frees the memory allocated by AllocText. After all strings are freed, the block will be emptied but not deallocated.
It is important NOT to leak memory, because a leak will cause the pool to expand, and non-empty pools cause memory fragmentation.
Text - Specifies the text to free, as returned from AllocText, DuplicateText, DuplicateTextEx, etc...
Return Value:
VOID FreeTextExA ( IN POOLHANDLE Pool, OPTIONAL IN PCSTR Text OPTIONAL ) { if (Text) { if (!Pool) { Pool = g_TextPool; }
PoolMemReleaseMemory (Pool, (PVOID) Text); } }
VOID FreeTextExW ( IN POOLHANDLE Pool, OPTIONAL IN PCWSTR Text OPTIONAL ) { if (Text) { if (!Pool) { Pool = g_TextPool; }
PoolMemReleaseMemory (Pool, (PVOID) Text); } }
Routine Description:
DuplicateTextEx duplicates a text string and allocates additional space a caller needs to complete its processing. Optionally, the caller receives a pointer to the nul of the duplicated string (to allow more efficient appends).
Text - Specifies the text to duplicate
ExtraChars - Specifies the number of characters (not bytes) to allocate space for. The characters can be from the SBCS, DBCS or UNICODE character sets.
NulChar - Receives a pointer to the nul at the end of the duplicated string. Use for fast appends.
Return Value:
A pointer to the duplicated and expanded string, or NULL if g_TextPool could not be expanded to fit the duplicated string and extra characters.
Buf = AllocTextExA (Pool, CharCountA (Text) + ExtraChars + 1); if (Buf) { s = Text; d = Buf; while (*s) { if (IsLeadByte (*s)) { *d++ = *s++; } *d++ = *s++; } *d = 0;
if (NulChar) { *NulChar = d; } }
return Buf; }
Buf = AllocTextExW (Pool, wcslen (Text) + ExtraChars + 1); if (Buf) { s = Text; d = Buf; while (*s) { *d++ = *s++; } *d = 0;
if (NulChar) { *NulChar = d; } }
return Buf; }
Routine Description:
JoinText duplicates String1 and appends String2 to it delimited with the optional delimiterstring.
String1 - Specifies the text to duplciate
String2 - Specifies the text to append to String1
DelimiterString - Optionally specifies the string to place between string 1 and string 2.
ExtraChars - Specifies the number of characters (not bytes) to allocate space for. The characters can be from the SBCS, DBCS or UNICODE character sets.
NulChar - Receives a pointer to the nul at the end of the duplicated string. Use for fast appends.
Return Value:
A pointer to the duplicated string and extra characters.
Buf = DuplicateTextExA ( Pool, String1, CharCountA (String2) + ExtraChars + (CenterString ? CharCountA (CenterString) : 0), &End );
if (Buf) {
d = End;
if (CenterString) { s = CenterString; while (*s) { if (IsLeadByte (*s)) { *d++ = *s++; } *d++ = *s++; } }
s = String2; while (*s) { if (IsLeadByte (*s)) { *d++ = *s++; } *d++ = *s++; } *d = 0;
if (NulChar) { *NulChar = d; } }
return Buf; }
Buf = DuplicateTextExW ( Pool, String1, wcslen (String2) + ExtraChars + (CenterString ? wcslen(CenterString) : 0), &End );
if (Buf) { d = End;
if (CenterString) { s = CenterString; while (*s) { *d++ = *s++; } }
s = String2;
while (*s) { *d++ = *s++; } *d = 0;
if (NulChar) { *NulChar = d; } }
return Buf; }
Routine Description:
ExpandEnvironmentTextEx takes a block of text containing zero or more environment variables (encoded in %'s) and returns the text with the environment variables expanded. The function also allows the caller to specify additional environment variables in an array and will use these variables before calling GetEnvironmentVariable.
The returned text is allocated out of the Text pool and should be freed using FreeText().
InString - The string containing environement variables to be processed.
ExtraVars - Optional var pointing to an array of environment variables to be used to supersede or suppliment the system environment variables. Even entries in the list are the names of environment variables, odd entries there values. (e.g. {"name1","value1","name2","value2",...}
Return Value:
An expanded string.
PWSTR RealExpandEnvironmentTextExW ( IN PCWSTR InString, IN PCWSTR * ExtraVars OPTIONAL ) {
PWSTR rString = NULL; PWSTR newString = NULL; PWSTR envName = NULL; PWSTR envValue = NULL; BOOL inSubstitution = FALSE; BOOL ignoreNextPercent = FALSE; BOOL errorOccurred = FALSE; BOOL foundValue = FALSE; BOOL freeValue = FALSE; PCWSTR nextPercent = NULL; PCWSTR source = NULL; PCWSTR savedSource = NULL; INT maxSize = 0; INT curSize = 0; UINT index = 0; UINT size = 0;
// We assume that InString is valid.
if (*InString == 0) { return DuplicateTextW (InString); }
// Set source to the start of InString to begin with...
source = InString;
__try {
while (*source) {
// Reallocate the string if necessary. We assume that most strings
// are smaller than 1024 chars and that we will therefore only rarely
// reallocate a string.
if (curSize > maxSize - 3) {
maxSize += 1024; newString = AllocTextW (maxSize);
if (!newString) { DEBUGMSG((DBG_ERROR,"ExpanEnvironmentTextEx: Memory Error!")); errorOccurred = TRUE; __leave; }
if (rString) { memcpy(newString,rString,curSize * sizeof(WCHAR)); FreeTextW(rString); }
rString = newString;
// if we find a percent sign, and we are not currently expanding
// an environment variable (or copying an empty set of %'s),
// then we have probably found an environment variable. Attempt
// to expand it.
if (*source == L'%' && !inSubstitution) { if (ignoreNextPercent) { ignoreNextPercent = FALSE; } else {
ignoreNextPercent = FALSE; nextPercent = wcschr(source + 1,L'%');
if (nextPercent == source + 1) { //
// We found two consecutive %s in this string. We'll ignore them and simply copy them as
// normal text.
ignoreNextPercent = TRUE; DEBUGMSGW((DBG_WARNING,"ExpandEnvironmentTextEx: Empty Environment variable in %s. Ignoring.",InString));
} else if (nextPercent) { //
// Create a variable to hold the envName.
envName = AllocTextW(nextPercent - source);
_wcssafecpyab(envName,source+1,nextPercent,(nextPercent - source)*sizeof(WCHAR));
// Try to find the variable.
foundValue = FALSE; freeValue = FALSE;
if (ExtraVars) {
// Search through the list of extra vars passed in by the caller.
// Even entries of this list are env var names. Odd entries are env values.
// {envname1,envvalue1,envname2,envvalue2,...}
index = 0; while (ExtraVars[index]) {
if (StringIMatchW(ExtraVars[index],envName) && ExtraVars[index + 1]) {
foundValue = TRUE; envValue = (PWSTR) ExtraVars[index + 1]; break; } index +=2; } }
if (!foundValue) { //
// Still haven't found the environment variable. Use GetEnvironmentString.
size = GetEnvironmentVariableW(envName,NULL,0);
if (!size) { errorOccurred = TRUE; DEBUGMSGW((DBG_WARNING,"ExpandEnvironmentTextEx: Environment variable %s not found!",envName)); } else {
// Create a buffer large enough to hold this value and copy it in.
envValue = AllocTextW(size);
if ((size - 1) != GetEnvironmentVariableW(envName,envValue,size)) { errorOccurred = TRUE; DEBUGMSGW((DBG_ERROR,"ExpandEnvironmentTextEx: Error from GetEnvironmentVariable.")); } else { foundValue = TRUE; }
freeValue = TRUE; } }
if (foundValue) { //
// Ok, we have a valid environment value. Need to copy this data over.
// To do this, we update and save the current source into old source, set source = to the envValue,
// and set the inSubstitution value so that we don't attempt to expand any percents within
// the value.
savedSource = nextPercent + 1; source = envValue; inSubstitution = TRUE; } else { DEBUGMSGW ((DBG_WARNING, "ExpandEnvironmentTextEx: No Environment variable found for %s.", envName)); ignoreNextPercent = TRUE; }
// We are done with the environment name at this time, so clean it up.
FreeTextW(envName); envName = NULL; } ELSE_DEBUGMSGW((DBG_WARNING,"ExpandEnvironmentTextEx: No matching percent found in %s. Ignoring.",InString)); } }
// Copy over the current character.
rString[curSize++] = *source++;
if (!*source) { if (inSubstitution) { //
// The source for the environment variable is fully copied.
// restore the old source.
inSubstitution = FALSE; source = savedSource; if (!*source) { rString[curSize] = 0; } if (freeValue) { FreeTextW(envValue); freeValue = FALSE; } envValue = NULL; } else { rString[curSize] = 0; } }
} } __finally {
DEBUGMSGW_IF (( errorOccurred, DBG_WARNING, "ExpandEnvironmentText: Some errors occurred while processing %s = %s.", InString, rString ? rString : L"NULL"));
if (envName) { FreeTextW(envName); } if (envValue && freeValue) { FreeTextW(envValue); }
return rString; }
PSTR RealExpandEnvironmentTextExA ( IN PCSTR InString, IN PCSTR * ExtraVars OPTIONAL ) {
PSTR rString = NULL; PSTR newString = NULL; PSTR envName = NULL; PSTR envValue = NULL; BOOL inSubstitution = FALSE; BOOL ignoreNextPercent = FALSE; BOOL errorOccurred = FALSE; BOOL foundValue = FALSE; BOOL freeValue = FALSE; PCSTR nextPercent = NULL; PCSTR source = NULL; PCSTR savedSource = NULL; INT maxSize = 0; INT curSize = 0; UINT index = 0; UINT size = 0;
// We assume that InString is valid.
if (*InString == 0) { return DuplicateTextA (InString); }
// Set source to the start of InString to begin with...
source = InString;
__try {
while (*source) {
// Reallocate the string if necessary. We assume that most strings
// are smaller than 1024 chars and that we will therefore only rarely
// reallocate a string.
if (curSize > maxSize - 3) {
maxSize += 1024; newString = AllocTextA (maxSize);
if (rString) { memcpy(newString,rString,curSize * sizeof(CHAR)); FreeTextA(rString); }
rString = newString; }
// if we find a percent sign, and we are not currently expanding
// an environment variable (or copying an empty set of %'s),
// then we have probably found an environment variable. Attempt
// to expand it.
if (!IsLeadByte(*source) && *source == '%' && !inSubstitution) {
if (ignoreNextPercent) {
ignoreNextPercent = FALSE; } else {
ignoreNextPercent = FALSE; nextPercent = _mbschr(source + 1,'%');
if (nextPercent == source + 1) { //
// We found two consecutive %s in this string. We'll ignore them and simply copy them as
// normal text.
ignoreNextPercent = TRUE; DEBUGMSGA((DBG_WARNING,"ExpandEnvironmentTextEx: Empty Environment variable in %s. Ignoring.",InString));
} else if (nextPercent) { //
// Create a variable to hold the envName.
envName = AllocTextA(nextPercent - source); _mbssafecpyab(envName,source+1,nextPercent,nextPercent - source);
// Try to find the variable.
foundValue = FALSE; freeValue = FALSE;
if (ExtraVars) {
// Search through the list of extra vars passed in by the caller.
// Even entries of this list are env var names. Odd entries are env values.
// {envname1,envvalue1,envname2,envvalue2,...}
index = 0; while (ExtraVars[index]) {
if (StringIMatch(ExtraVars[index],envName) && ExtraVars[index + 1]) {
foundValue = TRUE; envValue = (PSTR) ExtraVars[index + 1]; break; } index +=2; } }
if (!foundValue) { //
// Still haven't found the environment variable. Use GetEnvironmentString.
size = GetEnvironmentVariableA(envName,NULL,0);
if (!size) { errorOccurred = TRUE; DEBUGMSGA((DBG_WARNING,"ExpandEnvironmentTextEx: Environment variable %s not found!",envName)); } else {
// Create a buffer large enough to hold this value and copy it in.
envValue = AllocTextA(size); freeValue = TRUE;
if ((size - 1) != GetEnvironmentVariableA(envName,envValue,size)) { errorOccurred = TRUE; DEBUGMSGA((DBG_ERROR,"ExpandEnvironmentTextEx: Error from GetEnvironmentVariable.")); } else { foundValue = TRUE; } } }
if (foundValue) {
// Ok, we have a valid environment value. Need to copy this data over.
// To do this, we update and save the current source into old source, set source = to the envValue,
// and set the inSubstitution value so that we don't attempt to expand any percents within
// the value.
savedSource = nextPercent + 1; source = envValue; inSubstitution = TRUE;
} else { DEBUGMSGA ((DBG_WARNING, "ExpandEnvironmentTextEx: No Environment variable found for %s.", envName)); ignoreNextPercent = TRUE;
// We are done with the environment name at this time, so clean it up.
FreeTextA(envName); envName = NULL;
} ELSE_DEBUGMSGA((DBG_WARNING,"ExpandEnvironmentTextEx: No matching percent found in %s. Ignoring.",InString)); } }
// Copy over the current character.
if (IsLeadByte(*source)) { rString[curSize++] = *source++; } rString[curSize++] = *source++;
if (!*source) { if (inSubstitution) { //
// The source for the environment variable is fully copied.
// restore the old source.
inSubstitution = FALSE; source = savedSource; if (!*source) { rString[curSize] = 0; } if (freeValue) { FreeTextA(envValue); freeValue = FALSE; } envValue = NULL; } else { rString[curSize] = 0; } } } } __finally {
DEBUGMSGA_IF (( errorOccurred, DBG_WARNING, "ExpandEnvironmentText: Some errors occurred while processing %s = %s.", InString, rString ? rString : "NULL"));
if (envName) { FreeTextA(envName); } if (envValue && freeValue) { FreeTextA(envValue); }
return rString; }
Routine Description:
AppendWack adds a backslash to the end of any string, unless the string already ends in a backslash.
AppendDosWack adds a backslash, but only if the path does not already end in a backslash or colon. AppendWack supports DOS naming conventions: it does not append a back-slash if the path is empty, ends in a colon or if it ends in a back-slash already.
AppendUncWack supports UNC naming conventions: it does not append a backslash if the path is empty or if it ends in a backslash already.
AppendPathWack supports both DOS and UNC naming conventions, and uses the UNC naming convention if the string starts with double-wacks.
str - A buffer that holds the path, plus additional space for another backslash.
Return Value:
PSTR AppendWackA ( IN PSTR str ) { PCSTR Last;
if (!str) return str;
Last = str;
while (*str) { Last = str; str = _mbsinc (str); }
if (*Last != '\\') { *str = '\\'; str++; *str = 0; }
return str; }
PWSTR AppendWackW ( IN PWSTR str ) { PCWSTR Last;
if (!str) return str;
if (*str) { str = GetEndOfStringW (str); Last = str - 1; } else { Last = str; }
if (*Last != '\\') { *str = L'\\'; str++; *str = 0; }
return str; }
PSTR AppendDosWackA ( IN PSTR str ) { PCSTR Last;
if (!str || !(*str)) return str;
do { Last = str; str = _mbsinc (str); } while (*str);
if (*Last != '\\' && *Last != ':') { *str = '\\'; str++; *str = 0; }
return str; }
PWSTR AppendDosWackW ( IN PWSTR str ) { PWSTR Last;
if (!str || !(*str)) return str;
str = GetEndOfStringW (str); Last = str - 1;
if (*Last != L'\\' && *Last != L':') { *str = L'\\'; str++; *str = 0; }
return str; }
PSTR AppendUncWackA ( IN PSTR str ) { PCSTR Last;
if (!str || !(*str)) return str;
do { Last = str; str = _mbsinc (str); } while (*str);
if (*Last != '\\') { *str = '\\'; str++; *str = 0; }
return str; }
PWSTR AppendUncWackW ( IN PWSTR str ) { PWSTR Last;
if (!str || !(*str)) return str;
str = GetEndOfStringW (str); Last = str - 1;
if (*Last != L'\\') { *str = L'\\'; str++; *str = 0; }
return str; }
PSTR AppendPathWackA ( IN PSTR str ) { if (!str) { return str; }
if (str[0] == '\\' && str[1] == '\\') { return AppendUncWackA (str); }
return AppendDosWackA (str); }
PWSTR AppendPathWackW ( IN PWSTR str ) { if (!str) { return str; }
if (str[0] == L'\\' && str[1] == L'\\') { return AppendUncWackW (str); }
return AppendDosWackW (str); }
PSTR RealJoinPathsExA ( IN POOLHANDLE Pool, OPTIONAL IN PCSTR PathA, IN PCSTR PathB ) { PSTR end; PSTR endMinusOne; DWORD Size; PSTR Dest;
if (!Pool) { Pool = g_PathsPool; }
Size = ByteCountA (PathA) + 1 + SizeOfStringA (PathB); Dest = (PSTR) PoolMemGetAlignedMemory (Pool, Size); MYASSERT (Dest);
*Dest = 0; end = _mbsappend (Dest, PathA); endMinusOne = _mbsdec (Dest, end); if (endMinusOne && _mbsnextc (endMinusOne) != '\\') { *end = '\\'; end++; } if (_mbsnextc (PathB) == '\\') { PathB = _mbsinc (PathB); } StringCopyA (end, PathB);
return Dest; }
if (!Pool) { Pool = g_PathsPool; }
Size = ByteCountW (PathA) + sizeof (WCHAR) + SizeOfStringW (PathB); Dest = (PWSTR) PoolMemGetAlignedMemory (Pool, Size); MYASSERT (Dest);
*Dest = 0; end = _wcsappend (Dest, PathA); endMinusOne = _wcsdec2 (Dest, end); if (endMinusOne && *endMinusOne != L'\\') { *end = L'\\'; end++; } if (*PathB == L'\\') { PathB++; } StringCopyW (end, PathB);
return Dest; }
PSTR RealAllocPathStringA ( DWORD Chars ) { PSTR Str;
if (Chars == 0) { Chars = MAX_MBCHAR_PATH; }
Str = (PSTR) PoolMemGetAlignedMemory (g_PathsPool, Chars);
Str [0] = 0;
return Str; }
PWSTR RealAllocPathStringW ( DWORD Chars ) { PWSTR Str;
if (Chars == 0) { Chars = MAX_WCHAR_PATH; }
Str = (PWSTR) PoolMemGetAlignedMemory (g_PathsPool, Chars * sizeof (WCHAR));
Str [0] = 0;
return Str; }
VOID RealSplitPathA ( IN PCSTR Path, OUT PSTR *DrivePtr, OUT PSTR *PathPtr, OUT PSTR *FileNamePtr, OUT PSTR *ExtPtr ) { CHAR Drive[_MAX_DRIVE]; CHAR Dir[_MAX_DIR]; CHAR FileName[_MAX_FNAME]; CHAR Ext[_MAX_EXT];
_splitpath (Path, Drive, Dir, FileName, Ext);
if (DrivePtr) { *DrivePtr = PoolMemDuplicateStringA (g_PathsPool, Drive); MYASSERT (*DrivePtr); }
if (PathPtr) { *PathPtr = PoolMemDuplicateStringA (g_PathsPool, Dir); MYASSERT (*PathPtr); }
if (FileNamePtr) { *FileNamePtr = PoolMemDuplicateStringA (g_PathsPool, FileName); MYASSERT (*FileNamePtr); }
if (ExtPtr) { *ExtPtr = PoolMemDuplicateStringA (g_PathsPool, Ext); MYASSERT (*ExtPtr); } }
_wsplitpath (Path, Drive, Dir, FileName, Ext);
if (DrivePtr) { *DrivePtr = PoolMemDuplicateStringW (g_PathsPool, Drive); MYASSERT (*DrivePtr); }
if (PathPtr) { *PathPtr = PoolMemDuplicateStringW (g_PathsPool, Dir); MYASSERT (*PathPtr); }
if (FileNamePtr) { *FileNamePtr = PoolMemDuplicateStringW (g_PathsPool, FileName); MYASSERT (*FileNamePtr); }
if (ExtPtr) { *ExtPtr = PoolMemDuplicateStringW (g_PathsPool, Ext); MYASSERT (*ExtPtr); } }
PSTR RealDuplicatePathStringA ( PCSTR Path, DWORD ExtraBytes ) { PSTR str;
str = PoolMemGetAlignedMemory ( g_PathsPool, SizeOfStringA (Path) + ExtraBytes );
StringCopyA (str, Path);
return str; }
PWSTR RealDuplicatePathStringW ( PCWSTR Path, DWORD ExtraBytes ) { PWSTR str;
str = PoolMemGetAlignedMemory ( g_PathsPool, SizeOfStringW (Path) + ExtraBytes );
StringCopyW (str, Path);
return str; }
PSTR pCopyAndCleanupPathsA ( IN PCSTR Source, OUT PSTR Dest ) { BOOL quotes = FALSE;
do {
while (*Source && isspace (*Source)) { Source++; }
while (*Source) { if (IsLeadByte (*Source)) { *Dest++ = *Source++; *Dest++ = *Source++; } else { if (*Source == '\"') { Source++; quotes = !quotes; } else if (!quotes) { *Dest++ = *Source++; } } }
} while (*Source);
*Dest = 0;
return Dest; }
BOOL EnumFirstPathExA ( OUT PPATH_ENUMA PathEnum, IN PCSTR AdditionalPath, IN PCSTR WinDir, IN PCSTR SysDir, IN BOOL IncludeEnvPath ) { DWORD bufferSize = 0; DWORD pathSize; PSTR currPathEnd;
if (PathEnum == NULL) { return FALSE; } if (IncludeEnvPath) { bufferSize = pathSize = GetEnvironmentVariableA ("PATH", NULL, 0); } if (AdditionalPath != NULL) { bufferSize += SizeOfStringA (AdditionalPath); } if (SysDir != NULL) { bufferSize += SizeOfStringA (SysDir); } if (WinDir != NULL) { bufferSize += SizeOfStringA (WinDir); } PathEnum->BufferPtr = MemAlloc (g_hHeap, 0, bufferSize + 1); if (PathEnum->BufferPtr == NULL) { return FALSE; } PathEnum->BufferPtr [0] = 0; currPathEnd = PathEnum->BufferPtr; if (AdditionalPath != NULL) { currPathEnd = _mbsappend (currPathEnd, AdditionalPath); } if (SysDir != NULL) { *currPathEnd++ = ';'; *currPathEnd = 0; currPathEnd = _mbsappend (currPathEnd, SysDir); } if (WinDir != NULL) { *currPathEnd++ = ';'; *currPathEnd = 0; currPathEnd = _mbsappend (currPathEnd, WinDir); } if (IncludeEnvPath) { *currPathEnd++ = ';'; *currPathEnd = 0; GetEnvironmentVariableA ("PATH", currPathEnd, pathSize); }
// clean up quotes
pCopyAndCleanupPathsA (currPathEnd, currPathEnd);
PathEnum->PtrNextPath = PathEnum-> BufferPtr; return EnumNextPathA (PathEnum); }
BOOL EnumNextPathA ( IN OUT PPATH_ENUMA PathEnum ) { do { if (PathEnum->PtrNextPath == NULL) { EnumPathAbort (PathEnum); return FALSE; } PathEnum->PtrCurrPath = PathEnum->PtrNextPath;
PathEnum->PtrNextPath = _mbschr (PathEnum->PtrNextPath, ';'); if (PathEnum->PtrNextPath != NULL) { if (PathEnum->PtrNextPath - PathEnum->PtrCurrPath >= MAX_MBCHAR_PATH) { *PathEnum->PtrNextPath = 0; LOG (( LOG_WARNING, "Skipping enumeration of path (too long): %s", PathEnum->PtrCurrPath )); *PathEnum->PtrNextPath = ';'; //
// cut this path
*PathEnum->PtrCurrPath = 0; //
// and continue with the next one
continue; } *PathEnum->PtrNextPath++ = 0; if (*(PathEnum->PtrNextPath) == 0) { PathEnum->PtrNextPath = NULL; } } else { if (ByteCountA (PathEnum->PtrCurrPath) >= MAX_MBCHAR_PATH) { LOG (( LOG_WARNING, "Skipping enumeration of path (too long): %s", PathEnum->PtrCurrPath )); //
// cut this path
*PathEnum->PtrCurrPath = 0; } }
} while (*(PathEnum->PtrCurrPath) == 0);
return TRUE; }
BOOL EnumPathAbortA ( IN OUT PPATH_ENUMA PathEnum ) { if (PathEnum->BufferPtr != NULL) { MemFree (g_hHeap, 0, PathEnum->BufferPtr); PathEnum->BufferPtr = NULL; } return TRUE; }
VOID FreePathStringExA ( IN POOLHANDLE Pool, OPTIONAL IN PCSTR Path OPTIONAL ) { if (Path) { if (!Pool) { Pool = g_PathsPool; }
PoolMemReleaseMemory (Pool, (PSTR) Path); } }
VOID FreePathStringExW ( IN POOLHANDLE Pool, OPTIONAL IN PCWSTR Path OPTIONAL ) { if (Path) { if (!Pool) { Pool = g_PathsPool; }
PoolMemReleaseMemory (Pool, (PWSTR) Path); } }
Routine Description:
PushError and PopError push the error code onto a stack or pull the last pushed error code off the stack. PushError uses GetLastError and PopError uses SetLastError to modify the last error value.
Return Value:
DWORD g_dwErrorStack[MAX_STACK]; DWORD g_dwStackPos = 0;
void PushNewError (DWORD dwError) { if (g_dwStackPos == MAX_STACK) return;
g_dwErrorStack[g_dwStackPos] = dwError; g_dwStackPos++; }
void PushError (void) { if (g_dwStackPos == MAX_STACK) return;
g_dwErrorStack[g_dwStackPos] = GetLastError (); g_dwStackPos++; }
DWORD PopError (void) { if (!g_dwStackPos) return GetLastError();
g_dwStackPos--; SetLastError (g_dwErrorStack[g_dwStackPos]);
return g_dwErrorStack[g_dwStackPos]; }
Routine Description:
GetHexDigit is a simple base 16 ASCII to int convertor. The convertor is case-insensitive.
c - Character to convert
Return Value:
Base 16 value corresponding to character supplied, or -1 if the character is not 0-9, A-F or a-f.
int GetHexDigit (IN int c)
{ if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') return (c - '0');
c = towlower ((wint_t) c); if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'f') return (c - 'a' + 10);
return -1; }
Routine Description:
_tcsnum is similar to strtoul, except is figures out which base the number should be calculated from. It supports decimal and hexadecimal numbers (using the 0x00 notation). The return value is the decoded value, or 0 if a syntax error was found.
szNum - Pointer to the string holding the number. This number can be either decimal (a series of 0-9 characters), or hexadecimal (a series of 0-9, A-F or a-f characters, prefixed with 0x or 0X).
Return Value:
The decoded unsigned long value, or zero if a syntax error was found.
DWORD _mbsnum (IN PCSTR szNum)
{ unsigned int d = 0; int i;
if (szNum[0] == '0' && tolower (szNum[1]) == 'x') { // Get hex value
szNum += 2;
while ((i = GetHexDigit ((int) *szNum)) != -1) { d = d * 16 + i; szNum++; } }
else { // Get decimal value
while (*szNum >= '0' && *szNum <= '9') { d = d * 10 + (*szNum - '0'); szNum++; } }
return d; }
_wcsnum (IN PCWSTR szNum)
{ unsigned int d = 0; int i;
if (szNum[0] == L'0' && towlower (szNum[1]) == L'x') { // Get hex value
szNum += 2;
while ((i = GetHexDigit ((int) *szNum)) != -1) { d = d * 16 + i; szNum++; } }
else { // Get decimal value
while (*szNum >= L'0' && *szNum <= L'9') { d = d * 10 + (*szNum - L'0'); szNum++; } }
return d; }
Routine Description:
_tcsappend is a strcpy that returns the pointer to the end of a string instead of the beginning.
szDest - A pointer to a caller-allocated buffer that may point anywhere within the string to append to szSrc - A pointer to a string that is appended to szDest
Return Value:
A pointer to the NULL terminator within the szDest string.
PSTR _mbsappend (OUT PSTR mbstrDest, IN PCSTR mbstrSrc)
{ // Advance mbstrDest to end of string
mbstrDest = GetEndOfStringA (mbstrDest);
// Copy string
while (*mbstrSrc) { *mbstrDest = *mbstrSrc++; if (IsLeadByte (*mbstrDest)) { mbstrDest++; *mbstrDest = *mbstrSrc++; } mbstrDest++; }
*mbstrDest = 0;
return mbstrDest; }
PWSTR _wcsappend (OUT PWSTR wstrDest, IN PCWSTR wstrSrc)
{ // Advance wstrDest to end of string
wstrDest = GetEndOfStringW (wstrDest);
// Copy string
while (*wstrSrc) { *wstrDest++ = *wstrSrc++; }
*wstrDest = 0;
return wstrDest; }
Routine Description:
_tcsistr is a case-insensitive version of _tcsstr.
szStr - A pointer to the larger string, which may hold szSubStr szSubStr - A pointer to a string that may be enclosed in szStr
Return Value:
A pointer to the first occurance of szSubStr in szStr, or NULL if no match is found.
PCSTR _mbsistr (PCSTR mbstrStr, PCSTR mbstrSubStr)
{ PCSTR mbstrStart, mbstrStrPos, mbstrSubStrPos; PCSTR mbstrEnd;
mbstrEnd = (PSTR) ((LPBYTE) mbstrStr + ByteCountA (mbstrStr) - ByteCountA (mbstrSubStr));
for (mbstrStart = mbstrStr ; mbstrStart <= mbstrEnd ; mbstrStart = _mbsinc (mbstrStart)) { mbstrStrPos = mbstrStart; mbstrSubStrPos = mbstrSubStr;
while (*mbstrSubStrPos && _mbctolower ((MBCHAR) _mbsnextc (mbstrSubStrPos)) == _mbctolower ((MBCHAR) _mbsnextc (mbstrStrPos))) { mbstrStrPos = _mbsinc (mbstrStrPos); mbstrSubStrPos = _mbsinc (mbstrSubStrPos); }
if (!(*mbstrSubStrPos)) return mbstrStart; }
return NULL; }
PCWSTR _wcsistr (PCWSTR wstrStr, PCWSTR wstrSubStr)
{ PCWSTR wstrStart, wstrStrPos, wstrSubStrPos; PCWSTR wstrEnd;
wstrEnd = (PWSTR) ((LPBYTE) wstrStr + ByteCountW (wstrStr) - ByteCountW (wstrSubStr));
for (wstrStart = wstrStr ; wstrStart <= wstrEnd ; wstrStart++) { wstrStrPos = wstrStart; wstrSubStrPos = wstrSubStr;
while (*wstrSubStrPos && towlower (*wstrSubStrPos) == towlower (*wstrStrPos)) { wstrStrPos++; wstrSubStrPos++; }
if (!(*wstrSubStrPos)) return wstrStart; }
return NULL; }
Routine Description:
_tcscmpab compares a string against a string between to string pointers
String - Specifies the string to compare
Start - Specifies the start of the string to compare against
End - Specifies the end of the string to compare against. The character pointed to by End is not included in the comparision.
Return Value:
Less than zero: String is numerically less than the string between Start and End Zero: String matches the string between Start and End identically Greater than zero: String is numerically greater than the string between Start and End
INT StringCompareABA ( IN PCSTR String, IN PCSTR Start, IN PCSTR End ) { while (*String && Start < End) { if (_mbsnextc (String) != _mbsnextc (Start)) { break; }
String = _mbsinc (String); Start = _mbsinc (Start); }
if (Start == End && *String == 0) { return 0; }
return _mbsnextc (Start) - _mbsnextc (String); }
INT StringCompareABW ( IN PCWSTR String, IN PCWSTR Start, IN PCWSTR End ) { while (*String && Start < End) { if (*String != *Start) { break; }
String++; Start++; }
if (Start == End && *String == 0) { return 0; }
return *Start - *String; }
INT StringICompareABA ( IN PCSTR String, IN PCSTR Start, IN PCSTR End ) { while (*String && Start < End) { if (tolower (_mbsnextc (String)) != tolower (_mbsnextc (Start))) { break; }
String = _mbsinc (String); Start = _mbsinc (Start); }
if (Start == End && *String == 0) { return 0; }
return tolower (_mbsnextc (Start)) - tolower (_mbsnextc (String)); }
INT StringICompareABW ( IN PCWSTR String, IN PCWSTR Start, IN PCWSTR End ) { while (*String && Start < End) { if (towlower (*String) != towlower (*Start)) { break; }
String++; Start++; }
if (Start == End && *String == 0) { return 0; }
return towlower (*Start) - towlower (*String); }
void _setmbchar ( IN OUT PSTR Str, IN MBCHAR c )
Routine Description:
_setmbchar sets the character at the specified string position, shifting bytes if necessary to keep the string in tact.
Str - String c - Character to set
Return Value:
{ if (c < 256) { if (IsLeadByte (*Str)) { //
// Delete one byte from the string
MoveMemory (Str, Str+1, SizeOfStringA (Str+2) + 1); }
*Str = (CHAR)c; } else { if (!IsLeadByte (*Str)) { //
// Insert one byte in the string
MoveMemory (Str+1, Str, SizeOfStringA (Str)); }
*((WORD *) Str) = (WORD) c; } }
Routine Description:
GetNextRuleChar extracts the first character in the *p_szRule string, and determines the character value, decoding the ~xx~ syntax (which specifies any arbitrary value).
GetNextRuleChar returns a complete character for SBCS and UNICODE, but it may return either a lead byte or non-lead byte for MBCS. To indicate a MBCS character, two ~xx~ hex values are needed.
p_szRule - A pointer to a pointer; a caller-allocated buffer that holds the rule string. p_bFromHex - A pointer to a caller-allocated BOOL that receives TRUE when the return value was decoded from the <xx> syntax.
Return Value:
The decoded character; *p_bFromHex identifies if the return value was
a literal or was a hex-encoded character.
MBCHAR GetNextRuleCharA ( IN OUT PCSTR *PtrToRule, OUT BOOL *FromHex ) { MBCHAR ch; MBCHAR Value; INT i; PCSTR StartPtr;
StartPtr = *PtrToRule;
if (FromHex) { *FromHex = FALSE; }
if (_mbsnextc (StartPtr) == '~') {
*PtrToRule += 1; Value = 0; i = 0;
for (i = 0 ; **PtrToRule && i < 8 ; i++) {
ch = _mbsnextc (*PtrToRule); *PtrToRule += 1;
if (ch == '~') { if (FromHex) { *FromHex = TRUE; }
return Value; }
Value *= 16;
if (ch >= '0' && ch <= '9') { Value += ch - '0'; } else if (ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'f') { Value += ch - 'a' + 10; } else if (ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'F') { Value += ch - 'A' + 10; } else { break; }
DEBUGMSGA ((DBG_WHOOPS, "Bad formatting in encoded string %s", StartPtr)); }
*PtrToRule = _mbsinc (StartPtr); return _mbsnextc (StartPtr); }
WCHAR GetNextRuleCharW ( IN OUT PCWSTR *PtrToRule, OUT BOOL *FromHex )
{ WCHAR ch; WCHAR Value; INT i; PCWSTR StartPtr;
StartPtr = *PtrToRule;
if (FromHex) { *FromHex = FALSE; }
if (*StartPtr == L'~') {
*PtrToRule += 1; Value = 0; i = 0;
for (i = 0 ; **PtrToRule && i < 8 ; i++) {
ch = **PtrToRule; *PtrToRule += 1;
if (ch == L'~') { if (FromHex) { *FromHex = TRUE; }
return Value; }
Value *= 16;
if (ch >= L'0' && ch <= L'9') { Value += ch - L'0'; } else if (ch >= L'a' && ch <= L'f') { Value += ch - L'a' + 10; } else if (ch >= L'A' && ch <= L'F') { Value += ch - L'A' + 10; } else { break; }
DEBUGMSGW ((DBG_WHOOPS, "Bad formatting in encoded string %s", StartPtr)); }
*PtrToRule = StartPtr + 1; return *StartPtr; }
Routine Description:
DecodeRuleChars takes a complete rule string (szRule), possibly encoded with hex-specified character values (~xx~). The output
string contains unencoded characters.
szRule - A caller-allocated buffer, big enough to hold an unencoded rule. szRule can be equal to szEncRule. szEncRule - The string holding a possibly encoded string.
Return Value:
Equal to szRule.
PSTR DecodeRuleCharsA (PSTR mbstrRule, PCSTR mbstrEncRule)
{ MBCHAR c; PSTR mbstrOrgRule;
mbstrOrgRule = mbstrRule;
// Copy string, converting ~xx~ to a single char
do { c = GetNextRuleCharA (&mbstrEncRule, NULL); *mbstrRule = (CHAR)c; mbstrRule++; // MBCS->incomplete char will be finished in next loop iteration
} while (c);
return mbstrOrgRule; }
PWSTR DecodeRuleCharsW (PWSTR wstrRule, PCWSTR wstrEncRule)
{ WCHAR c; PWSTR wstrOrgRule;
wstrOrgRule = wstrRule;
// Copy string, converting ~xx~ to a single char
do { c = GetNextRuleCharW (&wstrEncRule, NULL); *wstrRule = c; wstrRule++; } while (c);
return wstrOrgRule; }
PSTR DecodeRuleCharsABA (PSTR mbstrRule, PCSTR mbstrEncRule, PCSTR End)
{ MBCHAR c; PSTR mbstrOrgRule;
mbstrOrgRule = mbstrRule;
// Copy string, converting ~xx~ to a single char
while (mbstrEncRule < End) { c = GetNextRuleCharA (&mbstrEncRule, NULL); *mbstrRule = (CHAR)c; mbstrRule++; // MBCS->incomplete char will be finished in next loop iteration
*mbstrRule = 0;
return mbstrOrgRule; }
PWSTR DecodeRuleCharsABW (PWSTR wstrRule, PCWSTR wstrEncRule, PCWSTR End)
{ WCHAR c; PWSTR wstrOrgRule;
wstrOrgRule = wstrRule;
// Copy string, converting ~xx~ to a single char
while (wstrEncRule < End) { c = GetNextRuleCharW (&wstrEncRule, NULL); *wstrRule = c; wstrRule++; }
*wstrRule = 0;
return wstrOrgRule; }
Routine Description:
EncodeRuleChars takes an unencoded rule string (szRule), and converts it to a string possibly encoded with hex-specified character values (~xx~). The output string contains encoded characters.
szEncRule - A caller-allocated buffer, big enough to hold an encoded rule. szEncRule CAN NOT be equal to szRule. One way to calculate a max buffer size for szEncRule is to use the following code:
allocsize = SizeOfString (szRule) * 6;
In the worst case, each character in szRule will take six single-byte characters in szEncRule. In the normal case, szEncRule will only be a few bytes bigger than szRule.
szRule - The string holding an unencoded string.
Return Value:
Equal to szEncRule.
PSTR EncodeRuleCharsA (PSTR mbstrEncRule, PCSTR mbstrRule)
{ PSTR mbstrOrgRule; static CHAR mbstrExclusions[] = "[]<>\'*$|:?\";,%"; MBCHAR c;
mbstrOrgRule = mbstrEncRule;
while (*mbstrRule) { c = _mbsnextc (mbstrRule);
if ((c > 127) || _mbschr (mbstrExclusions, c)) {
// Escape unprintable or excluded character
wsprintfA (mbstrEncRule, "~%X~", c); mbstrEncRule = GetEndOfStringA (mbstrEncRule); mbstrRule = _mbsinc (mbstrRule); } else { // Copy multibyte character
if (IsLeadByte (*mbstrRule)) { *mbstrEncRule = *mbstrRule; mbstrEncRule++; mbstrRule++; }
*mbstrEncRule = *mbstrRule; mbstrEncRule++; mbstrRule++; } }
*mbstrEncRule = 0;
return mbstrOrgRule; }
PWSTR EncodeRuleCharsW (PWSTR wstrEncRule, PCWSTR wstrRule)
{ PWSTR wstrOrgRule; static WCHAR wstrExclusions[] = L"[]<>\'*$|:?\";,%"; WCHAR c;
wstrOrgRule = wstrEncRule;
while (c = *wstrRule) { if ((c > 127) || wcschr (wstrExclusions, c)) { wsprintfW (wstrEncRule, L"~%X~", c); wstrEncRule = GetEndOfStringW (wstrEncRule); } else { *wstrEncRule = *wstrRule; wstrEncRule++; }
wstrRule++; }
*wstrEncRule = 0;
return wstrOrgRule; }
Routine Description:
_tcsisprint is a string version of _istprint.
szStr - A pointer to the string to examine
Return Value:
Non-zero if szStr is made up only of printable characters.
int _mbsisprint (PCSTR mbstrStr)
{ while (*mbstrStr && _ismbcprint ((MBCHAR) _mbsnextc (mbstrStr))) { mbstrStr = _mbsinc (mbstrStr); }
return *mbstrStr == 0; }
int _wcsisprint (PCWSTR wstrStr)
{ while (*wstrStr && iswprint (*wstrStr)) { wstrStr++; }
return *wstrStr == 0; }
Routine Description:
SkipSpace returns a pointer to the next position within a string that does not have whitespace characters. It uses the C runtime isspace to determine what a whitespace character is.
szStr - A pointer to the string to examine
Return Value:
A pointer to the first non-whitespace character in the string, or NULL if the string is made up of all whitespace characters or the string is empty.
PCSTR SkipSpaceA (PCSTR mbstrStr)
{ while (_ismbcspace ((MBCHAR) _mbsnextc (mbstrStr))) mbstrStr = _mbsinc (mbstrStr);
return mbstrStr; }
PCWSTR SkipSpaceW (PCWSTR wstrStr)
{ while (iswspace (*wstrStr)) wstrStr++;
return wstrStr; }
Routine Description:
SkipSpaceR returns a pointer to the next position within a string that does not have whitespace characters. It uses the C runtime isspace to determine what a whitespace character is.
This function is identical to SkipSpace except it works from right to left instead of left to right.
StrBase - A pointer to the first character in the string Str - A pointer to the end of the string, or NULL if the end is not known.
Return Value:
A pointer to the first non-whitespace character in the string, as viewed from right to left, or NULL if the string is made up of all whitespace characters or the string is empty.
{ if (!Str) { Str = GetEndOfStringA (StrBase); }
if (*Str == 0) { Str = _mbsdec (StrBase, Str); if (!Str) { return NULL; } }
do {
if (!_ismbcspace((MBCHAR) _mbsnextc(Str))) { return Str; }
} while (Str = _mbsdec(StrBase, Str));
return NULL; }
{ if (!Str) { Str = GetEndOfStringW (StrBase); }
if (*Str == 0) { Str--; if (Str < StrBase) { return NULL; } }
do { if (!iswspace(*Str)) { return Str; }
} while (Str-- != StrBase);
return NULL; }
Routine Description:
TruncateTrailingSpace trims the specified string after the very last non-space character, or empties the string if it contains only space characters. This routine uses isspace to determine what a space is.
Str - Specifies string to process
Return Value:
VOID TruncateTrailingSpaceA ( IN OUT PSTR Str ) { PSTR LastNonSpace; PSTR OrgStr;
OrgStr = Str; LastNonSpace = NULL;
while (*Str) { if (!_ismbcspace ((MBCHAR) _mbsnextc (Str))) { LastNonSpace = Str; }
Str = _mbsinc (Str); }
if (LastNonSpace) { *_mbsinc (LastNonSpace) = 0; } else { *OrgStr = 0; } }
VOID TruncateTrailingSpaceW ( IN OUT PWSTR Str ) { PWSTR LastNonSpace; PWSTR OrgStr;
OrgStr = Str; LastNonSpace = NULL;
while (*Str) { if (!iswspace (*Str)) { LastNonSpace = Str; }
Str++; }
if (LastNonSpace) { *(LastNonSpace + 1) = 0; } else { *OrgStr = 0; } }
Routine Description:
_tcsnzcpy copies bytecount bytes from the source string to the destination string, and terminates the string if it needs to be truncated. This function is a _tcsncpy, plus a terminating nul.
_tcsnzcpy always requires a destination buffer that can hold bytecount + sizeof (TCHAR) bytes.
Use the _tcssafecpy macros to specify the maximum number of bytes to copy, including the nul.
dest - The destination buffer that is at least bytecount + sizeof(TCHAR) src - The source string bytecount - The number of bytes to copy. If src is greater than bytecount, the destination string is truncated.
Return Value:
A pointer to dest.
PSTR _mbsnzcpy ( PSTR dest, PCSTR src, INT bytecount ) { PSTR realdest;
realdest = dest; while (*src && bytecount >= sizeof (CHAR)) { if (IsLeadByte (*src)) { if (bytecount == 1) { // double char can't fit
break; } *dest++ = *src++; bytecount--; } *dest++ = *src++; bytecount--; } *dest = 0;
return realdest; }
PWSTR _wcsnzcpy ( PWSTR dest, PCWSTR src, INT bytecount ) { PWSTR realdest;
realdest = dest; while (*src && bytecount >= sizeof (WCHAR)) { *dest++ = *src++; bytecount -= sizeof(WCHAR); } *dest = 0;
return realdest; }
Routine Description:
_tcsnzcpyab copies bytecount bytes between two pointers to the destination string, and terminates the string if it needs to be truncated. This function is a _tcscpyab, plus a terminating nul, plus bytecount safety guard.
_tcsnzcpy always requires a destination buffer that can hold bytecount + sizeof (TCHAR) bytes.
Use the _tcssafecpyab macros to specify the maximum number of bytes to copy, including the nul.
Dest - The destination buffer that is at least bytecount + sizeof(TCHAR) Start - The start of the source string End - Points to the character one position past the last character to copy in the string pointed to by start. bytecount - The number of bytes to copy. If src is greater than bytecount, the destination string is truncated.
Return Value:
A pointer to Dest. Start and End must be pointers within the same string, and End must be greater than Start. If it isn't, the function will make the string empty.
PSTR _mbsnzcpyab ( PSTR Dest, PCSTR Start, PCSTR End, INT count ) { PSTR realdest;
realdest = Dest; while ((Start < End) && count >= sizeof (CHAR)) { if (IsLeadByte (*Start)) { if (count == 1) { // double char can't fit
break; } *Dest++ = *Start++; count--; } *Dest++ = *Start++; count--; } *Dest = 0;
return realdest; }
PWSTR _wcsnzcpyab ( PWSTR Dest, PCWSTR Start, PCWSTR End, INT count ) { PWSTR realdest;
realdest = Dest; while ((Start < End) && count >= sizeof (WCHAR)) { *Dest++ = *Start++; count -= sizeof(WCHAR); } *Dest = 0;
return realdest; }
Routine Description:
IsPatternMatch compares a string against a pattern that may contain standard * or ? wildcards.
wstrPattern - A pattern possibly containing wildcards wstrStr - The string to compare against the pattern
Return Value:
TRUE when wstrStr and wstrPattern match when wildcards are expanded. FALSE if wstrStr does not match wstrPattern.
BOOL IsPatternMatchA ( IN PCSTR strPattern, IN PCSTR strStr ) {
MBCHAR chSrc, chPat;
while (*strStr) { chSrc = _mbctolower ((MBCHAR) _mbsnextc (strStr)); chPat = _mbctolower ((MBCHAR) _mbsnextc (strPattern));
if (chPat == '*') {
// Skip all asterisks that are grouped together
while (_mbsnextc (_mbsinc (strStr)) == '*') { strStr = _mbsinc (strStr); }
// Check if asterisk is at the end. If so, we have a match already.
if (!_mbsnextc (_mbsinc (strPattern))) { return TRUE; }
// do recursive check for rest of pattern
if (IsPatternMatchA (_mbsinc (strPattern), strStr)) { return TRUE; }
// Allow any character and continue
strStr = _mbsinc (strStr); continue; } if (chPat != '?') { if (chSrc != chPat) { return FALSE; } } strStr = _mbsinc (strStr); strPattern = _mbsinc (strPattern); }
// Fail when there is more pattern and pattern does not end in an asterisk
while (_mbsnextc (strPattern) == '*') { strPattern = _mbsinc (strPattern); } if (_mbsnextc (strPattern)) { return FALSE; }
return TRUE; }
BOOL IsPatternMatchW ( IN PCWSTR wstrPattern, IN PCWSTR wstrStr )
{ WCHAR chSrc, chPat;
if (wstrPattern[0] == L'*' && wstrPattern[1] == 0) { return TRUE; }
while (*wstrStr) { chSrc = towlower (*wstrStr); chPat = towlower (*wstrPattern);
if (chPat == L'*') {
// Skip all asterisks that are grouped together
while (wstrPattern[1] == L'*') wstrPattern++;
// Check if asterisk is at the end. If so, we have a match already.
chPat = towlower (wstrPattern[1]); if (!chPat) return TRUE;
// Otherwise check if next pattern char matches current char
if (chPat == chSrc || chPat == L'?') {
// do recursive check for rest of pattern
wstrPattern++; if (IsPatternMatchW (wstrPattern, wstrStr)) return TRUE;
// no, that didn't work, stick with star
wstrPattern--; }
// Allow any character and continue
wstrStr++; continue; }
if (chPat != L'?') {
// if next pattern character is not a question mark, src and pat
// must be identical.
if (chSrc != chPat) return FALSE; }
// Advance when pattern character matches string character
wstrPattern++; wstrStr++; }
// Fail when there is more pattern and pattern does not end in an asterisk
chPat = *wstrPattern; if (chPat && (chPat != L'*' || wstrPattern[1])) return FALSE;
return TRUE; }
Routine Description:
IsPatternMatchAB compares a string against a pattern that may contain standard * or ? wildcards. It only processes the string up to the specified end.
Pattern - A pattern possibly containing wildcards Start - The string to compare against the pattern End - Specifies the end of Start
Return Value:
TRUE when the string between Start and End matches Pattern when wildcards are expanded. FALSE if the pattern does not match.
BOOL IsPatternMatchABA ( IN PCSTR Pattern, IN PCSTR Start, IN PCSTR End ) {
MBCHAR chSrc, chPat;
while (*Start && Start < End) { chSrc = _mbctolower ((MBCHAR) _mbsnextc (Start)); chPat = _mbctolower ((MBCHAR) _mbsnextc (Pattern));
if (chPat == '*') {
// Skip all asterisks that are grouped together
while (_mbsnextc (_mbsinc (Start)) == '*') { Start = _mbsinc (Start); }
// Check if asterisk is at the end. If so, we have a match already.
if (!_mbsnextc (_mbsinc (Pattern))) { return TRUE; }
// do recursive check for rest of pattern
if (IsPatternMatchABA (_mbsinc (Pattern), Start, End)) { return TRUE; }
// Allow any character and continue
Start = _mbsinc (Start); continue; } if (chPat != '?') { if (chSrc != chPat) { return FALSE; } } Start = _mbsinc (Start); Pattern = _mbsinc (Pattern); }
// Fail when there is more pattern and pattern does not end in an asterisk
while (_mbsnextc (Pattern) == '*') { Pattern = _mbsinc (Pattern); }
if (_mbsnextc (Pattern)) { return FALSE; }
return TRUE; }
BOOL IsPatternMatchABW ( IN PCWSTR Pattern, IN PCWSTR Start, IN PCWSTR End )
{ WCHAR chSrc, chPat;
while (*Start && Start < End) { chSrc = towlower (*Start); chPat = towlower (*Pattern);
if (chPat == L'*') {
// Skip all asterisks that are grouped together
while (Pattern[1] == L'*') { Pattern++; }
// Check if asterisk is at the end. If so, we have a match already.
chPat = towlower (Pattern[1]); if (!chPat) { return TRUE; }
// Otherwise check if next pattern char matches current char
if (chPat == chSrc || chPat == L'?') {
// do recursive check for rest of pattern
Pattern++; if (IsPatternMatchABW (Pattern, Start, End)) { return TRUE; }
// no, that didn't work, stick with star
Pattern--; }
// Allow any character and continue
Start++; continue; }
if (chPat != L'?') {
// if next pattern character is not a question mark, src and pat
// must be identical.
if (chSrc != chPat) { return FALSE; } }
// Advance when pattern character matches string character
Pattern++; Start++; }
// Fail when there is more pattern and pattern does not end in an asterisk
chPat = *Pattern; if (chPat && (chPat != L'*' || Pattern[1])) { return FALSE; }
return TRUE; }
Routine Description:
IsPatternMatchEx compares a string against a pattern that may contain any of the following expressions:
* - Specifies zero or more characters ? - Specifies any one character *[set] - Specifies zero or more characters in set ?[set] - Specifies any one character in set *[n:set] - Specifies zero to n characters in set ?[n:set] - Specifies exactly n characters in set *[!(set)] - Specifies zero or more characters not in set ?[!(set)] - Specifies one character not in set *[n:!(set)] - Specifies zero to n characters not in set ?[n:!(set)] - Specifies exactly n characters not in set *[set1,!(set2)] - Specifies zero or more characters in set1 and not in set2. It is assumed that set1 and set2 overlap. ?[set1,!(set2)] - Specifies one character in set1 and not in set2. *[n:set1,!(set2)] - Specifies zero to n characters in set1 and not in set 2. ?[n:set1,!(set2)] - Specifies exactly n characters in set1 and not in set 2.
set, set1 and set2 are specified as follows:
a - Specifies a single character a-b - Specifies a character range a,b - Specifies two characters a-b,c-d - Specifies two character ranges a,b-c - Specifies a single character and a character range etc...
Patterns can be joined by surrounding the entire expression in greater than/less than braces.
Because of the syntax characters, the following characters must be escaped by preceeding the character with a caret (^):
^? ^[ ^- ^< ^! ^^ ^* ^] ^: ^> ^,
Here are some examples:
To specify any GUID: {?[8:0-9,a-f]-?[4:0-9,a-f]-?[4:0-9,a-f]-?[4:0-9,a-f]-?[12:0-9,a-f]}
To specify a 32-bit hexadecimal number:
Pattern - A pattern possibly containing wildcards Start - The string to compare against the pattern End - Specifies the end of Start
Return Value:
TRUE when the string between Start and End matches Pattern when wildcards are expanded. FALSE if the pattern does not match.
BOOL IsPatternMatchExA ( IN PCSTR Pattern, IN PCSTR Start, IN PCSTR End ) { PPARSEDPATTERNA Handle; BOOL b;
Handle = CreateParsedPatternA (Pattern); if (!Handle) { return FALSE; }
b = TestParsedPatternABA (Handle, Start, End);
DestroyParsedPatternA (Handle);
return b; }
Handle = CreateParsedPatternW (Pattern); if (!Handle) { return FALSE; }
b = TestParsedPatternABW (Handle, Start, End);
DestroyParsedPatternW (Handle);
return b; }
Routine Description:
pAppendCharToGrowBuffer copies the first character in a caller specified string into the specified grow buffer. This function is used to build up a string inside a grow buffer, copying character by character.
Buf - Specifies the grow buffer to add the character to, receives the character in its buffer PtrToChar - Specifies a pointer to the character to copy
Return Value:
VOID pAppendCharToGrowBufferA ( IN OUT PGROWBUFFER Buf, IN PCSTR PtrToChar ) { PBYTE p; UINT Len;
if (IsLeadByte (*PtrToChar) && PtrToChar[1]) { Len = 2; } else { Len = 1; }
p = GrowBuffer (Buf, Len); CopyMemory (p, PtrToChar, Len); }
VOID pAppendCharToGrowBufferW ( IN OUT PGROWBUFFER Buf, IN PCWSTR PtrToChar ) { PBYTE p;
p = GrowBuffer (Buf, sizeof(WCHAR)); CopyMemory (p, PtrToChar, sizeof(WCHAR)); }
Routine Description:
CreateParsedPattern parses the expanded pattern string into a set of structures. Parsing is considered expensive relative to testing the pattern, so callers should avoid calling this function inside loops. See IsPatternMatchEx for a good description of the pattern string syntax.
Pattern - Specifies the pattern string, which can include the extended wildcard syntax.
Return Value:
A pointer to a parsed pattern structure, which the caller will use like a handle, or NULL if a syntax error occurred.
Pool = PoolMemInitNamedPool ("Parsed Pattern");
Struct = (PPARSEDPATTERNA) PoolMemGetAlignedMemory (Pool, sizeof (PARSEDPATTERNA));
ZeroMemory (Struct, sizeof (PARSEDPATTERNA));
for (;;) {
switch (State) {
// Here we test for either a compound pattern (one that
// is a brace-separated list), or a simple pattern (one
// that does not have a brace).
if (_mbsnextc (Pattern) == '<') { CompoundPattern = TRUE; State = BEGIN_COMPOUND_PATTERN; } else if (*Pattern) { State = BEGIN_PATTERN_EXPR; } else { State = PATTERN_DONE; }
// We are looking for the start of a compound pattern.
// Space is allowed inbetween the patterns, but not
// at the start.
while (isspace (_mbsnextc (Pattern))) { Pattern = _mbsinc (Pattern); }
if (*Pattern == 0) { State = PATTERN_DONE; break; }
if (_mbsnextc (Pattern) == '<') { Pattern = _mbsinc (Pattern); State = BEGIN_PATTERN_EXPR; } else { DEBUGMSGA ((DBG_ERROR, "Syntax error in pattern: %s", Pattern)); State = PATTERN_ERROR; }
// We are now ready to condense the expression.
State = PARSE_CHAR_EXPR_OR_END; ExactMatchBuf.End = 0; SegmentArray.End = 0; break;
if (ExactMatchBuf.End) { ReturnState = State; State = SAVE_EXACT_MATCH; }
// Copy the segment array into the pool, reference the copy
// in the pattern array
if (SegmentArray.End) { CurrentPattern = (PPATTERNPROPSA) GrowBuffer (&PatternArray, sizeof (PATTERNPROPSA));
CurrentPattern->Segment = (PSEGMENTA) PoolMemGetAlignedMemory (Pool, SegmentArray.End); CurrentPattern->SegmentCount = SegmentArray.End / sizeof (SEGMENTA);
CopyMemory ( CurrentPattern->Segment, SegmentArray.Buf, SegmentArray.End ); }
if (CompoundPattern && *Pattern) { State = BEGIN_COMPOUND_PATTERN; } else { State = PATTERN_DONE; }
// We now accept the following:
// 1. The end of the string or end of a compound pattern
// 2. An escaped character
// 3. The start of an expression
// 4. A non-syntax character
ch = _mbsnextc (Pattern); if (ch == '>' && CompoundPattern) {
// Case 1, we found the end of a compound pattern
Pattern = _mbsinc (Pattern); State = PARSE_END_FOUND; break;
if (*Pattern == 0) {
// Case 1, we found the end of the pattern
if (CompoundPattern) { State = PATTERN_ERROR; } else { State = PARSE_END_FOUND; }
break; }
if (ch == '^') { //
// Case 2, we found an escaped character, so transfer
// it to the buffer.
Pattern = _mbsinc (Pattern); pAppendCharToGrowBufferA (&ExactMatchBuf, Pattern); Pattern = _mbsinc (Pattern); break; }
if (ch == '*' || ch == '?') { //
// Case 3, we found an expression. Save the wildcard type
// and parse the optional args.
if (ExactMatchBuf.End) { State = SAVE_EXACT_MATCH; ReturnState = PARSE_CHAR_EXPR_OR_END; break; }
ZeroMemory (&Segment, sizeof (Segment));
if (ch == '*') { Segment.Type = SEGMENTTYPE_OPTIONAL; } else { Segment.Type = SEGMENTTYPE_REQUIRED; Segment.Wildcard.MaxLen = 1; }
Pattern = _mbsinc (Pattern);
if (_mbsnextc (Pattern) == '[') { Pattern = _mbsinc (Pattern); State = LOOK_FOR_NUMBER; } else { ReturnState = PARSE_CHAR_EXPR_OR_END; State = SAVE_SEGMENT; }
break; }
// Case 4, we don't know about this character, so just copy it
// and continue parsing.
pAppendCharToGrowBufferA (&ExactMatchBuf, Pattern); Pattern = _mbsinc (Pattern);
// Put the string in ExactMatchBuf into a segment struct
pAppendCharToGrowBufferA (&ExactMatchBuf, ""); Segment.Exact.LowerCasePhrase = PoolMemDuplicateStringA ( Pool, (PCSTR) ExactMatchBuf.Buf ); Segment.Exact.PhraseBytes = ExactMatchBuf.End - sizeof (CHAR);
MYASSERT (Segment.Exact.LowerCasePhrase); _mbslwr ((PSTR) Segment.Exact.LowerCasePhrase);
Segment.Type = SEGMENTTYPE_EXACTMATCH; ExactMatchBuf.End = 0;
// Put the segment element into the segment array
SegmentElement = (PSEGMENTA) GrowBuffer (&SegmentArray, sizeof (SEGMENTA)); CopyMemory (SegmentElement, &Segment, sizeof (SEGMENTA)); Segment.Type = SEGMENTTYPE_UNKNOWN;
State = ReturnState; break;
// Here we are inside a bracket, and there is an optional
// numeric arg, which must be followed by a colon. Test
// that here.
LookAhead = Pattern; MaxLen = 0;
while (*LookAhead >= '0' && *LookAhead <= '9') {
MaxLen = MaxLen * 10 + (*LookAhead - '0'); LookAhead++; }
if (LookAhead > Pattern && _mbsnextc (LookAhead) == ':') { Pattern = _mbsinc (LookAhead);
// Check for special case syntax error: ?[0:]
if (Segment.Type == SEGMENTTYPE_EXACTMATCH && !MaxLen) { State = PATTERN_ERROR; break; }
Segment.Wildcard.MaxLen = MaxLen; }
SetBegin = Pattern; State = LOOK_FOR_INCLUDE;
SetBuf.End = 0;
// Here we are inside a bracket, past an optional numeric
// arg. Now we look for all the include sets, which are
// optional. We have the following possibilities:
// 1. End of set
// 2. An exclude set that needs to be skipped
// 3. A valid include set
// 4. Error
// We look at SetBegin, and not Pattern.
MYASSERT (SetBegin);
ch = _mbsnextc (SetBegin); if (ch == ']') { //
// Case 1: end of set
if (SetBuf.End) { pAppendCharToGrowBufferA (&SetBuf, ""); Segment.Wildcard.IncludeSet = PoolMemDuplicateStringA ( Pool, (PCSTR) SetBuf.Buf ); _mbslwr ((PSTR) Segment.Wildcard.IncludeSet); } else { Segment.Wildcard.IncludeSet = NULL; }
SetBuf.End = 0;
State = LOOK_FOR_EXCLUDE; SetBegin = Pattern; break; }
if (ch == '!') { //
// Case 2: an exclude set
SetBegin = _mbsinc (SetBegin); State = SKIP_EXCLUDE_SET; ReturnState = LOOK_FOR_INCLUDE; break; }
if (*SetBegin == 0) { State = PATTERN_ERROR; break; }
// Case 3: a valid include set.
State = CONDENSE_SET; ReturnState = LOOK_FOR_INCLUDE; break;
// Here we are inside a bracket, past an optional numeric
// arg. All include sets are in the condensing buffer.
// Now we look for all the exclude sets, which are
// optional. We have the following possibilities:
// 1. End of set
// 2. A valid exclude set
// 3. An include set that needs to be skipped
// 4. Error
// We look at SetBegin, and not Pattern.
ch = _mbsnextc (SetBegin); if (ch == ']') { //
// Case 1: end of set; we're done with this expr
if (SetBuf.End) { pAppendCharToGrowBufferA (&SetBuf, ""); Segment.Wildcard.ExcludeSet = PoolMemDuplicateStringA ( Pool, (PCSTR) SetBuf.Buf ); _mbslwr ((PSTR) Segment.Wildcard.ExcludeSet); } else { Segment.Wildcard.ExcludeSet = NULL; }
SetBuf.End = 0; State = SAVE_SEGMENT; ReturnState = PARSE_CHAR_EXPR_OR_END; Pattern = _mbsinc (SetBegin); break; }
if (ch == '!') { //
// Case 2: a valid exclude set; save it
SetBegin = _mbsinc (SetBegin);
if (_mbsnextc (SetBegin) != '(') { State = PATTERN_ERROR; break; }
SetBegin = _mbsinc (SetBegin);
State = CONDENSE_SET; ReturnState = LOOK_FOR_EXCLUDE; break; }
if (*SetBegin == 0) { State = PATTERN_ERROR; break; }
// Case 3: an include set that needs to be skipped.
State = SKIP_INCLUDE_SET; ReturnState = LOOK_FOR_EXCLUDE; break;
// Here SetBegin points to a set range, and it is our
// job to copy the range into the set buffer, and
// return back to the previous state.
// Copy the character at SetBegin
if (_mbsnextc (SetBegin) == '^') { SetBegin = _mbsinc (SetBegin); if (*SetBegin == 0) { State = PATTERN_ERROR; break; } } pAppendCharToGrowBufferA (&SetBuf, SetBegin);
// Check if this is a range or not
LookAhead = _mbsinc (SetBegin);
if (_mbsnextc (LookAhead) == '-') {
// Range, copy the character after the dash
SetBegin = _mbsinc (LookAhead); if (*SetBegin == 0) { State = PATTERN_ERROR; break; }
if (_mbsnextc (SetBegin) == '^') { SetBegin = _mbsinc (SetBegin); if (*SetBegin == 0) { State = PATTERN_ERROR; break; } } pAppendCharToGrowBufferA (&SetBuf, SetBegin);
} else {
// A single character, copy the character again
pAppendCharToGrowBufferA (&SetBuf, SetBegin); }
SetBegin = _mbsinc (SetBegin); ch = _mbsnextc (SetBegin);
// If this is an exclude set, we must have a closing paren
// or a comma
State = ReturnState;
if (ReturnState == LOOK_FOR_EXCLUDE) {
if (ch == ')') {
SetBegin = _mbsinc (SetBegin); ch = _mbsnextc (SetBegin);
} else if (ch != ',') { State = PATTERN_ERROR; } else { //
// Continue condensing the next part of this exclude set
State = CONDENSE_SET; } }
// We either need a comma or a close brace
if (ch == ',') { SetBegin = _mbsinc (SetBegin); } else if (ch != ']') { State = PATTERN_ERROR; }
// Skip over the parenthesis group, assuming it is syntatically
// correct, and return to the previous state.
if (_mbsnextc (SetBegin) != '(') { State = PATTERN_ERROR; break; }
SetBegin = _mbsinc (SetBegin);
while (*SetBegin) { if (_mbsnextc (SetBegin) == '^') {
SetBegin = _mbsinc (SetBegin);
} else if (_mbsnextc (SetBegin) == ')') {
if (IsLeadByte (SetBegin[0]) && SetBegin[1]) { SetBegin += 2; } else { SetBegin += 1; } }
if (*SetBegin == 0) { State = PATTERN_ERROR; break; }
SetBegin = _mbsinc (SetBegin);
// Now we are either at a comma or a close brace
ch = _mbsnextc (SetBegin); State = ReturnState;
if (ch == ',') { SetBegin = _mbsinc (SetBegin); } else if (ch != ']') { State = PATTERN_ERROR; }
// Skip to the next comma or closing brace. We know it is
// syntatically correct by now.
ch = 0;
while (*SetBegin) { ch = _mbsnextc (SetBegin); if (ch == '^') {
SetBegin = _mbsinc (SetBegin);
} else if (ch == ',' || ch == ']') {
SetBegin = _mbsinc (SetBegin); }
MYASSERT (*SetBegin);
if (ch == ',') { SetBegin = _mbsinc (SetBegin); }
State = ReturnState; break; }
if (State == PATTERN_DONE || State == PATTERN_ERROR) { break; } }
FreeGrowBuffer (&ExactMatchBuf); FreeGrowBuffer (&SetBuf); FreeGrowBuffer (&SegmentArray);
if (State == PATTERN_ERROR || PatternArray.End == 0) { FreeGrowBuffer (&PatternArray); PoolMemDestroyPool (Pool); return NULL; }
// Copy the fully parsed pattern array into the return struct
Struct->Pattern = (PPATTERNPROPSA) PoolMemGetAlignedMemory ( Pool, PatternArray.End );
CopyMemory (Struct->Pattern, PatternArray.Buf, PatternArray.End); Struct->PatternCount = PatternArray.End / sizeof (PATTERNPROPSA); Struct->Pool = Pool;
FreeGrowBuffer (&PatternArray);
return Struct; }
Pool = PoolMemInitNamedPool ("Parsed Pattern");
Struct = (PPARSEDPATTERNW) PoolMemGetAlignedMemory (Pool, sizeof (PARSEDPATTERNW));
ZeroMemory (Struct, sizeof (PARSEDPATTERNW));
for (;;) {
switch (State) {
// Here we test for either a compound pattern (one that
// is a brace-separated list), or a simple pattern (one
// that does not have a brace).
if (*Pattern == L'<') { CompoundPattern = TRUE; State = BEGIN_COMPOUND_PATTERN; } else if (*Pattern) { State = BEGIN_PATTERN_EXPR; } else { State = PATTERN_DONE; }
// We are looking for the start of a compound pattern.
// Space is allowed inbetween the patterns, but not
// at the start.
while (iswspace (*Pattern)) { Pattern++; }
if (*Pattern == 0) { State = PATTERN_DONE; break; }
if (*Pattern == L'<') { Pattern++; State = BEGIN_PATTERN_EXPR; } else { DEBUGMSGW ((DBG_ERROR, "Syntax error in pattern: %s", Pattern)); State = PATTERN_ERROR; }
// We are now ready to condense the expression.
State = PARSE_CHAR_EXPR_OR_END; ExactMatchBuf.End = 0; SegmentArray.End = 0; break;
if (ExactMatchBuf.End) { ReturnState = State; State = SAVE_EXACT_MATCH; }
// Copy the segment array into the pool, reference the copy
// in the pattern array
if (SegmentArray.End) { CurrentPattern = (PPATTERNPROPSW) GrowBuffer (&PatternArray, sizeof (PATTERNPROPSW));
CurrentPattern->Segment = (PSEGMENTW) PoolMemGetAlignedMemory (Pool, SegmentArray.End); CurrentPattern->SegmentCount = SegmentArray.End / sizeof (SEGMENTW);
CopyMemory ( CurrentPattern->Segment, SegmentArray.Buf, SegmentArray.End ); }
if (CompoundPattern && *Pattern) { State = BEGIN_COMPOUND_PATTERN; } else { State = PATTERN_DONE; }
// We now accept the following:
// 1. The end of the string or end of a compound pattern
// 2. An escaped character
// 3. The start of an expression
// 4. A non-syntax character
ch = *Pattern; if (ch == L'>' && CompoundPattern) {
// Case 1, we found the end of a compound pattern
Pattern++; State = PARSE_END_FOUND; break;
if (*Pattern == 0) {
// Case 1, we found the end of the pattern
if (CompoundPattern) { State = PATTERN_ERROR; } else { State = PARSE_END_FOUND; }
break; }
if (ch == L'^') { //
// Case 2, we found an escaped character, so transfer
// it to the buffer.
Pattern++; pAppendCharToGrowBufferW (&ExactMatchBuf, Pattern); Pattern++; break; }
if (ch == L'*' || ch == L'?') { //
// Case 3, we found an expression. Save the wildcard type
// and parse the optional args.
if (ExactMatchBuf.End) { State = SAVE_EXACT_MATCH; ReturnState = PARSE_CHAR_EXPR_OR_END; break; }
ZeroMemory (&Segment, sizeof (Segment));
if (ch == L'*') { Segment.Type = SEGMENTTYPE_OPTIONAL; } else { Segment.Type = SEGMENTTYPE_REQUIRED; Segment.Wildcard.MaxLen = 1; }
if (*Pattern == L'[') { Pattern++; State = LOOK_FOR_NUMBER; } else { ReturnState = PARSE_CHAR_EXPR_OR_END; State = SAVE_SEGMENT; }
break; }
// Case 4, we don't know about this character, so just copy it
// and continue parsing.
pAppendCharToGrowBufferW (&ExactMatchBuf, Pattern); Pattern++;
// Put the string in ExactMatchBuf into a segment struct
pAppendCharToGrowBufferW (&ExactMatchBuf, L""); Segment.Exact.LowerCasePhrase = PoolMemDuplicateStringW ( Pool, (PCWSTR) ExactMatchBuf.Buf ); Segment.Exact.PhraseBytes = ExactMatchBuf.End - sizeof (WCHAR);
MYASSERT (Segment.Exact.LowerCasePhrase); _wcslwr ((PWSTR) Segment.Exact.LowerCasePhrase);
Segment.Type = SEGMENTTYPE_EXACTMATCH; ExactMatchBuf.End = 0;
// Put the segment element into the segment array
SegmentElement = (PSEGMENTW) GrowBuffer (&SegmentArray, sizeof (SEGMENTW)); CopyMemory (SegmentElement, &Segment, sizeof (SEGMENTW)); Segment.Type = SEGMENTTYPE_UNKNOWN;
State = ReturnState; break;
// Here we are inside a bracket, and there is an optional
// numeric arg, which must be followed by a colon. Test
// that here.
LookAhead = Pattern; MaxLen = 0;
while (*LookAhead >= L'0' && *LookAhead <= L'9') {
MaxLen = MaxLen * 10 + (*LookAhead - L'0'); LookAhead++; }
if (LookAhead > Pattern && *LookAhead == L':') { Pattern = LookAhead + 1;
// Check for special case syntax error: ?[0:]
if (Segment.Type == SEGMENTTYPE_EXACTMATCH && !MaxLen) { State = PATTERN_ERROR; break; }
Segment.Wildcard.MaxLen = MaxLen; }
SetBegin = Pattern; State = LOOK_FOR_INCLUDE;
SetBuf.End = 0;
// Here we are inside a bracket, past an optional numeric
// arg. Now we look for all the include sets, which are
// optional. We have the following possibilities:
// 1. End of set
// 2. An exclude set that needs to be skipped
// 3. A valid include set
// 4. Error
// We look at SetBegin, and not Pattern.
MYASSERT (SetBegin);
ch = *SetBegin; if (ch == L']') { //
// Case 1: end of set
if (SetBuf.End) { pAppendCharToGrowBufferW (&SetBuf, L""); Segment.Wildcard.IncludeSet = PoolMemDuplicateStringW ( Pool, (PCWSTR) SetBuf.Buf ); _wcslwr ((PWSTR) Segment.Wildcard.IncludeSet); } else { Segment.Wildcard.IncludeSet = NULL; }
SetBuf.End = 0;
State = LOOK_FOR_EXCLUDE; SetBegin = Pattern; break; }
if (ch == L'!') { //
// Case 2: an exclude set
SetBegin++; State = SKIP_EXCLUDE_SET; ReturnState = LOOK_FOR_INCLUDE; break; }
if (*SetBegin == 0) { State = PATTERN_ERROR; break; }
// Case 3: a valid include set.
State = CONDENSE_SET; ReturnState = LOOK_FOR_INCLUDE; break;
// Here we are inside a bracket, past an optional numeric
// arg. All include sets are in the condensing buffer.
// Now we look for all the exclude sets, which are
// optional. We have the following possibilities:
// 1. End of set
// 2. A valid exclude set
// 3. An include set that needs to be skipped
// 4. Error
// We look at SetBegin, and not Pattern.
ch = *SetBegin; if (ch == L']') { //
// Case 1: end of set; we're done with this expr
if (SetBuf.End) { pAppendCharToGrowBufferW (&SetBuf, L""); Segment.Wildcard.ExcludeSet = PoolMemDuplicateStringW ( Pool, (PCWSTR) SetBuf.Buf ); _wcslwr ((PWSTR) Segment.Wildcard.ExcludeSet); } else { Segment.Wildcard.ExcludeSet = NULL; }
SetBuf.End = 0; State = SAVE_SEGMENT; ReturnState = PARSE_CHAR_EXPR_OR_END; Pattern = SetBegin + 1; break; }
if (ch == L'!') { //
// Case 2: a valid exclude set; save it
if (*SetBegin != L'(') { State = PATTERN_ERROR; break; }
State = CONDENSE_SET; ReturnState = LOOK_FOR_EXCLUDE; break; }
if (*SetBegin == 0) { State = PATTERN_ERROR; break; }
// Case 3: an include set that needs to be skipped.
State = SKIP_INCLUDE_SET; ReturnState = LOOK_FOR_EXCLUDE; break;
// Here SetBegin points to a set range, and it is our
// job to copy the range into the set buffer, and
// return back to the previous state.
// Copy the character at SetBegin
if (*SetBegin == L'^') { SetBegin++; if (*SetBegin == 0) { State = PATTERN_ERROR; break; } } pAppendCharToGrowBufferW (&SetBuf, SetBegin);
// Check if this is a range or not
LookAhead = SetBegin + 1;
if (*LookAhead == L'-') {
// Range, copy the character after the dash
SetBegin = LookAhead + 1; if (*SetBegin == 0) { State = PATTERN_ERROR; break; }
if (*SetBegin == L'^') { SetBegin++; if (*SetBegin == 0) { State = PATTERN_ERROR; break; } } pAppendCharToGrowBufferW (&SetBuf, SetBegin);
} else {
// A single character, copy the character again
pAppendCharToGrowBufferW (&SetBuf, SetBegin); }
SetBegin++; ch = *SetBegin;
// If this is an exclude set, we must have a closing paren
// or a comma
State = ReturnState;
if (ReturnState == LOOK_FOR_EXCLUDE) {
if (ch == L')') {
SetBegin++; ch = *SetBegin;
} else if (ch != L',') { State = PATTERN_ERROR; } else { //
// Continue condensing the next part of this exclude set
State = CONDENSE_SET; } }
// We either need a comma or a close brace
if (ch == L',') { SetBegin++; } else if (ch != L']') { State = PATTERN_ERROR; }
// Skip over the parenthesis group, assuming it is syntatically
// correct, and return to the previous state.
if (*SetBegin != L'(') { State = PATTERN_ERROR; break; }
while (*SetBegin) { if (*SetBegin == L'^') {
} else if (*SetBegin == L')') {
SetBegin++; }
if (*SetBegin == 0) { State = PATTERN_ERROR; break; }
// Now we are either at a comma or a close brace
ch = *SetBegin; State = ReturnState;
if (ch == L',') { SetBegin++; } else if (ch != L']') { State = PATTERN_ERROR; }
// Skip to the next comma or closing brace. We know it is
// syntatically correct by now.
ch = 0;
while (*SetBegin) { ch = *SetBegin; if (ch == L'^') {
} else if (ch == L',' || ch == L']') {
SetBegin++; }
MYASSERT (*SetBegin);
if (ch == L',') { SetBegin++; }
State = ReturnState; break; }
if (State == PATTERN_DONE || State == PATTERN_ERROR) { break; } }
FreeGrowBuffer (&ExactMatchBuf); FreeGrowBuffer (&SetBuf); FreeGrowBuffer (&SegmentArray);
if (State == PATTERN_ERROR || PatternArray.End == 0) { FreeGrowBuffer (&PatternArray); PoolMemDestroyPool (Pool); return NULL; }
// Copy the fully parsed pattern array into the return struct
Struct->Pattern = (PPATTERNPROPSW) PoolMemGetAlignedMemory ( Pool, PatternArray.End );
CopyMemory (Struct->Pattern, PatternArray.Buf, PatternArray.End); Struct->PatternCount = PatternArray.End / sizeof (PATTERNPROPSW); Struct->Pool = Pool;
FreeGrowBuffer (&PatternArray);
return Struct; }
Routine Description:
PrintPattern is used for debugging the pattern parsing and testing functions.
PatStr - Specifies the original pattern string (which is printed as a heading) Struct - Specifies the parsed pattern struct
Return Value:
{ UINT u, v;
printf ("Pattern: %s\n\n", PatStr);
if (!Struct) { printf ("Invalid Pattern\n\n"); return; }
printf ("PatternCount: %u\n", Struct->PatternCount); printf ("Pool: 0x%08X\n", Struct->Pool);
for (u = 0 ; u < Struct->PatternCount ; u++) {
printf (" Segment Count: %u\n", Struct->Pattern[u].SegmentCount);
for (v = 0 ; v < Struct->Pattern->SegmentCount ; v++) { printf (" Type: ");
switch (Struct->Pattern[u].Segment[v].Type) {
case SEGMENTTYPE_EXACTMATCH: printf ("SEGMENTTYPE_EXACTMATCH\n"); printf (" String: %s\n", Struct->Pattern[u].Segment[v].Exact.LowerCasePhrase); printf (" Bytes: %u\n", Struct->Pattern[u].Segment[v].Exact.PhraseBytes); break;
case SEGMENTTYPE_OPTIONAL: printf ("SEGMENTTYPE_OPTIONAL\n"); printf (" MaxLen: %u\n", Struct->Pattern[u].Segment[v].Wildcard.MaxLen); printf (" IncludeSet: %s\n", Struct->Pattern[u].Segment[v].Wildcard.IncludeSet); printf (" ExcludeSet: %s\n", Struct->Pattern[u].Segment[v].Wildcard.ExcludeSet); break;
case SEGMENTTYPE_REQUIRED: printf ("SEGMENTTYPE_REQUIRED\n"); printf (" MaxLen: %u\n", Struct->Pattern[u].Segment[v].Wildcard.MaxLen); printf (" IncludeSet: %s\n", Struct->Pattern[u].Segment[v].Wildcard.IncludeSet); printf (" ExcludeSet: %s\n", Struct->Pattern[u].Segment[v].Wildcard.ExcludeSet); break; } }
printf ("\n"); }
Routine Description:
TestParsedPattern finds the end of the string to test and calls TestParsedPatternAB.
ParsedPattern - Specifies the parsed pattern structure as returned by CreateParsedPattern StringToTest - Specifies the string to test against the pattern
Return Value:
TRUE if the string fits the pattern, FALSE if it does not
BOOL TestParsedPatternA ( IN PPARSEDPATTERNA ParsedPattern, IN PCSTR StringToTest ) { PCSTR EndPlusOne = GetEndOfStringA (StringToTest);
return TestParsedPatternABA (ParsedPattern, StringToTest, EndPlusOne); }
BOOL TestParsedPatternW ( IN PPARSEDPATTERNW ParsedPattern, IN PCWSTR StringToTest ) { PCWSTR EndPlusOne = GetEndOfStringW (StringToTest);
return TestParsedPatternABW (ParsedPattern, StringToTest, EndPlusOne); }
Routine Description:
pTestSet tests a character against an include and exclude set. The sets are formatted in pairs of characters, where the first character in the pair is the low range, and the second character in the pair is the high range. The specified character will automatically be lower-cased, and all whitespace characters are tested against the space character (ascii 32).
ch - Specifies the character to test. This character is converted to lower case before the test. IncludeSet - Specifies the set of characters that ch must be a member of. If NULL is specified, then the include set is all characters. ExcludeSet - Specifies the range of characters that ch cannot be a member of. If NULL is specified, then no characters are excluded.
Return Value:
TRUE if ch is in the include set and not in the exclude set; FALSE otherwise.
BOOL pTestSetA ( IN MBCHAR ch, IN PCSTR IncludeSet, OPTIONAL IN PCSTR ExcludeSet OPTIONAL ) { MBCHAR LowChar, HighChar; BOOL b = TRUE;
if (isspace (ch)) { if (ch != ' ') { if (pTestSetA (' ', IncludeSet, ExcludeSet)) { return TRUE; } } } else { ch = _mbctolower (ch); }
if (IncludeSet) {
b = FALSE;
while (*IncludeSet) {
LowChar = _mbsnextc (IncludeSet); IncludeSet = _mbsinc (IncludeSet); HighChar = _mbsnextc (IncludeSet); IncludeSet = _mbsinc (IncludeSet);
if (ch >= LowChar && ch <= HighChar) { b = TRUE; break; } } }
if (b && ExcludeSet) {
while (*ExcludeSet) {
LowChar = _mbsnextc (ExcludeSet); ExcludeSet = _mbsinc (ExcludeSet); HighChar = _mbsnextc (ExcludeSet); ExcludeSet = _mbsinc (ExcludeSet);
if (ch >= LowChar && ch <= HighChar) { b = FALSE; break; } } }
return b; }
BOOL pTestSetW ( IN WCHAR ch, IN PCWSTR IncludeSet, OPTIONAL IN PCWSTR ExcludeSet OPTIONAL ) { WCHAR LowChar, HighChar; BOOL b = TRUE;
if (iswspace (ch)) { if (ch != L' ') { if (pTestSetW (L' ', IncludeSet, ExcludeSet)) { return TRUE; } } } else { ch = towlower (ch); }
if (IncludeSet) {
b = FALSE;
while (*IncludeSet) {
LowChar = *IncludeSet++; HighChar = *IncludeSet++;
if (ch >= LowChar && ch <= HighChar) { b = TRUE; break; } } }
if (b && ExcludeSet) {
while (*ExcludeSet) {
LowChar = *ExcludeSet++; HighChar = *ExcludeSet++;
if (ch >= LowChar && ch <= HighChar) { b = FALSE; break; } } }
return b; }
Routine Description:
pTestOnePatternAB tests a string against a parsed pattern. It loops through each segment in the pattern, and calls itself recursively in certain circumstances.
Pattern - Specifies the parsed pattern, as returned from CreateParsedPattern StartSeg - Specifies the segment within Pattern to start testing. This is used for recursion and outside callers should pass in 0. StringToTest - Specifies the string to test against Pattern. In recursion, this member will be a pointer to the start of the sub string to test. EndPlusOne - Specifies one character beyond the end of the string. This typically points to the nul terminator.
Return Value:
TRUE if the string between StringToTest and EndPlusOne fits Pattern. FALSE otherwise.
BOOL pTestOnePatternABA ( IN PPATTERNPROPSA Pattern, IN UINT StartSeg, IN PCSTR StringToTest, IN PCSTR EndPlusOne ) { UINT u; PSEGMENTA Segment; MBCHAR ch1, ch2; PCSTR q; PCSTR TempEnd; UINT BytesLeft; UINT Chars;
for (u = StartSeg ; u < Pattern->SegmentCount ; u++) {
Segment = &Pattern->Segment[u];
switch (Segment->Type) {
// Check if the exact match is long enough, or if
// the remaining string must match
BytesLeft = (PBYTE) EndPlusOne - (PBYTE) StringToTest;
if (u + 1 == Pattern->SegmentCount) { if (BytesLeft != Segment->Exact.PhraseBytes) { return FALSE; } } else if (BytesLeft < Segment->Exact.PhraseBytes) { return FALSE; }
// Compare the strings
q = Segment->Exact.LowerCasePhrase;
TempEnd = (PCSTR) ((PBYTE) q + Segment->Exact.PhraseBytes);
ch1 = 0; ch2 = 1;
while (q < TempEnd) {
ch1 = _mbsnextc (StringToTest); ch2 = _mbsnextc (q);
ch1 = _mbctolower (ch1);
if (ch1 != ch2) { if (ch2 == ' ') { if (!isspace (ch1)) { break; } } else { break; } }
q = _mbsinc (q); StringToTest = _mbsinc (StringToTest); }
if (ch1 != ch2) { return FALSE; }
// Continue onto next segment
case SEGMENTTYPE_REQUIRED: MYASSERT (Segment->Wildcard.MaxLen > 0);
// Verify there are the correct number of characters
// in the specified char set
Chars = Segment->Wildcard.MaxLen; if (Segment->Wildcard.IncludeSet || Segment->Wildcard.ExcludeSet) { while (StringToTest < EndPlusOne && Chars > 0) {
if (!pTestSetA ( _mbsnextc (StringToTest), Segment->Wildcard.IncludeSet, Segment->Wildcard.ExcludeSet )) { return FALSE; }
Chars--; StringToTest = _mbsinc (StringToTest); } } else { while (StringToTest < EndPlusOne && Chars > 0) { Chars--; StringToTest = _mbsinc (StringToTest); } }
if (Chars) { return FALSE; }
if (u + 1 == Pattern->SegmentCount) { if (*StringToTest) { return FALSE; } }
// Continue onto next segment
if (Segment->Wildcard.MaxLen == 0) { //
// Last segment is "anything"
if (u + 1 == Pattern->SegmentCount && !Segment->Wildcard.IncludeSet && !Segment->Wildcard.ExcludeSet ) { return TRUE; } }
// Find end of optional text
TempEnd = StringToTest; Chars = Segment->Wildcard.MaxLen;
if (Segment->Wildcard.IncludeSet || Segment->Wildcard.ExcludeSet) {
if (Chars) { while (TempEnd < EndPlusOne && Chars > 0) {
if (!pTestSetA ( _mbsnextc (TempEnd), Segment->Wildcard.IncludeSet, Segment->Wildcard.ExcludeSet )) { break; }
TempEnd = _mbsinc (TempEnd); Chars--; }
} else {
while (TempEnd < EndPlusOne) {
if (!pTestSetA ( _mbsnextc (TempEnd), Segment->Wildcard.IncludeSet, Segment->Wildcard.ExcludeSet )) { break; }
TempEnd = _mbsinc (TempEnd); } }
} else if (Chars) {
while (TempEnd < EndPlusOne && Chars > 0) { TempEnd = _mbsinc (TempEnd); Chars--; }
} else { TempEnd = EndPlusOne; }
// If this is the last segment, then match only when
// the remaining text fits
if (u + 1 == Pattern->SegmentCount) { return TempEnd >= EndPlusOne; }
// Because other segments exist, we must check recursively
do { if (pTestOnePatternABA (Pattern, u + 1, StringToTest, EndPlusOne)) { return TRUE; }
StringToTest = _mbsinc (StringToTest);
} while (StringToTest <= TempEnd);
// No match
return FALSE; } }
return TRUE; }
BOOL pTestOnePatternABW ( IN PPATTERNPROPSW Pattern, IN UINT StartSeg, IN PCWSTR StringToTest, IN PCWSTR EndPlusOne ) { UINT u; PSEGMENTW Segment; WCHAR ch1, ch2; PCWSTR q; PCWSTR TempEnd; UINT BytesLeft; UINT Chars;
for (u = StartSeg ; u < Pattern->SegmentCount ; u++) {
Segment = &Pattern->Segment[u];
switch (Segment->Type) {
// Check if the exact match is long enough, or if
// the remaining string must match
BytesLeft = (PBYTE) EndPlusOne - (PBYTE) StringToTest;
if (u + 1 == Pattern->SegmentCount) { if (BytesLeft != Segment->Exact.PhraseBytes) { return FALSE; } } else if (BytesLeft < Segment->Exact.PhraseBytes) { return FALSE; }
// Compare the strings
q = Segment->Exact.LowerCasePhrase;
TempEnd = (PCWSTR) ((PBYTE) q + Segment->Exact.PhraseBytes);
ch1 = 0; ch2 = 1;
while (q < TempEnd) {
ch1 = towlower (*StringToTest); ch2 = *q;
if (ch1 != ch2) { if (ch2 == L' ') { if (!iswspace (ch1)) { break; } } else { break; } }
q++; StringToTest++; }
if (ch1 != ch2) { return FALSE; }
// Continue onto next segment
case SEGMENTTYPE_REQUIRED: MYASSERT (Segment->Wildcard.MaxLen > 0);
// Verify there are the correct number of characters
// in the specified char set
Chars = Segment->Wildcard.MaxLen; if (Segment->Wildcard.IncludeSet || Segment->Wildcard.ExcludeSet) { while (StringToTest < EndPlusOne && Chars > 0) {
if (!pTestSetW ( *StringToTest, Segment->Wildcard.IncludeSet, Segment->Wildcard.ExcludeSet )) { return FALSE; }
Chars--; StringToTest++; }
if (Chars) { return FALSE; }
} else { StringToTest += Chars;
if (StringToTest > EndPlusOne) { return FALSE; } }
if (u + 1 == Pattern->SegmentCount) { if (*StringToTest) { return FALSE; } }
// Continue onto next segment
if (Segment->Wildcard.MaxLen == 0) { //
// Last segment is "anything"
if (u + 1 == Pattern->SegmentCount && !Segment->Wildcard.IncludeSet && !Segment->Wildcard.ExcludeSet ) { return TRUE; } }
// Find end of optional text
TempEnd = StringToTest; Chars = Segment->Wildcard.MaxLen;
if (Segment->Wildcard.IncludeSet || Segment->Wildcard.ExcludeSet) {
if (Chars) { while (TempEnd < EndPlusOne && Chars > 0) {
if (!pTestSetW ( *TempEnd, Segment->Wildcard.IncludeSet, Segment->Wildcard.ExcludeSet )) { break; }
TempEnd++; Chars--; }
} else {
while (TempEnd < EndPlusOne) {
if (!pTestSetW ( *TempEnd, Segment->Wildcard.IncludeSet, Segment->Wildcard.ExcludeSet )) { break; }
TempEnd++; } }
} else if (Chars) {
TempEnd += Chars; if (TempEnd > EndPlusOne) { TempEnd = EndPlusOne; }
} else { TempEnd = EndPlusOne; }
// If this is the last segment, then match only when
// the remaining text fits
if (u + 1 == Pattern->SegmentCount) { return TempEnd >= EndPlusOne; }
// Because other segments exist, we must check recursively
do { if (pTestOnePatternABW (Pattern, u + 1, StringToTest, EndPlusOne)) { return TRUE; }
} while (StringToTest <= TempEnd);
// No match
return FALSE; } }
return TRUE; }
Routine Description:
TestParsedPattternAB loops through all the patterns in ParsedPattern, testing the specified string against each. The loop stops at the first match.
ParsedPattern - Specifies the parsed pattern, as returned from CreateParsedPattern StringToTest - Specifies the start of the string to test. EndPlusOne - Specifies a pointer to the first character after the end of the string. This often points to the nul at the end of the string. A nul must not exist in between StringToTest and EndPlusOne; a nul can only be at *EndPlusOne. A nul is not required.
Return Value:
TRUE if the string specified between StringToTest and EndPlusOne matches Pattern. FALSE otherwise.
BOOL TestParsedPatternABA ( IN PPARSEDPATTERNA ParsedPattern, IN PCSTR StringToTest, IN PCSTR EndPlusOne ) { UINT u; BOOL b = FALSE;
for (u = 0 ; u < ParsedPattern->PatternCount ; u++) {
b = pTestOnePatternABA ( &ParsedPattern->Pattern[u], 0, StringToTest, EndPlusOne );
if (b) { break; } }
return b; }
BOOL TestParsedPatternABW ( IN PPARSEDPATTERNW ParsedPattern, IN PCWSTR StringToTest, IN PCWSTR EndPlusOne ) { UINT u; BOOL b = FALSE;
for (u = 0 ; u < ParsedPattern->PatternCount ; u++) {
b = pTestOnePatternABW ( &ParsedPattern->Pattern[u], 0, StringToTest, EndPlusOne );
if (b) { break; } }
return b; }
Routine Description:
DestroyParsedPattern cleans up a pattern allocated from CreateParsedPattern.
ParsedPattern - Specifies the value returned from CreateParsedPattern.
Return Value:
VOID DestroyParsedPatternA ( IN PPARSEDPATTERNA ParsedPattern ) { if (ParsedPattern) { PoolMemDestroyPool (ParsedPattern->Pool); } }
VOID DestroyParsedPatternW ( IN PPARSEDPATTERNW ParsedPattern ) { if (ParsedPattern) { PoolMemDestroyPool (ParsedPattern->Pool); } }
void _copymbchar ( OUT PSTR sz1, IN PCSTR sz2 )
Routine Description:
_copymbchar transfers the character at sz2 to sz1, which may be one or two bytes long.
sz1 - The destination string sz2 - The source string
Return Value:
{ if (IsLeadByte (*sz2)) sz1[1] = sz2[1];
*sz1 = *sz2; }
Routine Description:
_tcsctrim removes character c from the end of str if it exists. It removes only one character at the most.
str - A pointer to the string that may have character c at the end c - The character that may be at the end of the string
Return Value:
TRUE if character c was at the end of the string, or FALSE if it was not.
BOOL _mbsctrim ( OUT PSTR str, IN MBCHAR c ) { PSTR end;
end = GetEndOfStringA (str); end = _mbsdec (str, end); if (end && _mbsnextc (end) == c) { *end = 0; return TRUE; }
return FALSE; }
BOOL _wcsctrim ( PWSTR str, WCHAR c ) { PWSTR end;
end = GetEndOfStringW (str); end == str ? end = NULL : end--; if (end && *end == c) { *end = 0; return TRUE; }
return FALSE; }
Routine Description:
The FreeStringResourceEx functions are used to free a recently used string that is not being passed back to the caller. In almost all cases, this string is at the end of our array of pointers, so we can efficiently search sequentially in reverse order. If the pointer is not the last element of the array, it is first swapped with the real last element of the array so the array size is reduced.
AllocTable - The GROWBUFFER table that holds the list of previously allocated strings (return values of ParseMessageEx or GetResourceStringEx). String - A pointer to the string that is in AllocTable
Return Value:
VOID FreeStringResourceExA ( IN PGROWBUFFER AllocTable, IN PCSTR String ) { LPCTSTR *Ptr, *End, *Start;
if (!String || String == (PCSTR) g_FailedGetResourceString) { return; }
// Locate string (search sequentially in reverse order)
if (AllocTable->End < sizeof (PCSTR)) { DEBUGMSG ((DBG_ERROR, "FreeStringResourceA: Attempt to free address %x (%s); address table empty", String, String)); return; }
Start = (PCSTR *) AllocTable->Buf; End = (PCSTR *) (AllocTable->Buf + AllocTable->End - sizeof (PCSTR));
Ptr = End; while (Ptr >= Start) { if (*Ptr == String) { break; } Ptr--; }
// String not found case
if (Ptr < Start) { DEBUGMSG ((DBG_ERROR, "FreeStringResourceA: Attempt to free address %x (%s); address not found in table", String, String)); return; }
// Free LocalAlloc'd memory
LocalFree ((HLOCAL) String);
// If this element is not the end, copy real end to the ptr
if (Ptr < End) { *Ptr = *End; }
// Shrink buffer size
AllocTable->End -= sizeof (PCSTR); }
VOID FreeStringResourcePtrExA ( IN PGROWBUFFER AllocTable, IN OUT PCSTR * String ) { if (NULL != *String) { FreeStringResourceExA(AllocTable, *String); *String = NULL; } }
VOID FreeStringResourceExW ( IN PGROWBUFFER AllocTable, IN PCWSTR String ) { FreeStringResourceExA (AllocTable, (PCSTR) String); }
VOID FreeStringResourcePtrExW ( IN PGROWBUFFER AllocTable, IN OUT PCWSTR * String ) { if (NULL != *String) { FreeStringResourceExW(AllocTable, *String); *String = NULL; } }
Routine Description:
The pAddStringResource function is used to track pointers allocated by FormatMessage. They are added to an array (maintained in a GROWBUFFER structure). This table of pointers is used by FreeStringResource or StringResourceFree.
String - A pointer to a LocalAlloc'd string (the return value of FormatMessage). This string is added to a table of allocated strings.
Return Value:
VOID pAddStringResource ( IN PGROWBUFFER GrowBuf, IN PCSTR String ) { PCSTR *Ptr;
Ptr = (PCSTR *) GrowBuffer (GrowBuf, sizeof (PCSTR)); if (Ptr) { *Ptr = String; } ELSE_DEBUGMSG ((DBG_ERROR, "pAddStringResource: GrowBuffer failure caused memory leak")); }
Routine Description:
pFreeAllStringResourcesEx frees all strings currently listed in AllocTable. This function allows the caller to wait until all processing is done to clean up string resources that may have been allocated.
Return Value:
VOID pFreeAllStringResourcesEx ( IN PGROWBUFFER AllocTable ) { PCSTR *Ptr, *Start, *End;
if (AllocTable->End) { Start = (PCSTR *) AllocTable->Buf; End = (PCSTR *) (AllocTable->Buf + AllocTable->End);
for (Ptr = Start ; Ptr < End ; Ptr++) { LocalFree ((HLOCAL) (*Ptr)); } }
FreeGrowBuffer (AllocTable); }
Routine Description:
CreateAllocTable creates a GROWBUFFER structure that can be used with ParseMessageEx, GetStringResourceEx, FreeStringResourceEx and pFreeAllStringResourcesEx. Call this function to recieve a private allocation table to pass to these functions. Call DestroyAllocTable to clean up.
Return Value:
A pointer to a GROWBUFFER structure, or NULL if a memory allocation failed.
AllocTable = (PGROWBUFFER) MemAlloc (g_hHeap, 0, sizeof (GROWBUFFER)); CopyMemory (AllocTable, &TempForInit, sizeof (GROWBUFFER));
return AllocTable; }
Routine Description:
DestroyAllocTable cleans up all memory associated with an AllocTable.
AllocTable - A pointer to a GROWBUFFER structure allocated by CreateAllocTable
Return Value:
VOID DestroyAllocTable ( PGROWBUFFER AllocTable ) { MYASSERT (AllocTable); pFreeAllStringResourcesEx (AllocTable); MemFree (g_hHeap, 0, AllocTable); }
Routine Description:
BeginMessageProcessing enters a guarded section of code that plans to use the ParseMessage and GetStringResource functions, but needs cleanup at the end of processing.
EndMessageProcessing destroys all memory allocated within the message processing block, and leaves the guarded section.
Return Value:
BeginMessageProcessing returns FALSE if an out-of-memory condition occurrs.
BOOL BeginMessageProcessing ( VOID ) { if (!TryEnterOurCriticalSection (&g_MessageCs)) { DEBUGMSG ((DBG_ERROR, "Thread attempting to enter BeginMessageProcessing while another" "thread is processing messages as well.")); EnterOurCriticalSection (&g_MessageCs); }
g_LastAllocTable = g_ShortTermAllocTable; g_ShortTermAllocTable = CreateAllocTable();
MYASSERT (g_ShortTermAllocTable);
return TRUE; }
VOID EndMessageProcessing ( VOID ) { if (TryEnterOurCriticalSection (&g_MessageCs)) { DEBUGMSG ((DBG_ERROR, "Thread attempting to end message processing when it hasn't been started")); LeaveOurCriticalSection (&g_MessageCs); return; }
DestroyAllocTable (g_ShortTermAllocTable); g_ShortTermAllocTable = g_LastAllocTable; LeaveOurCriticalSection (&g_MessageCs); }
Routine Description:
ParseMessage is used to obtain a string from the executable's message table and parse it with FormatMessage. An array of arguments can be passed by the caller. FormatMessage will replace %1 with the first element of the array, %2 with the second element, and so on. The array does not need to be terminated, and if a message string uses %n, element n must be non-NULL.
Template - A string indicating which message to extract, or a WORD value cast as a string. (ParseMessageID does this cast via a macro.) ArgArray - Optional array of string pointers, where the meaning depends on the message string. A reference in the message string to %n requires element n of ArgArray to be a valid string pointer.
Return Value:
Pointer to the string allocated. Call StringResourceFree to free all allocated strings (a one-time cleanup for all strings). The pointer may be NULL if the resource does not exist or is empty.
PCSTR ParseMessageExA ( IN PGROWBUFFER AllocTable, IN PCSTR Template, IN PCSTR ArgArray[] ) { PSTR MsgBuf = NULL;
SetLastError (ERROR_SUCCESS); if (HIWORD (Template)) { // From string
FormatMessageA ( FORMAT_MESSAGE_ALLOCATE_BUFFER| FORMAT_MESSAGE_ARGUMENT_ARRAY| FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_STRING, (PVOID) Template, 0, 0, (PVOID) &MsgBuf, 0, (va_list *) ArgArray ); } else { // From resource
if (!MsgBuf && GetLastError() == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
// FormatMessage returns "fail" on a resource that is an empty
// string, but fortunately it does not alter the last error
MsgBuf = (PSTR) LocalAlloc (LPTR, sizeof (CHAR)); if (MsgBuf) { *MsgBuf = 0; }
if (MsgBuf) { pAddStringResource (AllocTable, MsgBuf); return MsgBuf; }
if (HIWORD (Template)) { DEBUGMSGA (( DBG_ERROR, "Can't get string resource ID %s -- returning an empty string", Template )); } else { DEBUGMSG (( DBG_ERROR, "Can't get string resource ID %u -- returning an empty string", (UINT) Template )); }
return (PCSTR) g_FailedGetResourceString; }
PCWSTR ParseMessageExW ( IN PGROWBUFFER AllocTable, IN PCWSTR Template, IN PCWSTR ArgArray[] ) { PWSTR MsgBuf = NULL;
SetLastError (ERROR_SUCCESS); if (HIWORD (Template)) { // From string
FormatMessageW ( FORMAT_MESSAGE_ALLOCATE_BUFFER| FORMAT_MESSAGE_ARGUMENT_ARRAY| FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_STRING, (PVOID) Template, 0, 0, (PVOID) &MsgBuf, 0, (va_list *) ArgArray ); } else { // From resource
if (!MsgBuf && GetLastError() == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
// FormatMessage returns "fail" on a resource that is an empty
// string, but fortunately it does not alter the last error
MsgBuf = (PWSTR) LocalAlloc (LPTR, sizeof (WCHAR)); if (MsgBuf) { *MsgBuf = 0; }
if (MsgBuf) { pAddStringResource (AllocTable, (PCSTR) MsgBuf); return MsgBuf; }
if (HIWORD (Template)) { DEBUGMSGW (( DBG_ERROR, "Can't get string resource ID %s -- returning an empty string", Template )); } else { DEBUGMSG (( DBG_ERROR, "Can't get string resource ID %u -- returning an empty string", (UINT) Template )); }
return g_FailedGetResourceString; }
Routine Description:
GetStringResourceEx is an argument-less wrapper of ParseMessageEx. It allows the caller to specify a message ID and recieve a pointer to the string if it exists, and a table to track FormatMessage's allocations.
AllocTable - A pointer to a GROWBUFFER structure that is used to maintain the handles of allocated strings ID - The ID of the message resource to retrieve
Return Value:
Pointer to the string allocated. The return pointer may be NULL if the resource does not exist or is empty.
Call FreeStringResource or DestroyAllocTable to clean up AllocTable.
PCSTR GetStringResourceExA ( IN OUT PGROWBUFFER AllocTable, IN UINT ID ) { return ParseMessageExA (AllocTable, (PSTR) (WORD) ID, NULL); }
PCWSTR GetStringResourceExW ( IN OUT PGROWBUFFER AllocTable, IN UINT ID ) { return ParseMessageExW (AllocTable, (PWSTR) (WORD) ID, NULL); }
Routine Description:
ParseMessageInWnd is used to exchange a string in a window with one from the executable's message table. It is provided for dialog box initialization, where a field in the dialog box requires dynamic data. The dialog box resource should contain a control with its window text set to the message string. Upon processing WM_INITDIALOG, the code should call ParseMessageInWnd, supplying the necessary ArgArray, so the dialog box is initialized with a dynamic message.
hwnd - The handle of a window whose title contains the message string ID ArgArray - Optional array of string pointers, where the meaning depends on the message string. A reference in the message string to %n requires element n of ArgArray to be a valid string pointer.
Return Value:
VOID ParseMessageInWndA ( HWND hwnd, PCSTR ArgArray[] ) { CHAR Buffer[512]; PCSTR ParsedMsg;
GetWindowTextA (hwnd, Buffer, 512); ParsedMsg = ParseMessageA (Buffer, ArgArray); if (ParsedMsg) { SetWindowTextA (hwnd, ParsedMsg); FreeStringResourceA (ParsedMsg); } }
VOID ParseMessageInWndW ( HWND hwnd, PCWSTR ArgArray[] ) { WCHAR Buffer[512]; PCWSTR ParsedMsg;
GetWindowTextW (hwnd, Buffer, 512); ParsedMsg = ParseMessageW (Buffer, ArgArray); if (ParsedMsg) { SetWindowTextW (hwnd, ParsedMsg); FreeStringResourceW (ParsedMsg); } }
Routine Description:
ResourceMessageBox is used to display a message based on a message resource ID.
hwndOwner - The handle of the owner of the message box to be displayed ID - The identifier of the message resource Flags - MessageBox flags (MB_OK, etc.) ArgArray - Optional array of string pointers, where the meaning depends on the message string. A reference in the message string to %n requires element n of ArgArray to be a valid string pointer.
Return Value:
The return value of MessageBox (MB_YES, etc.)
INT ResourceMessageBoxA ( IN HWND hwndOwner, IN UINT ID, IN UINT Flags, IN PCSTR ArgArray[] ) { PCSTR Message; PCSTR Title; int rc;
Message = ParseMessageA ((PSTR) ID, ArgArray); if (!Message) return -1;
Title = GetStringResourceA (MSG_MESSAGEBOX_TITLE);
rc = MessageBoxA (hwndOwner, Message, Title, Flags);
FreeStringResourceA (Message); if (Title) { FreeStringResourceA (Title); }
return rc; }
INT ResourceMessageBoxW ( IN HWND hwndOwner, IN UINT ID, IN UINT Flags, IN PCWSTR ArgArray[] ) { PCWSTR Message; PCWSTR Title; int rc;
Message = ParseMessageW ((PWSTR) ID, ArgArray); if (!Message) return -1;
Title = GetStringResourceW (MSG_MESSAGEBOX_TITLE);
rc = MessageBoxW (hwndOwner, Message, Title, Flags);
FreeStringResourceW (Message); if (Title) { FreeStringResourceW (Title); }
return rc; }
BOOL StringReplaceA ( IN PSTR Buffer, IN DWORD MaxSize, IN PSTR ReplaceStartPos, IN PSTR ReplaceEndPos, IN PCSTR NewString ) { BOOL rf = FALSE; DWORD oldSubStringLength; DWORD newSubStringLength; DWORD currentStringLength; LONG offset; PSTR movePosition;
// Check assumptions.
MYASSERT(Buffer); MYASSERT(ReplaceStartPos && ReplaceStartPos >= Buffer); MYASSERT(ReplaceEndPos && ReplaceEndPos >= ReplaceStartPos); MYASSERT(NewString);
// Compute sizes.
oldSubStringLength = ReplaceEndPos - ReplaceStartPos; newSubStringLength = ByteCountA(NewString); currentStringLength = SizeOfStringA(Buffer) + 1; offset = newSubStringLength - oldSubStringLength;
// Make sure there is enough room in the buffer to perform the replace
// operation.
if (currentStringLength + offset > MaxSize) { DEBUGMSG((DBG_WARNING,"ERROR: Buffer to small to perform string replacement.")); rf = FALSE; } else {
// Shift the rest of the buffer to adjust it to the size of the new string.
if (newSubStringLength > oldSubStringLength) {
// right shift.
for (movePosition = Buffer + currentStringLength; movePosition >= ReplaceStartPos + oldSubStringLength; movePosition--) {
*(movePosition + offset) = *movePosition; } } else {
// left or no shift.
for(movePosition = ReplaceStartPos + newSubStringLength; movePosition < Buffer + currentStringLength; movePosition++) {
*movePosition = *(movePosition - offset); }
// Now, copy in the string.
// String replacement completed successfully.
rf = TRUE;
return rf;
BOOL StringReplaceW ( IN PWSTR Buffer, IN DWORD MaxSize, IN PWSTR ReplaceStartPos, IN PWSTR ReplaceEndPos, IN PCWSTR NewString ) { BOOL rf = FALSE; DWORD oldSubStringLength; DWORD newSubStringLength; DWORD currentStringLength; LONG offset; PWSTR movePosition;
// Check assumptions.
MYASSERT(Buffer); MYASSERT(ReplaceStartPos && ReplaceStartPos >= Buffer); MYASSERT(ReplaceEndPos && ReplaceEndPos >= ReplaceStartPos); MYASSERT(NewString);
// Compute sizes.
oldSubStringLength = ReplaceEndPos - ReplaceStartPos; newSubStringLength = wcslen(NewString); currentStringLength = wcslen(Buffer) + 1; offset = newSubStringLength - oldSubStringLength;
// Make sure there is enough room in the buffer to perform the replace
// operation.
if (currentStringLength + offset > MaxSize) { DEBUGMSG((DBG_WARNING,"ERROR: Buffer to small to perform string replacement.")); rf = FALSE; } else {
// Shift the rest of the buffer to adjust it to the size of the new string.
if (newSubStringLength > oldSubStringLength) {
// right shift.
for (movePosition = Buffer + currentStringLength; movePosition >= ReplaceStartPos + oldSubStringLength; movePosition--) {
*(movePosition + offset) = *movePosition; } } else {
// left or no shift.
for(movePosition = ReplaceStartPos + newSubStringLength; movePosition < Buffer + currentStringLength; movePosition++) {
*movePosition = *(movePosition - offset); }
// Now, copy in the string.
// String replacement completed successfully.
rf = TRUE;
return rf;
#if 0 // REMOVED
Routine Description:
AddInfSectionToStringTable enumerates the specified section and adds each item to the string table. An optional callback allows data to be associated with each item.
Note - if this code is re-enabled, cleanup all pSetupStringTableXXXX functions callers will *ALWAYS* link to SPUTILSA.LIB and never SPUTILSU.LIB so all pSetupStringTableXXXX functions are ANSI
Table - Specifies the table that receives new entries InfFile - Specifies an open INF handle of the file to read Section - Specifies the INF section name to enumerate Field - Specifies which field to extract text from. If the field exists, it is added to the string table. Callback - Specifies optional callback to be called before adding to the string table. The callback supplies additional data. CallbackParam - Data passed to the callback
Return Value:
TRUE if the INF file was processed successfullly, or FALSE if an error occurred.
BOOL AddInfSectionToStringTableA ( IN OUT PVOID Table, IN HINF InfFile, IN PCSTR Section, IN INT Field, IN ADDINFSECTION_PROCA Callback, IN PVOID CallbackData ) { INFCONTEXT ic; LONG rc; DWORD ReqSize; DWORD CurrentSize = 0; PSTR NewBuffer, Buffer = NULL; PVOID Data; UINT DataSize; BOOL b = FALSE;
// On NT, Setup API is compiled with UNICODE, so the string table
// functions are UNICODE only.
// Above comment is now incorrect, string table functions linked
// with this module are always ANSI
#error FIX pSetupStringTableXXXX usage
if (ISNT()) { SetLastError (ERROR_CALL_NOT_IMPLEMENTED); return FALSE; }
if (SetupFindFirstLineA (InfFile, Section, NULL, &ic)) { do { if (!SetupGetStringFieldA (&ic, Field, NULL, 0, &ReqSize)) { continue; }
if (ReqSize > CurrentSize) { ReqSize = ((ReqSize / 1024) + 1) * 1024; if (Buffer) { NewBuffer = (PSTR) MemReAlloc (g_hHeap, 0, Buffer, ReqSize); } else { NewBuffer = (PSTR) MemAlloc (g_hHeap, 0, ReqSize); }
if (!NewBuffer) { goto cleanup; }
Buffer = NewBuffer; CurrentSize = ReqSize; }
if (!SetupGetStringFieldA (&ic, Field, Buffer, CurrentSize, NULL)) { DEBUGMSG ((DBG_ERROR, "AddInfSectionToStringTable: SetupGetStringField failed unexpectedly")); continue; }
Data = NULL; DataSize = 0;
if (Callback) { rc = Callback (Buffer, &Data, &DataSize, CallbackData); if (rc == CALLBACK_STOP) { goto cleanup; } if (rc == CALLBACK_SKIP) { continue; } }
rc = pSetupStringTableAddStringEx ( Table, Buffer, STRTAB_CASE_INSENSITIVE|STRTAB_BUFFER_WRITEABLE, Data, DataSize );
if (rc == -1) { goto cleanup; }
} while (SetupFindNextLine (&ic, &ic)); }
b = TRUE;
cleanup: if (Buffer) { PushError(); MemFree (g_hHeap, 0, Buffer); PopError(); } return b; }
BOOL AddInfSectionToStringTableW ( IN OUT PVOID Table, IN HINF InfFile, IN PCWSTR Section, IN INT Field, IN ADDINFSECTION_PROCW Callback, IN PVOID CallbackData ) { INFCONTEXT ic; LONG rc; DWORD ReqSize; DWORD CurrentSize = 0; PWSTR NewBuffer, Buffer = NULL; PVOID Data; UINT DataSize; BOOL b = FALSE;
// On Win9x, Setup API is compiled with ANSI, so the string table
// functions are ANSI only.
// Above comment is now incorrect, string table functions linked
// with this module are always ANSI
#error FIX pSetupStringTableXXXX usage
if (ISWIN9X()) { SetLastError (ERROR_CALL_NOT_IMPLEMENTED); return FALSE; }
if (SetupFindFirstLineW (InfFile, Section, NULL, &ic)) { do { if (!SetupGetStringFieldW (&ic, Field, NULL, 0, &ReqSize)) { continue; }
if (ReqSize > CurrentSize) { ReqSize = ((ReqSize / 1024) + 1) * 1024; if (Buffer) { NewBuffer = (PWSTR) MemReAlloc (g_hHeap, 0, Buffer, ReqSize); } else { NewBuffer = (PWSTR) MemAlloc (g_hHeap, 0, ReqSize); }
if (!NewBuffer) { goto cleanup; }
Buffer = NewBuffer; CurrentSize = ReqSize; }
if (!SetupGetStringFieldW (&ic, Field, Buffer, CurrentSize, NULL)) { DEBUGMSG ((DBG_ERROR, "AddInfSectionToStringTable: SetupGetStringField failed unexpectedly")); continue; }
Data = NULL; DataSize = 0;
if (Callback) { rc = Callback (Buffer, &Data, &DataSize, CallbackData); if (rc == CALLBACK_STOP) { goto cleanup; } if (rc == CALLBACK_SKIP) { continue; } }
rc = pSetupStringTableAddStringEx ( Table, Buffer, STRTAB_CASE_INSENSITIVE|STRTAB_BUFFER_WRITEABLE, Data, DataSize );
if (rc == -1) { goto cleanup; }
} while (SetupFindNextLine (&ic, &ic)); }
b = TRUE;
cleanup: if (Buffer) { PushError(); MemFree (g_hHeap, 0, Buffer); PopError(); } return b; } #endif // REMOVED
Routine Description:
Finds the last wack in the path and returns a pointer to the next character. If no wack is found, returns a pointer to the full string.
PathSpec - Specifies the path that has a file at the end of it
Return Value:
A pointer to the file name in the path.
PCSTR GetFileNameFromPathA ( IN PCSTR PathSpec )
{ PCSTR p;
p = _mbsrchr (PathSpec, '\\'); if (p) { p = _mbsinc (p); } else { p = PathSpec; }
return p; }
PCWSTR GetFileNameFromPathW ( IN PCWSTR PathSpec )
p = wcsrchr (PathSpec, L'\\'); if (p) { p++; } else { p = PathSpec; }
return p; }
Routine Description:
Finds the last wack in the path and then the last point from the remaining path returning a pointer to the next character. If no point is found, returns a null pointer.
PathSpec - Specifies the path that has a file at the end of it
Return Value:
A pointer to the file extension, excluding the dot, or NULL if no extension exists.
PCSTR GetFileExtensionFromPathA ( IN PCSTR PathSpec )
{ PCSTR p; PCSTR ReturnPtr = NULL;
p = PathSpec;
while (*p) { if (*p == '.') { ReturnPtr = p + 1; } else if (*p == '\\') { ReturnPtr = NULL; }
p = _mbsinc (p); }
return ReturnPtr; }
PCWSTR GetFileExtensionFromPathW ( IN PCWSTR PathSpec )
{ PCWSTR p; PCWSTR ReturnPtr = NULL;
p = PathSpec;
while (*p) { if (*p == L'.') { ReturnPtr = p + 1; } else if (*p == L'\\') { ReturnPtr = NULL; }
p++; }
return ReturnPtr; }
Routine Description:
GetDotExtensionFromPath finds the last wack in the path and then the last dot from the remaining path, returning a pointer to the dot. If no dot is found, returns the end of the string.
PathSpec - Specifies the path that has a file at the end of it
Return Value:
A pointer to the file extension, including the dot, or the end of the string if no extension exists.
PCSTR GetDotExtensionFromPathA ( IN PCSTR PathSpec )
{ PCSTR p; PCSTR ReturnPtr = NULL;
p = PathSpec;
while (*p) { if (*p == '.') { ReturnPtr = p; } else if (*p == '\\') { ReturnPtr = NULL; }
p = _mbsinc (p); }
if (!ReturnPtr) { return p; }
return ReturnPtr; }
PCWSTR GetDotExtensionFromPathW ( IN PCWSTR PathSpec )
{ PCWSTR p; PCWSTR ReturnPtr = NULL;
p = PathSpec;
while (*p) { if (*p == L'.') { ReturnPtr = p; } else if (*p == L'\\') { ReturnPtr = NULL; }
p++; }
if (!ReturnPtr) { return p; }
return ReturnPtr; }
Routine Description:
CountInstancesOfChar returns the number of occurances Char is found in String.
String - Specifies the text that may or may not contain search text
Char - Specifies the char to count
Return Value:
The number of times Char appears in String.
UINT CountInstancesOfCharA ( IN PCSTR String, IN MBCHAR Char ) { UINT Count;
Count = 0; while (*String) { if (_mbsnextc (String) == Char) { Count++; }
String = _mbsinc (String); }
return Count; }
UINT CountInstancesOfCharW ( IN PCWSTR String, IN WCHAR Char ) { UINT Count;
Count = 0; while (*String) { if (*String == Char) { Count++; }
String++; }
return Count; }
Routine Description:
CountInstancesOfCharI returns the number of occurances Char is found in String. The comparison is case-insenetive.
String - Specifies the text that may or may not contain search text
Char - Specifies the char to count
Return Value:
The number of times Char appears in String.
UINT CountInstancesOfCharIA ( IN PCSTR String, IN MBCHAR Char ) { UINT Count;
Char = tolower (Char);
Count = 0; while (*String) { if ((MBCHAR) tolower (_mbsnextc (String)) == Char) { Count++; }
String = _mbsinc (String); }
return Count; }
UINT CountInstancesOfCharIW ( IN PCWSTR String, IN WCHAR Char ) { UINT Count;
Char = towlower (Char);
Count = 0; while (*String) { if (towlower (*String) == Char) { Count++; }
String++; }
return Count; }
Routine Description:
Searches the string counting the number of occurances of SearchString exist in SourceString.
SourceString - Specifies the text that may or may not contain search text
SearchString - Specifies the text phrase to count
Return Value:
The number of times SearchString appears in SourceString.
UINT CountInstancesOfSubStringA ( IN PCSTR SourceString, IN PCSTR SearchString ) { PCSTR p; UINT Count; UINT SearchBytes;
Count = 0; p = SourceString; SearchBytes = ByteCountA (SearchString);
while (p = _mbsistr (p, SearchString)) { Count++; p += SearchBytes; }
return Count; }
UINT CountInstancesOfSubStringW ( IN PCWSTR SourceString, IN PCWSTR SearchString ) { PCWSTR p; UINT Count; UINT SearchChars;
Count = 0; p = SourceString; SearchChars = wcslen (SearchString);
while (p = _wcsistr (p, SearchString)) { Count++; p += SearchChars; }
return Count; }
Routine Description:
Searches and replaces all occurances of SearchString with ReplaceString.
SourceString - String that contiains zero or more instances of the search text
SearchString - String to search for. Cannot be zero-length or NULL.
ReplaceString - String to replace. Can be zero-length but cannot be NULL.
Return Value:
A pointer to the pool-allocated string, or NULL if no instances of SearchString were found in SourceString. Free the non-NULL pointer with FreePathString.
PCSTR StringSearchAndReplaceA ( IN PCSTR SourceString, IN PCSTR SearchString, IN PCSTR ReplaceString ) { PSTR NewString; PBYTE p, q; PBYTE Dest; UINT Count; UINT Size; UINT SearchBytes; UINT ReplaceBytes; UINT UntouchedBytes;
// Count occurances within the string
Count = CountInstancesOfSubStringA ( SourceString, SearchString );
if (!Count) { return NULL; }
SearchBytes = ByteCountA (SearchString); ReplaceBytes = ByteCountA (ReplaceString); MYASSERT (SearchBytes);
Size = SizeOfStringA (SourceString) - Count * SearchBytes + Count * ReplaceBytes;
NewString = (PSTR) PoolMemGetAlignedMemory (g_PathsPool, Size); if (!NewString) { return NULL; }
p = (PBYTE) SourceString; Dest = (PBYTE) NewString;
while (q = (PBYTE) _mbsistr ((PCSTR) p, SearchString)) {
UntouchedBytes = q - p;
if (UntouchedBytes) { CopyMemory (Dest, p, UntouchedBytes); Dest += UntouchedBytes; }
if (ReplaceBytes) { CopyMemory (Dest, (PBYTE) ReplaceString, ReplaceBytes); Dest += ReplaceBytes; }
p = q + SearchBytes; }
StringCopyA ((PSTR) Dest, (PSTR) p);
return NewString; }
PCWSTR StringSearchAndReplaceW ( IN PCWSTR SourceString, IN PCWSTR SearchString, IN PCWSTR ReplaceString ) { PWSTR NewString; PBYTE p, q; PBYTE Dest; UINT Count; UINT Size; UINT SearchBytes; UINT ReplaceBytes; UINT UntouchedBytes;
// Count occurances within the string
Count = CountInstancesOfSubStringW ( SourceString, SearchString );
if (!Count) { return NULL; }
SearchBytes = ByteCountW (SearchString); ReplaceBytes = ByteCountW (ReplaceString); MYASSERT (SearchBytes);
Size = SizeOfStringW (SourceString) - Count * SearchBytes + Count * ReplaceBytes;
NewString = (PWSTR) PoolMemGetAlignedMemory (g_PathsPool, Size); if (!NewString) { return NULL; }
p = (PBYTE) SourceString; Dest = (PBYTE) NewString;
while (q = (PBYTE) _wcsistr ((PCWSTR) p, SearchString)) {
UntouchedBytes = q - p;
if (UntouchedBytes) { CopyMemory (Dest, p, UntouchedBytes); Dest += UntouchedBytes; }
if (ReplaceBytes) { CopyMemory (Dest, (PBYTE) ReplaceString, ReplaceBytes); Dest += ReplaceBytes; }
p = q + SearchBytes; }
StringCopyW ((PWSTR) Dest, (PWSTR) p);
return NewString; }
PSTR * CommandLineToArgvA ( IN PCSTR CmdLine, OUT INT *NumArgs )
Routine Description:
CommandLineToArgvA implements an ANSI version of the Win32 function CommandLineToArgvW.
CmdLine - A pointer to the complete command line, including the module name. This is the same string returned by GetCommandLineA().
NumArgs - Receives the number of arguments allocated, identical to main's argc parameter. That is, NumArgs is equal to the number of command line arguments plus one for the command itself.
Return Value:
A pointer to an array of string pointers, one per argument. The command line arguments are placed in separate nul-terminated strings. The caller must free the memory using a single call to GlobalFree or LocalFree.
{ PCSTR Start, End; BOOL QuoteMode; MBCHAR ch = 0; INT Pass; INT ArgStrSize; INT Args; PSTR ArgStrEnd = NULL; // filled in on pass one, used on pass two
PSTR *ArgPtrArray = NULL; // filled in on pass one, used on pass two
// Count args on first pass, then allocate memory and create arg string
ArgStrSize = 0; Pass = 0; do { // Init loop
Pass++; Args = 0; Start = CmdLine;
// Skip leading space
while (isspace (*Start)) { Start++; }
while (*Start) { // Look for quote mode
if (*Start == '\"') { QuoteMode = TRUE; Start++; } else { QuoteMode = FALSE; }
// Find end of arg
End = Start; while (*End) { ch = _mbsnextc (End); if (QuoteMode) { if (ch == '\"') { break; } } else { if (isspace (ch)) { break; } }
End = _mbsinc (End); }
// If Pass 1, add string size
if (Pass == 1) { ArgStrSize += (End - Start) + 1; }
// If Pass 2, copy strings to buffer
else { MYASSERT (ArgStrEnd); MYASSERT (ArgPtrArray);
ArgPtrArray[Args] = ArgStrEnd; StringCopyABA (ArgStrEnd, Start, End); ArgStrEnd = GetEndOfStringA (ArgStrEnd); ArgStrEnd++; }
// Set Start to next arg
if (QuoteMode && ch == '\"') { End = _mbsinc (End); }
Start = End; while (isspace (*Start)) { Start++; } }
// If Pass 1, allocate strings
if (Pass == 1) { if (Args) { ArgPtrArray = (PSTR *) GlobalAlloc ( GPTR, sizeof (PSTR) * Args + ArgStrSize ); if (!ArgPtrArray) { return NULL; }
ArgStrEnd = (PSTR) (&ArgPtrArray[Args]); } else { return NULL; } } } while (Pass < 2);
*NumArgs = Args; return ArgPtrArray; }
BOOL EnumNextMultiSzA ( IN OUT PMULTISZ_ENUMA MultiSzEnum ) { if (!MultiSzEnum->CurrentString || !(*MultiSzEnum->CurrentString)) { return FALSE; }
MultiSzEnum->CurrentString = GetEndOfStringA (MultiSzEnum->CurrentString) + 1; return (MultiSzEnum->CurrentString [0] != 0); }
BOOL EnumFirstMultiSzA ( OUT PMULTISZ_ENUMA MultiSzEnum, IN PCSTR MultiSzStr ) { if ((MultiSzStr == NULL) || (MultiSzStr [0] == 0)) { return FALSE; } MultiSzEnum->Buffer = MultiSzStr; MultiSzEnum->CurrentString = MultiSzStr; return TRUE; }
BOOL EnumNextMultiSzW ( IN OUT PMULTISZ_ENUMW MultiSzEnum ) { if (!MultiSzEnum->CurrentString || !(*MultiSzEnum->CurrentString)) { return FALSE; }
MultiSzEnum->CurrentString = GetEndOfStringW (MultiSzEnum->CurrentString) + 1; return (MultiSzEnum->CurrentString [0] != 0); }
BOOL EnumFirstMultiSzW ( OUT PMULTISZ_ENUMW MultiSzEnum, IN PCWSTR MultiSzStr ) { if ((MultiSzStr == NULL) || (MultiSzStr [0] == 0)) { return FALSE; } MultiSzEnum->Buffer = MultiSzStr; MultiSzEnum->CurrentString = MultiSzStr; return TRUE; }
PSTR GetPrevCharA ( IN PCSTR StartStr, IN PCSTR CurrPtr, IN CHARTYPE SearchChar ) { PCSTR ptr = CurrPtr;
for (;;) { ptr = _mbsdec (StartStr, ptr);
if (!ptr) { return NULL; } if (_mbsnextc (ptr) == SearchChar) { return (PSTR) ptr; } } }
PWSTR GetPrevCharW ( IN PCWSTR StartStr, IN PCWSTR CurrPtr, IN WCHAR SearchChar ) { PCWSTR ptr = CurrPtr;
for (;;) { ptr--;
if (*ptr == SearchChar) { return (PWSTR) ptr; } if (ptr == StartStr) { return NULL; } } }
#define WACK_REPLACE_CHAR 0x02
VOID ToggleWacksA ( IN PSTR Line, IN BOOL Operation ) { CHAR curChar; CHAR newChar; PSTR p = Line;
curChar = Operation ? WACK_REPLACE_CHAR : '\\'; newChar = Operation ? '\\' : WACK_REPLACE_CHAR;
do {
p = _mbschr (p, curChar);
if (p) {
*p = newChar; p = _mbsinc (p); }
} while (p); }
VOID ToggleWacksW ( IN PWSTR Line, IN BOOL Operation ) { WCHAR curChar; WCHAR newChar; PWSTR p = Line;
curChar = Operation ? WACK_REPLACE_CHAR : L'\\'; newChar = Operation ? L'\\' : WACK_REPLACE_CHAR;
do {
p = wcschr (p, curChar);
if (p) {
*p = newChar; p++; }
} while (p); }
PWSTR our_lstrcpynW ( OUT PWSTR Dest, IN PCWSTR Src, IN INT NumChars ) { PCWSTR srcEnd;
__try {
if (NumChars > 0) { //
// assuming we wrote this because lstrcpyn has problems... we
// cannot use wcsncpy, because it fills the entire Dest buffer
// with nuls when WcharCount(Src) < NumChars - 1. That just
// wastes time.
srcEnd = Src + NumChars - 1; while (*Src && Src < srcEnd) { *Dest++ = *Src++; }
*Dest = 0; } } __except (1) { }
return Dest; }
PSTR pGoBackA ( IN PSTR LastChar, IN PSTR FirstChar, IN UINT NumWacks ) { LastChar = _mbsdec (FirstChar, LastChar); while (NumWacks && (LastChar>=FirstChar)) { if (_mbsnextc (LastChar) == '\\') { NumWacks --; } LastChar = _mbsdec (FirstChar, LastChar); } if (NumWacks) { return NULL; } return LastChar + 2; }
PWSTR pGoBackW ( IN PWSTR LastChar, IN PWSTR FirstChar, IN UINT NumWacks ) { LastChar --; while (NumWacks && (LastChar>=FirstChar)) { if (*LastChar == L'\\') { NumWacks --; } LastChar --; } if (NumWacks) { return NULL; } return LastChar + 2; }
UINT pCountDotsA ( IN PCSTR PathSeg ) { UINT numDots = 0;
while (PathSeg && *PathSeg) { if (_mbsnextc (PathSeg) != '.') { return 0; } numDots ++; PathSeg = _mbsinc (PathSeg); } return numDots; }
UINT pCountDotsW ( IN PCWSTR PathSeg ) { UINT numDots = 0;
while (PathSeg && *PathSeg) { if (*PathSeg != L'.') { return 0; } numDots ++; PathSeg ++; } return numDots; }
PCSTR SanitizePathA ( IN PCSTR FileSpec ) { CHAR pathSeg [MEMDB_MAX]; PCSTR wackPtr; UINT dotNr; PSTR newPath = DuplicatePathStringA (FileSpec, 0); PSTR newPathPtr = newPath; BOOL firstPass = TRUE;
do { wackPtr = _mbschr (FileSpec, '\\');
if (wackPtr) { if (firstPass && (wackPtr == FileSpec)) { // this one starts with a wack, let's see if we have double wacks
wackPtr = _mbsinc (wackPtr); if (!wackPtr) { FreePathStringA (newPath); return NULL; } if (_mbsnextc (wackPtr) == '\\') { // this one starts with a double wack
wackPtr = _mbsinc (wackPtr); if (!wackPtr) { FreePathStringA (newPath); return NULL; } wackPtr = _mbschr (wackPtr, '\\'); } else { wackPtr = _mbschr (wackPtr, '\\'); } } firstPass = FALSE; if (wackPtr) { _mbssafecpyab (pathSeg, FileSpec, wackPtr, MEMDB_MAX);
FileSpec = _mbsinc (wackPtr); } else { _mbssafecpyab (pathSeg, FileSpec, GetEndOfStringA (FileSpec), MEMDB_MAX); } } else { _mbssafecpyab (pathSeg, FileSpec, GetEndOfStringA (FileSpec), MEMDB_MAX); }
if (*pathSeg) { dotNr = pCountDotsA (pathSeg); if (dotNr>1) {
newPathPtr = pGoBackA (newPathPtr, newPath, dotNr);
if (newPathPtr == NULL) { DEBUGMSGA ((DBG_WARNING, "Broken path detected:%s", FileSpec)); FreePathStringA (newPath); return NULL; } } else {
StringCopyA (newPathPtr, pathSeg); newPathPtr = GetEndOfStringA (newPathPtr); if (wackPtr) { *newPathPtr = '\\'; //we increment this because we know that \ is a single byte character.
newPathPtr ++; } } } } while (wackPtr);
*newPathPtr = 0;
return newPath; }
PCWSTR SanitizePathW ( IN PCWSTR FileSpec ) { WCHAR pathSeg [MEMDB_MAX]; PCWSTR wackPtr; UINT dotNr; PWSTR newPath = DuplicatePathStringW (FileSpec, 0); PWSTR newPathPtr = newPath; BOOL firstPass = TRUE;
do { wackPtr = wcschr (FileSpec, L'\\');
if (wackPtr) { if (firstPass && (wackPtr == FileSpec)) { // this one starts with a wack, let's see if we have double wacks
wackPtr ++; if (*wackPtr == 0) { FreePathStringW (newPath); return NULL; } if (*wackPtr == L'\\') { // this one starts with a double wack
wackPtr ++; if (!wackPtr) { FreePathStringW (newPath); return NULL; } wackPtr = wcschr (wackPtr, L'\\'); } else { wackPtr = wcschr (wackPtr, L'\\'); } } firstPass = FALSE; if (wackPtr) { _wcssafecpyab(pathSeg, FileSpec, wackPtr, MEMDB_MAX * sizeof (WCHAR)); FileSpec = wackPtr + 1; } else { _wcssafecpyab(pathSeg, FileSpec, GetEndOfStringW (FileSpec), MEMDB_MAX * sizeof (WCHAR)); } } else { _wcssafecpyab(pathSeg, FileSpec, GetEndOfStringW (FileSpec), MEMDB_MAX * sizeof (WCHAR)); }
if (*pathSeg) { dotNr = pCountDotsW (pathSeg); if (dotNr>1) {
newPathPtr = pGoBackW (newPathPtr, newPath, dotNr);
if (newPathPtr == NULL) { DEBUGMSGW ((DBG_WARNING, "Broken path detected:%s", FileSpec)); FreePathStringW (newPath); return NULL; } } else {
StringCopyW (newPathPtr, pathSeg); newPathPtr = GetEndOfStringW (newPathPtr); if (wackPtr) { *newPathPtr = L'\\'; newPathPtr ++; } } } } while (wackPtr);
*newPathPtr = 0;
return newPath; }
typedef struct { UINT char1; UINT char2; UINT result; } DHLIST, *PDHLIST;
DHLIST g_DHList[] = {{0xB3, 0xDE, 0x8394}, {0xB6, 0xDE, 0x834B}, {0xB7, 0xDE, 0x834D}, {0xB8, 0xDE, 0x834F}, {0xB9, 0xDE, 0x8351}, {0xBA, 0xDE, 0x8353}, {0xBB, 0xDE, 0x8355}, {0xBC, 0xDE, 0x8357}, {0xBD, 0xDE, 0x8359}, {0xBE, 0xDE, 0x835B}, {0xBF, 0xDE, 0x835D}, {0xC0, 0xDE, 0x835F}, {0xC1, 0xDE, 0x8361}, {0xC2, 0xDE, 0x8364}, {0xC3, 0xDE, 0x8366}, {0xC4, 0xDE, 0x8368}, {0xCA, 0xDE, 0x836F}, {0xCB, 0xDE, 0x8372}, {0xCC, 0xDE, 0x8375}, {0xCD, 0xDE, 0x8378}, {0xCE, 0xDE, 0x837B}, {0xCA, 0xDF, 0x8370}, {0xCB, 0xDF, 0x8373}, {0xCC, 0xDF, 0x8376}, {0xCD, 0xDF, 0x8379}, {0xCE, 0xDF, 0x837C}, {0x00, 0x00, 0x0000}};
UINT pBuildFromDHList ( IN UINT ch1, IN UINT ch2 ) { PDHLIST p; UINT result = 0;
p = g_DHList; while (p->char1) { if ((p->char1 == ch1) && (p->char2 == ch2)) { result = p->result; break; } p++; } return result; }
VOID _mbssetchar ( PSTR Dest, UINT Char ) { if (Char >= 256) { *(Dest+1) = *((PBYTE)(&Char)); *(Dest) = *((PBYTE)((DWORD)(&Char) + 1)); } else { *Dest = (CHAR)Char; } }
PCSTR ConvertSBtoDB ( PCSTR RootPath, PCSTR FullPath, PCSTR Limit ) { CHAR result[MEMDB_MAX]; PCSTR p,p1,q; PSTR s; UINT ch; UINT ch1; BOOL dhCase = FALSE;
ZeroMemory (result, MAX_PATH); p = FullPath; q = RootPath; s = result;
while (*p && (((DWORD)s - (DWORD)result) < MEMDB_MAX)) { if (q && *q) { _mbssetchar (s, _mbsnextc(p)); q = _mbsinc (q); } else if (Limit && (p >= Limit)) { _mbssetchar (s, _mbsnextc(p)); } else { ch = _mbsnextc (p);
// It is very important not to make the conversion for characters below A1. Otherwise
// all english letters will be converted to large letters.
if (ch >= 0xA1 && ch <= 0xDF) { // this is a candidate for conversion
// we need to see if there is a special Dakutenn/Handakuten conversion
dhCase = FALSE; p1 = _mbsinc (p); if (p1) { ch1 = _mbsnextc (p1); ch1 = pBuildFromDHList (ch, ch1); if (ch1) { p = _mbsinc (p); _mbssetchar (s, ch1); dhCase = TRUE; } } if (!dhCase) { _mbssetchar (s, _mbbtombc (ch)); } } else { _mbssetchar (s, ch); } } p = _mbsinc (p); s = _mbsinc (s); } result [MAX_PATH - 1] = 0; return (DuplicatePathString (result, 0)); }