Copyright (c) 1998 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This source file implements the operations needed to properly migrate Creative Writer 2.0 from Windows 9x to Windows NT. This is part of the Setup Migration DLL.
Calin Negreanu (calinn) 07-Nov-1998
Revision History:
#include "pch.h"
#define S_MIGRATION_PATHS "Migration Paths"
#define S_MS_WORDART_30 "HKCR\\CLSID\\{000212F0-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}\\AlternateLocalServer32"
#define MEMDB_CATEGORY_FILE1 "CreativeWriter2\\File1"
#define MEMDB_CATEGORY_FILE2 "CreativeWriter2\\File2"
BOOL CreativeWriter2_Attach ( IN HINSTANCE DllInstance ) { return TRUE; }
BOOL CreativeWriter2_Detach ( IN HINSTANCE DllInstance ) { FreeGrowBuffer (&g_FilesBuff); return TRUE; }
LONG CreativeWriter2_QueryVersion ( IN PCSTR *ExeNamesBuf ) { HKEY key = NULL; PCTSTR fullFileName = NULL; PCTSTR fileName = NULL; DWORD result = ERROR_SUCCESS;
__try { key = OpenRegKeyStrA (S_MS_WORDART_30); if (!key) { DEBUGMSGA ((DBG_VERBOSE, "Creative Writer 2 migration DLL will not run.")); result = ERROR_NOT_INSTALLED; __leave; } fullFileName = GetRegValueStringA (key, ""); if (!fullFileName) { DEBUGMSGA ((DBG_VERBOSE, "Creative Writer 2 migration DLL will not run.")); result = ERROR_NOT_INSTALLED; __leave; } fileName = GetFileNameFromPathA (fullFileName); if (!StringIMatchA (fileName, S_WRDART_FILE1)) { DEBUGMSGA ((DBG_VERBOSE, "Creative Writer 2 migration DLL will not run.")); result = ERROR_NOT_INSTALLED; __leave; } MultiSzAppendA (&g_FilesBuff, S_WRDART_FILE1); MultiSzAppendA (&g_FilesBuff, S_WRDART_FILE2);
*ExeNamesBuf = g_FilesBuff.Buf; } __finally { if (fullFileName) { MemFree (g_hHeap, 0, fullFileName); fullFileName = NULL; } if (key) { CloseRegKey (key); key = NULL; } }
return result; }
LONG CreativeWriter2_Initialize9x ( IN PCSTR WorkingDirectory, IN PCSTR SourceDirectories ) { INFSTRUCT context = INITINFSTRUCT_GROWBUFFER; PCSTR fullFileName; PCSTR fileName; LONG result = ERROR_SUCCESS; BOOL set1 = FALSE; BOOL set2 = FALSE;
// Let's find out where are our files located
if (g_MigrateInf != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { if (InfFindFirstLineA (g_MigrateInf, S_MIGRATION_PATHS, NULL, &context)) { do { fullFileName = InfGetStringFieldA (&context, 1); if (fullFileName) { fileName = GetFileNameFromPathA (fullFileName); if (!set1 && StringIMatchA (fileName, S_WRDART_FILE1)) { set1 = TRUE; //
// this copy is safe. S_WRDART_FILE1 is longer than S_WRDART_FILE3
MYASSERT (ByteCount (S_WRDART_FILE1) >= ByteCount (S_WRDART_FILE3));
StringCopy ((PSTR)fileName, S_WRDART_FILE3); MemDbSetValueExA (MEMDB_CATEGORY_FILE1, fullFileName, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL); } if (!set2 && StringIMatchA (fileName, S_WRDART_FILE2)) { set2 = TRUE; MemDbSetValueExA (MEMDB_CATEGORY_FILE2, fullFileName, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL); } } } while (InfFindNextLine (&context));
InfCleanUpInfStruct (&context); }
if (!set1 || !set2) { DEBUGMSGA ((DBG_WARNING, "Creative Writer 2 migration DLL: Could not find needed files.")); result = ERROR_NOT_INSTALLED; } } else { DEBUGMSGA ((DBG_ERROR, "Could not open MIGRATE.INF.")); result = ERROR_NOT_INSTALLED; }
return result; }
LONG CreativeWriter2_MigrateUser9x ( IN HWND ParentWnd, IN PCSTR UnattendFile, IN HKEY UserRegKey, IN PCSTR UserName ) { return ERROR_SUCCESS; }
LONG CreativeWriter2_MigrateSystem9x ( IN HWND ParentWnd, IN PCSTR UnattendFile ) { return ERROR_SUCCESS; }
LONG CreativeWriter2_InitializeNT ( IN PCWSTR WorkingDirectory, IN PCWSTR SourceDirectories ) { PCSTR file1 = NULL; PCSTR file2 = NULL; CHAR pattern[MEMDB_MAX]; MEMDB_ENUMA e; LONG result = ERROR_SUCCESS;
MemDbBuildKeyA (pattern, MEMDB_CATEGORY_FILE1, "*", NULL, NULL); if (MemDbEnumFirstValueA (&e, pattern, MEMDB_ALL_SUBLEVELS, MEMDB_ENDPOINTS_ONLY)) { do { if (!file1) { file1 = DuplicatePathStringA (e.szName, 0); } } while (MemDbEnumNextValueA (&e)); }
MemDbBuildKeyA (pattern, MEMDB_CATEGORY_FILE2, "*", NULL, NULL); if (MemDbEnumFirstValueA (&e, pattern, MEMDB_ALL_SUBLEVELS, MEMDB_ENDPOINTS_ONLY)) { do { if (!file2) { file2 = DuplicatePathStringA (e.szName, 0); } } while (MemDbEnumNextValueA (&e)); } if (!file1 || !file2 || !DoesFileExist (file1) || !DoesFileExist (file2) ) { DEBUGMSGA ((DBG_WARNING, "Creative Writer 2 migration DLL: Could not find needed files.")); result = ERROR_NOT_INSTALLED; } else { CopyFileA (file2, file1, FALSE); }
if (file1) { FreePathStringA (file1); } if (file2) { FreePathStringA (file2); } return result; }
LONG CreativeWriter2_MigrateUserNT ( IN HINF UnattendFile, IN HKEY UserRegKey, IN PCWSTR UserName ) { return ERROR_SUCCESS; }
LONG CreativeWriter2_MigrateSystemNT ( IN HINF UnattendFile ) { return ERROR_SUCCESS; }