Copyright (c) 2001 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Code for enum IDE ans SCSI controllers and attached to them storage devices and calculate for them SCSI Address.
Souren Aghajanyan (sourenag) 05-June-2001
Revision History:
#include "precomp.h"
#include "devenum.h"
typedef struct tagIDEController { PCTSTR pnpId; UINT defaultSCSIPort; }IDE_CONTROLLER, *PIDE_CONTROLLER;
IDE_CONTROLLER g_knownIDEControllers[] = { {TEXT("MF\\GOODPRIMARY"), 0}, {TEXT("MF\\GOODSECONDARY"), 1}, {TEXT("*PNP0600"), 1} };
PCTSTR pRegQueryStringValue( IN HKEY hKey, IN PCTSTR ValueName, OUT PVOID Buffer, IN UINT BufferSize ) { static TCHAR defaultBuffer[MAX_REG_SIZE]; DWORD valueType;
MYASSERT((hKey && ValueName) && ((Buffer && BufferSize) || (!Buffer)));
if(!Buffer){ Buffer = (PVOID)defaultBuffer; BufferSize = sizeof(defaultBuffer); }
if(ERROR_SUCCESS != RegQueryValueEx(hKey, ValueName, 0, &valueType, (PBYTE)Buffer, (PULONG)&BufferSize) || REG_SZ != valueType){ return NULL; }
return (PCTSTR)Buffer; }
BOOL pDoesDriveExist( IN HKEY hDevice, OUT DWORD* DriveType ) { DWORD driveType; PCTSTR pBufferKeyValue; TCHAR drivePath[] = TEXT("?:\\"); BOOL bCDROMDevice = TRUE;
if(!hDevice){ return FALSE; }
pBufferKeyValue = pRegQueryStringValue(hDevice, TEXT("Class"), NULL, 0); if(!pBufferKeyValue){ return FALSE; } bCDROMDevice = !_tcsicmp(pBufferKeyValue, TEXT("CDROM"));
pBufferKeyValue = pRegQueryStringValue(hDevice, DEVICE_CURRENT_DRIVE_LETTER_TEXT_ASSIGNMENT, NULL, 0); if(!pBufferKeyValue){ return FALSE; }
drivePath[0] = pBufferKeyValue[0]; driveType = GetDriveType(drivePath);
if(DriveType){ *DriveType = driveType; }
return bCDROMDevice? (DRIVE_CDROM == driveType): (DRIVE_NO_ROOT_DIR != driveType && DRIVE_UNKNOWN != driveType); }
BOOL pGetDeviceType( IN HKEY hDevice, OUT DWORD* DriveType ) {
if(!DriveType){ return FALSE; }
return pDoesDriveExist(hDevice, DriveType); }
VOID pPreparePNPIDName( IN PTSTR deviceInfoRegKey ) { MYASSERT(deviceInfoRegKey); //
// Replace '\\' with '&' in registry key to make PNPID
while(deviceInfoRegKey = _tcschr(deviceInfoRegKey, '\\')){ *deviceInfoRegKey = '&'; } }
int __cdecl pControllerInfoCompare( IN const void * elem1, IN const void * elem2 ) { MYASSERT(elem1 && elem2); //
// Sort controlers in next order: First IDE, after SCSI,
// inside each group(IDE and SCSI) sort by preliminary defined SCSIPortNumber
if(PCONTROLLER_INFO_CAST(elem1)->ControllerType > PCONTROLLER_INFO_CAST(elem2)->ControllerType){ return 1; } if(PCONTROLLER_INFO_CAST(elem1)->ControllerType < PCONTROLLER_INFO_CAST(elem2)->ControllerType){ return -1; } if(PCONTROLLER_INFO_CAST(elem1)->SCSIPortNumber > PCONTROLLER_INFO_CAST(elem2)->SCSIPortNumber){ return 1; } if(PCONTROLLER_INFO_CAST(elem1)->SCSIPortNumber < PCONTROLLER_INFO_CAST(elem2)->SCSIPortNumber){ return -1; } MYASSERT(INVALID_SCSI_PORT == PCONTROLLER_INFO_CAST(elem1)->SCSIPortNumber); return 0; }
BOOL pGatherControllersInfo( IN OUT PCONTROLLER_INFO ActiveControllersOut, IN OUT PUINT NumberOfActiveControllersOut ) { TCHAR regkeyName[MAX_REG_SIZE]; TCHAR deviceInfoRegKey[MAX_REG_SIZE]; TCHAR deviceData[MAX_REG_SIZE]; TCHAR ideHardwareID[MAX_PNPID_SIZE]; HKEY hActiveDevicesRoot = NULL; HKEY hActiveDeviceRoot = NULL; HKEY hDevice = NULL; UINT itemIndexRoot; DWORD bufferLength; PTSTR pDelimeter; UINT indexAvailable = 0; UINT scsiPortNumber; UINT controllerStartIndex = 0; UINT controllersSubNumber; PCONTROLLER_INFO controllerInfo; UINT i; UINT j; CONTROLLER_TYPE deviceType; BOOL bROOTDevice; UINT ideCounter; DWORD rcResult; static CONTROLLER_TYPE controllerTypes[] = {CONTROLLER_ON_BOARD_IDE, CONTROLLER_EXTRA_IDE, CONTROLLER_SCSI};
if(!NumberOfActiveControllersOut){ SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return FALSE; }
__try{ if(ERROR_SUCCESS != RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_DYN_DATA, TEXT("Config Manager\\Enum"), 0, KEY_READ, &hActiveDevicesRoot)){ return FALSE; } //
// Looking for IDE and SCSI controllers in list of active hardware
// under "HKDD\Config Manager\Enum"
for(itemIndexRoot = 0; ;itemIndexRoot++){ bufferLength = ARRAYSIZE(regkeyName); rcResult = RegEnumKeyEx(hActiveDevicesRoot, itemIndexRoot, regkeyName, &bufferLength, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL); if(ERROR_SUCCESS != rcResult){ break; } if(ERROR_SUCCESS != RegOpenKeyEx(hActiveDevicesRoot, regkeyName, 0, KEY_READ, &hActiveDeviceRoot)){ continue; }
do{ //
// "HardWareKey" consist key path to real device
if(pRegQueryStringValue(hActiveDeviceRoot, TEXT("HardWareKey"), regkeyName, sizeof(regkeyName))){ if(!_tcsnicmp(regkeyName, TEXT("ROOT"), 4)){ //
// Sometime on board IDE controllers has preserved PNPID under ROOT,
// and is not represented in MF\CHILD000x.
bROOTDevice = TRUE; deviceType = CONTROLLER_ON_BOARD_IDE; }else { if(!_tcsnicmp(regkeyName, TEXT("MF\\CHILD"), 8)){ deviceType = CONTROLLER_ON_BOARD_IDE; }else if(!_tcsnicmp(regkeyName, TEXT("PCI"), 3)){ deviceType = CONTROLLER_SCSI; }else{ //deviceType = CONTROLLER_UNKNOWN;
break; } bROOTDevice = FALSE; }
_tcscpy(deviceInfoRegKey, TEXT("Enum\\")); _tcscat(deviceInfoRegKey, regkeyName); //
// Open reg key where resides all device infomation
if(ERROR_SUCCESS == RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, deviceInfoRegKey, 0, KEY_READ, &hDevice)){ controllerInfo = ActiveControllersOut + indexAvailable; //
// Replace '\\' with '&' in registry key to make PNPID
switch(deviceType){ case CONTROLLER_ON_BOARD_IDE: { if(pRegQueryStringValue(hDevice, TEXT("HardwareID"), ideHardwareID, sizeof(deviceData))){ scsiPortNumber = INVALID_SCSI_PORT; //
// "MF\\GOODPRIMARY" and "MF\\GOODSECONDARY" are pnpid for
// on board IDE Primary and Secondary Channel controllers.
// And they always has constant SCSIPortNumber 0 or 1 respectively
// for NT enum and marked as CONTROLLER_ON_BOARD_IDE.
// Leave INVALID_SCSI_PORT(SCSIPortNumber) for extra IDE controllers
// and mark them as CONTROLLER_EXTRA_IDE.
for(ideCounter = 0; ideCounter < ARRAYSIZE(g_knownIDEControllers); ideCounter++){ if(!_tcsnicmp(ideHardwareID, g_knownIDEControllers[ideCounter].pnpId, _tcslen(g_knownIDEControllers[ideCounter].pnpId))){ scsiPortNumber = g_knownIDEControllers[ideCounter].defaultSCSIPort; break; } } if(bROOTDevice && INVALID_SCSI_PORT == scsiPortNumber){ //
// Ignore this case, devices is not IDE controller.
break; }
if(ActiveControllersOut){ MYASSERT(controllerInfo->SCSIPortNumber == INVALID_SCSI_PORT); _tcscpy(controllerInfo->PNPID, regkeyName); controllerInfo->SCSIPortNumber = scsiPortNumber; controllerInfo->ControllerType = scsiPortNumber != INVALID_SCSI_PORT? CONTROLLER_ON_BOARD_IDE: CONTROLLER_EXTRA_IDE; }
indexAvailable++; } } break; case CONTROLLER_SCSI: { //
// For SCSI controllers SCSIPortNumber calaculated from
// "Driver" value and have "SCSIAdapter\000x" where x
// is SCSIPortNumber. For SCSI controllers SCSIPortNumber
// will be postprocessed after enum.
if(pRegQueryStringValue(hDevice, TEXT("Driver"), deviceData, sizeof(deviceData))){ pDelimeter = _tcschr(deviceData, '\\'); if(pDelimeter){ *pDelimeter = '\0'; if(!_tcsicmp(deviceData, TEXT("SCSIAdapter"))){ scsiPortNumber = _ttoi(++pDelimeter); if(ActiveControllersOut){ MYASSERT(controllerInfo->SCSIPortNumber == INVALID_SCSI_PORT); _tcscpy(controllerInfo->PNPID, regkeyName); controllerInfo->SCSIPortNumber = scsiPortNumber; controllerInfo->ControllerType = CONTROLLER_SCSI; } indexAvailable++; } } } } break; default: MYASSERT(FALSE); } RegCloseKey(hDevice);hDevice = NULL; } } }while(FALSE); RegCloseKey(hActiveDeviceRoot);hActiveDeviceRoot = NULL; }
*NumberOfActiveControllersOut = indexAvailable;
if(ActiveControllersOut){ //
// Sort controlers in next order: First IDE, after SCSI,
// inside each group(IDE and SCSI) sort by preliminary defined SCSIPortNumber
qsort(ActiveControllersOut, indexAvailable, sizeof(ActiveControllersOut[0]), pControllerInfoCompare); //
// Update port number for SCSI devices.
// User could add new SCSIAdapter and after remove old SCSIAdapter,
// it cause that SCSIAdapterNumber will be not effective,
// because for NT it will be (SCSIAdapterNumber - 1)
for(i = 0, j = 0; j < indexAvailable; j++){ if(CONTROLLER_SCSI != ActiveControllersOut[j].ControllerType){ continue; } //
// Now SCSI controllers sorted, reassign PortNumber
// by right order, in order to recognize in NT.
ActiveControllersOut[j].SCSIPortNumber = i++; } //
// Calculate effective SCSIPortNumber,
// 0 - IDE Primary, 1 - IDE Secondary, 2 and ... - SCSI
for(controllerStartIndex = 0, i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE(controllerTypes); i++, controllerStartIndex += controllersSubNumber){ for(controllersSubNumber = 0, j = 0; j < indexAvailable; j++){ if(controllerTypes[i] != ActiveControllersOut[j].ControllerType){ continue; } if(INVALID_SCSI_PORT != ActiveControllersOut[j].SCSIPortNumber){ ActiveControllersOut[j].SCSIPortNumber += controllerStartIndex; } controllersSubNumber++; } } } } __finally{ if(hDevice){ RegCloseKey(hDevice); } if(hActiveDeviceRoot){ RegCloseKey(hActiveDeviceRoot); } if(hActiveDevicesRoot){ RegCloseKey(hActiveDevicesRoot); } }
return TRUE; }
BOOL GatherControllersInfo( IN OUT PCONTROLLERS_COLLECTION * ControllersCollectionOut ) { DWORD rcResult = ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED; UINT i; PCONTROLLERS_COLLECTION activeControllersCollection = NULL; BOOL bResult = FALSE; UINT activeControllersNumber;
if(!ControllersCollectionOut){ SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return FALSE; }
__try{ activeControllersCollection = (PCONTROLLERS_COLLECTION)MALLOC(sizeof(CONTROLLERS_COLLECTION)); if(!activeControllersCollection){ rcResult = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; __leave; } //
// Acquiring number of controllers in system
if(!pGatherControllersInfo(NULL, &activeControllersCollection->NumberOfControllers)){ rcResult = ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED; __leave; }
// Proceed only if we have positive controllers number
if(activeControllersCollection->NumberOfControllers){ activeControllersCollection->ControllersInfo = (PCONTROLLER_INFO) MALLOC(activeControllersCollection->NumberOfControllers * sizeof(CONTROLLER_INFO)); if(!activeControllersCollection->ControllersInfo){ rcResult = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; __leave; }
// Initialize array
memset(activeControllersCollection->ControllersInfo, 0, activeControllersCollection->NumberOfControllers * sizeof(CONTROLLER_INFO)); for(i = 0; i < activeControllersCollection->NumberOfControllers; i++){ activeControllersCollection->ControllersInfo[i].SCSIPortNumber = INVALID_SCSI_PORT; }
// fill out controllers info array
activeControllersNumber = activeControllersCollection->NumberOfControllers; if(!pGatherControllersInfo(activeControllersCollection->ControllersInfo, &activeControllersNumber)){ rcResult = ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED; __leave; } } else{ activeControllersCollection->ControllersInfo = NULL; } *ControllersCollectionOut = activeControllersCollection;
rcResult = ERROR_SUCCESS; } __finally{ if(ERROR_SUCCESS != rcResult){ if(activeControllersCollection){ ReleaseControllersInfo(activeControllersCollection); } } }
return ERROR_SUCCESS == rcResult; }
BOOL ReleaseControllersInfo( IN PCONTROLLERS_COLLECTION ControllersCollection ) { if(!ControllersCollection){ SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return FALSE; } if(ControllersCollection){ if(ControllersCollection->ControllersInfo){ FREE(ControllersCollection->ControllersInfo); } FREE(ControllersCollection); } return TRUE; }
BOOL IsInControllerCollection( IN PCONTROLLERS_COLLECTION ControllersCollection, IN PCTSTR PnPIdString, OUT PUINT Index ) { UINT i; if(!ControllersCollection || !PnPIdString || !Index){ return FALSE; }
for(i = 0; i < ControllersCollection->NumberOfControllers; i++){ if(!_tcsnicmp(PnPIdString, ControllersCollection->ControllersInfo[i].PNPID, _tcslen(ControllersCollection->ControllersInfo[i].PNPID))){ *Index = i; return TRUE; } }
return FALSE; }
BOOL GetSCSIAddressFromPnPId( IN PCONTROLLERS_COLLECTION ControllersCollection, IN HKEY hDeviceRegKey, IN PCTSTR PnPIdString, OUT DRIVE_SCSI_ADDRESS * ScsiAddressOut ) { UINT i; PCTSTR pBufferKeyValue; BOOL bResult;
if(!ControllersCollection || !hDeviceRegKey || !PnPIdString || !ScsiAddressOut){ SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return FALSE; }
bResult = FALSE; do{ //
// Check for presence in controllers list controller PNPID of device
// After complete SCSI_ADDRESS structure with
// DriveLetter, DriveType, TargetID, Lun.
if(IsInControllerCollection(ControllersCollection, PnPIdString, &i)){ memset(ScsiAddressOut, 0, sizeof(*ScsiAddressOut));
ScsiAddressOut->PortNumber = (UCHAR)ControllersCollection->ControllersInfo[i].SCSIPortNumber; bResult = pGetDeviceType(hDeviceRegKey, &ScsiAddressOut->DriveType); MYASSERT(bResult); pBufferKeyValue = pRegQueryStringValue(hDeviceRegKey, DEVICE_CURRENT_DRIVE_LETTER_TEXT_ASSIGNMENT, NULL, 0); if(!pBufferKeyValue){ break; } ScsiAddressOut->DriveLetter = pBufferKeyValue[0];
pBufferKeyValue = pRegQueryStringValue(hDeviceRegKey, TEXT("ScsiTargetId"), NULL, 0); if(!pBufferKeyValue){ break; } ScsiAddressOut->TargetId = (UCHAR)_ttoi(pBufferKeyValue);
pBufferKeyValue = pRegQueryStringValue(hDeviceRegKey, TEXT("ScsiLun"), NULL, 0); if(pBufferKeyValue){ //
//For most cases ScsiLun is zero, so it is not fatal.
ScsiAddressOut->Lun = (UCHAR)_ttoi(pBufferKeyValue); }
bResult = TRUE; } }while(FALSE);
return bResult; }
BOOL DeviceEnum( IN PCONTROLLERS_COLLECTION ControllersCollection, IN PCTSTR DeviceCategory, IN PDEVICE_ENUM_CALLBACK_FUNCTION DeviceEnumCallbackFunction, IN PVOID CallbackData ) { TCHAR deviceType[MAX_REG_SIZE]; TCHAR regkeyName[MAX_PNPID_SIZE]; TCHAR deviceInfoRegKey[MAX_REG_SIZE]; HKEY hActiveDevicesRoot = NULL; HKEY hActiveDeviceRoot = NULL; HKEY hDevice = NULL; UINT itemIndexRoot; DWORD bufferLength; UINT controllerIndex; PTSTR pDevicePNPIDName; UINT deviceTypeLen; DWORD rcResult;
if(!ControllersCollection || !DeviceCategory || !DeviceEnumCallbackFunction){ SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return FALSE; }
__try{ if(ERROR_SUCCESS != RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_DYN_DATA, TEXT("Config Manager\\Enum"), 0, KEY_READ, &hActiveDevicesRoot)){ return FALSE; } _tcscpy(deviceType, DeviceCategory); _tcscat(deviceType, TEXT("\\")); deviceTypeLen = _tcslen(deviceType);
// Looking for devices that attached to controllers in our list
for(itemIndexRoot = 0; ;itemIndexRoot++){ bufferLength = ARRAYSIZE(regkeyName); rcResult = RegEnumKeyEx(hActiveDevicesRoot, itemIndexRoot, regkeyName, &bufferLength, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL); if(ERROR_SUCCESS != rcResult){ break; } if(ERROR_SUCCESS != RegOpenKeyEx(hActiveDevicesRoot, regkeyName, 0, KEY_READ, &hActiveDeviceRoot)){ continue; }
// "HardWareKey" consist key path to real device
if(pRegQueryStringValue(hActiveDeviceRoot, TEXT("HardWareKey"), regkeyName, sizeof(regkeyName))){ if(!_tcsnicmp(regkeyName, deviceType, deviceTypeLen)){ _tcscpy(deviceInfoRegKey, TEXT("Enum\\")); _tcscat(deviceInfoRegKey, regkeyName);
// Make a Controller PNPID from device PNPID
pDevicePNPIDName = _tcsrchr(regkeyName, '\\'); MYASSERT(pDevicePNPIDName); pDevicePNPIDName++; if(ERROR_SUCCESS == RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, deviceInfoRegKey, 0, KEY_READ, &hDevice)){ //
// Check for presence Controller PNPID in controllers list and
// for device availability.
if(IsInControllerCollection(ControllersCollection, pDevicePNPIDName, &controllerIndex) && pDoesDriveExist(hDevice, NULL)){ //
// Call callback for every active device we found,
// which controller in our list
// Stop enum, if user does not want to.
if(!DeviceEnumCallbackFunction(hDevice, ControllersCollection, controllerIndex, CallbackData)){ //
// Stop enum, if user does not want to.
__leave; } } RegCloseKey(hDevice);hDevice = NULL; } } }
RegCloseKey(hActiveDeviceRoot);hActiveDeviceRoot = NULL; } } __finally{ if(hDevice){ RegCloseKey(hDevice); } if(hActiveDeviceRoot){ RegCloseKey(hActiveDeviceRoot); } if(hActiveDevicesRoot){ RegCloseKey(hActiveDevicesRoot); } }
return TRUE; }