Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation 1997-1998 All rights reserved
#include "pch.h"
#include "setup.h"
#include "check.h"
#define FILTER_SIZE 128
#define BIG_BUFFER 4096
// Ldap_InitializeConnection( )
DWORD Ldap_InitializeConnection( PLDAP * LdapHandle ) { TraceFunc( "Ldap_InitializeConnection( ... )\n" );
PLDAPMessage OperationalAttributeLdapMessage; PLDAPMessage CurrentEntry;
*LdapHandle = ldap_init( NULL, LDAP_PORT);
if ( !*LdapHandle ) { LdapError = GetLastError( ); goto e0; }
ldap_set_option( *LdapHandle, LDAP_OPT_GETDSNAME_FLAGS, &temp );
temp = LDAP_VERSION3; ldap_set_option( *LdapHandle, LDAP_OPT_VERSION, &temp );
// our searches should be contained to a single naming context, though
// we should be able to go outside the root of the tree to find the
// naming context we're interested in.
temp = LDAP_CHASE_EXTERNAL_REFERRALS; ldap_set_option( *LdapHandle, LDAP_OPT_REFERRALS, &temp );
LdapError = ldap_connect( *LdapHandle, 0 );
if ( LdapError != LDAP_SUCCESS ) goto e1;
LdapError = ldap_bind_s( *LdapHandle, NULL, NULL, LDAP_AUTH_SSPI );
if ( LdapError != LDAP_SUCCESS ) goto e1; }
e0: if ( LdapError != LDAP_SUCCESS ) { DebugMsg( "!!Error initializing LDAP connection.\n" ); } RETURN( LdapError );
e1: ldap_unbind( *LdapHandle ); *LdapHandle = NULL; goto e0; }
// CheckDSForSCP( )
HRESULT CheckDSForSCP( ) { TraceFunc( "CheckDSForSCP( )\n" );
LPWSTR * ppszPath; PLDAPMessage CurrentEntry; PLDAPMessage LdapMessage;
ULONG ulSize; LPWSTR pMachineDN = NULL;
// Paramters we want from the Computer Object
LPWSTR ComputerAttrs[2]; ComputerAttrs[0] = TEXT("netbootSCPBL"); ComputerAttrs[1] = NULL;
// We already detected it
if ( g_Options.fBINLSCPFound ) { Assert( LdapError == LDAP_SUCCESS ); hr = S_OK; goto e0; }
if ( !GetComputerObjectName( NameFullyQualifiedDN, NULL, &ulSize ) ) { DWORD Error = GetLastError( ); MessageBoxFromStrings( NULL, IDS_DOMAINMEMBERSHIP_TITLE, IDS_DOMAINMEMBERSHIP_TEXT, MB_OK ); hr = THR(E_FAIL); goto e0; }
pMachineDN = (LPWSTR) TraceAlloc( LPTR, ulSize * sizeof(WCHAR) ); if ( !pMachineDN ) { hr = THR(E_OUTOFMEMORY); goto e0; }
if ( !GetComputerObjectName( NameFullyQualifiedDN, pMachineDN, &ulSize ) ) { DWORD Error = GetLastError( ); MessageBoxFromStrings( NULL, IDS_DOMAINMEMBERSHIP_TITLE, IDS_DOMAINMEMBERSHIP_TEXT, MB_OK ); hr = THR(E_FAIL); goto e0; }
DebugMsg( "Our MAO's DN is %s.\n", pMachineDN );
LdapError = Ldap_InitializeConnection( &LdapHandle ); if ( LdapError != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { hr = THR( HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( LdapMapErrorToWin32( LdapError ) ) ); MessageBoxFromError( NULL, NULL, LdapMapErrorToWin32(LdapError) ); LdapError = LDAP_SUCCESS; goto e0; }
LdapError = ldap_search_ext_s( LdapHandle, pMachineDN, LDAP_SCOPE_BASE, L"(objectClass=computer)", ComputerAttrs, FALSE, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, &LdapMessage);
if (LdapError == LDAP_NO_SUCH_ATTRIBUTE ) { DebugMsg( "SCP not found.\n" ); LdapError = ERROR_SUCCESS; hr = S_FALSE; goto e1; }
count = ldap_count_entries( LdapHandle, LdapMessage ); if (count!= 1) { //
// What should we do with two entries for the same server?
if ( count ) { Assert(FALSE); } DebugMsg( "SCP not found.\n" ); goto e2; }
CurrentEntry = ldap_first_entry( LdapHandle, LdapMessage );
ppszPath = ldap_get_values( LdapHandle, CurrentEntry, TEXT("netbootSCPBL") ); if ( !ppszPath ) { DebugMsg( "SCP not found.\n" ); LdapError = LDAP_OTHER; goto e2; }
DebugMsg( "SCP found.\n" );
g_Options.fBINLSCPFound = TRUE;
hr = S_OK;
e2: ldap_msgfree( LdapMessage );
e1: ldap_unbind( LdapHandle );
e0: if ( LdapError != LDAP_SUCCESS ) { hr = S_FALSE; }
if ( pMachineDN ) { TraceFree( pMachineDN ); }
HRETURN(hr); }
// CheckDirectoryTree( )
HRESULT CheckDirectoryTree( ) { HRESULT hr = S_FALSE; LPSHARE_INFO_502 psi; WCHAR szPath[ MAX_PATH ]; WCHAR szCreating[ SMALL_BUFFER_SIZE ]; DWORD dwLen; DWORD dw; BOOL f;
TraceFunc( "CheckDirectoryTree()\n" );
Assert( g_Options.hinf != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE );
// Try to find the IMIRROR share
if ( !g_Options.fIMirrorShareFound ) { dw = LoadString( g_hinstance, IDS_REMOTEBOOTSHARENAME, szPath, ARRAYSIZE( szPath )); Assert( dw ); if ( NERR_Success == NetShareGetInfo( NULL, szPath, 502, (LPBYTE *)&psi ) ) { if ( !g_Options.fIMirrorDirectory ) { lstrcpy( g_Options.szIntelliMirrorPath, psi->shi502_path ); Assert( wcslen(g_Options.szIntelliMirrorPath) < ARRAYSIZE(g_Options.szInstallationPath) ); g_Options.fIMirrorDirectory = TRUE; }
g_Options.fIMirrorShareFound = TRUE;
DebugMsg( "Found the IMIRROR share, using it for the IntelliMirror Directory: %s\n", g_Options.szIntelliMirrorPath );
NetApiBufferFree( psi ); } }
// Try to use the TFTPD's reg key to find the IntelliMirror tree.
if ( !g_Options.fIMirrorDirectory && !g_Options.fTFTPDDirectoryFound ) { //
// Try finding TFTPD's regkey to find the IntelliMirror Directory
HKEY hkey;
dw = LoadString( g_hinstance, IDS_TFTPD_SERVICE_PARAMETERS, szPath, ARRAYSIZE( szPath )); Assert( dw );
if ( ERROR_SUCCESS == RegOpenKeyEx( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, szPath, 0, // options
KEY_QUERY_VALUE, &hkey ) ) { ULONG l; DWORD dwType; LONG lErr;
l = sizeof(g_Options.szTFTPDDirectory); lErr = RegQueryValueEx( hkey, L"Directory", 0, // reserved
&dwType, (LPBYTE) g_Options.szTFTPDDirectory, &l ); Assert( wcslen(g_Options.szTFTPDDirectory) < ARRAYSIZE(g_Options.szTFTPDDirectory) ); if ( lErr == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { DebugMsg( "Found TFTPD's Directory regkey: %s\n", g_Options.szTFTPDDirectory ); g_Options.fTFTPDDirectoryFound = TRUE; } RegCloseKey( hkey ); } }
if ( !g_Options.fIMirrorDirectory && g_Options.fTFTPDDirectoryFound ) { StrCpy( g_Options.szIntelliMirrorPath, g_Options.szTFTPDDirectory ); Assert( wcslen(g_Options.szIntelliMirrorPath) < ARRAYSIZE(g_Options.szInstallationPath) ); g_Options.fIMirrorDirectory = TRUE; DebugMsg( "Used the TFTPD RegKey to find the IntelliMirror Directory.\n" ); }
// Did we find the IntelliMirror directory?
if ( !g_Options.fIMirrorDirectory ) { //
// Nope... so figure out which drive we can put it on.
// Find a non-system, fixed disk, drive to place the
// IntelliMirror directory tree
WCHAR chSystemDriveLetter; WCHAR chLargestDriveLetter = 0; ULARGE_INTEGER uliBiggestFree = { 0 }; WCHAR szRootDrive[ 4 ] = TEXT("C:\\");
DebugMsg( "Could not find the IntelliMirror directory.\n" );
dw = LoadString( g_hinstance, IDS_DEFAULTPATH, szPath, ARRAYSIZE( szPath ) ); Assert( dw ); dw = ExpandEnvironmentStrings( szPath, g_Options.szIntelliMirrorPath, ARRAYSIZE(g_Options.szInstallationPath)); Assert( dw );
// The default string actually contains the system drive letter
chSystemDriveLetter = g_Options.szIntelliMirrorPath[0]; DebugMsg( "Searching for suitable drive:" );
for( ; szRootDrive[0] <= TEXT('Z'); szRootDrive[0]++ ) { ULARGE_INTEGER uliFree; ULARGE_INTEGER uliTotal; ULARGE_INTEGER uliBytesFree; UINT uDriveType;
DebugMsg( "%s ", szRootDrive );
uDriveType = GetDriveType( szRootDrive );
if ( DRIVE_FIXED != uDriveType || szRootDrive[0] == chSystemDriveLetter ) continue; // skip non-fixed and non-system drives
if ( !GetDiskFreeSpaceEx( szRootDrive, &uliFree, &uliTotal, &uliBytesFree ) ) continue; // error - skip it.
if ( uliBytesFree.QuadPart > uliBiggestFree.QuadPart ) { chLargestDriveLetter = szRootDrive[0]; uliBiggestFree = uliBytesFree; } } DebugMsg( "\n" );
if ( !chLargestDriveLetter ) { g_Options.szIntelliMirrorPath[0] = chSystemDriveLetter; DebugMsg( "BAD! Using system drive as default.\n" ); } else { g_Options.szIntelliMirrorPath[0] = chLargestDriveLetter; DebugMsg( "Suggesting %s for the IntelliMirror Drive/Directory.\n", g_Options.szIntelliMirrorPath ); }
goto e0; // skip the tree
// Check the directory tree.
// If any of these fail, just recreate the whole tree.
DebugMsg( "Checking Directory Tree:\n" ); //
// Create
// "D:\IntelliMirror"
DebugMsg( "%s\n", g_Options.szIntelliMirrorPath ); if ( 0xFFFFffff == GetFileAttributes( g_Options.szIntelliMirrorPath ) ) goto e0;
// Create
// "D:\IntelliMirror\Setup"
wcscpy( szPath, g_Options.szIntelliMirrorPath ); ConcatenatePaths( szPath, L"\\Setup" ); Assert( wcslen(szPath) < ARRAYSIZE(szPath)); DebugMsg( "%s\n", szPath ); if ( 0xFFFFffff == GetFileAttributes( szPath ) ) goto e0;
// Create the OS Chooser tree
// "D:\IntelliMirror\OSChooser"
wcscpy( g_Options.szOSChooserPath, g_Options.szIntelliMirrorPath ); ConcatenatePaths( g_Options.szOSChooserPath, L"\\OSChooser" ); Assert( wcslen(g_Options.szOSChooserPath) < ARRAYSIZE(g_Options.szOSChooserPath) ); DebugMsg( "%s\n", g_Options.szOSChooserPath ); if ( 0xFFFFffff == GetFileAttributes( g_Options.szOSChooserPath ) ) goto e0;
g_Options.fOSChooserDirectory = TRUE;
if ( !g_Options.fOSChooserDirectoryTreeExists ) { WCHAR szFile[ MAX_PATH ]; BOOL fFound; INFCONTEXT context;
fFound = SetupFindFirstLine( g_Options.hinf, L"OSChooser", NULL, &context ); AssertMsg( fFound, "Could not find 'OSChooser' section in REMINST.INF.\n" );
while ( fFound && SetupGetStringField( &context, 1, szFile, ARRAYSIZE(szFile), NULL ) ) { LPWSTR psz = StrChr( szFile, L'\\' ); if ( psz ) { *psz = L'\0'; // terminate
wsprintf( szPath, L"%s\\%s", g_Options.szOSChooserPath, szFile ); Assert( wcslen(szPath) < ARRAYSIZE(szPath) );
DebugMsg( "%s\n", szPath );
if ( 0xFFFFffff == GetFileAttributes( szPath ) ) goto e0; }
fFound = SetupFindNextLine( &context, &context ); }
g_Options.fOSChooserDirectoryTreeExists = TRUE; }
g_Options.fDirectoryTreeExists = TRUE;
e0: if ( g_Options.fIMirrorDirectory && g_Options.fIMirrorShareFound && g_Options.fDirectoryTreeExists && g_Options.fOSChooserDirectory && g_Options.fOSChooserDirectoryTreeExists ) { DebugMsg( "All directories found.\n" ); hr = S_OK; } else { DebugMsg( "Directory tree check failed.\n" ); }
HRETURN(hr); }
BOOL CheckService( SC_HANDLE schSystem, LPWSTR ServiceName, LPBOOL Started ) { SC_HANDLE sch; SERVICE_STATUS status; BOOL b;
sch = OpenService( schSystem, ServiceName, SERVICE_ALL_ACCESS ); if ( sch == NULL ) { DebugMsg( "%ws is NOT installed.\n", ServiceName ); return FALSE; }
DebugMsg( "%ws is installed.\n", ServiceName );
b = QueryServiceStatus( sch, &status); *Started = (BOOL)(b && (status.dwCurrentState == SERVICE_RUNNING)); DebugMsg( "%ws is %wsrunning.\n", ServiceName, *Started ? L"" : L"not " );
CloseServiceHandle( sch );
return TRUE;
} // CheckService
// CheckBINL( )
HRESULT CheckBINL( SC_HANDLE schSystem ) { HRESULT hr = S_FALSE; WCHAR szPath[ MAX_PATH ]; WCHAR szFiles[ MAX_PATH ]; LPWSTR psz; DWORD dw; BOOL started = TRUE;
TraceFunc( "CheckBINL( )\n" );
// Check to see if the service manager can find the service
if ( !g_Options.fBINLServiceInstalled ) {
if ( CheckService( schSystem, L"BINLSVC", &started ) ) { g_Options.fBINLServiceInstalled = TRUE; } }
// Read the REMINST.INF for the files need for the service
if ( !g_Options.fBINLFilesFound ) { WCHAR szSystem32Path[ MAX_PATH ]; WCHAR szFile[ MAX_PATH ]; UINT index; BOOL b; INFCONTEXT context;
dw = ExpandEnvironmentStrings( TEXT("%windir%"), szSystem32Path, ARRAYSIZE( szSystem32Path )); Assert( dw ); StrCat( szSystem32Path, TEXT("\\system32") );
b = SetupFindFirstLine( g_Options.hinf, L"Service.BINLSVC", L"FilesRequired", &context ); Assert( b ); if ( !b ) goto BINLCheckSCP;
index = 1; while ( SetupGetStringField( &context, index, szFile, ARRAYSIZE( szFile ), NULL ) ) { WCHAR szPath[ 2 * MAX_PATH ];
wsprintf( szPath, L"%s\\%s", szSystem32Path, szFile );
if ( 0xFFFFffff == GetFileAttributes( szPath ) ) { DebugMsg( "%s is missing for Service BINLSVC.\n", szPath ); goto BINLCheckSCP; }
DebugMsg( "%s found.\n", szPath );
index++; }
g_Options.fBINLFilesFound = TRUE; }
// Check to see if the SCP exists
BINLCheckSCP: hr = CheckDSForSCP( );
if ( hr == S_OK && g_Options.fBINLFilesFound && g_Options.fBINLServiceInstalled && started ) { DebugMsg( "All BINL services checked out OK.\n"); hr = S_OK; } else if ( hr == S_OK ) { DebugMsg( "BINL check found something strange with the SCP. Ignoring.\n" ); hr = S_FALSE; } else { DebugMsg( "BINL check failed.\n" ); }
HRETURN(hr); }
// CheckTFTPD( )
HRESULT CheckTFTPD( SC_HANDLE schSystem ) { HRESULT hr = S_FALSE; WCHAR szPath[ MAX_PATH ]; WCHAR szFiles[ MAX_PATH ]; LPWSTR psz; DWORD dw; HKEY hkey; BOOL started = TRUE;
TraceFunc( "CheckTFTPD( )\n" );
// Check to see if the service manager can find the service
if ( !g_Options.fTFTPDServiceInstalled ) {
if ( CheckService( schSystem, L"TFTPD", &started ) ) { g_Options.fTFTPDServiceInstalled = TRUE; } }
// Read the REMINST.INF for the files need for the service
if ( !g_Options.fTFTPDFilesFound ) { WCHAR szSystem32Path[ MAX_PATH ]; WCHAR szFile[ MAX_PATH ]; UINT index; BOOL b; INFCONTEXT context;
dw = ExpandEnvironmentStrings( TEXT("%windir%"), szSystem32Path, ARRAYSIZE( szSystem32Path ) ); Assert( dw ); StrCat( szSystem32Path, TEXT("\\system32") );
b = SetupFindFirstLine( g_Options.hinf, L"Service.TFTPD", L"FilesRequired", &context ); Assert( b ); if ( !b ) goto TFTPDCheckReg;
index = 1; while ( SetupGetStringField( &context, index, szFile, ARRAYSIZE( szFile ), NULL ) ) { WCHAR szPath[ 2 * MAX_PATH ];
wsprintf( szPath, L"%s\\%s", szSystem32Path, szFile );
if ( 0xFFFFffff == GetFileAttributes( szPath ) ) { DebugMsg( "%s is missing for Service TFTPD.\n", szPath ); goto TFTPDCheckReg; }
DebugMsg( "%s found.\n", szPath );
index++; }
g_Options.fTFTPDFilesFound = TRUE; }
TFTPDCheckReg: //
// Check to see if the Directory reg key exists
if ( !g_Options.fTFTPDDirectoryFound ) { dw = LoadString( g_hinstance, IDS_TFTPD_SERVICE_PARAMETERS, szPath, ARRAYSIZE( szPath )); Assert( dw );
if ( ERROR_SUCCESS == RegOpenKeyEx( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, szPath, 0, // options
KEY_QUERY_VALUE, &hkey ) ) { ULONG l; DWORD dwType; LONG lErr;
l = sizeof(g_Options.szTFTPDDirectory); lErr = RegQueryValueEx( hkey, L"Directory", 0, // reserved
&dwType, (LPBYTE) g_Options.szTFTPDDirectory, &l ); if ( lErr == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { DebugMsg( "TFTPD's Directory RegKey found: %s\n", g_Options.szTFTPDDirectory ); Assert( wcslen(g_Options.szTFTPDDirectory) < ARRAYSIZE(g_Options.szTFTPDDirectory) );
if ( 0xFFFFffff == GetFileAttributes( g_Options.szTFTPDDirectory ) ) { DebugMsg( "BUT, %s was not found.\n", g_Options.szTFTPDDirectory ); }
g_Options.fTFTPDDirectoryFound = TRUE; }
RegCloseKey( hkey ); } else { DebugMsg( "HKLM\\%s not found.\n", szPath ); } }
if ( g_Options.fTFTPDDirectoryFound && g_Options.fTFTPDFilesFound && g_Options.fTFTPDServiceInstalled && started ) { DebugMsg( "All TFTPD services checked out OK.\n" ); hr = S_OK; } else { DebugMsg( "TFTPD check failed.\n" ); }
HRETURN(hr); }
// CheckSIS( )
HRESULT CheckSIS( SC_HANDLE schSystem ) { HRESULT hr = S_FALSE; WCHAR szPath[ MAX_PATH ]; WCHAR szFiles[ MAX_PATH ]; WCHAR szVolumePath[ MAX_PATH ]; LPWSTR psz; DWORD dw; BOOL started = TRUE;
TraceFunc( "CheckSIS( )\n" );
// Check to see if the service manager can find the service
if ( !g_Options.fSISServiceInstalled ) {
if ( CheckService( schSystem, L"SIS", &started ) ) { g_Options.fSISServiceInstalled = TRUE; } }
// Read the REMINST.INF for the files need for the service
if ( !g_Options.fSISFilesFound ) { WCHAR szSystem32Path[ MAX_PATH ]; WCHAR szFile[ MAX_PATH ]; UINT index; BOOL b; INFCONTEXT context;
dw = ExpandEnvironmentStrings( TEXT("%windir%"), szSystem32Path, ARRAYSIZE( szSystem32Path )); Assert( dw ); StrCat( szSystem32Path, TEXT("\\system32") );
b = SetupFindFirstLine( g_Options.hinf, L"Service.SIS", L"FilesRequired", &context ); Assert( b ); if ( !b ) goto SISCheckVolume;
index = 1; while ( SetupGetStringField( &context, index, szFile, ARRAYSIZE( szFile ), NULL ) ) { WCHAR szPath[ 2 * MAX_PATH ];
wsprintf( szPath, L"%s\\%s", szSystem32Path, szFile );
if ( 0xFFFFffff == GetFileAttributes( szPath ) ) { DebugMsg( "%s is missing for Service SIS.\n", szPath ); goto SISCheckVolume; }
DebugMsg( "%s found.\n", szPath );
index++; }
g_Options.fSISFilesFound = TRUE; }
SISCheckVolume: if ( !g_Options.fSISVolumeCreated ) { //
// If we know the IMirrorDirectory (and hence the volume), check
// to see if the Common Store Directory has been created.
if ( g_Options.fIMirrorDirectory ) {
GetVolumePathName( g_Options.szIntelliMirrorPath, szVolumePath, ARRAYSIZE( szVolumePath )); wsprintf( szPath, L"%s\\SIS Common Store", szVolumePath ); Assert( wcslen(szPath) < ARRAYSIZE(szPath) );
if ( 0xFFFFffff == GetFileAttributes( szPath ) ) { DebugMsg( "%s is missing.\n", szPath ); goto e0; }
DebugMsg( "%s found.\n", szPath );
g_Options.fSISVolumeCreated = TRUE; } }
if ( g_Options.fSISVolumeCreated && g_Options.fSISFilesFound && g_Options.fSISServiceInstalled && started ) { DebugMsg( "All SIS services checked out OK.\n" ); hr = S_OK; } else { DebugMsg( "SIS check failed.\n" ); }
e0: HRETURN(hr);
// CheckSISGroveler( )
HRESULT CheckSISGroveler( SC_HANDLE schSystem ) { HRESULT hr = S_FALSE; WCHAR szPath[ MAX_PATH ]; WCHAR szFiles[ MAX_PATH ]; LPWSTR psz; DWORD dw; BOOL started = TRUE;
TraceFunc( "CheckSISGroveler( )\n" );
// Check to see if the service manager can find the service
if ( !g_Options.fSISGrovelerServiceInstalled ) {
if ( CheckService( schSystem, L"Groveler", &started ) ) { g_Options.fSISGrovelerServiceInstalled = TRUE; } }
// Read the REMINST.INF for the files need for the service
if ( !g_Options.fSISGrovelerFilesFound ) { WCHAR szSystem32Path[ MAX_PATH ]; WCHAR szFile[ MAX_PATH ]; UINT index; BOOL b; INFCONTEXT context;
dw = ExpandEnvironmentStrings( TEXT("%windir%"), szSystem32Path, ARRAYSIZE( szSystem32Path )); Assert( dw ); StrCat( szSystem32Path, TEXT("\\system32") );
b = SetupFindFirstLine( g_Options.hinf, L"Service.SISGroveler", L"FilesRequired", &context ); Assert( b ); if ( !b ) goto e0;
index = 1; while ( SetupGetStringField( &context, index, szFile, ARRAYSIZE( szFile ), NULL ) ) { WCHAR szPath[ 2 * MAX_PATH ];
wsprintf( szPath, L"%s\\%s", szSystem32Path, szFile );
if ( 0xFFFFffff == GetFileAttributes( szPath ) ) { DebugMsg( "%s is missing for Service SIS Groveler.\n", szPath ); goto e0; }
DebugMsg( "%s found.\n", szPath );
index++; }
g_Options.fSISGrovelerFilesFound = TRUE; }
if ( g_Options.fSISGrovelerFilesFound && g_Options.fSISGrovelerServiceInstalled && started ) { DebugMsg( "All SIS Groveler services checked out OK.\n" ); hr = S_OK; } else { DebugMsg( "SIS Groveler check failed.\n" ); }
e0: HRETURN(hr);
// CheckRegSrvDlls( )
HRESULT CheckRegSrvDlls( ) { HRESULT hr = S_FALSE; WCHAR szSection[ SMALL_BUFFER_SIZE ]; WCHAR szRegSrv[ SMALL_BUFFER_SIZE ]; WCHAR szFile[ MAX_PATH ]; WCHAR szSystem32Path[ MAX_PATH ]; DWORD dw; INT index; BOOL fMissingDll = FALSE; BOOL fRegistrationFailed = FALSE; BOOL b; INFCONTEXT context;
TraceFunc( "CheckRegSrvDlls( )\n" );
if ( !g_Options.fRegSrvDllsFilesFound || ! g_Options.fRegSrvDllsRegistered ) { dw = ExpandEnvironmentStrings( TEXT("%windir%"), szSystem32Path, ARRAYSIZE( szSystem32Path )); Assert( dw ); StrCat( szSystem32Path, TEXT("\\system32") );
dw = LoadString( g_hinstance, IDS_INF_SECTION, szSection, ARRAYSIZE( szSection )); Assert( dw );
b = SetupInstallFromInfSection(NULL, // hwndOwner
g_Options.hinf, // inf handle
szSection, // name of component
SPINST_REGSVR, NULL, // relative key root
NULL, // source root path
0, // copy flags
NULL, // callback routine
NULL, // callback routine context
NULL, // device info set
NULL); // device info struct
if ( !b ) { DWORD dwErr = GetLastError( ); DebugMsg( "SetupInstallFromInfSection failed - error 0x%08x\n", dwErr ); //
// For now do extra work and try both copying and re-registering the DLL,
// otw if we want to optimize we might be able to use the error code to
// determine which to do. However, this case is extremely rare, so the
// simple extra work is not a burden.
fMissingDll = TRUE; fRegistrationFailed = TRUE; } g_Options.fRegSrvDllsFilesFound = !fMissingDll; g_Options.fRegSrvDllsRegistered = !(fMissingDll || fRegistrationFailed); }
if ( g_Options.fRegSrvDllsFilesFound && g_Options.fRegSrvDllsRegistered ) { DebugMsg( "All DLLs found and registered.\n" ); hr = S_OK; }
HRETURN(hr); }
// CheckOSChooser( )
HRESULT CheckOSChooser( ) { HRESULT hr = S_FALSE; WCHAR szOSChooserScreensPath[ MAX_PATH ]; DWORD dw;
TraceFunc( "CheckOSChooser( )\n" );
// Make sure the OS Chooser files for all platforms
// are installed
if ( !g_Options.fOSChooserInstalled && g_Options.fOSChooserDirectory ) { WCHAR szFile[ MAX_PATH ]; BOOL fFound; INFCONTEXT context;
fFound = SetupFindFirstLine( g_Options.hinf, L"OSChooser", NULL, &context ); Assert( fFound ); if ( !fFound ) { DebugMsg( "Could not find 'OSChooser' section in REMINST.INF.\n" ); goto OSChooserCheckScreens; }
while ( fFound && SetupGetStringField( &context, 1, szFile, ARRAYSIZE(szFile), NULL ) ) { WCHAR szPath[ MAX_PATH ]; wsprintf( szPath, L"%s\\%s", g_Options.szOSChooserPath, szFile ); Assert( wcslen(szPath) < ARRAYSIZE(szPath) );
if ( 0xFFFFffff == GetFileAttributes( szPath ) ) { DebugMsg( "%s is missing for OS Chooser.\n", szPath ); goto OSChooserCheckScreens; }
fFound = SetupFindNextLine( &context, &context ); }
DebugMsg( "All OS Chooser files found.\n" ); g_Options.fOSChooserInstalled = TRUE; }
OSChooserCheckScreens: //
// Check to see if all the screens are present
// Make the check only if we have a language set.
if ( g_Options.fLanguageSet ) {
// First check for the directory
if ( !g_Options.fOSChooserScreensDirectory ) { WCHAR szOSChooserScreensPath[ MAX_PATH ];
wsprintf( szOSChooserScreensPath, L"%s\\%s", g_Options.szOSChooserPath, g_Options.szLanguage ); Assert( wcslen(szOSChooserScreensPath) < ARRAYSIZE(szOSChooserScreensPath) );
if ( 0xFFFFffff == GetFileAttributes( szOSChooserScreensPath ) ) { DebugMsg( "%s directory not found.\n", szOSChooserScreensPath ); goto OSChooserExitCheckScreens; }
DebugMsg( "%s directory found.\n", szOSChooserScreensPath ); g_Options.fOSChooserScreensDirectory = TRUE; }
// now check for files
if ( !g_Options.fOSChooserScreens && g_Options.fOSChooserScreensDirectory ) { WCHAR szFile[ MAX_PATH ]; BOOL fFound; INFCONTEXT context;
fFound = SetupFindFirstLine( g_Options.hinf, L"OSChooser Screens", NULL, &context ); Assert( fFound ); if ( !fFound ) goto OSChooserExitCheckScreens;
while ( fFound && SetupGetStringField( &context, 1, szFile, ARRAYSIZE(szFile), NULL ) ) { WCHAR szPath[ MAX_PATH ]; wsprintf( szPath, L"%s\\%s\\%s", g_Options.szOSChooserPath, g_Options.szLanguage, szFile ); Assert( wcslen(szPath) < ARRAYSIZE(szPath) );
if ( 0xFFFFffff == GetFileAttributes( szPath ) ) { DebugMsg( "%s is missing for OS Chooser.\n", szPath ); goto OSChooserExitCheckScreens; }
fFound = SetupFindNextLine( &context, &context ); }
g_Options.fOSChooserScreens = TRUE; DebugMsg( "All OS Chooser screens found for language %s.\n", g_Options.szLanguage ); } } OSChooserExitCheckScreens:
if ( g_Options.fOSChooserDirectory && g_Options.fOSChooserInstalled && ( !g_Options.fLanguageSet || ( g_Options.fOSChooserScreensDirectory && g_Options.fOSChooserScreens ) ) ) { DebugMsg( "All OS Chooser services checked out OK.\n" ); hr = S_OK; } else { DebugMsg( "OS Chooser check failed.\n" ); }
HRETURN(hr); }
// CheckServerVersion( )
HRESULT CheckServerVersion( ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
TraceFunc( "CheckServerVersion( )\n" );
// DebugMsg( "Fudging Server Version check...\n" );
// g_Options.fServerCompatible = TRUE;
if ( !g_Options.fServerCompatible && g_Options.szWorkstationRemBootInfPath[0] ) { OSVERSIONINFO osver;
hr = E_FAIL;
osver.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof( OSVERSIONINFO ); if ( GetVersionEx( &osver ) ) {
WCHAR szSection[ MAX_PATH ]; WCHAR szBestBuild[ MAX_PATH ]; WCHAR szPath[ MAX_PATH ]; WCHAR szServerMajor[ 10 ]; WCHAR szServerMinor[ 10 ]; WCHAR szServerBuild[ 10 ]; DWORD dw; BOOL fFound; HINF hinf; UINT uLineNum; INFCONTEXT context;
dw = LoadString( g_hinstance, IDS_COMPATIBILITY, szSection, ARRAYSIZE( szSection )); Assert( dw );
wsprintf( szServerMajor, L"%u", osver.dwMajorVersion ); wsprintf( szServerMinor, L"%u", osver.dwMinorVersion ); wsprintf( szServerBuild, L"%u", osver.dwBuildNumber );
DebugMsg( "Server Version: %u.%u Build: %u Service Pack: %s\n", osver.dwMajorVersion, osver.dwMinorVersion, osver.dwMinorVersion, osver.szCSDVersion );
hinf = SetupOpenInfFile( g_Options.szWorkstationRemBootInfPath, NULL, INF_STYLE_WIN4, &uLineNum); if ( hinf == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) { ErrorBox( NULL, g_Options.szWorkstationRemBootInfPath ); goto Error; }
fFound = SetupFindFirstLine( hinf, szSection, NULL, &context ); if ( !fFound ) { ErrorBox( NULL, g_Options.szWorkstationRemBootInfPath ); goto Error; }
fFound = SetupGetStringField( &context, 1, szMajor, ARRAYSIZE(szMajor), NULL ); Assert( fFound ); if (!fFound) break;
fFound = SetupGetStringField( &context, 2, szMinor, ARRAYSIZE(szMinor), NULL ); Assert( fFound ); if (!fFound) break;
fFound = SetupGetStringField( &context, 3, szBuild, ARRAYSIZE(szBuild), NULL ); Assert( fFound ); if (!fFound) break;
fFound = SetupGetStringField( &context, 4, szServicePack, ARRAYSIZE(szServicePack), NULL ); Assert( fFound ); if (!fFound) break;
// Does it correspond to the server version?
if ( StrCmpI( szServerMajor, szMajor ) >= 0 // must match or greater
&& StrCmpI( szServerMinor, szMinor ) >= 0 // must match or greater
&& StrCmpI( szServerBuild, szBuild ) >= 0 // must match or server build is greater
&& ( szServicePack[0] == L'\0' // ignore service pack if not specified
|| StrCmpI( osver.szCSDVersion, szServicePack ) == 0 ) ) { // found match
DebugMsg( "Server is compatiable with Workstation.\n"); hr = S_OK; break; }
fFound = SetupFindNextLine( &context, &context ); }
if ( FAILED(hr) ) { WCHAR szTitle[ MAX_PATH ]; WCHAR szCaption[ 4096 ]; WCHAR szBuf[ 4096 ]; WCHAR szMajor[ SMALL_BUFFER_SIZE ]; WCHAR szMinor[ SMALL_BUFFER_SIZE ]; WCHAR szBuild[ SMALL_BUFFER_SIZE ]; WCHAR szServicePack[ SMALL_BUFFER_SIZE ]; INFCONTEXT context;
DebugMsg( "Server doesn't look like it is compatiable with the Workstation Build.\n" );
fFound = SetupFindFirstLine( hinf, szSection, NULL, &context ); Assert( fFound );
fFound = SetupGetStringField( &context, 1, szMajor, ARRAYSIZE(szMajor), NULL ); Assert( fFound );
fFound = SetupGetStringField( &context, 2, szMinor, ARRAYSIZE(szMinor), NULL ); Assert( fFound );
fFound = SetupGetStringField( &context, 3, szBuild, ARRAYSIZE(szBuild), NULL ); Assert( fFound );
fFound = SetupGetStringField( &context, 4, szServicePack, ARRAYSIZE(szServicePack), NULL ); Assert( fFound );
dw = LoadString( g_hinstance, IDS_INCOMPATIBLE_SERVER_VERSION_TITLE, szTitle, ARRAYSIZE( szTitle )); Assert( dw ); dw = LoadString( g_hinstance, IDS_INCOMPATIBLE_SERVER_VERSION_CAPTION, szBuf, ARRAYSIZE( szBuf )); Assert( dw );
wsprintf( szCaption, szBuf, szMajor, szMinor, szBuild, szServicePack );
MessageBox( NULL, szCaption, szTitle, MB_OK ); Assert( hr == E_FAIL ); }
Error: if ( hinf != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) { SetupCloseInfFile( hinf ); } }
g_Options.fServerCompatible = ( hr == S_OK );
if (g_Options.fServerCompatible ) { DebugMsg( "Server compatibility checked out OK.\n" ); hr = S_OK; } else { DebugMsg( "Server compatibility failed.\n" ); }
HRETURN(hr); }
// CheckFirstInstall( )
// This really checks for the existence of the REMINST directory
// under the system32 directory which was created during OCM setup.
HRESULT CheckFirstInstall( ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
TraceFunc( "CheckFirstInstall( )\n" );
if ( !g_Options.fRemBootDirectory ) { DWORD dw; WCHAR szFilePath[ MAX_PATH ];
dw = ExpandEnvironmentStrings( TEXT("%windir%"), g_Options.szRemBootDirectory, ARRAYSIZE(g_Options.szRemBootDirectory) ); Assert( dw );
wcscpy( szFilePath, g_Options.szRemBootDirectory ); wcscat( szFilePath, L"\\System32\\reminst.inf" );
StrCat( g_Options.szRemBootDirectory, L"\\System32\\REMINST" ); Assert( wcslen(g_Options.szRemBootDirectory) < ARRAYSIZE(g_Options.szRemBootDirectory) );
if ( 0xFFFFffff != GetFileAttributes( g_Options.szRemBootDirectory ) ) { DebugMsg( "Found the %s directory.\n", g_Options.szRemBootDirectory );
// now check to see if the files are still in there.
hinf = SetupOpenInfFile( szFilePath, NULL, INF_STYLE_WIN4, NULL ); if ( hinf != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) { WCHAR szFile[ MAX_PATH ]; BOOL fFound;
fFound = SetupFindFirstLine( hinf, L"OSChooser", NULL, &context ); Assert( fFound ); if ( !fFound ) { DebugMsg( "Could not find 'OSChooser' section in REMINST.INF.\n" ); hr = S_FALSE; goto bail; }
wcscpy( szFilePath, g_Options.szRemBootDirectory ); wcscat( szFilePath, L"\\" ); dw = wcslen( szFilePath );
while ( fFound ) { fFound = SetupGetStringField( &context, 2, szFile, ARRAYSIZE(szFile), NULL ); if ( !fFound ) { fFound = SetupGetStringField( &context, 2, szFile, ARRAYSIZE(szFile), NULL ); if ( !fFound ) goto skipit; }
wcscpy( &szFilePath[ dw ], szFile ); Assert( wcslen(szFilePath) < ARRAYSIZE(szFilePath) );
if ( 0xFFFFffff == GetFileAttributes( szFilePath ) ) { DebugMsg( "%s is missing.\n", szFilePath ); goto bail; }
skipit: fFound = SetupFindNextLine( &context, &context ); }
DebugMsg( "All REMINST files found.\n" ); g_Options.fRemBootDirectory = TRUE; } else { DebugMsg( "File not found. Error 0x%08x\n", GetLastError( ) ); }
bail: if ( hinf != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) { SetupCloseInfFile( hinf ); } } }
if ( g_Options.fRemBootDirectory ) { DebugMsg( "REMINST directory checked out OK.\n" ); } else { DebugMsg( "REMINST directory is missing or missing files. This may require the server CD.\n "); }
HRETURN(hr); }
// CheckRegistry( )
HRESULT CheckRegistry( ) { HRESULT hr = S_FALSE; WCHAR szSection[ SMALL_BUFFER_SIZE ]; INFCONTEXT context; BOOL fFound; DWORD dw; BOOL b; UINT uLineNum; INT index;
TraceFunc( "CheckRegistry( )\n" );
if ( !g_Options.fRegistryIntact ) { dw = LoadString( g_hinstance, IDS_INF_SECTION, szSection, ARRAYSIZE( szSection ) ); Assert( dw );
fFound = SetupFindFirstLine( g_Options.hinf, szSection, L"AddReg", &context ); Assert( fFound ); if ( !fFound ) goto Error;
// Assume SUCCESS and use it to exit the loop early
g_Options.fRegistryIntact = TRUE;
DebugMsg( "Checking Registry:\n" );
index = 1; while ( g_Options.fRegistryIntact && SetupGetStringField( &context, index, szSection, ARRAYSIZE(szSection), NULL ) ) { INFCONTEXT subcontext; fFound = SetupFindFirstLine( g_Options.hinf, szSection, NULL, &subcontext ); Assert( fFound );
while ( fFound && g_Options.fRegistryIntact ) { WCHAR szRootKey[ 10 ]; WCHAR szBaseKey[ MAX_PATH ]; WCHAR szValueName[ MAX_PATH ]; HKEY hkeyRoot = NULL; HKEY hkeyBase; LONG lResult;
SetupGetStringField( &subcontext, 1, szRootKey, ARRAYSIZE(szRootKey), NULL ); SetupGetStringField( &subcontext, 2, szBaseKey, ARRAYSIZE(szBaseKey), NULL ); SetupGetStringField( &subcontext, 3, szValueName, ARRAYSIZE(szValueName), NULL );
DebugMsg( "%s, %s, %s - ", szRootKey, szBaseKey, szValueName );
if ( StrCmpI( szRootKey, L"HKLM" ) == 0 ) { hkeyRoot = HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE; } else if ( StrCmpI( szRootKey, L"HKCU" ) == 0 ) { hkeyRoot = HKEY_CURRENT_USER; } else if ( StrCmpI( szRootKey, L"HKCC" ) == 0 ) { hkeyRoot = HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG; } else if ( StrCmpI( szRootKey, L"HKCR" ) == 0 ) { hkeyRoot = HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT; }
// If this Assert() fires, it is because the INF is malformed
Assert( hkeyRoot );
if ( hkeyRoot == NULL ) continue;
lResult = RegOpenKeyEx( hkeyRoot, szBaseKey, 0, KEY_QUERY_VALUE, &hkeyBase ); if ( lResult == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { lResult = RegQueryValueEx( hkeyBase, szValueName, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL ); if ( lResult != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { DebugMsg("NOT " ); g_Options.fRegistryIntact = FALSE; hr = S_FALSE; }
RegCloseKey( hkeyBase ); } else { DebugMsg("NOT " ); g_Options.fRegistryIntact = FALSE; hr = S_FALSE; }
DebugMsg("found.\n" ); fFound = SetupFindNextLine( &subcontext, &subcontext ); }
index++; } }
if ( g_Options.fRegistryIntact ) { DebugMsg( "Registry checked out OK.\n" ); hr = S_OK; } else { DebugMsg( "Registry check failed.\n" ); }
Error: HRETURN(hr); }
// Paranoid( )
// Catch all for double checking that common things across services
// match up.
HRESULT Paranoid( ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
TraceFunc( "Paranoid( )\n" );
// Make sure that the IntelliMirror directory are the same
// for TFTPD and for the IMIRROR share (binlsvc uses this).
if ( g_Options.fIMirrorDirectory && g_Options.fTFTPDDirectoryFound && StrCmpI( g_Options.szIntelliMirrorPath, g_Options.szTFTPDDirectory ) != 0 ) { //
// If they are not the same, force the registry to modify the TFTPD key.
DebugMsg( "TFTPD doesn't agree with IMIRROR share. Forcing TFTPD registry update.\n" ); g_Options.fTFTPDDirectoryFound = FALSE; hr = S_FALSE; }
if ( hr != S_OK ) { DebugMsg( "Paranoid found a problem.\n" ); } else { DebugMsg( "Paranoid is happy. 8~)\n" ); }
HRETURN( hr ); }
// CheckInstallation( )
HRESULT CheckInstallation( ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; BOOL fSomethingbroke = FALSE; BOOL fSomethingFailed = FALSE; DWORD dw; DWORD dwLen; UINT uLineNum; SC_HANDLE schSystem; WCHAR szServerRemBootInfPath[ MAX_PATH ]; CWaitCursor Wait;
TraceFunc( "CheckInstallation( )\n");
szServerRemBootInfPath[0] = L'\0'; dw = ExpandEnvironmentStrings( TEXT("%SystemRoot%"), szServerRemBootInfPath, ARRAYSIZE( szServerRemBootInfPath )); Assert( dw );
dwLen = lstrlen( szServerRemBootInfPath ); StrCpy( &szServerRemBootInfPath[dwLen], L"\\System32\\" ); dwLen = lstrlen( szServerRemBootInfPath ); dw = LoadString( g_hinstance, IDS_REMBOOTINF, &szServerRemBootInfPath[dwLen], ARRAYSIZE( szServerRemBootInfPath ) - dwLen ); Assert( dw );
if ( 0xFFFFffff == GetFileAttributes( szServerRemBootInfPath ) ) { MessageBoxFromStrings( NULL, IDS_MISSING_INF_TITLE, IDS_MISSING_INF_MESSAGE, MB_OK ); fSomethingbroke = TRUE; goto e0; }
if ( g_Options.hinf == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) { g_Options.hinf = SetupOpenInfFile( szServerRemBootInfPath, NULL, INF_STYLE_WIN4, &uLineNum); Assert( g_Options.hinf != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ); if ( g_Options.hinf == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) { fSomethingbroke = TRUE; goto e0; } }
hr = CheckServerVersion( ); if ( FAILED(hr) ) { fSomethingbroke = TRUE; goto e0; } if ( hr == S_FALSE ) { fSomethingFailed = TRUE; }
hr = CheckFirstInstall( ); if ( FAILED(hr) ) { fSomethingbroke = TRUE; } if ( hr == S_FALSE ) { fSomethingFailed = TRUE; }
hr = CheckDirectoryTree( ); if ( FAILED(hr) ) { fSomethingbroke = TRUE; } if ( hr == S_FALSE ) { fSomethingFailed = TRUE; }
schSystem = OpenSCManager( NULL, NULL, SC_MANAGER_ALL_ACCESS ); if ( !schSystem ) { hr = THR(E_FAIL); fSomethingbroke = TRUE; WCHAR szCaption[SMALL_BUFFER_SIZE]; DWORD dw; dw = LoadString( g_hinstance, IDS_OPENING_SERVICE_MANAGER_TITLE, szCaption, ARRAYSIZE( szCaption )); Assert( dw ); ErrorBox( NULL, szCaption ); goto e0; }
Assert( schSystem );
if ( schSystem ) { hr = CheckBINL( schSystem ); if ( FAILED(hr) ) { fSomethingbroke = TRUE; } if ( hr == S_FALSE ) { fSomethingFailed = TRUE; }
hr = CheckTFTPD( schSystem ); if ( FAILED(hr) ) { fSomethingbroke = TRUE; } if ( hr == S_FALSE ) { fSomethingFailed = TRUE; }
hr = CheckSIS( schSystem ); if ( FAILED(hr) ) { fSomethingbroke = TRUE; } if ( hr == S_FALSE ) { fSomethingFailed = TRUE; }
hr = CheckSISGroveler( schSystem ); if ( FAILED(hr) ) { fSomethingbroke = TRUE; } if ( hr == S_FALSE ) { fSomethingFailed = TRUE; }
CloseServiceHandle( schSystem ); }
hr = CheckRegSrvDlls( ); if ( FAILED(hr) ) { fSomethingbroke = TRUE; } if ( hr == S_FALSE ) { fSomethingFailed = TRUE; }
hr = CheckRegistry( ); if ( FAILED(hr) ) { fSomethingbroke = TRUE; } if ( hr == S_FALSE ) { fSomethingFailed = TRUE; }
hr = CheckOSChooser( ); if ( FAILED(hr) ) { fSomethingbroke = TRUE; } if ( hr == S_FALSE ) { fSomethingFailed = TRUE; }
hr = Paranoid( ); if ( FAILED(hr) ) { fSomethingbroke = TRUE; } if ( hr == S_FALSE ) { fSomethingFailed = TRUE; }
e0: if ( fSomethingbroke ) { DebugMsg( "Something is broken. Installation check failed to complete.\n" ); hr = E_FAIL; } else if ( fSomethingFailed ) { DebugMsg( "Installation check found something wrong.\n" ); hr = S_FALSE; } else { DebugMsg( "Installation check succeeded.\n" ); hr = S_OK; }
HRETURN(hr); }